Todds Boys

By Locked Cub

Published on Sep 18, 2023


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This story is the sequel to my first book, "Southern Chastity". I encourage you to read it to get the backstory on Matt, Bo, and Todd.

Todd's Boys

Part 3: The Loss

It was a Wednesday and I was sitting in my office in the basement after lunch working on some spreadsheets. We have a security system in the house that beeps when the doors or windows are opened. I heard the sound and was spooked as no one was supposed to be home till later. I got up from my chair and walked over to the staircase and called up to the first floor.

"Hello? Is there anyone there?"

It was quiet for a moment and then I saw Bo appear at the top of the landing. His face was red and his eyes were bloodshot. He hurriedly came down the steps and embraced me, nearly pushing me over. He sobbed immediately as I held him and I moved my hand over his head.

"What is wrong? What happened?"

Bo continued to cry for a moment and then mumbled.

"My cousin called. My dad was in an accident and was killed."

I knew very little about Bo's family. I knew he grew up in South Texas and that his mom had passed away when he was in his teens. He was an only child and had been raised by his dad. I got the impression it was not the closest of relationships, but he never spoke ill of him. I was at a loss as to what to say or do, so I just held him. I felt his tears run down my chest and I brought him over and we sat on the couch that was across from my desk.

I leaned back on one side and he got in a fetal position and laid his head on my chest and sobbed for a while and then just held me. I was quiet and let him be. I tend to bottle up my emotions and not let them out. Bo was the exact opposite and there had been many times when he just needed a shoulder to lean on. When he finally quieted down, I ran my hands over his face.

"What can I do?" I asked.

"You are doing it, babe," he replied. "Just let me hold you."

I reached over to the table and grabbed my phone and texted my coworker that an emergency came up and I would not be working the rest of the day. I then turned on some music low in the background and then sat back and let him lay on me. We were in that position for a while until I heard him start to snore. I reached down and gently rubbed his beard and felt his face. It was warm and red. He slept for about an hour and I just held him. When he finally awoke, he sat up and rubbed his eyes, and reached over to rub my belly.

"I'm thirsty, do you want me to get you some water?" I asked.

Bo looked at me and thought for a moment. I could see he was in a fog.

"Ok," he replied.

I walked upstairs and grabbed a bottle of water for both of us and when I came downstairs, he was asleep again. I placed the bottle near the couch and then picked up my phone and walked outside to call Todd. I let him know what happened and he said he would come home immediately. I went over to my desk to close out what I was doing and then rolled my chair over to sit next to Bo.

Todd came home about thirty minutes later. I heard him come down the stairs and I got up and hugged him. He then walked over and knelt by Bo and rubbed him till he woke up. Bo gave him a half-smile and then sobbed and Todd reached over and picked him up. Bo is not a small person, and watching Todd use his strength to pick the boy up and turn and sit down and put him in his lap was amazing and touching. He hugged Bo deeply and he sobbed on Todd's shoulders.

By the late afternoon, he had calmed enough that we made it upstairs. He was sitting on a chair at the counter in the kitchen and I had my arms around him with my head on his shoulder. Todd took the initiative to start cooking dinner. This was normally our duty, but he was quite the cook when he wanted to be. He looked over at us and kept checking on Bo as he finished the meal and then we ate in the kitchen.

When Bo finished, he finally spoke.

"I need to go back home."

"I can get you tickets for tomorrow," Todd said. "Do you want Matt and/or I to come with you?"

"It's going to be very awkward, Sir," Bo replied. "Do you mind if Matt just comes?"

"Absolutely not!" Todd replied. "Are you ok with that, Matt?"

"Not a problem," I replied. "You just tell me where I need to be."

Todd got onto his computer and got two tickets to Corpus Christi for the next morning and then he went and got changed out of his work clothes. I asked Bo if it would be ok to go to the restroom and he said yes, so I took a break to do that. When I came out, I saw Todd sitting on his bed in his shorts. I walked in and knocked on the doorframe.

"Are you sure it is ok for just me to go with him?" I asked. "I know he considers you his family, too."

"Not a problem, boy," Todd replied. "Bo told me a while back that his sexuality was a sore spot in the family. I suspect showing up with a dom he is subordinate to and a subby boyfriend would be too much to handle at a time like this."

"Ok," I replied. "I am just unsure what I can do."

"Just be there for him," Todd said as he came over and rubbed my shoulder. "He's going to need you over the next few days."

"Yes, Sir," I replied.

"I'm going to remove his cage tonight," Todd said. "He may object, but I don't want him to have to deal with anything but his grieving. Are you ok staying locked?"

"I am, Sir," I replied. "I'll be ok. But I may need my key in case there are issues at the airport."

"I'll pack it in a sealed container in your carry-on," Todd said. "I trust you."

Todd gave Bo something to help him sleep, but he still was restless during the night. He got us up early and took Bo into the master bath to help get him cleaned up while I took a shower in the hall bathroom. When we were dressed and packed, he drove us out to the airport and dropped us off. Bo got out first and Todd got my attention before I closed the door.

"Give me a call tonight and let me know how he is," Todd said.

"I will, Sir," I replied.

I caught up with Bo and we walked in and checked for our flight. I had been worried about the body scanners with my cage, but all they had to do was pat me down after I told them what it was and there were no issues. When we got to the gate and sat down, I walked across to the McDonald's and grabbed some coffee for us both. When I brought it back, Bo reached up and smiled.

"How are you this morning?" I asked.

"I'm here," Bo replied as he grabbed my hand. "I'm ok."

"Good," I said as I sipped the drink.

"You are going to think this is horrible, but I was just sitting here groping myself wondering where my cage was," Bo replied. "I don't know why my mind went there."

"You've had that cage on for a long time," I replied. "As far as I know this is the longest you have been without it in almost two years. I'm sure it feels weird."

Bo smiled and drank his coffee and leaned on me. When they called our flight, we boarded and sat next to one another. I took the window seat and watched as we took off and crossed over the southern states, heading for Texas. We had to change planes in Houston and it took about four and a half hours total to finally reach the coast.

When we got off the plane and took the escalator down to get our bags, a young woman was waiting near the baggage claim. She came over to us and reached out and hugged Bo.

"Hey cuz," she said as they embraced and kissed.

Bo looked over at me and gestured for me to come over.

"Matt, this is my cousin Debbie. Debbie, this is my boyfriend, Matt."

"Oh," Debbie said with an awkward look.

She held out her hand and I shook it and Bo looked at her.

"Don't start, please," Bo said. "This is not the time."

"I won't say a thing," she replied. "But you know that Dad will make this awkward."

"I'm not in the mood," Bo replied.

"I know, Bo," she said as she rubbed his back.

I stayed back and let them talk till our bags arrived. I picked them off the carrousel and then followed the two of them to Debbie's car. Bo sat in the front and I got in the back with the bags and she drove us into the city. She went down the highway and then south on San Padre Island Drive to the south side of the town till they got to a one-story house in an older neighborhood. When we pulled into the driveway, we all got out and a large man walked outside. He had a built chest and huge arms.

Bo walked over to him and hugged him. He then turned to me.

"Matt, this is my Uncle Bob."

I stuck out my hand and shook his. His grip was strong and when he released it he smiled.

"You a friend of his?" Bob asked.

I looked at Bo and he sighed.

"I needed someone here," Bo replied.

"No problem," Bob said. "We can pull out the couch or something."

"He can sleep with me," Bo replied.

Bob looked at him but did not say anything. He then turned and walked back inside and we all followed. After putting our things in a back bedroom, I followed Bo into the living room where his Uncle and cousin were sitting. We sat down across from them and they began discussing the memorial plans. I could feel some tension in the room and I was sure that it was revolving around my presence. Still, everyone was cordial and I listened in the background.

The graveside service was to occur tomorrow afternoon. They were not going to have any religious services, though there would be a viewing beforehand. Bo had asked to be driven over to his father's house and his cousin had agreed to take us. When we got over there, I saw that it was a similar home that was located about a half-mile from his Uncle. When we walked in, we saw some paperwork on the table and the house was a mess, but nothing horrible.

"Do you want me to stay?" Debbie asked.

"No," Bo replied. "The keys to dad's old truck are here on the counter. I want to spend some time here and then I will take Matt out for a drive. I will meet you over at Bob's later."

"Ok," Debbie replied.

She leaned over and hugged him and then smiled at me as she turned to leave. I followed Bo into the living room and sat down as he wandered around the house. He looked through some boxes and went into his old room to pack up a few things. At about 5 pm, he came in and asked me if I was ready to go for a drive. I told him I was ready when he was, so we went out and got into an old pickup truck and he took it out on the highway.

"You feel like going to the beach?" Bo asked.

"Sure," I replied. "You have mentioned how much you miss going out there."

Bo smiled and pointed the truck in the direction of the coast and took us over the Kennedy causeway to Padre Island. We took a few side roads and made it out onto the beach and then Bo drove south on the sand.

"Are you headed any place in particular?" I asked as we drove on the beach.

"I know a secluded spot that is quiet," he replied.

Several minutes later he pulled to the side. He reached into a container in the back of the truck and pulled out a large blanket and then began to walk. There was a small berm to our right and he went up it and found a place to lay the blanket out and sit down. I sat next to him and he leaned on me and watched as the waves crashed in. I had to admit, it was a beautiful spot and there was not a soul around.

"Dad used to take me out here a lot when I was a kid," Bo said. "It was Mom's favorite spot and I was conceived out here."

I chuckled.

"Well, that is probably too much information."

Bo smiled and playfully hit me.

"You are probably right. Thanks for coming down here with me, though. I'm sorry things are awkward with my Uncle."

"I take it they do not approve of you being gay," I said.

"No, not at all," Bo replied. "Bob tried to convince my dad to take me to therapy when I came out in high school."

"Oh, wow," I replied.

"Yeah," Bo said. "I had fooled around with some girls when I was in junior high, but it never felt right. When I got sucked off after football when I was a freshman, though, I was really into it. Well, that and the lineman was fucking hot as hell."

I laughed and Bo smiled back at me.

"Dad wasn't happy, but he never said anything to me about it," Bo said. "He just let me be me. But I never dated anyone in high school. I always wanted to bring someone out here and make love to them as the sun set."

"Sounds romantic," I said.

"Yeah," Bo said with a grin. "I had this whole thing planned out in my head for a first date and then if things worked out and progressed, we would head out here."

Bo reached over and touched the sand and closed his eyes and listened to the water as the wind blew over him. I reached over and ran my hand through his beard and he looked at me and smiled.

"Lay back," Bo said.

I grinned and sat back on the blanket and he pulled his shirt off and undid his pants. The sun was low on the horizon and it bathed his body in reds and oranges. I reached up and ran my hand over his belly and as he pulled his pants and underwear off, I saw his uncaged nub for the first time in nine months.

Part of the graduation process in John's program was to stand on your last day and have the senior sub suck one last load out of your nub before you went into permanent chastity. For me, the last person to touch and see my uncaged nub was my sub-brother Max. For Bo, I was the last one that had seen him. He had been tied to a Saint Andrew's cross and blindfolded and I had held his balls and nub in my hand and stroked a load out of him. It had been the first and last time I saw his genitals free until this moment.

His nub was hard and I had forgotten how girthy it was. He smiled and leaned over me and rubbed my belly. He pulled my shirt up and ran his hands through my chest hair and then leaned over to kiss me. As we embraced, I ran my hands over his bare skin and felt his ass.

"Take your clothes off," Bo said as he pulled back and looked at me.

I sat up and undressed and he knelt and watched me as he stroked his nub. It was starting to get slick with precum and when I finally got my clothes off, I adjusted my cage and then leaned over and took his nub into my mouth. Bo gasped.

"I forgot what this felt like," Bo said as he ran his hands over his body and closed his eyes.

I sucked on his nub and felt the precum start to flow. As I jacked him, I pulled off and tasted it and ran my hands over his shaft and balls. I looked up at him and he smiled.

"What is Sir going to think?" I asked.

Bo reached over and put his finger on my lips.

"Shhh. I want this to be about us right now."

Bo moved around and sat between my legs. He lifted them up and placed them on his shoulders and reached down and played with my cage. I was leaking as much as he was and he collected it and brought it down and rubbed it on my hole. I groaned as he did so and watched as he smiled and never took his eyes off mine.

He stroked his nub and he spat on his hand a few times and then placed it on the entrance of my ass and pushed. I felt him enter me for the very first time. His nub, his cock, felt so wonderful as it filled me. Bo groaned and bit his lip. He continued to push till he was deep inside me and moved so my legs fell back to my chest.

He dug his feet into the sand and thrusted forward and I felt his cock move deeper. As he began to move in and out, his cock head hit my prostate, and waves of energy flowed through my body.

I watched as he fucked me. The setting sun highlighting his hair and beard and the wind tussling his hair. The sound of seagulls could be heard above as he grunted and thrusted. I moaned and reached up and touched his face. I ran my hand over his beard and he closed his eyes. A tear formed in one eye and as it ran down his face he looked at me and grunted.

I felt his cock as it pulsed and filled me with his cum. He continued to fuck me and he sent me over the edge. I moaned as cum shot out of my cage and covered both of our bellies. He slowed and gently rocked in and out of me till he went soft and as he pulled out, he let my legs down and laid on top of me. More tears formed and he kissed me.

"I love you so much, baby," Bo said.

"I love you too," I replied as we embraced.

When he finally rolled off me, our chests and fur were matted and sticky and had some sand embedded in it.

"I forgot how messy it can be on the beach," Bo said with a grin.

I saw him stroking himself and I leaned over and sucked on him. He leaned back and groaned as I bobbed up and down on his cock. It hardened and he laid back and I continued to work on him. I moved around so my head was in his crotch and my ass was near his head to the left of him and he reached up and played with my cummy ass and dangling cage while I sucked on him.

Bo's legs were stretched out and he let his feet extend and his toes curled. He began to moan loudly as I rubbed his balls and licked his shaft and then sucked his cock again. I have no idea how long I worked him, but he eventually bucked his hips and delivered another load directly into my mouth, which I swallowed.

When he was soft and I had pulled the last bits of cum out, I turned and laid down next to him and we continued to make out as the sun set. As it began to get dark, the insects began to emerge and he rubbed my chest.

"I guess we better get going."

"Was it everything you had imagined as a kid?" I asked.

"No," Bo said as he kissed me. "It was better."

We got up and got dressed and then put the blanket back in the truck. As we got in and Bo started the engine to drive back to town, he looked at me.

"The only people that will be there tomorrow will be extended family. It might get awkward as you will likely be the only stranger. But I want you there. Are you ok with that?"

"Of course, babe," I replied.

I reached over and held his hand as we drove back over the causeway and headed over to his Uncle's house. When we got there, we still had sand on us, so we each took a shower and then went into the bedroom to get dressed for dinner. I sat on the bed in my underwear as he put his boxers on. I watched his soft cock as it disappeared under his waistband.

"We need to talk about this," I said. "As romantic and intimate as that was earlier today, we are Sir's boys. I don't think he removed your chastity cage with this in mind."

Bo came over and sat next to me and put his hand on my leg and looked at me.

"I'll have the conversation with Sir," Bo said. "I needed this."

Bo reached over and kissed me. He broke the embrace when we heard a knock on the door frame and turned to see his cousin.

"We are about to go eat, Bo," Debbie said, embarrassed.

"We are almost done here," Bo said, standing up. "Tell Bob we will be there in a few minutes."

"Ok," Debbie said as she closed the door.

I reached out and held Bo's hand.

"I know you needed this. I'm here for you."

Bo smiled and kissed me and then we finished getting dressed.

Dinner with his Uncle and cousin was at a local Mexican restaurant. At first, Bob was quiet and Bo talked with Debbie about how life had been since he left. However, I noted that Bob kept looking at me at several points until he finally spoke up.

"Bo, I was not going to bring this up, but I don't think your father would have appreciated you showing up with your friend here and flaunting your perversions at his funeral."

"Dad!" Debbie responded.

"Bob, mind your own business," Bo replied. "I understand you are backward and refuse to accept me for who I am, but please don't start this shit now."

"I just wish you would seek help," Bob replied. "You were a good kid growing up."

"I'm not discussing this now," Bo replied. "Should we get up and leave?"

Bob waved his hand and sat back and then continued to eat. The remainder of the meal was quiet and I felt uncomfortable. When we finished, Bo went out to the front of the store and I followed him. He was leaning against a post and I came over and held his hand.

"Sorry about that," Bo said.

"Not your fault," I replied.

When Bob came out with Debbie behind him, Bo turned to face him.

"Matt and I are going to grab our stuff and stay at Dad's house."

"Ok," Bob replied.

When we got back to his uncle's we quickly packed up our stuff and put it in the back of the old truck and Bo drove us over to the house. When we walked in, he went over to the fridge and grabbed two beers and brought them over to the kitchen table. We opened them and sat and were quiet for a few minutes.

"My dad bought this place when he was married to his first wife," Bo finally said.

"Oh?" I replied.

"Yeah," he said. "He had a kid with a lady named Jill. When his son was three, they were both killed in a car accident."

"Oh jeez," I replied. "I'm sorry."

"Yeah, it was sad, but after a few years, he met my mother," Bo said. "She was 18 at the time and he was in his 30s. I guess she liked older men."

Bo smiled and put his beer bottle on the table and played with it.

"Anyway, when she got pregnant with me, they got married and this house became hers. He wasn't the best dad in the world, but he had his moments. Did I tell you about his time in the marines?"

"No," I replied. "I don't think you have ever talked about him."

Bo laughed.

"The military did not condone it, but there was a lot of alcohol and drugs available during the Vietnam War. When my dad was not on patrol, he was usually inebriated, stoned, or both. He smoked like a chimney, in fact, until my mom died. Anyway, one night he was drunk as all hell and he told me he swore he saw the lights of San Francisco on the horizon."

"In Vietnam?" I replied in shock.

"Yup," Bo said with a grin. "You believe that shit? Dumb fuck thought he could see across the Pacific. So, he dives in the water and starts swimming for it."

"You're kidding!" I replied.

"No shit!" Bo exclaimed. "He keeps swimming till he's tired and then he realizes he is in the ocean, in shark-infested waters, and can't see the shore anymore at night."

"Oh fuck!" I said. "What happened?"

"Luckily, a patrol boat came by and friendlies picked him up," Bo said.

"Oh, wow!" I replied.

"That war really fucked him up," Bo said. "I'm pretty sure he had PTSD for most of his life. He worked on oil rigs after he got out. When my mom passed away, he got a job at the Alcoa Aluminum Plant which was bought out by Reynolds."

"Like the aluminum foil?" I asked.

"Yup," Bo replied. "Dad always said they had half of some Caribbean Island in the plant as that is where they got the raw materials to pull the aluminum out of."

"That's amazing," I replied.

Bo finished off his beer and asked if I wanted another and I said sure, so we had another round and continued to talk. As it got late, Bo looked at the clock on the wall and sighed.

"I guess we better get some sleep. I hope you aren't too creeped out sleeping in my childhood bed, but I can't sleep in my dad's."

"No worries," I replied.

The next morning, I woke up and Bo was already out of bed. He poked his head in the door after I sat up and was already in some khakis.

"Morning sleepy head. Best get up and get dressed, we need to leave soon."

I scratched my head and turned to look at him and smiled.

"I'm headed that way."

As I went across the hall, I saw him brushing his teeth and I put my hands around his waist and laid my head on his back.

"Are you ready for today?"

"Yeah," Bo replied. "I'm actually ok. I appreciate you listening to me talk last night. It was cathartic."

"Anytime, bubba," I replied as I kissed his shoulder.

I got cleaned up and dressed and Bo drove us over to the viewing. I requested to sit in the back and Bo went up and sat with his cousin. There were some other members of the extended family there and they had another round of stories about his father. It was different from the services I had been to growing up. As a Catholic, everything revolved around religion. My brother and I had dropped the church as soon as we left our hometown and went to college, but it still was a huge part of most of my family's lives.

When the service was over, Bo helped carry the casket out to the hearse and we followed the vehicle as it drove around behind into the cemetery and over to the gravesite. His father was buried next to his mother and Bo spent some time there before coming over to me and holding my hand.

"All good?" I asked.

"All good," Bo said, with a smile.

After the cemetery, Bo drove over to Bob's house. They needed to go over the arrangements for his estate. It took several hours, so I walked out onto the front porch and sat down on a bench there. Debbie came out and sat next to me after a while.

"Sorry people have been giving you the cold shoulder," she said. "I guess I should say sorry. I just have had a hard time accepting that Bo is different."

"He's got to live his life on his terms," I replied.

"I know," she said. "I feel like an ass about it. You seem really nice. How long have you been together?"

"About a year," I replied. "He's a really special guy."

"Yeah," she said with a smile. "He wasn't the most popular guy in school, but he played football and I know a few girls that were swooning over him."

"They had good tastes then," I replied.

Debbie chuckled.

"They did."

Later in the afternoon, I dozed off on the porch and I felt a hand on my shoulder. When I opened my eyes, Bo was smiling at me.


"Yeah," I replied. "How are things going in there?"

"We are all done," Bo said. "Bob is going to handle everything. He is going to have an estate sale and split the money with me. I think that will be the best way to handle things."

"Is there anything you need to get from there?" I asked.

"I'll pack up a few things tonight," Bo said. "But I got everything I cared about before I left home. I already called Sir and told him we would be ready to head back and he got a flight home for us tomorrow morning."

"So, back to the house?" I asked.

"Yup," Bo replied.

Bo said his goodbyes to his Uncle and cousin and then we piled into the truck and headed back over to his dad's place. Bo packed up a few pictures and papers in a small box and sealed it and then we sat down to watch some TV before bed.

When I woke up the next morning, Bo was hugging me and already awake. He smiled as I took my CPAP mask off and kissed him.

"How did you sleep?"

"Not bad," I replied. "More importantly; how did you sleep?"

"Better," Bo said as he ran his hand over my back.

He reached down and rubbed my ass and I felt his finger move between and rub my hole. I groaned and he leaned over and nibbled on my ear.

"That ass is so nice and I've been hard since I woke up."

I reached over and felt his cock and it was wet and dripping.

"Damn!" I replied. "But what is Sir going to say?"

"Right now, I just want that ass!" Bo replied.

Bo turned me on my side and humped me. I felt his cock rub on me and his precum coated the crack of my ass. I heard him spit in his hand and then add it to his precum and then he pushed his cock inside me. I groaned and put my head in the pillow below me and felt as he grabbed my shoulder and thrusted.

"God I love the feel of you," Bo said as he began to pound me.

"It feels a lot better than that strap-on," I replied.

"Yeah, I can feel your warmth around my cock," Bo said.

I felt him slide inside me faster as he grunted and the bed bounced. He gripped my shoulders tightly and then leaned down and put his weight on my back and arched his hips and thrusted deeply.

"Oh fuck!" Bo groaned as he exploded inside me.

I felt his pulsing and my nub was straining in its cage as it was being forced into the bed. He moved his hands around me and hugged me as his cock drained and he kissed my neck. He then spooned me for a while before I felt him get hard again.

"Damn, Bo!" I replied.

Bo smiled and humped my ass and after several minutes of grunting, he delivered a second load into me. He then held me until his cock finally deflated enough to fall out. He was breathing heavily as he turned to his side and I looked over at him.

"I'm beginning to see a new side to you," I replied.

Bo smiled and reached down to feel my cummy ass.

"You like that dick, though. I can tell."

"Well, duh," I replied with a grin.

Bo hugged me and then pulled the covers off and grabbed a towel to get into the shower. After we had both cleaned up, we got dressed and he called a cab to take us to the airport.

Next: Chapter 4

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