Todds Senior Year Awakening

By rob roberts

Published on May 10, 2013


Todd's Senior Year Awakening Chapter 11

This is a work of gay erotic fiction among high school friends and family. Don't read if under 18 or where illegal. The fictional story is the property of the author. Please make a contribution to Nifty to help keep this site alive.

Chapter 11

School was coming to a close. Graduation was just a week away and the last day for seniors was Tuesday. We didn't have to work very hard but I made sure Cole was ready for finals. He and Matt and Max and I even studied together. I let Cole keep his clothes on as not to distract! In school I talked to Max and he was still giddy about meeting Ricky and finding him a more than adequate sexual partner. I had shared much with him about Cole and I and he was happy for us. Plus, now he had another boy who expressed real interest. Sadly, they were gong to different colleges in fall but I encouraged Max to make the most of summer and to see where things went. He was happy for Cole and Matt and me going to the same college and I now felt comfortable telling him we would room together in an apartment off campus. He was shocked but excited to learn that Cole's dad was paying for it! I was too. My life had gotten so different in this last semester. It made me glad I went out for basketball and then all the things that happened after..

I stopped by Max's house and decided to visit and maybe just play a game or something. I was no sooner inside seeing Max almost sorry to see me and was about to maybe head home when Ricky pulled up. Looking kind of sexy to me, I knew why Max didn't want me there. I smiled and decided to give them their privacy but Ricky told me to stay. Max seemed surprised but I said I would stay for a bit just to be nice. While Max went to go get us drinks, Ricky came up to me and smiled and said how glad I was I caught him in the john at the restaurant and admitted he was jacking off think about how hot we all looked. I thanked him and said I was glad he found Max cool and was glad they were together.

"I really want to pay you back for what you did. I was nervous as could be and then going to your house and seeing Cole rivers naked on your bed, well holy shit, it made me so horny. I was always afraid to get or try to get with another guy, but that night, well..."

"You had nothing to be nervous about. I thought you might like Max and well, ah, you certainly have nothing to be shy about with that equipment you carry around." I stared at his crotch. He smiled and got red and told me he was so embarrassed about having such a big dick when he wasn't very big at all. "You got a nice body and well, I bet Max thinks it great too."

"Thanks, but you know, I really owe you. Max is a cool dude and I really like him and sucking him, well...

"No need for details. I'm glad you two hit it off."

"No, it's just that I wondered if you would ever consent to let me blow you or something. I know I'm being very forward here but it would be my honor and I really want to say thanks for being cool to guys like me."

"You don't need to blow me. I'm really happy for you plus as you probably guess, and thanks for not spreading the word. I have Cole and, well, I really love him. it's ok. I'm really glad that you and Max hit it off. He seems so much happier now."

Ricky looked a little dejected. His thin body almost slumped over He was pretty cute with a hot Latino look.

I knew right away, he was disappointed. "Ricky, it's ok. I think you're hot and I know Max does too. But you really don't owe me anything I like doing things for my friends and just wish we had all hooked up sooner."

He nodded but reached over and touched my thigh. I looked at him and he said, `Please!"

"Only if Max is cool with it. I don't want to interfere". I told him.

He smiled a little and said Max could be there for it if I wanted. Max came back in the room carrying sodas for all of us. He noticed right away how close Ricky was sitting to me and I thought he might be mad. I quickly said that Ricky was just thanking me for introducing the two of them. Ricky spoke up and said it was all true and how glad he was that he and Max finally had each other.

Max looked ok with that but then Ricky said he felt he owed me big time for introducing them. Max said he was real glad too and said I was his best friend and he loved me for thinking about him and finding him a boyfriend. I was embarrassed and then Rick spoke up with his idea. "Max, I want to thank Todd in a special way. He has been so cool. I just wish it had happened sooner. I want to give him a blow job if he will take it from me as a thankyou. You can watch me do it and then I want to blow you too." His soft brown Latino face was staring at Max. He looked so cute. I wanted to hold him almost. Max looked at him and then me and said he should He owed me at least a blowjob for finding Ricky for him. I suggested if this was going to happen, and it didn't need to, we needed to get more comfortable. Maybe in Max's room? He said yes as his mother wouldn't be home until later. We went up to his room and I asked how it was going to work. "I want you to lay down on the bed and I will take off your pants and suck you . I hope I'm good enough to make you cum." I laid down and true to his word, Ricky stripped of his shirt and opened my pants. No underwear on me made it easy for him to find my dick. "You are beautiful Todd. So big and your body is fantastic!" Ricky moaned in pleasure.

"His whole body is great. He ought to be naked so I can do something for him too." Max suggested.

They pulled off my shirt and there I was totally nude. Max was still dressed. I asked them to get naked too as I didn't want to be the only one. They agreed and stripped. I was pleased that Max had no underwear on explaining the wet spot he had on his shorts since I arrived. Ricky slipped out of his jeans and his boxers revealing his huge uncut dick. I t was fascinating to look at it. As he got harder, the head slipped out of the foreskin. "I looked him over and told him he was beautiful. He got red and said he was always embarrassed about his dick and because it was so big, avoided situations where anyone would see it. At least up until now. I told him it was beautiful and I took it in my hands and stroked it.

"Does max let you fuck him with it?" I boldly asked. Both he and Max went red but finally admitted they planned to do it soon if Max could take it up his ass. I knew Ricky could take Max's little dick up his ass but wondered what one this big would feel like. Maybe Cole could tell me!

Ricky moved away so I wouldn't touch it but got down and began to lick and suck my dick. It felt good. He certainly wasn't a master cock sucker like Cole was but he was good and he wanted it badly. I moaned in pleasure as he did it making him feel like he was doing a great job. Actually he was as he got me raging hard and I knew pre cum was leaking from me. Max got up and licked my chest and my nipples making them so aroused. I was real shocked when Ricky slipped off my cock and licked my balls all the way down to my hole. His tongue just got better. I spread my legs some to let him know I was loving his work and he went down and licked my hole and balls some more.

I knew I wouldn't last long and announced I was cumming. Max scampered down to joining Ricky at my dick and I was surprised when neither moved off of it . I shot huge loads which both guys took turns licking. I was almost exhausted. The both kissed one another making me feel good. The attention was shared by them . The both had cum on their mouth and kissed it off of one another.

Max sat down next to me and asked if they were good. I nodded and smiled at them. You guys could do porn!" I exclaimed. Then they thanked me. "I want to thank you both." I said and took hold of both cocks and kissed them swallowing Max entirely and about half of Ricky. They both moaned and I did some more until both came in my mouth. We shared another kiss exchanging the cum all of us had made. It tasted real good to me. I knew I was a cock hound for sure! We got up and I buried my face in Max's pits savoring his slightly musky scent and played with Ricky's big meat while I did. Finally, I said I was sorry we missed all that all these years. Max said he was too and Ricky nodded. "Just glad it finally happened. I even suggested we should maybe all hang out and do more. "Ya mean with you and Cole?" Max asked. I said yes and told Ricky to be very gentle with Max if they fucked. "You got some piece of meat there. He will love it up his ass."

We all laughed a little and I told them I should go. "don't let me stop you guys though. I'm glad we all share the same feelings. Take care of my Max. he is very special to me." I told them. I knew Max felt so good and assumed Ricky did as well. With that, I grabbed my clothes and headed out with Ricky having his arm around Max. It made me happy to see them both so happy.

I went home to find Matt laying by the pool in just a somewhat skimpy swimsuit. It was the one he had worn when he was on the community swim team a few years ago. I said hi and motioned to his attire saying how sexy he looked. " He smiled and shocked me when he didn't try to cover up but spread his legs a little. "Hoping you might notice." He smirked. Was my brother trying to get sexy with me! I wondered. I pinched his nipple. Damn his body was nice and now he didn't seem to mind my attention.

"Maybe later. What no girlfriend to take care of you?" I smirked. "None that will do what you do for me he replied."

Mom was home soon and said nothing about Matt's attire. I just shrugged and we both helped her to the house with the groceries. "I think we will save a ton of money when you guys go off to school in the fall.!" He all laughed but I knew she was right. It seemed like we went through a ton of food. "Is Cole coming over?" she asked. " No, why do you ask.?"

"Well it seems like you too are now always together. I know he `s your boyfriend and all so I want you to know he is always welcome in our house."

I thanked her for being so cool with everything. I was glad she just accepted how things had turned out.

I got real bold knowing how she had always talked about us boys giving her grandchildren. "Maybe Cole will get pregnant someday and we will give you grandkids!" she looked at me astonished but kept her cool and we all laughed.

I went up to my room and was turned on by the afternoon's activities and seeing my hot brother and all. I was still horny and called Cole to see how he was. He answered and called me master again. I asked him to not do that. "We're loves aren't we?" I asked. `Sure, but I want you to have the respect you deserve." He replied.

We chatted for a bit and he said he would come over. Having no homework now, just prepping for the finals, I said he should come over. Clearing it with Mom, she said she was always glad to have Cole come over.

He arrived in some cool shorts, a tank and barefoot. He said he did it to show his respect for me. I said I didn't care but grabbed him and kissed him with my folks looking on. He apologized to my folks for the show of affection but they just said it was fine. They were happy that I was so happy. My dad even offered Cole a beer as we sat near the pool. I had one too and got one for my brother. Mom had some white wine and we chatted. The folks asked about our upcoming visit to school to finish our paperwork and check out the apartment. "I hope I get to see it soon. I have some decorating ideas if I'm welcome to visit." Mom said. Cole quickly told her she was always welcome. It made me happy to see us all getting along so well.

We talked about jobs. Matt and I had worked as lifeguards at the community public pool and I said I had called and asked and they said if we passed the test again, we were back on for the summer. Cole seemed a little dejected as he said he would love to do that. I suggested he apply and he said he might if his dad would let him. It made me a little worried thinking he might have to do his so called `modeling work" again.

For the most part, the whole family including Cole had a good time. We ate, laughed and just enjoyed one another. I hated for it to end. It was just so normal doing what we were doing . Only change was I had come out to my family, a big step for me, as well as a few friends. I wondered how Cole would feel about coming out. I so wanted our relationship to be open for all to see and just be happy. I liked happy and I liked to be that way even though I know I am often a nervous wreck about things. That's getting better though and I have Cole to thank for it.

Before he left, Cole told me what a great family I had and how he felt so comfortable there at my house. He wished his life had been like mine. I felt bad for him and said in only a few months, we would be together all the time. That made him feel a little better. He promised he would check on seeing if he could be a lifeguard too. He thought it would be so cool working together.

As he left, he got and gave hugs to all. I think my brother got turned on by it as I saw his bulge in his shorts. It kind of made me laugh. My big straight brother now turned on by boy sex. How weird and then I remembered I was too! That wouldn't have occurred several months ago.

We went to our rooms and stripped off our clothes. Matt and I shared a piss together and chuckled as our piss intermingled. We brushed our teeth and washed up and I was shocked when Matt followed me into my room. "Was up?" is asked. He smiled and said he just wanted to be close and chat some. I said sure and he came and we got into my bed.

"You want to suck me off?" I asked. "ah, yeah, I guess it might be fun to do. Will you give me some more, ah, well, training?" I said I would and he surprised me and went down on me and began to suck. After a few minutes, he asked if he was doing it right." I just kind of laughed and said he was great. He even got down and kissed my huge balls and said they were too big for him to get in his mouth. "More training." I laughed. He did even lick my taint and licked my hole which made me shoot a huge load on him. I said I would lick it up and he let me. I did more than that and sucked him and licked his ass and balls. I even got his slightly smaller balls in my mouth and gave them a nice bath. He loved it. After he shot his load, I ate it and then crawled up where he we laid next to one another and chatted. He asked for more details about Cole and I told him some. I also told him I really didn't want Cole to be used by anyone. As we chatted and he got horny again, I decided I might have to confront his father about our so called arrangement' and tell him he couldn't use Cole anymore. I also thought I would tell him the beating would have to stop. If only I could find the courage to do it and face him man to man. Did I have what it took to take charge for real or would Cole just be my property' and used like a whore? It made me restless. Matt asked if I would let him use Cole and I knew he really wanted to. "You had some fun with him already. I want more than that. I want him as a real boyfriend and need to make him so." Matt almost seemed disappointed. `You know, I really am still into girls but this guy sex stuff is pretty cool too. " I told him that may be true but it just wasn't what I wanted for me or Cole. Cole may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer but he was such a loving person. I had to make him mine and someone his dad would respect.

I also thought about college and the deal we had made. It was too good to be true really. Did I want to jeopardize that? It would affect me as well as Matt and maybe we were in too deep now. So much to think about!

End of Ch 11.

Next: Chapter 12

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