Todds Senior Year Awakening

By rob roberts

Published on May 30, 2013


Todd's Senior year Awakening - Chapter 19

Please don't read if illegal or you are under age. The story is the property of the author and can't be used without permission. Thanks guys, for reading my little tale. I hope most of you enjoyed it. This is the last installment for now. Let me know what you think.

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Chapter 19

We were into the last week of summer. It had been quite a summer with meeting Dustin and his issues and Cole's trial. Things happened that I never would have imagined. It had made me happy though that I had been involved in helping these two guys and their needs. I was so grateful to Mr. Evans for all he had done for me and especially Cole. Getting a new brother was kind of neat too. I had to thank my folks for that one. I had also discovered guy sex and finally realized I was a gay boy and had no regrets. My family helped in that matter too.

As it was our last week at home, Mom wanted the guest room redone for Dustin although he said he would be happy to use either my room or Matt's. As neither had a job, Dad suggested that Dustin paint it and maybe Cole would happen. Jumping right into it to do anything he could to help, Cole said he would do it and get Dustin to help. I wasn't sure how good a job they would do as I never saw Cole do anything like painting a room but quickly found due to his meticulous standards of hard work, they did a great job. It helped they worked together as they bonded even more. Matt and I finished up our jobs with Matt at the pool and me in the law office. Cole told me that Dustin made numerous passes at him as they worked in just running shorts. Cole still wore no underwear and his dick was prominent enough. Cole told Dustin that he might agree to some sex but only if I gave him permission. I wasn't quite that willing so Dustin remained a little frustrated but he got enough when we were all home

Dustin was real happy that Cole took with him when he got supplies for painting. He even ran into a few old buds who he introduced to Dustin as his new brother. A few were still in high school and Cole felt Dustin would be best if he knew a few people when he started school. Dustin as happy to meet these jocks a few of whom were wrestlers who encouraged him to join up. It was nothing sexual but Cole said Dustin would meet some cool guys. He was also pleased that those who commented on his situation that was all over the press, actually were supportive and no one ridiculed him about what had happened. He speculated that a couple almost came on to him not that it was becoming common knowledge that he was gay. His old demeanor of being smiley and outgoing was returning and I was glad for him. He still professed his love for me and said no one would ever be like me and that he was so happy.

Dustin actually began to hang with some of the new guys he met . He said although he liked guy sex best because you didn't have to buy them anything unlike girls, he would enjoy meeting a few girls too. They went to the beach and hung out at the mall. I knew Dustin really wanted wheels though and of course he had none so he had to rely on us or the new guys he met to take him places. He met up with Zack again and they seemed to hit it off. Dustin asked us if he was gay. We said we didn't think so but apparently he came on to Dustin some. Hmmmm. No new developments I guess.

They got the room done and mom and dad bought a few things for Dustin. Matt and I were almost jealous but came to our senses realizing he had never had all the stuff we had. They got him a laptop for school and I think he christened it but surfing the web for porn. Thank goodness they never asked to see it just like us so he was pretty happy showing off some new stuff he found that we didn't know about.

The big surprise was when we came home from work one day, we found two new Kia Soul cars in the driveway. Cole and Dustin knew but Matt and I didn't . Turns out, they were graduation gifts for us to take to college. They figured the days of sharing the old Honda were over. WE were so excited we almost pissed ourselves. Matt was off in his right away to show off to some buds. I was more cautious wanting to read the owners manual and discover all the features of the car. It even had GPS which would help us find our ways at time. A super stereo and other amenities were also included. Matt's was red and mine black. They looked so cool.

After dinner, Cole and I took mine out to the mall to stop at Starbucks for coffee. We were dressed pretty casually and got our share of attention. We brought Dustin with us and he told us how girls and guys sat out on the patio giving us the eye. "You guys could have had any pussy there!" he exclaimed. I told him they were probably checking him out too and he felt good about that.

While Dustin checked out the eye candy and was some himself, Cole said now that all was over, and he was waiting for his money to come in which took forever apparently, he said he thought he would write to his brother and see if they could resume some kind of normal relationship. I think he felt bad how the last meeting went. I did too and understood his need to want to hang on to some family. I told him he should write him a letter that night and send it to his address we had.

That night, Cole went to what is now our room. I came up a little bit later after chatting with my folks a bit and again thanking them for the new car. I was so happy with it and drove it a little unlike my brother who was driving all over like he had the car forever. Dustin went with him for a joy ride. Alone, I came into our room to find Cole sitting at the desk, naked as ever with his feet up on the desk and wearing just his sexy glasses. I was pleased that he wore them now whenever the need arose. He smiled his gorgeous smile at me as I shut the door. He was working a writing something on a pad. He called me over and asked that I read his letter to his brother. I said I would if he wanted me to and he reminded me we had no secrets. Anything he wrote was my business too. I took the pad sitting on the bed. I put my feet up on his lap and as I read, he licked my toes and told me what beautiful feet I had. I smiled and read as he blessed me with his tongue. The letter was basically his desire to have some kind of relationship with his brother. He didn't want to work for him and be a stripper or do sex videos. He said he hope that was only something in his past he wanted to forget. He said we were going to college but he would like to see his brother and try to act like brothers might and be there for one another. He told him that Mr. Evans was going to work out some kind of cash settlement with the government and when it was done, he would make sure Brock got his half. It was a nice letter. I was pleased that as a result of my tutoring him some, it was pretty well written. He asked if he could send it or if I would be angry. I told him nothing he did made me angry and that I hoped it would work out for him. I didn't really like his brother based on our recent meeting. I felt he was an arrogant prick. Nice big cock though and a pretty hot body. He was a little taller than Cole but obviously worked to keep himself very fit.

I pulled my feet away and reached over and kissed Cole saying I thought the letter was good and he should mail it. He said he would . We went to bed and he made love to me eating me and sucking me . He said he always wanted to have me so close. He said he was having difficulty swallowing my whole cock and asked if it was bigger. Maybe it had grown some. I doubted it but he grabbed a tape measure and it turned out to be over 9 inches long. I was shocked. I had hoped I had stopped growing. I was proud of my junk and my big balls but there is a limit. He smiled at me and said how happy he was to take care of it for me. I came in his mouth. I then sucked him and he did the same. We went to bed a little cummy but happy. He said he loved to lick my mouth when it was full of cum and we shared it back and forth until we got tired and went to sleep.

I worked the next day and Cole got Dustin up and they finished painting the room and putting it together. Dustin said he loved it and was proud of having such a cool room. He did say he wasn't going to sleep there though until we left. He liked sleeping with his brothers. It made us both smile. Mom gave cole some money and they went school shopping. Cole made sure Dustin would look way cool for the start of school. He said he had met a girl from school and hoped they could hang out and maybe she might offer him her pussy. Cole laughed and told him to be careful. "You can fill a guys pussy but when you do it with some chick, she might just give you a little Dustin and your life could get fucked. Dustin thought about that and said he might confine his fucking to guys for the time being but he also like a hot pussy. Cole suggested he work on blow jobs and pussy eating to satisfy him. He also reminded Dustin that Ricky was still going to be around after we all moved out and he could hang with him. "that boys has one nice dick. I bet he'd fuck you." Cole offered. Dustin said he might rather fuck Ricky. They laughed and carried on.

That evening, Max called and suggested we all go to the movies. We hadn't done that for a while. He picked a movie and said Ricky was coming. With only two day left until we departed, I thought it might be fun and Cole and me and Ricky and Max went off. Matt took Dustin but they ended up in a different theatre wanting to see something else. I really didn't care but just enjoyed seeing my favorite buds together.

We got to a cinema complex that offered several movie choices. The four of us said we would meet after the movie and go for some snack. We all wore shorts and tanks and just flip flops. Ricky was so proud of his that I had bought him that he wore them all the time around us. His folks, didn't really approve of some his now current clothes choices so sometimes he had to change. He also, like us, stopped wearing underwear which I thought was cool. He was a pretty hot looking Latino boy with his close almost shave hair and his nice tan complexion.

We walked in finding the theatre almost empy. We choose seat away from the few other people inside. Max went into the aisle first, followed by Ricky then me and finally Cole. We kind of sat in the corner. I liked that so Cole could put his arm around me without drawing too much attention. I so enjoyed the musky smell of his pits near my face and he purposely didn't wear deodorant to enhance his great guy body scent. He knew I liked it. As the show started and the lights dimmed we watched some previews of new movies. I held a box o f popcorn as did Max. It wasn't long before I felt a hand on my leg gently rubbing it. I looked down and saw it was Ricky who had one hand on my leg and one hand on Max's Damn it felt good but a little sexy maybe. Soon the hand didn't go but continued to softly massage me. I kicked off my flips and slumped down some to enjoy it more. The I flet another hand on my right leg and saw it was Cole. Both were now gently rubbing my leg. I started to get a hard on but just enjoyed. Ricky's hand moved up and he entered the bottom of my shorts. I didn't care and just enjoyed even more. Then Cole did the same thing. Not to be out done, Ricky opened up the button on my shorts and then slid the zipper down. I knew he wanted to touch my cock so I just let him . Seeing what was happening, cole began to pull my shorts open wide. They looked at one another and smiled and I felt Cole's finger begin to go behind me and toward my hole. It wasn't long before I was squirming a little and felt him enter me. Ricky continued to play with my cock and soon was also playing with my balls. Cole leaned over and kissed me and then began to slide my shorts down. Now I was sitting with my shorts way down my legs and my bare ass on the chair. As Cole fingered me, Ricky was now stroking both Max and I. Max also had his shorts undone. I don't think he liked it at first but soon his libido took over and he enjoyed it. My cock was now leaking precum and it felt so good and so erotic to have this going on in the theatre. Max looked over to me and just smiled. I could see that Ricky and Cole both had what looked like hard ons too. Cole's fingers up my boy pussy felt so damn erotic. Ricky kept stroking me and leaned over and took Max's little cock in his mouth and licked him. I was hoping no one saw us . I began to softly moan knew I was coming. Ricky sat up and reached for the popcorn and looked at me smiling and said to shoot all over it. I couldn't help myself and did just that shooting a huge load . Max did the same to Max and he shot his load on his popcorn. I then looked at Cole and then Ricky and said I wasnted their laods on it as well. Ricky pulled out his dripping dick and I grabbed it aiming it at the popcorn and he shot all over it joining my cum with his. I then moved it over and pulled Cole's dick out and he shot on it too. There was my popcorn covered in juicy sweet boy cum! Oh fuck it was so sexy. After cumming, Max began to pull his shorts back up but Ricky didn't allow that and we all sat for some time with our big drippy cocks out. WE must have made a little mess on the floor too. Ricky first reached for Max's popcorn and ate some getting that which had cum on it. He then ate some of mine. Cole and I joined in and ate the cum covered kernals. It tasted damn good. Better than butter, I thought!

We watched the movie with my face turning often to savor Cole's pits. I also got to taste Ricky's. I was so happy, it didn't matter that the movie was crappy. I don't even recall now what movie we saw! Ricky whispered to me "thank you. I just wanted to taste you one more time. You have been so good to me helping me find Max and well, just

being such a good friend. I didn't mean to embarrass you in the show but I just couldn't resist. I knew Cole wouldn't mind." I looked at him and said there was no need to thank me for anything. I should thank him. It made me wonder what a great time I had missed in high school trying to be cool and get girls when if I knew then what I know now about myself, I could have been having some great Latino cock and made him more happy too. I kissed him and he smiled and said thanks.

Before the lights came up, we all pulled our shorts up. As we left, a young usher came up to us and said what he saw was damn hot. He was real cute but skinny. Kind of what I recall being. He smiled and we offered him the rest of my popcorn which he gladly took and said he would eat. I could see he had a boner in his tight usher pants. We smiled at him. I was a little embarrassed at what he probably witnessed but the fact that he didn't kick us out made it even more fun. We laughed and joked as we met up with Dustin and Matt. Ricky, usually so quiet and reserved, made a point of telling them what we did and Dustin thought it was so cool. Matt said it was cool but kind of disgusting. I lost my cheap flip flops in the show and had to leave barefoot but no one seemed to care. Cole said he had never enjoyed popcorn so much and we all laughed as we went for ice cream before going home. We all piled in Cole's convertible and were one sexy group of studs as we pulled off our shirts to enjoy the warm night as we drove. Cole suggested we all drive naked but I told him we risked a lot at the show and probably would get arrested. He just smiled at me and said I was a prude but probably right.

Eventually, the week ended. I said my thanks and goodbyes to the staff at Mr. Evans office. He hugged me and thanked me so much for helping Dustin. He had seen him a few times and remarked that he now seemed like such a happy young guy. He knew living with my folks was just what he needed.

Dad allowed Dustin to get his driver's license and although a restricted one, he was so happy. My dad gave him our old Honda as we would no longer need it. I wished him good luck with it. It was a crummy car as he had once told me, but to him, it meant freedom and it was like a Rolls Royce.

We began packing our stuff that we wanted to take to college. I was as always, a little nervous about it but Matt and Cole being with me, I knew I would do fine. It was just so exciting yet scary starting this new phase of life. We had a good time over the weekend. Dad asked that we do some yard work before we left and cole immediately said we would all help. Stripped to our waists as always, we cut grass, weeded, trimmed and cleaned up the mess. After, Dustin suggested we all cool off in the pool. My dad was about to go in for his swimsuit, but then saw the rest of us just strip naked. We were so used to it that we didn't even consider swim wear a necessary at home. My mom had gone off to some conference for the day so it was just us guys. We did usually wear trunks when she was home although I knew she knew we were naked in the pool most of the time. Matt told dad to join us. He looked around, shrugged and just stripped off his shorts. I was amazed. I couldn't help but want to see him naked as I hadn't seen him that way in so long. Damn! He was as hung as me. I guess I knew where my cock had come from. He jumped in and we all played around, swimming, playing a little water pole and of course, Dustin played grab the cock with us. Dad just laughed . When we got out to rest and sun a bit, he joined us and of course my brother had to comment about his big dick. I turned a little red as did dad but he finally said, hey, it runs in the family. He noticed Cole and I shaved and asked about that. Cole finally told him it was just something we decided to do and liked it. He complimented us and said we looked super hot, which surprised me. I couldn't take my eyes off of his manhood . His big balls almost made me want to go over and lick them but then, well, I got intimidated and didn't He asked us about what sport we were going to get into in college. Cole shocked us all saying he didn't think he would stick with basketball. "I'm no real superstar, ya know." I may consider something else. I had earlier told him I wouldn't make the team anyway so I might do some swimming or diving. He said he thought that sounded cool and said he might consider that too. He was a strong swimmer. Matt said he was going to join wrestling as he had met the coaches and liked the program We had a great time, with dad going in naked to get us each a beer. I had never drank with my dad and it was so cool to do it now.

The morning ended and we got hungry. Dad suggested he buy us all lunch and we dress every casually, even him, and headed off for pizza. It was so good to do this with my brothers, my dad and most important, my lover.

Dustin was sad a little knowing we were leaving Sunday for campus. That night he asked if he could sleep with us , maybe all in one bed. I knew what that meant. He even asked if he could maybe fuck Cole. I said if Cole was ok with it, then why not. Cole looked at me and told me Dustin had asked to fuck him before but had declined saying not without my permission. Dustin was also told, if he fucked cole, than Matt and I could fuck him. He was wide eyed and a little scared but said he would agree. I licked his hole as he fucked my lover and then told Matt to do it. He didn't resist and mounted his new brother and fucked the shit our of him. Glad no one was home as the folks went out, because he screamed as Matt's big dick worked his `boy pussy' as we called it over real good. We were one cummy mess when we weer all done. I took Cole to my bed sending Matt and Dustin to his and asked him to fuck me. He didn't protest and did a fine job on my pussy. After that, he ate out his cum from my stretched hole and continued to eat me for twenty minutes or so. Going to sleep that night with my lover in my arms, I reflected on all that happened. I thought about my winning basketball goal, my first time really meeting Cole, all the crazy crap with his life that finally got turned around, meeting Dustin and ending up with him as my brother and seeing Matt get so open about guy sex. Whatever was ahead, right now, I was a happy boy!

End of Part 1

Readers: So many have asked that I continue the story. I will do some more which deals with the start of college and Dustin going to high school in our old school. It will bring some new things into play as well. I may not get it going for a few weeks but it will be called Todd's Family in College and More. Thanks for reading and for all the positive comments and even the negative ones as well. I really enjoyed your feedback. Thanks!

Next: Chapter 20: Todds Senior Year Awakening II 1

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