Todds Boys

By Locked Cub

Published on Oct 27, 2023


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This story is the sequel to my first book, "Southern Chastity". I encourage you to read it to get the backstory on Matt, Bo, and Todd.

Todd's Boys

Part 13: A Year in Service

March 12, 2017 was the one-year anniversary of my graduation from John's sub training program and my collaring by Todd. Frankly, the date had crept up on me and I was shocked when Todd reminded me of it one evening at dinner. It also was another milestone. When I began training under John, he had locked me in a chastity cage and I watched as my nub disappeared under the bars. From that point forward, when the cage was removed for a manual release or cleaning, I was always blindfolded. After graduation, Todd kept up the same protocols and removed it once every two weeks for deep cleaning while I was bound and blindfolded. So, the March date meant it had been two years since I last saw my nub out of the cage.

I had people ask me online what this felt like and if I ever wanted to see my nub free again. It was a complicated answer. Over time, I came to see my cage as a part of my body. I hated when it was removed for cleaning and felt more complete when it was back on. Todd kept my prostate drained regularly and Bo occasionally fucked a load out of me using the dildo strap-on. So, I didn't need to be manually manipulated anymore. Would I like to feel my nub in my hand and stroke it and experience a normal orgasm again? Sure, I could admit that. But I embraced who I was now and knew that was not going to happen. It did not bother me in the slightest.

Todd had asked me if I wanted to celebrate my milestone in any way and I had told him that I would leave the decision to him. I considered my service to him and his collar around my neck all the privilege and reward I would ever need, but I had a feeling he wanted to at least mark the occasion. So, the evening before, when we were sitting in the living room watching TV, he turned to me and smiled.

"Well, boy, I have everything set up to mark your collaring anniversary."

Bo was sitting next to me and grinned and then looked at Todd.

"What do you have planned for Matt, Sir?" Bo asked.

"Well, I thought about it long and hard and I figured the best way to mark the occasion would be for Matt to service the three men that had a hand in making him the sub he is today," Todd said. "So, I invited Rick over since he helped get Matt started on the journey. Kenny is coming since he assisted Matt during the training. And finally, I convinced John to stop by since it was his training program that helped bring Matt to me."

"You got Sir John to come?" I asked. "I didn't think he would do anything except with his trainees."

"Normally that is the case, but you made quite an impression on him, so he is making an exception," Todd said.

"Wow," Bo replied. "That is exciting!"

"Bo, you and I will have a nice dinner with Matt Sunday evening to mark the occasion, but I need you to leave the house during the day so the men and I can concentrate on Matt," Todd said.

"I understand, Sir," Bo replied to Todd before turning to me. "You better fill me in on all the details after!"

"I will," I replied with a smile before he kissed me.

Sunday morning of my anniversary, I woke up and went to the bathroom. When I returned, Bo was sitting up and smiling at me.

"Well, are you excited?"

I grinned as I got back in bed beside him and he put his arms around me.

"I'm not going to lie. It is exhilarating to think all three of them will be here with Todd. They are each special to me for different reasons."

"For sure!" Bo replied as he rubbed my chest. "I'm heading over to stay at Max and Kenny's apartment while you are busy. Max and I are taking bets on how many loads you take."

"What did you bet?" I asked.

"Not going to tell you," Bo said with a laugh. "But I'm sure you will do a great job."

Bo leaned in and made out with me and we cuddled and spooned before he had to get up and take a shower. When he was done, I washed up and made sure I was well cleaned out for anything that might happen today. When I returned to our bedroom, Bo was dressed and putting his shoes on. He held out his hands and I came over and he hugged me and I leaned down and kissed him.

"I'm about to head out. Just text me when I can come back over."

"I will," I replied. "Tell Max I said hi."

"Yup!" Bo said as he kissed me again and then got up and left.

I walked into the kitchen to grab a drink and saw Todd naked and leaning on the counter on his phone. He looked up and smiled at me.

"The men are on their way over."

"I'm ready for them!" I replied as I opened a bottle of water and took a drink. "Is there anything I need to do before they arrive?"

"No," Todd said. "I have the playroom set up downstairs already. You can go down there now and wait near the foot of the stairs on your knees. I will bring them down when they arrive."

"Yes, Sir!" I replied as I turned and headed for the basement.

When I got down there, I noticed that there was lube, poppers, and hand towels set out and Todd had wiped down the fuck bench, sling, and cross and the room had a slight antiseptic smell. I put my water bottle on the shelf and then turned and knelt next to the staircase and bowed my head.

I heard the alarm system beep once to indicate the front door opened. Todd was talking to someone, but I could not make out what was being said. A short time later, two more beeps came in quick succession followed by more talking and footsteps. I knelt patiently and quietly for several minutes after the last beep and then I heard footsteps coming downstairs.

"There he is!" I heard the familiar voice of Rick say.

I saw his feet pass by me and felt him rub the top of my head as he passed. Two more sets of feet followed him. I recognized the white skin and ginger hair of Kenny first and then the legs of Todd passed by after. The final set of feet came to rest next to me. They belonged to my old trainer, John. I felt his hand on my head and he pushed back until I was looking up at him.

John was a tall man and worked out regularly. He had broad shoulders and thick arms and legs. He maintained a slight belly but was still a strong man. He was covered in fur from head to toe and just by looking at him, you knew he was a dominant and in charge. He was well endowed and even soft, his cock was impressive, as were his large balls. I had not seen him since I graduated and he looked like he had not changed at all. He smiled at me as he held my head back.

"Good to see you again, boy."

I smiled back.

"I am happy to see you again too, Sir!"

"Are you prepared to serve us all well today?" he asked.

"I am always prepared to serve, Sir," I replied. "You taught me that."

John lifted his hand and then brought it down and lightly patted my cheeks.

"That I did. You may rise."

He walked by me and I stood up and turned around. All four men were standing in front of me. They were naked and smiling. My nub instantly swelled in its cage as I saw them.

"I'm so proud of you, bubba," Rick said. "You know when I encouraged you to explore this kink and then introduced you to John, I didn't know how things would turn out. You took to it quicker than I expected and you seem a lot happier and more confident now that you have embraced your subordinate side."

"Well, you and Chris both were good friends and confidants," I said. "I'm just glad you did push me down this path."

Kenny laughed.

"And if it were not for him doing that, I probably would not have ended up with my subby husband, Max. I owe you for that."

I grinned.

"You helped me a lot too, Sir. I have to admit I always had a thing for your scent and that fire crotch."

Kenny laughed again and rubbed his balls.

"Well, I think we better get this party started!" Todd said. "Rick, you can have him first!"

Rick reached down and stroked his cock and I walked over to him and got on my knees. I licked the underside of his balls as his cock engorged and when it was at full staff, he pointed it down at my face and I took it inside my mouth. His thick shaft passed over my tongue and as it neared the back of my throat, he kept pushing till I gagged.

"You still need to work on that," Rick said looking down at me with a smirk.

I coughed and went back on him and deep-throated him as he held the back of my head and pushed me back and forth. As I did, I saw Kenny's pale legs walk over and stand next to him. I pulled off of Rick and looked over and saw Kenny's thick uncut meat pointing at me and I leaned over and took him in my mouth next. As I brought my nose into his bush, I could smell him. His musk was strong and I groaned.

"I haven't showered in a few days just for you," Kenny said.

I looked up at him and grinned and then went back down on him, pausing to take his scent in one more time. I alternated sucking both of them for several minutes before Rick reached down and held my arm and brought me to my feet.

"Get on the fuck bench, boy."

I walked over and climbed on it and Rick strapped my legs and arms down. Kenny moved to my head and pointed his cock towards my mouth and stuck it inside while I felt Rick begin to lube my ass. I groaned as Rick's fingers invaded my ass and Kenny's cock went deep into my throat. As Kenny thrusted forward and skull-fucked me, I felt Rick point his cock at my ass and push forward.

I moaned loudly, muffled by the cock filling me, as Rick's dick split me open. I was expecting him to take his time, but he just pushed forward in one stroke and my head was spinning with pain and endorphins. Rick slapped my ass a few times once he had fully penetrated me and then bucked his hips and fucked me.

As Rick pounded, Kenny adjusted his thrusts so that as I was being shifted forward, he was pushing deep into my mouth. It embedded my nose in his bush before my head was pulled out as Rick pulled back. I tried to relax both my throat and ass at the same time, but it was a challenge as they both double-teamed me.

When Rick finally pulled out, I felt him slap my ass.

"You take a turn, Kenny."

Kenny's cock came out of my mouth and he turned and passed by me and then Rick appeared in his place. As I felt Kenny rub my ass and then mount it, Rick slapped his cock on my lips and I opened and took him inside. I could taste my ass on Rick's cock and I looked up at him as I began to feel Kenny thrust in my ass. Rick's cock was thicker than Kenny's and my jaw had to open wider as he fucked. Spit collected in my mouth and dribbled out.

For several minutes, I was skewered on both sides by the men until they pulled out and switched places again. As I sucked on Kenny, I felt Rick grab my ass firmly and fuck it harder and faster. I heard the slaps of skin on skin and his grunts as he pounded, forcefully. It shoved me deeper on Kenny's cock and I began to gag. Kenny pulled back and looked at me and bent down.

"It's so hot seeing you get fucked."

He held my head and leaned in and kissed me as Rick continued to assail my ass. As I felt his tongue enter my mouth, Rick grunted.

"Here it comes boy!"

Kenny pulled away and looked at me.

"Squeeze your ass and milk his cock good, boy!"

I grinned and focused on the muscles of my ass and clamped down on Rick's cock as he pushed inside and exploded.

"Fuck!" Rick yelled. "Milk me, boy!"

I continued to clamp my muscles down on him as long as I could as I felt his cock pulse inside me. When Rick finally pulled out, I relaxed and felt some cum drop down over my balls. Rick pushed his finger in my hole and I moaned as Kenny stood up and stroked his cock and then disappeared behind me.

"Hope you are ready for another one!" Kenny said as he pushed his dick into me.

Rick must have loaded me up because I could hear the squish of fluids as Kenny's shaft entered me. Rick came around and pointed his cum covered cock at me while I was being railed and pushed it into my mouth so I could clean it. I tasted his sweet juices and when he removed it, he gently patted my head.

"Good boy."

Rick moved away and I hung my head as Kenny fucked me. Max had told me that Kenny had been working on his stamina and had started fucking for longer periods. He did not disappoint today and fucked me ten minutes straight before I heard him pant and breathe heavily. He began to fuck forcefully into me and I could hear the cum sloshing and smack of his skin on my ass as he made contact. As his breathing got labored, I felt him tense up and he growled loudly.

"There it is!"

He collapsed on my back as his cock drained in my ass. I could feel sweat dripping down on my back and he chuckled as he caught his breath.

"Fuck that was a workout!"

"I'm impressed!" I heard Todd say. "I've never seen you fuck that long before."

"I'm working on it," Kenny said with a laugh.

As he pulled out, my ass was sore and gaping. I felt cum start to leak out and hands ran over my ass and collected it and fingered it into my hole.

"You are already a mess and John and I have yet to get to you!" I heard Todd say.

I chuckled and hung my head and then felt a plug being pushed inside me. I gasped in reaction as I felt my ass muscles clamp down on it.

"That will keep you well lubed, for now, boy," John said.

The restraints were pulled off my legs and arms and I felt a hand help me off the bench. It was John. He smiled at me and directed me over to the cross where he turned me so my ass was facing the room. He pulled my arms up and secured them to the top and then spread my legs and secured my ankles to the bottom. My ass was exposed and I felt a cool breeze on my balls and felt the cum running down my leg.

"How long has it been since you had a good flogging, boy?" John asked as he rubbed my back.

"Not since I was your sub, Sir," I replied.

"Then you are due," John said. "Prepare yourself."

As I stood there, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I felt John's hands rub over my shoulders and back and then felt the ends of the flogger as it gently impacted the small of my back. After several light hits, I felt a stronger impact that made a smacking sound against my skin and made me jump. This was followed by several strokes of lower intensity over a minute.

John paused and lightly brushed the flogger over my skin before repeating the procedure. He then moved down and I felt the lashes hit my upper butt cheeks. I squeezed my ass and felt the plug embed itself deeply in my ass as the impacts were delivered. The pain built on my skin as he completed the last lash on my butt.

"Are you remembering to breathe, boy?" John asked as he rubbed my sore skin.

"Yes, Sir!" I replied as I took in a breath and let it out slowly.

"You know what is coming next," John continued.

I took another deep breath and then steadied my body as John delivered long, strong strokes to my back. The pain hit me and I winced and cried out. I twisted my body slightly but then caught myself and remembered my breathing techniques. I had learned in previous sessions with John that I could focus my mind and the pain would not be as intense. I often would repeat a word or phrase in my head and I said to myself, "I can do this. I can do this."

The strokes continued over my lower back and ass and when he finished I felt his hand rub over my skin again. The sensation was similar to electricity passing over me. My skin was on fire and my nerve endings were highly reactive.

"That's a nice color you have there, boy!" John said. "It pleases me."

"Thank you, Sir!" I replied between breaths.

"You are a well-trained sub and have made your master proud," John continued. "That reflects well on me and honors me. Thank you."

"Thank you, Sir!" I replied. "I owe it all to you."

John reached up and released my arms from the restraints and then bent down and undid my ankles. When he turned me around I saw him staring at me. I looked into his eyes and we shared a moment before he put his hand on my chest.

"I think you have earned my cock now. Go get in the sling."

I smiled and turned and saw Rick, Kenny, and Todd watching me from across the room. Kenny was hard as a rock and Todd was stroking his dick as I climbed into the sling. My skin was on fire from the flogging I had received and I winced as I tried to get comfortable. John came over and lifted my legs and put them in the stirrups and then slapped my ass. I cried out as he did so and he looked at me.

"Remember, boy, this is for my pleasure. Control your outbursts."

"Yes, Sir!" I replied as I took a breath.

John reached down and rubbed my chest and looked me in the eyes. As I felt his hands roam over my skin, he stroked his cock. He was mesmerizing to look at and I forgot about the pain in my back as I felt him rub my skin. When he was hard, he pulled the plug from my ass in one stroke and pushed his cock in with one thrust. I gasped in response and closed my eyes.

"Look at me, boy!" John shouted out.

I opened my eyes and met his gaze as he pushed inside me. I had forgotten how thick he was. Todd was a good size, but John beat him in terms of girth. Even with two loads inside me, my ass was struggling to adjust to him as he pushed deeper.

"Open up for me, boy," John said. "Take me inside you. This is for me."

When he bottomed out, I took two deep breaths. John never broke his gaze as he fucked me. I bit my lip and tried to muffle my sounds as he fucked. He grabbed my legs and pulled me on him as he penetrated me and I swayed back and forth in the sling. Watching his gaze, I remembered how erotic it was when he pounded ass. It felt as though he was looking deep into my soul and as he pounded me harder and faster, I just stared back and concentrated on relaxing my ass as much as I could.

I lost track of time as he continued to thrust inside me. It was as if I was being hypnotized. When he finally breathed harder, I grinned.

"Breed me, Sir. Use my ass for your pleasure. That is my sole purpose in life."

I saw John crack a small smile as he broke eye contact with me and closed his eyes. His face contorted and then he groaned loudly. I felt him push forward and his cock begin to erupt as it filled me.

"That's my good boy!"

I grinned as I watched the waves of pleasure move through his body. He leaned back and let his cock fill me as it drained and when he was finally done, he pulled out and rubbed my belly.

"Well done, boy. Well done."

John slapped my ass and then turned and walked over to where the other men were standing. Kenny then walked over and smiled.

"Can you handle another one from me? Watching all this got me boned again."

"I noticed!" I replied with a chuckle. "My ass is pretty loose and filled, but it's yours of course."

Kenny grinned and felt my hole. I could not keep it closed anymore. It was leaking cum and I heard drips and plops as it hit the floor. Kenny pushed his cock inside me anyway and jackhammered me immediately. He grabbed my legs and as I moved back and forth in the sling, I heard the sound of the cum inside me sloshing and squishing around. Kenny did not last long and within a few minutes, he was exploding inside me again. Watching him as he came was amusing. He scrunched his face up when the orgasm hit him and when it subsided, he opened and blinked his eyes and then rubbed his forehead.

"I think I gave myself a headache with that one," he said with a laugh.

As he pulled out, more cum hit the floor and Todd finally came over and rubbed my ass.

"You are well and truly flooded there, boy. I think we will just plug you up and let you carry that for now. I'll take my turn on you later."

"Thanks, Sir!" I replied with a smile.

Todd stuck the plug back in my ass and then wiped my butt and legs down and then helped me out of the sling. He then led me over to the men and they gathered around me. Todd and John stood in front of me and I felt Kenny and Rick's hands on my back as they stood behind me.

"Congratulations on your milestone, boy," John said. "I hope you continue to live by the principles that I have instilled in you. Know that I am very proud of you."

"Thank you, Sir!" I replied as a tear formed in my eye.

"And I am very happy to have you as my boy too," Todd said as he came over and kissed me. "I look forward to many more happy years with you in my service."

"Good job, Matt," Rick said as he patted my shoulder.

"Yes, indeed," Kenny added. "Very well done."

"Well men, I have a boy coming over shortly for his training session, so I need to leave," John said.

"Yeah, I should get back to Chris," Rick said. "He has been cleaning the apartment today."

"I'll follow you all out," Kenny said as he walked around and stood in front of me. "Good job, again."

Kenny smiled and then went upstairs. Todd turned to me before following them.

"Go ahead and clean up down here and then you can come back up."

"Yes, Sir!" I replied.

When the men left, I felt my ass. It was sore and warm from the flogging and I felt full from the loads I was carrying behind the plug. I waddled over to the side of the room and picked up some of the cleaning products and wiped down all the equipment and the floor from where I had been dripping cum. Once everything was sanitized again, I grabbed my water bottle to rehydrate and then went up the staircase and found Todd relaxing in his chair in the living room.

"Come over here, boy," Todd said with a smile when he saw me.

I walked over and he spread his legs. His cock was hard where he had been stroking it. I knelt in front of him and licked the head and he grinned.

"Take your time and worship it."

"Yes, Sir!" I replied.

I grasped the base of his cock and brought my mouth over it and let it fill me. As I brought my head down, Todd leaned back and sighed. I looked up at him and watched as I pleasured him. His broad chest moved up and down and I saw his legs move and heard his toes crack as he flexed them. He groaned and bit his bottom lip and put one hand behind his head, exposing his pits. I could start to smell his scent and my nub swelled in its cage again.

"That's a boy," Todd said. "Show me how much you love to please your master."

I groaned and took his cock into my throat and sucked on him with more intensity. I swirled my tongue around his shaft and then sucked on his head. As it shifted back and forth over my lips, I began to roll Todd's balls in my hands and I felt their weight. He was primed, full, and ready to breed. I closed my eyes as my mind got lost in his intoxicating scent and I worked his perfect cock.

Todd reached down and rubbed my head gently. He was moaning louder and encouraging me as I bobbed up and down. After several minutes, he lifted me off him and smiled.

"Climb on my lap and ride me, boy."

I grinned and reached around and felt for the plug. I could feel some cum leaking out the sides and I was worried about a mess.

"I'm pretty full, Sir," I said.

Todd laughed.

"Good point. Go grab a towel to put under you."

I ran over to the bathroom and grabbed the towel I had used to shower with and placed it on the floor under him. I then removed the plug and heard the 'plop' as it came out with a burp of cum. I straddled him and pointed his dick at my hole and let it enter me. I was loose enough that I just sat down on him and a huge grin appeared on his face.

"Damn that ass is used."

"It still can pleasure you though, Sir," I replied.

"Yes it can," Todd said. "Ride me, boy."

I moved up and down on him. I felt his cock as it ran along my insides and his head moved over my prostate. I groaned at one point as he made me precum. Todd reached down and grabbed onto my waist and guided me as I rode him. He looked at me and I returned his glance. I got lost in his deep blue eyes as his cock fucked me and moved over my pleasure zones. Liquid was pouring out of my cage as the cum from the three men leaked out of my ass and ran down his shaft, giving him more lubrication to fuck me harder.

He gripped tighter onto me and pushed his hips upward, driving his cock deeper. My prostate was now being directly stimulated with every movement and I was moaning as much as Todd was. As he fucked, I felt the warm feeling in my guts and knew I was close.

"You are going to make me cum, Sir."

"Cum for me, boy," Todd said. "I want to see it all over my chest."

I groaned as he fucked even harder and I bounced in his lap.

"Oh, fuck," I groaned. "Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck!"

I came. My nub exploded and cum shot all over his furry chest. Todd winced and came at the same time. I felt his cock pulsing right on my prostate which sent even more waves of energy through me.

"Fucking hell!" Todd screamed as he continued to orgasm.

I sat down on him and grabbed his arms and he moved his hands up and grasped mine. We let our fingers intertwine and stared at each other as our mutual orgasms subsided. When I could finally catch my breath, I lifted myself off him and felt fluids pouring out of my ass and hitting the towel below. I gasped and Todd smiled.

"That is why I collared you. You always give me memorable orgasms."

I chuckled and leaned over and kissed him. He put his hand behind my head and brought me closer. He hugged me tightly and I felt his tongue explore my mouth as we made out. When he broke the embrace, he smiled and caught his breath.

"Ok, I need a shower and a nap."

"You aren't the only one, Sir," I replied with a laugh as I felt my used ass.

Bo came home about an hour later. I was sleeping with Todd in his bedroom and he was spooning me in the middle of the bed. Bo rubbed my shoulders and I opened my eyes and smiled at him. Todd awoke and grinned and hugged me tightly and kissed my neck.

"Well, did you have a good time?" Bo asked.

"It was fucking amazing," I replied.

"You got that right," Todd said as he nibbled my neck.

I giggled as he tickled me and he laughed. Bo smiled.

"And how many loads?"

"Five total and Sir gave me the last one," I said.

"Damn, I missed it by one," Bo replied as he got in bed and laid next to me.

"I love you both," I said with a grin.

Next: Chapter 14

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