Todds Senior Year Awakening

By rob roberts

Published on Sep 20, 2013


This is a fictional story. No characters actually exist. I only wish they did! Anyway, please don't read if under the legal age or anyplace where such material isn't legal. The story is the property of the writer and cannot be used without permission. Send comments to Thanks for reading and to help keep this site alive, please consider a donation to Nifty.


Chapter 8

When I got back from classes, I checked the mail and found a package which upon opening, was an assortment of sexy jock straps and other gear for our dance routines. I looked them over and soon had Ricky joining me. We both tried on the items we ordered and damn they looked hot on us. They were just enough covering to make us `legal' to dance in the bars but so damn revealing. "Do you want me to wear this stuff all the time?" Ricky asked . "You know, I will do anything you guys ask of me. I discovered I like to be submissive to you guys. I miss Max so much, but staying with you guys has awakened my need to serve you all. It is kind of like when I had to do stuff at church for my beatings but so less restrictive and I love you guys so much."

I told him he could wear anything he wanted but we usually just went naked when home and no one else was around, except for our neighbor guys who did pretty much the same. We were pretty comfortable after a week of working in the club, being naked around one another and gladly helped one another with shaving and sometimes, even a little play. Only Alex, like Matt, still said he was straight but we all wondered about that.

As we were looking through the stuff, Cole came home and got really aroused seeing Ricky and I in our sexy jocks. Cole said with my shaved pubes, it only made me look bigger! He asked me if I would let him shave his pubes too. I said we could trim them but I really liked him a little hairy. "And don't even consider shaving your pits!," I told him. He laughed as I explained how I liked burying my face in them and tasting his sweet sweat when we made love. Ricky thought he should shave some too and we agreed on a slight removal of hair on the pube area.

We goofed around and then hit the books while Ricky went next store to help with the guys website. I think Jimmy was erally into Ricky and told him he should work naked. Ricky, still loyal to Max, said he would but wouldn't allow Jimmy to fuck him.

As we studied, my cell phone rang. I looked at the caller id and saw it was Mom. I told Cole I should take that and he agreed. I answered and Mom sounded sad.

"It's about Max," she started.

"Is he out of his coma yet?" I asked. I had thought about poor Max almost constantly since I heard of his accident.

"No, Todd. He isn't out of his coma. That's why I called. I heard from his Mom and well, Max passed away this morning."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "That can't be right. He is so young and ..." My voice trailed off.

I began to tear up and cry. I knew what I heard an it was what I dreaded might happen.

Cole came over and looked at me questioningly. He put his strong arms around me and held me as I began to sob. I couldn't talk or even think of anything to say. All I could think of was that we had been best of friends since like kindergarten. I had visons of us together going through my head. Cole took the phone and began to talk with Mom. She was glad to hear his voice and told Cole what happened and that I would really need him right now. He told her he was there for whatever I needed. He got the details of what happened which he would share with me later. He also got the information on the funeral, as much as was available. I continued to sob and feel so awful . I couldn't believe a few minutes ago , we had been trying on sexy underwear. Now, with the word that Max was gone, I felt so trrrible and like a terrible person for enjoying life so much. I didn't want to be naked anymore. I just wanted Max back and the way life was before he went off to that damn college in the east.

Cole held me and talked with mom a little, He was just like her son too and he felt so bad for me. He said we would come home for the funeral no matter what. Cole said he would drive and bring Matt and if she didn't mind, Ricky, home as well. "You know, Ricky and I think you know that he and Max were, well, a couple." He didn't want to go into detail but Mom understood and said she was just so glad that he was there for me and apparently for Ricky too. "Yes, I know Ricky and he has had it hard. I `m so glad you boys were there for him too. I hope he can reunite with his family sometime soon. I know it's a burden to have him with you but you guys seem to watch out for one another so much. It is quite wonderful"

Cole didn't want to get into specifics and nor did he tell her about our jobs. He was so good with talking to other people and always seemed to be able to put others at ease.

Mom promised to call back as soon as she knew more details. Cole thanked her for calling and said he would try to comfort me and Ricky. "I know Matt will be concerned too."

They rang off and Cole just held me I felt so wrong sitting naked with my naked lover but he said to just cry it out. He would be there. He took me in the bedroom and held me and kissed me. He said he was going to call Ricky and have him come back so he could break the news to him.

Cole called him and asked him to come back. I sat on the couch and Cole held me as I cried. Ricky came in and saw what was happening. Cole was direct and said he wanted him to know that Max had passed away. Unlike me, he didn't begin to cry but his jaw dropped and we did see tears form. Cole went to him and hugged him and held him bringing him over to the couch with me. Ricky cried some, but his background was such that no one ever held him or comforted him . he was supposed to be the man and be stalwart and show no emotions. Cole held him until he cried and comforted us both. He was so strong. Even Cole cried some but Max had not been his lover nor his best friend like Ricky and I had been.

Matt came home and he was told too. Cole took charge and along with Matt, they both comforted us. Cole called and said we could not come in to the club that night and told the manager what had happened. He seemed understanding. Cole was super organized and Made sure we notified our professors of our impending absence as well as anyone else who needed to know. He got out our more formal suits to wear and even packed our bags. I held on to Ricky and mostly we cried. I thought of the many adventures and all the things Max and I had done. I just felt so bad for what had happened to him. I had always hoped we could be friends well into our old age. It was just such a natural relationship. I wondered if I had done such a good thing when just before school was over, we have advanced in some sex. Max was happier than I ever saw him that last time, the day before we left for school. I reflected and decided that if it made life better for him, anything we had done, was good. I knew I would always miss his little hairy body which for some reason, turned me on. Now it was over and I was just glad I had Cole. I felt bad for Ricky as his first love experience was ended. I was glad we had bonded so at least he had us as his family wasn't there for him.

That night, we all cuddled in our bed. Even Matt passed up a date to be with us. It was so nice being comforted by my lover, Ricky and even my brother. We didn't do anything real sexy but lying together, all naked as usual, it gave us a tighter bond.

The next day, we headed home for the funeral. Cole drove us all and the trip was kind of quiet as we all talked about Max. Arriving home, Mom and Dad greeted us all and welcomed Ricky too. I think they knew what the relationship was. Dustin came out and hugged us all. He said he would miss school and wrestling practice to go with us to the funeral. I went to see Max's folks. The seemed so glad to see me and we all hugged. They told me how much Max cared about me and how much they appreciated how I had stood by him and even brought him out of his shell in the last few months. They knew that was my doing they said. I never broached the sex part of anything we did and they never asked. I wondered if they knew though that their son was gay. Maybe I would never know.

We visted the funeral home which was hard. Cole was with me th entire time and took such good care of me. Gawd, did he look handsome in his suit and tie. He could have fallen out of GQ magazine! Lots of kids from school came by which pleased me even though Max wasn't always popular. Cole took care of me never caring if his friends or anyone saw him holding me and be much more than just a friend. I think they all knew we were gay and had come out. No one asked or commented on what the press had reported about his early life. I was grateful to have known these kids and that they wouldn't ridicule or make fun or any of us.

The funeral was nice and somewhat uplifting. I was asked to speak and got through it pretending Max was sitting there and naked. I don't know why but it put me at ease.

Max was to be cremated and that happened after the ceremony. The casket had been closed due to his injuries with just his graduation picture framed on top.

The funeral over, my folks and the rest of us went to a funeral lunch. It was nice to see some of the guys from the basketball team and they treated Cole like a hero. He was never saying a word about the court trial. He made no bones about telling them we were together and made me feel good when I overheard him telling a few former buddies, how I had saved his life and done so much for him. I know he didn't want me to hear that but I did and I felt good. I knew he really had no one and it made me wonder if he ever got a response to his letter to his brother. My family now was his family and I was so proud of how they accepted him as family.

Before we left, Max's parents came over and put their arms around me. I was very surprised. They told me how much of a friend I was to their only son and how I had done so much for him. They said they knew he loved me and cared about me. I began t o tear up and they only held me tighter. They said they would eventually move on with life, now being childless, but that would always remember me and what I had done for their son. His mom handed me an envelope which she said had a few things of Max's and they wanted me to have it. I said I couldn't take anything but they insisted. "We have enough stuff around. " I opened the envelope and their were some small trinkets of things we did as kids. Most importantly, there was a photo of Max and me with our arms around one another when we had gone camping together as two families. We both were in swim trunks holding up a small fish on a pole, that we had caught. I think actually Max had caught it. We were both smiling and had our arms around one another's shoulders. I remembered the trip and the picture being taken only a few years ago. I t made me so happy to have this and I promised it would be put in an important part of the house, maybe on my desk so I could always remember us together. After a few minutes of chatter, we went our separate ways. I promised I would call them when I came home at Thanksgiving . I wished them well and knew if I stayed too long, I would be a sobbing basket case. After a few more goodbyes, Cole came and got me and we went home. We would stay at the house before going back to our apartment on campus.

It was a solemn evening and my folks did their best to make us all feel good. We went to bed early . Dustin said we should all spend the night together as he missed us and it would kind of be like old times. It made me smile and my folks simply told us not to stay up too late. We piled into my room and got ready for bed. "It's going to be al little crowded in here but I think we should all just stay in the one bed. That made Dustin smile and we all got naked, as we hadn't brought any pajamas anyway.

Even Matt came over in his boxers but seeing us pulled them off and we got in. cole put his arms around me and Dustin and Ricky climbed in too along with Matt who said he wasn't there to get raped . We all laughed but laid there and talked. Even though we were all sad, it was nice to be surrounded by hot guys and to feel their manhood. We didn't fuck or anything but simply eventually, dropped off to sleep. In the morning, I found that Matt had gone back to his room and Ricky went with him. I slipped out of bed to go pee and looked into his room. They were both kind of entangled. I doubted they had sex but seeing Ricky sprawled out with his big dick clearly visible due to the sheets being pushed away, and Matt with his arm around him, made me feel good. I pissed and slipped back to bed as Cole was waking up. He asked me if he could do our usual thing and I smiled a big yes. As he slipped down to eat me, Dustin awoke and groaned. He pulled closer to me his nice dick rubbing my leg. I looked over and he smiled at me and said good morning bro. Thanks for letting me sleep with you guys. I just gave him a little kiss. He watched as Cole pushed my legs apart and buried his face in my ass. "Can I do that too?" Dustin was real interested. I said sure and told cole to come up as our boy was taking over. He laughed a little. I knew Cole also liked to get eaten. Dustin slid down and then buried his tongue in my hole as he gripped Cole's cock and began to stroke it. We were both in heaven and kissed passionately even befor we brushed our teeth.

Dustin had me wiggling around so much , I began to laugh and told him that he better be ready to get hit with my load. He looked up and then took my cock as he ate Cole's hairy hole. "Now this is a real man." He mumbled savoring the hairs around and one Cole's butt. We both laughed as we kissed and enjoyed Dustin's hot mouth and hands on us.

We were both about to shoot and Dustin knew it. We warned him but he just did what he could to get our cocks close as we shot all over his face and into his mouth. He seemed to love it. "Breakfast!" he moaned and we pulled him up to lick our cum off him.

"I thought you were into girls?" I asked. "Well, yeah but I can't resist a hot cock either. Guess I'm kinda bi>" he smirked . I pulled him up and jerked his rock hard cock until he shot he load and Coel and I licked and kissed and tickled him. "god, why can't evey morning be like this he moaned. I love you guys so much!"

We hugged him and I stuck a finger in his tight hole making him moan even more. "this will give you something to think about until I can stick my dick in your boy pussy." I joked.

We finally got it together and sat there. "Todd, I want to tell you something." I looked at him wondering.

"I am so in love with you guys and want to thank you for givng me a new life. You know how shitty my old life was, but then, when I met you and the trial and hsit like that and then, you and Mom and Dad, is it ok with you that I call them that?"I said sure. "Well, all of you have made my life so much better. I can't thank you enough. You took me in, not even knowing me and gave me , like Mom and Dad and Matt and you too, cole, so much love and caring. You shared a lot with me and I thak my lucky stars for it. I want to do everything I can to make you proud of me. Matt too. I sometimes come in your rooms just to see if I can get a smell of you and look at your stuff and see trophies and shit and well, it inspires me. I don't want to disappointing Mom and Dad or you guys. I'd do anything for any of you, ya know that, right?"

Cole and I nodded. This heartfelt, somewhat craxy ramble of his was so real and I was so surprised, I didn't know what to say other than to hug him and tell him how much we all loved him. I just grabbed him and began to hug and kiss him all over.

"Whoa, man, Cole help, I'm getting molested." At that, Cole joined me and we all showed our love to one another.

Once done, we all had some tears in our eyes that none of us admitted having. I got out of it but pulling Dustin's big cock and telling him it was oh so hairy. "I know, but you with your shaved pubes are like a little boy!" he smirked. "Bet you'd love this baby in you. Not that cole doesn't do it, but well, ya know, brother on brother and all!" We ragged on one another for a bit before we went in to shower. Ricky and Matt were both in the shower when we went in and I saw Ricky down on his knees and Matt moaning. I knew my big brother was getting some love this morning and it made me happy.

All five of us threw on shorts and went to join our folks for breakfast. Mom outdid herself saying she didn't get to do that as much now. Dustin piped up with a comment that she could make him this breakfast every day.

"You, my boy, don't get up early enough to eat it. Always off to practice or stuff."

"Ah, Mom, don't tell my secrets." Dustin moaned.

Dad got up and got us all coffees. "Dustin, don't forget the lawn after school tonight." Dad reminded him.

"Oh, yeah. I will get it. Bet it looks better now than when you guys did it!" he joked.

I actually had to admit it did look better. Matt and I weren't the best landscapers. Matt made some rude comment but before we left, he gave Dustin a hug and told him to work hard. He wanted to come and see him wrestle and maybe he could come up to stay with us and they could practice some moves. Dustin was delighted . He asked if he could come this weekend and Dad said in a week or so depending on his grades. He looked at little sad but then got his great smile back.

We packed it up and said our good byes. I clutched the envelope of stuff Max's mom had given me. Mom told us how she missed us and hugged all of us and told Ricky he should plan on being here for Thanksgiving and to come home anytime he wanted to. He got a big smile on his face. He still didn't feel like he was family but everything Mom had done made him feel welcome.

We went back to school to another week of classes and getting back to our job. It was a tough week but with my brother and lover with me, I knew we could do it.

End of Chapter 8

Next: Chapter 28: Todds Senior Year Awakening II 9

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