Todds Boys

By Locked Cub

Published on Dec 14, 2023


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This story is the sequel to my first book, "Southern Chastity". I encourage you to read it to get the backstory on Matt, Bo, and Todd.

Todd's Boys

Part 25: The Final Port of Call

Bo and I sat on the bed and embraced while Todd grabbed his clothes for the evening. I had my head on his shoulder and looked down at the bright silver ring he got me. It had a dark black band in the middle with smaller lines of brown and tan in it. Bo reached up and grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

"Do you like it?"

"It's gorgeous!" I replied.

"I have one too, but I'll wait to put it on till we have a ceremony," Bo said. "I know you want a big event, so we can plan one for our friends and family to attend."

"I'm still in shock, if I am being honest," I said as I looked at him.

Bo ran his hand over my face and rubbed my beard.

"Sir made me promise to wait to ask you till he felt I was ready. I have had it for a couple of months now."

"Well, I am really looking forward to making it official," I replied.

"Ok, boys!" Todd said as he turned to us. "I'm headed out. Remember, Bo, you get Matt's balls drained, too. You can do whatever you want tonight. I would unlock Matt, but I know he doesn't want that."

"No, Sir," I replied. "But I appreciate the gesture."

"Ok, have fun boys," Todd said as he kissed us both and then left.

The door had barely closed before Bo moved around and sat in my lap. He grabbed my face and made out with me and pushed me back to the bed. I scooted back as he took his shirt off and unbuckled his pants. When I had my head back on the pillow he kneeled, straddling me, and smiled.

"Damn Bo!" I replied.

"Get your fucking clothes off, sexy!"

I laughed and took my shirt and pants off as quick as I could and looked down and saw his hard nub stick out before he laid on me and rubbed my body as we made out. Bo was aggressive as he felt my body. He pinned my arms over my head and ran his face over my pits and licked them. When he moved to my nipples and nibbled on them, I moaned loudly and felt my nub swell in its cage. Bo reached down and grabbed it and stuck his fingers through the bars. My precum covered his hand and he smiled and brought it to his face and licked it.

"You sure you don't want out of that thing?" Bo asked. "Todd told me where the key is."

I ran my hands down Bo's waist and gripped his sides and looked at him.

"No babe. This is who I am now. My cage is a part of me. I don't need it off to be intimate with you."

Bo leaned over and kissed me some more and then pulled back and rubbed my chest.

"I just wish I could see you uncaged once."

I chuckled.

"You've seen and felt Steve. It is about the same."

Bo laughed.

"Fuck! Don't tell me that!"

I smiled and grabbed him and we continued to make out. He pushed my legs back and I felt his nub slide over my crack and I moaned loudly.

"I need your nub inside me, baby."

"Oh yeah?" Bo replied as he looked down at me with a grin.

"Please put it in me now," I replied.

Bo reached over and grabbed the lube on the table and put some on his fingers and then pushed them inside me. My body shook with the sensation and he held onto my lifted legs with one hand as he worked them in.

"Damn that ass is so inviting," Bo replied. "This has been worth every moment of blue balls."

"I'm ready, babe," I said.

Bo pulled his fingers out and put my legs on his shoulders and pointed his nub at me and pushed forward. As he entered me, he growled and I moaned at the same time.

"Fucking hell I have missed this ass," Bo replied.

Bo leaned over and licked and kissed my foot as he penetrated me. I moved my hands up to play with my nipples and he looked down and bit his lip and winked. He then grabbed my legs and fucked me. I watched his chest as it heaved and felt his nub as it slid in and out of my ass. I rolled my eyes backward and groaned loudly.

"You feel so good, baby," Bo said. "God this feels so damn good!"

I opened my eyes and saw a tear fall down his face.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"I have missed this so much. I needed this. I needed in you."

I reached up and rubbed his belly as he fucked me and smiled.

"Pound me, baby. Fill me with your cum. I'm all yours."

Bo grinned and grabbed my legs and pushed them apart as he lifted back and fucked harder. I bounced in the bed and I grabbed onto the sheets. Bo grunted and panted and he closed his eyes and looked upward.

"That's it, Bo," I said. "Your nub feels so good in me. I can feel you so deep. Empty those balls in me, baby!"

Bo grunted louder and moaned.

"Are you close?" I asked.

Bo looked down at me and his face contorted.

"Oh fuck!"

"Put it in me, baby. Put it in me deep," I replied.

Bo leaned forward and screamed as he came. He lifted his head and opened his mouth and a guttural growl emerged as I felt his nub pulse like I had never felt it before. He dug his legs into the bed and pushed forward as far as he could go and I gripped the sheets to avoid being shoved forward into the headboard.

Bo made a thrusting motion forward and growled again followed by a gasp. He paused and hung his head and then he growled and thrusted forward again. His nub was still pulsing and I reached up and felt his chest as it heaved.

"That's my bear. Those balls were full!"

Bo closed his eyes and chuckled.

"Fucking hell!"

I watched him as Bo paused and hung his head. His nub had stopped moving and he just sat there keeping my legs pinned back. When he finally opened his eyes, he took a deep breath and pulled out. I could feel his nub as it withdrew and cum oozed out. He put my legs down and collapsed next to me and I leaned over and rubbed his belly.

I looked down and saw that his nub was still semi-hard. I grasped it and stroked it and his body convulsed and he giggled.

"Fuck I am sensitive!"

I watched as some remnants of his load leaked out and I played with it in my hands before bringing it to my mouth to taste it. Bo finally opened his eyes and smiled. I leaned over and pushed my tongue into his mouth and we passionately made out. We both groaned as I moved my hands over his body and turned and straddled him. I stroked his nub and it got hard again and I moved and sat down on him.

"Fuck!" Bo groaned as he threw his head back.

"Can you go for more?" I asked.

"Hell yeah!" Bo replied as he looked at me.

I grinned and rode him and Bo reached up and grabbed my legs. I felt his cum in my ass as it slid around and it made a sloshing sound as I rode him. As I sat back, his nub ran right over my prostate and I moaned. A spurt of precum shot out of my caged nub and it sailed through the air and landed on Bo's upper chest. It surprised him and he collected it with his finger and licked it.

"You taste good!" Bo replied.

I grinned and leaned back and gyrated my hips. I felt his nub as it moved deep in me again. It ran directly over my sensitive spots and my nub reacted by leaking even more. Bo held onto my legs and helped give me leverage as I bounced on him. He looked directly at me and in a deep voice that I had not heard him use before, he encouraged me.

"That's a boy. Ride my nub. I wanna see that cage covered in your cum."

"Yes, Sir!" I replied and Bo smiled.

He slapped my legs and rubbed them as I rode him.

"Good boy!" Bo replied. "Grip my nub. Make me cum again. I know what that ass can do!"

I groaned and flexed my ass muscles and Bo growled loudly.

"That's my fucking boy!"

This was a side I had never seen of Bo before. He felt so dominant, so in charge. I saw the determination and passion in his eyes and as I rode him, he looked deeply at me. I bounced on him and gyrated as I felt my prostate being stimulated to near the edge. As I got close, I bit my lip and squealed.

"That's a boy. Cum for me baby. Cum now!" Bo growled loudly.

"Fuck!" I screamed as I threw my head back and pulses of fluids came out of my cage.

Bo grabbed onto my legs and cried out as he came at the same time. I felt him thrust upward inside me as his nub convulsed and it hit my prostate directly and I came even harder. I could barely catch my breath as the energy sailed through me and I reached down and grabbed onto his chest. It was covered in sweat and my load and I felt his wet fur and moved my fingers through it.

Bo was breathing heavily as he relaxed his body and looked up at me. I hung my head and opened my eyes and laughed.

"Oh... my... fucking... hell!"

Bo laughed back.

"Good, eh?"

I lifted off of Bo and twisted and landed beside him in one motion. My body bounced and I saw a glob of cum fly out of my cage in the process. Bo's nub, now finally soft, landed with a 'plop' on his chest and he let out a deep sigh.

"That was fucking amazing!" I replied.

Bo looked down and felt his chest.

"I'm a mess!"

I looked over at him and ran my hands over his head.

"Yeah, but you are my mess now."

We kissed again and he brought me over and our chests slid by each other. The fluids and sweat mixed in our fur and we did not care at all. For an hour we made out and caressed each other. I rubbed Bo's balls and they felt lighter. He moaned with pleasure as I licked his body and ran my face in his pits after, getting his scent on me. When his nub was hard again, he flipped me on my chest and mounted me again, and slowly fucked me as he hugged me and kissed my neck. It was a passionate fuck that lasted for quite a while. When he finally came again, I felt his guttural growl as it resonated through my chest. His nub pulsed forcefully again and filled me to the point it was dripping out and down my balls.

When Bo fell off me, I placed my hand on his chest and felt it as it lifted up and down. He kept his eyes closed and was quiet.

"Tell me what you are thinking," I asked.

"I'm in such a different place now than I was last year," Bo replied. "I'm not like you anymore. I am not the same total sub I used to be."

Bo opened his eyes and looked at me and ran his hand through my hair.

"I never really had someone I loved like you before. I can't imagine being locked up and never using you again. I don't think I can ever go back to where I was. I hope that does not disappoint you. I don't want to lose you."

"Baby," I replied as I moved over and put my head on his chest. "Do you remember what Bill told us?"

"Yeah," Bo replied. "He said people can evolve and change."

"Exactly," I replied. "I like the switch aspect you have in you now. You showed me a real dominant side of you tonight I have never seen before. It turned me on!"

Bo chuckled.

"I don't know where that came from."

"It came from you," I replied. "You've been through a lot the past year, but you are still the person I fell in love with. Never worry about that."

"What will Todd think, though?" Bo asked.

"That you will have to talk to him about," I replied. "We are his boys and you know you will have to maintain some subordinate lifestyle in his household."

"Oh, that is not a problem," Bo replied with a laugh. "I love being his boy and being dominated by him. I just think I might need to alter some rules."

"Well, you need to have a conversation then," I replied with a smile. "I'll support you. Be honest. Tell him what you are thinking and what you want and be open to his responses. You know he cares for you a lot."

"I know babe," Bo said as he rubbed my back. "Thanks for being there for me."

I smiled and moved up and we made out some more before we finally passed out from exhaustion.

The next morning, I awoke to someone pulling my feet. I looked up and Todd was smiling down at me. I turned and noticed that Bo was still asleep and both of our chests were crusted with our fluids as was my ass.

"Looks like you both had a good night!" Todd said.

Bo opened his eyes and blinked and then looked past me and smiled at Todd. He groaned and stretched and I rubbed his belly.

"Yeah, this one definitely had some full balls," I said. "I lost track of how many times he came last night."

"It felt so good," Bo said as he rubbed his crotch and I saw his morning wood pop up.

Todd grinned.

"And you got drained too, right, Matt?"

"Absolutely, Sir!" I replied. "His nub did a good job."

"Good boys," Todd said as he moved over and sat on the couch.

I leaned over and put my mouth on Bo's nub and he groaned. As it hit the back of my throat, he reached down and held me on him and growled loudly in his deep, dominant voice again.

"That's a good boy!"

Todd looked over, shocked, and chuckled at the response, and watched as I worked Bo's nub. Bo played with my hair as I went down on him and his feet stretched and I heard the joints pop.

"Fuck, this feels good!"

I moaned as I reached up and rubbed his balls and Bo pulled his hands up and played with his nipples. For several minutes I worked his shaft. I could taste the precum building up in my mouth and I reached under and stuck my finger in his ass. Bo parted his legs and lifted them to give me access and when I reached his prostate he moaned loudly.

"That's a boy! Right there!"

I moved my finger in circles as I continued to suck him and he began to buck his hips and moan. When the first volley of cum erupted, I felt his prostate pulse and the fluids hit the back of my throat.

"Fuck!" Bo screamed as he came.

Several more pulses followed and I swallowed them all as I let my finger fall out of his ass and I rubbed his balls. When I had pulled the last bits from him, I moved up and he looked at me, smiled, and kissed me.

"Well, that was new!" Todd replied.

Bo looked over, blushed, and laughed.

"What happened to the subordinate, deferential boy that I used to know?" Todd asked.

"He's grown up some," Bo replied with a grin.

"I see that!" Todd said with a smile.

Todd came over and sat next to us and rubbed Bo's belly and then leaned down and sucked on Bo's nub before moving to kiss him. When he moved back he patted Bo's head.

"We need to talk, I think."

"Yeah, we do," Bo replied with a smile. "But I'm still your boy."

"And a sexy one at that!" Todd said as he kissed him again.

Todd then looked at me and grabbed my head and brought me over and kissed me deeply.

"Both of you are my sexy boys. I love you both."

"We love you too, Sir!" we replied.

After I had showered and cleaned up, I walked out to find Bo and Todd sitting on the balcony talking. As I walked out to them, I saw the island of St. Kitts beyond. It was another gorgeous day and Todd had arranged an excursion to go out and snorkel and swim off one of the local beaches. The waters were amazingly clear and I was shocked how deep you could see and the amount of sea life that was around. Lunch was provided for us and we got a tour of the island from the catamaran after.

By the time we made it back to the boat, I was exhausted and I took a nap while Bo and Todd went off to hang out in the hot tub and drink. By the time I woke up and found them, we were already at sea again and on our way back to Florida.

I saw a big change in Bo over the next two days as we sailed back. He was more confident in himself. Gone was the pouty and handsy behavior he had when we first started on the voyage. He and Todd had a lot of one-on-one meetings, too. They bonded in a way they had not done before and I was curious as to how the relationship might change as time went along. I was not concerned in any way as I knew that we both were happy as Todd's boys, but I had a feeling my status as the beta in the house might be cemented from this point forward.

Those last two days were filled with unique experiences. We met some new friends on board and had some hot sex with Jonathan, Sam, and Paul again before we finally arrived in port on Sunday. When I woke up and stretched and looked over at Bo and Todd in bed that last morning I grinned. They looked so content snuggled on one another and I crept over and crawled into bed with them.

They both woke up and Bo embraced me and shoved his morning wood up my crack as Todd reached over and hugged us both. I wiggled my ass and Bo giggled and kissed me. Todd laughed and I sighed, happily.

Epilogue: Towards the Future

Upon our return from the cruise, the dynamics of Bo and Todd's relationship changed. Bo was still a boy in the house, but he no longer wore his chastity device daily. Todd would put it on Bo occasionally to play with him, but he was allowed to live free of it most of the time. He could use his nub to fuck me whenever he wanted, but he was never allowed to use it with anyone else. If we were ever out and about and someone groped him, he had to tell them it was off-limits. Only Todd could permit him to use it with anyone but me.

Todd also let Bo explore some dominant behavior, within limits. Several weeks after our trip, Bo had me strapped to the cross and was taught how to flog me. He was worried about hurting me at first but got into it really quickly and later put me on the fuck bench and fucked a load into me after Todd took a turn first.

That is not to say that Bo was allowed free rein to do what he liked. Todd still was in charge. There were several times where he was forced to submit to Todd, denied the use of furniture, or told to be naked in the house, but the experience of being treated as both a sub and a dom seemed to resonate with him and he became a more calm and confident person as a result.

As his fiance, I relished being able to snuggle with his free nub every evening. Making love to him became a nightly occurrence and he was passionate and caring with me. Bo's emotional side showed through in the heat of making love and it made me want him even more.

As the fourth of July neared, I wondered what plans were in store for Todd.

"Are you still going to Sir John's party next week?" I asked one morning at breakfast.

"Yes indeed," Todd replied. "I'm looking forward to it. John told me he has a good crop of boys serving him now."

"That's a good thing!" I said.

Todd smiled.

"Rob is coming down, too. He will be driving down this Saturday and will stay with us the whole week."

"That is great!" I replied.

"I'm looking forward to seeing him again!" Bo piped in.

"I am too," Todd said. "I really like him. I think he will enjoy the party, too."

"He might find a boy he'd like to collar there," I said with a grin.

"I am hoping he has other plans," Todd said with a sly grin. "But, speaking of the party, how would you like to come, Bo?"

"Me, Sir?" Bo asked.

"Yes," Todd replied. "John and I have been talking about you. He was interested when he heard you exploring some dominant aspects. He told me he would be willing to train you more on flogging and rope and bondage play."

"Really?" Bo exclaimed.

"Yes, really," Todd said with a chuckle. "You will not be able to use your nub, as I want it made clear you are my collared boy, but I think you would have fun."

"That sounds awesome!" Bo replied.

"My fiance, the dominant in training," I replied, with a grin.

Bo laughed.

"It just means you get more fun out of me."

"I know babe," I replied. "You should go. I'm thinking about hanging out with Chris and Rick that day, anyway."

"Perfect!" Bo replied with a big grin as he wiggled back and forth in his seat in delight.

I shook my head and went back to my meal. He was definitely different, but still the goober I fell in love with.


Thanks for reading "Todd's Boys". The story will conclude with a third novel called "Chastity and Service". In the meantime, be sure to check out my other stories on Amazon ( and Nifty ( and follow @LockedStories for updates on new material.

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