Todds Senior Year Awakening

By rob roberts

Published on Sep 3, 2013


Todd's Senior Year Awakening – The Beginning of College Ch 5

This is a fictional tale of gay male sex among young guys. Don't read if underage or illegal where you are. It is the property of the writer and cannot be used without permission. Send comments to Please support NIFTY by making a donation to keep it going. Thanks


Chapter 5

Cole gave me my usual morning ministrations. Damn he was so hot! I fucked him as he asked and we then showered and while I shaved off my few sparse facial hairs, he went out to make coffee and breakfast. I heard a little activity in Matt's room but wasn't sure what it was. Maybe Ricky and Matt were getting it on. I didn't want Matt making too much use of Ricky as I still viewed him as Max's. sitting naked on a stool in his cute glasses, I kissed Cole again and got coffee. Cole was quiet but reading some stuff on the internet. I went back over and looked over his shoulder. We had few if any secrets and I knew he didn't mind me looking over his shoulder. He put his arm around me in a hug. "Just checking the websites about our neighbor guys and what they do. Pretty cool but I don't want to be anybody's sex slave but yours." Cole said.

"Babe, you're nobody's sex slave and if I have anything to say, you never will be."

"Yeah, I know, but I like doing shit for you. I would do anything you asked. You know I like being your sex slave. It is just me but I don't feel I have to I just want to. I will always do anything you ask me to as long as you'll have me."

I kissed him and told him I would never allow anyone to abuse him, not even me." Wow, he was the real stud and being so submissive to me, a former nerd type maybe, certainly no BMOC or anything. I just couldn't wrap my head around how everything had evolved since that fateful day when our coach asked me to help him. Oh what crazy stuff. Who would have ever thought it!

I was making out with him looking at the monitor just a little, when ricky and Matt came out. Both were smiling. " I guess you guys had a good night, then." I said.

"Oh, yeah. Damn, this guy sucks like a Hoover." Matt replied.

You guys checking the neighbor guys web?" Matt asked.

"Yeah, a little. I'm a little intimidated by it but it sounds like they do real well. Sure better than a grocery bagger." Cole offered.

"Listen, guys. I don't know if we should do any of it. I don't want us getting into something we will regret." I said. "You both know that cole had it rough for a long time. I don't want him getting abused again."

"Shit, man, we can be careful. We just check it out and only do what we want to do." Matt said.

Ricky was being quiet and I asked him how he felt.

"Ya know this is all new to me. I doubt anyone wants my body anyway. I just don't know."

"With that schlong you got, I can't believe anyone wouldn't want you. Just let them see it and they will go crazy. Same with you Todd. It is Cole and me who might get rejected!"

"I seriously doubt that!" I said. You guys are so much more handsome than me." I almost surprised myself with my own candor. I wasn't bad looking and yeah, my dick was something else but Cole had those model good looks and my brother just exuded self confidence and a very nice body.

I say we eat and go to class and all think about it. Plus, I got to get a hold of Max and we need to get Ricky a cell . His folks took his so even if Max calls him, he can't get the call. I'm calling Max's folks if I don't hear anything. I'm worried a little and I know Ricky is too. Right after class, I'm coming back to get Ricky and go to the phone store.

Ricky said he didn't want me to pay for his phone. "You can pay me back when you get some cash."

Ricky looked down, not feeling good about his situation. He did say he would see what he could do with setting up a website for the guys business while I was gone. He also said he wanted to clean up after we left. He felt it was the least he could do.

We agreed to meet after our classes were done and have some food before we went with the guys to check out the bar scene.

We went off our separate ways. I worried all morning about calling Max again, maybe calling his folks and how I was going to explain to my folks, using their charge cared they had given me, to buy him a new phone. Most importantly, I wondered about what this whole bar thing would be like. It made my dick hard thinking about watching some guys we knew, dancing for tips and for me to see all this almost nude male skin show. I had a hard time focusing on class.

Classes went ok and I had some work assigned but nothing too hard or time consuming. I headed back to the apartment to get Ricky and get his phone. I dialed Max again getting just a voice message and left him a message saying it was important that he call me.

Ricky was just getting his stuff on when I came back. He was smiling and I hoped Max had called but he said he hadn't. I worked to let it appear just normal and nothing unusual.

We jumped in my car and went to the phone place. I had an I- phone as did Matt and Cole. I told Ricky I wanted him to have one too. They cancelled his old account but gave him the same phone number. He was like a kid getting a new toy. His old phone was a piece of crap anyway and he was real proud of the new phone. His knowledge of tech stuff gave him the advantage of knowing more about the phone than I did. He actually hugged me when we left the store. It was unusual for him to show that kind of emotion. He promised several times to do whatever he had to do to pay me back soon. He checked some messages that came through but found noting from his folks. That hurt me as I didn't know how they could not call him. Maybe they figured as they had his old phone, there was no point, but still, how could they throw him out like that?

I finally called Max's mom to see if she heard anything form him. I knew right away that something was wrong. She had a shaky voice and said she was glad I called her. I asked her if everything was ok. She began to cry and then let it all out. I was beside myself wondering . Ricky sat next to me with a look of what was going on. I put my hand up to indicate that I needed to hear what she said. She said she had just called my Mom to tell her as she didn't have my phone number. It seems Max had gone out exploring the campus on his new bike. While riding, he lost his balance (he never was good a biking) and fell into the path of a truck. Long story short, he was on life support! She and his father were just about to go to the airport to fly up. I knew I couldn't go but I wanted to. I didn't know what to think. My best friend ever, well before Cole anyway, and he was lying in a hospital in a strange city with no one around who cared for him. It was no wonder he hadn't called. I began to cry and I was glad I had Ricky there. He held me as he cried. I guess we held one another . He cried as I did. We had no idea what to do. I asked his mom to keep me informed and that I would pray for him. I asked if there was anything I could do but she said right now there was nothing. I felt so helpless.

As Ricky and I held one another, nothing sexual or anything, Cole came home followed by Matt. WE told them what had happened and the four of us cried and held one another. Matt, who didn't really care much for Max at least until recently, cried. I think he felt guilty about not being nicer to Max all those years.

My mom called and I talked with her. She tried to be comforting but even that didn't console me. She told me that Mr. Evans had called with news for Cole. I don't know why he didn't call Cole himself but I said I would have him call.

It was a quiet sad day as we all sat around not feeling good about anything. We even all stayed dressed!

We decided not to go to the bar that night as it just didn't seem right. I told Cole about Mr. Evan's call and he called him. the news was that it might be sometime before the government gave him his money. He offered to lend him some for now but Cole said he would make it on his own. He felt it was not really his anyway. I knew he was sad about it and also sad that his brother had not responded to his letter.

We moped around . Ricky made us some food which he was good at. He had partially stripped off his clothes saying he got hot cooking. We smiled and eventually joined him by getting naked. Looking a little shy, Ricky eventually lost his pants too and confided to me he liked being naked. He said he often dreamed of it and also dreamed of being a guys slave. I thought, here we go again. Not another Cole! But this was a little different. Ricky hadn't experienced any of it like Cole had and seemed to just accept he was always a gay boy. He just didn't know it until I guess we brought him out.

Ricky did say he thought he was too skinny to be attractive and had appreciated our trips to the gyms where both he and Max had filled out some. Just needed more time, I thought.

Ricky seemed to enjoy being our slave so to speak doing all the housework and cooking. He actually thought we might make him sleep out on the patio or some crazy shit like that. I don't think he would have minded had we done that but we loved him like a brother and kept him with us all the time.

We ate and enjoyed the great food. He asked if he could come with me next time to buy the food. I assured him that he was definitely going.

I talked with my dad and Cole did some studying. Eventually, he said he thought maybe we should go to the bar. It would take our minds off Max. I wasn't sure but when Matt and then even Ricky agreed, I said sure and we dressed in some cool clothes to look our best. AS we went out, I reminded the guys that Dustin was coming over the weekend along with our parents so no mention of any of this was to be made. They all agreed.

We drove in Cole's car to the bar. It looked a little seedy but seemed crowded with both guys and girls. More guys though so we assumed the clientele must be gay. I kind of rolled my eyes as I saw some pretty hot girls inside. Our ID' were checked and we got green arm and wrist bands. The bouncer said no bands and were kicked out so we made sure to keep them on and out.

The place was hopping with cool music. We got cokes and headed to where the show boys, as they were called would perform. I saw Jim and Andy who came over dressed sexy as hell. Each had no shirt, some tight little shorts and flip flops. They said some guys wore tennis shoes but when they got stripped, it looked kind of hokey so they chose to be bare foot.

We chatted with the guys a little before Chip said it was time for them to get ready. They said goodbye and would see us in a bit.

Soon the music got loud and there was lots of hooting and hollering as the first dancer emerged on stage. The stage was pretty small and went out in front of a bar where there wer both guys and girls seated. The first guy was a pretty hot stud who came out in tight jeans and a beater type shirt. The music began and he began his gyrations. The crowd was yelling for him to take it off and he actually ripped the shirt in two exposing a hot chest and a nice treasure trail leading into his low hung jeans. He danced for probably ten minutes bending over suggestively so patrons could slip bills into his pants. One woman actually pulled open his fly and stuffed some cash inside which got her a big smile and a kiss. During his act, he did unzip his jeans and let them drift down a bit revealing a hot looking jock. He didn't strip all the way but Jim had said that as the night went on, the guys revealed more. We watched several acts. Most of the guys looked athletic. Chip had told us that some of the guys were gay but many were straight and just did their act for cash. They got paid a minimal fee and kept all their tips.

The place had a `backroom' where those who wanted to, could get a private lap dance which was foar more exotic and revelaing. It wa a large room with some private cubbies , open from the outside, but provided the dancer and the customer with some privacy. The costs for those dances, the best ones and that made the dancer the biggest profit was $20 per song and could go for 3 or 4 songs.

Jim had said that between dances on stage, the dancers were supoosed to mingle with customers to encourage the private dances. For the straight boys, they just sucked it up and went with both guys and girls. Some had girlfriends but many just dated lots of girls. Once their girlfriends found out what they did, many didn't want to be attached. I doubted that this job ever went down in their professional resumes!

About 7 dances performed. We watched as Andy, Jim and Chip did their mingling. They had to be very touchy and smiley to all the customers, even fat, ugly ones to encourage the private dances. They said they often just blocked out in their minds, the guy or woman they were with. Some hot college girls patronized the place and those were more interesting. The same with the gay dancers and cute young studs who patronized them. Jim had admitted he dated one or two of the guys later. They weren't supposed to but everyone knew it happened sometimes and nothing was said unless it interfered with the job. A few guys lost their jobs for going too far or for letting the customers do too much with them. They were never totally nude, but sometimes danced with a well placed hat that revealed `accidentally' more than it should.

We had a good time and it was a great diversion from thinking about Max. We needed some release.

All three of the guys we knew danced. In their second set, they stripped to just some very low jockey shorts and by the third set, they wer in just jock straps. Andy, the so called straight guy wore a jock that when wet revealed just about everything. Yet, he was legal as it was still a covering.

Cole and Ricky and I were a little nervous about the act by the third set. Ricky especially, as cute as he was, just wasn't used to seeing guys strut their stuff like that. He wasn't sure if anyone would give him any money for his tight thin body. I said I knew someone would.

The crowd thinned about midnight when Jim brought over to meet us, the guy who was the manager. He seemed to like us and confirmed we were all at least 18. He went over the rules and said if we wanted to audition, he would welcome us. We weren't still sure except for Matt who liked to strut his stuff. We were told to come back around 4 the next day, wear some sexy underwear or a jock and he would have us each dance for him. Jim didn't pressure us but said if we didn't we might miss out on a great opportunity.

We left pretty revved up and sporting boners. As we went home, Cole said he didn't know if he could but said it wasn't much different, maybe easier than what he had done growing up. He had gotten lots of attention from other patrons who asked him to jump up and strip with one of the guys. He said he couldn't and wouldn't but smiled through it all and got lots of feels. Actually, we all got touched. I think some of the coeds found us sexy as did some of the guys, who offered to buy us drinks and such. It was a pretty heady night.

I knew both Ricky and Cole were very nervous about the proposal for us to join the guys as male strippers. I wasn't all that comfortable with it either.. Only Matt, gutsy Matt, was really ready to do it. He saw big cash and he sure didn't mind showing his stuff for the ladies and maybe even the guys.

We went to bed. Ricky said he would sleep on the couch and we didn't argue but Matt said he wasn't going to bring any girls over so Ricky was welcome to sleep there. He nodded and went off with Matt while Cole and I went to our room. We got ready for bed with the usual teeth brushing and pissing. We shared the same toothbrush even and pissed at the same time. We were pretty used to it. We slid into bed. Cole was kind of quiet and didn't say too much. We cuddled and he played with my dick for a bit as I stroked his magnificent chest and abs. We kissed and I finally asked Cole what he was feeling. He said he was thinking about the club and was a little nervous. I knew he was and told him I was too. "It's a great way to make some cash but Todd, I don't know if I can do it. It's one thing to be naked and screwing with guys especially you. But, I just keep thinking about doing it in front of strangers and having them pawing all over me or maybe what they might want in the private rooms and it scares me a little. I keep thinking about, you know, growing up and the shit my dad made me do."

I listened as he went on and talked about his fears. I pulled him closer to me and held him. "You know, I will do anything you tell me to do. That's a promise I made to you and well, I still see you as my, well, ah, I know you hate it when I say it, but my master. I like that and want to submit to anything you want from or for me but..." His voice trailed off.

I didn't want to respond to the master thing. I had worked hard to get him to be his own person and just that we were lovers. I reminded him he never had to do anything that he was not comfortable with. I also told him I wasn't sure I wanted to do it either as I knew he would make lots of money, but I wasn't sure I was that outgoing and fearless to think anyone would pay me to see my body. It was in pretty good shape but still, he held the best looking guy on earth award in my book. I said I thought we should both sleep on it and decide. If we didn't do it, well, maybe we would struggle some. I knew if I asked, my parents would give us money but I wasn't about to ask. We were taught that the extras in life should come from part time jobs and both Matt and I had learned that and done that.. Shit, we both worked in some way or another, cutting lawns, lifeguards and most recently, for me, working in Mr. Evan's law office. Still, taking this job was a new ballgame.

I held him close and we kissed and continued to touch one another. Eventually, we drifted off to sleep.

In the morning, Cole was his usual attentive self, sucking and licking my hole as he stroked my balls and cock. Gawd, it was a great feeling and way to wake up. I wanted to do something for him but told him he needed to stop. Too many sodas, the night before and I had to piss bad. I started to get up and he just said he wold take care of me. I began to protest but he just kind of pushed me back and took my cock in his mouth and said to piss. I didn't want to do that as it just reaffirmed that he was my bitch but he insisted so I began to let my piss dribble into his mouth. He moaned with pleasure. It was so submissive of him but he did it anyway. Damn, it felt so good pissing and having his warm mouth around me and just swallowing it all. I was in heaven!

Finished peeing, Cole licked his lips and said he liked it. It put some of me into him and it would give him strength. I didn't really follow that but it was nice as I drew him up to taste my piss in his mouth and kiss him with lots of tongue. He asked if I would fuck him and I said I would if he fucked me first. He looked a little skeptical but I insisted and rolled over and pulled my ass cheeks apart for him to enter me. He said he was getting the lube but I said do it rough. I wanted to submit to him for a change and wanted to feel his big prick in me. He gently pushed his hard dick against my pussy lips and then entered. I moaned a little and he pulled back as not to hurt me but I said just fuck me dammit and he returned to pushing his nice mushroom head inside of me. I moved up and down a little to encourage him. it was tight and a little dry but his pre cum dripped off and he lubed me with his own stuff.

We both came about the same time. He began to lick his cum out of me but I said to leave it. I wanted him in me as much as he wanted me in him. We hugged and he rolled over to take me. I told him he would have to wait some as I had shot all over the sheets. He shook his finger at me as if I was naughty but I grabbed it sand sucked it. Eventually, we were both laughing and tickling one another. We finally got up, his cum running out of my ass. In the shower, he licked my ass anyway and said it was the best ass he ever ate. "Breakfast , ya know,' he said laughing.

We finished and went out to make coffee and breakfast. I reminded him that Dustin was due that night along with my folks. We promised we wouldn't talk about the stripper thing at all. We were drinking our coffee from the single serve coffee machine that Mom had gotten us. When Ricky and Matt emerged from their room. Both still naked as we were and unshowered.. I saw Ricky had cum on his leg and balls when he turned around. "Looks like you guys did more than sleep!" I remarked jokingly.

"My ass sure got to test Matt's wood." Ricky laughed as he rubbed it.

"Let me clean you up as I see Matt didn't." I said

I just knelt down and licked the leaking cum off his ass and balls. He moaned with happiness.

"Yep, that's Todd, my bitch, always licking up some stray cum."

I got up and smacked his ass and he asked if I wanted to let him breed me.

"Ben there, done that." I smirked.

Ricky laughed as he scratched his hairy nuts. He was so cute and yet, very nieve at least more than I was. It reminded me of Max some. Damn, we hadn't heard anything from Max or his folks. I knew I would need to call.

Naked, we had juice, coffee and cereal as I din't want to make a big meal.

"Well, what's your take on last night?" I asked

"I'm in. Fuck with the tips I saw those guys taking , I could do as well, maybe more." Matt said confidently. Ricky was not reacting.

"And, Ricky, how do you feel?"

"Ah, man, not sure. I doubt anybody would want me. Just too skinny and maybe too hairy too. I don't know if it right for me."

Cole nodded and said he was prepared to do whatever I decided. If I was going to do it, then he would too as I was his decision maker.

I hated having the burden of deciding on me but knew it would come to that.

Ah ,well, I think if Matt is going to do it, we might give it a try. If we don't like it, then I'm out. Remember guys, nothing said this weekend when the folks and Dustin are here."

Everyone agreed. I spoke to Ricky privately telling him I thought he had a great slender body." Maybe if the hair is too dense, we could trim you down some. I know you need the money, and we'll share what I get with you. Not that you need to go, but I want you to feel good. And confident I added."

Ricky looked doubtful but said he would think more about it. We needed some stuff from the store and Ricky said he would get it. He slipped on some shorts and a tee and his raggy tennis shoes and left. Ten minutes later, he was back sweating a little saying his car wouldn't start and he figured he needed a new battery.

He looked at me and said I guess, I'm in. I knew his heart wasn't totally into it as his strict religious background was haunting him. I put my arm around him and told him if I could do anything to help, let me know. He looked sheepishly at me and said maybe the trim might be good and to shave his hairy ass if I was willing to do it. I smiled and said I would and he could watch me shave m y pubes too. I liked being shaved and knew Cole thought it sexy too even though I made him keep his pubes now. He liked to please me so he did it and I think it made him happy too.

We all went to see the man at the club. Jim and Chip went with us for moral support. They leant us some very sexy underwear that they used in the club. We could have taken some, but as Cole and I and most of the time, Matt, never wore any, we didn't have anything to revealing.

We were all sweating out of nervousness gong to the club and gong inside. Unlike the night before, it was quiet. A cute bartender who apparently was on that night, was cleaning up the bar wearing just some cargo shorts. He had a nice body too and I wondered if he ever danced or performed. He greeted us and smiled at us and said it was nice to see some hotties as he called us.

We smiled back and Mr. Turner came out of his office. Chip and Jim greeted him as he did them. He said he was really glad they had found some new talent. The bar evidently went through guys often. He explained that we were hired by the night actually, getting a minimum pay. The rest was tips and stuff. We would need to know how to mingle with the customers and to encourage private dances. We had to pay a small fee for one of the cubicles each, and the tips would more than cover the cost. We also had to buy and change our skimpy attire often. He suggested several outfits per night starting conservatively and then by nights end, stripping almost naked. He checked our id to make sure we were at least 18. We made it barely. He also told us we could never get totally naked nor drink any alcohol even if guest bought us drinks. We were restricted to soda, juice and water. If a patron ordered us a drink, we would get the unalcohol version of it. The bartenders knew not to mess that up or they would get fired as well as us and we might face jail time. We knew we never wanted that to happen!

After explaining all the rules, he said we all looked pretty hot. He even included Ricky giving him more confidence. He told the cute bartender to rack up some music and we would all be asked to get up on stage and when he gave a signal, begin to strip an item at a time until we were down to our underwear. He then said he would decide whether or not to add us and if we accepted, five us a schedule.

To make us more comfortable, Chip offered to on stage with us to show us how it was done. Jim would help us from the floor with some suggested dance steps. Mr. Turner did say we didn't have to be experts as we were not auditioning for the Bolshoi Ballet or anything! We were relieved as I didn't think I was a very good dancer and Ricky was not either. Cole and Matt were likely to be the best.

The music started and once on stage we kind of watched Chip as he danced stripping of his shirt sexually and then opening his pants to let them slide down. We had all removed out shoes. Mr. Turner said removing socks was a good idea but seeing as we didn't have any on, it was not an issue. He said generally , customers liked us as bare as possible.

We began to gyrate around. I thought we were quite awful. I wasn't ever that good at dancing but noticed that Cole and Matt were pretty good and moved with ease. Even the bartender gave a whoop when they stripped off their shirts. It reminded me of prom when we all stripped off shirts and wore just ties exposing our chests. As the music went on, we were getting better and by the time our pants came off, we were into it pretty well forgetting all our inhibitions. Ricky just did what I did. The underwear we wore was sexy and low and tight fitting.

By the time the dance was done, Mr. Turner was smiling and we all jumped off the stage. He said we were all hired. He spent time examining our bodies and said Ricky might want to shave a little but he liked what he saw of Cole and Matt's exposed pubes. He really liked my shaved look and he saw that my dick was huge. He actually touched it and asked if it was all me. I turned red and admitted it was. Jim piped up and told him he had never seen a white guy with such huge junk!

He said we could start the next day if we wanted! I was in shock and finally had to tell them that we couldn't as our families were coming to town and we had to be with them. He frowned but said it was ok. We could start Sunday night. Jim said that was cool as he and Andy were scheduled. And they would help us out until we got our own `costumes' as he called them. The bartender said he thought we would all be big hits. He was really cute and I loved his hot pecs.

We got dressed, filled out some papers and said we would be back.

We left with Jim and he took us to a place he knew where we could each buy some stuff. We all selected some very revealing underwear and jocks. Apparently, jocks were very popular. I recalled seeing a website that sold sexy men's swim and underwear. We decided to surf the web and order some for each of us. Ricky was uneasy but I said I would front him the money.

We went home feeling a little scared yet excited.

Mom called and said they would be there to drop off Dustin to stay with us. She also said she talked to Max's mom and it didn't look good for him. I shared that with Ricky and hugged him confidently.

He asked if I would trim him a bit. I said it would be my honor and led him to our bathroom . I asked Cole to join us but soon we were all huddled in there. We all got naked to make Ricky feel better and I used some clippers to trim his pubes and a little of his pits. I also trimmed Cole a bit as he felt too hairy. It killed me to shave some of Cole's pits . We all took turns shaving one another's balls and by the time we were done, we all had raging hardons. I was surprised when Matt took Ricky into his mouth and sucked him. "this boy is hot and I want to taste his juice. A near orgy took over as we all licked and sucked on one another bringing us all to cumming in short order.

Sexually satisfied and Ricky feeling a bit better about his body, we all slipped on shorts as the folks would be in soon to drop off Dustin before going to a nearby hotel for themselves.

Within an hour, they were there, Dustin looked as cute and hot as ever. We all hugged and I was glad to see Mom and Dad hug Cole like their own sons. We made plans to go to dinner. Dad suggested we all dress up. "At least put some shirts on." He joked.

We all laughed and sent them to get to their hotel . Dustin was naked before they drove off showing his nice fat cock he was so proud of. None of us took his bate and we all dressed with some cool jeans and tops. We decided to wear dressy flip flops. Dustin said he really didn't want to go as he wanted to do sexy stuff with us, but we insisted.

We met at a nice restaurant nearby and enjoyed dinner, catching up on news from home and talking about Max. Mom put her arm around Ricky and hugged him like her own son. I was proud of her for doing that. After dinner, we made plans to meet for brunch before going to the game. We said we would tour them about the campus before.

We went home and Ricky seemed ok. I think he needed a mom hug and had gotten one from my mom. Cole actually called them Mom and Dad which they accepted and it made him feel good too.

We went back to the apartment getting naked on entrance. Dustin was first trying to be cool. We knew he was so happy to be with us again and wanted this to be a great weekend for him. We decided to have soda that night not wanting Dustin tempted to drink and be in trouble. It was fun ragging on the guys and having Dustin get his fill of us. Boy did he ever asking if we could all have sex together. We declined but said at bedtime, who knows. I knew I wouldn't mind having him fuck me as he loved to do that to his big brother making him feel like a stud.

We made sure no mention was made of the bar gig by anyone and Matt quiet about it and didn't spill the beans. I was proud and happy to be with my guys and knew we would have a good time.

End of ch. 5

Next: Chapter 25: Todds Senior Year Awakening II 6

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