Todds Boys

By Locked Cub

Published on Dec 7, 2023


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This story is the sequel to my first book, "Southern Chastity". I encourage you to read it to get the backstory on Matt, Bo, and Todd.

Todd's Boys

Part 23: Bon Voyage

The next morning, we were back at the airport to board Todd's plane to fly down to Fort Lauderdale for our cruise. Bo got up early and was a bundle of energy and had made us matching blue t-shirts that said, 'Todd's Boys' on them and one for Todd that said, 'Cruising with Todd'. Todd and I laughed about it but wore them all the same.

When we arrived in town, Todd had arranged for a car to take us over to the port and my jaw dropped when I saw the ship.

"That thing is fucking huge!"

Todd smiled.

"It's one of the largest ships out there."

"Wow, just wow," I replied.

Bo reached over and held my hand and smiled.

"This is so exciting!"

When we got to the port, it took us about forty minutes to get through and onto the gangway. As we entered the ship we walked into what looked like the interior of an open-air hotel. Rooms were facing us as you looked up and you could see the sky above. Restaurants and shops were on either side and my head was on a swivel.

"Damn! You can't even tell you are on a ship!"

Todd laughed and Bo and I followed him. We explored the area for a while before heading for our stateroom. It was like a maze moving through the hallways to get to it, but when we opened the door, we were greeted by a nice space with a bed and couch to the left, a desk to the right, and a balcony ahead of us. Bo and I walked out to see how high we were and as we peered out over the railing we could see the water far below.

"This is amazing!" I replied.

Bo put his arm around my waist and leaned his head on me and I reached over and rubbed his belly. As we admired the view, Todd came out and put his arms around us both.

"How are my boys?"

"Well, I am hungry," I replied.

Todd laughed.

"Me too, let's go grab something before we leave port."

As we walked down the winding hallways again, we saw a lot of hot men about. It was overwhelming, though. The place was just massive and if there had not been smart screens on the walls to tell you where you were, I would have been lost for sure. When we finally got to where the a-la-cart food was, a lot of the bears had beat us to it and we had to wait in line before filling up our plates and grabbing a table.

"So, do either of you have any specific things you have planned or things you want to do this week?" I asked.

Todd smiled at Bo, and I felt Bo kick his leg.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Nothing," Bo replied.

I stared at Bo for a moment confused and then he smiled.

"I don't have anything planned. I do want to try to boogie board on deck."

"That sounds fun," I replied.

"Well, my ass will be relaxing and drinking and seeing how many cubbies I can impregnate," Todd replied.

I rolled my eyes and snorted.

"You kill me, Sir."

"Speaking of which, I did get us the alcohol package, so you can drink whatever you want on board," Todd said.

"Sweet!" I replied.

"I did book a spa day for you and me on Tuesday and we have a reserved spot at the steakhouse after," Bo replied.

"Oh wow!" I replied. "You trying to wine and dine me into my pants?"

"Nah," Bo replied with a grin. "Just wanted to treat you to something. Then on Wednesday, we have an excursion for the three of us to a nice semi-private beach."

"This all sounds awesome!" I replied.

Todd and Bo smiled at each other and then Todd pushed his plate away.

"Ok boys, shall we wander around and check out the hot men?"

"I've got my hot man," Bo replied as he hugged and kissed me.

Touring the ship was an amazing experience. I was shocked at how large it was. As people came on board, they congregated in certain areas, so Bo, Todd, and I found a place on one of the top decks where we could grab some drinks and sit and watch a little out of the way. The ship finally pulled away after 4 pm, so we went to one of the railings to watch as we moved off and headed out into the open waters. The lifeboat drill came next and after we completed that, we headed back to our room.

The bed in the stateroom could fit all three of us, but it was tight. So, we decided that we would take turns sleeping with Todd and use the pullout on the couch, too. I volunteered to take the pullout the first evening and we had the steward help show us how it came out and was put away. He told us he could do it but given we did not know how our schedule would be day-to-day, we told him we would handle it.

After the sleeping arrangements were settled, we headed back out to find a place to sit and have some drinks and dinner. While we were moving down one of the decks, Todd shouted to someone in front of us. He was a shorter, younger man, probably closer to Bo's age, with a large frame, nice belly, and a full, thick beard. He turned and smiled and came over and hugged Todd.

"How are you daddy bear?" the man asked.

"Boys, this is Jonathan," Todd said to us. "Jonathan, these are my boys Matt and Bo."

We introduced ourselves and stood to the side to let people by us.

"I missed you at Tidal Wave," Todd said to Jonathan. "Were you there?"

"Yeah, but I was not able to get a place at the host hotel this year," Jonathan replied. "I spent a lot of time at the theme parks with some friends, too."

"Well, maybe we just missed each other," Todd said. "We are all going up to have some drinks and find something to eat. Do you want to join us?"

"Sure, that sounds like a plan," Jonathan replied.

As we continued down the hall, Todd put his arm around Jonathan's shoulders and they walked side by side. We listened as they talked. Jonathan was from Alabama and he and Todd had known each other for a few years. I got the impression they played around at Tidal Wave in the past, but he had visited Todd in Atlanta, too. When we found a place at a bar to sit down, Todd got us all drinks and Jonathan smiled at Bo and me.

"So, how are you two enjoying being Todd's boys? I missed you both last year at the event."

"Yeah, Matt and I both were unable to come last year due to work commitments," Bo replied. "I enjoy being in Sir's house. He's a sweet man."

"And hot too," I replied with a grin.

Todd smiled and drank his beer and Jonathan looked over at him and put his hand in Todd's lap and rubbed his crotch.

"Yeah, daddy bear here has a lot of great assets," Jonathan said with a chuckle.

Todd eyed Jonathan as he felt his cock being groped and he leaned over and kissed the man and then put his arm around him.

"You have some good assets yourself!" Todd said as he squeezed Jonathan's shoulder. "If I remember right you had that cubby walking funny last tidal wave."

Jonathan burst out laughing.

"Well, that is true. He kept my balls drained at least."

"What happened to him?" Todd asked.

"Eh, it just did not work out," Johnathan replied. "We had only been seeing each other for a month before I took him to Orlando. We broke up the week after the event. Just was not a good fit. I have found another guy since that I am seeing, though."

"That is great!" Todd replied.

"Yeah," Jonathan said. "Hopefully, he can come next year."

"Well, my two boys are a couple," Todd said. "Joined at the hip since I collared them."

I smiled and leaned over on Bo and Bo kissed my head and reached over and clasped my hand.

"That is nice," Jonathan said. "And you are both locked if I remember, correct?"

"I am, yes," I replied. "Bo here is normally in chastity, but he's been unlocked for this trip."

"Oh really?" Jonathan replied.

"Well, he is still under protocols," Todd said. "He is not allowed to touch himself without permission, but I have allowed him to use his nub on occasion."

"Yeah, I will be honest, it has tested me," Bo said. "There have been plenty of times I have been rock hard around a guy and had to tell them not to touch me and that I could not play with them without asking Sir first."

"Now that is a mind trip!" Jonathan replied.

"He has done well, though," Todd said. "I was unsure how it would go, to be honest. He has had some issues with self-control in the past, but I think he has grown a lot since I took him in."

"I appreciate you trusting me, Sir," Bo replied with a smile.

"How long have you been locked up, Matt?" Jonathan asked.

"The last time I saw myself out of chastity was March of 2015," I replied. "The last time I was given a manual release out of my cage was in March of 2016, so just over a year now of permanent chastity."

"That is impressive!" Jonathan replied.

"My cage is a part of me now," I said. "I don't like it off me."

"Well, that is a good way to be," Jonathan said. "I like a boy that knows his place and embraces the lifestyle."

"You should come back to the room with us later," Todd said to Jonathan. "I'm sure both Matt and Bo would enjoy riding you and I can use that ass of yours, too."

"I'm game for that!" Jonathan replied. "I miss that dick of yours. It hits all the right spots."

"It sure does!" Bo replied with a grin.

We all sat around and drank for a while and then grabbed some food at the a-la-carte restaurant before grabbing some deck seats to relax. Jonathan was obviously very fond of Todd and was groping and rubbing him every chance he got. At one point, he had his hand down the front of Todd's pants and Todd had his hand down the back of Jonathan's. I smiled.

"Should we take this back to the room?"

"Yeah, probably a good idea," Todd replied with a laugh.

When we got back to the stateroom, I stripped down first and put my clothes away in a drawer. Jonathan came over to me and played with my cage while Bo stripped down next. We had not set up the pull-out bed yet, so I sat down on it with Jonathan and reached over and undid his pants. When he pulled them down, I was shocked to see a nice cock poking out. For a big boy, it was impressive. Very thick and already dripping with a nice set of low-hanging balls to go with it. Jonathan smiled at me.

"You like what you see, eh?"

"Damn!" I replied. "That is a nice cock!"

Bo looked over and grinned and kicked off his pants. His nub was on its way to full mast as he knelt in front of Jonathan and licked the man's shaft. I watched as the precum dripped down and Bo slurped it up and then took Jonathan's cock into his mouth. Jonathan groaned and leaned back and I moved over and sucked on his nipples.

"Fuck these boys are good!" Jonathan exclaimed.

Todd had finished undressing and he walked over and sat on the bed and played with his cock. Jonathan looked over at him and they smiled at each other.

"And now you know why I have two of them," Todd replied.

"Fuck!" Jonathan moaned as he closed his eyes and reached around and rubbed my head.

Bo was deep-throating the man's thick cock. I was amazed watching him work it. It went right down Bo's throat without a gag and he was so thick that Bo's cheeks were puffed out. I giggled.

"You look like a chipmunk with that slab of meat in your mouth."

Bo looked over at me and pulled off Jonathan's cock and chuckled.

"Stop making me laugh! I need to concentrate here!"

"Come over here and suck my cock, Matt," Todd said. "I'll give you some nuts to take care of!"

Jonathan patted my head and I got up and walked over and knelt in front of Todd and went down on him. His cock was rock hard and dripping like Jonathan's at this point and Bo and I spent about fifteen minutes working both of their shafts. I was sucking on Todd's balls when I heard Jonathan finally speak.

"I'm ready to fuck. Who is getting split open first?"

"Why don't you just bend Bo over the couch there," Todd said. "I'm going to keep Matt on me. When you are done breeding the boy, come over here and I'll let you ride me."

"Deal!" Jonathan replied.

I pulled off Todd's cock to watch as Bo got up and prepared to be fucked. Todd looked down at me and smiled.

"Do you want to move to the side, so you can watch while you suck me?"

"Yes, Sir!" I replied.

Todd smiled and shifted to the front of the bed and I moved around so I could watch the other two while I continued to give Todd head. Bo had got on the couch and his ass was hanging off the back. His nub was sticking out below him and I saw it glistening, but he had not touched it. Todd threw Jonathan some lube and I watched as the man put some on his cock and stroked it.

Even from across the room, Jonathan's cock was impressive. I watched as he moved over to Bo's ass and rubbed it and then positioned himself. As he pushed forward and his dick disappeared into the ass in front of him, Bo let out a loud gasp and groan.

"Fucking hell!"

"Take a deep breath, Bo!" Todd replied. "Jonathan is known for his stamina. You are in for a ride."

Jonathan pushed forward until his bone was buried in Bo and then he gripped Bo's waist and thrusted back and forth. Bo began to grunt and groan loudly as the large dick impaled him.

"Damn, you are big!" Bo exclaimed.

"This ass grips me good, too!" Jonathan replied.

As Jonathan moved back and forth, Bo's nub began to shake. I saw liquid begin to fly off the tip in drips and threads as Bo continued to moan. The stimulation must have been milking his prostate and my nub was straining in its prison. Todd rubbed my head and looked at me.

"Don't forget you need to be pleasuring me, too!"

I looked over at Todd and grinned and then went back on him. As his cock hit the back of my throat, I heard the smacking sounds of Bo getting pounded and he cried out as the cock went deep inside him. Jonathan was groaning and slapped Bo's ass as he fucked. The sound was hot as hell and I closed my eyes and got lost in the ambiance as I pleasured my master.

Todd was not lying about Jonathan's stamina. The man pounded Bo for a good ten minutes straight before he took a break and Bo stood up. Jonathan was covered in sweat and Bo reached around and felt his ass.

"Fucking hell. I feel like I have been skewered."

"We ain't done yet!" Jonathan replied as he told Bo to get on the floor on all fours.

I watched as Bo moved into position and Jonathan mounted him again. Bo's face contorted as the cock went deep inside him and he closed his eyes and cried out. Jonathan had a firm grip on Bo's waist and went to fucking him hard and fast as soon as he was all the way in. I lost my concentration on Todd again and just stroked his cock as I watched. Todd was busy paying attention, too.

Jonathan was covered in sweat and his large frame was forcing Bo forward as the man fucked. Bo hung his head and was grunting with each thrust and Jonathan was growling.

"That's a fucking hot ass!"

"God, your cock is huge!" Bo replied. "You are in me so deep!"

"Yeah, I'm gonna fill you up too, boy!" Jonathan said with a grin.

"My ass needs your cum so bad, Sir!" Bo replied.

"That's a good boy," Jonathan said. "I wanna hear you beg for it."

"Breed me, Sir," Bo replied. "Please give me your seed. I need it so bad."

Jonathan fucked Bo so hard that Bo was having trouble staying on his hands and knees. I saw sweat start to fly off the man's chest and land on Bo's back. Bo was groaning and panting as he begged to be bred. I held on to Todd's balls and rubbed them and rested his cock on my face as I watched. I felt precum start to run over my cheek and my beard as we both were turned on by the show.

When Jonathan lifted his head into the air and groaned loudly, I knew he was close. He gripped onto Bo tightly and slammed his cock deep as he came and Bo screamed out in response.

"Fuck yeah, boy!" Jonathan exclaimed.

"Oh fuck!" Bo shouted as his eyes opened and he bit his lip.

Jonathan slammed into Bo several times as his cock drained and when he pulled out, Bo collapsed on the floor. Jonathan stood up and I saw cum dripping off his engorged cock and Todd patted my back and I moved over to take the man into my mouth and clean it. As I did, I heard low moans from Bo. I pulled off Jonathan's cock when I was done and he sat down on the couch as I turned to rub Bo's back. His ass was red, raw, gaping, and covered in cum.

"Fucking hell that was intense," Bo replied as he sat back up on his hands and knees.

"I've never seen someone fuck you like that before!" I replied as I looked over at Jonathan.

The man had a huge grin on his face and his softening cock was still leaking. He collected it with his hand and brought it to his mouth and licked his fingers.

"Todd told you I leave boys walking funny."

"Yes, fucking hell you do!" Bo replied as he collapsed on the floor again.

I smiled and continued to rub Bo's back and ass and Todd looked over at Jonathan.

"Ok, now you can come over here and ride me, boy!"

"Yes, Sir!" Jonathan said with a smile as he stepped over us and walked to the bed.

Todd scooted back and laid on his back and Jonathan squirted some lube on his hand and brought it to his ass. As he fingered himself, Todd stroked his cock and had it pointing skyward. Jonathan got on the bed and moved over him and straddled his body. As he sat back, I watched Todd's cock go in Jonathan's ass. The man growled with pleasure as he felt the dick fill him and even Bo stuck his head up to watch.

"That's a boy," Todd said. "Ride me!"

Jonathan grinned and grabbed his legs and leaned back and gyrated his hips. We watched the bed start to shake as Todd's cock moved deep inside the man. Todd began to groan and he reached down and grabbed the bed sheets tightly. Bo sat up and I held on to him.

"You ok?" I asked.

"Yeah," Bo said. "I want to see this."

Bo leaned on me as we watched the large man go. He apparently knew how to control his ass muscles because we heard sounds of joy coming out of Todd.

"That's a boy! Work my cock!"

"You feel so good daddy bear!" Jonathan replied.

Todd opened his eyes and looked down and saw that Jonathan was getting hard again. He reached over and grasped the man's cock and stroked it. Jonathan groaned in response and gyrated faster on Todd.

"That's my big-dicked boy," Todd replied. "Work that cum out of my balls."

"Yes, Sir!" Jonathan replied. "Use my ass, Sir!"

Todd let go of Jonathan's cock and grabbed the man's waist. He held onto it and forced him down on his cock as Jonathan bounced. The bed groaned from the pressure and we heard a creaking sound from the wall.

"Fucking hell this is hot," Bo replied.

I looked down and saw his nub was sticking out in front of him and he was stroking it. I reached over and grabbed his hand and pulled it away.

"Stop that, Bo!"

"Oh, fuck," Bo blushed. "Sorry, I didn't realize I was doing that."

I held on to his hand to help control him as we watched our master fuck. My nub was straining in its cage and dripping down on the floor.

Jonathan rode Todd for several minutes. The man was covered in sweat from fucking Bo and Todd's hands slipped several times as he tried to hold on to him. Todd eventually just grasped the bed sheets and a short time later we heard him groan loudly as he neared the edge.

"You ready to cum, Sir?" Jonathan asked.

"I'm close, boy!" Todd replied.

Jonathan reached down and jacked his thick cock furiously as he rode Todd faster. Todd moaned even louder and just as he shouted and orgasmed, Jonathan shot a huge load out of his cock that sailed through the air and landed on Todd's upper chest. They both convulsed at the same time and another shot sailed out of Jonathan's cock and landed on the bed as Todd's body filled the man's ass.

Bo squeezed my hand tight as we watched the two. Our breath was taken away at the intensity of the two's orgasm and we both felt how full our balls were.

"Fucking hell!" Bo exclaimed.

Jonathan and Todd laughed and looked at each other and then at us.

"Now you know why I love to play with this man," Todd said as he wiped his brow.

Jonathan slowly got up from the bed and as he did so, Todd's cock fell out and cum dribbled out over his groin. Jonathan moved over and licked it clean and took it into his mouth and Todd reached down and ran his hand through the man's hair.

"Thank you, boy."

"No, thank you, Sir!" Jonathan replied.

I got up and walked around and grabbed a towel for Jonathan, who smiled and ran it over his body.

"Thanks," he replied. "I always sweat like a hog when I fuck."

"Do you want to go sit out on the balcony to cool off?" I asked.

"Perfect idea," Jonathan replied. "Bo, you can come with me and lick my cock clean while I do."

"Yes, Sir!" Bo said as he got up and followed the man out.

I sat on the bed and rubbed Todd's legs and he smiled at me.

"Balls drained good?" I asked.

"Fucking yes they are," Todd replied. "Man, that boy can grip an ass like no one else I know."

I laughed and squeezed his ankle and he sat up and scooted next to me and reached around and held my head and kissed me. When he broke the embrace, I laid my head on his chest and listened to him breathe as he held me.

"You're a good boy, Matt," Todd said.

"Thank you, Sir," I replied.

When Todd had recovered, he got up and I followed him out onto the balcony. He leaned against the partition and we looked out on the black ocean around us.

"Well, how are you feeling?" Todd asked Jonathan.

"Much better now," Jonathan replied. "Bo's got quite the ass on him."

Bo was sitting cross-legged in front of Jonathan and he looked up and smiled.

"I may need some time to recover, Sir. I still feel like I am wide open."

Todd laughed loudly and walked over and rubbed his head.

"My balls are sore," Bo replied. "Jonathan milked me some but watching you two go at it made the blue balls come back."

"Well, I want you to just deal with it for now," Todd said. "No cumming tonight for either of you. You can save it for a special occasion."

Bo smiled and Todd leaned over and kissed him and then he walked by me and gripped my shoulder before returning inside the room. He laid on the bed and I turned and went in and laid down next to him. He put his arms around me and we listened to the sound of the water for a while until Jonathan had to leave and we got prepped and went to bed.

Next: Chapter 24

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