Todds Boys

By Locked Cub

Published on Nov 17, 2023


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This story is the sequel to my first book, "Southern Chastity". I encourage you to read it to get the backstory on Matt, Bo, and Todd.

Todd's Boys

Part 18: Lights, Camera, Action (Part 1)

When we got back from dinner, we changed into our trunks and joined the bears down in the pool. It could be best described as bear soup with the number of large hairy men that were crowded into the water. I met some nice-looking guys down there but mostly had Bo clinging to my back the entire time as we drank and waded around. Todd had disappeared for a little while, but when I noticed him again, we swam over and saw he was talking to two people.

"There are my boys," Todd said as he turned to look at us. "Matt and Bo, this is Jacob and Kevin."

We shook the men's hands and they smiled and greeted us. They were two larger men. They looked to be about Bo's age and had nice furry chests and thick beards. Jacob had brown hair and Kevin was closer to red with some blonde mixed in.

"They film and produce porn and were looking for a bottom cub to put in their sling for a scene," Todd said. "They have several men lined up ready to run a train on the willing guy on camera. I was telling them that a locked boy might be the perfect subject. What do you think, Matt?"

I had never been asked to be filmed before and did not know what to say. Kevin smiled at me though and came over and groped my groin and felt my cage.

"You'd be a good fit. But that is up to you. I love the streaks of white in your beard and you have a nice furry chest."

"What do you think, Bo?" I asked.

Bo smiled at me.

"Do it!"

I chuckled and looked back at the men.

"Sure, what do I need to do?"

"There's some paperwork we have to fill out for legal purposes," Jacob said. "Do you think you could meet us in our room at 9:30 pm? We will start filming at about 10 pm and will need you for about three hours."

"Ok," I replied.

"Great!" Kevin said.

"One request, guys," Todd said. "Is it ok if I sit in the room and observe?"

"Sure!" Jacob replied. "You are more than welcome. We might have you hold a camera for long shots."

"Good deal," Todd said. "Bo, will you be ok down here in the pool while we are filming?"

"Yeah," Bo replied. "I am sure I can find something to keep me occupied."

"No touching your nub!" Todd said with a smile.

"I know, Sir!" Bo said with a chuckle.

Todd followed me up to the room later in the evening as I went to clean out and prepare for the shoot. As I was in the shower using the portable douche, he leaned against the counter and watched me.

"Are you nervous?" Todd asked.

"A little," I replied. "It is more that I don't know what is going to happen."

"I've known these two guys for a while, you will be ok," Todd replied. "Just be prepared for a long session. Filming porn is more labor-intensive than people think."

After I had checked to make sure the water was running clear out of my butt, I turned the shower off and opened the curtain and Todd passed me a towel.

"Have you ever done any porn, Sir?" I asked as I dried off.

"No, but plenty of my friends have," Todd replied. "I'm excited to see you on camera."

I smiled and stepped out of the shower and he leaned over and kissed me.

"You'll do great."

"Thanks, Sir!" I replied. "But what should I wear?"

"The guys said just any clothes will do," Todd said. "They will direct you on how the scene will go. Just be patient and do what they ask."

"Yes, Sir," I replied.

I put on a red t-shirt I had and some jeans and my tennis shoes and then Todd accompanied me up to the next floor and over to the room where the filming was taking place. When Todd knocked on the door, Kevin opened it and smiled.

"Right on time. You look sexy, Matt. Come on in!"

I smiled as he led us in. They had pushed the bed to the side and set up the sling next to it. There were light stands in the corners of the room and Jacob was sitting in a chair fiddling with one of their cameras. He looked up and waved to me.

"Hey, boy. Are you ready for your film debut?"

"I think so, Sir," I replied.

"Good," Jacob said with a smile.

A thinner man with a short beard and a Nasty Pig hat on backward came out of the bathroom and smiled at me.

"You must be Matt," he said. "I am Chris, I'll be helping film."

"Nice to meet you, Chris!" I replied as I shook his hand.

"Matt, come over here and let's get the paperwork out of the way," Kevin said.

I followed him over to the desk in the room and sat down next to him. There were some standard forms I had to fill out. There was a contract to sign and I had to hold my ID up next to my face and have my picture taken for age verification. Some waivers needed to be filled out and some other legal documents, too.

"The main thing I want to point out is that we will be using condoms on all our participants," Kevin said. "That is a requirement in most places to film and we just feel it is safer that way. However, I am obligated to tell you that condoms are not one hundred percent effective against STDs."

"I understand, Sir," I replied.

"You may be asked to suck them off and they may cum on you or around you," Kevin continued. "Would you rather this not happen?"

"No, that is fine," I replied. "I'm on Prep, so that does not bother me as long as my master is ok with it."

"That is fine, boy," Todd replied.

"Good," Kevin said. "We pay the men more for cum shots and I would like them to cover you whenever possible for the visuals. The working title for the shoot is 'Chastity Boy Gangbang' and we have twelve men that have signed up to use you."

"Twelve?" I replied with astonishment.

"Yes," Kevin said. "It may be a few more or less as we are waiting on a couple of callbacks. Is this too much for you?"

"No, Sir," I replied. "When I was in training to become a chastity sub, I took a lot of guys at one time, but this will be the most."

"Well, you let me know if we need to take a break," Kevin said. "As the star of the film, you can set the tone."

"I've never been a star of anything," I replied with a smile.

"That ass will be well used today for sure," Kevin said with a laugh. "Ok, well that is all the legal stuff. Do you need poppers and do you have a specific lube you like?"

"Poppers will be nice," I replied. "But you can use any lube you want."

"Ok," Kevin said. "I have some water-based Gun Oil that is condom-friendly, so we will use that. For now, you can relax. Our first performers should be checking in soon."

Kevin went to file the paperwork away in a box he brought with him and Todd brought me over to the bed and sat next to me.

"Talk to me, boy," Todd said as he put his arm around me. "Are you still ok?"

"I am, Sir," I replied with a smile.

"Ok," Todd said. "I'm here if you need me."

We watched as the trio got the lighting and camera stands set up. It was interesting to see the other side of things and how white balancing and framing worked. Kevin handed me water and I was drinking it when there was a knock at the door. When it opened, I saw a younger, cubby come in with a blue button-down shirt, shorts, flip flops, and a blue cap. He had a trimmed brown beard and some fur showing at the top of his shirt where it was open. Behind him was a man with a more developed beard and darker skin with a broad chest and tight jeans on. I could see he had a nice package underneath.

"Great!" Kevin said as they came in. "So glad you two could make it. This will be the one you will be fucking tonight."

Kevin pointed over to me and I stood up and waved. The men smiled and came over and shook my hand and introduced themselves, though I had forgotten their names by the time the night was over. Kevin got them checked in and all their paperwork taken care of. He then offered them Viagra if they wanted. The cubby took it, but the man with the broad chest said he was fine.

Another knock on the door came soon after and an older man came in. He had a nice belly on him with medium-length hair and a nice beard with some gray in the front. He was in a tank top that showed off the tattoos that went from his shoulder to his wrist on his right side with some dark gym shorts and sandals.

As he was getting checked in, Jacob came over to Todd and me and told us they were going to start filming soon. They had Todd stand in the corner near the door to the balcony and told me to sit on the bed. He then brought the cubby and broad-shouldered man over.

"The scene will start with you on the corner of the bed," Jacob said. "We will have these two start rubbing your body. They will undress you and once you are naked, they will play with your cage and then drop their pants. You will suck on them to get them hard and then we will put you in the sling and go from there. Any questions from any of you?"

We didn't have any, so Jacob called for quiet in the room and he got his camera going as did Chris. I took a deep breath and got into the scene. The cubby came over to me first.

"Hey, sexy," he said as he rubbed my chest.

I reached up and ran my hand over his crotch as the broad-shouldered man came over and rubbed my back. I used my other hand to feel the man's groin and felt his large cock and balls under his shorts. I looked up and smiled at him.

"That feels like a nice cock."

"Fuck yeah, boy," the man replied. "You need out of those clothes."

The two bent down and helped me as I removed my shirt first. I leaned back on the bed and the cubby used his mouth to nibble on my nipples. The other one unbuckled my belt and then took my shoes and socks off before pulling my jeans off my legs. He then reached down and felt my cage and then pulled my underwear off to expose my nub.

The cubby looked down and groped me and then looked back at my face.

"How long have you been caged, boy?"

"I've been in permanent chastity for over a year, Sir," I replied. "My ass is where I get pleasure."

"Fucking hot, boy!" the broad-shouldered man replied as he rubbed my thighs and then moved his hand under my ass.

I groaned and then they both stood up. I sat up and reached over and undid the belt on the man's pants as the cubby dropped his shorts and removed his shirt. The man took his shirt off and as I lowered his pants, I saw he had no underwear on and had a huge, thick, hardening dick. It was even larger than Todd's. My eyes widened as the camera moved in for a close-up and I brought my head over to suck on him.

The man reached around and guided me as I bobbed up and down on him and he groaned. The cubby, meanwhile, was naked except for his cap and was stroking his cock. It was average-sized and had a wicked upward curve on it. When I pulled off the man, I moved over to suck him and the camera moved around to film me as I took him into my throat.

"That's a boy," the cubby replied.

The cubby was furry. He had dense hair all over his chest and arms and down his legs. His crotch was trimmed but still had a nice bush. As I sucked on him, my nose went into it and I could smell his scent and it got my nub swelling in my cage. While Jacob filmed me deep throating the cubby, Chris zoomed in on my nub, which was starting to drip precum.

The older man then appeared. He had taken his clothes off and was stroking his cock. It was hard and thick, but shorter than the cubby's. He brought it over to me and grabbed my head and forced it down my throat. As he skull-fucked me, I groaned and spit flowed out of my mouth and down my beard.

"That's a fucking caged boy," the older man growled as he invaded my throat.

When he pulled out, the broad-shouldered man got me on my knees on the floor and force-fed me his cock. The cubby and the older man stood behind me and I could hear them stroking their cocks. The man pulled out of my throat and then I heard him talk to the other two.

"Let's get this chastity boy in the sling."

"Fuck yeah!" the other two responded as they picked me off the floor.

The cameras moved around as they helped me into the sling and put my legs in the stirrups. I adjusted my body while they gathered behind my ass and then Jacob called out for a pause.

"Great work so far, gentleman! Are you all comfortable, Matt?"

"Yes, I am," I replied.

"Ok, Chris," Jacob said. "Let's get these men some condoms and hand Matt some poppers. Matt, please hold off using them. I want to get that on camera."

"Yes, Sir!" I replied.

The men adjusted the lighting to remove some shadows as the three naked guys jacked their cocks to stay hard. Chris handed me a small bottle of poppers and then looked through the camera to find a good angle.

"Ok, let's get filming again," Jacob said. "Matt, we will start with you hitting the poppers."

They started the cameras and I looked at the men behind my ass and smiled. I opened the bottle and took a hit in one nostril and then the other and then screwed the lid back on. While I did that, the cubby rolled his rubber on and got behind my ass and was lubing his cock. He wiped his hand with a towel hanging on the sling and then reached down to grab my waist.

"Fuck me, Sir!" I called out as he reached up and put his cap on backward and then entered me.

The curve on his cock forced his head to slide right across my prostate as he entered. I moaned deeply as he pushed in the first time and squeezed my ass to grip his shaft. He smiled and stuck his tongue out.

"Fucking nice ass, boy!"

"God your cock feels good!" I replied.

The cubby took a breath and thrusted into me. I watched as his furry belly gyrated and bounced and heard the clang and clink of the chains of the sling as they moved back and forth. Chris had one camera positioned over the cubby's shoulder to catch me and my expressions and Jacob was behind my head watching as the boy pounded. Chris then moved and laid on the floor and pointed the camera up to watch as the cubby's shaft entered me and slid in and out.

I looked up at the cubby and he was smiling as he fucked. We did some dirty talk back and forth and then he pulled out and the broad-shouldered man pushed in. His cock was much thicker and my eyes nearly bulged out of my sockets.

"Fuck you are huge, Sir!" I groaned.

"Take that cock, boy!" he replied.

He pounded me and the rattle of the chains got louder. I brought the bottle of poppers over to take another hit to open me up and after I put the lid back on and took a breath, he grinned. He pushed in deep and I gasped and threw my head back.

The cubby took the condom off and came near my head and I leaned over to suck him as I was getting pounded. He had a nice head on him and it fit in my mouth perfectly. It took some adjustments to get the timing right so I could suck him deeply, but he began to moan soon after.

"Are you getting close?" The broad-shouldered man asked.

"Fuck yeah!" the cubby replied.

I sucked on him more and he pulled out and groaned as his cock shot a load over my beard. Jacob zoomed in for a closeup and the cubby shoved his cock in my mouth and filled me with a few more shots as he moaned loudly.

"Fuck yeah!" the older man cheered.

The cubby was breathing hard as he pulled his cock out of my mouth and opened my jaw with his finger. I had his load still in my mouth and on my tongue and Jacob filmed me as I showed it and then swallowed it. The cubby smiled and playfully slapped my face.

"Good job, boy!" he replied.

He stroked his softening cock as the older man tapped in and fucked me. I caught my breath and looked down at him as he entered me. He was a nice size and felt good as he penetrated me. I felt his balls as they hit my ass and he pulled himself on his toes as he pushed forward to fuck me. As he did so, the broad-shouldered man stroked his cock in the background and I could hear the squishing sound of the lube on the rubber.

I heard the door open and figured more people were arriving, but I was focused on the older man as he rutted me. He was building up a sweat quickly in the room. He had a smooth upper chest and you could see the beads of sweat as they formed and ran down over his belly that had a light coating of fur. He lifted his hand to run it through his hair and then brought them down to grasp my waist as he fucked.

This went on for several minutes and the older man was getting quite a workout. When he finally sped up, I figured he was close. He grunted and I heard the slap of his balls and the impact of his groin on me. One camera was underneath as he pulled out and grabbed the condom off and threw it on the floor. He then stroked his cock and growled loudly as a volley of cum flew out of his cock and landed on my chest. He then moved between my legs and two more shots landed on my cage and dripped down over my waist.

He grabbed onto the chains to steady himself as he groaned and caught his breath. The cameras moved around to get a few different angles and then focused on his load on me and the remnants dripping from his softening cock. He reached down and slapped my ass.

"Good boy!"

"Thank you, Sir!" I replied.

The broad-shouldered man mounted my ass and as he did so, I saw another person come behind him. He was a chubby man with a furry belly and some tattoos on his upper left chest. He had a neat tattoo of a chain that circled his right upper arm. He was stroking his cock and I saw a nice set of balls bounce as he did. He moved around and placed them in front of me and I reached up and sucked on him.

The chubby man held onto the chains above my head to help steady me as I worked his cock and my ass was being penetrated by the broad-shouldered man. Cameras were moving around and zooming in as his cock went into my mouth. It was not wide, but long and I felt it hit the back of my throat.

"That's a boy!" the chubby man said as he reached down and held my head and fucked it.

The broad-shouldered man was sweating now and I could hear him starting to breathe heavier.

"You want my load, boy?"

I pulled off the cubby man and looked down at him.

"Yes, Sir! Please give it to me!"

The man pulled out and yanked the condom off with one motion and then immediately came over my nub and balls and it dripped down over my ass and I heard it 'plop' on the floor. The guy had a massive load and I could feel it coating my skin.

"Fucking hell!" the man shouted as the camera zoomed in to watch his load drip off the bars of my cage and down my balls.

He reached down and rubbed my nub and I felt his load as it coated his hand and my balls. He then fingered my ass and pushed his cum in my cheeks before slapping my ass a few times and stepping back.

I was still sucking on the chubby man when I felt some hands on my ass. I looked down and saw a new person had appeared. He was a shorter furball with a wavy beard and a full tattoo across his chest and down his arms. He had a piercing in his nose, a shaved head, and a cute smile. He looked at me, licked his lips, and stroked his cock.

I focused my attention back on the chubby man and sucked on him more until I heard the sound of lube on cock. The furball was stroking his wrapped shaft and when he pushed into me, I felt a large cockhead slide inside. He was on his tiptoes to get at the right angle but took to fucking me quickly. As he did, the chubby guy pulled out of my mouth and went and stood behind him.

I looked down and saw the furball pounding me while the chubby guy rubbed his shoulders and leaned over and nibbled on his neck. The furball turned his head to the side and made out with him as he continued to fuck me. It was so hot that my nub dribbled precum and Chris came around and zoomed in on me when he saw it flowing out and mixing with the cum on my chest.

The furball pulled out and Jacob called out a pause in the shooting. I looked down and saw him talking to the two men, but I could not hear what they were saying. I leaned my head back and sighed and Todd came over and rubbed my shoulder. I looked up at him and smiled.

"Hanging in there?" he asked.

"Yes, Sir!" I replied.

"This is so fucking hot," Todd replied. "I was over there jacking my cock watching you."

I grinned and he patted my face and then returned to the side of the room. Jacob came over and angled his camera and started it up again. I looked down and saw that Chris was filming as the chubby man was fingering the furball. The furball then entered me and held his cock in me as the chubby man mounted the furballs ass. The furball then moved back and forth as he was getting fucked and pounding me at the same time.

"Fuck yeah!" The chubby man growled as his cock disappeared inside the furball.

The furball leaned back and groaned as he fucked me. The scene was hot as hell and I saw Kevin appear with a third camera. He got on the floor and did an upshot to capture the sandwich action going on behind me. I took another hit of the poppers and my ass opened as the furball got in deep and grunted.

Another man then appeared and came around and approached my head. He was mostly smooth with a little fur on his upper chest. He had a flat top with a trimmed beard and dark, piercing eyes. His cock had a frenum piercing with two silver balls showing. He pushed it in my mouth and I felt the metal as it moved over my tongue. He grabbed my head and face-fucked me as my ass was still getting pounded by the furball.

I heard the chubby man start to yell and the furball pulled out of me. When I pulled the cock out of my mouth and looked down, I saw the furball bent over and the chubby man was blowing a load all over the furball's back. The smooth man grabbed my head and tilted it back towards him and forced his cock back inside.

"Focus on me, boy!"

I looked up at him and he had a piercing look and I closed my eyes and opened my throat to let him get in deep. I felt hands on my ass and the furball enter me and continue to fuck. My ass was starting to get a little sore, but I focused on relaxing my muscles to try to accommodate him better. The smooth man was forcing his cock deep in my throat and I felt his piercing as it rubbed over the back of my tongue. When I opened my eyes, I saw Chris had the camera in close to capture the scene and I looked over at the smooth man's crotch as his shaft pushed forward and pulled back.

The furball groaned and I felt him pull out and growl as cum shot over my ass and balls. It didn't feel like a huge load, but he was loud and his growls got my nub dripping again. When the smooth man pulled out, Chris called for a break. I reached up and adjusted my jaw and looked over at Todd and smiled. He gave me a thumbs up.

Next: Chapter 19

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