Todds Senior Year Awakening

By rob roberts

Published on Jul 31, 2013


This is a fictional story of gay erotic sex among young guys. Please don't read if under 18 or where illegal to do so. Comments? send to Please make a contribution to Nifty to keep the site going.thanksrob

Chapter 2

After the guys left and it was just the three of us, I began to put things away and Cole helped. Matt of course was off to explore the campus and meet people. Sometimes I wished I was so outgoing but then with Cole nearby, well, who cares. I had all the guy I needed!

We even put away some of Matt's stuff in his room. Our stuff, Cole's and mine went into the master bedroom which we were sharing. No point using the extra bed in Matt's room. I was looking forward to some pretty hot nights. Damn, my cock was hard again. Matt said he would call us later for maybe a late dinner. We were good with that.

I was finishing up some of the stuff in the kitchen and noticed Cole sprawled out on the couch. He was following rules and was naked wearing only his sexy Harry Potter glasses and reading over some papers. I called over to him asking what he was reading. He looked so hot on the couch with his nice cock, although not hard, but hard enough, laying over his thigh. MMMM, I thought.

"Just reading some stuff so I know where to go on the first day." Most of our classes were together so that wasn't a problem and I told him we would check out the buildings on Sunday for Monday classes. Matt and Cole had a few together as well when I had a few upper class courses due to taking AP in high school. He looked over to me and smiled his gorgeous model smile that made me melt any time. He knew it too and didn't mean to distract me but always did. "Come over and keep me company. Maybe we can find something to watch on t.v." he beckoned to me.

How does one resist that offer so I put down the few items left and came in. I was tired anyway what with the long drive, meeting new guys and getting settled. I went over and kissed him and he tongued me moaning softly. I plopped my naked body down but closer to his sexy feet. I just took hold of a foot and began to rub it. "Oh, damn, that feels so good, babe. Do the other one too." He bent over and began to lick his sexy toes and foot while I rubbed the other one. I looked up and saw his contented look and pulling a toe out of my mouth, asked which he liked better, tongue bath or massage.

"Oh, man, I love `em both!" I continued to suck on his toes and enjoyed the slight smell of feet . " Sorry, they aren't cleaner, babe. I was working and all."

"I love the smell of any part of you and want to lick your whole body." I said moving closer. "Oh, dam, this is so hot!"

"Babe, that is hot and I love it when you play with my body but `ya know, I should be doing you." He murmured. I moved up kissing his legs, savoring the hair on them. I could never figure out how he had hairy legs, crotch and butt and pits but no hair on his body and very little on his arms." He was like a Greek god to me and I always felt inferior even though I had bulked up some and now had a decent chest too. Not like his, as his body was human perfection like a Greek statue.

I laid myself on his body and he smiled and mussed my hair a bit. "gawd, you are beautiful." He said as he embraced me pulling me closer and letting me feel his hot body. I didn't think I was so beautiful or even that handsome compared to him. His model good looks however, what partially got him in trouble forcing him to lead that double life he had that I fortunately, was able to eventually save him from. Yet, he seemed to show me so much love and it was like nothing I had ever experienced. "Let me make love to you." He whispered.

I just moaned and he pushed up his athletic, strong body. Let's go to our room so we won't be interrupted by Matt if he comes back soon. I of course, agreed and we padded out bare feet and naked bodies as well to our bedroom where the king sized bed awaited us. I still couldn't believe we were living in such a nice apartment and the furnishings, well, it almost made me cry.

He pulled me close and then gently, laid me on the bed. I said we should take the cover off and he frowned saying ok but he wanted to have me in him soon. I got up and pulled the covers back quickly with one hand, the other on his hard chest and his soft yet gorgeous nipples. I grabbed his hand and we gently lay down on the clean sheets. "No cum stains on these yet," I joked. We will take care of that problem soon enough," he joked back.

With me under him and him on his hands and knees, I looked up to smile at him as he brushed my hair so gently and murmured how lucky he was. I ignored it and reached for his hot chest feeling the strength of it and his ripped abs. It almost made me cum. He wouldn't let me do anymore as he was rock hard too but instead began to give my whole body soft gentle kisses. His lips were so warm and moist.

He licked me all over moving down to kissing and then sucking my toes. I looked down and realized again how big my feet were with long toes, the second toe reaching beyond my big toe. He suckled each one and then used his tongue to move up my body licking the soft hairs I had there before going to my crotch area and smiling as he rubbed his face on my huge cock. " I bet some horses would be envious of this baby' he joked as he licked the wet off the tip of my cock. I smiled now appreciating the size and girth of it . It had always embarrassed me since it developed. I was always trying to hide it in school locker rooms as it was so much bigger than the other guys that they called me donkey boy. I felt humiliated but now I was so glad I had it as Cole seemed to love it.

He gently lifted my legs back exposing my hole. It used to be hairless but now sprouted hairs around the pucker and the general anal area. Cole wouldn't let me shave it off as he said when he ate my hole, as he had done all summer, it made me the man he respected and felt should always honor. He dove in and began to eat me with earnest. I loved it when he did and had not had him eating me earlier as I had gotten up early to see Max. I lay there and enjoyed how he licked and stuck his tongue up my hole moaning with pure joy. I had told Cole he didn't need to do that as it might be dirty or sweaty in the morning , yet he did it for me everyday saying he needed to do that for me as it showed my control over him and his respect for me. I hadn't liked when he said it as it made him sound like my slave or some shit like that but yet he persisted and now I looked forward to it. He would only enter me with his 7 in cock when I told him he could. Again, he said it was my choice but only if I asked him to. He should have been the dominant one as he was the jock star in high school and could command anything he wanted yet, he said he was over that crap and wanted to be submissive to me for all the love I had given him as well as what I had done to help him with his life and to get through school. Actually, any guy should love the kind of treatment I got but I always felt inferior to him. He didn't see it that way though and just ate me with all his passion until I was squirming so much I thought I would shoot my load. He knew what that meant and backed off licking my body before turning and asking me how I wanted him. "On your back so I can see your beautiful face," I replied and he dutifully rolled over and spread his hairy legs wide. Before entering him, I licked his hairy hole and he moaned. "Take me with no lubing", he said. "I need to feel the force of your cock in me and don't deserve too much lubing." I paid little attention eating his hole and spitting in it. We had long ago stopped using condoms as he had been tested after he shared how often he had been fucked for his father's illegal movies. He was fortunately clean and no we only fucked one another or with my brothers. I put my engorged dick to his hole and began to enter him making him moan. I was so happy that he wanted me and couldn't wait to fill him with my sperm. Now, he even asked if he could was it out. If I didn't tell him to, he would leave it there to drip out. He said he wanted to know and even let others know, he was my pussy boy and he didn't care if it hurt him or that cum would drip out of him all day. Naturally, I had him wash his pussy out unless I ate my own cum from it, most of the time.

I began to fuck him with passion and leaned over to kiss him as I held his hands down making him totally mine. It was a feeling of power maybe but to me it was just passion. I knew he would let me do anything I wanted to him. He had taken to not wearing underwear any longer as I had asked him to do once and said he liked the feel even if it was sometimes embarrassing for him. He got hard easily but with no underwear, it was easy for me to open his fly and play with him even in public places.

All those hot thoughts made me want to cum. I hated to end it but felt my balls churning with their full load and shot loads in him. I slowly pulled out and he immediately pulled me down so he could lick my cock clean. How could I ever have gotten so lucky, I thought, to have the hottest stud in high school as my lover! He just moaned quietly while cleaning the dregs of cum off my cock and tasting his own ass!

Fuck, it was any boys dream! After that, he pulled me close and we kissed and I tasted my own cum on him . We kissed and hugged for a while before I just pulled him close. "We should nap a bit before Matt gets back he said. I was tired so he rolled over so I could put my cock to his pussy and we drifted off to a contented sleep.

About a half hour later, Mom called to see how we made the trip. I didn't want to chat really but decided she need to talk to me and being so grateful for all she had done for me and my lover, I did. Nothing important was talked about but it was nice to hear her voice. That call ended with my little brother Dustin calling to tell me about his day. After ding all the lawn work, he had gone out with some of the guys I introduced him to and had fun at the beach meeting a hot girl he said he exchanged numbers with and then he mentioned a guy I didn't know too well who he said seemed interested in getting hooked up with him too. "You mean a gay guy?" I asked. "Yeah, think so. He's pretty hot and plays tennis. I think he may have swam too." Anyway, they were going out for pizza later and I was glad he had found some cool kids to hang with. He ended the call saying how stoked he was to be coming to campus next weekend for the football game, the first of the season and couldn't wait to spend time with Matt and me again. I was glad for his happiness but I knew he wanted to hang with us at the apartment and probably have some sex with us too. It made me smile to think how he had gone from an abused kid to fitting in so well and then being adopted by my folks. He was a tough little hombre but we all knew, inside he had a heart of gold and was so happy to have a family again.

That call over too, I laid back down and snuggled up to my lover putting my cock at this hole. I was amazed that even in his sleep, it seemed to wink at me and partially opened. I could fuck him again but decided to sleep so I just left my cock there, reached over and played with his junk until I slept.

We must have slept about another 40 minutes when I heard the door open and knew Matt was back. "Where are you bitches?" I heard him say as he bounded in to the apartment and dropped his stuff off. I heard him coming but no longer made any effort to hide what I was doing. He just opened our door without knocking and smiled and said he figured we would be fucking or some shit like that.

I just said calmly, "Hi, Matt. Have a good time roaming the place?" He said he had and then told us about the neat student union complex complete with gy that he said was awesome, a pool and all kinds of stuff we would have fun doing like pool tables and all kinds of video games and such. He loved all that stuff more than I did but we all had fun with it. As he talked, he stripped off his clothes and sat naked on our bed waking Cole who bumped fists with him. He didn't care that my cock was still near his ass or that some cum had leaked out of his ass and obviously, Matt could see it and smell the sex we had.

"Wanna grab some food?" Matt asked. We all agreed we were hungry and decided to shower. Matt said my horse cock was still hard so if I wanted to jerk off or something first, we could as he wanted a shower too. I said we were good and got up. Cole got up and I scooped up some cum and was about to lick my fingers clean when Cole grabbed me and ate it. "H'ordouvres, he said laughing. "Man you got the best tasting cum ever. Is it okay if I wash out my ass?" he asked. "Or, do you want me to just spoon it out and eat it."

"Nope. Baby, you know you don't need to ask. Let's shower together and I will clean you up." I offered and we went into our shower and cleaned up.

Getting dressed in shorts, flip flops and tank tops, we met Matt who was dressed the same. We grabbed keys to Cole's car and headed out to check out the food venues in the area. We found a place with wings and stuff like that and ate outside on their patio. Again, we got glances from a few coeds and I think a guy or two. We did look pretty hot and were all proud of our bodies. One guy came by and dropped his stuff right in front of us, bending over and showed us his nice ass. Covered of course, but we got the idea. He stood up and smiled and asked if we came here often. "Just got into town", Cole replied, smiling his hot smile.

"Welcome to campus. I sure hope to see you guys again." He smiled. He said he was new too and hoped to meet some friends. We chatted about school and agreed to give him our numbers as he did. Damn, I thought, this must be gay boy heaven around here. He was nice looking but I had my guys and wasn't looking but knew he was. We actually asked him to sit with us and he seemed so grateful. I think we could have offered him our cocks and he would have sucked them all. He was obviously gay but not to `queenie' or anything. He looked not like a jock, but a kid kind of like me or what I thought myself to be. Actually, I guess I had become a jock with playing basketball and running track and the workouts I had done to enhance my body.I was shocked when before we left, he actually put his hand on my leg and smiled at me. With a look of please call me.

We said our goodbyes and Cole remarked that I obviously had an admirer. I just laughed but he said please don't forget you have me." I actually kissed him and said I didn't need anyone else. Matt coughed awkwardly and we knew he didn't want us to be passionate in public. I knew he was still a closet case but sure didn't mind fucking us or getting sucked off. I wasn't sure if he really was still mostly straight or if he come over to our side. I didn't care. I knew I had crossed over and no longer even dreamed about girls when I jacked off or had sex. I knew Cole was who I wanted all the time and considred myself so lucky to have found him.

We went back home after scouting out some interesting places around campus that we would want to visit sometime. We had four years ahead of us so we knew that would happen.

Matt said he needed to find a part time job once classes were underway. "I need some cash dudes. I spent most of what I made this summer already and can't ask Mom and Dad for more. They did so much already and well, having your dad pay for me too to go here, well, I got to do something." We promised to help him some and Cole reminded us both that he was eventually going to get some money too.

I told them both not to worry as I had some money, not a lot but enough for now. Contented, we went back to the apartment and got ready for classes to start the next day. I also reminded Cole that any money he got was his and he wasn't to be giving it away to me or anyone else. He just smiled and said I want to take good care of you. You deserve that. I smiled back and said just not to go crazy.

What a cool place this was and meeting people was great. Especially, meeting more gay boys like us, well maybe not Matt so much, but Cole and me, well, life was going to be good!

End of Chapter 2

Next: Chapter 22: Todds Senior Year Awakening II 3

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