Todds Boys

By Locked Cub

Published on Nov 29, 2023


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This story is the sequel to my first book, "Southern Chastity". I encourage you to read it to get the backstory on Matt, Bo, and Todd.

Todd's Boys

Part 21: Afternoon Fun

I was still napping Friday afternoon when I heard a knock on the door to our hotel room. I opened my eyes and could still hear the sounds of the men in the pool below as well as the beat of the music. I rolled out of bed and walked over to open the door without thinking that I was naked. Kevin was on the other side and smiled at me.

"You do have a nice body."

"Oh, hey!" I replied with a chuckle. "Come on in."

Kevin passed by me and pinched my ass and I jumped and grinned. He had some papers in his hand and he brought them over to the table.

"Listen, I thought Todd would be the one getting paid for your performance, but he just told me to pay you directly," Kevin said. "I need you to fill out a few things here for that."

"Sure," I replied.

As I looked over some forms and signed my name, Kevin walked over to the balcony and watched the event below.

"How are you enjoying Tidal Wave?" he asked.

"It's been fun," I replied. "Honestly, I am just glad to get out of town and relax. Bo is the social one in the group, so I think he is eating this up."

"He is a cute one," Kevin replied as I walked over next to him. "How long have you two been together?"

"Coming up on two years," I replied. "We trained as subs together under a dominant in Atlanta. Bo was smitten with me at first glance from what he said. I am oblivious to such things. It took a few months for me to catch on."

Kevin laughed.

"Don't feel alone. I am the same way. My husband tells people he had to hit me on the head and drag me away by my hair to claim me because I was not getting the hints from him."

"So, you know," I replied with a grin. "Is Jacob your husband?"

"Oh, no," Kevin said. "He's my business partner in the porn company. My husband's name is Ralph. He is home in Dallas."

"Is that where you live?" I asked.

"Yup!" Kevin said. "Born and raised, though we have talked about moving to Florida at some point."

"Nice!" I replied. "How long have you two been together?"

"Six years now," Kevin said. "Though we got married two years ago."

"Very nice!" I replied. "I've never actually had a relationship last as long as the one I have had with Bo. Before him, the longest was six months."

"Sometimes you just know when it's the right person," Kevin said. "Before long you will be an old married man too!"

I laughed.

"We will see. What have you got going on this afternoon and evening?"

"Not much," Kevin said. "Was planning on going down and getting some sun and frolic in the water with the bears."

"Hold on and I'll put my trunks on and join you," I replied with a smile.

When Kevin and I got to the pool, we saw Todd and Rob wading around talking to some younger men. I came over and sat on the side and Kevin got in the water beside me.

"There you are!" Todd said as he came over and kissed me. "Did you have a good nap?"

I could tell he had been drinking and was on his way to drunk. Todd smiled a lot and had this look on his face when he was feeling good and inebriated. I rubbed his chest and grinned.

"I did, Sir. Kevin brought the paperwork up for me to sign to get paid and then I followed him back down."

Todd looked over and put his arms around Kevin's waist and kissed him.

"Good, you deserve it, and thanks for bringing him back down."

Kevin chuckled. I think he could see Todd was tipsy and flirty.

"Slow down there Todd, save some alcohol for the rest of us."

Todd rolled his eyes and splashed Kevin and then moved over behind Rob and put his arms around him. Rob looked over and smiled and they made out. I shook my head and got in the water.

"Where's Bo?" I asked.

"He went off with a guy from last night's filming a while ago," Rob said.

"Oh nice," I replied. "So, do you film for Kevin a lot?"

Rob and Kevin laughed.

"Rob has filmed for me twice before," Kevin said. "He's had a lot of positive fan response, so I'm always happy when he's interested."

"It's fun," Rob said. "Plus, I get to meet some hot guys too!"

Rob reached out and rubbed my belly and smiled and Todd nibbled on his neck. We waded around and talked for another hour before Bo showed up and sat on the side of the pool next to us. I looked up at him and grinned.

"Well?" I asked.

"He did have a nice cock," Bo said with a smile. "He wanted to jack me off, but I had not asked permission so I told him I couldn't.

"Good boy!" Todd said as he lifted his beer to Bo.

Bo laughed and leaned over to me.

"He's drunk isn't he?"

"Pretty much," I replied. "Rob is holding him up."

At about 6 pm, I was getting hungry and Bo was ready to get out of the pool. Todd agreed to come with us and Rob helped as we got him up to the room. When we got inside, he kicked his trunks off on the floor and collapsed on the bed on his side with his bare ass facing us.

"Well, that is a lovely sight," Rob said with a smile.

"I suspect he will be taking a siesta to work off the booze," I replied.

"Tell you guys what, I'll stay with him and you two can get dressed and grab dinner," Rob said. "Just bring us something back."

"It's a deal," Bo replied.

Rob took his pants off and crawled over next to Todd and spooned him and we changed into shorts and shirts and headed downstairs. When we got to the lobby, Bo saw someone he had talked to earlier in the day and he walked over to him. It was a cute, younger guy with a thick goatee and some padding around his waist.

"Matt, this is Ricky," Bo said.

I grinned and shook his hand.

"Bo told me a lot about you," Ricky said. "You are definitely a cute one!"

I blushed.


"We were going to grab dinner, what are you up to?" Bo asked.

"Doing the same, you want to come?" Ricky asked. "My roommate and I have a car and we were going to drive around and find something."

"Sure!" Bo replied.

Ricky's friend showed up shortly after. He was a taller, thinner guy with a thick, dark beard. Ricky introduced him as Adam and he had big hands that gave a firm grip when you shook them. I got the impression that Bo thought he was hot because he kept checking the guy out every chance he could.

We all went out to the car and drove over to a nearby restaurant for dinner. The two of them were from North Carolina and had been friends since college. This was their fourth Tidal Wave to attend and we found out they were staying in a balcony room on the next floor down from us.

Adam was sitting next to Bo and while we were waiting on our to-go orders for Todd and Rob, he put his arm around Bo's back and rubbed his shoulders.

"What do you two have planned this evening?" Adam asked.

"More pool time, I guess," I replied.

Bo looked over at Adam and smiled and reached his hand over to rub the man's leg.

"What about you?" Bo asked.

"Nothing going on," Adam replied. "You are welcome to come to our room and fool around."

I grinned as I watched them flirt. Ricky turned to look at me and winked.

"I'd be up for that if you are interested."

"Sure," I replied. "Did Bo talk about our limits, though?"

"Limits?" Adam asked.

Bo smiled.

"Matt is in chastity. He can't fuck, but he can be fucked. I'm not in chastity, but I'm not allowed to fuck anyone or have my nub played with without my master's permission."

"That's intense," Adam replied. "Your nub?"

"That's what we call our junk," I replied. "Bo and I are collared boys."

"Interesting," Adam said. "Well, as long as I can pound that ass of yours, Bo, I'm happy."

"I can take a turn on you, Matt," Ricky said. "I don't normally top, but Bo tells me you have a nice ass."

I blushed.

"Sounds good to me, then," I replied. "We can drop the food for our master and then join you in your room after."

"Perfect," Adam replied as he rubbed Bo's back.

When the waitress brought our takeout orders to the table, we paid our tab and left. The guys told us their room number and we told them we would be there shortly. When we got to our room, we saw Rob cuddled and spooning Todd still, who was snoring. Rob raised his head and looked at us and smiled.

"Have a good time?" he whispered.

"Yeah," Bo replied. "We met some people and are going to go play with them. Will you tell Todd we will be back later?"

"Yeah, no problem," Rob replied. "Just leave the food on the table there. I will get him up shortly. Thanks, boys."

We both smiled and waved at him and then headed back into the hall and went down one floor. When we knocked on the door to Adam and Ricky's room, Ricky appeared and was in his underwear.

"Come on in guys!"

We walked in and saw they had two separate beds. Adam was naked on the far bed on his back. He had thick, dark fur that covered most of his body and his soft cock was lying to the side. It was impressive and Bo stared at it the moment he saw it. I laughed and closed the door behind us.

"Go for it, Bo!" I replied.

Bo smiled and walked over to Adam and took his clothes off. I looked at Ricky and rubbed his belly. He had a light coating of hair on his chest and as he removed his underwear, I saw he had a nice set of balls on him. I took my shirt off and dropped my pants and Ricky reached down to feel my cage.

"Does that ever hurt?"

"Nah," I replied. "It's on me all the time and has been for over two years."

"That's impressive!" Ricky said. "Come over here and lie on the bed."

I walked over and laid down on my back and Ricky moved over me on his hands and knees. His face was over mine and he leaned down and kissed me and pushed his tongue into my mouth. As we made out, he reached under his body and played with his cock. It slowly began to grow and when he broke our embrace he sat up on his knees and I saw it was a decent size.

"And you normally bottom?" I asked.

Ricky laughed.

"Yeah, usually. But that one has a horse cock and I love having it inside me."

I looked over and saw Bo on his belly in-between Adam's legs. The man's cock was fully hard and had a slight curve to it as it rose into the air. It was impressive and well above average. Bo was licking the shaft and I could see a bead of precum at the tip glistening in the lights of the room.

Ricky reached down and rubbed my chest and I looked over at him and smiled. He was jacking his cock and his large balls were resting on my chest. I reached up and rubbed his sides as he sat on my groin and my cage rested between his ass cheeks.

"Well, I think you are just as impressive," I replied. "Wanna put that to use?"

Ricky smiled and nodded at me and lifted up and I rolled over. I grabbed the pillow in front of me and put my arms around it as I felt him move down and sit on my upper legs. Adam reached over to the table and threw him some lube and he opened it and fingered my ass. I closed my eyes and moaned as I felt his digits enter me.

"Bo said you filmed some porn last night," Ricky said as he opened me up.

"Yeah, I got gang banged in a sling," I replied.

"That is so fucking hot," he said.

"It for sure left me sore, but I am ready for more now," I said.

Ricky chuckled and rubbed his cock on my crack. I felt as he used his hand to put the head in and then he pushed his hips forward and it moved inside me. He leaned forward and put his weight on his arms and then angled his back as his cock went in.

"Fuck that is nice," I replied with a groan.

"I was about to say the same thing!" Ricky said. "You feel great!"

I felt as he moved back and forth inside me. He pushed my legs together and then pounded me. He made this cute sound as he fucked. The best way I could describe it was a low grunt with a growl mixed in. It was hot and as I listened to him I felt his cock head rub my insides in a good way.

My nub was straining in its cage and dribbled. I groaned as he bounced on my ass. His cock was pulling out and shoving back in and the bed was creaking. I grabbed onto the pillow tightly and pushed my face into it to muffle my sounds. Ricky kept up the rhythm for several minutes until he groaned loudly.

"Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck!"

He pushed inside me and I felt his cock move. It filled me with his load and he pushed me into the bed and held it there. I squeezed my ass and felt it grip him and he groaned.

"Fucking hell!"

I smiled.

"Fill me up!"

"Oh, you are getting an ass full," he replied. "No doubt there."

When he finally came off his orgasm, he pulled off and out of me and rolled to the side. I looked over at him and saw his chest was glistening and his cock had some cum running down the shaft. I reached over and licked it and he shuttered and his toes curled.

"Be careful!" Ricky said with a laugh. "I'm sensitive after I cum."

I grinned and teased him and licked his head and pulled the remnants from his softening cock. He jerked a few times in response and then pushed me off him and laughed.

"Ok, please, I need to catch my breath!"

I grinned and felt my ass and cum covered my hole. I pushed my finger in and felt it start to dribble out.

"Damn, you did flood me," I replied.

"I didn't cum today and I have large loads anyway," Ricky replied.

"Good for me!" I said as I wiggled my ass.

I heard the sounds of sex beside us and I looked over and saw Bo was riding Adam reverse cowboy-style. His ass was bouncing up and down on Adam's long, thick cock and the look on Bo's face was priceless. It was contorted, but I could tell he was enjoying it. Adam was rubbing Bo's ass and sides and slapping his ass cheeks.

"That's a boy. Ride that dick."

"Yes, Sir!" Bo replied.

Ricky moved over and rubbed my back and I turned so he could spoon and wrap his arms around me. I felt his soft cock as it touched my ass and slid over the cum that was still dripping out. He kissed my neck and caressed me as we watched Bo getting railed.

After several minutes, Adam slapped Bo's side and told him to get on all fours. Adam moved behind him and ground his cock on Bo and then pushed it in with one thrust. Bo groaned and lifted his head. I saw his nub fully hard and when Adam filled him, a dribble of precum came out and dripped down off of it.

Adam grabbed Bo's waist and fucked him forcefully. The bed shook and Bo tried to steady himself on his arms. He was groaning loudly as the cock filled him.

"You like that dick?" Adam asked.

"Yes, Sir, I do!" Bo replied.

"And who gets to cum?" Adam asked.

"You do, Sir!" Bo replied.

"What about you?" Adam asked.

"My nub is off-limits," Bo replied. "This is all for your pleasure."

"Fucking right, boy!" Adam said.

It was hot watching them role-play. Bo was deep into sub-mode and Adam was enjoying pounding him. I looked up and saw that the man was biting his lower lip and grinning as he fucked. I could see the sheer power in his body as he pushed into Bo. Bo's ass shook from the impacts of Adam's groin and I could hear the smack of skin against skin.

"It's fun to watch it from this angle but let me tell you feeling him fuck you and watching him do it is intense," Ricky whispered to me.

"I can see that!" I replied. "He's been fucking for ten minutes straight!"

"My ass has gone numb from his fucking before," Ricky said.

"Damn!" I said.

We continued to watch Bo get pounded. Eventually, Adam grunted louder and Ricky told me it was a sign he was close. When he went over the edge, Adam grabbed onto Bo and pulled him back hard, and growled. Bo's eyes opened wide and he screamed as his ass was filled.

"Take it, boy!" Adam yelled.

"Holy fuck!" Bo replied.

I was dripping in my cage as I watched and Ricky squeezed me.

"Ain't he a hot man?"

"And you too are not dating?" I asked.

Ricky chuckled softly.

"Friends with benefits."

"Fucking hell!" I replied.

Adam finally pulled out of Bo and slapped his ass. Bo collapsed on the bed and was panting heavily.

"Fucking hell you are a machine!"

Adam laughed as he caught his breath.

"You've got quite the ass!"

Adam rolled Bo over and looked at him. Bo's nub was pointing up and covered in precum. Adam licked it and Bo groaned but pulled him off.

"Please don't. Seriously, I told my master I would not touch myself or let someone else touch me without his permission."

"Ok," Adam said with a grin. "I understand. You have a nice cock there though."

"Nub," Bo said with a smile.

"Nub," Adam replied as he moved over next to him and made out.

We each cuddled for about fifteen minutes before Ricky rolled off me and smiled.

"Do you guys want a beer?"

Bo looked over and grinned.

"Yes, that would be awesome."

Ricky grabbed drinks for us all and we got up and wandered over to the balcony and looked at the pool party below us. We drank and talked for a while until I felt it was time for us to go.

"Thanks for the loads, fellas," I said.

They both laughed and hugged us.

"Come back tomorrow and we can do it again!" Adam replied.

Bo smiled and kissed him and then we both got dressed and headed up to our room. When we walked in, we saw no one inside and the food containers we had brought were empty.

"You think they are in the pool?" Bo asked.

"Don't know," I replied. "You want to go down and mingle for a while, regardless?"

"Sure," Bo replied.

We put on our swim trunks and headed down to the pool. We found Todd and Rob chatting with some other men and got in next to them. Rob came over and hugged us and smiled.

"Did you have fun?"

"Yeah, it was good," Bo replied. "How is Sir doing?"

"He's better," Rob said as he rubbed Todd's back.

Todd smiled and kissed him and then looked at us.

"Thanks for taking care of me boys."

Next: Chapter 22

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