Todds Boys

By Locked Cub

Published on Sep 14, 2023


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This story is the sequel to my first book, "Southern Chastity". I encourage you to read it to get the backstory on Matt, Bo, and Todd.

Todd's Boys

Part 2: Sub Mentors

About two weeks after our dinner night with Kenny and Max, I was cleaning in the kitchen one afternoon when my phone made the noise that a message had been received. When I picked it up to look at it, I noticed it was from John, the man I had trained under the previous year. I had not heard from him since March when I graduated.

"How are you doing, boy?" John asked.

"Doing well, Sir!" I replied. "It's great to hear from you."

"I have a favor to ask of you," John replied. "I have a new sub that has taken Max's place and I need him to interview with a local dom and sub as you did when you were starting out. Do you think that this is something you, Bo, and Todd can do?"

"I am quite certain we can, Sir," I replied. "I know that the interview with Alex went well a few months back."

"Well, that is why I asked," John replied. "Alex got a lot of great information from you all and I would like Kai to get the same experience. He is from out of town and is still getting used to Atlanta. He is still very uncomfortable being naked around others."

"I will run it by Sir tonight, but I am sure we can do it," I replied. "I will text you later and then you can just give him my contact info to set up a time."

"I appreciate that, boy," John replied. "Have a good day."

I put the phone down and smiled. The interview process was a key part of the initial few weeks of training with John. When you first began the program, you had your nub locked away and spent the next week working on daily written assignments that helped you to explore what it means to be subordinate and if the lifestyle was for you. John specifically made sure you interviewed a sub that graduated from his program and the dom that collared him. For me, that interview was with Greg and his boy Dan. When Alex had taken my place, he interviewed Bo and Todd. I was looking forward to taking the role of a sub mentor and when Todd and Bo got home, I let them know about it and we let John know that it was fine.

I got a message from Kai a few days later. He was timid when he reached out, but I told him we were looking forward to meeting him. We arranged a Thursday evening for him to come by after we had finished dinner and Todd had asked Bo, as the senior sub in the house, to handle the initial interviews and I could assist.

When the day finally arrived, Todd, Bo, and I were in the kitchen talking after dinner when we heard the doorbell. Todd told us to answer the door and he would join us after he changed into more comfortable clothes and went to his bedroom. I followed Bo to the front door and when we opened it, we saw a rather short and thin person staring back at us. He smiled and gave us a wave.

"I'm Kai."

"Nice to meet you, Kai!" Bo replied. "Please come in. This is my sub brother, Matt."

"Hello, Kai," I replied as he walked inside.

"The basket there to your left is for your clothes," Bo replied. "Please undress there and when you are ready, Matt will bring you into the kitchen. Would you like something to drink?"

"Yes, please," Kai replied. "May I have a soda or water?"

"I have some cans of coke," Bo replied. "I'll have one ready for you."

Bo walked off and Kai took his shoes off. He looked absolutely terrified.

"Kai," I said.

"Yes?" Kai replied as he looked at me.

"Take a deep breath and let it out," I replied with a smile. "I'm completely butt-ass naked in front of you. Believe me, there is nothing to be ashamed about."

Kai smiled and took a breath and then undressed. He was mostly smooth but had a small tuft of hair on his upper chest. His cage was much smaller than the one I had started with, but it seemed to fit him well. When he was done undressing he looked at me and took a deep breath again.

"Mateo told me you were really nice," Kai said.

I grinned.

"I miss that boy. I hope he is a good senior sub for you."

"He is," Kai replied. "He's been a great rock to rely on as I have gotten started in the program. Being so new to the city, he has hung out with me a lot and introduced me to his friends."

"That is great!" I replied.

"I have to ask, though," Kai said. "Why is Bo in shorts and a shirt and you are naked?"

"In this house, he's the Alpha and has a few more privileges than me, but he has a cute cage like yours underneath," I replied.

Kai blushed and held his cage.

"I'm still getting used to mine, but I explored chastity a lot back home. Just nothing long term."

"I got ya," I replied. "Well, it will become a part of you over time. Shall we go meet back up with Bo?"

"Sure!" Kai replied with a grin.

Kai followed me around to the kitchen and Bo handed him his drink. As he looked around his eyes widened.

"This is a nice place!"

"Thanks!" Bo replied. "Sir has nice tastes. Let's go into the living room and sit down. Sir does not allow uncollared boys on the furniture. Are you ok sitting on the floor?"

"No problem," Kai replied.

Bo led him into the living room and he sat on the floor in front of the coffee table to take notes and we sat on the couch.

"So, shall I just start asking questions?" Kai asked.

"Go for it!" Bo replied.

"Ok," Kai said. "First question. What made you decide to enter into the training contract with Sir John?"

"Well for me it was a way to explore a side of myself that I had not examined," Bo said. "I grew up in a conservative family. I was an only child and my Dad raised me. I knew I was different and it was not just because I was gay. I liked being told what to do and a dominant guy just turned me on. When I moved here, I heard about the program and it intrigued me and I figured I would give it a shot."

"For me, it was an interesting journey," I said. "I have some local friends named Rick and Chris. We played around occasionally and Rick just exudes dominant energy."

"He's also hot as fucking hell," Bo interjected with a laugh.

"Well, that too," I replied with a grin. "Anyway, he got Chris into chastity and I was intrigued. I tried it and he played with me and I got off on it. Being locked up and him telling me what to do and servicing him, well, it was a mind trip. He saw my interest and was good friends with John and set up a dinner for me to meet him and it was not long after that I joined the program."

"What were some of the challenging aspects of the training?" Kai asked.

"The chastity aspect was hard to adjust to," Bo said. "I have always had weak self-control. Sir John's program helped a lot with that, but I still stumbled. In fact, the first week, I got so horny I rubbed my cage on a pillow till I came. I just couldn't help myself. But, like I said, it was a learning experience and I moved forward. The other challenging aspect was due to this guy here."

Bo reached over and rubbed my leg and smiled at me and I smiled back.

"The first day he walked in and signed the contract and joined the program, my nub instantly got hard in its cage," Bo said. "He's so attractive and as I got to know him, I realized I wanted to date him. I flirted with Matt so much until I finally came out and told him how I felt. But, as sub brothers and boys in the program, we had to put the relationship aspect aside until I graduated. That was hard. I can't tell you how many times I wanted to reach out and hug him and make out with him in those last few months. Anyway, it all worked out."

I reached over and grasped his hand and then leaned over and kissed Bo.

"Well, for me it was the chastity aspect, too," I said. "At first it was maddening. I wanted to rip the damn thing off and jack off when the urges hit me. But I learned to put my focus on others. As time went along, I found other outlets for my energy and now, I don't mind it at all. Most of the time, I forget my cage is even there."

"That's really touching about you two," Kai said with a grin. "What was a low point and how did you overcome it?"

"Well, I told you about the pillow incident," Bo said. "That was definitely a low point. Another one is something I don't think Matt even knows about. A few weeks before he joined us, I was playing around with a hot daddy bear. All afternoon I blew him and rode him and pulled load after load out of him, but he never hit the right places with me to give me a release. By the time I got back to my apartment, I could not stand it. I grabbed a dildo and rode it till I came. In the heat of the moment, I did not care, I just needed release. Afterward, though, I realized what I had done. I confessed to Sir John and received quite a paddling in front of my sub brothers for the infraction. But, again, that's my self-control issue."

"You never told me that," I said to Bo.

"I didn't want you to think less of me when you were starting out," Bo replied.

I rubbed his hand and then looked at Kai.

"Well, for me it was when I did not live up to the expectations of Sir John," I said. "I prided myself on pushing my limits and trying to do anything and everything he asked of me. I fell short plenty of times and it pissed me off and I made every effort to be better next time. I am sure he did not see it as a huge low point, but I have such high standards for myself that I was harder on myself than anyone else was."

"I can understand that," Kai said. "I am the same way. I can be my own worst enemy at times. Anyway, how did you grow over the year of training?"

"Oh wow," Bo replied. "Well, I learned a lot more self-control and discipline. I also learned a lot about myself. I tend to wear my emotions on my sleeve and having this one and my other sub-brothers around to support me helped me grow a lot. I learned to depend on others and to put other's needs, wants, and desires first. But I also learned to find joy in that service too."

"Yeah, I can echo what Bo is saying here," I replied. "Pleasure through service is what I learned in the program. You can be happy serving others. I am empathetic by nature, so it was easier for me to get into that mindset, but I love having Sir around and when I hear him growl from a mind-blowing orgasm I gave him or smile from a massage or hug, it just sends my pleasure centers firing."

"That is awesome!" Kai replied. "I hope I get there. I am still learning what it means to be a subordinate."

"It takes time," I replied.

"Yes, it does!" Todd said as he walked into the room.

Kai looked up and saw our daddy bear of a master as he walked in dressed in just his gym shorts. I thought he was going to start drooling as Todd sat down in his comfy chair and smiled.

"You must be Kai," Todd said.

"I am, Sir!" Kai said with some hesitation in this voice.

"He is hot as fuck, isn't he?" I said to Kai.

Kai blushed and Todd laughed.

"Go ahead and continue, boy," Todd said.

Kai smiled and looked at his notes and then back at us.

"What advice do you have for me as a sub?"

"The best advice is to listen to Sir John and push your limits," Bo said. "If there is anything you want to explore or if you have any questions, ask him. He has just about seen and done it all and he is a caring dom that wants the best out of you."

"Absolutely," I replied. "You can confide in him and trust he will be there for you. His goal is for you to be collared and reflect positively on his training. He wants you to be the best sub and person you can be. Take advantage of the time you have with him while you can."

"That is good advice," Kai said. "He does seem to be an awesome person. Ok, this should be a fun question. How did you meet your master?"

Bo looked over at Todd and they smiled at each other.

"Well, Sir was at one of Sir John's pool parties the first time we both met him. I mean, Matt is right. The man is gorgeous and I just had a connection with him that first day. I think Matt was the same way, but I was farther along in the program than he was and made a connection with Sir sooner than he did. Sir told me he wanted to collar me that fall and I moved in right after I graduated from the program."

"Yeah, that is basically what happened," I replied. "I can't speak for Sir, here, but I think we had a connection. I was growing close to Bo and I think that had a role in the decision to collar me too."

"It did," Todd said. "But you are an attractive sub. The way you embrace your cage and your role and how much you put every effort into pleasing me was a factor, too. I see how much you thrive as a sub and I just wanted you for my own."

I smiled and looked back at Kai. He finished writing some notes and then looked back.

"What has been challenging since you graduated and have been collared?"

"Well, I will step in here first," I said. "For me, it has been learning to live with a fellow sub and lover and being at a different level in the household. He's my Alpha and I realize I don't have the same freedoms he has, but he is my boyfriend and confident, too. That can be hard to reconcile at times. But, I have managed."

"You have done more than managed," Todd said. "I've never seen one issue since you moved in."

"Thanks, Sir," I replied.

"Yeah, along those same lines I guess for me it's learning who I am now and what I want," Bo replied. "I have more autonomy now. I love being a sub, but I also enjoy the times I get to, for a lack of a better term, 'dom' this one. I just have to watch my innate impulsive issues."

"So, I guess that kind of answers the next question," Kai said. "How do you define your role with your master?"

"Yeah, so I am the Alpha in the household," Bo said. "Matt is the Beta. But we both tend to Sir's needs and love him to death. I think in many ways, it just allows him to have two different boys to explore things with."

"I would agree with that," Todd replied.

"Where do you see yourself in ten years?" Kai asked.

Bo paused for a moment and thought. I was curious as to what he would say, so I just waited.

"To be determined, I guess," Bo said. "I know that is not a satisfactory answer, but I do not think far out into the future. I love being a sub right now, but I have also really enjoyed the freedoms Sir has given me here. I don't know. Maybe one day I will be more in the middle of the spectrum between sub and dom. Maybe I will go all the way to the side where Matt is now. I just want to enjoy the journey."

"I was wondering what you were going to say," I replied. "Well, I will say I hope I am still with this one."

I reached over and squeezed Bo's leg and he smiled.

"But I know I will always be a sub. This is the role I was born for. I have no regrets and I hope that Sir will be happy with me and keep me around for as long as possible."

"I'm pretty sure that is a safe bet," Todd replied with a grin. "Both of you."

"Well, that is all the questions I had for you two," Kai said. "The rest are for you, Todd. I mean, Sir Todd. I am sorry."

"That's ok, boy," Todd replied. "Just be careful. Go ahead and ask away."

"Ok," Kai said. "How did you hear about Sir and his training program?"

"Well John and I are both attorneys," Todd replied. "We have known each other for years and have run around in the same circles. I knew about his program for a while but never got to visit and see some of his subs until last year. That is when I saw these two and decided to grab them before someone else did."

"What aspects of the program have been the most valuable for your boys?" Kai asked.

"Discipline for sure," Todd replied. "I'm pretty laid back as a dominant, but I do have specific rules and needs. I have never met one of John's boys that were not polite, eager to please, or trained to please me in the way I wanted. Every one of them is talented in their way and he does a good job preparing them for what a dom wants and needs."

"I guess I will combine the next two questions," Kai said. "What do you look for in a sub and what responsibilities do they have?"

"Physical attraction is important," Todd said. "Both of my boys are very attractive in my eyes. They have a heart that is big and show their love daily for me in how they treat me. I expect a boy that will do what he is told and please me, but I want their needs met. I am not a heartless man. For instance, I want them both to explore their romantic relationship and find ways to be intimate and grow. They need to have their own lives. But their primary purpose is to be here for me. You have heard how they have different roles. Having Matt here in permanent chastity is fun because he puts so much emphasis on my pleasure and I see the joy he gets in that service. For Bo, I love the torture aspect at times. When he is uncaged, I love to watch him squirm as he knows all he has to do is grab his nub and jack it, but he is not allowed to until I tell him. I like seeing how these two pleasure each other. I don't know. It's fun having two. They both are unique in their own way."

"I guess that kind of answers the next question," Kai said. "How do you define your role?"

"Yeah, pretty much have said it," Todd said. "I don't know. How would you two define it."

"You are our master, Sir," I replied. "But you are also a surrogate father, a teddy bear that you can hold on to, and someone there to help us grow as not only subs but as a person."

"Well, that is deep, boy," Todd said. "But thank you."

"Ok, well final question," Kai said. "What advice do you have for me?"

"Be patient with yourself," Todd said. "It will take time for you to adjust. Learn from your sub brothers and rely on them. Trust that John has your best interests at heart. And, finally, be honest with yourself. If you find this is not for you, then get out and do something else. This is not for everyone. You have to be in it body and soul and find joy in it for this to work."

"Thanks!" Kai said. "This has been awesome!"

"Well, there is one more thing you need to do, then," Todd said.

"What is that, Sir?" Kai replied.

"Come over here and suck my cock," Todd replied.

Kai grinned and crawled over to Todd. We watched as Todd scooted forward to the edge of his chair and pulled down his shorts. His large balls flopped down and his cock followed them. Kai's eyes widened and Bo and I looked at each other and smiled.

"He's got some massive balls, Kai," I said. "Be sure to drain them well."

Kai nodded and then brought his hand up to hold Todd's sack. It looked oversized in his smaller hands and as he brought his mouth over to Todd's cock it hardened. Kai ran his tongue around the head of Todd's cock and sucked on it. As the shaft continued to fill with blood, he held onto it and licked down the length and back up again. He spent some time back at the top until Todd reached down and forced his head down.

Kai grabbed Todd's legs as the cock invaded his mouth. I was wondering if he had a gag reflex and when I saw the bulge in his throat I knew the answer. He took it right to the root and never coughed once. Todd released his grip on the boy and leaned back slightly as Kai moved his head back and forth. Todd's cock came nearly out and then the boy pushed till his nose was in the man's bush.

"That's a boy!" Todd replied. "You got that deep inside you. It feels good!"

Kai grunted and looked up at him. I can only imagine what was going through his head. It was interesting to watch as he worshiped our master's dick. I know my nub was hard in its cage and I am sure Bo's was too. Todd closed his eyes and flexed his fingers as he moaned.

Kai bobbed up and down faster and he reached up and ran his hands under Todd's balls. He let the sack sit on the top of his fingers and he moved them back and forth as he sucked. Todd's toes immediately curled into the carpet and I made a mental note of that technique for the next time I sucked him.

Spit rolled down Todd's shaft and balls and over Kai's hands. The boy was grunting as he deep-throated the man. Todd was growling lowly as he normally did when he was being pleasured and I saw him squint his eyes a few times and bite his lower lip, which was a good indication he was getting close.

It took a few more minutes, but I heard Todd start to growl loudly and he reached down and forced Kai deep on his cock.

"Fuck boy!" Todd shouted as his cum drained down the boy's throat.

Kai was a pro. He did not gag at all and we watched as he took the whole load. When Todd released his grip, Kai moved back and caught his breath, and then sucked the remaining bits of cum down. He then licked Todd's shaft and his balls before kissing it as it softened.

"Thank you for that, Sir!" Kai replied as he bowed his head.

"Excellent job, boy," Todd replied. "I will inform John he has a very talented individual in his program."

Kai looked up and smiled and then looked back at Todd's legs.

"May I rub your feet, Sir?"

"Of course, you can, boy," Todd replied.

Kai stayed kneeling and he reached down and rubbed Todd's right foot. He moved his hands in circular motions on the top and Todd tilted his foot to the side so he could move his thumb under and rub there, too.

"You have such nice big ones, Sir," Kai replied. "I have a huge foot fetish."

"Enjoy yourself, boy," Todd said. "It feels good."

Kai smiled and leaned over and licked the top of Todd's feet. He ran his face over them and then picked one up and sucked on the man's toes. It was interesting to watch him. Bo and I were neither really into the fetish, though we loved to massage Todd's feet. Kai was very skilled, though and Todd was even closing his eyes and enjoying the sensation.

Kai spent about ten minutes per foot before he placed them both on the ground and leaned over and kissed them both and then sat back up on his knees facing Todd.

"Did you have a good time this evening?" Todd asked.

"Yes, Sir," Kai replied. "I hope I get collared by someone like you one day."

"With the talent you have, I am sure you will," Todd replied. "Bo and Matt, do you want to show him out?"

"Sure, Sir!" we replied.

Kai grinned and stood and followed us to the door. Bo hugged him and whispered something to him I could not hear and then I came over to hug him. As he got dressed he seemed to be more at ease.

"You'll do fine," I said as he pulled his pants on. "It's been great getting to know you."

Kai grinned as he slipped his shoes on and I opened the door for him.

"Tell Mateo I said hi," I said.

"I will," Kai replied with a wave.

Next: Chapter 3

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