Todds Boys

By Locked Cub

Published on Sep 21, 2023


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This story is the sequel to my first book, "Southern Chastity". I encourage you to read it to get the backstory on Matt, Bo, and Todd.

Todd's Boys

Part 4: A Reunion

Bo and I got back from Texas in the afternoon. Todd was waiting at the airport to pick us up and as we got into the back of the vehicle, he turned around and smiled at Bo.

"How are you boy?"

"I'm good, Sir," Bo replied as he reached over and grasped my hand. "Matt helped a lot."

"That is good," Todd replied as he turned to drive off. "Did you have any issues with your cage, Matt?"

"Not going out there, Sir," I replied. "But they patted me down in Texas. I was worried they might bring me to a private room, but they ended up waving me through."

"Good," Todd replied. "We will get you back in your cage as soon as we get home, Bo."

I looked over at Bo and squeezed his hand. He sighed and looked down and felt his crotch and then looked over at Todd.

"Sir?" Bo said. "I need to tell you something."

"Sure, Bo," Todd replied. "What is it?"

"I fucked Matt on the trip," Bo said.

Todd was silent for a moment. I was unsure of what he was going to say.

"Once?" Todd asked.

"No, Sir," Bo replied. "A few times. On two different days."

Todd drove quietly for several miles. Bo looked at me and was concerned.

"Sir?" I said. "May I speak."

"You may," Todd replied.

"The first time was on the beach the day we got there," I said. "Bo was telling me about the fantasy he had growing up to bring his boyfriend there and make love by the water. It was a very emotional experience for him."

"And what about the other times?" Todd asked.

"I just saw his ass and could not help this morning and took advantage, Sir," Bo said. "I don't know what else to say. I gave into my impulses."

Todd was quiet for a few more moments before he spoke.

"What does chastity mean for you, Bo?" Todd asked.

"It's a way for me to put other's needs first, Sir," Bo said. "Specifically, yours as our master."

"I can understand the heat of the moment and the emotions you were dealing with on the first day," Todd said. "If it had been that, then I might have let this slide. But the other times sound like selfish acts to me. You put your needs above anything else. This does not sound like you. Do you still want to be a boy in my household, Bo?"

"Yes, Sir," Bo replied. "I do."

"As a boy in my home, are you planning on setting your own rules or are you planning to follow mine?" Todd asked.

"Yours, of course, Sir," Bo replied.

"I need time to process this, boy," Todd said. "There will be consequences to your actions. I am very disappointed in you. I care for you a great deal and have been giving you a lot of autonomy in the household. Perhaps I have moved too quickly."

"I'm sorry, Sir," Bo replied.

"When we get to the house, please go downstairs to the dungeon and I will meet you there," Todd said. "We need to have a longer conversation."

"Yes, Sir," Bo replied.

I squeezed Bo's hand and he looked at me and squeezed it back.

"You are very brave," I whispered to him. "I love you."

"I love you, too," Bo replied.

When we got back home, Bo reported downstairs and I took our things into the bedroom and unpacked and got some laundry done. Todd and Bo were downstairs for over an hour and I was getting concerned. I debated going down to check on them, but I thought better of it. Eventually, they came upstairs. Todd stood at the top of the staircase and Bo was naked and his cage was reinstalled. Bo walked over to me and looked at me.

"Sir and I have talked," Bo said. "I will remain here as his boy, but for the next month, I am to be naked and caged at all times while in the house. I am not allowed to use the furniture and I will take the beta place below you. I am not allowed to fuck or be fucked by you with the strap-on during this time. Sir will determine when and if I am allowed to cum."

Bo looked down and felt his cage and then looked up at me.

"Please refer to this as my nub again. OK?"

"Ok," I said.

Todd walked over and put his arms on Bo's shoulders.

"I have spoken to you both about the idea that I believe that sexual roles can evolve. You both have gone through an intensive training program to make you better subs and prepare you for a permanently caged lifestyle, should you choose this. Matt, you have embraced this fully and I have been greatly impressed at how much you have made your cage a part of your body and your role a part of your life. In fact, John even told me privately you were the quickest sub he ever had that took to the cage and lifestyle. Bo, however, has evolved a lot since he graduated. I like teasing him and seeing him out of chastity on certain occasions. I felt he could take on more of an alpha role in a household that included some time out of chastity and more privileges like clothing. He abused that privilege and gave into temptation and he will be paying the price."

Bo looked at the floor, embarrassed, and hid his cage from me.

"Over the next four weeks, he will be responsible for the cooking and cleaning and I will be using you, Matt, more for my sexual needs. I want him to use this time to consider what he did and the selfish nature of the acts. That being said, I will restore his privileges after this time and we can start over finding a role for him. I also made it very clear that I thought your time at the beach was touching and I fully support you sharing that moment. You two are a couple and this was a difficult time for him. But Bo was honest with me that he needs to work on self-control."

"I understand," I replied.

Todd leaned over and hugged the boy.

"I know you will grow from this and will be a better sub because of it, Bo. I am happy to have both of my boys home. I missed you both."

"We missed you too, Sir," we replied.

The next two weeks were tough on Bo. After months of living one way, getting used to strict protocols was difficult. He became visibly frustrated as his hormonal level increased and I spent a lot of time just holding him in bed to comfort him. Todd was not fucking him, he only allowed him to provide blowjob service on occasion and his nub began to leak daily, often making a huge mess in the bed overnight. I knew he had a bad case of blue balls as a result. I felt bad for him, but I knew he could manage. We had longer periods between milkings when we were with John. Still, I could tell he was struggling.

On Friday, I wanted to find a way to distract him, so I asked Todd if it would be ok to head out to Woofs, the bear sports bar, for an evening of drinking and maybe visit the Eagle after. Todd was fine with this as he had some things to catch up on, so I called up Max and he agreed to come, and then I reached out to Johnny. Johnny was the sub that I replaced when I joined John's program and he had been Bo's senior sub brother. Johnny had not seen Bo in a very long time and jumped at the chance to hang out.

So, that afternoon, when Bo came back from work, he stripped down and walked into the kitchen and I surprised him with the news.

"What do you think of an evening of drinks and friends?" I asked.

"What friends?" he asked.

"It's a surprise," I replied.

Bo eyed me and tried to determine if I was playing with him.

"I don't know," he said.

"Oh, boo!" I said as I playfully poked him in the belly. "Go get some bar clothes on. We are leaving as soon as we are dressed."

"Ok," Bo replied.

As we drove downtown, he kept pestering me with questions, but I would not let him know anything. When we walked into the bar, we headed into the back and Bo saw Johnny and Max sitting at the table. Bo's face lit up and he ran over to Johnny and hugged him, nearly tackling him in the process.

"I am so happy to see you!" Bo said as he embraced Johnny.

"Good to see you too, brother," Johnny replied.

"Hey, Max," I said as I came over to hug him.

"Hey, Matt!" Max replied. "Johnny and I were just catching up."

Bo finally broke their embrace and after giving Johnny a kiss he sat down next to him. I ordered a pitcher of beer for the table and we got to talking.

"I hear you are in the doghouse," Johnny said as he looked at Bo.

Bo blushed.

"What did you tell him, Matt?"

"All I said is that you have been put in the chastity penalty box for a month and that you needed some cheering up," I said.

"Yeah, I don't need to know the details," Johnny said. "We all slip up. Are you doing ok, though?"

"I'm managing," Bo said. "I think I got too big for my britches for a while."

"And here I thought that was me not too long ago," Max replied.

Everyone laughed.

"How's married life?" I asked Max.

"It's not that different," Max said as he held up his hand to show off the gold band around his finger. "But I only service Sir now. No other doms but him."

"He's a lucky man," I said as I held up my glass.

Johnny and Bo held up their glass and cheered.

"Damn right!"

As we got to drinking, I saw Bo relax and start to smile again. I had not seen him happy like this in a while. He hugged Johnny and made jokes with Max and as he got tipsy, he got handsy with me. We stayed at the bar till it got close to 10 pm, then we all drove over to the Eagle to continue the evening out.

I had been pacing myself so that I would be ok to drive, but Bo was getting drunk. Max was getting around by rideshare, so he was not far behind. When we walked into the bar, I left the three of them on the upper back deck and I went in and got a round of beers for all of us. When I returned, I saw that Johnny's fellow sub, Ryan, had shown up.

Ryan had trained under John. When he graduated, he was collared by a man named Jack. Johnny took his place and the next year when he graduated, Jack collared him too. I took Johnny's place and all three of us had the same color collar, black and yellow.

"Hey, Ryan," I said as I brought beers over for everyone. "How have you been?"

"Doing well, bro," Ryan said as he came over and hugged me. "It is great to see you all again."

"Absolutely," I replied. "I can't remember the last time we were all in one place."

"It's been quite a while for sure," Ryan said. "There is one other one that is here."

"Oh, who is that?" I asked.

"Me!" came a voice behind me.

I turned and I saw Dan standing and he reached over and gave me a big hug and a kiss. Dan was Greg's sub and was the main reason I decided to train under John. He had been there when I had questions and helped assure me I was making the right decision.

"I feel like we are having a Sir John alumni party!" I replied.

Everyone laughed and we toasted each other and had a wonderful time catching up on things. We eventually moved over to some benches on the far side of the upper back deck and Bo sat down to steady himself. I had not seen him this drunk in a long time. I walked over and he hugged my leg.

"Thank you for all of this," Bo said.

I smiled and then I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. I turned and saw Jack, Johnny, and Ryan's master, smiling at me.

"How are you, boy?" Jack said with a smile.

"Hey, Sir!" I replied. "Doing well. Took this one out to get his mind off of things."

I pointed down at Bo, who was still hugging my leg. He looked up and saw Jack and smiled and got to his feet.

"Hello, Sir!" Bo replied, slurring his speech.

Jack laughed and walked over and hugged him. Jack was a very nice-looking daddy bear. He was about six-foot-tall (1.82 m) with hazel eyes and a full beard that was mostly gray and white with some remaining darker browns here and there. His chest was broad and covered in white and gray fur, and it looked like he worked out, but he had a beer belly. His arms were thick and covered in tattoos from his elbows to his shoulders.

"Been having a tough time lately, boy?" Jack asked.

"Yeah," Bo replied.

"When was the last time you serviced me?" Jack asked.

"I guess it was the pool party last year, Sir," Bo replied.

"Oh, yes," Jack said. "It has been a long time. Well, get on your knees, boy."

Bo looked at him and knelt and Jack began to unzip his jeans. He pulled his jock to the side and his large cock flopped out. Johnny looked over and smiled and gathered us around to provide cover as Bo reached up and began to suck on Jack's hardening cock. Even in his inebriated state, the training we had got from John kicked in and Bo immediately went to work.

Of all my sub brothers, Bo was the one that was said to have had the best technique when it came to giving blow jobs to a dominant. He had very little gag reflex left and it showed as Jack's cock disappeared down Bo's throat. I watched in amazement as he bobbed up and down and could swear I saw his throat moving as Jack's cock entered it.

"That's a boy, Bo," Dan said with a cheer.

Bo reached around and grabbed Jack's legs and held on as he produced more spit and continued to suck him. It began to run out the sides of his mouth and dribble down his beard and it glistened in the lights from the deck. Bo reached up and massaged Jack's balls and Jack groaned from the sensation. Ryan came behind his master and reached around to play with his nipples and Jack closed his eyes and leaned back on him.

Jack reached around and held Bo's head and fucked the boy's skull. He pulled him down so deeply on his cock that Bo's nose was embedded in his crotch on the downstroke.

"You like sucking my cock, don't you, boy?" Jack said.

Bo grunted a few times as he continued to be face-fucked.

"I'm gonna breed that mouth of yours and send you home with a belly full of a real man's seed," Jack said.

Bo grunted some more and gripped Jack's legs tightly. I looked over and saw Jack start to pant and breathe heavier. As Ryan worked his nipples, he leaned in.

"Breed his mouth, Sir!"

Jack forced Bo's mouth down on him faster and I heard Bo start to cough. Soon after, Jack growled and pulled Bo down on him as he came.

"Fuck, yeah, boy!"

Bo kept the dick down his throat till he could hold his breath no longer and he backed off it. Some cum went up his nose as he coughed and it dribbled out. Some landed on his beard and Jack laughed.

"I love how much of a cum pig you are. Just like my boy Ryan here."

Ryan looked over and smiled at me and then got down and helped Bo to his feet. He leaned over and licked Bo's beard and tasted his Master's cum and then patted Bo's back.

"Good to see you haven't lost the touch, Bo!"

Everyone laughed and Max leaned over to rub Bo's mustache where cum had landed after it came out of his sinuses.

"Damn, bro."

Bo smiled and looked at me.

"I need more beer for the swimmers inside me!"

Everyone laughed and I rolled my eyes.

"Ok, Bo. I'll be right back."

I walked inside to get a round for everyone and when I returned, Bo was leaning on Max, who was rubbing his head.

"Is he out for the count, yet?" I asked as I handed out the beers.

"Not yet, but he is close," Max replied.

Bo looked up at me and smiled and grabbed the beer out of my hand and leaned back on Max. I turned to talk to Dan and Johnny for a while. By 1 am, Bo was just about passed out on the bench. Jack gathered Ryan and Johnny and gave hugs all around before they left. Dan said he needed to leave, so Max offered to help me get Bo down to the car. Bo leaned on both of us as we headed down the street and when we got to my SUV, Max got him into the front seat and closed the door.

"It was great seeing you again," Max said. "Let's do this again soon."

"Absolutely, bro," I replied as I hugged him.

Max moved back to the sidewalk to grab a car home and I drove Bo back to the house. When we got there, we saw Todd snoring in his chair in the living room. I closed the door behind me and the sound woke him up.

"Did you two have fun?" Todd asked.

"Yes, Sir," I replied. "Bo tied one on, though. Can you help me?"

Todd smiled.


Todd walked over and held him while I took Bo's shoes off and then unbuckled his pants and pulled them down. It took some work to get them over his feet, but once I did, I was able to get his shirt and underwear off last. Bo leaned on Todd while I undressed and when I was done, I helped Todd bring him to our room and lay him in the bed.

"Swimmies in my tummies!" Bo kept repeating as he rubbed his belly.

"What is all that about?" Todd said amused.

"He gave Sir Jack a blow job and has been doing that all night since," I replied.

Todd laughed loudly and bent over and pushed Bo over to the side of the bed.

"There, you should have room to sleep now," Todd said. "I don't think I have ever seen him that drunk."

"He had a really good time, though," I said. "Thanks for letting me take him out."

"No problem," Todd said as he rubbed my shoulders. "I'm going to bed. You can wake me up with my morning blow job tomorrow."

"Not a problem, Sir," I said with a smile.

Todd leaned down and kissed me and then did the same to Bo and then walked down the hall to his bed. I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and then got into bed and checked on Bo. He was still mumbling to himself but seemed ok, so I put my CPAP mask on and nodded off to sleep.

The next morning, I walked back into our bedroom after leaving Todd's. I found Bo with one eye open looking at me.

"Well, how do you feel?" I asked as I sat down beside him.

"Like a truck ran over me," Bo replied.

I grinned and ran my hands over his head.

"My poor Beta tied one on last night."

Bo rolled his eyes and playfully pushed me away.

"Fuck off."

I laughed and played with his hair until he looked at me again.

"Did you service Sir?" he asked.

"Yeah, he let me suck him for a while before pounding a load deep inside me," I replied. "Made my nub cream."

Bo reached down and grabbed his sore, caged balls.

"I need that so bad."

"I feel like I am responsible for this punishment," I said. "I let you fuck me and did not stop you."

Bo reached out and grabbed my hand and held it.

"No, you are not responsible. I went through a whole year of conditioning and learning to put others first and then the first time I had my cage off and was unsupervised, I reverted back to my old ways. This is all on me. I needed a kick in the pants. I hope that a month of blue balls will teach me."

I rubbed his belly and leaned down to kiss him.

"Ok, Beta," I replied. "Well, Sir wants his breakfast, so you better get up and get going."

Next: Chapter 5

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