Todds Boys

By Locked Cub

Published on Nov 5, 2023


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This story is the sequel to my first book, "Southern Chastity". I encourage you to read it to get the backstory on Matt, Bo, and Todd.

Todd's Boys

Part 15: The Hike

I only had one really close friend growing up named Jeff. He lived three doors down from our house and Steve and I were always playing with him outside and going on adventures. We had an area of undeveloped land on the back side of the subdivision we lived in and it had old, tall trees with winding trails and several creeks and ponds. We used to love to meet out there and hike around and explore. Later, all three of us joined the Boy Scouts and we made regular trips in the mountains to go canoeing and camp.

Since we graduated high school, I had not seen Jeff a lot, but the few times we hung out, we tried to make it into an outdoors event, whether that was a camping trip or a visit to a local Civil War Battlefield. The last time he had visited had been five years ago, so when he messaged and told me he would be in the area, I called up my brother and we made plans to hang out.

Jeff got into town on a Friday and Steve offered to put him up in his apartment, so I headed over there after work and I invited Bo over to meet him. When I got to Steve's place, I knocked on the door and Jeff opened it to greet me.

"Hey, Trigger!"

I rolled my eyes. Jeff was the only one in the world that called me that. When we were in high school, we participated in a school competition that pitted different teams against each other. It was similar to Jeopardy or Trivial Pursuit, in that you answered questions from a variety of topics. I was pretty quick on the draw hitting the buzzer and a few times that got me in trouble as I choked and got the question wrong. He had called me 'Trigger' ever since.

"Hey, bud," I replied as I walked in and hugged him. "Did you have any trouble on your flight today?"

"Nah," Jeff replied. "Pretty smooth sailing. Though I did hit some nasty Boston traffic getting to the airport."

"What brings you down this way?" I asked as he closed the door behind me.

"I have to do an audit for a business south of the city, but I figured I would come a few days early and see you two," Jeff said.

"Hey, Matt!" Steve interrupted as he came in from the kitchen in his scrubs.

"Wassup, bro?" I replied.

"Eh, busy week," Steve said. "I haven't even had time to change."

"I hear ya," I said. "Well, Jeff, I am glad you decided to come early. I have missed seeing you. My boyfriend, Bo, will be over shortly."

"Yeah, Steve said you have been dating for a while," Jeff said. "He said you have been into some freaky kinks lately."

I stared at Steve and he turned and went into the living room to avoid my gaze. Jeff laughed and slapped my shoulder.

"Don't be mad, you know I ask a ton of questions and I drilled him for what you have been up to. You know you don't have to be shy around me. We are all gay dudes. Believe me, I have friends into freaky shit too."

"Well, it is nothing like that," I said. "I met a local dominant that trained guys to be subordinate and I went through his program."

"That's nothing," Jeff said. "You've always been subby. Why is that weird?"

"It also involved chastity," I said.

"Oh really?" Jeff said as his face lit up.

He reached over and groped me and felt the metal encasing my nub. He smiled and chuckled.

"I can't believe you crammed that thing into a cage! How long have you been wearing it?"

"I went into permanent chastity over a year ago," I replied.

"A year!" Jeff exclaimed. "Fuck, Trigger! Is your boyfriend your keyholder?"

"No, he is locked too, Jeff," Steve said from the living room.

"I'm so confused," Jeff replied.

I laughed.

"We both live with another man named Todd. He is our keyholder."

"Oh!" Jeff said with a grin. "You turned poly on me."

I rolled my eyes and poked his belly.

"It's all the rage now, don't you know."

Jeff laughed and we went into the living room to sit next to Steve. Jeff had a lot more questions, so I gave him the backstory of how I met John and what the training program was like. I talked about meeting Bo and how our relationship grew and about my collaring by Todd. By the time I had finished talking, he put his arm around me and kissed my cheek.

"It sounds like you have found a good home. I am proud of you."

"Thanks, bud," I replied as I squeezed his leg.

"Now, me, on the other hand, I am still fucking anything I can find," Jeff said. "Find me a good ass and I am in it."

I laughed.

"You will be popular around here."

"Yeah, it's the land of bottoms," Steve said with a grin.

"Perfect!" Jeff replied with a howl.

"So, anyway, not to change the subject, but would you be up for a hike tomorrow, Jeff?" Steve asked. "They have a great trail not far from here and it would be nice to get some fresh air. I have been cooped up in the hospital doing overtime too much lately."

"Yeah, sounds like a plan to me," Jeff replied. "But, what about tonight?

"Beers and cards?" Steve asked. "I got plenty of booze."

"Sold!" Jeff said. "I'll take one right now."

As Steve stood up to go to the kitchen, there was a knock at the door and he went to answer it. When he opened the door, Bo appeared.

"Come on in," Steve said. "Matt and Jeff are in the living room."

Bo walked over to us and I introduced him to Jeff, who was obviously checking him out.

"Damn, Trigger!" Jeff said. "Your other half is sexy as hell!"

Bo blushed.

"Thanks. It is good to meet you. Matt has told me all about you."

"Well, I hope not!" Jeff replied. "Otherwise, you might be running away."

I laughed and Bo sat next to me and Jeff took the chair across from us. Steve brought us all beers.

"So, Bo, will you be joining us for our hike tomorrow?" Jeff asked.

"I'd love to come along," Bo replied. "I'm not in good shape, but I can do my best to keep up."

Jeff laughed and rubbed his belly.

"Oh, don't worry. I have a lot more padding now than I did when I was younger and my knees are shot. I'll need plenty of breaks, myself."

"That wasn't always the case," Steve replied. "You had the most merit badges of all of us and were always running around somewhere and getting into something."

Jeff grinned.

"Yeah, age sucks, but I am trying to get back into the gym. I was dating a guy for a while last year that got me to work out with him a few days a week, but since we broke up, I have been pretty sedentary."

"Yeah, I should be working out more, myself," Steve replied. "My dating life has suffered, too."

"You need to get you a good cubby to pound on a daily basis," Jeff said. "That is good cardio!"

Steve laughed.

"Speaking of which, I am sorry, but I have to see it, Matt," Jeff said.

"See what?" I asked.

"Your cage!" Jeff replied. "You two both were packing as kids. I got to see how you managed to cram that thing away."

I blushed and Bo rubbed my back and grinned.

"Now, Jeff," Steve said. "Don't embarrass him."

"It's ok, Steve," I replied. "I'll show you."

I stood up and undid my belt and unbuttoned my pants and dropped them. I then pulled my underwear down and pulled my cage out and adjusted my balls. Jeff just stared for a moment and then reached out and held it in his hands.

"Fucking hell!" Jeff replied. "I'm impressed! And that is not painful at all?"

"No," I replied. "I'm pretty well used to it now."

"Is yours the same, Bo?" Jeff asked.

Bo smiled and stood up and dropped his pants and showed his cage off. Jeff reached out with his other hand and held Bo's cage as he continued to hold mine.

"Ok, this is fucking hot," Jeff said.

Bo and I grinned and Steve laughed.

"You ready to lock yourself up now?" Steve asked Jeff.

"Fuck no!" Jeff replied with a chuckle. "But it is hot. Thanks for showing me, guys."

"Matt can leave his clothes off," Bo said. "He is the beta in our home and might as well leave it on display for you."

I rolled my eyes as I sat down.

"The beta?" Jeff said with a laugh.

"Yup!" Bo smiled as he pulled his pants up and sat next to me. "He knows his place."

Bo pulled me close and hugged me and I smirked.

"You never cease to surprise me, Matt!" Jeff replied.

Steve pulled out the cards and we ordered pizza and after several hours, Jeff was pretty drunk and hitting on Bo every chance he got. Bo didn't seem to mind, however, and was groping Jeff right back. As much as Jeff noted he thought we were hung growing up, he was packing. He always got respect in the locker room in high school. But it was getting late and before anything happened, I called for one last hand.

"Party pooper!" Jeff said in response.

"Well, if I am going to be in any shape to hike around, I need a good night's rest," I replied.

"Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow, then," Jeff said to Bo as he put his hand down the back of Bo's pants and grabbed his ass.

Bo grinned and kissed him and I rolled my eyes.

"Ok, Casanova, let me get my man home."

Jeff grinned at me and I gave him a hug and Bo and I left after I got dressed.

Steve told me to come back to his house at 10 am the next morning, so Bo and I arrived back at his apartment about fifteen minutes before that. Jeff was already in the living room lacing up his sneakers when we arrived.

"How did you sleep?" Bo asked as he walked over and sat next to him.

"Not bad," Jeff replied. "I am still a little hungover, but seeing your cute ass brightens the day."

I laughed.

"I warned you he is nothing but hormones, Bo."

Jeff smiled and rubbed Bo's back.

"In all seriousness, though, you are really cute. I hope you don't mind all the flirting. I know you are Matt's man, I ain't trying to steal you. Though I would love to borrow you some time."

Bo laughed out loud.

"You really are a horndog! It's ok. You are fucking hot. Matt never told me that!"

"Cause I didn't want you running off with him!" I replied with a chuckle.

Bo tossed a pillow at me.

"No chance of that, babe."

Steve came into the room with his shoes in his hands and once he put them on, we all headed out to my car and I drove us out to the park. It encompassed a huge area and had several walking and hiking trails and some old ruins from a mill that used to operate in the 1800s. We picked one of the easy paths and made our way into the woods.

I walked next to Steve, and Bo and Jeff were behind us. There were a couple of places where we saw some deer on the side of the path and even a wolf off in the distance that Jeff took some pictures of before we continued. By noon, we had reached the small river that ran through the area and the ruins of the mill. I had packed our lunch in my backpack, so I found a spot on a crumbling wall to sit on and I broke out the sandwiches, chips, and drinks.

"This is a nice area!" Jeff said as he walked around and admired the view. "Pretty secluded, too."

"Yeah," I replied. "I have been out here a few times and you never see anyone. It's nice if you want to get away and just enjoy nature."

"That's for sure!" Jeff replied.

Bo sat across from me on the wall and helped open some of the containers of food. He passed some to Steve and then Jeff came over and sat behind Bo and scooted up till his crotch was hitting Bo's ass. Bo grinned and looked back at him and rubbed his leg. Jeff rubbed Bo's lower back and put his hands under Bo's waistband and felt his ass.

"I know what I want for dessert," Jeff said.

Bo smiled and leaned back and kissed him and I chuckled.

"Well eat first and then you can have Bo's cake."

Bo opened his mouth and stared at me.

"I'm not that easy!"

"Oh please," I replied playfully. "I know you want his dick."

Bo grinned and reached back and rubbed Jeff's crotch and felt his bulge.

"Well, not going to lie. Your friend does have a nice package."

"See, told you!" I replied.

Jeff laughed and reached around and grabbed a sandwich from Bo. After we got through with lunch, we walked through the ruins. I had seen them featured in a few movies and TV shows. Atlanta was becoming known as a filming location and it was funny, sometimes, to see familiar landmarks that were supposed to be in other places in the world. Steve and I were tossing rocks into the river when I looked around and saw Bo and Jeff were not with us.

"Where did they go?" I asked.

"Are you seriously asking me that?" Steve said with a grin. "They were about to go at it while we were eating."

I rolled my eyes and turned around and walked back into the ruins and when I turned a corner, I saw Bo completely naked and on his knees. Jeff was leaning against the wall and had his pants down and his cock was down my boyfriend's throat. When I walked over, Jeff looked at me and winked.

"He has a good mouth, for sure!"

Bo was deep throating Jeff and playing with Jeff's balls at the same time. Jeff was playing with his nipples and he closed his eyes and moaned. This was not the first time I had caught Jeff having sex. There had been numerous times I had caught him in a tent with his cock buried in an ass or a throat, but this was the first time it was with someone I was intimate with. It didn't bother me, though. Frankly, I found it pretty hot and my nub swelled in its cage as I watched them. I was rubbing my crotch when Jeff looked over and smiled.

"You want a turn too?

"Seriously?" I asked.

"Dude, you and Steve both have sucked me off before," Jeff said. "But I kind of find the whole chastity aspect a turn on."

"Ok," I said as I walked over.

"You gotta strip like Bo, though," Jeff said. "You are the subs. No clothes allowed."

"Ok, you win," I replied with a smirk.

I took off my clothes and came over and knelt beside Bo. He pulled off Jeff's cock and I reached up and grabbed it. It was just as girthy and long as I remember and as I took it into my mouth, Jeff groaned. I let it slip over my tongue and down my throat until my nose was on his crotch.

"Fuck, you have gotten better at that!" Jeff replied.

"We have had a lot of training over the past two years," Bo said with a laugh.

I sucked on Jeff for a few minutes and then Bo took over. We alternated back and forth until we heard the rustle of leaves behind us. I turned and saw Steve leaning against the wall watching.

"I figured this would happen," Steve said with a smile. "Don't mind me, I'm just admiring the view."

I smiled and turned back to Jeff and continued to share his cock with Bo. Jeff's cock had engorged to the point that it was dripping precum and when he pulled out of Bo, it dribbled down Bo's chin.

"Bend over the small wall here, Bo," Jeff said. "I need in that ass."

Bo smiled and turned and crouched over the broken bit of stone. His ass was sticking up and Jeff bent down and pushed his face in between Bo's ass cheeks. Jeff spread them wide and stuck his tongue in Bo's hole and got it wet. Bo was moaning and gripping the stone. When Jeff pulled up, he pointed his cock at Bo's ass, spat on his hand, and then lubed his cock.

"Here it comes, boy!" Jeff said as he pushed into Bo.

"Fuck!" Bo cried out as Jeff entered him.

My nub jumped as I watched Jeff start to fuck Bo. Jeff put one leg on the stone and kept the other on the ground. He held on to Bo's waist and pounded him deeply. Bo was grunting with every thrust and Jeff breathed heavily as he moved.

"God damn this ass is nice!" Jeff growled.

"That cock is amazing, Sir!" Bo replied.

"You like that cock, boy?" Jeff asked.

"Fuck yes, I do, Sir!" Bo replied.

Jeff smiled and thrusted harder. Bo grunted loudly and gripped the stone as his ass was assaulted. I watched Jeff's ass as it clenched when he pushed forward. His balls were swinging with his strokes and I saw some sweat start to form on his lower back. He took his shirt off and tossed it to the side and then gripped Bo's back and fucked him faster. I could hear the smack of his cock as it rammed inside Bo and the two were both grunting and panting.

I could not help but rub my nub. It was leaking heavily and I was making a mess in my hands. I looked over at Steve and he had his hands down his pants. Jeff was a machine. He fucked for a good fifteen minutes before I heard him start to groan.

"I'm close, boy!" Jeff yelled.

"Well, breed him then, Jeff!" I replied.

"Fuck!" Jeff screamed as he pushed forward.

I saw his taint start to pulse as cum shot into Bo. Jeff had collapsed on Bo's back and was out of breath. I walked over and rubbed his back and then reached under and felt his balls. They were still pulsing.

"Damn, I can still feel you cumming!" I replied.

"So can I!" Bo said with a chuckle from under Jeff.

After a minute, Jeff sat back up and I moved around as he pulled out of Bo and stepped back towards the wall. I saw Bo's ass and cum was dripping out of his hole. Jeff's cock was semi-hard and oozing, so I got on my knees and took it into my mouth and cleaned it off for him and he groaned. He reached around and held me on him till he was soft and when I pulled back he looked at me and grinned.

I heard Bo groan and I turned and saw that Steve had dropped his pants and had mounted him. I was shocked. I had not seen my brother do anything around me since we were teenagers.

"What the hell, Steve?" I asked.

"Shut up, bro!" Steve said as he fucked. "Bo's ass was too inviting!"

"Fucking hell! This is what you must have felt like before your cage, Matt!" Bo groaned as he was being pounded.

"This is so fucking weird," I replied.

Jeff laughed and put his arm around me. He hugged me as we watched Steve fuck Bo. My brother was getting into it and I heard the slosh of cum as his dick slid in and out of Bo's ass. Bo was gripping the stone for all he was worth. His ass was bouncing as Steve pounded down on it and pulled back up.

"Your bro still knows how to fuck!" Jeff said.

I felt Jeff's cock as it hit the back of my ass. It was hard and I reached around and felt it.

"Fucking hell, Jeff," I replied.

Jeff smiled and leaned over.

"Bend over that stone next to Bo."

I hesitated at first, but then walked over and did what he said. Bo turned when he saw me and smiled. As Steve continued to fuck Bo, I felt Jeff lick and then finger my hole and then mount me. I moaned and Bo reached over and grasped my hand.

"That's right Jeff, pound my brother!" Steve said.

My mind was just spinning. My boyfriend was getting fucked by my twin brother right next to me as my childhood friend dicked me down. It was like something out of a cheap porn. Jeff had a hold of my ass and as his dick pushed deeper inside me I groaned loudly.

"Fuck, yeah!" Jeff replied.

The two went at our asses for a long time. I occasionally turned my head to look at Bo and seeing my brother enjoy his ass gave me some conflicted thoughts. That was something I would likely never experience myself. I remember the look that Bo gave me when he was fucking me in the past. I imagined it was me fucking him and not Steve for a moment and I felt my nub swell and start to hurt. This was followed by a warm feeling deep in my gut. I did not know what was happening at first and then I felt a familiar sensation. I was about to orgasm. As my nub went over the edge, my ass clenched down on Jeff and he shouted.

"Holy fuck!"

Cum shot out of my nub and hit the stone I was leaning over and ran down it. At the same time, I felt Jeff start to pulse and fill me up. Steve was not far behind and I heard him growl as he pushed forward and added a second load to Bo's ass. As we all tried to regain our composure, Jeff pulled off me and I slid off the stone and crouched on the ground.

"Damn that was hot!" Jeff said as he collected the cum from his cock and licked it.

Steve pulled out of Bo and gasped. Bo turned around and grabbed Steve's cock and licked it. As Bo brought it into his mouth, Steve held his head on him and he moaned.

"That's a boy."

I heard Bo gag and then he pulled back and sucked the remaining cum off of Steve.

"I hope you two are drained now," I said with a laugh.

Jeff pointed to the stone where my load was dripping down.

"Well, you still shoot a ton even if you are caged."

"I have to admit, you felt good," I replied.

Bo sat next to me and reached over and brought my head to him. He made out with me and I got lost in his embrace. Our tongues intertwined and he ran his hands through my hair. When I pulled back, he smiled.

"Damn, I wish I could have felt you before you went into your cage."

"Well, that is about as close as you are going to get," I replied with a smile.

"I know, babe," Bo said as he kissed me again. "I love you."

"I love you, too," I replied with a smile.

We turned and Steve and Jeff were smiling at us.

"Ok, let's get our clothes back on," I said.

Jeff went over and grabbed his shirt and put it on while Bo and I got dressed. We went out by the river to wait on the other two and when they joined us, I grabbed the containers I had brought for our lunch and put things away and we hiked back to my car. Steve came over to me and put his arm around my shoulder about halfway back up the trail.

"I'm sorry, bro. That was so hot back there and I couldn't help myself. I hope I did not cross any lines."

"Not going to lie, Steve," I replied. "It was weird, but we are still good. It just made me realize I will never be that intimate with Bo."

"Matt, I have seen how much you love each other," Steve said. "Yeah, he has a great ass, but sex is fleeting. It is the connection that is important. You know you could take that cage off if you wanted to and fuck him."

"I know," I replied. "But that is not me now."

"I know, bro," Steve said as he hugged me. "I hope I am lucky enough to find someone like him one day. You two are soul mates."

"Thanks, Steve," I replied as I hugged him back.

After we got back to the car, we were all winded, so we drove back and I dropped Steve and Jeff off.

"Well, I wish I could stay longer, but I need to get to my hotel soon," Jeff said. "Thanks for a great time boys!"

Jeff hugged Steve and me and then turned to Bo and groped his ass.

"Thanks for a nice fuck, too!"

Bo grinned.

"It was pretty nice!"

They hugged and then we waved and Bo and I got in the car and drove back home.

"Fucking hell my ass is sore!" Bo said.

Bo reached over and grabbed my hand and I glanced over at him and smiled.


"I know that had to be weird, but thank you for indulging me," Bo said. "I feel closer to you somehow."

"Well, you finally got my DNA in you," I replied with a laugh. "At least a clone of it."

Bo laughed.

"Yeah, but it was really hot being next to you while we were getting fucked. I just felt like we shared a moment. Thank you."

"Anytime, baby," I replied.

Next: Chapter 16

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