Todds Senior Year Awakening

By rob roberts

Published on May 29, 2013


Todd's Senior Year Awakening – chapter 18

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The summer was waning and I continued to work for Mr. Evans. I had felt guilty about the time I had missed work and poured myself into the job to make up for it. Mr. Evans said not to worry. He even thanked me for being there for both Dustin and Cole. "I'm not sure how this all would have worked out without you. Cole needed your strong support. I think he will eventually move on with life and feel better about things. Lots of tragedy but, well, maybe it was inevitable." I agreed saying how glad I was that he hired me to work in his office. I wondered if maybe I should consider law as a profession. Mr. Evans said he would be there to help me if I did. I felt really stoked about what had happened.

The girl in the office still seemed to pester me about maybe going out and I finally relented. On our date, we had a good time. Later, I think she wanted a more intimate time and I found that I wasn't really into it. I wanted my Cole and now knew I must certainly be gay. It reminded me of all the false times I had had as a teenager trying to get into girls' pants and how when it happened, I wasn't so thrilled. Now, having sex with Cole, it seemed just natural for me.

When I shared that with Cole and my two brothers, yes, Dustin was officially now my brother, Dustin and Matt laughed at me for turning down pussy. They said they would be glad to fill in for me! I don't know if they were just being guys or not as they certainly didn't withhold sex between the four of us. I figured they were likely bisexual and in constant heat!

We all laughed and enjoyed ourselves mostly in the evenings. Cole didn't return to his job as he really didn't need to but most importantly, we would be off to school for the fall semester very soon. I hated to see summer end even though I looked forward to being a college guy and whatever new adventures that held.

My folks suggested one night, that we all go on a vacation for a few days to maybe Disney World or one of the other attractions in Orlando. At first, I wasn't sure that was too cool as we were all young men and Cinderella's castle wasn't too exciting.

The more they talked and I saw Cole's reaction of being with a family, the more I got interested. I wondered aloud if maybe we could get Max and Ricky to go too as I knew once we went to college, we wouldn't see much of them. I so loved my lifelong bud Max and his now boyfriend Ricky who had done so much to help Cole's case. I also knew in spite of everything and all our history, college would change things for us and we would never be together as much. Life would move on for all of us.

I got my parents to agree. Ricky at first, thought he wouldn't go. He didn't have much money and what he had, he had to save to go to community college and support his aging car. His parents either couldn't or wouldn't help. I knew they were pretty poor compared to us. I felt so bad. Max wanted to go and his parents, grateful for all they said I did to help bring Max out of his shell and for helping him find some happiness, said they would pay for the trip. Cole said he had some money and he would gladly help pay for Ricky too. Ricky, always shy and not wanting anything, probably because he had to give up his dreams just to survive, at first said no. He wanted Max to go though as he knew we were such lifelong friends. I pressed Ricky on it and he said he just couldn't take help from people. It was his Rican culture he said. Getting him alone one night, I confronted him and said Max needed his big dick and I wanted it too. He laughed and turned twelve shades of red. He tried to beg off saying he didn't have the clothes or anything and would feel like a beggar but I pressed on and finally got him to relent. He called his folks and told them some shit about being paid to help carry the stuff and be kind of our helper. I punched him in his arm laughing. They seemed to accept it though and said if they didn't have to pay, he could go as our employee. I never told anyone about this as it was humiliating for him I really wanted him there.

We packed our stuff and got ready to leave. I secretly kidded Ricky as to not embarrass him but told him he should pack light. He looked at me and I said as our sex salve, he wouldn't wear anything anyway. He again was embarrassed but I had seen his body recently and he had started to exercise some with weights we gave him, ran everyday and was beginning to bulk up some. He wasn't so thin anymore and was actually hot I thought. He tried as best he could to wear the kind of stuff we wore and I sometimes just gave him stuff when he felt he looked like crap. He didn't want to take it so I would just leave it or toss stuff in his beat up car. He got the picture and was so appreciative.

We decided to caravan to Orlando, about a three hour trip. Naturally, Cole and I and Matt went together. Dustin went with my parents as they wanted their newest son with them. He raised his eyebrows and rolled his eyes but I told him he should do that. They just wanted to show him their love. Ricky and Max went together. Max's folks had finally gotten him a car, a new Fiat which was damn cute. Ricky's car probably wouldn't make it. Ricky drove mostly as Max was so afraid of driving. I had driven him most places as he didn't really learn to drive until recently.

We got to the resort, one of the best hotels in Disney. Dad had done it up right. We divided up in groups with my folks in one room, Cole, Matt , Dustin and me in another and Ricky and Max in a third room. All pretty close together yet we had our privacy. The folks room, a suite actually was farther away which was fine with us. I think they let Dustin stay with us as they maybe wanted a second honeymoon.

We got to our rooms and found them great. They were side by side and each had a little patio outside where we could see the parks at a distance. We all checked out the rooms and began to strip off our clothes. Cole was down to naked as he no longer wore underwear. Matt jumped up on the bed he was to share with Dustin. Dustin was naked in a flash so it was just me , Ricky and Max who were still dressed. Cole pulled me over and began to take off my tank top. I just shrugged and said go for it and he slipped off my shorts. WE looked at Rick y and Max and they smiled and Max started to take Ricky's shirt off. He was gorgeous. His darker tan skin looked so good to me. He left his underpants on to which I shook my head and told him he had to be naked. He smiled at me and slipped them off exposing his big, long, thick cock. I could see the pink head of it sticking out of his foreskin. I also loved his hairy bush and laid back to admire. Max got naked too. His body was still about the same but with a little more definition. Max took Ricky's hand and sat on the side of my bed. I was overtaken by all this male beauty and I took hold of Cole's cock and stroked it. "This is going to be one fantastic week!", I sighed.

Max leaned over and kissed my cock. "Darn that hing is so big and beautiful," he sighed.

Not to leave Ricky out as Dustin was now fingering my brother's ass in their bed, I pulled Ricky close and kissed him as I let go of Cole and rubbed his little nipples and his pecs. Ricky smiled at me and quietly whispered thank you. I pulled him closer and actually made him fall on top of me. Max was startled a little and I pulled him closer. I felt Ricky's big dick on my leg as I pulled up Max and told them both how glad I was that they were there with us. "It's been quite a summer. You guys are such a big part of it and I want to thank you. I want us to all to have a great time here and I want us to also enjoy one another's bodies too. I reached down and moved enough to get both Ricky and Max's cocks to my face and kissed them. You guys are welcome to stay with us tonight I said boldly unless you want to have sex alone. I looked to Cole for approval. He leaned over to kiss me again and said it would be great if all the guys would fuck him. I want you all inside me forever. I just wish we were all going to school together. I knew Ricky felt bad about Max being in Boston and the rest of us away at the University of Florida.

"Hey, Ricky, maybe you and Dustin can hang around some while we're gone. Max looked at me and I said of course, when Max is home, Ricky is his so don't get too attached. Dustin looked over and smiled and said he wouldn't mind at all. Plus, us guys even look like men. You pussy boys will need us when you come home so you know what real men feel like." We laughed and I threw a pillow at him. Matt caught it and threw it back. "Yeah look at me. Those two lovebirds will be at it all the time and I'll get blue balls. Nobody will worry about me!" We all let out a groan and an `ah, poor baby." We all laughed and Cole said he had an idea. "You guys know I love Todd. He is my true lover, but I think we should all try out one of the others. We can take turns but I still want you all to fuck me before we go home. " Dustin yelled out, yeah , a fuck fest! Whoever holds it the longest, will get to fuck Cole first."

I looked over and said I had something to say about that. He's my lover and I get to decide who fucks him other than me."

We all laughed. I was surprised when Matt went over to take Max. They really hadn't ever been close and I was pleased when Max smiled and agreed. They went over to a chair and Matt actually licked his hairy hole and then kissed him and said I'm glad you and my bro are buds. I really got to know and well, I really like you now.' It made me smile and then Dustin came over and climbed on top of Cole and told him he was going to fuck Cole first. Just lick me to make me real hard. You're going to love this meat in you. Cole just smiled and began to lick my newest brother.

I looked at Ricky and said I guess it's you and me, stud." Ricky smiled at me and said he always wanted my big dick in him since he first discovered he liked boys. I pulled him in and licked his whole body stopping every now and again to kiss his mouth. He looked a little afraid at first but by the time, I ate his ass and swallowed his long uncut cock he was all happy. I pushed him up, took one more lick of his hairy ass and then pushed my cock inside of him making him moan. He was a beautiful young guy and I felt so bad that I hadn't discovered him earlier. He enjoyed my cock and kept pushing up to meet each thrust. I arched my back and shot my load up his bowels with him moaning yes, yes. I held him a bit a licked his pits. I said how sexy he was. He looked at me a little serious and said he truly loved me and thanked me for inviting him the night of the prom. I told him it was all my pleasure and how scared I was not knowing if he was really gay or into guys. He smiled and said none of the other white guys ever treted him so nice and how happy he was. "We're almost like family now." He said quietly. I kissed him again and told him Max was one lucky guy to have him. Just then, I heard Max almost shouting out," deeper, deeper" as Matt was pummeling his tight little ass. I smiled and knew he was happy. He had always been a little intimidated by my brother but now was enjoying his deep thrusts.

I smiled seeing my macho brother fucking a dude. Wow. What a change is only a few months. I had been satisfied sexually and went over and ran my fingers over my hot boyfriend Cole. He looked at me and said "Baber, we ought to finish this stuff and go meet your parents." I nodded and yelled at the other guys to get showered. The smell of guy sex was already in the room. Cole joined me and held me from behind. Damn, I loved his hot body touching me and almost made me hard. "We better finish up and go. The others wer already coming in to shower. Max and my brother were laughing and I was so happy to see them together. I thought that would never happen. We carried on each making silly, sexual comments about the other. I dressed in shorts and a tight tee. Cole wore shorts and a tank top exposing his sexy pits. Matt, Ricky, Dustin and Max all dressed like us except that Ricky wore his somewhat worn out tennis shoes. I didn't say anyhting but I knew he wished he could wear what we had on our feet.

We met my folks in the lobby and had lunch together talking mainly about what we all do the rest of the day. The folks said where they wanted to go and we decided on some more thrill type attractions. Mom and Dad said we should meet in the Magic Kingdom for dinner at some kind of family restaurant. I wouldn't have chose nit but hey, they were paying. Cole said he thought the choice was great making him more endearing to my parents. He so wanted to please, not just me but my parents as well. He had said he wanted my folks to like him and not be mad that he dated their son. I agreed with him and we went off on our separate ways. We enjoyed some average stuff and went over to Epcot for some more thrilling rides. We had a great time and broke one another's balls with our comments. Dusitn loved to do that but we knew he secretly loved us all so much. We had a great time stopping for snacks and drinks. We enjoyed seeing girls who seemed to almost wet their pussies admiring our bodies in the tight clothes we chose. I think we spotted a few gay guys who also seemed turned on by us. I had to admit, not to be conceited or anything, we did look hot.

After a few hours of attractions, Cole looked at his watch and said we needed to head over to meet my folks. Dustin broke his balls some by saying how much of a pussy he was to being so considerate. I told Dustin he ought to be real glad Cole didn't latten him. Cole just laughed it off as he was known to do and we held hands not caring one bit if others saw us.

We met my folks and discussed our adventures while we ate dinner. Mom and dad said they were off to a show. They knew we didn't want to do that so they said have a good time and don't stay out all night. We headed off to Pleasure Island and saw some comedy shows and other stuff that made us happy. In the shows, Cole had his arm around me making me feel so good yet horny.

We left the island and went back to our hotel. Dustin said it was too early to go to sleep and we kind of agreed. Once in the room, he was naked before we knew it telling us we should all get to enjoy his manhood. I laughed and tackled him and we wrestled around. I felt his big boner and said he was oversexed. Once done, we all settled in and laid on the beds. We all got naked by then with Only Ricky still in his shoes and socks. We kidded him a little but I knew he was sensitive. I started to pull his shoes and socks off but he said I shouldn't "My damn feet are smelly, man. These is all I have." He looked embarrassed and I quickly told him that was ok. He should never worry about that as we all at times had smelly feet. He looked a little embarrassed. I loved that in him and loved how he sometimes was so honest and humble and used incorrect language. "I want to smell those bad boys," I joked. Cole tickled him and told him that my feet sometimes smelled like crap but he loved me anyway. It made Ricky smile as I undid his sneakers and pulled his socks off. He had kind of big feet, like me. "There, that wasn't so bad was it?" I asked as I took his right foot in my hands and rubbed it and put my face right to it. He tried to pull back but I got right down and licked his sweaty toes and said mmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Max came over to see what we were dong and I just said I was making his lover more comfortable. He climbed on top of me and said that was his job. I was proud of Max and I tickled him some saying if I couldn't suck Ricky's toes, I would suck his. He laughed and reminded me his feet smelled too. By then< Matt and Dustin and cole all joined in and I started to lick Max's right foot and Cole's left foot. Dustin went "ewuh, how gross but got involved as Cole pulled him in and licked his feet too. Before long, we were all sucking toes and it was quite sexy. We ended up after some foot sucking and licking exploring each others other hidden areas and I had my face buried in Cole's hairy pits savoring his sweat. It was moist and smelled a little and I was in heaven. Kinky but fun. Before we all finally fell asleep in our various lovers arms. I told ricky that I was sorry to embarrass him. I promised we would get him flip flops the next day. He said no I shouldn't but that just deepened my resolve. He looks like he might be a tough guy but was so great and loving once you got to know him. I'm sure he intimidated some people but I knew that was his false front to protect his fragile ego. I knew I could afford the shoes and he deserved so much more than he ever got at home.

We slept with Ricky and Max going to their room and the rest of us sleeping together. I woke up to Dustin farting. He laughed so hard and the rest of us jumped on him saying he was disgusting. We lay in bed after that and talked some with me licking my boyfriends body. He crawled under the covers and began to eat my ass sticking his head out and saying I shouldn't fart. No way would I do that as he pleasured my hole so much. Dustin came over and watched for a bit and said he thought it gross but he was interested. Cole told him he ate me out every day. He wanted me to start my day as a happy boy. "Yeah, I've heard them and they do that shit everyday now." I asked Dusint if he ever got eaten and he said Matt wouldn't do that. I pulled his ass over and although it smelled a little, I licked his puckered hole driving him crazy. He was rock hard before long and I turned him around and took his dick in my mouth and let him shoot off. "Oh man, that was great. Matt, will you learn to do that?" he moaned with happiness. Matt told him no way would he eat that dirty ass of his but he could eat his."

"I might just try it. I thought guys only ate pussy. Damn that felt good."

Cole finished eating me and I pulled him up for a kiss and then had him turn around so we could 69 each unloading in one another's mouths. I told the guys I might not brush my teeth as I so loved the taste of Cole in my mouth. Matt said I was gross and Dustin agreed. We got up and showered and dressed and yes, I did brush my teeth knowing I could savor Cole's man juice again later.

A knock on our door came and we found Max and Ricky. We had breakfast on our own which was great. I then took Ricky and told him we were gong to search for shoes. I told him to take off his tennis shoes and although he said it felt weird, I kicked off my flips too and we went barefoot to a shop. I found a selection of flip flops and had him try them on. He protested that I shouldn't buy him anything but I won out and we left the shop with him in flip flops and me still barefoot. Cole had come with us and while we searched for Ricky's shoes, he looked at other things. He called me over and showed me some rings. They were gorgeous.

"Do you think your parents would be pissed at me if I got us both a ring. I want everyone to know we are together. I said they wouldn't be mad I didn't think but he shouldn't buy mine. He insisted like I had done to Ricky and he bought the rings spending over $200 for the matching rings that included a small engraving. The engraving was done on the spot and we left with each of us sporting matching rings. "It's kind of like a total commitment to one another. I love you so much that I want the world to know, you are mine!" Cole said proudly. "And, I want them to know, I belong to you and you only." I didn't like the word belong but knew what he meant.

At lunch, my mom noticed the rings and asked about them. I said it was a gift from Cole. "does this mean anything special?" she asked with a slight smile. Cole opened up and told her he bought the rings as he wanted everyone to know we were together. " I hope you don't mind, but I just wanted everyone to know how much I love Todd and want him to be with me forever!"

My mom didn't say a word but got up and went to Cole. I think he thought she might belt him one but instead, put her arms around him and kissed him on the cheek. "If you guys know what you are doing and truly love one another, I can't say I object to my son's choice." Cole smiled and kissed her back. "He has been there for me for everything. I never thought I could find such a caring person." He said happily. Matt started a little applause and I felt weird as the rest of the table joined in giving us all too much attention. I turned red but found the courage to take his hand in public, in front of my folks and said I loved him too." My dad smiled. I'm not sure if he really wanted to have a gay son but his actions told me he was cool with it.

Ricky seemed to love his new flip flops thanking me too much for them. "No one ever gave me much. I had to work for everything I got. Thank you, Todd. You are the man!" My folks beamed and the look of pride on their faces showed me they thought I had done some really great thing.

"It's ok man. I just wanted you to enjoy something and have a little memory of this trip." I said quietly.

Everyone slapped me on the back and said I was cool. It made me feel good to have done something for such a great kid that few people knew.

The rest of the week went by with us enjoying the attractions and getting some sun at the water parks. I just kept staring at the ring I now wore proudly. I think I gave Cole so many goofy smiles he must have thought me a real idiot.

We went home after the week sadly to realize in just another week, we would have to say our goodbyes to one another. Dustin seemed down a little and hung with Matt, Cole and me like glue. He didn't want us gone but he knew it was inevitable. I tried to introduce him to some of the younger guys his age I thought he might enjoy. They were into sports and all like Dustin. I made sure nothing was said about our sex exploits as I figured he needed to come out if he wanted to, on his own. I knew we would all miss being around one another so much.

End of ch 18

Next: Chapter 19

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