Todds Boys

By Locked Cub

Published on Oct 3, 2023


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This story is the sequel to my first book, "Southern Chastity". I encourage you to read it to get the backstory on Matt, Bo, and Todd.

Todd's Boys

Part 7: Friends

Our little vacation to the Keys was low-key for the next few days. Bo and I mostly spent our time sunning on the beach and swimming. We did take the boat out with Todd a few times to do some fishing and just get out on the water, but there were no other escapades with any locals.

We flew back on Thursday morning, as Todd had to work on Friday. Bo and I had both taken off from work, though, so we had the day to ourselves. I had reached out to my friends Chris and Rick to see if either of them could get the day off with us. Rick had to work, unfortunately, but Chris was able to get the day, so he stopped by after Bo and I had done our morning chores. When I heard the doorbell, I walked over to let him in.

"Hey, Matt!" Chris said as he came in with a box under his arm. "Looking cute in your cage as usual."

"Uh-huh," I replied with a grin.

Chris was the main reason I was in chastity and collared. Long before I heard of John, he told me about Rick locking his cock up and it excited me. I still remember the first time I put my cage on in front of Rick and he took the key away. He had me service him that evening and challenged me not to take the cage off till I went to bed. It left me so horny I jacked off multiple times by the next day. Rick later put me in contact with his friend John and the rest was history.

Chris was my partner in crime. He was the first friend I made when I came to Atlanta and someone I could turn to if I ever needed anything. We had vacationed together in the past and we had shared some sorrows. Besides my brothers and Bo, he was the closest thing to a family member I had.

"Hey, Bo!" Chris said as he saw my boyfriend and came over to hug him. "You know I am still getting used to seeing you with clothes on."

Bo laughed.

"I think Rick would be the most disappointed."

"That's true," Chris said. "He loves your ass!"

"So, what's in the box?" I asked.

"What's in the box? What's in the box?" Chris said in his best Brad Pitt impression.

I laughed.


"Cards Against Humanity sweetie," Chris replied. "I figured we could play some and then have lunch and grab some drinks and see how tipsy we can get."

"That sounds fun," Bo said.

"Rick told me he would come over as soon as he could get away from work," Chris said.

"Even better," I replied.

We headed upstairs to the game room to play a few rounds. If you have never played the game, you should seriously try it. It is better with a large group, but even with the three of us we were rolling and laughing at some of the results. Bo always did the best, though. He seems to have the dirtiest mind of anyone I know. We took a break for lunch and I got dressed and we drove down to the nearby sandwich shop.

"What are you boys doing for Thanksgiving?" Chris asked.

"I'm taking Bo to see my parents," I replied.

"Well, that is a big step!" Chris said.

I laughed.

"Well, Todd is going to see his grandmother who is not in the best of health and I didn't want Bo sitting at the house," I said. "Plus, my mother has been bugging me to meet him."

"It should be fun," Bo replied. "I just hope I don't grope your brother by accident. It still freaks me out how identical you are."

"My Dad always had trouble telling us apart when we were kids," I said with a grin. "But if you grope him, you will know it."

"That's for damn sure," Chris said. "He's hung like a fucking horse. Course you used to be above average yourself at one time, Matt. My ass misses that cock of yours."

"Nub," Bo said with a grin.

I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. Well, I just hope it goes well. Neither Steve nor I have brought a boyfriend home in a long time. My younger brother and his wife and kids will be there, so it will be a houseful."

"I'm looking forward to it," Bo said as he leaned over and kissed me.

"What are you and Rick doing?" I asked.

"Heading up to the cabin for an extended weekend away from everyone," Chris said. "It will be just the two of us."

"That sounds relaxing," I replied.

"I am not complaining," Chris said. "We need to get you two and Todd to come with us up there sometime. You have not been back since we took you two and Jay last year."

"That was fun," Bo said. "It was a bonding experience for the three of us. I felt like Matt got to know Jay a lot better."

"Yeah, it was good," I replied. "Maybe once it gets warmer. I enjoyed swimming in the river."

"True," Chris said. "It gets chilly up in the mountains this time of year."

Once we had finished lunch, we went back home and broke out the booze. Chris mixed up some cocktails and we got in the hot tub in the backyard to relax. I turned on the speaker to have some music going and we whiled away the afternoon. As the sun sat low on the horizon, I heard my phone buzzing on the side of the railing and I moved over to look at who it was. Rick's name popped up and I answered.

"Hey, bud," I replied.

"Come let me in!" Rick said.

I laughed.

"I'll be right there."

"Who was that?" Chris asked.

"Your hubby," I replied. "He's at the front door."

"Oh!" Chris said with a smile.

As I got out, my balls were stretched out and hanging low under my cage from the warm water. Chris pointed at me and giggled.

"Looks like you have a nice door knocker there."

I rolled my eyes and rustled his hair and then dried off and went inside and up to the front door. When I opened it, Rick looked at me and grinned.

"You look a little pruned there."

"We are out back in the hot tub," I replied.

"Oh, great!" Rick replied. "I'll join y'all."

Rick followed me down into the basement. He stripped his clothes off before coming out with me to the back patio and got in the tub. Rick was a built man. He worked out regularly and was taller than me, so he just looked powerful. He had a nice cock that swung between his legs when it was soft and could knock you out if it was hard. When he got in the water, he scooted over and hugged Bo.

"How's my favorite subby bottom doing?"

Bo chuckled.

"I'm good. How was work?"

"Ugh, it was work," Rick said. "But I'm done."

"You want some of my margarita?" Chris asked.

"God, yes, babe," Rick said.

Chris passed the cup over to him and they shared the drink while I got in next to them and warmed up. It had been a cool start to November, which was a change from the warmer weather we had up until mid-October.

"John is already planning for his holiday party next month," Rick said.

"Oh yeah?" I asked. "When is Sir having it?"

"This time it will be December 17," Rick said.

"Damn, that will be literally the week after Mateo graduates," I said. "Whatever boy replaces him will have a steep learning curve."

"Eh, it was the same with me," Bo said. "I began the program and the party was like two weeks after. I survived, so the new guy will."

I laughed.

"Yeah, but you are a piggy bottom."

Bo splashed me and grinned.

"Hush you!"

"Are you going to the party, Rick?" I asked.

"Yeah, I told him I would be there," Rick said. "I'm trying to get this one to come with me."

"Oh, I don't know, Rick," Chris said. "Those parties are more your thing. I can top, but I'm not the dom tops you and your friends are."

"Oh, I know babe," Rick said as he leaned over and kissed Chris's head. "Just think about it."

"At the very least you know you can get lots of blowjobs," Bo said.

"True," Chris replied.

"Good grief, that means that Alex will be the senior sub for that party," I said. "All my brothers will have graduated."

Bo smiled and reached over and rubbed my legs.

"Time goes by fast babe."

"Yeah, I know," I said.

"How are you all doing out here?" we heard Todd say from the back door.

We all looked over and waved at him.

"Do you want to come in?" I asked. "I can get out to make room."

"I'm ok," Todd said. "I would like you to come in here for a moment, though, Matt."

"Be right there!" I replied.

"Have fun!" Rick said as he grabbed my balls when I got up.

I pushed his hands away and grinned and leaned over and kissed him and then got out of the tub and dried off. When I walked in the back door, Todd had his shirt unbuttoned and was kicking off his shoes.

"Mind giving me a blowjob, boy?" Todd asked. "It's been a hell of a day."

"I'd be happy to, Sir!" I replied.

Todd unzipped his pants and pulled them down and sat on the couch near my office area and I knelt and got in front of him. I picked his balls up and massaged them and put my face in his crotch. I could smell his sweat and musk and I felt my nub swell. Todd's scent always had that effect on me.

Todd put his arms on either side of the back of the couch and leaned back. I grasped his shaft and brought it into my mouth and sucked on it. I felt as the blood flowed into his tissues and it thickened up. As it did so, the head touched the back of my throat and I ran my tongue down it.

"Mmm. That feels good, boy," Todd said.

He stretched his legs out and flexed his feet as I held onto the base of his shaft and took him deeply into me. As I pulled off, I tilted my head from side to side and licked him, and then bobbed up and down on his cock to produce a little spit. I sucked on each of his balls and felt the large orbs as they filled my mouth.

Todd brought one hand over and ran it through his chest fur. He groaned as I worked him over.

"Scoot forward more, Sir," I replied.

Todd smiled and did as I asked. I could see his ass as it moved closer to the edge of the couch and I licked my finger and pushed it into his crack until I felt his hole. That caused him to groan loudly and precum flowed out of his cock.

"That's my master," I replied.

Todd looked down at me and smiled as I pushed my finger into his ass and felt for his prostate. When I located it, I rubbed it gently and brought my head over his cock and moved up and down on him faster. I held onto his shaft and sucked as I continued to put pressure on his sensitive spot.

"Oh fuck, boy!" Todd groaned as his body stretched.

He reached up and played with his nipples. For several minutes I worked his cock and fingered his ass. More fluids poured out of him and I felt his legs starting to shake. When the orgasm finally overtook him, I felt his ass clench down on my finger and cum blasted to the back of my throat. I gagged as I tried to swallow it all and Todd growled loudly.


I stroked his cock as he pulsed and filled me and when he stopped, I sucked the remnants away and pulled my finger out.

"Fuck that was hot!" Rick said.

I turned and I saw all three of them standing there watching me and I laughed. Todd looked over and grinned.

"Jealous, Rick?" Todd asked as he fondled his balls.

"I'd be lying if I said no," Rick replied.

Chris playfully hit him in the shoulder and I turned and Todd reached over and grabbed my head and gave me a long, deep, passionate kiss. When he pulled away he looked me in the eyes and smiled.

"Thank you."

"You are welcome, Sir," I replied.

I stood up as Todd put his pants on and walked over to where I had dropped my towel. Bo hugged me and then we all went upstairs.

"Who wants a drink?" Chris asked.

"I do!" we all replied and he mixed some up and we sat around the kitchen and drank.

When Rick finished his, he looked at Bo and came behind him, and rubbed his ass.

"Todd, can I borrow your boy?"

Todd laughed.

"He is all yours, Rick!"

Rick smiled and took Bo down to the dungeon play area and I sat down next to Chris.

"I wondered how long that was going to take," Chris said. "You know he loves breeding Bo."

"He just loves ass, period," I replied.

"True," Chris said. "But your boyfriend is top on his list."

I laughed and looked at Todd.

"What should we do for dinner?"

"I ordered some Chinese take-out," Todd said. "Should be here after Rick is done rutting."

"He will be hungry for sure," Chris said.

"I never asked you if you got the gift card I sent you for your wedding," I asked.

"We did, thanks," Chris said. "I'm sorry we surprised you with the news. We needed to be married for me to be on his insurance plan since mine is so shitty."

"It's ok," I replied. "I always thought of you two as married anyway."

"Yeah, we just went up to the courthouse and we were done," Chris said. "I was never much for ceremonies anyway."

"Still, congrats on that," Todd said.

"Thanks, babe," Chris replied.

"If I ever get married, I want to do a ceremony," I said.

"Oh, yes?" Chris asked.

"Yeah, I am old-fashioned," I said. "I want the romantic engagement, the celebrant, all my friends, and a huge party."

"Well, you might get it one day," Chris said.

"Will see," I said. "I'm happy with Bo now and Sir. I don't want to rock the boat."

Todd smiled and came around and kissed me and went back to put on some shorts and a t-shirt to be more comfortable. When he returned, we went into the living room and sat down and watched some TV and talked till we heard the front door. Todd told me to stay seated and he went over and got the food and paid for it. As he came into the kitchen, Rick and Bo were coming up the stairs.

Rick was covered in sweat and Bo was flushed. They were both panting and I laughed.

"Well, how are the balls, Rick?"

"Everything is in him," Rick said with a smile. "And I am hungry!"

"Told you!" Chris laughed.

I went over and hugged Bo and felt his ass. It was covered in cum. He kissed me and went and got cleaned up and when he returned, we all sat down for a nice dinner followed by more drinks. It was a nice end to the day.

Next: Chapter 8

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