Todds Senior Year Awakening

By rob roberts

Published on May 28, 2013


Todd's Senior Year Awakening Ch 17

The usual rules apply regarding age and not reading where illegal. If you have comments or suggestions, please write me at Please remember the story is the property of the writer and can only be used with permission.

Ch 17

Court resumed the next day. Mr. Evans, Cole and I all attended. My parents came later and had difficulty finding a seat as the case had received lots of press and media coverage. The judge began by saying to the jury, that the defendant was now deceased. Nevertheless, as they had spent time on the case and there was much to be resolved, the case would go to them for a verdict. The judge gave instructions to the jury and they left to deliberate.

I sat there awhile looking at Cole. He was so handsome. He had that kind of look that was so handsome, many people could not look him in the eye and had to turn away. His smile was captivating but he had no smile right now.

Mr. Evans had us leave the courtroom. He suggested that as he had no idea when the jury would be back, he was going to the office. Before I had a chance to say I would come along and resume my work which had been neglected, he told me to go home with Cole and keep him busy. Mr. Evans said he had to meet with the prosecution anyway. The purpose was to try to negotiate something for Cole. He had told us that if convicted, although now dead, his father's companies and most of his property was gong to be seized for his crimes. Cole would have no home to go to as the gates were already padlocked and his personal staff let go once it was determined they were not guilty of anything.

His companies would be taken over by the government and sold. Most of his employees would get to keep their jobs at least until the legitimate businesses were sold off. The illegal companies and employees if in the U.S. would be prosecuted if found and any assets held until the government finished destroying them.

I took Cole's car keys and drove us both to my house.with Cole being mostly quiet. I put my hand on his thigh more to reassure him and less for the sexy feel of his body through his pants. Cole was numb from the proceedings and seemed almost in a daze. We drove home Dustin was glad we came home as he was out sweating up a storm taking care of the gardening. "Yo, guys. Glad you're home. Todd, you and your bro sure let things get kind of messy!" He was smiling but it was true. Matt and I hadn't done a good job all summer taking care of the property. I guess we were kind of lazy and preferred to hang out, relax or just plain screw off. Cole looked a little down so Dustin came up and hugged him letting his sweaty body touch our clean clothes. "guess you guys ought to get out of those clothes and maybe help me some?" he said questioningly. We told him he was gross but he just laughed and replied that we were just getting to feel his manly body. He was proud of himself and his buff looking self. More built up than the sleek Cole and skinnier me. Dustin relished working outside half naked. He would be totally naked if he had his way I thought.

We went in and I got him a bottled water which he rubbed over his sweaty skin before consuming half of it in one gulp. Cole tired to be normal but I knew he was worried. His father's little funeral was later and I asked him if he wanted to go. "No', he replied." I can't think of any reason to go. He abandoned me and I hate him for what he did." I nodded and said we should get more comfortable and then decided what to do. "We should help Dustin." Cole said as he began to unbutton his shirt and kicking off his shoes. I said yeah, that would be good. I felt he needed to just be occupied. Dustin, sensing Cole's feeling said it was ok. He was used to hard work and never got help so he could do it. "Nope, I need to do something to help out here. Your folks have been so great to me and I just lay around and sulk and maybe get fucked by my boyfriend" he smiled looking at me. "I need to help out too. Todd, you can go relax by the pool or something. I will help Dustin. It will be a good workout for me anyway."

I said. If he was helping, so was I and began to take off my clothes right in the kitchen. We all laughed a little as we made our way to our room with Dustin right behind. We got naked with Dustin looking on approvingly and slipped on some old board shorts. I put my flip flops on and Cole said he would just go barefoot. We got the yard work done with Dustin hoeing weeds and me pushing the mower and Dustin trimming shrubs. We were one kind of hot looking lawn crew I decided. We finished and had another water as we stripped off our shorts to go in the pool to cool down. Dustin was real happy and played pretty hard to grab our junk in the pool. I saw when we sat on the edge, he had a raging hardon. "Doesn't that thing ever go down?" I asked playfully. He stroked it and said with a man's dick, it was always ready." You pussy boys with your shaved bodies are just missing out." I grabbed his nuts and we kind of wrestled around. Dustin was loving it getting so much attention from his two older siblings. Yeah, I thought of us all as brothers. We cooled down and just kind of chatted. I felt it necessary to keep Cole engaged yet his mind off the trial and his troubles.

I got sexy with Cole and played with his cock. He didn't mind at all even with Dustin watching and dripping. I told them we should go inside and we went to my room where before Cole was even in bed, I has fingering his hole and asking if I could eat it. "Babe, it's not even clean, I shit this morning and now with the sweating from working, it's gross." I didn't care and pushed him down playfully and just buried my face in his hole. "Way to go little pussy bro." Dustin said. Cole had been right, it was a little skanky in there but I savored his masculinity and he relented and let me at it and just moaned. When I was done, I told Dustin to come over as I wanted to kiss him. "Gross, man No way." I grabbed him anyway and he pretended to fight me off but I got his face and kissed him and even pushed my tongue in his mouth. "Yuck, he said. "I'm going to fuck the shit out of you now!" With that, he pushed me down and pulled my legs up to my chin and he licked my hole a few times and just pushed his cock in my hole. I don't think Dustin ever fucked me but he was good. Cole, laughing, bent over and out tongues played as my new brother fucked me hard sending his hot cum in my bowels. He smelled a little sweaty and his hairy underarms needed deodorant but I loved his masculine feel. I was so aroused that I pulled Cole over and began to suck his toes and feet. Yeah, there was some smell but I was really hot, horny and into the kink.

We had a good time. With each us of eventually fucking the others. If we weren't exhausted from the lawn work and time in the pool, we sure were now.

Dustin got reflective and as we all lay there, he said how much he would miss us when we went to school. "You think I could come up some weekends. I will miss you all and Matt too." We assured him he could come up anytime he wanted if his school grades were ok and the rents would allow him to. He looked questioningly at us and I pointed out that my parents were going to be his parents now and they ruled whatever. He seemed ok with that and we lay with our bodies touching one another all naked as could be.

It was certainly fun. As I lay between my love who was licking my chest and nipples and I was playing with both guys cocks and balls, I had to remark to Dustin how big he was. "You're almost as big as me! I got a big cock early too. I was always os embarrassed to dress in gym as all the guys saw it and made fun of it. When they were still about four or five inches, I was pushing seven. Dustin laughed and said he was glad I had such a big cock too. Not only for how it feels up my ass but it made me feel more normal. Mine got a lot of abuse though so I wasn't only shy about its size but sometimes the bruises it got and my balls too- all thanks to my fucking father who beat it and my ass."

Cole stopped licking and said it was good for him to know that he wasn't the only one. I felt so weird and afraid to tell anyone. I just couldn't so I threw all my being into sports to prove I was something I really wasn't." I just lay and let the guys tell about their awful childhoods and early adolescent years. I was so glad that I only had to suffer embarrassment about my size. I had wished to be smaller but now, well, I was really proud of my horse cock. Cole wasn't as big. I think dustin was actually bigger than him but he was so perfectly proportioned- his whole body. He was definitely model material. I just felt I had a huge cock!

I was glad we all talked and Cole began to feel that he wasn't the only one. I began to lick his nipples and really got him going again as I also played with his balls. They were so soft yet manly. I just wanted to eat them all the time. Horned up, he asked that each of us fuck him. "If only Matt was here. I would really like all of your cum in me. It makes me feel so damn good and so much a part of each of you." He said softly.

Dustin suggested we double fuck him. I had no idea where he learned about that but said no, I wouldn't allow my lover's pussy to be stretched too much. Cole laughed and said he had mostly been fucked by guys older than himself but sometimes, even younger guys got to fuck him. I told him confidently that no one would ever fuck him again unless he wanted it. "Plus, you fuck good too. I want you to be dominant with me." He looked at me and said I could always fuck him no matter where or why but that his submissive side made him want to be fucked more than to fuck me. He said if I asked, he would do it, but only if I insisted. I told him there would be lots of me insisting. He laughed and let both of us fcuk him and fill his ass. After, he said he wanted to wear the butt plug to keep it all in him. I smiled and let him do it saying I bet Matt would do him later. I then suggested in a kinky way, I wanted him to crap it out and we would all taste it. It would be from him and he would add his own cum to the mixture. If we all ate it, we would be like blood brothers too as if some old native American ritural. Dustin said it would be gross but he was in. We made a pact to do it later.

After this, we were all hungry and I went down, naked, felling real bold but knowing it was just us home, and made us lunch. We sat around and joked, ripping on one another and having a great time. The phone rang and it was Mr. Evans saying the jury was back. That was fast I thought.

We dressed, Cole still with his plug in. I had licked around it to remove any leakage. We left Dustin home and went to court. I called my folks to tell them. They both showed up and we sat together as the jury found Cole's dad guilty of all accounts. When they also added, that a sum should be kept for his two sons, I was shocked. Nothing in an amount was specified but Mr. Evans said he had negotiated an amount for his fees and for Cole and his brother.

We went into chambers and the government prosecution began by telling us all things were now surrendered to them. However, they were agreeing to allow a million dollars to be divided between Cole and his brother. Mr. Evans was to oversee the disbursements of the cash to cover all expenses until they reached the age of twenty one. As Brock was already over 21, he would get his share immediately and he was free to do with it as he pleased. Cole and I were in shock hearing the amount they agreed to let the brothers keep. Mr. Evans quietly reminded Cole not to get too big of any idea to start spending it as it might take months before it all happened. He did say that Cole's daily living expenses would continue.

We left the court happy but Cole was still a little melancholy as he now had money but no one in his family. I told him we would be there for him forever and my parents supported that.

"You guys can still share Todd's room at home. I hope you eventually give one another enough breathing room to sort out, especially for Cole, what he wants to do. My dad reminded me it was all Cole's money and he and Mr. Evans would work that out. I nodded saying I never wanted any of it. I was happy with just getting to finish college with maybe some part time work and make my own money.

Cole looked at me and said he didn't want this to change anything. You have been with me to do it all in school and through this mess. I won't let you get away so easy. You're kind of stuck with me for now." He joked his usual smile returning to his handsome face.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." I laughed and we held hands as we walked to our cars.

End of Chapter 17

The summer was waning and I continued to work for Mr. Evans. I had felt guilty

Next: Chapter 18

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