Todds Boys

By Locked Cub

Published on Oct 20, 2023


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This story is the sequel to my first book, "Southern Chastity". I encourage you to read it to get the backstory on Matt, Bo, and Todd.

Todd's Boys

Part 11: Watching Sushi Drop

Bo's week as the chaste beta in the house went by without incident. Todd let him use his pent-up energy to suck down his loads and Bo took going without cumming in stride. I think the month of punishment he had gone through made him stronger. Todd offered me the chance to wear clothes around the house as the alpha, but I politely declined. This might have been what Zach wanted, but I preferred Bo in the lead. When Bo's time was up, I was happy to see life return to normal again.

All three of us had taken off work between Christmas and the New Year Holiday so we could fly down to the Keys for a little getaway. We celebrated Christmas at the island home and Bo got me a brand new tablet as mine was old and running slow. I got him a set of noise-canceling headphones and a cock ring. The latter gift made him question me and I laughed. When I pointed to the inscription inside he smiled. It said, "for use when unlocked and ready to pound". Todd chuckled at the gift too and told me Bo would get to use it before we headed home, which made him beam with joy.

Bo and I chipped in together to get Todd a new suit. We had a friend that worked at the local men's store and found a nice three-piece that we tailored for him. He gave us both hugs and a huge kiss and said he would be saving it for the next time he was in court for a case.

The weather that week was pleasant. It was in the 70s with a nice breeze. A far cry from the cooler weather back home. It was too chilly to swim, but we enjoyed lounging around the house and servicing Todd as much as possible. Jerry even stopped by one evening to see how we were doing. When I opened the door for him, he smiled and groped me.

"How's my locked boy doing today?"

"Good Sir," I replied. "Come on in!"

Bo came over and greeted him next and then Todd stepped in to hug him.

"How have you been Jerry?" Todd asked.

"Can't complain," he replied. "It's been quiet around here."

"Will you join us for dinner?" Todd asked. "Bo is preparing a nice spread."

"Sure, that sounds fun!" Jerry replied.

The two men went into the kitchen and I brought Jerry a beer before returning to assist Bo with the dinner preparations. Bo had prepared turkey and dressing, green bean casserole, a fresh salad, and some rolls. I took the salad out to the men first while we finished up. When we came to the table with the rest of the meal, Jerry looked up at me and smiled.

"So, would it be rude of me to ask if Matt here could be used for some fun tonight?"

Todd smiled.

"Of course, he can. What did you have in mind?"

"Love to get him on the fuck bench," Jerry said. "I know he gives a nice blowjob but would love to see what his ass can do for my cock."

"I think that is a wonderful idea," Todd said as Bo and I sat down to join them for dinner. "What do you think, Matt?"

"I'm always prepared and ready to please a dom, Sir!" I replied with a grin.

"Good boy!" Todd said. "Jerry, would you be opposed to Bo here being unlocked and joining us after we are done with Matt? I promised him he could use his Christmas present."

"Sure!" Jerry said with a chuckle. "What did he get?"

"A nice metal cock ring, Sir!" Bo replied. "I have never used a metal one before."

"Nice!" Jerry said. "Well, I'll help you get it on and we will see how you can perform after we are done. I am sure Matt's ass will be nice and lubed with cum for you to churn up."

Bo smiled and looked at me and I smiled back. The last time Bo had fucked me with his free nub was when we were in Texas. The fact that Todd was allowing him to not only be unlocked but to fuck me as well gave me confidence that he had regained trust in Bo. I felt my nub swell in its cage at the thought and I am sure Bo had a similar reaction.

"What are you doing for New Year's?" Todd asked.

"My sister is coming into town and will be staying with me, so nothing fancy," Jerry said. "What about you?"

"I'm taking the boys down to Key West and staying with Bill," Todd replied.

"Nice!" Jerry said. "Well, be sure to tell the old man hi for me."

Todd laughed.

"You know he is younger than you."

"Yeah, but I've aged better," Jerry replied with a smile.

After dinner, Jerry and Todd went and sat in the living room while I helped Bo take the dishes to the kitchen and clean them. When we finished, we came in to check on them and Todd smiled at me.

"Go into the bathroom and get cleaned out, Matt. You can join us in the playroom when you are ready."

"Yes, Sir!" I replied.

I went into the bathroom and stepped into the shower and used the attachment on my backside. I wanted to make sure I was good and clean since all three of them would be having a turn at me and it took a while before I was there. When I stepped out and dried off, I heard a knock on the door.

"Are you about ready, boy?" Todd called out.

"Be there in just a moment, Sir," I replied.

"Ok," Todd said. "Hurry up. We are waiting."

I finished drying off and adjusted my cage and collar before going into the hall and down to the playroom. I saw Bo kneeling next to the wall. His cage was off and he had the cock ring I got him on. It encircled his nub and balls and his shaft was semi-hard. He smiled at me when I entered. Jerry and Todd were both naked and playing with their cocks and I stood at attention in front of them.

"Ready, Sir!" I said.

"OK, well let's get you on the fuck bench," Todd replied.

He helped me as I mounted it and Jerry strapped my arms down as Todd did my legs. When I was secure, Jerry chuckled.

"I haven't cum in two days, boy. This should be fun."

Todd looked over at Bo who was watching me get strapped in.

"I don't want you touching yourself while we use Matt, Bo. When we are done, you will be given the chance to use him. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Sir!" Bo replied.

Todd smiled and turned towards me and rubbed my back and I moved my head to face forward and rested it on the padding that was attached to the bench. I felt Jerry's hands as they moved over my ass. He ran his fingers up and down my crack and then brushed them across my hole. My body shook from the sensation and I heard Jerry chuckle.

"Damn you have a nice ass, boy!"

"Thank you, Sir!" I replied. "I hope it gives you a lot of pleasure."

Todd adjusted the headrest downward and moved in front of me. His cock was hard and sticking out towards my mouth.

"Open up, boy," Todd said.

As I complied, his shaft entered me and I felt as it went over my tongue and reached the back of my throat. As he slowly moved back and forth, I felt lube being fingered into my ass. Jerry pushed his middle finger into me and moved it back and forth. He slid over my prostate and I shivered at the intense sensation.

"I think I found his spot," Jerry said with a laugh.

Todd reached down and held my head as he fucked my mouth and I felt my ass spread and Jerry's cock move between and into my hole. I groaned as I felt my ass invaded and my mouth used. I closed my eyes as I felt Jerry fill me and grab onto my waist. When I felt his balls meet my ass, he pulled back and fucked me hard. The sound of my grunts was muffled by the cock in my throat. Jerry did not waste time and was pushing his cock all the way in and pulling it out in rapid motions.

"Fuck yeah, boy!" Jerry said. "Take that fucking cock."

Todd had a firm grip on my face as he fucked it. He was going slower, but when Todd got deep, the thrust of Jerry sent Todd's head down my throat and made me gag.

"How are you holding up, boy?" Todd asked.

I held up my thumb to tell him I was good and he continued to feed me his thick meat. Jerry slapped the sides of my ass as he fucked it. He hit one cheek and then the other with each thrust and over time I felt a burning sensation build.

"Now that ass is looking nice and red!" Jerry said. "Damn, Todd you were holding out on me. His ass grips my dick perfectly!"

"Well, breed it then, buddy!" Todd replied.

Jerry growled and fucked harder until I heard him start to pant and groan.

"Here it comes, boy!" Jerry yelled, as he went over the edge and orgasmed.

He growled even louder as he came. I felt his shaft move as it filled me and Todd pulled out of my mouth and moved out of my field of vision. As Jerry pulled out, I felt Todd slam in and I gasped.


"Your ass is going to get a workout tonight, boy!" Todd replied as he fucked me forcefully.

The bench was moving back and forth and I grabbed onto it as I was being pounded. I heard the slaps of Todd's groin against my ass and the sound of cum sloshing as he penetrated me. My cage and balls were bouncing around and precum was flying off my nub. I closed my eyes and concentrated on the feeling. Todd's cock was bigger than Jerry's and went deeper and spread me open more. I felt his hands as they ran over my warm, red skin and up over my lower back. I wanted his load so bad.

"Please give me your seed, Sir!" I called out.

"You're my little cum dump, aren't you, boy?" Todd replied.

"Yes, Sir!" I said. "I'm here for your pleasure, Sir!"

"Locked and ready to please, eh?" Todd said.

"Yes, Sir!" I replied. "Ready to take a real man's cock. Ready to take your cock and load."

"That's my boy!" Todd said as he gripped my waist tightly.

He pounded me even harder and my head bounced. I gasped and groaned with the thrusts and my cage was swinging around so much my balls got sore. I heard Todd start to breathe heavily and knew he was close. He forced himself into me and I felt his cock explode as he yelled.

"Fuck yeah, boy!"

"Thank you, Sir!" I replied. "Thank you for your load!"

Todd was panting and chuckled. He slapped my ass a few times and I winced as my sore skin reacted. He held himself in me till he finished and when he pulled out, I felt cum running down my ass and over my balls. He fingered my hole and laughed.

"You should see your ass, boy. It's red, raw, and glazed."

"It feels like it, Sir!" I replied.

I looked over and saw Bo on the side of the wall. He was still kneeling and he had his tongue between his teeth and was staring at my ass. His nub was hard as a rock and dripping precum on the floor. As Todd fingered my cummy hole, Bo licked his lips. He looked like a dog in heat. Todd walked over to him and put his hand under Bo's chin and lifted it to look at him.

"The last time you used that thing it was without permission. I've seen a lot of growth in you the past few months and you went through hell with my frat brother and took it in stride, so I am going to reward you. Stand up, boy."

Todd reached down and grasped Bo's genitals and felt the cock ring. He then rubbed Bo's balls and Bo grimaced.

"Those feel full, boy," Todd said.

"They are, Sir," Bo replied as he looked into Todd's eyes.

"Are you ready to fuck your boyfriend?" Todd asked.

"Yes, Sir!" Bo replied.

"I want you to give him a good dicking and empty those balls of yours," Todd said.

"Yes, Sir," Bo replied with a huge grin.

Todd released his grip and patted Bo's face and turned to the side. Bo looked over at me and smiled and I saw him move behind me. He ran his finger down over my crack and pushed into my hole.

"Damn, Matt!" Bo said. "Sir was not kidding!"

"Fuck me, Bo!" I replied. "I want your nub inside me."

"Coming right up, babe," Bo said.

Bo grabbed onto my lower back and I felt him push inside me. I was sore and loose from the pounding of Jerry and Todd, but his nub still felt good as it went in.

"Fuck your ass is flooded," Bo replied. "I can feel the cum sloshing around!"

"We left him lubed for you," Jerry replied from behind me.

Bo thrusted forward. He was not as forceful as Todd was and I enjoyed the sensation as he rubbed my lower back. I wiggled my feet and tried to clench down on him as best I could and he groaned.

"That's it, babe. Grip my nub. It feels so good to be inside you again."

As Bo fucked, I closed my eyes and let my mind wander. I went back to the time we were on the beach in Texas. I saw Bo's eyes as he looked and made love to me. I remember watching his chest as it heaved and the feel of his fur as I ran my hands through it. My nub had swollen inside my cage and was dripping precum on the floor as I got lost in the moment. I have no idea how long I was daydreaming, but when Bo slapped my ass, I opened my eyes and groaned.

"I'm about to cum, Sir!" Bo said.

"Fill him up!" Todd replied.

I gripped the bench as Bo pounded me hard for a few strokes and then he growled louder than I had ever heard him before.

"Oh fuck!"

He fell forward as his nub drained inside me. I wiggled my ass and he laughed between his heavy breathing.

"Stop that!"

I laughed too and continued to wiggle till he held my ass still.

"Fuck! Wait till I'm done filling you!" Bo replied, playfully.

When he finally was done, he pulled out and took a deep breath, and moved around to where I could see him. He put his nub in front of my face and I saw it dripping with cum. As he moved forward, I took it into my mouth and cleaned him and he rubbed my beard. When I was done, he leaned down and kissed me and then stood up.

"Damn that was nice!" Bo replied. "Thank you so much for the privilege, Sir!"

"You did a good job, boy!" Todd said. "But you are going back in the cage."

"Yes, Sir," Bo replied.

Todd waited for a few minutes and then removed the cock ring from Bo and wiped his nub off with a cold washcloth. He had reinstalled the cage and had him kneeling on the side of the room when he finally got around to helping me off the bench. Cum ran down my leg as I stood and I rubbed my butt and felt it.

"You all had full balls!"

Jerry smiled at me and came over and rubbed my head.

"I warned you, boy!"

Todd grinned and looked at me.

"Go get cleaned up and come join us in the living room. Bo, stand up and come with us. Jerry and I need beers."

"Yes, Sir!," Bo replied as he stood and followed them out.

The next morning, I woke up to find Bo sitting at the end of the bed rubbing my legs. The morning light was just coming through the window and he had opened them and I could hear the sound of the surf and the seagulls. I took my CPAP mask off and looked at him and smiled.

"You are up early."

Bo turned to me and grinned and squeezed my leg.

"Sir was up before me and poked his head in and requested a blowjob," Bo replied. "You were sound asleep so I took care of it."

"Did you get him drained well?" I asked.

"Yeah, he went back to sleep after he orgasmed," Bo replied. "I was surprised how much he shot in my mouth given how flooded your ass was last night."

I chuckled.

"Well, you added to that, too!"

Bo smiled and crawled over behind me and spooned me.

"That was nice. I missed that ass."

I wiggled my butt and felt his cage as it slid between my ass cheeks. Bo rubbed my chest and kissed my neck as he grinded on me. I felt some precum come out of his cage and slide over my ass.

"You better be careful, Bo!" I replied.

Bo chuckled and stopped and pulled back. He felt my ass and rubbed the fluids over my skin.

"I know. You just turn me on."

I turned to face him and kissed him.

"You do the same to me."

Bo ran his hand through my hair and then sat up again.

"Are you ready for the trip down to Key West today?"

"Yeah," I replied. "From everything you told me about last year's New Year event there, it should be a wild time."

"Oh, it will be," Bo said. "There are so many people that show up for it."

"Did Todd say when he wanted to drive down?" I asked.

"Before he nodded off, he asked us to make breakfast for him and have him up at 10 am. He said we will be on the road by 11 am," Bo said.

"Well, do you want to go take a shower together and then get packed?" I asked.

"Sounds like a plan to me, babe!" Bo replied.

As we drove down south, we noticed a lot more traffic on the highway. It got even worse when we reached the city and I was glad that Bill had set out some traffic cones to keep a spot free for us near his house. When we arrived, Bo got out and moved them and Todd parked. As I got our luggage, Bill came down the staircase in his shorts and Hawaiian shirt and smiled.

"Good to see you again, boys!"

"Hey, Sir!" Bo and I replied as we came over and hugged him.

"Todd, how was the drive?" Bill asked.

"Not too bad, my friend," Todd said as he shook Bill's hand. "It looks like it will be a crowded evening downtown!"

"Yeah," Bill said as we walked up to his front door. "The news was mentioning they were expecting a record number of people this year."

As we entered Bill's living room, I stripped my clothes off and Todd led Bo back into the guest room to put our things down. When I was naked, I walked back to join them and Bill smiled when he saw me. He came over behind me and put his large, hairy arms around me, and squeezed.

"You look so cute in your cage, boy."

"Thank you, Sir!" I replied.

"You mind if this one sleeps with me tonight, Todd?" Bill asked.

"Take him," Todd said. "I'll keep the other one in bed with me."

"Perfect!" Bill said with a laugh. "I'm so glad you collared both of them. Two is better than one."

After we put our things in the bedroom, Bill walked into the living room and sat on the couch with Bo. Todd sat in the chair across from them and I was asked to get a drink for everyone. Bill had made some sort of alcoholic punch in a huge jar with a spicket, so I filled glasses for the three of them and handed them out and then got one for myself before coming into the room.

"Why don't you take a seat on the floor and rub my sore paws," Bill said.

"Be happy to, Sir!" I said as I got on the floor and put his foot in my lap and massaged it.

Bill put his arm around Bo and they clinked their glasses and then took a drink.

"Damn, Sir!" Bo exclaimed. "This is strong!"

"My best hooch," Bill replied with a smile. "Guaranteed to make you drop your clothes."

Todd laughed as he took a drink and I sipped mine. It was strong and I could taste the vodka in it. I sat the glass back down and went back to rubbing Bill's soles as he wiggled his toes.

"You do a good job at that, boy," Bill said as he looked down at me.

"Happy to provide a service!" I said.

"So, what is the deal with Bo here," Bill asked Todd. "He's still dressed."

"He has more privileges in my household, but I would be happy to have him strip if you want that," Todd replied.

"No, that is fine," Bill said as he rubbed Bo's shoulder. "Just different than last year."

"Since I took Matt in, Bo's role has evolved," Todd said. "We have had several conversations and he has been exploring other aspects of his personality outside of a true, total subordinate."

"That's good!" Bill said. "Did Todd ever tell you I started as a total sub myself?"

"No, he didn't!" Bo replied.

"In the late 70s I was a gimp slave for a local man," Bill said. "I loved to be degraded and denied access to my cock and balls. He used me in ways you probably could not imagine."

"What changed, Sir?" Bo asked.

"I explored that part of my sexual side till I was in my thirties," Bill said. "By that time, I was playing around with another dominant that let me explore other things. He had another slave and wanted me to top. Over time, I began to dominate his slave in other ways and I became more of a switch. The domination portion for me became even more exciting and I eventually played with, and even collared, a sub for a while, myself. Since I had been in the role he had been in, I knew what it was like and it made the experience even more sensual and satisfying."

"That's really cool!" Bo said.

"Yeah, that is not uncommon though," Bill said. "I've been in the scene for a long time and I have seen doms become subs, subs become doms, men choose to be a switch, and guys that left the scene altogether. You will find your interests may evolve."

"I think Bo is experiencing a lot of that," Todd said. "When I collared him, I thought he would be a total sub, but as I got to know him better, I saw other parts of his personality. He has a defiant streak in him and likes to push things and take risks. It's gotten him into trouble a few times this past year, but I like to think that he has learned a lot from me. I want him to be comfortable in his skin, but also have the structure he needs to be a better person."

"You are a great master, Sir," Bo replied. "I appreciate the guidance you give me and I hear what you are saying, Sir Bill. I don't think I even knew what I wanted when I got into training under Sir John. He provided me with a structured program and I learned what it was to be a sub over the course of the year. But since I was collared, I have been exposed to other things and been allowed, with supervision, to explore other roles. I'm still happy to be a caged boy for you, Sir, but I don't see myself as a complete and total sub anymore."

"I don't think you ever were, Bo," Todd said with a smile. "But I'm glad you feel comfortable in the household. You still have a lot to learn, but you are getting there."

I smiled as I looked up at Bo and he looked at me and grinned back.

"Don't worry, Bo," I said. "I'm happy to be the total sub in the house."

Bill wiggled his toes and chuckled.

"That is a skill you have mastered, I think."

As the day progressed, we all got tipsy off of the punch and Bill was on the edge of full inebriation before Todd cut him off.

"I think we should take a break and put our shoes on and go down and see the last sunset of the year," Todd said.

"Great idea!" Bill replied as he sat forward on the couch.

I had stayed on the floor after I had finished massaging his feet and Bill looked down at me and grinned.

"Come help this old bear up, boy!"

I smiled and got to my feet and grabbed his hands and provided some leverage for him as he stood up. He reached around and spanked my ass and rubbed my back before going into his bedroom to slip on some sandals. Bo and Todd got their shoes on and I got dressed and then we headed out into the street.

As we headed north west on Duval, the crowds picked up and it became more densely packed. The police had put up barriers to vehicle traffic near the core of the city and as we neared Mallory Square, the energy of so many people was infectious. People were laughing and drinking and a few were already so drunk they could not move. I reached out and grabbed Bo's hand and we walked in front of Todd and Bill over to the waterfront.

The street performers were out and we watched a man on stilts put on a show followed by a woman that was juggling objects on fire. There was another man to the side doing poi. He was swinging around glowing orbs at the end of a string and as they changed colors, it made cool patterns. As the sun neared the horizon, everyone turned to watch and Bo reached one arm around my back and leaned his head on me as we saw the glowing disk start to disappear. With one last glimmer and a flash, it was over and the last day of 2016 was nearing its conclusion.

I looked at Bo and smiled. The year had begun with me in training to be a chastity sub and beginning to explore a relationship with this man. And now, one year later, I was collared and he was my best friend and companion. Todd put his arms around us and kissed us both. As he hugged me, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, and savored the moment.

"Well, shall we go get another drink?" Bill asked.

I opened my eyes and chuckled. Todd laughed and turned to him and rubbed his shoulder.

"Just pace yourself, bud. We still got several hours till midnight."

Bill laughed and put his arm around Todd and led him back over to the street. We followed them over to a bar and we all got a round of drinks and did some people watching as we talked. There were so many around and as it got later, the drunks put on a show. We saw a woman completely smashed that was lifting her top and flashing everyone. Another one kept jumping on the back of her boyfriend and fell on her ass a few times in the process. Some college-aged kids near us were playing a drinking game and it was clear that they all were losing. We also saw several silver-haired daddies that looked just like Hemmingway.

Todd finally gathered us up after one last round and we made our way down Duval Street to the Bourbon Street Pub. It was a tradition for a drag queen named Sushi to drop in a giant red high-heel shoe at midnight. We arrived at about 11 pm and it was already a madhouse. There was lighting set up as CNN was planning on beaming the event live as part of their celebration. It was standing room only in the street and we managed to find a place behind one of the speakers on the road where we could comfortably stand out of the way. It was loud, too. Between the sounds of the people and the music from the audio system, I could barely hear myself think.

As the hour progressed, more people showed up. It was a virtual sea of humanity that stretched down both sides of the street and around the building. We saw Sushi appear on the balcony in the last fifteen minutes of the hour and as she got into the shoe, people were cheering and throwing confetti.

Bo had his arms tightly wrapped around me and had his face near my ear so we could hear each other. Bill and Todd were arm and arm behind us and as Bill was drunk at this point, he sang and people around us joined in with him. The experience was almost overwhelming. I had never been around this many people before in my life.

As the clock ticked down the last minute of the year, the crowd counted in unison. As the shoe dropped and the last seconds clicked by, we heard the sound of foghorns as the New Year began and Bo looked at me and leaned in and kissed me. I closed my eyes as our tongues explored each other's mouths and he squeezed me tightly. When he broke our embrace, he told me he loved me and we kissed once more before Todd hugged us both and kissed us.

"Happy New Year, boys!"

"Happy New Year, Sir!" we replied.

Bill was hugging any cute boy he could find and was laughing and singing. When we finally were able to start to move again, Todd snagged him and put his arm around the man and led him down the street towards his house.

"Well, what did you think, boys?" Bill asked.

"It was amazing, Sir!" I replied. "That is something I will never forget!"

"It's always a memorable experience, for sure," Bill said. "But I've got some balls that need to drop and empty myself!"

"I'll be happy to help you, Sir!" I replied with a smile.

Bill leaned over and kissed me and when we finally made it to his house, he stumbled up the staircase and then made his way inside. Todd helped him to the bedroom as I stripped down. Bo closed the door behind us and then rubbed my ass.

"Be sure to drain him well, babe," Bo said with a smile.

"You better do the same to Sir!" I replied as I kissed him again.

Bo went into the guest room and Todd followed him and closed the door. I walked into Bill's room and he was already naked and laying on the bed. He looked at me, grinned, played with his balls. As he spread his legs, I crawled on the bed and laid down between them.

I could smell his scent as I put my head in his crotch. I cradled his balls in my hand as I licked them and then brought one of his orbs into my mouth and rolled my tongue around it. Bill began to lightly moan as I moved to suck on the other one and he reached down and jacked his cock and I watched as it lengthened and hardened. When it was standing at attention, I moved over and he put his hands down as I took it into my mouth.

Bill put one hand behind my head and held it there as I moved up and down on his dick. His belly rose and fell as he breathed deeply and he had his eyes closed and his mouth was partially open as he groaned.

"That's a good boy."

I grabbed the base of his cock and moved my head in a twisting motion as I brought it deep into my throat and then back out again. I let my tongue swirl around his shaft and then tasted the precum that leaked out of the tip. Bill's balls were heavy and hung low. As my beard rubbed over them, they moved as his testicles and scrotum reacted to the pleasure he was receiving.

Bill still had his eyes closed as I looked up at him. His chest of white fur glistened in the light from the bed stand from the sweat that he had built up over the evening. I watched as he brought a hand up and played with one of his nipples. The stimulation got his cock leaking even more and I slurped all his tasty juices down as I continued to bring him into my mouth.

As his moaning got louder, I reached under him and played with his ass. In the same way I had done with Todd in the past, I probed for his hole with my finger and when I found it, I licked my digit and pushed it inside. Bill moaned very loudly as I felt for and located the bulbous gland inside. As I rubbed it in circular motions, his legs shook and his breathing increased. He bit his bottom lip and bucked his hips as his cock went into my throat deeper.

I was starting to press on his prostate when I felt his ass clench down on my finger and he reached down and held my head.

"Fuck, boy!" Bill screamed as he climaxed.

Shot after shot of cum flooded my mouth and I tried to slurp down as much as I could so I would not spill a drop. His legs were still shaking as his orgasm subsided and when he finally stopped pulsing cum, he cracked one eye and smiled at me.

"That was fucking amazing!"

I licked his softening cock and smiled at him.

"You seemed to have a pretty intense reaction there!"

"You have no idea," Bill said as he rubbed my head. "Come up here, son."

I smiled and crawled up beside him and he turned to his side and cradled me in his arms. He moved his soft cock behind my ass and draped one leg over mine as he put his head on my neck. I felt as he nibbled and licked the back of my head and shoulders and then kissed it. When he stopped moving, I heard him lightly snore and I grinned. There was no way I was getting out of his embrace to grab my mask to sleep with, so I did the best I could to close my eyes and get some rest. It had been a nice end to a year and I was hoping that 2017 would be as memorable.

Next: Chapter 12

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