Todds Senior Year Awakening

By rob roberts

Published on Aug 21, 2013


Todd's Senior Year Awakening – Part 2 the Start of College Chapter 3

This is a gay work of fiction. It belongs to the author so no part can be reproduced without permission. If you are under 18, or it is illegal to read where you are, please stop now. Comments? Send hot

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Chapter 3

The day started as usual. I stretched my body and felt my lover Cole, licking my ass. Damn it was so nice and better than any alarm clock! I smiled as I looked down my naked body seeing my cock already hard. He was licking in earnest. He usually didn't stop until I told him too. I think he liked to think of himself as some kind of slave boy. I had constantly told him as wasn't but I think he liked it. He said it made him feel needed and wanted. I told him he was wanted if he never ate me again. I let him eat more before telling him I was going to cum if he didn't stop. He laughed a little, at least I think it was as his face was buried in my butt. I jokingly said `slave boy. Come up here" He looked up and did as told . I just took him in my arms and played with his body as he licked me on the face and I pushed him back on his side and just dove in and licked his pits. There was that nice male smell, just a hint of sweat but basically, clean. "fuck, I was hoping for some real heavy sweat in there", I mumbled eating it and letting the pit hair tickle my face. He laughed and told me if I wanted him not to shower he would do it as long as I asked. "Nope. I want you clean so everybody wants to have you and then I can real in the leash and just make them drool. He laughed and said he would wear a collar and leash if I asked him too. I told him that the neck chain I had given him was just enough. He wore it constantly. I pulled him over and kissed him tasting my own ass on his breath but I didn't care. "Think I better wash my pussy. You shouldn't have to eat it dirty." I told him. I told him to lay back and raise his legs which he complied with and them got behind him to admire the hair on his ass and around his twitching rosebud. I just pushed in letting the pre cum be the lube. He moaned in pleasure as I bottomed out in him. I kind of rabbit fucked him with him groaning slightly. I didn't want to hurt him though but knew I would cum fast. We both shot loads, his in my chest and mine in his pussy. Just about then, Matt stuck his head in and just said "fuck, I missed out." He laughed a little as we took notice of him stroking his nice cock.

"Wanna play, big bro?" He came in and sat on the bed and rubbed Cole's leg and looked at my cum leaking out of him. "You guys. Damn. I didn't get any last night and am horny as fuck."

"Come on over. I'll even let you stick it in me," I offered.

He didn't take a moment before he mounted the bed and put his nice big dick to my hole. Cole got off the bed and went behind him and began to lick his ass and hole as he pushed in to fuck me. It felt pretty good and he fucked me hard. "This is how I love to treat all my bitches." Matt was really into it. I wasn't sure I wanted to called his bitch but loved his fat cock up my hole. He moaned in pleasure as Cole ate his muscular ass sticking his tongue in far. He wouldn't have done it without me there but I knew he loved to eat boy ass and it made Matt just so much hornier . He shot his load in me and slowly pulled out. Cole reached down and licked his dick clean tasting Matt's cum and my hole again.

"I don't know how you do that man. I can't eat pussy much but maybe I need to learn. Plus, you ate my cum and whatever was in Todd's pussy. But, if you like it, man you can eat me anytime. No girl does that for me."

We all laughed and Cole simply said he liked my pussy and the anything that was there was ok with him. "You'd probably eat his shit too. Man, you guys!" Cole said he loved all parts of my body and anything that gave him some of me made him happy. Matt just shook his head as we all got up and headed to the shower to take care of our morning business. Cole even held my cock as I peed in the commode bending over to lick off the last drops. "Got to keep my man, happy and ohhh, he tastes so good!"

I blushed a little . We shaved what little hair was on our faces still keeping our somewhat boyish looks. Cole had to do a little more and I shaved a few hairs that sprouted on his body. I loved that he liked looking youngish and anyway I wanted him.

After brushing our teeth, we all went out naked to the kitchen where I said I would make some food for us. I checked out the refrigerator and cooked us some eggs, bacon and toast. Matt got orange juice and Cole made us coffee. He then flipped on the tv to watch ESPN and we all joined him eating our food. Matt and Cole both complimented me on the food and Matt added I could be any guys bitch anytime making food and keeping the place clean. "We could tie a duster on your cock and you could clean the place. I bet you could even reach high places with that thing!"

"Just jealous that I got it all.' I smirked. We all laughed and Matt slapped my butt. I feigned pain but was happy that all of us were happy and in a good mood.

We checked our schedules and hated to got dressed to go to class but it was essential. After all, that is why were there.

We went off to class with Cole and Matt going to English and me going to my advanced placement class is science. It was very exciting to me to be on campus and seeing so many hot looking people. The classes were good and I hauled out all my needed equipment that I had brought along. I flet a little nerdy actually but didn't want to not be prepared. I was happy to see one of my neighbors, Jim, in my class and we sat next to one another for the lecture. After, we divided into lab partners and Jim and I decided to work together. I didn't know if he was gay or not but seemed pretty nice anyway. Plus, he was hot looking. I could remember his nice body when we met in the apartment the day earlier. We chatted some and he never asked or said anything about me and Cole being lovers. I knew he had figured it out but then he had an apparent gay roomie too. After class, Jim said the class was fun and he liked having someone there he knew. The rest of the morning went pretty well as I met up with Matt and Cole for a second class and then we went to have a coffee in the Student Union. Cole was attentive as always getting my coffee for me. He almost did too much to make me happy but I so loved him. I just couldn't figure out his pleasure in doing anything I asked. He was always smiley and got many glances from both girls and guys. I knew he could have anyone he wanted.

We chatted about the school. Matt met a girl or two and chatted them up. I told Cole about meeting Jim in my class . he looked a little worried and I had to take his hand and tell him he was all I needed but we both needed to have some friends on campus. He agreed but I knew he was worried a little. We went our separate ways after coffee and agreed to meet back at the apartment around lunch time. As Cole left me, I saw a girl drop something. He picked it up and gave it to her. I knew it was a ruse to get his attention but he was as always charming and they walked out together. I opened my computer and began to do a little research on submissiveness. I loved Cole and had done so much to try to make him feel strong in his own way and not to view himself as my `slave boy'. Yet he persisted in it.

I found that some people, some you would never guess, just had that nature about them and always wanted to please. It also seems that those who had a tough childhood often needed to please just hoping for love back. It occurred to me that this probably was Cole's thing as he was treated so bafd and lived in such fear of his father. First he took to sports, something he was so good at but then, needing more love and affection, had gravitated towards me as I apparently showed him lots of attention and most importantly, love. I still wondered if he was truly gay or just that as a result of being used so much sexually in gay movies when he was young, if that he never accepted the idea that maybe he wasn't gay. Yet, he had had girlfriends in high school and he confided in me that they just never did anything for him. Yet, he got so hard and when we had guy sex. Maybe he truly did love me and it all wasn't just that he felt he had to submit to me as his father told him he must. That was all history though and certainly he could be his own man now. He did seem so appreciative of all the help I gave him on his school work. He had said over and over that he might not have made it out of high school without me. Hmmmmm. I just knew I loved him and would do anything for him as he professed to do for me. Now, he made no bones about showing his love and coming out to even a few of his old buddies from high school. No, it must be he was truly just a submissive type guy and apparently there were no secrets he was hiding.

I finished classes and stopped by the library to find a few things for a paper that was already assigned. Wow, what a library. It was huge and made what we had in high school look like pretty small potatoes.

After that, I went back to the apartment. I saw our neighbors and waved. They apparently were a little like us and certainly wore few clothes around home. That made me smile. I knew we were in the right place. Maybe they did some guy on guy stuff too.

Entering our apartment, I found Cole stretched out on the couch reading a textbook. Of course he was already naked wearing just his cute Harry Potter glasses. He looked like some ad model but was intently reading his book. I was so glad I got him over the idea of wearing glasses. He needed them to read and was too vain before I insisted, to wear them. That may have been part of his problem in school. Now he seemed ok with them and I had told him it just made him sexier which made him smile his gorgeous smile.

I said he and went over and gave him a kiss. He immediately pulled me close and our tongues met. Damn he had a sexy mouth and he tasted so good. "A little formal, aren't you?" he asked. I knew he wanted me naked too and I was happy to comply. I pushed my back pack over and let him take my clothes off. As I went commando, it didn't take too long. Soon, we were in a tight embrace cock to cock and I felt his hand grope my heavy low hangers and as he did, he asked me to fuck him. I was only too happy to comply and pushed him back on the sofa where his legs immediately went up exposing his beautiful tight pink hole that was surrounded by little hairs. I first went in with my mouth and licked his hole and he moaned. I knew I couldn't wait too long and pulled back just enough to gently slide my dick in his pussy which was so warm and tight. I began to fuck him slowly but he wanted more and I increased my speed. He rarely used lube anymore and just took my thick meat like a real slut. Gawd, what a feeling. I released into him at least four blasts of my boy cum. He was smiling at me and pulled me close as he shot his load toward my stomach. Damn it was hot and we could fuck anywhere we wanted without worrying about my folks. Ah, independence!!! I knew we would fuck and make love, maybe they are the same actually, but we were wild in our abandon. I licked up his cum that was dripping off me back on his abs. He tasted os good. I knew he was leaking cum from his tight hole in spite of his efforts to keep it in.

"That's what I needed!" he sighed. Maybe you could fuck me after every class. But I know it will be hard to stay focused. We cuddled a bit kissing and me eventually burying my face in his pit hair. It smelled so nice yet with boyish sweat from our trist. I loved the taste and feel of it.

"Maybe I should trim my pits some," he offered.

"No, I love your hairy pits. Could bury my face in there all day." I responded. He shrugged and said whatever I wanted was ok but he didn't want to look to hairy. I sucked on his nipples and said he was fine. He held me close and we napped for a bit. I woke up first and suggested we take our stuff for schoolwork out to the pool and check that out. He thought that was fun. He told me he was thinking maybe he should try swimming or track. I asked about basketball and he said although he was pretty good, he didn't feel he would make the team and actually didn't want to anymore. "That was part of the old me. I think maybe I should try something different." I shrugged and said it was ok with me, not that he needed my permission.

"I don't want to do anything that will make you unhappy," he replied. " I would only do it if you said it was ok." I decided not to start on the idea of him being so subservient to me and said I would love to see him in his nice little speed o and watch as everyone swooned. He laughed and said he wasn't that hot. I told him if he only knew. We laughed and put on swimsuits. I was surprised he wore the rather tight little squared off one he had as I pulled on board shorts. It was his decision though. We grabbed towels and went with our books, out to the pool. We saw Jim there and sat with him in lounge chairs. I rubbed the sun block on Cole and Jim asked if I would do him too. Never wanting to be difficult and enjoying touching his body as well, I did it. Cole then did me reaching down into my shorts a little. " got to make sure nothing burns", he joked.

We sat and chatted a bit. Was glad we were all together. As we lay in the sun, I heard my cell phone ring and looked to see who might be calling. I figured it was Mom or Dad checking on us but was surprised to see Ricky's name pop up. I said that this was a surprise.

I answered and heard Ricky's soft voice come on. He seemed like he was troubled. I asked him what was wrong and he said he had a problem. I told him to tell me what it was.

"I got kicked out last night. My folks found some stuff on my phone from Max. It was kind of sexy and a picture of himself naked. They asked me about it and said I was no good if I sent or got pictures of naked guys. The note was very sexy too. Anyway, they told me if I was a faggot, they had no use for me as I would be a bad influence for my sister. I tried to tell them it was just a joke but they wouldn't hear of it and told me to get out. I don't know what to do." He sounded so alone and desperate.

I told them I thought his parents were being very mean and that I would help if I could. He told me that his parents `wondered' about him as he never dated any of the girls from his church. He had tried to lie and tell them he just was not interested and preferred to do his computer stuff. They didn't buy it however and now, had evidence. They had taken his cell phone and he was calling from one of the few pay phones he found. They gave him 30 minutes to pack his stuff and get out. He cried and I felt so bad for him. Fortunately, the car was his and he had paid for it although it wasn't much. I knew I couldn't keep him on the phone long as it was long distance and he would surely run out of coins. Without asking Cole, I told him to try to get to us. It was a long drive but surely he couldn't stay in his car. He thanked me so much for helping him. He promised he would not stay long and interfere. I told him it was ok as there was an extra bed in Matt's room. He said he would start out right away. He thanked me so much and told me he owed me big time. I told him that as a friend, he didn't owe me anything. I was just sorry to hear what happened. I let him go as I knew the call was costing him but told him to call me back if he had any trouble. He thanked me again and sounded relieved that he had somewhere to go.

I immediately told Cole and apologized to him for letting Ricky come without his permission. He kissed me not caring who saw, and said the apartment was for both of us and he didn't mind." Plus, Ricky is a cute dude and I like him." he added smiling. "Just don't let that big cock of his get too much of your attention!" We both laughed and I kissed him and told him he was so good. He liked that I think.

We used the pool some , chatted with Jim and we both admired Jim in his speed o swimsuit. Cole finally said we needed to study. I was so proud of him for realizing the need to do school work. I think my influence with him was paying off! We went back to the apartment after saying our good byes to Jim and stripped naked and sat around reading. I stayed in a different chair to avoid wanting to grab my lover and have more hot sex. Matt came home from his classes and told us he was joining wrestling again. He said he really wanted to get back into the sport. We encouraged him. He immediately noticed our nakedness and stripped off as well. He just shrugged and said he might as well do as the Romans did when in Rome. We laughed but had no sex. Matt studied some too. We also told him he was maybe getting a roommate as Ricky was in trouble and needed a place to crash. He was ok with it but said he hoped he might have the room in case he wanted to bring somebody over for, well, you guessed it, a little sex. Matt was still into hot girls and with his good looks, found them not to hard to come by. He said he might let us savor him some too, but only if we were lucky! Such a cocky kid he was. We told him we didn't know how long Ricky would stay but if needed, he could sleep in our room when necessary. Matt was good with that. "You guys are all about guy sex. You gonna let him fuck you guys?" We didn't promise anything as we still felt he was Max's guy and couldn't think of doing something behind Max's back when he was so far away. I decided to be up front and tell Max on our next call assuring him that we were mainly giving Ricky a place to stay until he sorted things out.

After a little lunch, kind of late in the afternoon, we got another call from Ricky saying he thought he was maybe an hour away. I told the guys that I would make something if we had any food. We checked out our supply and found it lacking so Cole and I dressed and went to the grocery. We picked up some pasta and sauce and stuff to make a salad. We wanted to buy some beer or something but not being of age and not knowing anyone well enough to ask, simply got sodas and some milk.

Cole was always willing to help and made the salad while I cooked the food. Matt kept us amused with his stories of checking out hot girls and told us he set himself up with one he liked for a date. We told him jokingly, not to focus so much on pussy that he couldn't do his work. He hit me up for twenty bucks as he as usual was broke. We all talked about needing to get jobs maybe to supplement what little cash we had. We really didn't want hot ask our parents for money all the time as they had already done so much for us. Cole was still waiting to hear if he was getting some money but I reminded him that he wasn't paying for us to live off him. He said he would decide how and what he spent his money on but we wanted him to keep it if and when it came.

We ate our dinner and kept enough back to feed Ricky when he got there. Around 7:30 the doorbell rang and I went to answer it slipping on some shorts to go to the door just in case it was someone else.

I opened the door and there stood Ricky in shorts, tee shirt and gym shoes. I immediately hugged him as he dropped his few possessions on the floor. I pulled him in and Cole and Matt came over naked and hugged him too. He was looking a little sad. I told him we would put his stuff away later but in the meantime, he should come over to eat as I assumed correctly he didn't have much money to stop for food. He admitted he was starving . He was still such a cute, reserved guy. He was thin and his hot Hispanic looks were evident as always. We told him to get comfortable . He looked shy but did strip off his tee and shoes. He looked at us standing naked and finally slipped off his shorts and underwear revealing his naked body. I started to get hard, seeing his hairy crotch and long uncut cock and had to remind myself that he was Max's boy and not mine to play with. He sat down throwing a towel on the chair. He said he didn't want to mess up our new furniture. I knew he wanted to clean out his ass but didn't say anything.

He sat and ate and told us what happened. We felt so bad for him. He felt bad too as he had always been a "good boy" in the eyes of his parents. He know wrestled with the fact that he was outed and felt maybe he had betrayed his parents. I saw a few tears choked back as he told us his tale. I went over and hugged him and I knew he was crying out of despair and sadness and now having no where to go. I said he was like family to us and he could count on us to help him.

Once done with dinner, he asked if he could shower as he felt so dirty and smelly. I knew he hadn't showered and sensed a little bo on him. It was kind of hot though as I saw his pits and thin tight body. I showed him to Matt's shower and the bed we had for him in Matt's room. Matt did tell him sometimes he might have to sleep with us as he might sometimes, have company. We all laughed and Ricky did too saying he never minded sleeping with any of his `stud brothers' as he now called us.

Freshly showered and looking good, Ricky came back to the living room with his towel around his neck. Otherwise, he was naked. I loved looking at his thin tight body. He wasn't muscular but had a flat tan stomach, some definition to his pecs and his generous endowment of probably 8 or 8.5 inches. He was uncut unlike the rest of us. He had a nice bush of black hair in his pits and around his dick. He had his hairy legs that were not overly hairy but just enough to make him look hot. When I first knew him, I had no idea his loose clothes concealed such a nice body which I knew by now, Max loved. He had recently upgrade his clothes probably to look more like us and to reveal his taught body. Maybe that got him in trouble at home too. Who knows.

He smiled at us and came back. I could still see the look of concern on his face as he began to speak. "I am so sorry to be such a burden and dump on you guys. It's just that I didn't know who else to call. You guys have really brought me out. I just wish this all didn't happen. My folks are such prudes and so conservative and overly religious. They just never figured me to be attracted to guys. I won't stay too long and will get out of you way as soon as I figure where to go."

"You are just fine and more than welcome. Plus you're nice to look at!" I offered.

Cole shook his head in agreement and pulled him over to hug him. "I know what it is like to be on your own and thank god, Todd saved me. You were such a big help with the computers and all. I don't know how I could ever repay you. You are welcome here as long as you want to stay." Cole said with emphasis.

"Thanks again guys. I really appreciate it. You know, I never had friends like you and you let me be me. No judgment. I am so sick of being judged! My damn family doesn't get me and now hates me. I feel bad about that but, well, maybe it was going to happen sometime." Ricky said.

I joined the hug and we all sat closely on the couch. "Ricky, just because we are naked most of the time, doesn't mean you have to be. I know you and Max are a couple so if you have trouble with us being like we are, just say so." I suggested.

"No, man. I love it. I feel so free and know you guys don't hate me. Just wish I looked as good as you though. I got to work out or something."

"You're fine and hot looking. Any boy would be proud to have you." Cole said

"I want to do something to help. I don't have any money but I will clean and maybe cook if you want me to." Ricky offered.

"That's ok. Just do your share and we can't get mad. I should call Max and tell him where you are or you can if you want." I said.

"I thought of that but didn't have enough charge to do it so yeah if you don't mind, call him while my phone charges. That is unless my folks cancelled it. Tell him I will call him though later. I really miss him so and want to tell him everything."

I agreed and dialed Max. With no answer, I left him a voicemail and told Ricky.

I was surprised when he didn't answer or call me right back. He always did that. I just figured he was busy with his new living arrangements in a new city and figured he would call me later as he sometimes did. Ricky plugged his phone in to charge and we all talked about nothing important other than what had happened to Ricky. I sat on the couch with Cole kind of sprawled out so I could play with his junk. I could see Ricky start to get boned to so I took his cock in my other hand and stroked it lovingly. It was long before we all had boners and Cole said if I kept it up, he would shoot all over. We all laughed and I bent over to kiss him and lay on his hot body. Ricky smiled and said it was ging to be tough for him to be around such hot naked guys. He hoped he wasn't intruding.

Matt soon came home and saw us and hugged Ricky and after stripping off his stuff, joined us to chat. He had gotten some beer and we all had one. I didn't think it a good idea to have more as I knew the effect beer had on me and didn't want to get crazy or be to shit faced for school in the morning.

We had a nice time chatting and Matt told us about his possible new girl friend. That boy works fast I thought. He did add that he wasn't opposed to getting sucked off though and Ricky said he would love that. Cole and I went to our room and cleaned up a little before we got into bed and continued our romantic interlude from before. Cole asked me to fuck him. "I need a hot stud to fuck my pussy", he begged. I so loved him when he did that but felt I was just lucky to have him. He was more a stud than me!

"Make me suffer some. No lube. I like it when you go in dry and just my pussy juice and your pre cum are all I get." He said with a sexy attitude. He loved to be submissive and I took full advantage and fucked him good. His moans were such a turn on for me I came in his `pussy' as he called it and then started to lick it out. He said he wanted to eat me too but I told him I was loving doing it to him.

After our sex, we cuddled and fell asleep in one another's arms ,y face buried in his sexy pits. After awhile, It occurred to me that Max hadn't called me back. Hmmmm. I wondered if maybe he just called Ricky so I just fell asleep glad we were able to help our friend and enjoy another sexy guy in the apartment.

Next: Chapter 23: Todds Senior Year Awakening II 4

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