Todds Senior Year Awakening

By rob roberts

Published on Apr 15, 2013


This is a work of gay erotic fiction about several high school boys. Please don't read if under 18 or where illegal. Send comments or suggestions to rr2254@hotmail.comPlease consider a donation to Nifty to help keep this site alive. rob

Todd's Senior Year Awakening -Ch 2

Chapter 2

I found the notes I wanted for Cole and put them in my gym bag. On the way to school, Matt and Max both asked about the night being the tutor to the super jock. I didn't tell them too much as I thought I really didn't know much and what I saw seemed to be something I shouldn't share. He hadn't asked me not to talk but I really didn't know what to think.

When we got to school, we went our own ways. Of course, Max stayed with me and Matt went to see his friends. We went to the cafeteria to get a coffee. Max and I usually had a latte and talked about whatever. We sat in our usual place and I was surprised to see Cole and a few of his close buddies come in. The surprise was that he got a juice and then came over to me and said good morning. I smiled and said good morning to him. Max didn't know too many of the guys and Cole didn't really know him so introductions were made. Max was really surprised that Cole actually talked to him too. It was a little awkward as we didn't have all that much in common. I broke the ice by telling Cole I had some stuff for him and got my notes out of my bag and handed them to him. I told him I thought he might find some help for his paper there. He smiled at me and said he would look the notes over and wondered if I was free after school. He reminded me there was no practice as the coach would be absent after school. I had promised Max I would do something with him but he quickly said I should go and help Cole if I needed to. Cole smiled at him and thanked him and said he would drive us both home if we needed rides. Max was ecstatic with that. Cole's friends said something about doing stuff after and he interrupted and said he had to get his work done or he would be screwed. They accepted it. After all, he was their star and it seemed like pretty much anything he suggested was the way to go. We agreed to meet at the parking lot door and went our own ways. Cole hung back and thanked me again and said he wanted to be able to help me with my game too. I said thanks, man and we would see one another in P.E. and English. "Maybe lunch too he said.

Max was so impressed. He asked me if I was doing his paper for him and I assured him I was not. Classes went ok. Gym was a little different. The coach had us play work on skills for basketball. I usually didn't get to play too much so I was usually part of the nerd group. The super jocks usually played together and then everyone else. The class was divided into several teams and then drew lots as to who played who. The coach went from team to team and taught skills. I wasn't surprised when Cole was chosen as a team captain along with some of the other starters. It was then the awful wait and get picked. I always felt bad for Max as he was one of the last picked. We waited as the captains chose. Their squads. I almost fell over when Cole called my name in the second draw. I think my mouth fell open but I quickly recovered before spit or something flew out. I went over and he smiled at me . I was further shocked when he asked Max to join us. Here was the school best player and he actually asked two nerds to join his squad! I only hoped I wouldn't embarrass myself.

The teams chosen, and I think with some hard feelings as two of Cole's regular buddies who always played with him, got chosen by other squads. I'm sure there was lots of surprise and I hoped, not bad feelings.

We got together and coach called our team skins and the next team shirts. I hated to bare my chest and I knew Max did as well. Even though I had started to develop some definition, I still felt pretty much like a slug next to Cole and some of the others. We started to play and of course Cole had the ball. We played and I noticed Max was ignored by almost all our team. I was next to him in being ignored when suddenly Cole called a time out and told his guys to stop hogging the ball. We resumed and I got a pass and I passed it back to Cole and he passed it to Max who almost dropped it but he passed it back to Jack and so it went We scored a few shots and mostly Cole scored for our team. After about twenty minutes, The coach said we would spend the rest of the time working one on one with skills. Each first stringer was to take one guy and assign the others to pairs as well. To make more room, we could go outside and use the outside courts as well. Cole called me over and told his best friend Steve to take Max. He suggested we go outside where there was more room. Cole acted like a teacher and helped us all with passing the ball and making some jump shots. I was surprised how much time he spent very close to me helping me improve my game.

When the class was over, we all went to clean up and go to our next class. Cole walked in with me and we talked the whole time. He seemed to ignore his usual buds. Max walked in alone and I called for him. I just didn't want him neglected. Cole waited with me as Max came over and Cole actually complimented him although I'm sure it was a stretch to find much to compliment. Max and I had lockers near one another and Cole said he would see us in the shower. Max sometimes didn't like to shower as he felt so clumsy with all the jocks. I told him he had to as he smelled. I smiled quickly so he knew I was joking but he followed me to the showers. Cole met us there and motioned for us to share one of the big shower heads. The place was certainly not designed for privacy and each shower head was supposed to service three or four guys at a time.

Cole praised us both about our practice. I was surprised how nice he was to Max. I knew he would make Max feel much better. I took in all of Cole's masculinity when he washed. I had to be careful not to stare at his package as we washed and cleaned up. It didn't last long enough for me but then I felt myself chub up a bit and quickly rinsed and grabbed my towel. I almost thought I saw Cole checking me out as well as Max but he quickly looked away and I decided it was just the usual guy checking out guy thing we all do.

I went on to my next class. Max left with a smile for the first time I can remember when leaving gym. My morning went well I thought and looked forward to asking Max how he felt at lunch. Food time arrived and I got my tray and waited as Max chose his stuff which of course was all the wrong foods for a guy in training, but that was Max. When we sat down, I looked at his tray and shook my head.

"What?" was all he said as he gazed over my healthier selections. We started to eat and Cole and his buds came by and said hi. Max was so happy at the recognition that he almost choked on his chips. Cole motioned for his posse to sit with us. They all did as the master said and sat down. Cole sat next to me which surprised me again. He thanked me for the notes he said he started to look at. "With your help, I might actually get a good grade on this paper he said happily." I said I was glad it helped. We talked a little and he talked with all of us. We chatted about the gym class and he told us , Max and me, that we did pretty good. It made Max feel really good and he smiled even when he had a mouth full of food! I told him later it was gross but didn't want to burst his bubble right then.

As we finished lunch and got up to dump our trash, Cole grabbed my arm and I sat back down. "I really appreciate all your help and am looking forward to finishing this paper." With that, he put his arm around me and hugged me in a kind of guy hug. The shocking part was when he placed his other hand on my leg and rubbed it. I was so shocked but found I really liked it when he touched me. My boner started . I said it was no problem, as casually as I could. We both got up and moved on to our next class. Max didn't see the hug but I think noticed him touch my leg. I didn't say anything but looked forward to our after school study session.

School went ok and we were finally dismissed. Max and I walked to the door and he asked me if I knew anything about gay sex. I looked at him with shock. He said he was just wondering. I said as calmly as possible, maybe he should Google it. I wasn't sure where that came from. I had no time to pursue it as Cole came up and said hi. We all talked and went out to his car. I saw Matt and told him to tell Mom I was going to help Cole. He nodded and drove away. I knew he had a wrestling meet that night and yelled good luck. He smiled and said he hoped I would come. He hadn't usually said much about it but I was glad my bro had actually invited me.

We talked about it in the car and Cole said he wouldn't mind going to a match. He felt teams should support one another. I also thought I hadn't talked to my girl friend much. We didn't have classes together so I only saw her in the halls. I had not stopped by her locker or anything. I decided to text her an apology and tell her where I was. Max was so happy. I could see it in his face as we drove out of the parking lot. He made sure he waved to a few of our nerd friends. He thought they would be so shocked to see him with the number one athlete in his car..

We dropped off Max and he thanked Cole for everything. Cole just laughed and said he was very welcome. We drove towards Cole's house and I quickly did my girlfriend text. He asked me about her and I told him we only had a few dates. I asked him about girls and he seemed vague but said he had lots of calls and went out some when time would allow. He said his Dad had to approve him going out on dates. I would have assumed he would have a different hot girl every night. He said that wasn't the case. We stopped and he bought me a drink at McDonalds. He said he owed me big time for helping him. I just said I didn't mind and said I wouldn't want to see him off the team. He groaned but smiled. He did call his dad and tell him I was coming over. I wasn't sure by what I could tell of the conversation, whether his dad was approving of the visit.

He didn't say too much but I sensed his same tenseness as last night. I finally asked if it was ok that I was coming over. He paused a minute and then told me it was fine. He looked at me and saw my concern and finally added that his dad was very strict. He had lots of expectations and when he failed to perform well, his dad got , and he paused, then said, very strict with him. I wanted to change the subject and tell him how cool I thought his room was. He said he had a lot of stuff but he really didn't care about it. He said he really would love to have a life like mine!

I was surprised and said I didn't get half the stuff he got. He didn't say much about it for a few minutes but then asked if he could trust me not to say anything. I shook my head yes and said what ever he told me was confidential. He shook his head and then started.

It seems Cole's mother left the picture a few years ago. He was in the custody of his Dad,, a very wealthy man. He wanted Cole to go to military school but he persuaded his dad to let him stay. "Our house is run like a military installation. I am the only soldier though, he told me. Since his brother left for college, he really had no one. He was expected to tow the line , get good grades, be a super athlete and follow the rules. Any infraction was a demerit and he paid for those each week. I looked at him quizzically. He explained that his father wasn't home too much. They lived with Frank, the butler and a cook. Frank oversaw the household and Cole. Cole said for each demerit he earned either from Frank or his dad, he was strapped each Saturday morning with both of them present. I was shocked. My mouth fell open. He looked at me and I saw a small tear in his eye. He didn't want to explain anymore about it but he said his life was mostly filled with fear of not making it or fear of severe rules. He said he so envied how our family seemed so normal and how he envied me. "All the shit I have doesn't mean much. I never told any of my friends about this. I don't know why I told you but..."

He had more tears in his eyes. It was tough to see this super jock just melting away. I didn't know what to say. "I never told any of my friends. I don't think they care much. I know they would never bend over to help me like you did. See, I'm not to smart. I just pretend to be but classes this year seem so hard for me and I am so tired of struggling. See, you have friends who care about you and I saw how you seem to care about Max and others. I want to care but I really need help and want someone to care and help me not worry and be in fear so much." He paused and wiped a tear out of his handsome face. "You can't tell anyone what I told you. The only other one who knows some of it is coach. That's why he said he would get someone to help me. I can't fail!!"

We pulled into his drive, the gates opened and we went in. Before getting out of the car, I reached over and put my hand on his arm and promised I wouldn't tell anyone and he could tell me anything and it would be our secret. He looked over to me and smiled. I said " let's get this fucking homework done so we can relax!" I wanted to make some light of a situation I couldn't understand really well.

We went in the house. Frank said hello to both of us. Cole told him we would be studying. Frank asked if he had told his dad and Cole said he had. Frank nodded and we went upstairs to Cole's room. He had done a pretty good job of covering up his tears. When we got there, we dropped our bags inside. He came up and apologized to me for being such a pussy. I said it was nothing even though I now looked at his room and thought his life maybe wasn't so great.

Cole got out his paper and my notes I gave him while I kicked off my Vons and my socks. He was wearing flip flops so I decided to follow his lead. He stripped of his shirt and threw it on his bed. I saw what he did and did the same. He started to take off his pants. Remembering what he did yesterday, I wore boxer briefs today. He shocked me as he was naked. He looked over at me as I undid my pants too but he was naked. "I thought you always went commando." He smiled. "Well, I often do but thought you..." and I paused." It doesn't matter if you don't care. I can put some briefs on too." He said. "No, it's fine" I replied.

Actually I loved to see him naked. My only problem was I didn't want to get hard or cum in my pants! Fuck he was gorgeous! I wanted to touch him but decided that wasn't too cool. He just smiled and asked if I wanted anything, a coke, juice water? I said a water would be good and he just strolled over naked as could be to his mini fridge and got us each one. I stood there in my underwear trying to figure out what was happening. I mean, I never cared if I saw a guy undressed before. I never thought about it. Now, I had jerked my brother off, lusted after Max's armpits and was drooling over this hot jock . I didn't know what to make of it. Mostly, I was scared as I realized I hadn't talked to my girlfriend in a day and a half and really didn't care! I just wanted to seek naked guys! Fuck. I must be crazy.

Cole pulled a chair over and I sat down. I couldn't help but admire his cock as it laid between his masculine legs . How was I going to concentrate? He seemed excited though as we began to work on the paper. He shared his ideas and I helped him to put the ideas and the support in the right places. We quickly got into the project and blasted it out. He even put on his glasses. What a hot guy with his studious Harry Potter glasses and totally nude. I wondered what Harry Potter looked like naked! God. I was so fucked up!

The paper was done in not more than an hour. He was so proud of it. I had made a few grammar corrections and he said how smart I was. I had sat in the computer chair to type it for him as I was faster. He stood next to me. I almost came when he put his hand on my naked shoulder. Oh fuck. I was getting hard.

When the paper was finished, I asked if he had any other stuff he had to do. He looked at me sheepishly and said he did. I smiled at him taking in his hot naked body and said we should get to it. I helped him with some math he was working on while I did my homework. I glanced over to see him and laid on the floor with my cock buried so he couldn't see my hardon. After a bit, he suggested we take a break. He went over and plopped himself on his bed with his hands behind his head. I didn't want to get up for fear my boner would stick right out. He said we should get dinner and then go to my brother's wrestling match. I asked if he thought it to be ok with his dad. He said he would call and clear it but he wanted to buy me supper. I told him it wasn't necessary but he said it was the least he could do for me. I thanked him and agreed we should go. I got a text from my girlfriend saying it was ok. She had plans for today anyway.. I wondered what she was up to but decided I really didn't care. I was more interested in being with Cole and probably Max than her anyway.

We finished up all my work and most of Cole's and decided to go out and shoot some baskets. He had a basketball court at his house (naturally) We put on some shorts and grabbed some shoes and went out. It was warm and we played with no shirts. He gave me lots of pointers which were helpful. All were given like he really wanted to help not like he had to or anything. I was real pleased and said I learned a lot. We got a little sweaty and he said we should go in a clean up before we had dinner and went to the wrestling match.

I agreed and we went to his private bath. He didn't hesitate at all to strip off naked and asked if I wanted to go first or if I cared if we showered together. I was a little surprised but then saw the size of his shower. I said either was fine and stripped naked too. I had all I could do not to stare at his hot body. It glistened in sweat as I guess I did too. He looked at me, smiled and we showered enjoying having water come from above and all sides. It really felt good and he seemed to enjoy showing off how it worked. I envied him that shower. He tossed me a towel and I relaxed enough to not get overly hard as I dried myself. He used the neat body spray he had yesterday and let me use some too. He said if he had another bottle, he would give me one. I told him he didn't need to do that.

As we dried our bodies and hair, he offered me a toothbrush to clean up and he did the same. I was just about to put on my thankfully somewhat dried cum spot, boxer briefs when he came up behind me and said I should leave them off. I looked at him strangely and then he shocked me by saying he thought I looked really good naked and thought it might be best to wear just what we needed to be decent for dinner. I think my mouth flew open but I tried to regain composure and compliment him too. I told him I figured every girl at school lusted after him. He laughed and said he doubted it. He stood behind me and I swear I could feel his cock brush on my ass. It made me get rock hard and I felt so embarrassed. I knew he saw it and just said something like all guys get boners. I saw he had the start of one.

He looked me in the eye and said , I really like and trust you. I am so happy you're a friend. I tried to laugh it off and say he had a lot of friends, more than I did but he shook his head and told me most of them would never have agreed to help him like I did. He hoped we could be more than tutor and student. I saw a look in his beautiful brown eyes that I hadn't realized before. I told him I was honored to be his friend and made a silly bow and we both laughed. We got dressed and he called his dad and told him about us going to get some food. He had to apologize for again not eating what the housekeeper had prepared and said he would accept any penalty. I was disturbed by that but had little time to think about it as he grabbed his keys and we went out to the car. I grabbed my bag and shoes. I wore an extra pair of flip flops he had( which were a lot nicer than mine. Mine were the dollar store variety and his were Neiman Marcus quality. They were a little smaller than mine but he said they looked good on me. He told me I had very masculine feet. I thanked him and told him I thought my feet we too big. He said my body would grow into them but he still thought them sexy.

I called my mom and told her of our plans. She was a little surprised but was glad I was going to see Matt wrestle. She told me they would be there as well. Fuck. I felt so good and so lucky. I didn't care what the world was doing but I just liked the way I smelled and looked and who I was with. I was in geek heaven I think if there is such a place.

Cole told me I was no geek when I mentioned it at dinner. We ate at Applebee's and had a healthy meal of salads with grilled chicken and water to drink. I offered to pay but he refused and put it all on his charge card. During dinner we talked. I was surprised that when we were seated, he sat on the same side of the booth as me and moved in kind of close. During dinner, I swear his bare foot touched mine but he never said a word.

We talked about school, basketball, sports and music. I was pleased that we liked some of the same groups and movies. We talked about friends too and I told him how Max and I had been friends since like first grade. He was amazed at the stuff we had done. I asked about his friends and he was kind of cold. He said he had a lot of people he hung around with and who seemed to want to hang around him but he felt most were just there because of how well he had done in sports. He confided in me that somedays, he hated sports and hated being watched. I was surprised. He said he was expected to do well and be like his brother and get some sports scholarship. He laughed and said he doubted he could do the academic work though and would need help. He told me about his brother who he missed. His brother went to a school out west. He said his brother rarely if ever came home. I asked why and he said he wasn't supposed to tell but that his brother was gay and not too welcome at home anymore. I asked if he went to visit him and he said he went once and that was when he found out his brother was gay. I told him that shouldn't matter and he reassured me he didn't care but his father did. He kept the whole conversation about his brother very quiet. I asked him why he told me all this and he said he felt he could trust me. None of his other friends knew and he wouldn't say a thing. I assured him I didn't care and that I wouldn't tell anyone. I added "I wouldn't care if you were gay. I still think you are cool and I appreciated his help with my game."

He didn't say anything but looked at me and quietly said. " I think I may be gay too." I almost dropped my fork. I looked at him and he had a tear in his eye. I told him I didn't care and that I wouldn't tell anyone..

He smiled at me and told me how lately he was confused. He didn't know why or how. He didn't want to disappoint anyone, especially his dad but he had these strange feeling. I sat quietly listening and then told him I understood as I had the seem feelings sometimes and a lot lately. I surprised myself telling him I had perved on Max and his hairy arm pits. He laughed and looked at me with some seriousness then and told me had had perved on me in the shower. I didn't know what to say. I finally gained enough composure to smile and say it was fine and I felt he was hot too. The waitress came with the bill and he paid. While we waited for his charge card, I felt his leg rub mine. I want us to be friends. I really like you a lot and am mad at myself for never really hanging with you before. You made me tell things I never told anyone but I feel better telling you." He said. I wanted to cry or scream or just be happy maybe. I didn't know but I knew I wanted to be next to him. Maybe forever!.

We left the restaurant and started back to school. He asked me if he could tell me his feelings. I promised he could and nothing would come from me to anyone. He put his hand on my bare leg and rubbed it a little and asked if I thought him a loser because what he said. I said he was anything but a loser and touched his hand lightly. He smiled at me and said if we weren't at school he would kiss me. Fuck I had another boner! I did notice he may have had one too. I was shocked at his comment though.

We had to kind of adjust ourselves as we walked into the gym. He told me I was the best person he ever met. I was honored but wondered where this could lead and was this something either one of us might regret later. For now, maybe just finding a new friend to hang with while I sorted out my life would be good and enough. I didn't want him to think I didn't care so I kept my weird thoughts to myself and we just went in as two guys would.

We watched the wrestling team. Our guys were down a little in points but still managed to hold a slight lead. When Matt wrestled we both watched him intently. He was good. I had to hand it to him. He was certainly a better athlete than I was. The whole crowd cheered when he finally pinned his guy. My Mom and Dad, who we sat with, I think cheered the loudest. He came off the mats and stripped off the top of his singlet. He was all sweaty but looked up and saw us cheering. We waved and he waved back and smiled. I think he was glad I came. Cole cheered harder for Matt than he did for any other guy. We both went down and fist bumped him on his victory. He was glad we were there. On the way back to our seats, Cole said to me what hot guy Matt was. "You mean like a sweat ball?" I joked.

"No, I mean he really is a hot looking dude. I see why the girls like him so much"

" A lot more than me." I replied.

"No , you're hot too. I mean if I was looking for a hot dude to date, I would have trouble deciding on you or him." Cole said

"Hey, thanks. I guess you could pick me if you wanted some skinny, nerd type. I'd pick him." I laughed.

"We;;, if the truth be told, I think it would be hard but I think I just might choose you." He laughed and punched me kiddingly in the shoulder. I just smiled at him not knowing what to say but got all tingly inside. My prick jumped a little too. Wow. I can't believe the studliest guy in school just said to me.

"Plus, I think I just learned to really like nerds. They're more real than jocks." He said as we sat down. I wanted a drink and he immediately pulled out his wallet to get me one. I pushed it away and told him I was buying this time. He looked at me as if I wasn't for real and asked him if he wanted something else too. "

"Nope, he said, just a water. I got us both a bottled water and we watched the rest of the match.

On the way home, he said it was really fun to go with me. I looked surprised and he told me his usual hangout guys always wanted him to buy them stuff or talked about pussy or how they were going to get wasted . "You never talked about anything and you bought me a water and all. I told him it was hardly a big purchase and that I wanted to do it. Plus, My buds rarely went to stuff like that and I was so glad we went together..

He smiled at me a real sweet smile and said it was the best time he had at a sports event. He hoped my brother came to watch us play hoops this Friday. I corrected him and said he hoped they would see him as I didn't do much other than find splinters in the bench. He laughed and said he was going to do anything he could to help my game and make sure I got played more.

I took it as a nice thought but doubted it would happen. He wanted to know if I wanted anything before he dropped me off. I told him no but was just happy we went together. He said he was happy too. When we got to my house, I started to get out and he pulled me back. "I just want to thank you for making me so happy, making me get my work done and hopefully passing and for, ah, well, just being the guy you are. I really l... ah, I mean appreciate you and glad you are such a friend to a loser like me."

I looked at him and I knew he almost said he loved me. How could that be? But, I got my confidence and moved closer and said. You know, for a jock, you're one neat guy. I love you. I quickly gave him a hug and just the slightest brush of lips on his cheek and told him I would see him in the morning. I was now smiling like a fool.

"Great. Can't wait. " he replied. I got out smiling and went in the house.

My folks came home a few minutes later and Matt was far behind.

"Cole seems like a really nice guy," my dad said. I'm surprised you wanted to help him out and hang out with him.

"Yeah he is. I think he needs a friend and I was glad to help him. Probably will help him some more as we seem to get along." I told them

Matt came in and really pumped and happy as our team had won the meet. We talked about his event again and then just had a good visit as a family.

We went off to our rooms in a bit and Matt poked his head in to thank me for coming. " It was great that you came. Thanks, man. I really appreciate it. I'll come to your game Friday if you don't mind."

"Hey glad you will come but you will probably not see much of me. But Cole will like it. He thought you were great tonight."

Yeah, hey man what's with it with you and Cole? I didn't think you even knew him. And now you are hanging together."

"Yeah, I didn't. Coach asked me to help him with some stuff and I agreed. Cole has some grade problems so I figured I would do what I could to make the coach happy."

"Cool. "

"Hey, you got any plans for Friday after the game?" I asked

He looked at me and then smiled and said I could have it as he really had been using it more than me.

"Got a hot date?" he laughed. "I can clean out the back to make more room for you to lay on." He joked.

I threw a pillow at him and he laughed.

"Hey wanna jerk tonight?" I feel real pumped.

I looked at him and realized I hadn't had my usual two or three jerks all day and told him why not.

He stripped right in front of me and slid in my bed. I pulled off my underwear.

"Hope I don't smell too much. I did shower but it was quick." He said looking my way.

"You're fine. We can shower after. I told him

I liked how he smelt although I couldn't tell him. He smelled like teen boy. I noticed his feet smelled a little and that got me going. For some strange reason, I know found the smell of male feet very stimulating. I was surprised by him reaching over to take my junk in hand and play with it. I did the same then for him. I actually even leaned my head on him to smell his pits better. It didn't take long and we both shot a load. I tickled him a little and he smiled at me. Damn. This turned out to be a pretty cool day for me. I thought.

End of Chapter 2

Next: Chapter 3

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