Todds Boys

By Locked Cub

Published on Oct 24, 2023


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This story is the sequel to my first book, "Southern Chastity". I encourage you to read it to get the backstory on Matt, Bo, and Todd.

Todd's Boys

Part 12: My Birthday

January had been a quiet time in the Todd household. It had turned cold and we had not done much of anything other than work and staying at home. As the month neared a close, my birthday was rapidly approaching. I was not one that normally did anything special for it. My brother was usually the one that planned things as he loved to have parties. But, for the past couple of years, I had done so on my own. Bo had been bugging me about wanting to do something special, though. I permitted him to set something up if he wanted, but I did not want anything huge planned.

My birthday fell on a Saturday this time around the Sun. The Friday before, I had just finished up with work and closed down the computer, when I heard Bo come home. I walked upstairs to greet him with a kiss and he smiled at me.

"Well, are you excited about your big day tomorrow?"

"Eh, I guess," I replied.

"Oh, you are no fun!" Bo replied as he playfully pushed me in my chest.

"At least I don't have to work on it this year," I said.

"Well, I've got some things planned and the first part will be arriving shortly," Bo said.

"Oh, please tell me it's nothing crazy," I said.

"Hush you old fart," Bo replied with a smile as he took his shoes off and walked into the kitchen. "I think you will be pleasantly surprised."

I followed Bo around and sat down at the counter while he got a soda out of the refrigerator and cracked it open. He leaned against the sink and smiled at me.

"Now you are making me nervous," I replied.

Bo laughed out loud.

"I love planning surprises and this one has been in the works for several weeks."

I rolled my eyes and we talked about his day at the office. I tried to get him to divulge any hints about what he had planned over the weekend, but he did not offer any clues at all. He was pretty set on making sure I was completely in the dark. He kept checking his phone and messaging someone, which made me all the more curious, too.

About an hour after he got home, we were both in the living room sitting down when there was a knock at the door.

"Go answer it, babe," Bo said with a huge grin.

I eyed him and then got up and walked over to the door. When I opened it, I saw a very familiar face looking back. It was Jay, my sub brother from John's training program.

"Hey bro!" Jay said as he reached his arms out and moved forward and hugged me.

He nearly lifted me off the floor in excitement and I hugged him back.

"Oh my god!" I replied. "What the hell?"

"It's your birthday, dufus!" Jay said with a laugh.

Bo had come behind me and as I let Jay in he moved past me and hugged him.

"Bo! So glad to see you again!"

They squeezed each other tightly and exchanged a quick kiss.

Jay was looking really good. He was a thinner guy that was taller than me. Most people would call him an otter in the bear community. He was furry from head to toe but had been working out as his upper arms and chest were more powerful and built than the last time I had seen him when he graduated from John's program in September of 2015. He still had his red and black chainmail collar on with his name and that of his master, Jeff, in Savannah.

"Take a seat, Jay," Bo said. "Would you like a drink?"

"Yeah a Coke if you have one," Jay replied as he hung his coat on the rack near the door.

"Coming right up!" Bo replied.

Jay followed me into the living room and sat next to me on the couch. He smiled at me and groped my cage.

"How's chastity been for you?"

"Not bad," I replied with a smile. "Sir milks me regularly and lets Bo use the strap-on to fuck me. Bo is pretty good about making me cum that way."

"Nice!" Jay said. "I don't get as many opportunities to orgasm, but Sir does milk my prostate regularly. He does allow me to be clothed inside now, though."

"Yeah, Bo is like that, too," I said. "Well, obviously since I am the only one naked here."

Jay laughed.

"You seem nervous. Are you ok?"

I put my arm around Jay and rubbed his shoulder.

"I'm good, bro. It's just so good to see you. It's been too long."

Jay leaned over and kissed me and grinned.

"Yeah, I know. But I am glad we are talking regularly on the phone. It's great to hear how you two are doing."

"Are you in for the weekend?" I asked.

"He's here till Sunday!" Bo replied with a smile as he sat down opposite us.

"Nice!" I said. "Well, this is a nice birthday surprise."

"He is just the first part," Bo said. "The rest you get tomorrow."

"He's been cryptic like this since he got home from work," I said to Jay.

Jay laughed.

"You two have not changed a bit."

"Do you know what is happening?" I asked.

"Well, of course!" Jay said. "But I am not spilling the beans."

"Ugh!" I groaned.

Jay laughed and playfully poked my belly.

"You are like a kid on Christmas wanting hints as to what is in the presents."

"I'm just not used to surprises," I said.

"Well, it will be a fun time," Jay said. "I am looking forward to it."

Todd came through the door shortly after we sat down and Bo and I crossed the room and knelt to greet him. As he rubbed our heads and told us to rise, Jay came over and they shook hands.

"Good to see you again, Jay," Todd said. "It has been forever since I saw you last. Was it one of John's parties?"

"Yes, Sir," Jay replied. "It was the Independence Day pool party."

"Damn that was almost two years ago," Todd said with a smile. "Well, you are looking good! Did you have a pleasant drive up?"

"I did, Sir!" Jay said.

"I need to go change, you three go back to talking," Todd said.

"Yes, Sir!" we replied.

As we sat down again, Jay leaned over to me.

"I forgot how hot he was. You two are lucky!"

"Thanks," I said with a blush.

Todd came in a few minutes later in just his shorts and sat in his chair. I got him a beer and then returned to sit with Jay and we all caught up with what had been going on. Jay and Jeff had just moved into a bigger house in Savannah and they were loving it. They both had received promotions at work in the past year and had planned a Mediterranean cruise to celebrate in the summer.

"We are headed out on a cruise this year, too!" Bo said.

"Where are you going?" Jay asked.

"It's a cruise affiliated with the Tidal Wave bear event in Orlando," Todd said. "It's the week after and is in the Caribbean."

"Yeah, I am looking forward to it," I replied.

"That sounds like a lot of fun!" Jay said. "We are leaving in July for ours and it will be a ten-day event. We are going to spend a few days in Rome after."

"Be sure to take lots of pictures!" Bo said.

"Oh, I will!" Jay replied.

"Well, I guess I better get dinner started," I said.

"No, you stay right where you are!" Bo said. "You aren't doing anything this weekend."

"Bo is right," Todd said. "I ordered some pizza. It will be here shortly. You take the next couple of days to enjoy yourself. You have always put me first while you have been my boy and I appreciate that more than you know, but this weekend is a reward and a celebration for you."

"Thanks, Sir!" I replied with a smile.

"You want to go upstairs and play pool?" Bo asked.

"Sure," Jay said.

"You boys go have fun," Todd said as he kicked back in his recliner. "I'll bring the food up when it is here."

"Thanks, Sir," I replied.

We all went upstairs to the game room on the second floor. Bo was a lot better at billiards than I was and I got the impression that Jay was too after he broke the set and sunk two balls in the next few shots. However, they took it easy on me as the game progressed. We played two rounds before Todd came upstairs with the pizza boxes and plates. He ate upstairs with us and played a round with Jay after. I knew, then, that Jay was a much better player and he and Todd were neck and neck until the end, but Jay ended up winning. I played another round with Jay before we moved over to the card table and played a few rounds of poker.

It was after 10 pm when Todd said he wanted to call it quits and he gave Bo and me a kiss and went downstairs to bed. We continued playing for another hour and then put things up and headed downstairs.

"I'll go grab my things from the car," Jay said.

"Ok, Matt and I will go get your room ready," Bo replied.

I followed Bo down the hall and he switched the light on in the guest room. I got some clean sheets from the hall closet and as we put them on the bed, Jay came in and put his things down and helped us. He then sat on the bed and I walked over and he put his arms around me and hugged me, laying his head on my chest.

"So good to see you again, bro! Tomorrow will be so much fun."

"Well, this has been a blast so far," I replied as I rubbed his head.

Jay kissed my belly and then we bid him goodnight and went to our room to get some sleep. As I laid down, Bo rolled over next to me and rubbed my chest.

"Are you really having a blast?"

"Are you kidding me?" I asked. "I was shocked when he showed up. This is so awesome."

"Well, the best is yet to come then," Bo said as he kissed me. "Night babe."

"Night," I replied with a grin.

The next morning, I woke up and Bo was not in bed. I looked over and it was much later than my normal time to rise. I got out of bed and stretched and walked into the living room and saw Jay sitting across at the kitchen counter naked. He looked over and smiled when he saw me.

"Morning, sleepyhead!"

"I'm not used to being the last one up!" I replied with a grin.

Todd poked his head around the corner and smiled at me.

"Morning, boy!"

"Good morning, Sir!" I said as I came over and sat next to Jay.

I saw that Bo and Todd were both naked and making breakfast.

"So, what is going on here?" I asked. "Usually, I am the only one bare-assed."

Todd smiled.

"No one is wearing clothes in the house today. We are all in our birthday suits!"

"Happy birthday, baby!" Bo said as he came over and kissed me and put some orange juice in front of me.

I laughed.

"Well, at least I won't feel like the odd one out," I replied. "Though watching Sir's cock flop around all day might give me a chub."

Todd grinned and then stuck his tongue out at me, playfully.

"So, when do I find out about the rest of my surprises?" I asked.

"Very soon," Bo said. "In fact, it should be any moment."

"You know this is maddening," I replied as I took a sip of my drink.

The doorbell rang just as I was putting it down and I looked at Bo.

"Well, go on and answer it," he replied.

I got off the chair and walked around to the door and when I opened it, my other two sub brothers Max and Mateo appeared grinning from ear to ear. I screamed like a little girl and hugged each of them.

"Holy hell!"

"Happy birthday, bro!" Max said as he hugged and kissed me.

"Happy birthday, brother," Mateo said as he hugged me next.

"Oh, Mateo, it is so good to see you," I said. "Damn you look good!"

Mateo had dropped some weight since I saw him last and he chuckled.

"Sir has been a good influence on my eating habits."

As I closed the door behind them, they both stripped their clothes off and put them in baskets near the door and followed me around to the kitchen. Bo ran over to hug Max while I introduced everyone. Once everyone got a hug, Todd shook both of their hands and they stood behind me.

"I'm speechless," I replied as I looked at Bo.

"Well, that is a first," Bo said with a grin. "But I'm glad. Everyone go sit at the table. We will bring breakfast to you."

"And you sit in my chair at the end, Matt," Todd said. "Your privilege of the day."

"Thanks, Sir!" I replied as I walked over and sat in his chair at the head of the table.

The rest of my sub brothers took chairs at the sides. This was the first time we had all been together in one place. Even though it had been a year and a half since Jay graduated and nearly a year since I had left John's program, it was like no time had passed. We all were a family and were joking and talking about old times.

Todd brought the food over to us and sat at the other side of the table from me. He and Bo had prepared pancakes, eggs, sausage, bacon, grits, and biscuits. There was so much food and it smelled wonderful. As we dove in, I looked over at Todd who smiled at me.

"There is one more surprise to go."

"And no hints I take it?" I asked.

Todd laughed loudly.

"No, boy. No hints."

"Well, this is still the best start to a day so far," I said. "I am so happy to have you all here."

"Hey, I have to admit that having five locked boys in my house is not a bad gift for me either!" Todd said with a grin.

We all laughed and continued to eat. When we were done, Todd and Bo cleaned up the table and the boys followed me into the living room to sit down and talk. Mateo sat next to me and Jay and Max took the other couch. When Todd returned, he sat in his recliner and Bo took the remaining chair. I reached over and rubbed Mateo's leg.

"I'm so happy to see you. I'm sorry we have not had a chance to hang out since you graduated."

"It's no big deal, brother," Mateo said as he put his arm around me. "It's been good. I moved in with Gabriel a few weeks ago. It is still strange not to be under Sir's strict protocols anymore. Gabriel is laxer with the rules, but he is a sweet man."

"I'm glad to hear that!" I replied.

"I for sure cannot believe that Alex is the senior sub now," Mateo said. "He and Kai have grown so much over the past several months."

"Do you know anything about the person that took your place in December?" Jay asked.

"His name is Ben," Mateo said. "I met him last week at the Eagle. He is a cute little pocket cub. Short and round and lots of fur on his chest and shoulders. He seems to be fitting in well. Alex graduates next month."

"Good grief that is right!" I replied. "Ugh, I feel old now."

Todd laughed.

"Listen, boy, I am the oldest one in the room, so none of that shit."

I smiled.

"You know what I mean, Sir."

"Time flies, bro!" Jay replied.

"Does Alex have anyone in the wings to collar him?" I asked.

"He does, but you all will not believe who it is," Mateo said.

"Ok, now you got me curious," Max replied. "Don't keep us in suspense."

"Sir Dusty," Mateo replied.

"The country guy that was always at our parties?" I exclaimed.

"That is the one!" Mateo replied.

"Damn, you are right I never would have guessed him," Max said.

"Lord, I remember him," Jay said. "He didn't have much soft, but when he was hard it was impressive. And his balls were huge!"

Todd laughed.

"I seem to remember him breeding several of you over the years."

Mateo grinned.

"Well, he took a liking to Alex in the fall and Alex told me that Dusty requested that he be the only one to fuck him over the Christmas party."

"Sounds like he took to him!" Jay replied.

"It's cute," Mateo said. "Alex is in love with him, too. The way he looks and acts around him reminds me of you and Bo, Matt."

I blushed.

"Well, I am glad to hear he found someone. Alex seemed like a good kid. He just needed some encouragement."

"He took some time to get adjusted when he started, but you would be surprised at how well he took to chastity and service," Mateo said. "In many ways, he reminded me of you, Matt."

"Well, that is awesome to hear," I said with a grin.

"He already has been reaching out to someone and mentoring them so they can be the next yellow collar after he leaves next month," Mateo said. "It is a friend of his named Rob."

"Well, you know yellow is best," I replied.

"Speak for yourself!" Bo said. "Green is the best. Right, Mateo?"

"Well as Jay and I are representing the red collars, I think we can safely say we have both of you beat," Max said. "Everyone knows we two were the best subs Sir John ever had."

Everyone laughed and Jay reached over and hugged Max.

As it approached noon, Todd got up and went into the kitchen with Bo. When they came back in, Todd was carrying a cake filled with lit candles. They began to sing 'Happy Birthday' to me and the rest of the boys joined in. As they placed the cake on the living room table they finished singing and told me to blow the candles out.

"You know, now that I am in my forties, cakes are a fire hazard," I replied.

"Make a wish and blow them out then," Bo said with a smile.

I stared at the cake, thought for a moment, and then blew them out. Everyone cheered and Bo came over and kissed me.

"What did you wish for?"

"It's a secret," I replied.

As I sliced into the chocolate cake, Todd disappeared for a while. When he returned, he had a stack of gifts in his hand that he placed on the floor next to me. He then asked me to come into the hall with him for a moment. I excused myself from the festivities and walked back with him.

"Are you having a good time, boy?" Todd asked when we were alone.

"Very much so," I replied.

"Well, I wanted to talk to you," Todd said. "You have impressed me more than you know. You have been a dedicated boy and have done everything I have asked of you and I have never had to correct or reprimand you. John said you were the best sub he ever trained and I believe him now."

"Thank you, Sir," I replied with a big smile.

"I know you have dedicated yourself to being a permanently locked sub, but if you want out of your cage for your birthday, I am willing to do it and provide you with a manual release," Todd said.

"Sir, I appreciate the gesture," I said. "But when I made the vow during my graduation that I would have one last manual release before going permanent, I meant it. My cage is a part of me now and I don't want it removed. I am happy with who I am now."

Todd put his hand on my shoulder and squeezed it.

"I figured that is what you would say, but I wanted to offer the option to you. Just know how proud I am of you."

"I really appreciate it, Sir!" I said.

Todd embraced me and kissed my head and I squeezed him tightly back. We then returned to the party and I unwrapped my gifts and helped the boys devour the cake, which was very tasty. After we were done, we all went upstairs to play pool and cards and we spent some time in the hot tub out back before breaking for a late lunch of hamburgers and hotdogs that Todd prepared.

When we had finished, we all gathered in the living room and Todd put on some movies for us to watch. Bo laid down on the couch and I sat between his legs and laid down and rested my head on his belly. He reached down and rubbed my head and I dozed. When I opened my eyes again, Max was kneeling in front of me smiling.

"He's awake now."

I grinned and sat up and looked around. Everyone was standing up except Bo and me.

"What is going on?"

"Come with me, boy," Todd said.

I stood up and followed him around and through the kitchen to the garage door. When he opened it, he turned the light on and I saw a new car inside with a big yellow and black bow on it.

"I know you have been complaining about your car lately having engine issues," Todd said. "And Bo said this was something you were looking at but were trying to determine how to afford. Well, it is all yours now."

Todd held out some keys and placed them in my hand. I was speechless and I stood there with my mouth open.

"Well, what do you think, babe?" Bo asked.

My eyes watered as I stared at the vehicle. Todd was right. My car was 14 years old and on its last legs and I knew that I would have to get a new one, but financially I was not able to afford something that was not used. I did not know what to say. I turned and hugged Todd and sobbed.

"Thank you so much, Sir."

Todd held me and rubbed my head.

"You are welcome, boy."

I raised my head and kissed him and then turned to Bo and walked over and hugged him next.

"Happy Birthday!" everyone cheered.

I wiped my eyes and grinned and they all came over and hugged me next. We then went out and checked out the vehicle.

"Well, now that you have new, reliable wheels, you have no excuse not to drive down to Savannah to visit me!" Jay said.

"I will certainly do that!" I replied.

As the sun was setting, Max and Mateo told me they needed to head back to their masters, so they gave me a final hug and a kiss and then got dressed and left. Jay, Bo, and I then went upstairs to play some more poker while Todd worked on some steaks for dinner.

"You know I really am happy we are all together again," I said. "You two are the closest I have to family outside of my biological kin."

"We have been through a lot," Jay said. "But I am sure I can speak for Bo when I say that they are experiences I will never forget. You'll always be my brother."

"Amen to that," Bo said. "But for now, get your mind on the cards. I'm pretty sure I've got the winning hand here."

I laughed and doubled down the bet.

After dinner, we all talked some more, and Todd broke out some of his good bourbon for us to drink. After 10 pm, Jay needed to head to bed as he was leaving early in the morning to get home and Todd called it a night, too. I gave Jay a big hug and kiss and told him I would see him soon and then Bo and I retreated to our room. We made out for a while and then Bo strapped on the dildo and put my legs on his shoulders and gently fucked me until I was cumming all over my cage. As I was coming off my orgasm high, he looked at me and smiled.

"Love you, baby. Happy birthday."

Next: Chapter 13

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