Todds Boys

By Locked Cub

Published on Oct 12, 2023


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This story is the sequel to my first book, "Southern Chastity". I encourage you to read it to get the backstory on Matt, Bo, and Todd.

Todd's Boys

Part 9: Meeting the Parents

Thanksgiving was always a big holiday for my family. I had two other siblings. My twin brother Steve, who was a few minutes older than me, and my younger brother Tim. Steve and I were both gay and unmarried but Tim had a wife named Laura and three kids. Mary was seven, Emily was five and young Joe was two. We usually all gathered at my younger brother's large house on the Thursday of the holiday to eat and socialize and Steve and I often stayed the night since they had two guest rooms.

This year, since Bo had no family left, I wanted him to come with me and meet mine. My mother knew I had a boyfriend and that I was staying with another 'friend' as she put it, who was Todd. She didn't quite get that we were a trio and given the conservative lean to the household, I tended to not approach the subject. If she found out all the kinks I was into it would have probably sent her into the grave.

My younger brother lived a little over two hours north of Atlanta, so Bo and I had decided to leave Thursday morning with Steve in tow. Todd had left the night before to see his family, so he would not be with us. Bo had met Steve a few times, but this would be the first time he would be spending a large amount of time with him. I had asked my brother to arrive as soon as he got up and was dressed. As a nurse, he was used to morning shifts and was an early riser, so I guess I should not have been surprised when I heard the doorbell while Bo and I were still eating breakfast. I was still naked when I answered the door.

"Hey, bro!" Steve said as he walked in. "You look like you just got out of bed."

"I did," I replied as I closed the door. "We are eating breakfast if you want to join us.

"I already ate, but I'll take some orange juice if you have it," Steve said.

"Sure, come on around," I replied.

Steve followed me into the kitchen and saw Bo sitting in his boxers eating some cereal. He reached around and hugged him before sitting beside him.

"How are you this morning?"

"I'm good," Bo replied. "A little nervous about meeting your family."

"Eh, don't be," Steve said. "They are harmless. Though our nephew is a terror. He is always into something."

"That is for sure," I replied as I handed Steve his drink and then continued to finish my food.

"And they all know about me?" Bo asked.

"Yes," I replied. "As soon as my mother heard I was moving in with you, she told everyone. I think she is just ready for me to settle down."

Bo laughed.

"But not as a sub."

"God, no!" Steve replied with a laugh. "And speaking of which, you both better guard your groin. You know the kids like to tackle people. With the cages, that might be awkward."

"Yeah, that part is going to be interesting," I replied. "Last year Emily was doing flips and nearly kicked me in the balls. With this cage, I could have been turned into a eunuch."

"Does your younger brother know about your living situation?" Bo asked.

"Tim knows that I am in a triad with you and Todd, but not about the BDSM portion of it," I replied.

"Well, I understand that," Bo said. "But is he ok with us sleeping together?"

"That is not an issue," Steve said. "I have had a boyfriend I brought back one year and we slept in the same room without problems."

"Ok, cool," Bo replied.

"Well, I need to get cleaned up," I replied. "Steve, make yourself at home and I'll be ready soon."

"I'll join ya, babe," Bo replied as he got up.

Steve walked into the living room and sat down and watched TV while Bo and I took a shower. I trimmed up my beard after and then packed up some clothes for the trip and got dressed last. When we were ready, we packed up the car and Steve jumped in and we got on the road.

My younger brother lived outside of Chattanooga and had a nice house on a wooded lot that was surrounded by pastures and a horse farm. They had a small lake in the back that you could fish in and a large front yard with a gravel road that led around to the garage. When we finally got up there, it was nearing 11 am and my parents had already arrived. We parked next to their car and grabbed our stuff and walked around to the front door. The first person to greet us when we entered was my mom.

"Matt and Steve! So glad to see you got here. Is this Bo?"

"That's me, mam," Bo replied.

Mom came over and hugged and kissed his cheek and smiled.

"I'm Jenna. So glad to finally meet you! Come on in!"

Bo grinned and walked in behind me. I turned to him and whispered.

"I guess I should have warned you that there are a lot of huggers and kissers here."

Bo chuckled and we walked into the kitchen. My nieces and nephews ran in and hugged Steve and my legs and Joe was looking inquisitively at Bo.

"Joe, this is Bo," I said pointing. "Say hi and be nice."

Joe came over and held his hand out and Bo leaned down and shook it and then Joe smiled and ran away.

"He must be shy," Bo said.

"Only at first. He will be all over you soon," came a voice behind us.

I turned and saw Tim come over and hug me and Steve. He then stuck his hand out and shook Bo's hand.

"Good to meet you, Bo. Matt has nothing but good things to say about you."

"Thanks!" Bo replied. "It is good to meet you, too."

We introduced Bo to his wife Laura next and then we wandered into the living room to find my dad. He was in the recliner drinking beer as usual and watching football. When he saw us, he got up and came over to greet us. Dad was built similar to me and Steve, but just had a bigger belly and a little less hair on top that had all turned white. His beard was short and white.

"Well, you must be Bo," he said. "My name is Frank. Would you like a beer?"

"Sure," Bo replied.

"Mary, go get this man a can out of the fridge for me," he said to my niece.

"Get me one too, Mary," I added.

"Yes, Sir!" she replied as she ran off.

"Come sit on the couch next to me and let me get to know you," Dad said.

Bo squeezed my hand and we walked over and sat down. Dad was generally curious about our relationship and we dodged some questions, but we told him that we had enjoyed living together the past eight months and that our 'friend' Todd had been a good 'roommate'. I think he figured it was more than we were letting on, but he did not push the matter. My nieces interrupted us at several points to get our attention and to beg us to play. Emily finally was pulling on my hand and I looked at Bo.

"Will you be ok if I go with her?"

"Sure, I'll be fine," Bo replied.

"Don't worry, son," Dad said. "I'm not going to bite."

I rolled my eyes and smiled at Bo and Emily dragged me into the next room. The kids had a side room they turned into a playroom. There were toys everywhere and they were bouncing around me and trying to show me things at once. Joe came over and sat in my lap and looked at me.

"Who is the big man?"

I laughed.

"That's my friend," I said. "Do you like him?"

"He seems nice," Joe replied.

"Well, you should go tell him that and see if he will play with you," I said.

"Now?" Joe asked.

"Sure, go get him now," I replied with a smile.

Joe grinned and got up and ran around into the hall. A few minutes later, I saw him holding Bo's hand and leading him into the playroom.

"I've been captured," Bo said with a laugh.

"Come play!" Joe said.

"Ok, ok, I am coming," Bo replied.

Bo sat next to me and Joe brought some toys over and they bonded quickly. Mary was coloring and I helped her for a while until Emily wanted me to pay attention to her and she jumped on my back. Before long, they all were on our backs and Bo laughed at me as Joe hung on him.

"You weren't kidding about them!"

"They will wear you out quickly!" I replied with a smile.

Lunch was served about thirty minutes later. The kids were at a small table and the rest of us were gathered around the dining room table that my grandparents had when we were growing up. Mom and Laura had made quite a spread and Bo's eyes were wide when he saw everything.

"I'm going to put on ten pounds just looking at all of this."

Mom laughed and poked my father's belly.

"Now you see where Frank gets his spare tire."

"Oh, stop it, Jenna," Dad replied playfully.

The food was indeed good and everyone was very nice to Bo. He settled down quickly and you would have never known that he was not part of the family. My mother kept feeding him desserts near the end till he had to finally refuse for fear of being ill. Dad then corralled him and Steve to watch sports in the living room and I helped my mother and Linda clean up.

"He's a nice boy," my mother said as we cleaned the dishes.

"Thanks," I replied. "It's hard to believe we have been dating for a year now."

"Is that the longest you have ever been with anyone?" Laura asked.

"Yeah," I replied. "Before that was a guy that I sort of dated for about nine months after college."

"Oh, I never liked him," my mother said. "He treated you like you were his servant."

I smiled as I threw some trash away.

"Well, Bo is a pretty special guy," I replied.

"I hope I am!" Bo said as he came into the room.

I turned and blushed and he hugged and kissed me.

"I was asked to get some more beers," Bo said.

My mother rolled her eyes.

"Just be sure that Frank is not getting drunk."

"Yes, mam!" Bo said with a grin.

In the afternoon, Bo and I sat out on the enclosed porch that had windows overlooking the backyard. Steve and Tim sat opposite us while the kids were playing with my mother and my dad napped in the living room.

"Well, what is the real story?" Tim asked.

"What do you mean?" I replied.

"I know you two don't just have a roommate," Tim said. "Is he your boyfriend too?"

"It's complicated," I replied.

"Don't ask questions you don't want the answers to, Tim," Steve said as he drank his beer.

"Listen, I know you are gay and I am pretty sure you are polyamorous," Tim said. "I was just curious."

"He's our Sir," Bo replied. "If you want to know."

"Bo!" I said.

"What?" Bo said. "He asked. That is what he is."

I was embarrassed. I was not used to talking about my life with my family. Not even my brothers.

"No worries, bro," Tim said. "I kinda figured that is what the arrangement was. I pegged you for the subby type."

"Seriously?" I asked.

Tim laughed.

"Matt, you might think you can hide things, but you are easy to read."

"He's kinda right, bro," Steve said. "I mean, you have always been deferential to other people. And most of the people you have dated have been, well for lack of a better term, alpha men."

"That's putting it mildly," Tim said with a grin.

"Now I feel self-conscious," I replied.

Bo put his arm around me and laid his head on my shoulder.

"Don't be, babe. That is just you. You are cute just the way you are."

"I won't ask anything else," Tim replied. "I was just curious. He is at least a nice guy, though?"

"Todd is a really sweet and caring man," Bo replied. "We were lucky to find him."

"Well, that is all I needed to know," Tim replied. "As long as my bro is taken care of."

I blushed and Bo kissed me.

"I make sure he's taken care of," Bo replied.

"I know it is cool, but you want to take the ATVs out?" Tim said. "I can show you around the property."

"Sure," I replied.

Tim had a couple of off-road vehicles that could fit two people each. He and Steve got in one and Bo and I got in the other and we drove around to the back of the property and through the trees. There was pastureland on the backside of the lake that was on a bluff overlooking the river below that we stopped at first and then Tim took us around to a new barn he built and was setting up as a small workshop. When we finally got back to the house, it was starting to get dark, so we wandered in and had some leftovers and watched football with my father.

Once the kids were put to bed, my brothers and I played cards with Bo and had a few more beers. Bo actually got along well with my younger brother and Tim took to making jokes with him. I think the fact they both were winning most of the hands of poker had something to do with it. When it got time to call it a night, Bo and I headed up to the guest room and closed the door.

"Well, what did you think?" I asked as I stripped my clothes off.

"I like your family," Bo replied as he took his shirt and socks off and sat on the bed. "Tim is a hoot."

"I think he has a man-crush on you," I replied with a grin as I walked over and stood in front of him.

Bo reached out and played with my cage and then put his arms around my legs and laid his head on my belly.

"Thank you for inviting me. I was worried about being alone over the holidays."

I rubbed his head and he looked up at me.

"You will never be alone with me around," I said as I leaned over and kissed him.

Bo smiled and took his pants off and we crawled into bed. He got behind me and spooned me and I felt his cage push in my crack.

"I want to use the strap-on on you when we get home," Bo said.

I wiggled my ass and felt the cold steel.

"You know I never am opposed to you doing that."

Bo squeezed me and put his head on my neck and kissed me and then I put my CPAP mask on and we drifted off to sleep.

Next: Chapter 10

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