Todds Senior Year Awakening

By rob roberts

Published on Oct 2, 2013


This is a work of gay erotic fiction. No real people are described here. Please don't read if underage or where illegal to do so. Comments? send to

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Thanks Rob

Chapter 10

I had to say that Ricky and Cole sure looked hot. When they danced at the club, their cock rings sticking through their piss slits were visible. The weights also added to their look by stretching their sacks downward. I guess I looked the same as my ring was visible through the fabric of the jock. I was now used to sitting on guys laps as they sometimes fingered me and touched me all over. In some cases, it was gross when some less than hot looking men did it but sometimes, I got lucky and approached some young guys who had no trouble at all having me sit on their laps as I moved in close to make myself available to them. A few wanted to go further, especially in the private dance cubicles but I had to be careful not to let them totally removed my underwear or jock. One never knew when the police might set up a sting. We all went as far as was legal. Matt seemed to like to hang with the girls mostly and had no problem letting them touch him. We all had become rather slutty I guess. Who would have guessed that last fall in high school, when I was just getting turned on by guys but had no ral experience, that a year later I would let some guys paw my crotch. Several asked how I got so big saying crap like I never saw a white boy so hung. You sure you're not some nigga bitch'? The black guys who were customers, viewed us like women I guess and they were certainly man enough not to let touching and feeling up a white boy would hurt their masculinity. We all got lots of offers to go places' with them but we had to politely say no and offer just lap dances. I actually found a few I wouldn't have minded going with but being true to my lover, touching me was ok for money and such but I really only wanted my guys to fuck me. Loyal huh?

After a night at the club, we all enjoyed the quiet of the apartment. We were usually too awake from drinking Red Bull or other stuff like it that we couldn't go to sleep. It kind of became our chill out time and sometimes were even did school work then as we couldn't sleep and the daytime was too busy.

We found time to go to the gym where a few guys spotted us and knew us from the club. We chatted but rejected offers to come back to their dorms or apartments for drinks or to `mess around.'

When we didn't work, we usually were home dong stuff for school, watching tv or just hanging and I do mean hanging being naked. I was shocked one night when Matt invited a girl back to the apartment who he had met at the club. Seeing him almost naked, he had no bones about letting her get comfortable too. They came out of his room both naked, to get something to drink.

Ricky, Cole and I were all naked not knowing she was in his room. When they came out, we wanted to grab some shorts or something but he just said to be cool and she had seen us all before and to just stay that way. We got over it and did and all sat around with Matt playing with her tits. We watched for a bit and Cole shocked me by coming over to the couch and sitting on my lap, played with my dick. At first I anted to kill him but then as we got into it and the others were busy, except for Ricky, we just did our thing. Matt's girlfriend said it was so hot to see us enjoying one another. Where did these girls come from? I never would have guessed we would be in such a liberal environment when we were in high school where getting a girl to put out was a major victory!

Ricky always shy, eventually got horny too and came over and played with my dick and eventually began to lick it while Cole licked and sucked my nips.. He eventually pushed Ricky away and just sat on my dick and I humped him good while Ricky then took Cole in his mouth and sucked him.

The girl asked if she could see our piercings and ball stretchers. She told Matt he ought to get his dick pierced too. He just laughed and said he would think about it.

Such were our evenings. WE did go to a few parties as their always seemed to be one going on but were careful not to get to loaded We didn't want to risk getting arrested.

I found Ricky and Cole getting more and more submissive to me. I think I could have told them to fuck in the middle of campus and they would have. I spent time looking in to submissive guys and only learned more of what I learned before. There are some guys who are just born that way. Some are straight and when they marry, are often `pussy whipped' by their mates. Gay guys are also submissive to their partners. I was beginning to get that was just the way they were. I had fantasized about being submissive a few times when I first met Cole but other than good jerk off material, never really did it. I guess there is a whole bunch of people, mainly married couples, who do a lot of three ways and the guy is often very submissive with his dominant wife or partner. The more I read and looked up stuff, not sharing my investigations with the others, the more comfortable I got with the whole idea.

I even talked to Jim one day over coffee, and he told me that Chip loves to be dominated and has participated with several groups and always offered to do it with him. He had a few times and said if I wanted to see it, I should come over. I was intrigued and felt an immediate chub in my pants as we talked. He told me he would have thought initially, that I was submissive to Cole and maybe evn my brother. When he met Ricky, he knew right away that he was submissive. I told him in confidence, about Ricky growing up and the weird stuff his father made him do at his so called church. Actually, he wasn't surprised and said that lots of Latino boys were parts of such cultures and he would love to see me abuse him sometime. I told him I didn't do that and that all Ricky did was voluntary on his part. "Well," he said, " I think you ought to see just how far you can go with him." After you see Chip in action, it may give you some ideas of stuff to do with him. I guarantee he will submit to anything you ask of him. Now that I know the score with Cole, he would too. I know Matt wouldn't submit to you but you guys could become their masters." He laughed when he said it. It made me think how hard I had fought against that with Cole's father. I told him some of it again in confidence as Cole didn't share that with anyone.

"I think he misses it some. You know, he made need it to feel loved. Even though he was a super jock stud boy in high school, it became a part of him and now he may need it just to feel loved and secure."

I nodded and had a lot to think about.

Later that week, Jim told me I should visit. He had told Chip that it was domination day, something he knew and loved. I went over after class at the appointed time. There I found Chip, already naked and on his knees in front of Jim. I hadn't known before, but he also had a ring through his cock head, one with a small chain no attached. His nuts were weighted down by a parachute ball stretcher and they were pulled down by several large metal balls of steel. He also was wearing nipple clamps and had a large butt plug in his nice hole. He was on his knees as Jim slapped his nuts with a paddle. He was moaning and had a few tears in his eyes. Unlike before, he greeted me with a `hello Master' and then bowed his head. Jim made him get up and he attached leg spreaders to his ankles and tied his arms around behind him. Jim made him lay on the floor. He then abruptely pulled the plug from his hole making him yelp. Damn he looked hot.

Jim wore some leather pants with the crotch cut out but covered by a cod piece. I had learned all these terms from the internet. Jim made chip raise his ass so I could see into his hole. It looked kind of red but oh so hot. He then took a larger dildo and told me to shove it in. "don't stop, just one big push. He can take it and will." I wasn't so sure but I took it, lined it up to his hole and just shoved it in. He cried out in pain but managed to say, thank you, Sir to me. He wiggled his ass just a bit. Then Jim took a whip and began to beat his ass and upper legs making chip count out the blows. It was at 25 before he stopped and then went over to hold his head and kissed him forcing his tongue into his mouth. I was amazed as Chip swallowed the tongue and must have sucked it. He then, with his mouth, pulled loose, Jim's cod piece and swallowed his big dick way into his throat.

"Gonna give you a drink, boy." Jim spoke very aggressively. He pulled his dick back some and began to piss in Chip's mouth. Chip just guzzled it down like a soda. I stood there amazed I suspect, with my mouth hanging open. This was a different Chip than I had seen before.

I watched for the next twenty minutes or so, as Jim abused Chip, making him suck him off, more piss and more slaps on his hot body. Jim then made him stand and he pulled the tit clamps off of him abruptly making chip scream out in pain. His nips looked so sore and raw.

"See, Todd, he loves it. I want you to do some stuff to him too. Kick him in the balls. Make those weights swing!" I was a little reluctant but did it a few times. His nuts looked so sore and abused.

"It's what he craves. I let other guys do shit to him too. You want to fuck him?" He likes that and he's told me how much he admires you dick. I wasn't sure. It was not being true to Cole but I couldn't resist and pulled off my shorts and stuck my dick in him. He took it like nothing and just just maoned a thank you, Sir to me as I fucked him hard shooting off a load in his boypussy. "Now, piss in him. He likes that. He will lick you clean when you're done. Again reluctant, I looked at both guys. Chip didn't react so I just held myself then until I could feel my piss start to come out and fill his hole. He again moaned in pleasure.

Some dripped out of him, his hole being so stretched but afterward, he just licked up everything. Jim made him shit it out into a pan and then he drank it.! Fuck that was hot. The pan was full of cum, piss and some brown goo, probably shit, and he drank it like a soda. He finally smiled at me and said my stuff was great! Jim then smiled at him and told him to put the dildo back in his hole. It was still leaking but no one seemed to care. He then took my dick and sucked it clean.

"Well, how'd you like it?" Jim asked. I couldn't think of anything to say other than it was hot.

"We sometimes go like this for hours and a few times, all weekend. I tie him up, stretch him, make him dress like a whore and we go places, gay leather clubs and I let other guys abuse him too. He is truly my slave boy. Other times, we are just like roommates but he craves this stuff and I am happy to deliver. I let Andy do some shit to him too but mostly it's just me. I give him orders and he complies. Really cool stuff.!" Jim was full of pride as Chip knelt at his bare feet and began to lick them.

"I sometimes make him lick out my shit stains on my undies or lick out my sweaty jock before he can go anyplace. I even made him dress slutty when his folks came. They looked a little unhappy but said nothing. Chip looked up and smiled before returning to Jim `s feet. He then moved over and began to lick my toes too. I kicked off my slip flops to allow more and he just moaned in gratitude.

We spent an hour or so and I thanked Jim for the show and patted Chip on his bare shoulder. WE had to get ready for dinner and tonight's routine at the club, so I had to go and shower and get cleaned. I said good bye and went next door to our apartment where Cole and Ricky were making dinner. I didn't know if I wanted to tell them about my little adventure with Jim and Chip but I sure did think about it.

As we all ate, I did finally say a little about that I didn't know Chip was into being a slave. Matt, Cole and Ricky all looked at me. Matt laughed and then said "hey man, we could do shit like that too. Ricky, I bet you would be willing wouldn't you?"

Ricky looked up, red in the face and said he didn't know. Cole looked at all of us and said quietly, "you guys know about me from the past. Did you know my dad offered me to Todd to be his slave?" Matt and Ricky both looked at him. " I kind of thought maybe it would be the other way around. Ya know, Todd being your slave." He laughed to ease the tension but Cole quickly replied that he would do anything for me." I mean I want to, just don't know what I would need to do. I got these weights and piercings for Todd. I always hoped after I got over the shock of being given away by my father, that maybe someday, Todd would make me do stuff for him. I am willing to do it if he wants me."

He looked kind of sad almost. I jumped up and went to him putting my arms around him and kissed his mouth, saying how much I loved him. He looked back after kissing me too and said, you guys know that if it wasn't for Todd, I never would have made it through school. He had said this to me before. "I owe him so much and I've told him I would do anything for him anytime, anywhere. He just has to tell me."

I now felt a little red. Matt looked at all of us his mouth full of macaroni and said "Man, go for it. If he don't want you, I will. I would love being some pussy bois master."

I told him Cole was no pussy boi. "Cole knows I love him unconditionally. I will never `make' him do anything but having the hottest guy around and making this kind of offer is just, well, so hot."

Cole smiled and said he would show me later.

Ricky said nothing but I saw him stroking his wood and looked to Matt and said he would do it for him, be his pussy boi if he wanted him.

Matt's eyes lit up and said "anytime, boy, anytime."

Nothing more was said as Ricky cleaned up and then we all went to shower and get ready. I drove that night and noticed that Matt put his arm around Ricky as we went. Cole put his hand on my leg and rubbed it moving higher and higher toward my now hard cock. I almost couldn't drive!

The night was pretty good for us and the neighbor guys too. It seemed like we had quite a few regulars as well as some new people to entertain.

When we got home, Matt looked at Ricky. "Never realized what you needed there guy. I think we should start out by having you come over here and service me." Cole looked at me and I looked at Matt and then Ricky. "Are you sure you want to submit to Matt and be his, ah, `boy'?" I asked.

A little nervous at first, Ricky nodded his head and dropped to his knees and crawled over to Matt and began to undo his jeans. "Oh, fucking, sweet!" Matt said as Ricky buried his face in Matt's crotch. Cole said nothing but then, got up and crawled to me and looked up to me, smiled and then buried his face in my crotch too. I was so erotic. I never would have thought such things would go on in my life. I could only have dreamed of it yet it was happening. Cole slipped out of his clothes as he held my cock head in his mouth. I looked down and saw he was hard and dripping. I just laid back to enjoy and to think about all of this. I looked over and now Ricky was naked too. Both guys had erections and their balls hung down with the weights. I figured they must be sore. After both Matt and I came in their mouths, Matt looked over at me and said "we got ourselves some hot cocksuckers, bro. This could be good!"

I just nodded and pulled my lover up and kissed his cum dripping mouth. I felt so good and yet wondered why I wasn't enjoying this more. On the other hand, Matt seemed in total bliss as he examined Ricky's ring and said he wondered if maybe he should have him remove his foreskin to show off his cock more. I thought I saw ricky cringe but he uttered "yes, Master." We went to bedwith Matt taking Ricky and putting his arm around him and me rubbing Cole's sweet ass. Matt came in and said he wanted to see if I had an extra dildo that he could use. I pointed to one on Cole's on the dresser and he took it. "Damn, what a way to go to sleep!"

Cole and I washed up , brushed our teeth and Cole asked if I wanted anything else. I told him I wanted to put cream on his balls and to inspect his ring. He went an laid down exposing his hole with his legs up. I couldn't help my slef but buried my face in his hairy hole and kissed it. He moaned in pleasure. I took the salve and first removed the little lock on his balls and then applied the cooling cream. I did the same to his dick ring. He thanked me for doing this but it was a turn on for me. I left him lay on the bed, hole exposed and said I would be right back. I went to Matt's room and told him he had to do the same for Ricky. I showed him how to do it and Ricky was smiling at me.

I also told Matt to not be too hard on him as he might be kind of sore. "Sure, bro." he said and before I lleft the room he was aiming his fat cock into Ricky's hole for one more go round.

Cole was waiting for me and said he was ready. I saw his winking hole and couldn't resist. It was still wet with my saliva I gently mounted him and pushed in. I could never be hard on him I decided. We fucked and he came apologizing for getting his slave cum on me but I just kissed him and fed him some. My cum dripped out of him and he asked me where he should sleep. Looking at him, I said that in the bed was where he would sleep just like always. He nodded. I lay next to him and spooned him.

He quietly asked if I was going to paddle him. He reminded me that his father had done to him each week for alleged discretions. I just rubbed his ass and told him only if he was bad. I laughed saying it would never happen. We spooned all night with my horse cock rubbing his hole He moved in closer so I could stick it in but I chose to just fall asleep with my hot boyfriend willing to take whatever I gave him.

I still wasn't sure about this whole thing but my wicked thoughts just kept coming back. I was now going to be his master. Oh wow. What a high that gave me and I was less worried about it.

End of chapter 10

Next: Chapter 30: Todds Senior Year Awakening II 11

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