Todds Boys

By Locked Cub

Published on Nov 9, 2023


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This story is the sequel to my first book, "Southern Chastity". I encourage you to read it to get the backstory on Matt, Bo, and Todd.

Todd's Boys

Part 16: Tidal Wave (Part 1)

The Tidal Wave Party was on the horizon and as we approached the month of June, we were excited to be heading down to not only hang out with the bears but also enjoy some sun. Todd had secured us a balcony room overlooking the pool at the host hotel for Thursday through Sunday and we would be heading out on a cruise afterward that was connected to the event.

The biggest question mark surrounded Bo. When we had booked the trip last year, Todd had intended to unlock him during the whole vacation, but after the incident last fall, I was unsure if this was still going to happen. I had talked to Bo the week before we left and he still had not had a conversation with Todd about it, at least until that Friday evening. Bo had made a nice stew and I had helped with a casserole and we were setting out the food when Todd wandered in to sit down at the dining room table and we joined him.

"This is looking good, boys!" Todd said.

"Thanks, Sir!" we both replied.

"Are you both looking forward to our time away?" he asked.

"I know I am," I replied. "I haven't ever been to a 'bear event' before."

Todd smiled.

"This one I think you will enjoy. I have been going for several years and there is always nice eye candy and butts to fuck."

I grinned and Bo smiled.

"I've been to one in Texas before, but this sounds completely different. It appears it surrounds pool parties and drinking."

"That's it," Todd replied. "Of course, there are the theme parks too."

"That should be fun," I replied. "I have never been to any of them."

"Really?" Todd asked.

"Nah," I said. "We didn't have a lot growing up and with three kids in the house, two of them twins, it was expensive."

"Well, I get that," Todd replied. "What about you Bo?"

"I've been to Disneyworld," Bo said. "But that was like ten years ago when I was in college."

"Well, then we will definitely have to do that," Todd replied. "On another matter, Bo, you and I have talked about your chastity cage on numerous occasions over the past year. I'm still leaning on having you released for the trip so I can tease you, but also use you in other ways. My question to you is can I trust that you won't be using that nub unless I specifically permit you. That means no jacking and no fucking unless I say so."

"Yes, Sir," Bo replied. "Believe me, I learned my lesson last year."

"I'm going to be going out on a limb here and you will have a lot of temptation around you," Todd said. "Are you sure you can handle it? That means if someone is heavily petting you in the pool, you will have to tell them to stop or talk to me."

"I'll be good, Sir," Bo replied.

"Matt, what are your thoughts?" Todd asked.

"I think he will be ok," I replied. "Bo's done a lot of soul searching over the past year and I know I would love to see him uncaged. I'll have to have the self-control not to touch him."

Bo smiled at me and then we looked back at Todd.

"How do you feel about him unlocking and you staying in your cage the whole time?" Todd asked. "Is that going to cause an issue?"

"No, Sir," I replied. "I prefer not to be out of my cage. It's a part of my body now."

"I suspect you will be pretty popular in the pool with that thing," Todd replied.

I blushed and smiled.

"Very well," Todd replied. "I will unlock you Wednesday morning before we fly down, Bo. Here are the rules. If someone gropes you in the pool, that is fine, but if they stick their hands down your pants or touch you in a way to get you erect, you must tell them your genitals are off-limits without your Sir's permission and they can ask me to use you. You are not to jack off or pleasure yourself in any way without my permission. Think of yourself still in chastity, even though the cage is off. I may tease you and get you hard, but I don't want you cumming without permission unless you are getting fucked and it is a hands-free orgasm. Again, this is similar to normal chastity protocols."

"I understand, Sir," Bo replied.

"You say that, but I don't think you understand just how hard that might be," Todd replied with a grin. "I'll be watching to see how you do. If you violate any of the rules, I will lock you back up."

"Yes, Sir," Bo replied.

"There are a few subby cubs that I know down there and I often have fun with during the event," Todd said. "I will likely have you help me fuck a few of them and I have some dom friends that would love your and Matt's ass too. It should be a really fun time."

"Agreed, Sir!" I replied.

"Just be sure you both bring your passports," Todd said. "You will need them for the cruise after."

"I've already got them both in our luggage," I replied with a smile.

Wednesday morning, I woke up and Bo was snoring on my shoulder as usual. He had some drool running out of his mouth and he looked cute. I reached up and ran my hand over his head and face a few times till he stopped and an eye opened to look at me.

"Morning," I said.

"Ugh, so tired," Bo replied.

He moved his arm over me and snuggled up on my side and buried his head in my armpit. Bo was a scent pig like me and he loved to smell me in the morning. It wasn't like I stunk, but I definitely had some pheromones going before I got my morning shower. He wiggled his nose in my pit and then licked it, which made me giggle and pull his head out.

"Stop that!" I replied with a laugh.

Bo smiled at me and ran his hand over my chest and played with my fur. He kissed my skin and then moved up and made out with me before we heard a knock on the doorframe.

"Morning lovebirds," Todd said with a grin.

We both looked over at him and smiled back.

"Good morning, Sir."

Todd came to the side of the bed and we both sat up. When he pulled a key out of his hand and held it up, Bo crawled over and sat on the edge in front of him.

"Are you ready, boy?" Todd asked.

"Yes, Sir," Bo replied.

Todd reached down and unlocked the cage and pulled it off and I got to see Bo's nub and balls free for the first time in several months. He had a small red mark where the ring had been and some impressions in the head from the bars of the cage, but otherwise, it looked like I remembered and even chubbed up from the increased blood flow.

"When was the last time you had an orgasm, Matt?" Todd asked me.

"Four days ago, Sir," I replied. "When you fucked one out of me."

"Oh, yes," Todd replied. "That was fun. Well, you are due another one. Matt scoot into the center of the bed and lay on your back."

As I laid back, I saw Todd move to the head of the bed and dangle his cock and balls near my face. I figured he wanted me to suck him off first, but he just stroked his cock while he stared at me. He then looked over at Bo, who was sitting at the foot of the bed watching.

"Grab the lube, Bo," Todd said. "I want his legs on your shoulders and your nub deep inside him. Breed his ass and fuck a load out of him while I use his throat."

I looked over at Bo and his face lit up.

"Yes, Sir!"

Todd slapped his hard shaft on my face and I stuck my tongue out and licked across it. He then placed his full balls on my forehead and reached over and opened my mouth with his fingers and tilted my head back. He slid his cock in and I felt it enter the back of my throat.

At the same time, I felt Bo get on the bed and he grabbed my legs and lifted them. He pushed them forward and then placed them on his shoulders. I heard the sound of lube being stroked on his nub and then felt the head of his nub placed against my ass. I was in sensory overload as my master's thick cock filled my mouth and my boyfriend's free, hard nub entered my ass.

I groaned as I felt Bo enter me. All I could see was the underside of Todd's balls as they swung. He was thrusting his cock into my throat and I felt him reach down and gently put his hands around my neck.

"I can see my cock entering your throat, boy," Todd replied. "You feel good."

I closed my eyes and grunted as I tried to grab a breath between strokes. Bo was deep inside me and I felt him push my legs towards my chest and start to pound me. The bed bounced from their synchronized thrusts and I felt my nub do the same on my belly. Precum was flowing out of it and it was flying in drips and strings over the bed and my chest.

"How does his ass feel, Bo?" Todd said.

"So good, Sir," Bo replied. "I've missed it."

"Be sure you angle your nub upward a little," Todd said. "Remember you want to get Matt to cum too."

"Yes, Sir!" Bo replied as he panted.

I felt Bo shift his position and his nub directly rubbed against my prostate. I groaned loudly and my body shook. Precum flew out of my cage and Todd smiled.

"Now you are hitting that g-spot."

Todd leaned over and drilled my mouth with his thick cock. I was starting to gag and he just powered through it. Spit was starting to force its way out of the sides of my mouth and down my beard. Bo was pounding me hard and his thrusts were causing me to start to feel that unmistakable warmth in my groin. It wasn't long before cum spurted out of my cage and landed on my chest.

I moaned as I felt the orgasm shoot through my body. My ass clenched down and Bo grunted and came. He pushed forward and held onto my feet as he grinded his nub inside.

"Fuck, yeah!" Todd replied. "That's my good boys. Here comes a load for your throat, Matt!"

Todd thrusted a few more times and then I felt his cock pulse and cum flowed out. I tried to swallow it, but I choked on it and it flew out of my mouth and into my mustache and nose. I opened my eyes and saw his balls move as they delivered their contents and I just felt used.

Bo pulled out of me and I felt him move my legs back down. He came around and I felt his tongue and it moved across my belly and swallowed my cum. He grabbed my cage next and licked it clean and then rubbed my stomach as Todd pulled his cock out. I was looking up as he moved to the side and then bent over and kissed my forehead.

My neck was sore from being forced back and when I pulled it up, I saw Bo grinning from ear to ear. I wiped the cum from my beard and licked it off my fingers and smiled.

"You liked that did you?" I asked.

"Fuck, yeah!" Bo replied. "Your ass is flooded by the way."

I reached down and felt and sure enough, cum was leaking out all over the bed.

"Fucking hell, Bo!" I replied with a laugh.

Todd chuckled and came behind Bo and hugged him and kissed his neck.

"Ok, you better help your man get up and get in the shower. We need to get going."

"Yes, Sir!" Bo replied.

Bo helped me to the side of the bed and I tried to catch my breath. His nub was soft and dripping and I leaned over and licked it clean. He flinched and then leaned over and kissed me and licked some remaining cum from Todd off my cheek.

"Sexy man."

"You too, bubba," I replied.

Todd flew us down to Orlando that morning in his plane. We got in town around lunchtime and stopped for a bite to eat in the city before driving over to the Holiday Inn where the event would be held the next day. There were already some hot guys in the lobby when we arrived and I was mesmerized by one older daddy bear and never heard Todd or Bo talking to me until I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Are you ready to go up to the room?" Todd asked.

I turned around and he was grinning at me.

"Told you," he said. "Lots of eye candy."

I smiled and we went over to the elevators and went up a few floors and walked into our room. It was nice and bright and had a balcony that overlooked the pool below. We had a large King-sized bed and it was decided since I was the thinnest of the group, well thinner compared to the other two, that I would be in the middle.

I walked onto the balcony and looked over and enjoyed the view and the weather. It was warm and there was a breeze moving in. I felt Bo come behind me and wrap his hands around my waist.

"What do you think?" Bo asked.

"This should be great," I replied. "We can see everything from here and it's close enough to the pool that we could have people up here."

"Yeah, that will be nice," Bo replied.

Todd came out and stood beside us and rubbed his belly.

"Well, boys, why don't we save the unpacking till later. I got us tickets to Epcot today."

"Sweet!" I replied.

When we arrived at the park, I was amazed at how vast it was. I knew it was large from seeing shows and commercials about it growing up, but it never prepared me for the real thing. When we walked in, we headed over to the Epcot ball and got some pictures. One nice lady even held the camera for us so we could get a group shot. The next stop was some of the future world rides before we took a brief rest to people watch.

It was in the late afternoon near dinner time before we wandered around the world showcase. We got some food and drinks at the German Pavilion and Bo and I shared a funnel cake that nearly put me into a diabetic coma. It had so much sugar on it. Needless to say, Todd's boys were wired by the time the sun set and we continued around and sampled some snacks.

By the time the fireworks went off, though, all three of us were tired and we headed back to the hotel. When we got to our room, Todd took off his shoes and socks and collapsed on the bed as did Bo. I stripped my clothes off and sat at the end of the bed and put Todd's big foot in my lap and rubbed it and he moaned so loudly I was sure the next-door neighbors would think we were having sex.

"Fuck, my dogs are barking," Todd replied.

I smiled and continued to rub his feet and Bo leaned over to make out with him. Once I had massaged both, I crawled up between both of their legs and laid my head on Bo's crotch. He reached down and rubbed my head and I bought my hand up to feel Todd's groin. I was always amazed at the size of his balls and cock, even when it was small. The man was just fucking hot as hell and I felt so privileged to be collared by him.

Todd looked down at me and smiled.

"I'm not in the mood right now, boy."

"It's ok, Sir," I replied. "Just like feeling you."

Todd chuckled and turned the TV on and we watched the Discovery Channel till it got late. Todd always slept in his boxers and he stripped down to them and crawled under the covers. I got in next and Bo stripped down and moved in last beside me. I was on my side facing him and he was on his back. I reached down and groped him and felt him get hard.

"Sir, Matt is touching me!" Bo said with a grin.

"Hands off, boy!" Todd replied with a chuckle.

I gave Bo a pouting face and then kissed him and he handed me my CPAP mask and I put it on to get some sleep.

The next morning, I woke up first. Bo was curled to the side of the bed out like a light and Todd had pulled the covers off of him and was sleeping on his back. He had morning wood and his big cock was at full mast in the air. I smiled and pulled the covers back and crept down to wake him up properly.

I licked the head of his cock and didn't get a response, so I brought my mouth over and gently sucked on the head. Todd's body reacted by moving slightly and his legs stretched out. I felt a dribble of precum come out so I moved down on him until I felt his cock head hit the back of my throat. As I pulled up, he began to moan lightly, but his eyes were not open.

I took him inside my mouth and as I was pulling up I heard him groan and then open his eyes and look at me. He smiled and closed his eyes and I took the hint to continue. I bobbed up and down on him and his feet curled and I heard his joints pop. I reached under and felt his huge balls and played with them in my left hand while I used my right hand to stroke the lower part of his shaft.

Todd reached down and rubbed my head as more precum dribbled out and filled my mouth. I brought my head up and applied some more suction as I stroked him. He moaned louder and deeper. His hands moved up and rubbed his belly and he stretched his legs out completely. For several minutes I concentrated on my movements as I felt his cock slide to the back of my throat. I was rewarded soon after with a loud growl and a load pulsing into my mouth.

Bo woke up when he heard Todd climax and looked over and saw our master's cock down my throat and my face in his bush.

"Damn!" Bo replied.

Todd looked over at him and smiled.

"Early bird gets the worm!"

Bo reached down and felt his crotch. His nub hardened as he watched me finish taking Todd's load and suck the remnants from the tip. When Todd saw him, he reached over and pulled Bo's hand away.

"No touching yourself, Bo. I want you to be nice and horny for the bears today."

Bo was visibly frustrated but took his hand away and stared at me. When Todd's cock was finally soft and drained, my master pulled me up to him and kissed me.

"Thanks for that, boy."

"Happy to serve, Sir!" I replied.

Todd smiled and got out of bed and went into the bathroom. I moved over next to Bo and he leaned over and rubbed my stomach.

"I'm beginning to think taking the outside of the bed was a bad idea. You get easier access to him!"

I laughed.

"I know!"

Bo pushed my face away playfully and got out of bed. His nub was at full staff and I pointed at him.

"I think cold water might help that. There is some ice in the mini-fridge too."

"Oh, fuck off," Bo replied with a laugh.

Next: Chapter 17

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