Todds Boys

By Locked Cub

Published on Nov 25, 2023


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This story is the sequel to my first book, "Southern Chastity". I encourage you to read it to get the backstory on Matt, Bo, and Todd.

Todd's Boys

Part 20: A New Friend

The next morning, I opened my eyes and saw the light streaming in from the windows on the balcony. I looked over and blinked a few times until I focused and saw Todd sitting naked on a chair reading something on his tablet and drinking some coffee with his legs propped up. I pulled my CPAP mask off and stretched and Bo came in from the restroom and smiled.

"How's my little slut?" he said as he crawled on the bed and laid beside me.

"Ugh," I replied. "So many cocks in one night."

"Remind you of Sir John's parties?"

"Pretty damn close," I said. "But all the men were hot."

"I can't wait to see the video," Bo replied as he rubbed my belly. "Sir filled me in on the details when we woke up."

"Yeah, he watched the whole thing and was boned and stroking the whole time."

Bo laughed.

Todd looked over and saw I was awake and grinned.

"Morning sleepyhead!"

"Good morning, Sir!" I replied. "What time is it?"

"A little after 10 am," Todd replied. "Rob said he would stop by shortly to hang out before lunch."

"Ok," I replied.

"Sir told me about this guy," Bo said. "He sounds sexy."

"Yeah," I said. "He was the last to fuck me in the film. Seemed like a friendly guy."

"I think Sir liked him too," Bo said. "He's been chatting with him nonstop since we woke up!"

"Oh really?" I replied with a grin.

"Yeah," Bo said. "Are you ready for a shower?"

"Sure," I replied.

Bo and I went into the bathroom together and he closed the door. I turned the water on to let it get warm and he put his arms around my belly and leaned in to kiss me. We made out for a few minutes and when he broke his embrace, he put his head on my chest and sighed.

"Sexy cubby."

I chuckled.

"You are the sexy one."

"Come on, into the water with you," Bo replied. "Time to wash the sin off."

"I'll be scrubbing forever if you want me to do that!" I said with a grin.

We both got into the shower and Bo stood behind me and rubbed my back with the soap. I felt him lather his hands and move down to my ass and gently move between. I groaned as I felt his hands run over my sore hole.

"Still sensitive?" Bo asked.

"Yeah," I replied. "Hopefully that will improve today."

Bo turned me around and soaped my front and I did the same to him. We spent some more time making out and roaming each other's bodies. His nub was at full mast and kept hitting my cage when he got close.

"Quit poking me with that thing!" I said playfully.

"Your fault!" Bo replied as he rubbed my chest.

The steam in the room built to the point we figured we needed to call it quits, so I turned the water off and stepped out and grabbed a towel and handed him one. As we dried off, I reached over to open the door to let some fresh air in and I heard a conversation going on. I poked my head around the corner and saw that Rob was sitting on the bed and Todd was across from him in a chair.

"Hey, Rob!" I replied.

Rob looked over and saw my naked body and the towel around my shoulders and smiled.

"There he is. How are you feeling today?"

"I'm still a little sore, but otherwise good," I replied. "I slept like a log."

"Nice!" Rob replied.

Bo stuck his head out to see who I was talking to and smiled and waved at Rob.

"You must be, Bo," Rob said. "Todd was telling me about you."

"I hope it was all good!" Bo replied.

Rob laughed.

"Yes. He said you were a cute one and he was not lying. Are you two a couple?"

Bo smiled and put his arm around my waist and squeezed.

"Yes, this one is mine."

I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"Yeah, this goober is my other half."

We both finished drying off and I walked over to sit next to Rob. He put his arm around me and squeezed my shoulder. Bo sat cross-legged on the corner of the bed next to me.

"I feel weird with clothes on," Rob replied.

"Take them off!" I said. "Todd and I have both seen you naked."

Rob laughed and pulled his shirt off. As he did so, his left armpit was on display next to my face and I could smell his scent. He had not showered from the night before and my nub chubbed up instantly. I moved over and put my face in his pit and it surprised him, but he held his arm up and let me rub my face and beard in his musk.

"Got us a little piggy here I see," Rob replied.

"Both of them are," Todd said with a chuckle. "Watch out!"

I pulled back my head and smiled.

"You have a nice scent," I replied.

Rob kissed me and then stood up to drop his pants and underwear before sitting down again. His cock was semi-hard and starting to point up.

"I remember that," I replied as I reached over to grasp his shaft.

"I hope you do," Rob replied as he leaned over and kissed me again.

Todd was smiling as he watched us and stroked his cock. He looked over at Bo and beckoned him over and Bo got off the bed and came over and knelt in front of Todd and sucked him.

Rob was making out with me and turned as I stroked him. As he scooted onto the bed and propped himself on the back of the headboard, I moved down and got between his legs and sucked his cock. He placed his hands on my head as I bobbed up and down on him. His balls were hanging low below him and I moved down to put my nose in his crotch. His scent was stronger here and I felt my nub straining as it swelled in its prison.

Rob stretched his legs out and brought both hands to the sides of my face and pushed me down on him. I felt his cock enter my throat and beads of precum flowed onto the back of my tongue. As I tasted him, I swirled my tongue around and then applied more suction as he face-fucked me.

"Fuck yeah, cubby," he said. "Daddy's balls are refilled and ready to be drained."

I looked back up at him and saw him biting his bottom lip and grinning. As he guided my head and I felt the spit roll out of my mouth and down his shaft. When he released his grip to allow me to take over, he pulled his hands up to play with his nipples as I worshiped his fully engorged shaft.

Rob closed his eyes and moaned and I felt more precum flow out of him. I reached up and rubbed his belly and he grabbed my hand and squeezed it. I looked up and he opened his mouth and groaned and then smiled.

"How sore are you?"

"You want to fuck me again?" I asked as I pulled off him.

"Yes, but this time I want to feel you without the rubber," he said. "I want to breed you."

"Ok," I replied. "Are you ok if I lay on my stomach?"

"Whatever works for you, cubby," he replied.

I moved over and as I did so, I saw that Bo was working Todd's cock masterfully and Todd's legs were stretched out and his toes were curling. He nodded at me and then looked back at Bo. I turned and got in the middle of the bed and put a pillow under my head and stretched out. Rob got behind me and straddled my legs. He had picked up the lube from the side of the bed and I felt him push some into my ass with his fingers.

My hole was still sensitive, but I took a deep breath in and tried to enjoy the sensation as Rob's fingers entered me. He was gentle and moved his index and middle fingers from side to side before pushing back and forth. I groaned in response.

"Are you still ok?" Rob asked.

"Yes, Sir," I replied. "Stick your cock in me, Sir,"

"You want daddy's cock?" Rob asked.

"Yes, daddy," I replied. "Please put your cock in me. I need it."

I felt Rob slap his hard cock against my ass a few times and then he pushed it into me. I groaned loudly as he slid in and he moved down and put his arms under mine, laid down on my back, and brought his head next to me.

"That's a good boy," Rob said. "You got daddy's raw cock deep in you."

"Fuck me, daddy," I replied as I turned my head to his.

Rob smiled and bucked his hips and I felt his cock move inside my ass. The feeling was intense. My nerves were still on fire from the fucking I had the night before and I was feeling the sensation shoot through my nervous system and over my body. I shook and Rob grabbed my hands and held them as he kissed my neck and thrusted into me.

I felt his legs on either side of mine as they dug into the bed and provided the leverage for his movements. He fucked faster and I grunted with every thrust. He talked dirty to me and continued to kiss my neck and upper back. The sensation was overwhelming and I went into overload. I have no idea how long I was there getting fucked. All I know is that it was one of the most intense and sensual experiences I had since I was with Bo on the beach.

When he pounded faster, I heard him groan in my ear. He had pulled up and his head was behind mine and I felt his breath on my neck. I felt his body start to tense.

"Daddy wants to breed you, boy!" Rob said loudly.

"I need your cum, daddy," I replied. "Put it inside me."

Rob growled and shouted as he climaxed. I felt his cock swell and pulse deep in me and I could not help but shout.

"Fucking hell!"

He collapsed on my back and I felt him as his cock drained inside me. He rubbed my sides as he caught his breath. When he finally rolled over, I looked over at him and saw the smile on his face.

"That was fucking amazing!" I replied.

Rob laughed and put his hands on his head and ran them through his hair. I felt the bed bounce and I looked down and saw Bo crawling between his legs and taking Rob's softening cock into his mouth to clean it. Rob looked down and chuckled.

"Now I see the benefits of two boys!"

"Damn right!" Todd said as he stood over me.

I looked over at Todd and smiled.

"Did you get drained too, Sir?"

"Yeah, Bo did a good job, but I think you stole the show in the room again."

"Now I know I want to see this video from last night!" Bo replied as he looked over at me.

I turned and grinned at him and reached over and rubbed Rob's chest.

"Do you have boys or a boyfriend here?" I asked.

"Nope," Rob replied. "Single at the moment."

Todd smiled and walked around and laid next to him and rubbed his shoulder. Rob reached over to play with Todd's cock and rubbed his belly.

"Damn, you are a hot man, Todd."

"Thanks, sexy," Todd replied as he leaned over and made out with the man.

I smiled and looked at Bo and winked and got off the bed to go to the bathroom. When I returned, Todd was on top of Rob and still had his tongue down the man's throat. Todd's cock was getting hard and Rob was running his hands over Todd's back and ass. I walked over to sit down in the chair and Bo came over and sat next to me as we watched them.

Todd moved down below Rob's ass and Rob lifted his legs. Todd held them up and rubbed the man's ass as they looked at each other. Rob was licking his lips and nodding at Todd and they were sharing some unspoken communication. Todd knew that Rob wanted his cock and he reached over and grabbed the lube and fingered him. Rob moaned and reached down and stroked his hardening cock.

Todd picked Rob's legs up and shifted him back and then pushed them to the man's chest as he brought his cock near the man's hole. He teased it with the head before starting to slide it in.

"Fucking hell you are huge!" Rob replied as he looked intensely at Todd's eyes.

They did not break the glance as Todd slid into him and I watched as my master's large balls came to rest on Rob's ass. Todd leaned forward and fucked Rob and the man began to groan. He reached up and rubbed Todd's sides and Todd began to grunt.

"Daddy's got a nice ass," Todd said.

"It needed your cock, big bear!" Rob replied.

The two rutted and I looked over at Bo and he was hard and dripping. My nub was swollen. We had never seen our master fuck someone this intensely before. There was a passion between them and the looks we saw them giving each other and the sounds they were making were better than any porn.

The bed began to bounce as Todd thrusted into Rob. He pushed the man's legs back further as he leaned toward him. His entire shaft went into him and then came out almost completely. Todd's balls were swinging and we heard the sound of the smack they made as they contacted Rob's ass.

"Daddy needs your load big bear," Rob said.

"Yeah?" Todd replied.

"Give it to me!" Rob shouted.

Todd closed his eyes and gritted his teeth and pounded furiously. I think Rob was taken off guard by the intensity and as his body bounced he groaned loudly.

"Fuck!" Todd screamed as he came.

Bo jumped when he heard him and grabbed my leg and I reached over and held his hand and smiled.

"That's a big bear!" Rob groaned as he felt Todd inside him. "Fill daddy up."

Todd opened his eyes and smiled and ran his hand over Rob's face. The two shared a moment before Todd pulled out and Rob put his legs down. They then kissed and made out some more as Todd leaked over Rob's groin and leg. When they finally broke their embrace, they were both panting and laid back on their backs.

Bo and I clapped and the two men looked at us and laughed.

"Oscar-worthy performance!" Bo replied.

Rob blushed and turned to Todd and Todd put his arm around him and hugged him. When they finally got up, they were both sweaty.

"Care to join me for a shower, Rob?" Todd asked.

"Love it big bear!" Rob replied with a grin.

Todd winked at us and took the man into the bathroom and then I looked at Bo's hard nub.

"Need a cold towel?"

Bo looked down at his nub and laughed and playfully punched my shoulder.

"I might."

After Todd and Rob got cleaned up, we went out and grabbed some lunch. Rob had not been able to secure a room in the host hotel and Todd invited him to bring a change of clothes over and use our room to dress for the pool parties. When we were all in our trunks and got slathered with sunscreen, we headed down to enjoy the water and the sun. We managed to snag two chairs this time and Todd and Rob sat next to each other and talked and drank while Bo and I swam.

"I think Sir might have a little crush," I said.

"You think?" Bo replied with a grin. "Maybe it's what they call a 'BRB'. A 'Bear Run Boyfriend'.

I laughed.

"Maybe. Still, it's nice to see him interested in someone again."

Bo moved around to put his arms around my waist and put his head on my shoulder and we waded around some more. As the day progressed, the pool filled up and we were nearly balls to ass with everyone else. I decided to get out and grab some more beer and Bo followed me. When we walked over to Rob and Todd, they smiled at us.

"Taking a break from the bear soup?" Rob asked.

"Yeah, I needed some more beer anyway," I replied.

"I hear ya," Rob replied. "Listen, you boys mind watching our stuff for a while? Todd and I want to go back to the room for a while."

I looked over at Todd and he gave me this evil grin and I chuckled.

"You two go have fun. We will keep an eye on things."

Todd got up and grabbed Rob's hand and they walked back to the room. Bo sat down in the chair and I went and got us both beers. When I returned, I saw Bo talking to Kevin from last night.

"Hey, Kevin!" I said.

"There you are," Kevin replied as he came over and kissed me. "Having fun today?"

"Yeah," I replied. "Almost recovered from last night."

"Fuck, that was hot," Kevin said. "Seriously dude, Jacob and I were impressed. I hope we can film with you again sometime."

"If you ever come through Atlanta, let me know!" I replied.

"I'm going to remember that!" Kevin said. "Listen, I was telling Bo that I needed to talk to Todd about something."

"He took Rob up to the room," I replied.

"Rob from last night?" Kevin asked.

"Yup!" I replied.

Kevin laughed.

"I love it. Well, just tell him to text me sometime today."

"I will," I replied with a smile.

Kevin patted my belly and waved to Bo and then walked off.

The DJ that had been booked was pretty good and Bo and I sat under an umbrella in our chairs and enjoyed the atmosphere. There were a lot of hot guys about and several stopped by to chat with us. One was the older man that I had filmed with last night. When I introduced him to Bo, he grinned broadly and rubbed Bo's belly.

"I'd love to have you on my cock later today," he said to Bo.

"Do it," I replied with a wink. "His cock is nice."

Bo smiled.

"Look for me later!"

"I'll do that!" the man replied. "Have fun!"

I was into my third beer since leaving the pool when Todd finally appeared with Rob holding his hands and following beside him.

"Y'all get you some afternoon delight?" I asked.

"We did," Rob replied.

"Bo, can you get us some drinks?" Todd asked as he handed him some money.

"Sure, be right back, Sir," Bo replied.

Todd sat in his chair and I got up and offered mine to Rob.

"You sure?" Rob replied.

"Take it, daddy," I said with a grin.

Rob chuckled and kissed me and then sat down. When Bo got back with their drinks, he and I excused ourselves and went up to the room to take a break. When we walked into the room, the bed sheets were a mess and it smelled of sex, lube, and sweat.

"Damn!" Bo replied. "You and I might not be draining Sir for a while!"

I laughed as I took my trunks and tank top off.

"Come help me straighten the bed some," I replied.

Bo smiled and we cleaned up the room. Once we were done, we walked out onto the balcony and sat on some chairs and watched the bears and listened to the music. Bo reached over and played with my cage and I smiled at him.

"How is it going for you being unlocked?" I asked.

"It's not a cakewalk," Bo said. "I've caught myself playing with my balls or touching my shaft in bed when I was not thinking about it. But, I haven't broken any rules yet. It is a lot more difficult to be chaste when the cage is off."

"No doubt," I replied. "That is a lot of temptation."

"I'm ok, though," Bo replied. "Thanks for draining me yesterday. I appreciated that."

"Of course!" I said. "You know you always come first in my book."

Bo leaned over and kissed me.

"Love you, boo. Are you going to stay up here or go back down?"

"I'm going to take a nap, I think," I replied. "Still recovering from yesterday."

"OK, well I am going back to get in the pool," Bo said.

"Keep an eye out for that older guy," I said. "Believe me the fuck was nice."

Bo laughed.

"Oh, I will."

Next: Chapter 21

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