Todds Boys

By Locked Cub

Published on Oct 8, 2023


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This story is the sequel to my first book, "Southern Chastity". I encourage you to read it to get the backstory on Matt, Bo, and Todd.

Todd's Boys

Part 8: A Trip Out West

I had transitioned to working from home in the past few months, but we had another project coming up that required me to fly to a meeting on the west coast. The details had been in the air for several weeks, but I was finally informed of where and when I would be going before dinner one night.

"So, I am off to Seattle," I said as we gathered at the table.

"This is for that new client you all got, right?" Todd asked.

"Yeah," I replied. "I'll be heading out there with my colleague Linda and we will be closing the deal."

"Nice!" Todd said. "Have you been out there before?"

"No," I said. "This will be my first trip to the Northwest."

"You'll love it," Todd said. "I have been out there a few times visiting friends. The weather is definitely cooler than here."

"You should look up Nick while you are out there," Bo replied.

Nick was the sub that Bo replaced when he began training to be a sub under John. My sub-brother Jay had talked about him a lot when I was in John's program as Nick was the senior sub when Jay was training. He was always portrayed as a nice guy and dedicated boy to his master Adam, who collared him and moved him west.

"That might be interesting to meet another fellow sub of Sir John," I replied. "But I wouldn't know how to reach him."

"You could talk to John, you know," Todd said. "He keeps up with all the boys he trains."

"Well, that is true," I replied.

"Or you could just text Jay," Bo said with a grin. "You know he would love to hear from you."

Jay was my sub-brother when I began training under John along with Bo. As the senior sub, Jay was a mentor and though we were not as close as Bo and me, I always respected him. I had not talked to him in several months. He had moved to Savannah after being collared and I had always said I would come down to visit him, but never had the chance.

"Yeah, I think Jay might be the best route," I replied. "I haven't kept up with him as I should."

Bo smiled.

"Tell him he needs to take a road trip so we can both see him."

"I will," I replied with a smile.

After dinner, I helped Bo clean up and then walked downstairs into the basement to find a quiet place to call. When I rang Jay's number, a familiar voice came on.

"Matt!" Jay said. "How are you, bro?"

"I'm doing well," I replied. "Sorry I have not called in a while."

"No worries," Jay said. "I could have easily picked up the phone on my side. What is new with you?"

"Not much here," I said. "Bo and I are settling in with Sir and life is pretty much routine now."

"That is good to hear," Jay said. "I knew you two would hook up. You know Bo almost dropped out of the program because he wanted to date you and figured he could not if he was your fellow sub."

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah," Jay replied. "I talked him out of it. He can be headstrong and do things without thinking sometimes. He had some issues before you joined us."

"Yeah, we talked about it," I replied. "He actually got into a little trouble recently here with his impulsive behavior, but he is good now."

"Well, I am glad to hear that," Jay said. "Things are going good here on the coast. Sir just got a promotion at work and we are talking about moving into a nice house."

"That is awesome!" I replied. "Sir Jeff is such a cool guy. I am so glad you ended up with him."

"Thanks," Jay replied. "I would say the same thing about Sir Todd. So, is there anything going on, or did you just call to check in?"

"Well, I am flying out to Seattle next week and I wanted to see if you still kept in touch with Nick," I said. "Figured I would look up another brother if I could."

"Of course!" Jay replied. "Nick is one of my closest friends. We message each other nearly every day. I think he would love to meet you. Do you want me to introduce you and give him your contact info, or would you prefer reaching out?"

"If you don't mind being the go-between, that might be good," I replied.

"Hold on and I'll text him while we are talking," Jay replied.

"Thanks, bro," I replied. "I appreciate it."

"How are you both adjusting to permanent chastity?" Jay asked.

"Well, I am doing fine," I replied. "It is a little different with Bo."

"Uh oh," Jay replied. "What is going on? Do I need to lay the smack down on him?"

I laughed.

"Nothing like that. Todd has been freer with the rules for Bo. He is allowed clothes inside and has more privileges in general to me. He is also unlocked on occasion and Todd likes to tease and play with him in other ways."

"Let me guess," Jay said. "He got carried away and that is what got him in trouble."

"Well, I don't feel comfortable talking about it, but yes," I replied.

"Oh, no worries, bro," Jay said. "It really is none of my business, but that sounds like Bo. Just be there for him. You know how he is. He is very emotional and needs guidance."

"I know," I replied with a chuckle. "Believe me, we have talked about it."

"Ok, well we can just leave it at that, then," Jay said. "Nick texted me to say he would love to meet you. Would you like to talk to him now? I can conference him in."

"You can do that?" I asked.

Jay laughed.

"It's not that hard, bro. One sec."

I heard silence on the line for a moment and when Jay returned, I heard another voice on the line.


"Nick, this is Jay."

"Hey bro!" Nick replied.

"I have Matt on the line," Jay said.

"Hey, Nick," I replied.

"Matt!" Nick said. "So glad to talk to you. Jay has mentioned your name a lot."

"I hope it was all good," I replied with a smile.

"Most definitely," Nick said. "So, you are coming out here soon?"

"Yup," I replied. "I will be out there next Wednesday to Saturday for a work trip. Thought it would be nice to meet a fellow sub from the program."

"Oh, absolutely!" Nick replied. "When will you be free?"

"It looks like I will be available Thursday night or Friday night," I replied.

"Cool," Nick said. "Jay, text me Matt's number and I will send him mine. We can coordinate once you get here. Sir and Bear would love to meet you if you are up for that."

"Bear?" I asked.

"Sorry!" Nick replied with a laugh. "That's my other master. Sir is engaged to a man named Milton, but everyone calls him 'Bear'. You will see why."

I laughed.

"Ok, that sounds cool."

"I'll text you after we hang up here," Jay said.

"Cool, bro!" Nick replied. "This is exciting! See you soon!"

"For sure!" I replied.

"I'll talk to you soon, Matt," Jay said. "Have a good evening."

"You as well," I replied.

When I hung up, I went back upstairs and filled Bo and Todd in on the details and then got a text from Nick later and we chatted back and forth before bedtime.

The next week, Bo dropped me off at the airport and I began the process of checking in. Flying in chastity always made me nervous. I had done it before when I was training under John and when I flew to Texas with Bo, but you still never knew how things were going to go. It had been my experience that in Atlanta, at least, they might pat you down, but usually waved you through. This time, I went through the body scanner and when I looked at the screen, there was a big red box over my junk.

"Do you have anything in your pockets, Sir?" the TSA lady asked me.

"No, mam, but I know what is setting it off," I replied. "May I talk to a male agent?"

"Jerry?" the woman replied. "I need a male agent for a pat-down."

The woman directed me over to another large man who bent down and patted my legs and feet and then used the back of his hand on my groin. When he felt the cage, he looked up at me and smiled.

"Chastity cage?"

"Yes, Sir," I replied.

"No worries," he said. "I know all about them. Go on through."

I was sure there was a story there, but I smiled and continued to pick up my things and head over to the gate.

Nick and I had been in touch over the past few days and we had arranged for me to come over Friday night to meet his masters. But he would be coming over to my hotel on Thursday night so we could meet and have dinner. I was looking forward to the trip as I had met most of the recent boys that came through John's program and Nick was one of the few I had heard a lot of but never seen.

I enjoyed the drive into the city and the weather wasn't too bad. A light jacket sufficed. I was staying a few blocks away from the waterfront, so I was afforded a view of the downtown area and the clients I was working with took us out to dinner near the Fish Market. The meetings went well and I was done a little early on Thursday, so I told my colleague I would catch up with her the next day and I headed back to the hotel and texted Nick. He told me he would be over shortly and I walked down and waited in the lobby for him.

I was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt and had my collar on as usual. It was made of black and yellow chainmail and was originally put on me when I was training under John. All his subs were color-coded either red, yellow, or green. When you graduated, the person that took your place had the same color as you. Bo's collar was green and black and I knew that he took Nick's place, so I was on the lookout for his collar when he arrived. When I saw a husky boy walk in and unzip his jacket and reveal such an ornament, I figured I had the right guy.

"Nick?" I asked.

"That would be me!" he said as he reached his arms out wide and gave me a big hug.

He was a cute guy. He was about my height and build with sandy brown hair and a thick, medium-length beard.

"Do you want to come up and chill for a while in the room?" I asked.

"Sure!" Nick replied.

We rode the elevator up and when we got to my room, I let him in and then shut the door and turned.

"I'm still under the protocol of being naked when appropriate. Are you ok with me stripping down?"

Nick laughed.

"I was about to ask the same thing. I am under the same protocol."

"Good!" I replied with a grin.

I took off my shirt and pants and put them on the bed and Nick stripped down. He had a nice furry body and his cage was the same size as mine, though his balls were bigger so they hung lower. He sat in a chair and I handed him a soda that I had in the fridge and I grabbed one and sat opposite of him.

"What do you think of the city so far?" Nick asked.

"It seems nice!" I replied. "I love the view out over the water."

"Yeah, it is pretty, but the weather can change a lot," Nick said. "It can be foggy and misty at times and then clear up and be a nice day on the flip of a coin."

"It's different than Atlanta, for sure," I replied.

Nick laughed.

"Tell me about it. I was born and raised in Georgia, so this took some getting used to. Jay told me you know Ryan, Dan, and Johnny."

"Yup!" I replied. "Dan was my mentor when I first started in Sir John's program. I met Ryan and Johnny and their master Jack at the Eagle soon after I began."

"I miss those guys," Nick said. "We still talk all the time, but after spending a year together in intense training they became my second family. Hopefully, I can make it back to the city soon."

"Yeah, I understand how it is," I replied. "Jay and Bo were my rocks of support when I was getting started and when Max and Mateo came in they became part of the family."

"It goes by quick, though," Nick said. "I still remember signing my contract to serve under Sir John. Hard to believe that was almost three years ago."

"I hear ya," I replied. "Of course, Bo and I are still together, but it does seem like it was only yesterday we were naked on the floor kneeling in the dungeon."

"Well, tell me how it is serving with Bo?" Nick asked. "Jay has told me a lot about him."

"I love him to death," I replied. "He's the alpha sub in the house and I'm under him, but in our private lives, he is my lover and my best friend. I've never had a boyfriend like him before."

Nick smiled.

"You are lucky! That is how Sir and Bear are. They just clicked early on in their relationship and they are inseparable now."

"What did bear think of you when he met you?" I asked. "I mean, you being locked in chastity and all."

"It was never an issue," Nick said. "Bear is a dominant and has played around with locked guys. He thought I was really attractive and we hit it off the first time we met."

"That is great!" I replied.

"Yeah, they are getting married around Christmas," Nick said.

"Very cool," I replied.

"I told them both you were in town and they are looking forward to meeting you," Nick said. "Are you ok with possibly servicing one or both of them?"

"Not a problem at all!" I replied. "I'm a sub after all."

Nick chuckled.

"Ok, well I always like to ask. Sometimes subs are exclusive to their masters."

"Not here," I replied. "Sir likes to know who I am playing with, but it's never an issue."

"Good," Nick said. "I'll warn you that Bear is as thick as a beer can, though."

I smiled.

"I'll keep that in mind."

Nick and I talked for about thirty minutes and reminisced about our training time under John. It was like we were old friends after a while. It is amazing how a shared experience can bring you together with someone. I could tell he was a very kind-hearted guy and every bit the person Jay made him out to be.

"Well, do you want to grab some dinner?" Nick asked. "I'm hungry."

"Sure!" I replied. "I'm following you!"

We both got dressed and headed out into the city. Nick took me to a nice seafood place and even covered my meal, which I was not expecting. We had a wonderful time talking and getting to know one another and when we finally got back to my hotel, he hugged me and told me he would pick me up tomorrow after work.

Friday was a busy day. We had meetings with our clients starting early in the morning and a working lunch later. By the time the afternoon rolled around, I was tired, but I still was looking forward to seeing Nick again. I got back to my hotel a little after 5 pm and had stripped down and was sitting in bed when he texted me that he was on his way. I threw some jeans and a shirt on and my jacket and went down and met him at the curb and got in his car.

"Well, how was your day?" Nick asked.

"Exhausting," I replied. "But I'm excited to meet your masters!"

"Good," Nick replied. "Well, they got home early today so they will be there when we arrive."

"Any special protocols I should be aware of?" I asked.

"Same rules as Sir John," Nick asked. "Strip down when you come in and there will be a table next to the door you can put your folded clothes on. Other than that, just watch and take cues from me. You are a guest, so if you slip up on anything, it won't be an issue. Sir Adam is strict and Bear is laxer when it comes to rules, but I think you will like them both."

"Ok, sounds good," I replied.

Nick drove me south of the city and we entered a nice residential area. The houses were smaller than those in Atlanta, but Nick told me that prices were a lot higher here. What would go for 100k in Atlanta would go for 500k in Seattle. I was shocked at the difference. When we pulled up to their home, I saw a cute one-story brick ranch and we walked over to the side door and entered.

Nick stripped down as soon as he closed the door and I followed his lead. We both folded our clothes and placed them on top of our shoes and socks on the table. Nick then motioned for me to follow him and we walked into a very spacious living room. As we did, I saw two men sitting in recliners. One could only be described as a muscle bear. He had a broad chest under a shirt that was a little too small for him with fur peeking out the top. His arms and legs were built and had light fur on them. The other was bald and had a dark, thick beard. He was not as built, but you could tell he worked out. He was not wearing a shirt and was covered in thick fur that was going white near his upper chest. He had a large tattoo of a bear on his right, upper chest and looked to have massive feet and big hands. When the two men saw us enter, they smiled and got up to come over to greet me.

"You must be Matt!" the muscle bear said as he shook my hand. "My name is Adam."

"Nice to meet you, Sir!" I replied.

"And everyone calls me Bear," the other man said as he shook my hand. "Nice to have you over!"

"Thank you, Sir!" I replied. "I appreciate you inviting me."

"Take a seat," Adam said as he returned to his recliner. "Do you want a beer?"

"Sure, Sir!" I replied.

"Grab us all one, boy," Adam said.

"Yes, Sir!" Nick said.

"When did you graduate from John's program?" Bear asked as he sat down.

"Earlier this year, Sir," I replied. "I completed my contract in March."

"Very good. "And you are collared by a dom?" he asked.

"Yes, Sir," I replied. "My sub-brother Bo and I were collared by the same man in town. His name is Todd."

"Well, that is nice!" Bear said. "Maybe we should get another one. You can call it a wedding present to me."

Adam laughed.

"Don't you start."

Bear chuckled and Nick returned with our drinks. He handed a can to Bear and Adam and then sat next to me on the couch and handed me one.

"We have been very pleased with Nick here," Adam said. "You are very lucky to have found a program like that."

"I feel fortunate to have been trained under Sir John," I replied. "It prepared me for my master and I found myself in the process. I could not be happier."

"I'm glad to hear that," Adam said.

"Are you both from around here?" I asked.

"I am," Adam said. "I lived most of my life in the suburbs here."

"I'm from the Bay Area," Bear said. "I grew up outside of San Jose."

"Oh, nice!" I replied. "I've been wanting to visit the San Francisco area at some point."

"I miss it, but it is even more expensive than here, if you can believe that," Bear said. "Fortunately, Adam and I make a good living."

"When do you head back to Atlanta?" Adam asked.

"Tomorrow morning, Sir," I replied. "It was a short trip, but hopefully I can come back out again, sometime."

"Well, listen," Bear said. "I am not one for subtlety. The boy here said you would be down for some fun and I think you are cute as hell. Care to join me in the playroom?"

I laughed.

"I'd be happy to, Sir."

Adam rolled his eyes.

"You always have sex on your mind don't you?"

"Oh hush," Bear said. "I'm horny."

Adam laughed.

"Ok, well just don't break him."

"I'll try not to," Bear said with a wink.

He got up from the recliner and motioned for me to follow him. Nick squeezed my leg before I got up and smiled at me and then I followed Bear around the corner. Down at the end of a hall, he switched a light on and when I entered, I saw that he had a nice sex room set up. To the right was a fuck bench similar to the one that John had when we were training. There was a padded table to the left and various BDSM equipment hanging from the walls. Bear closed the door behind him and scratched his belly and looked at me.

"Ok, on your knees, boy."

As I knelt, Bear dropped his shorts and I saw a massive soft cock lying on top of huge balls. He played with them and his cock hardened. As it did, I could tell it was very thick. Nick was not exaggerating when he said it was beer-can-sized. I marveled at the thick slab of meat as it engorged and Bear put his hand behind my head and slapped my face with it.

"I hope you are prepared, boy," Bear said. "I make most boys gag and squeal."

"I'm planning to do my best, Sir," I replied.

"Well, get to it then," Bear said.

I moved over and put my lips around the massive head to his cock and held onto his shaft with my hand as I guided it into my mouth. I had no hope of getting it all in, so I did my best to use my tongue to swirl around it as I bobbed on what I could take. I reached under and felt his massive balls and I was shocked at just how heavy his testicles were. This had to be the biggest set of cock and balls I had ever seen. He even put some of the men at Sir John's parties to shame.

Bear reached around and grabbed my head and tried to force more of his cock down my throat. As he did, I choked and spit ran down his shaft. As I coughed and gagged, he kept pulling me back down and was not letting me stop. I tasted his fluids as they dribbled out of the tip and they were tasty. I had no idea what he had been eating, but his precum had a sweet and salty taste to it.

Bear groaned as I bobbed up and down on his cock. I continued to rub his balls and feel them in my hand. As I rolled them around, he groaned and I saw his big feet start to curl.

"How do you like those nuts, boy?" he asked.

I pulled back off his cock and looked up at him. He was smiling at me.

"I'm impressed, Sir. You must shoot huge loads."

"You'll find out soon enough," Bear said as he pulled me back on him.

I spent a good ten minutes sucking on his cock. I use the term loosely, as it was mostly my mouth gagging on him and covering his shaft with my spit. When he finally pulled me off, he reached down and rubbed his balls, and stared at me. I could see he was thinking about something, but I had no idea what.

"You think your ass can take me?"

"I can try, Sir," I replied. "Do you have poppers?"

"Yup, that I do," Bear said with a smile.

He walked over to the side of the room and opened up a small fridge and pulled out a bottle and handed it to me. He then picked me up and led me over to the fuck bench. I climbed onto it and took a hit off the bottle in both nostrils before taking a deep breath and trying to relax. I felt his hand rub over my ass and a lubed finger push inside me.

I gasped as it entered me. Everything about Bear was large. His fingers were girthy and as he penetrated me, my nub swelled in its cage and dribbled. He pushed his digit back and forth a few times and then moved to two fingers. I groaned as I felt him and he chuckled.

"I hope I don't tear you in two."

"I'll let you know if I need a break, Sir," I replied.

"Ok," Bear said. "Seriously, if it is too much for you, we can just switch to a blowjob. I don't want to hurt you."

"Thanks, Sir," I replied.

Bear patted my ass and then I felt him push three fingers inside me. My ass tightened and I took another hit off the poppers. As the chemicals moved through me, I felt my ass open and let him in and then he pulled his fingers out and I felt his cock slap my crack.

"Ok, deep breath boy!" Bear said.

I tried to concentrate on not tensing up as I felt the head of his cock near the entrance of my ass. As it pushed forward, I gasped and cringed. Bear pulled out and held it at the entrance and gently rubbed my lower back.

"Are you sure you are ok?"

"One second, Sir," I replied.

I took a few deep breaths and calmed myself and then hit the poppers once more. When I recapped the bottle, I gave Bear a thumbs up and I felt as he pushed his cock into me. As the massive dick literally split me open, I gasped and moaned.

"Holy fuck! You are huge!"

Bear rubbed my back as he continued to push forward. I am not going to lie, he hurt. I felt like I was being fisted and I was nearly at my limit. When he finally bottomed out inside me, I lost my breath.

"Fucking hell!"

"That's a good boy," Bear said as he grasped my waist. "Get ready."

Bear thrusted back and forth slowly and I was groaning loudly. My ass was on fire from his massive tool. My nub had even shrunk as my body was in overload from the sensations and did not know what to do. I grabbed onto the bench as I felt him slide out and in again. I knew I would not be able to handle him for long.

"Fuck this is a nice hole," Bear said. "How are you doing? Are you still with me?"

"Yes, Sir!" I replied between a grunt and groan. "I'm pretty close to my limit, though."

"Well, do your best to push past it," Bear said. "I have faith in you!"

As I felt Bear start to pick up the pace and fuck me with deeper and faster strokes, I closed my eyes and tried to focus on relaxation and breathing. One thing that John had taught me is the idea of mind over matter. I knew I had taken big cocks in the past and if I concentrated my breathing and tried to relax, I was usually ok. Still, this was taking everything in me.

Bear was thrusting his dick deep into me quickly and I heard the smack of his groin against my ass. I was shoved forward on the bench and it groaned from the force. My cage bounced and I lost feeling in my lower body. As he moaned, I couldn't help but cry out.

"Fucking hell!"

"Stay with me, boy," Bear said. "I am close."

"Ok, Sir!" I replied with a cringe.

"Can you make it?" he asked as he pounded me harder.

"Oh, fucking hell!" I screamed. "I'm trying!"

"I'm almost there boy!" Bear said. "I'm almost there!"

Bear was fucking me so hard my head was bouncing. I almost lost the grip of the poppers in my hand and my ass was just searing in pain. I could not take it anymore. There is a limit that the body can take and I was over it.

"Oh, Sir!" I replied. "I can't."

"I'm close boy!" Bear replied.

"Oh, fuck it hurts!" I said.

"Here it comes, boy!" Bear replied.

"Oh fuck!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. "I can't anymore!"

Bear growled loudly as he came. His cock was pulsing and I felt it deep inside my belly. He lifted my ass off the bench and held onto my legs in that position as he pushed inside and dumped his load. My feet curled and I gripped the bench and screamed again.

"Oh fuck! It hurts!"

Bear let me down on the bench and withdrew. As he did, I felt the cum start to flow out of my ass and when his cock popped out, I heard some land on the floor. I collapsed on the bench and lost consciousness for a moment. When I came to, again, I felt two sets of hands on me. I looked to my left and saw Adam and Nick was on my right.

"You ok, boy?" Adam asked as he rubbed my upper back.

"Holy fuck!" I groaned. "My ass feels like it's been skewered."

Nick laughed and rubbed my lower back.

"I warned you!"

Bear came around and bent down and looked at me and rubbed my face.

"Are you sure you are ok? You passed out there for a moment. We were worried."

I smiled.

"You're a big one. I think my body just went into overload."

Bear grinned and stood up. His cock was soft but cum was dripping out of it. Nick moved around and I watched him clean it and then they all helped me off the bench. As I stood, I felt cum running down my leg. It felt like I had been filled with a liter of fluids.

"Fucking hell, Sir!" I replied. "That was one hell of a breeding!"

Adam laughed.

"I keep telling him if he were straight he would be putting triplets in women."

Bear grinned and reached over and kissed Adam and then he grabbed me by the arm and looked at me.

"I'm sorry. You needed to stop and I was so close I kept going. Are you sure you are ok? Seriously?"

"I'm good, Sir!" I replied as I rubbed his belly. "But I may be walking funny the rest of the night."

Adam laughed and looked at the cum running out of my ass.

"Damn Bear, you really did flood this boy."

"I told you I was horny," Bear said.

"Nick, why don't you take Matt into the shower," Adam said. "I'll order some pizza and we can eat after he's cleaned up."

"Will do, Sir!" Nick replied.

Nick held onto my arm and we walked across the hall to the bathroom. My ass was sore and on fire and cum was still rolling down my leg. When we got into the room, he helped me into the shower and turned the water on and stepped in with me. He smiled as he grabbed the soap.

"Turn around and I will see what the damage is."

"I hope there is no damage!" I replied with a grin.

As I turned around, I felt him gently soap my ass and legs and run his fingers over my sore hole. I groaned and leaned over on the side of the wall as he cleaned away the cum.

"You are a little raw here, but nothing that won't heal," Nick said. "Just hold off being fucked for a few days. Honestly, I am shocked you took him. It took me several tries before I could."

"Mind over matter," I replied with a groan.

Nick laughed and told me to turn around and let the water wash over me. As it did, he put his arms around me and hugged me.

"You did great, bro."

After I was clean, Nick turned the shower off and handed me a towel. I felt better, but my poor ass still felt like I had a cock in it. If I was ever tight before, I would never be again, I thought. When we walked back into the living room, the men were in their reclining chairs and Bear smiled at us.

"Is he broken?"

"I'm ok, just a little reamed out," I replied.

Adam laughed.

"Well, you are definitely a trooper."

When the pizza arrived, we all went into the kitchen to eat. Adam and Bear talked about how they met and their upcoming wedding plans. Nick was very excited and I could tell he loved them both. They seemed like a tight triplet and I felt comfortable with them. After dinner, we had another beer and talked some more until it was getting late.

"Well, I hate to say it, but I should be heading back," I said. "I've got an early flight tomorrow."

"Well, it was great to meet you," Adam said as he rose to hug me. "You are welcome back anytime."

"Absolutely!" Bear said as he hugged me. "I'd love to have that ass again sometime."

"Give me some time to recover," I said with a grin.

Bear smiled and rubbed my head and then Nick and I returned to get dressed and head back into the city. As we were in the car, Nick looked over at me.

"You impressed them," Nick said. "I can see why Jay said you were such an inspiration to him."

"He said that?" I asked.

"Jay admires you a lot," Nick said. "He said you challenged him to be a better sub and he thought you were a great friend and brother."

"Well now I feel bad I haven't kept in touch more," I replied.

Nick laughed.

"No reason you can't in the future. And please feel free to keep in touch with me too. It's been an awesome time."

"Thanks, I will," I replied. "And yes, it has been a great time."

Nick dropped me off at my hotel and I waved to him as he drove away. As I walked over to the elevator to go up to my room, I texted Jay and we chatted about how things went. From that point forward, I kept in weekly touch with him and Nick.

Next: Chapter 9

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