Todds Senior Year Awakening

By rob roberts

Published on Aug 29, 2013


Todd's Senior Year Awakening- The Start of College Ch. 4

This is a fictional tale of high school friends who enter college together. It contains lots of gay sex. Please do not read if underage or where illegal. It is the property of the writer and may not be copied or used in any way without permission. Comments? Send to



Chapter 4

After some good sex with Cole, we both fell asleep. I was nestled in his arm pit, a place I loved to be. Before sleeping, Cole smiled at me as I buried my face in his pit hair. I didn't know if he was comfortable with his arm outstretched to accommodate me, but I sure was. What a way to sleep!

After about an hour, I got restless and awoke. I went to piss and then heard some sounds in the living room. I went to look and found Ricky on the couch sobbing. I couldn't ignore him so I went to him and asked what was wrong. "My life is so fucked up, Todd. I just don't know what I'm going to do. I can't stay with you guys forever and intrude but I haven't any money and no place to go. I haven't heard back from Max yet. I know he is too far away from here to be of any help and I don't expect him to come and save me or nothin' like that. My parents hate me and I'm just trash. It'w what they all say about us guy, we just aren't any good!"

I was surprised by what he said and didn't agree at all. I bent over and hugged him. I knew he needed some physical contact and he was to polite to ask for it. I tried to calm him and rubbed his shoulder. He was still naked from before covered in just a sheet. I wondered why he hadn't stayed with Matt in his room but right now it didn't matter. I tried to hold him and comfort him.

He kind of came down some from his crying and said he was just a wimp. I kissed his cheek and said he wasn't any wimp and he was just having a hard time right now. I repeated what I had said before about being there for him like any friend would. He tried to smile but I knew he was struggling. I had no ideas really about taking care of him and thought maybe I should call my folks and ask what they thought but certainly I couldn't do it a 3 am. I sat my ass on the edge of the couch and he moved a little to accommodate me. He smelled really nice and I kissed him again. Fuck, he was turning me on!

I knew he needed touch so I just kind of held him and whispered everything would be ok. He looked at me and told me he left Matt's room as not to wake him. He didn't want anyone being mad at him for messing up their rest. " Do you want me to stay and hold you?" I asked. "I don't mind at all. Cole will figure out that I'm here if he needs me."

"No, I will be ok. You need to be with your bitch, Oh sorry, I mean your man. I `m sorry Todd, I didn't mean anything by that. I'm just fucked up."

I thought about it and wondered if others saw Cole as my bitch. I really didn't care what others thought but he was really my lover and not just my bitch to fuck.

"It's ok. I know what you mean. Maybe you should come and join us. I think you need some company. Why not sleep in our huge bed. There's lots of space and I don't mind being close to both of you." I smiled and he said he didn't want to interfere and get Cole mad at him.

"He won't be made. He loves you like a brother and cares about you too. Come on. Join us. Maybe you can get some rest that way."

He looked a little like he wasn't so sure but got up. I got a glimpse of his long thick dick. It wasn't hard or anything but it sure was cool looking and I secretly wanted to play with it. Damn, what a pervert I was. Lusting after another big dick when I had Cole so willing to do anything I asked.

"You want me to slip on my shorts first?" Ricky asked "Nope, we are all naked and you can be too." I replied.

He somewhat reluctantly, followed me. I climbed into bed and drew close to my lover . He rolled over and I kissed him while he slept. Ricky got in and stayed to one side not wanting to interfere.

"Good night." I whispered to Ricky who said the same to me and we rested.

The morning came sooner than I wanted. I felt something at my lower back and discovered it was Ricky all boned up and sleeping peacefully. Cole was just waking and he looked over to see Ricky and then looked at me with some wonder. "He was stressed last night and I invited him to sleep with us", I whispered. Cole smiled back and was already moving down to the foot of the bed to start his morning ritual of eating my hole and sucking on me. It was his daily thing now to gently wake me and arouse me. He already had a nice boner that I touched as he kept moving. I wondered if he thought I wouldn't love him as much if he didn't do it but damn, it was nice. I gently kissed his face as he moved down and pushed the covers away from me. He dove right in and began licking and eating my hole. His hand was gently stroking my dick that was now in full blown raging hardness. He liked that he could get me that way. His tongue felt so good as he licked, pushed his tongue inside and sucked my anus. Gawd!!!! What a feeling. I was moving around in ecstasy and must have awakened Ricky who popped up and was in wonder as to what he saw. I looked over and we both smiled. "Man, you get that everyday?" Ricky whispered. I nodded and Cole looked up and smiled at both of us. I was now stroking Coles head as he ate at my hole. "Fuck, what a way to wake up!" Ricky extolled. I was again moaning and I felt Ricky's big dick on my leg. My leg was damp with his pre cum. I just laid back and extended my arms over my head to stretch.

"Can I eat you too?" Ricky asked. "You guys are so good to me I would eat or let both of you fuck me." Ricky didn't wait for an answer as he dove in and licked the soft hair in my pits. Oh man. How crazy is this and I didn't ever want it to end. Cole moved up from my spread legs that were elevated enough for him to eat me and took my cock in his mouth. I think he wanted to prove he was better than Ricky. Maybe a little jealous? I finally made them both stop before I came. Ricky moved away but wanted to see as Cole came up and just sat his butt down on my huge cock- the cock I used to be embarrassed for having and sunk down until his butt was resting on my shaved crotch. He began to ride me and moaned with pleasure. "Fuck, Cole, you can sit on that with no lube?" Ricky questioned. Cole nodded yes and said he felt it was his duty to get me off everyday before I got up. He didn't need lube anymore. He liked the roughness. "Fuck!" Ricky exclaimed as he watched. I took his leaking hard dick in my hands and stroked him. "OH, man that feels so good. I haven't cum in like two days!" he said.

"Don't know if I'm doing it like Max but what can I say, I got to help a guy out!" I laughed. Just about then, I shot my load and filled Cole's guts with my jizz. After a moment or two, he climbed off and licked me clean. "Get over here, boy, I need to eat me some hot ass too." I said rather briskly. Cole smiled and turned around showing he his nice hairy hole and I just dove my face in eating my own cum and his ass. Damn it was good. Cole turned enough and just Took Ricky's dick in his mouth and began to suck it. It wasn't long and he got his morning breakfast from Ricky.

I could see Cole was still hard and leaking. I told Ricky he should maybe enjoy the taste of my lover and he quickly did taking Cole's dick in his mouth now and sucking like a trooper. I enjoyed watching his long dick get hard as the head emerged from within the shield that covered it. The rich pubes of his crotch and his hairy legs made me happy to see. Cole unloaded in his mouth and Ricky thanked him for such a nice breakfast. Cole smiled and said how happy he was to have Ricky around.

After, we all jumped in the shower together, washing one another. Ricky got down on his knees and kissed both of our cocks and thanked us. We smiled and pulled him up and said we needed to make real food. We dried off and went naked to the kitchen where I said I would make us some food. I found we still had eggs and bread for toast but no more bacon. Cole made coffee and Ricky poured the orange juice. We chatted about nothing much other than hearing Ricky promise to clean up everything while we were in class. We were munching on our food when a tired looking Matt strolled out of his room. He was wearing just some briefs and we were naked. I almost choked when a cute girl came out following him wearing just a big towel. "

"Oh, damn. I forgot my roomies were still here!" he said in some shock. We were equally shocked being naked and eating. The rule was if you had a guest, you were supposed to tell the others to avoid such embarrassment. Matt obviously forgot. "Ah, this is Jean. We kind of hooked up last night. Sorry guys. Well, now that you see them all, you should know we often don't wear stuff or very little. Keeps laundry down `ya know. This is Todd, my borther, Cole, his boyfriend and Ricky, a guy from back home. By this time, we should have scrambled for clothes but having nothing available, just stood there in our glory, looking embarrassed as we said hi. Jean just dropped her towel and said it was cool with her. She had seen her brothers naked before as well as other guys so it wasn't a big deal. She just walked over and said looking at me, "Damn, he is hung like a horse. Probably would split me in two." I was embarrassed but she just touched me there and it felt damn good but still.!

Ah, well then, you guys got any food left for us?" Matt said. I knew he was a little embarrassed too. I pointed to the frying pan and said to grab whatever. They both did and sat down on stools near us.

Our conversation got going a little once we relaxed and just thought fuck it. Ricky seemed to be the most awkward but didn't run for cover. We talked and finally said we had to get ready for class. "Be sure to put some clothes on!" Jean extolled to us laughing. We went off to get dressed. Ricky went along and slipped on some shorts and promised he would clean up and asked if there was anything else he should do. We said to just relax and we would be home soon.

We left the place saying how awkward it was. Matt said you guys are just cool and it didn' t matter once Jean was running across the street toward her classes. I punched Matt on the arm telling him not to do that anymore. He laughed and said they enjoyed hearing us all get it on before. I hit him again and he laughed. We separated and went our ways to class. Matt said he might be late as he was looking to find a job. "Damn, being broke ain't no fun." he told us. We all agreed that college was expensive and we needed to find work or some kind to give us money for food and other stuff.

We all went our separate ways to class. I met with Jim again and we sat together. Our bare legs touched a few times in class and Jim seemed to make no effort to move away. I wondered if he had the urge to touch me more. After class, we went for coffee meeting up with Cole and Matt. We sipped our coffees and talked about class and the need to find employment. We chatted about maybe fast food, grocery stores and other jobs that students might seek.

"Good luck with that," Jim said. We looked at him and wondered what he meant. "Most of those jobs go to local high school kids or students who have already returned from summer break. You guys are going to have to be a bi more resourceful `, he offered. We weren't sure what that meant. "Well, the guys in my apartment tried quite a few times. You might want to check with the university employment office but don't get your hopes to high. There are jobs working for professors, in the library and at the student sports complex but most are already taken."

What do you guys do for money?" I asked boldly

"Well, ah, not sure if I should say. We make some pretty good cash and it doesn't get in the way of classes or studying too much.

We all looked at him questioningly. "Not sure if I should talk about it much here but later, we can get together and tell you about it." Jim said quietly. "I don't know if it is for you but it works for us and we can sometimes even work together which makes for cheaper transportation and well, looking out for one another."

We were all in wonder what kind of work could they do.

Well, I'm in no matter what it is. I need some real cash and $8 an hour won't do much for me. I got to go to class but I will be over later and hear more about this." Matt offered.

Cole and I nodded that we might be interested too. Before leaving, we kidded Matt about his girl friend. Apparently he had met her on line and went out, desperate for some pussy and found himself some. The only issue was he brought her back to our place and we didn't know. We kidded him but told him we really didn't want his girl friends hanging around our place without telling us.

He again apologized but smiling he pointed out that he got some and the girl, although maybe a cheap whore type, sure liked what she saw when we all greeted her in the morning. We laughed a little and Matt told me she'd like to get `little todd' up her pussy if I was willing.

Cole said that `little todd wash his and don't bet it would fit anyway."

I was a little surprised by his comment and as I thought about it, I realized that I could care less about her pussy or any girl's pussy for that matter. I must have truly gone gay and loved it.

I did stop at Student services to ask about jobs. They directed me to a bulletin board of offerings. Most were pretty lame with low pay. I didn't see anything there that was too appealing. I decided to check the library but found they were not hiring until later if they needed more people. Fuck. Wish we had thought about this earlier. I went home somewhat dejected.

I was happy to see Ricky busily cleaning up the place and already getting some stuff unfrozen to cook us dinner. He smiled at me. Damn he was cute with his bare skinny body showing. His trips to the gym with us helped though and he had definitely more definition in his chest. I loved his hairy legs and knew what hid behind his shorts. He was cute though and always so willing to be helpful. He again thanked me for letting him stay in the apartment.

I asked if he heard from Max. I forgot that he didn't have a cell phone anymore and said we would get him a new one. Didn't know how we would pay for it but it was essential. He asked if I heard anything. Checking my messages I found nothing from Max. I was getting worried now and knew Ricky was too.

"You don't suppose he doesn't care about me anymore?" Ricky asked.

"Hell no. I know he loves you a lot. If I don't hear anything by tonight, I will call his folks and ask." I said.

Ricky nodded and went back to picking up stuff. "I put new sheets on the beds . I thought we messed up the other ones." Ricky smiled at me.

"Great. Thanks. We may mess them more later though." I laughed.

"Oh, by the way, I cleaned the showers and noticed something hanging there I didn't know what it was so I left it alone."

Oh, that. It is a thing to clean out pussies or assholes. We all do it as we don't wear underwear much and I always like to fuck a clean guy. I'll show you how it works if you want to try it. Cole bought it and we all like it. Kind of kinky.'I laughed.

We went in to the shower and I told Ricky to strip off as I had already done. "Jump in and I'll do it for you."

"Wow, I never thought of that. I kind of hate getting fucked as I'm always afraid I won't be clean. I know I got some shit on my dick when I fucked Max. He was real embarrassed and so was I."

Ricky got in the shower and I turned it on. "Ok, stick that little dildo like thing up your ass. Then turn the dial and you will get flooded out back there. Just turn it on easy to start so it doesn't hurt you. Make sure the water is warm but not too hot."

Ricky did as I told him and sure enough, brown water and some shit came flooding out of his ass. "Man, I'm so embarrassed. I didn't want you to see crap fall out of me. Damn, I'm sorry you saw that."

"Babe, it is ok. Happens all the time. Keep doing it until the water runs clear. It will make you feel so nice and clean. Kind of like an enema but nicer." I said.

Ricky really liked it and I jumped in to soap up and took it from him when I was done and washed out my pussy too. The water was a little dirty.

"sometimes, when we're done, Cole eats me out again. He sometimes even puts his mouth over my hole when it begins to run. He kid of likes to eat what comes out of me."

I think I told him too much but he got down and watched as the water poured out of my ass. Then, he just pulled it out and licked me. Damn it was hot watching the water shoot out of me and all over his big boney feet.. Big feet, big cock, I thought. I used some body gel on me and got real clean and told him he didn't need to lick my ass.

"I will lick any part of you. I love you man and wish I was Cole. Damn he is lucky to have you and that cock of yours. How big is it?

I told him it was about 11 inches and he gasped a little touching it and saying he wondered if he could get it all in him. I told him not to worry. I thought he should save his pussy for Max..

He kissed me and thanked me again. He was just so damn polite. His folks had trained him to be that way, not with boy on boy sex, but just to serve others and accept his life.

I kissed him lightly on the lips and said we needed to dry off as Cole and Matt would be back soon.

Cole came in and was naked almost before he got the door closed. "Damn, it is hot out there! How's my babe and Ricky?"

"Good. Just showed Ricky how to use the pussy cleaner. He loved it." Cole smiled and said maybe he might want to play with some pussy later. I asked him how his afternoon went. He said it was ok. Classes were ok but he didn't find much when he tried a few places for job applications. "I almost had a girl convinced to give me an application for a men's store, but then her boss came in and said the position was filled. I thought I had her. I did my best smile and all but, she didn't bite."

"We may have to see what Jim and the guys next door do. They don't seem to low on cash." I said.

Matt came home and stripped too. "Man, what a workout at wrestling. Got to shower before the place reeks and you guys kick me out." He said.

I told him he was hot when he was sweaty but as we had a guest, and he had made us a nice supper, better he shower. He grabbed my ass and then my cock and said looks like my little brother needs something." I smacked him lightly and said I didn't need anything he had, pointing to Cole.

He laughed and went to shower. Soon he was back and Ricky was finishing up the dinner. "Man it smells so good. " we all commented.

Ricky said it was something Hispanic and he hoped we all liked it. "I don't know much about regular anglo cooking but I can make Rican stuff."

We sat down to eat. Ricky was our naked waiter. "Just don't get no pubes in my stuff but I like a naked waiter." Matt said.

We all ate and it seemed Ricky held back making sure we got enough. I told him we share equally and he was to do so too. It was great food with chicken and rice and stuff. We talked about trying to find jobs and we all reported on our lack of success. We all agreed that we would hear out Jim and his roommates and see what they were doing that paid so well.

Around seven, the doorbell rang. We just yelled it was open and come in. Good thing it was Jim and the roomies. They all laughed as we were naked. They shrugged and stripped off too giving us a chance to view their fine bodies. They grabbed some sodas and we sat around the living room. I was still waiting for Max's call so I kept my phone handy.

Jim, Chip and Andy, the three from next door, all sprawled out. Damn. They had nice bodies all pretty tanned and very trim. Jim had some hair on his body but only a light dusting. He had a decent cock that was surrounded by nicely trimmed pubes. Chip I had seen before and he was very good looking too. He was pretty sparse in the hair on his body but he had a nice 6 pack and some trimmed hair in his pits. His cock, like mine, was shaved. Andy was the most average. Thinner and with a flat belly and some definition to his pecs. Nice hairy legs too. If I didn't have Cole, the best looking of all of us, I would be happy nursing on any of their dicks. Boy, I'm a real fag I thought as I perved on their bodies but then they were doing the same to us. I introduced Ricky and they all bumped fists. Chip had brought a case of beer so we all had one. Cole sat behind me so I just laid back in his arms feeling his great sexy body .

"Well, I guess you wanted to know about jobs. Not sure it is for you guys but this is what we do." Jim began. "See most jobs around here are minimum wage with shitty working conditions. We found a bar that hired us to do male erotic dancing. WE work mostly weekends and get great tips. We expanded it a little and now do what they call, escort services. Mostly guys, but some women have contacted us, hire us to come to them in their hotels or we even let a few come here, and we, well , give them some pleasure. Between the two jobs, we make a killing. People love to be able to touch us. They think it is pretty hot and we don't mind. They tip good at the bar when we dance."

"If you can call it dancing." Chip said. "Mostly just a bump and grind in our jocks or underwear, depending on our mood."

Holly, shit, you mean you guys are strippers or male whores?" Matt blurted out.

"Well, we don't like to think of ourselves as whores. We just let guys enjoy our bodies, not much different than what you guys do, I bet, with either women or boyfriends. I know it isn't for everybody but their sure is lots of demand even in a university town." Andy offered.

Matt seemed real intrigued. He thought of himself as a big stud and figured he could make lots of cash. Ricky hung back. This whole gay thing was new to him and he was even a little reluctant to get naked in front of even us, but he did. He was pretty shy. Cole and I listened. I worried that this might back memories of his abuse. I was a little shy myself and wondered if anyone would want me or if I wanted to do anything like this. It was all kind of surrealistic to me.

Andy, who claimed to be bi, said we should check out the bar first. They were going to perform tomorrow night and we could come and see. I asked about us being only 18. Could we even get in. "Yeah, he said. Lots of students do but we couldn't drink there. We would get a different color band. He was 21 so he could drink. The others were not of age so they couldn't drink either. He said he rarely drank though unless a customer bought him a drink. He just didn't want to lose control. None of the guys had any inhibitions about it though once they got used to it. They just thought of the money and didn't care if others saw them almost naked. He suggested we just go watch for one night, maybe meet the owners and see if it was for us.

Jim did tell us they wanted to set up their own web site for the `escort service' to handle bookings and all. They were working on it but needed some help. I looked to Ricky and whispered that was something he could do. He looked a little uneasy but nodded that he could do it.

I told them about Ricky's skills and the guys were all interested. "Hey, man, you could do both. With your big dick and all, if you wanted you could take this over for us and when you wanted, you could get lots of guys who would love to use you. Many of the guys, especially the older ones, just want to suck a young dudes dick. Being uncut, that may be something quite novel to them."

Ricky smiled and said he didn't know yet. He was just a guest here and didn't know how long he would stay. I didn't want to go into his issues so I said nothing but smiled at him indicating he was ok no matte what he decided.. I think he wanted to hear from Max and get his insight.

The prospect of easy money just for showing off our bodies did offer some intrigue. I knew Cole and I would have to discuss this more, but figured Matt was on board.

After another beer, we all had to do some school stuff so we called it a night. Jim said he would see me at lab the next morning. We gave one another the bro handshake and the our new neighbors went home.

I also had to consider that Dustin was coming up with my parents. WE didn't want to say a word to him and even more so, we didn't want to tell my folks.

We knew we had some thinking to do. After studying some, we all retired. Ricky went off with Matt. I wondered what might happen there. Cole and I went to bed and did some petting. I wanted to discuss this more with him but decided we needed to wait until morning.

End of chapter 4

Next: Chapter 24: Todds Senior Year Awakening II 5

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