Todds Boys

By Locked Cub

Published on Sep 26, 2023


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This story is the sequel to my first book, "Southern Chastity". I encourage you to read it to get the backstory on Matt, Bo, and Todd.

Todd's Boys

Part 5: Vacation Time

Todd had made plans to fly down to his beach house on Marathon Key in mid-October. As a holder of a private pilot's license, he owned a small plane that allowed us to fly down there on our own schedule. Bo and I had visited it the first time last year when we were in training under John and Todd was determining if we would be a good fit in his household. Since that time, we had been there twice as a group and I enjoyed the laid-back nature of life down there.

Bo had spent a month on what accounted to probation after the sex we had while he was unlocked in Texas. Todd had not given a definitive date when this time would end and Bo had been worried that it would extend over the vacation in Florida. We were due to leave Saturday morning and as I helped him prepare dinner Friday night, Todd walked in to check on him.

"Smells good, boy," Todd said.

"Thank you, Sir," Bo replied.

"Bo, be honest with me," Todd said. "What the hell was going through your mind when you put that nub in Matt last month? And I am not talking about on the beach."

"I've had a lot of time to think about it, Sir," Bo replied. "When I was training under Sir John, I had no access to the key to my cage and I was under strict protocols and supervision. I slipped up from time to time, but he had tight control over me. When I became your boy, you let me experience so many new things, but it also meant I had to have a lot more self-control. I've always been impulsive. It got me into trouble in school a few times growing up. I honestly don't know what to say to you. I love Matt so much and when I saw his ass pointing at me and my nub got hard, I just fell into the temptation."

"Would you rather continue the strict rules that John had?" Todd asked.

"No, Sir," Bo replied. "You helped me explore the spectrum of the sub-dom lifestyle and I do enjoy having a little more autonomy around here. Obviously, it is your decision if I should remain under strict rules, but if you can forgive me, I would like to try to start over and earn back your trust."

"Matt, what are your thoughts?" Todd asked. "He's your boyfriend and your fellow sub in the house."

"Bo and I are two different people, Sir," I replied. "I like being the sub under strict control and rules. It fits my personality and I've never had a complaint being your boy. But I see the streaks of dominant behavior in Bo. I sure felt them when he fucked me too!"

Bo blushed and smiled at me.

"Maybe that is a part of his self-control issues, but I saw how much he grew and was happy as he found his role here. I think you should give him a second chance. But I am biased."

"No, I agree with you, Matt," Todd said. "Bo, really this is not about your role in this house, it's about how you carry yourself. Rules are there in any dominant-subordinate relationship and they are built on trust. I know you cannot be perfect, but I hope this time has taught you to think more carefully about your actions."

"It has, Sir," Bo replied. "Believe me. My balls are so sore that I wake up every day with a reminder."

Todd chuckled and rubbed his shoulders.

"OK, well you are my Alpha in the house again, then. We will take care of those balls tonight too. Go run and put some clothes on as a reward, if you want, for enduring this past month."

Bo smiled and kissed Todd and ran into the back of the house. I laughed and looked at Todd.

"Back to being the Beta, I guess."

Todd smiled.

"Oh, you know you love it."

"Yeah, I do," I said with a grin.

Bo came back into the kitchen with his red gym shorts on and a tank top that I had bought him over the summer and grinned at me.

"That's the smile I remember," I replied.

Bo kissed me and then went back to cooking. After we had finished dinner, Todd told me to clean up and he brought Bo back into his bedroom. While I was putting the dishes away, I heard Bo moaning loudly and growling in pleasure. It went on for a good hour before it quieted down. I was sitting in the living room when he finally came back. He was just in his jock and his chest fur was matted with sweat.

"Well?" I asked with a grin. "Drained?"

"Fucking hell," Bo replied as he collapsed on the couch next to me. "It's going to take my body a week to replenish all that cum."

Bo grabbed and rubbed his balls. I laughed and reached over and rubbed his wet hair and leaned over and smelt the sex and sweat on him.

"Go get cleaned up, piggy," I replied.

Bo smiled and snorted at me and then went to the bathroom. Todd walked into the living room after he left and was still slightly damp from a shower. My master was such a hot man. Seeing his chest glistening and his face still flushed from sex only enhanced his look.

"Sounds like you gave Bo quite a workout," I replied.

Todd smiled as he sat in his chair and caught his breath.

"I have to admit, I quite enjoyed that myself. Come over here and massage my feet, boy."

"Gladly, Sir!" I replied as I got down on the floor and crawled over to him.

We got to the Florida Keys the next day just before lunch. A car was waiting for us as the plane was being stored in the hanger and I put our bags inside and then Todd and Bo climbed in and we drove down the road. The vacation home was at the end of a small road that paralleled the water. An iron and wood gate opened to reveal a small driveway that led up to the bungalow that was surrounded by palm trees and bushes. Todd called the place 'Point Comfort' and the name was written on a wooden plaque over the entrance.

When we got in, Bo and I put our things in the bedroom in the front. While I stripped my clothes off, Bo walked around the house and opened the windows to let the sea breeze in. Todd was in the master bedroom getting situated when I walked by to go to the bathroom. I stuck my head in and smiled.

"Any plans today, Sir?"

"No," Todd replied as he sat on the bed. "Get some lunch prepared and then y'all can have some fun at the beach if you want."

"Sounds good, Sir," I replied.

When I came back around to the kitchen, Bo was leaning on the counter drinking some water. He smiled and beckoned me over and hugged me and groped my exposed ass.

"I might have gotten in trouble for it, but I still think you have a cute butt."

I laughed.

"Come help me make lunch."

After we had some sandwiches and grabbed some beers, Todd and Bo stripped down and we all headed out to the beach. The location was secluded enough that we could be naked out back with no problems. He only had one neighbor; another older gay man named Jerry. We saw him in the backyard getting some sun as we walked out.

"Well, hello there!" Jerry said as he waved. "Did you all have a good trip down?"

"Hey Jerry," Todd replied. "It was not too bad. Looking forward to a little R&R."

"How long are you staying?" Jerry asked.

"Till Thursday," Todd said. "I tried to make it a week, but I need to go to work next Friday to take care of things."

"Well, that is still a nice little vacation," Jerry replied. "How are the sexy subs doing?"

"Good, Sir!" I replied. "Happy to get some beach time in. It's starting to cool off back home."

"Yeah," Bo said. "This seems like the best time of year to be down here."

"Can't beat it, for sure," Jerry replied.

Todd set a lounge chair out with an umbrella and stretched out to nap and Bo and I put some towels out on the sand and then waded out into the water. I felt some tiny fish swimming up and touching my caged balls.

"Ok, that is weird," I said as I waved them away.

Bo laughed and came behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I felt his cage poke my butt and he put his head on my shoulder. I placed my hands on top of his and looked over at him.

"What's on your mind?"

"Nothing," Bo replied. "Just enjoying spending time with the sexiest person on the planet. Well, next to Sir that is."

I laughed and squeezed his arms.

"How do you feel about driving into Key West tomorrow and doing some touristy looking around?" I asked. "Sir said he was just going to lay in the hammock on the back porch all day and read a book. He said it was fine for us to use the car if we wanted."

"Yeah, that sounds like fun," Bo replied. "We have not been back there since last year."

"Cool," I replied. "I'd like to tour the Hemingway House too."

"That would be interesting," Bo said. "Don't they have six-toed cats there?"

"Yup," I replied.

"Neat!" Bo exclaimed. "Also, I want to get another one of those frozen margaritas."

"Yeah, those were tasty," I replied.

Bo and I waded in the water and talked for a while. We did not notice that Jerry came over and put a chair next to Todd, but when we looked over and saw them, Todd waved to us. We moved closer to the beach and as we came out of the water, Jerry smiled.

"Now there is a sight I love to see. Two locked boys ready to serve."

"Are you up for an afternoon blowjob?" Todd asked.

"Sure!" Jerry replied.

"Which one do you want?" Todd asked.

Bo and I stood next to one another drying off in front of the two men as they looked at us. Jerry initially looked at Bo, but then turned to me.

"I'll take Matt."

"That means you are on me, Bo!" Todd replied.

Bo smiled at me and walked over to Todd. The man had spread his legs on either side of the chair and Bo laid down in front of him. Jerry was in a normal chair, so I put a towel on the sand and sat cross-legged on it and scooted up till his cock and balls were at eye level. Jerry's package was about average, but it was still a nice mouthful. I reached up and grasped his shaft as it hardened in front of me and he smiled.

"I haven't cum in two days, boy. Just be ready for a lot."

"No problem, Sir!" I replied.

Jerry had a Prince Albert piercing and he reached down and removed it while I sucked on his balls.

"There, that way you won't break your teeth," Jerry said.

"Thanks, Sir!" I replied as I continued to lick his sack. I could feel his testicles moving underneath and as his shaft continued to harden, I moved over and brought it into my mouth. He had a downward bend to his cock, so it slid over my tongue and down to the back of my throat rather easily. I opened my mouth and moved back and forth and let some spit build up to provide lubrication.

Jerry reached down and grabbed the side of my head and guided me as I sucked him. I looked over at Todd and saw Bo was bobbing up and down on his large cock and balls. Bo had his ass in the air and it was wiggling as his body shifted. I looked back over at Jerry and brought my hand up and used the back of my hand to rub under his sack the way that Kai had done to Todd.

"Mmm, that feels good, boy!" Jerry replied.

I looked up and grinned as I continued to suck his cock. I felt some precum starting to ooze out and as I licked it off the top of his cock head, he reached up and played with his nipples. This produced even more fluids and I had a nice glob to swallow as I took him into me again.

Jerry moved his foot and I felt it touch my cage. He began to play with my nub with his toes as I went down on him. The stimulation made my shaft swell between the bars and start to leak and it ran over his big toe.

"Looks like I have a leaky sub!" Jerry replied with a grin.

I pulled off his cock and stroked him and smiled.

"Just means I am in heat and horny to serve a dom like you!" I replied.

"That's a good boy," Jerry said.

I went back down on him and looked over at Todd again. Bo was stroking Todd's cock with one hand with a motion like you were trying to milk a cow and his head was bobbing up and down and applying suction. Todd was leaning back and moaning loudly and I knew he would not be lasting much longer.

I looked back over at Jerry and pulled his cock into the back of my mouth and deep-throated him. I felt his cock head as it tickled the back and I suppressed my gag reflex the best I could, though I did cough a few times.

Todd was the first to orgasm. I heard him growl loudly and his legs picked up as he filled Bo's mouth. Bo was groaning as he swallowed our master's cum. Jerry was not far behind, though, and I felt his balls move just as he groaned and flooded my mouth. There was so much cum, that I could not keep up and it spilled out the side of my mouth and I choked.

"Fuck, that's a good boy!" Jerry growled as he reached down and forced me on him.

I coughed and cum went into my sinuses and out my nose. My face was a mess of fluids when he finally came down from his high and pulled me off to look at me.

"I told you, boy!"

I smiled as I ran my hand through my beard and felt his seed.

"Yes, you did, Sir. That was hot."

Bo was looking over at me and smiled.

"Come over here."

I moved over and he grabbed my head and licked my beard and nose, which made me giggle. He then kissed me and pushed his tongue into my mouth. I could still taste some remnants of Todd and we shared some fluids for a moment till he pulled off me and grinned.

"Nom, nom!"

I laughed out loud and sat down on the blanket in front of Jerry, who was stroking his soft cock.

"Well, I call that an afternoon delight!"

"Yeah, I have to say that I enjoyed that immensely, myself," Todd replied. "Matt, go get us some more beers!"

"Yes, Sir!" I replied.

We hung out on the beach with Jerry for a few hours until he needed to leave to run some errands. Todd wanted to take a nap, so Bo and I went inside and sat on the sofa and listened to the sounds of the waves through the open window. Bo was sitting on the side with his legs spread and I laid between them and rested my head on his chest. He ran his hands through my hair and I was rubbing his belly.

"I want to capture this moment and bottle it," Bo said softly.

"Yeah, I know what you mean," I replied as I snuggled on him and began to doze.

Next: Chapter 6

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