Todds Boys

By Locked Cub

Published on Oct 16, 2023


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This story is the sequel to my first book, "Southern Chastity". I encourage you to read it to get the backstory on Matt, Bo, and Todd.

Todd's Boys

Part 10: The Frat Brother

December in 2016 was a warm one in Atlanta. It felt almost like spring instead of the beginning of winter. Bo was in his shorts and I was naked as normal and we were sitting on the back porch enjoying a Sunday afternoon when Todd came out to join us.

"Hard to believe it is wintertime," Todd said as he pulled up a chair next to us.

"Yes Sir," I replied. "But I am not complaining."

"Oh, neither am I," Todd said. "I got a call from an old fraternity brother of mine. He's coming into town this week and wanted a place to stay. I told him he was welcome to stay the night."

"Is this someone I need to be dressed for?" I asked.

Todd laughed.

"No, boy. He's a dominant. He reminds me a lot of John, in fact."

"Nice!" Bo replied.

"He will be here Tuesday evening next week," Todd said. "Matt, you will need to prepare a nice meal for him and we will have some playtime with you both after."

"Sounds good, Sir," I replied.

"Any special protocols?" Bo asked.

"Nope," Todd replied. "Act as you normally do. However, whatever Zach asks of you, you will do. You will act as if it is a request from me."

"Yes, Sir," Bo replied.

"Also, I don't want either of you to have any orgasms between now and then," Todd said. "I have put your strap-on dildo away and you will only orally service me this week. I want you both horny and primed for him."

"Yes, Sir!" we replied.

The next week was pretty normal for me. Being permanently locked up had taught me to deal with the blue balls feeling from not cumming. Bo, however, had been getting off easy the past month. I had been using the strap-on on him quite often and I had gotten good at getting him to orgasm. Bo had to revert to what life was like under John quickly and as the week dragged along and his balls got fuller and sorer, his temper got shorter. I called him on it a few times and he apologized. Still, I know he was looking forward to servicing Todd's friend and hopefully getting a release after.

When the day finally came, I was in the kitchen cooking dinner when Bo came in to see how I was progressing.

"Can I help in any way?" Bo asked.

I turned around and Bo was naked. This was rather unusual these days and he grinned when he saw me looking.

"Sir wants me to be on display like you," Bo said as he shook his cage.

I smiled and leaned over and kissed him.

"You are cute with or without clothes. But, yes, if you can set the table, that will be very helpful."

"On it!" Bo replied with a smile.

I had prepared homemade lasagna, with roasted vegetables, breadsticks, and a salad and it was just about done when we heard the doorbell.

"I'll get it!" Bo replied.

Bo ran around the wall and I heard the door open. Todd was sitting in the living room in his favorite chair and got to his feet when his friend came into the room.

"Zach! How are you, old buddy?"

"Doing good, Ace!" Zach replied.

I saw them over the counter as they hugged and Todd walked over with him with Bo in the rear.

"Zach, you have already met Bo," Todd said. "He is the alpha boy in the house. The one here cooking is the beta. His name is Matt."

Zach smiled at me. He was an attractive man. He was tall with broad shoulders and dark hair. His beard was trimmed short and I could see a tuft of hair under his flannel shirt. He reached his hand over the counter and I grasped it and shook it. His grip was firm and his large hands dwarfed mine.

"Good to meet you, Beta!" Zach said.

"Dinner is almost ready if you two want to take a seat," I said.

"Awesome," Zach replied. "Hey, Alpha, get me a beer."

"Yes, Sir!" Bo replied.

Zach slapped Bo's ass playfully as he walked by and he and Todd walked over and sat at the dining room table. As Bo brought them both a drink, I took the plates of food over and served them both.

"I'm impressed, Ace," Zach said. "These two are well trained and cute."

Todd smiled and looked up at the two of us. We were standing next to each other with our hands behind our backs.

"They aren't perfect, but I have been pleased with their progress in integrating into the household."

"Why don't you two kneel on the floor next to the wall and we will let you know when we need you," Zach said.

I looked at Bo and he looked at me and we did as we were asked. We had thought we would be allowed to eat, but following Todd's request, we took Zach's word as law. We both knelt next to the wall and watched as they ate their dinner and talked about old times. From their conversation, I learned that Zach was older and was the big brother in the fraternity to Todd. They had roomed together once Todd joined and Todd had been Zach's bitch, as he called it, for the first year. I know for me, it was hard to imagine Todd being subservient to anyone, but this was a long time ago and people change.

The fraternity they were in sounded like it was a wild one. They both talked about the amount of sex they had and the number of times they were drunk in class the next day. It was a wonder they both graduated given the stories we heard. Bo and I listened for about an hour before they finished and pushed their plates away. Zach was laughing at a joke Todd had told when he looked over at us.

"The meal was tasty, boys," Zach said.

"I'm glad you liked it, Sir!" I replied.

"I'm in the mood for some fun now," Zach said.

"I've had the boys under strict rules the past week," Todd said. "They both have not emptied their balls in nine days."

"That's good!" Zach replied. "Means you two should be in heat and ready to please a man, right?"

"Yes, Sir!" we replied.

"But, I am curious, Ace," Zach said. "They are both permanently locked, aren't they? Why are their balls not always full?"

"I'm a little more relaxed on the rules now," Todd said. "Bo is normally allowed clothes and is occasionally unlocked for me to play with and they both are allowed to cum through anal stimulation."

"You are getting soft in your old age, Ace!" Zach replied. "That boy you had a while back hadn't cum in three years if I remember right."

"Yeah," Todd said. "Times change."

This was the first I had heard about another boy that Todd had in the past. I was unaware that he was stricter on subs in the past. Todd looked over at us as he talked. He had a slight grin and we wondered what he was thinking about.

"Anyway, they are both primed and will do whatever you ask of them," Todd said.

"So, Alpha here is allowed to be uncaged, huh?" Zach asked.

"Yes," Todd said. "On special occasions."

"Well, let's say we unlock him," Zach said. "I have some fun games in mind."

"I'll get the key!" Todd replied.

"Beta, get to work cleaning up here while we take Alpha into the basement," Zach said. "You can join us after."

"Yes, Sir!" I replied.

Bo looked at me with eyes that told me he was nervous. Zach got up and led him downstairs while I cleared the table. I had skipped lunch and was hungry as I looked at and smelled the food as I put it away. As my stomach grumbled, I knew it was going to be an interesting night.

When I had cleaned up the kitchen, I walked downstairs and saw Bo was restrained to the Saint Andrew's cross and Zach had some latex gloves on. In one hand was a pump bottle that looked like lube, though it was not one I recognized before. Todd had a collection of things locked away in a special cabinet in the playroom and I saw that it had been opened, so I assumed it came from there. When Zach saw me, he smiled.

"There you are, Beta! Kneel in the corner, I'll be with you shortly."

"Yes, Sir!" I replied.

Todd was standing on the far side of the room. They were both naked and I could see that Zach's cock was semi-hard. It was very thick and had a good length to it. He had some massive balls that hung beneath and both his cock and balls were surrounded by a shiny, silver cock ring.

As I knelt, I watched as Zach pumped the lube into his hand and then finger it into Bo's ass. Bo flinched as he felt the finger enter him and I noticed that his cage had been removed and saw his free nub swing and then start to harden.

"I've got a treat for you boy!" Zach said. "This is a numbing lube. When we are done here, you won't feel a thing in your ass."

"Be generous with that," Todd replied with a grin.

"Oh, believe me, I am," Zach said.

I watched as Zach fingered Bo's hole and put more lube into it. Bo was moaning as the man's large finger pushed deeper inside him. I saw his nub at full attention and he was on his tiptoes as Zach pushed as deep as he could go.

"How does that feel, Alpha?" Zach asked.

"My entire ass is numb, Sir!" Bo replied.

"Good, now for that dangling thing between your legs," Zach said. "You don't need to feel that either."

I watched as Zach knelt and lathered the lube over Bo's nub and balls. Bo jerked when his genitals were first being manhandled, but after several minutes and lots more lube, he settled down.

"Well, is that thing numb?" Zach asked.

"I can't feel anything, Sir," Bo replied.

"Perfect," Zach replied. "Todd tells me that the beta is your boyfriend. Is that correct?"

"Yes, Sir," Bo replied.

"You know with most couples, there is a top and a bottom," Zach replied. "I'm assuming as the alpha you are the top, but I don't see how that works with you both locked up."

"Sir has a strap-on we can use on each other," Bo replied.

"Oh, he does?" Zach replied. "Well, that still is no substitute for a real man's cock. Is it, boy?"

"No, Sir," Bo replied.

Zack reached around and grabbed Bo's nub and shook it.

"And that definitely doesn't feel like one."

Zach took Bo down off the cross and led him over to the fuck bench. He strapped him down and then wheeled over the fucking machine that Todd had. He locked the wheels and lubed up the dildo attachment with more numbing lube and then moved it slightly closer so it pushed it inside Bo. I saw no reaction from his body as the large dildo went inside him. Zach then turned the machine on medium-high and I watched as it pounded Bo's ass.

"Can you feel anything, Alpha?" Zach asked.

"No, Sir!" Bo replied.

Zach smiled and grabbed Bo's numb nub.

"Such a pathetic thing," Zach replied. "Still, your master calls you the alpha around here. So, we are going to play a game. I'm going to use your beta boyfriend in front of you. You are going to watch as I fuck him hard and release my seed into him. Take notes, boy, so you can see what a real man's cock can do to an ass. If he pleases me, I will let him orgasm in front of you too. If you can make that small thing of yours spurt from the fucking machine during that time, then you can retain your title in the household. If not, then you will be the beta until the New Year and you won't be allowed any orgasms or milkings till then. But I will give you an out. If you cannot cum from the machine alone, then I will give you five minutes to jack off after I am spent. If you can cum that way, then you only have to be the chaste beta for a week."

Bo looked horrified, but he replied. "Yes, Sir!"

"Good boy," Zach said. "To help you as that thing fucks you, I have this jock here in my hand. I wore it all week and it is nice and rank with my scent. Maybe that will help empty your pathetic balls."

Zach wadded up the jock and stuffed it in Bo's mouth and then patted his head. He then looked over at me.

"Over here, Beta. I haven't cum in two days and you are in for a ride tonight. Let's put on a show for your man."

I looked over at Todd who was standing with his arms crossed. He seemed ok with everything, so I got up and walked over in front of Bo who was still being pounded by the machine and looked like a pig about to be roasted with the jock in his mouth. Zach put me on my knees and I looked at his hard cock in front of me. There was precum flowing out of the tip and it had dribbled down the shaft.

"Get to it, Beta," Zach said. "Let's show Alpha how well you suck cock. Maybe that will entice his balls to empty."

I glanced over at Bo who was watching me closely and I then turned and reached out and grasped the base of Zach's cock. I brought my mouth over to it and licked the fluids from the tip. They tasted good, and as I took his cock into me, he walked forward and grabbed my head, and forced me down till his cock hit the back of my throat.

I gagged from the size of his dick and only was able to get about half of it the first time. He pulled back and then pushed forward and over several minutes I was able to relax my throat more till I got most of him. I could smell his scent in his bush and I could only imagine how potent the jock was that Bo was sucking on. It turned me on and I swelled in my cage as Zach skull-fucked me.

I heard something being drug over near me and when Zach pulled me off his cock, I noted that Todd had brought over the second fuck bench. Todd helped me off my feet and got me on it and strapped my arms and legs down. I was perpendicular to Bo who was across from me, so he would have a full view of whoever wanted to use my ass or mouth. When I was immobilized, Todd came in front of me and presented his hard cock and inserted it in my mouth as I felt some lube going in my ass.

Zach pushed inside me with his fingers till he had three in comfortably. I was moaning as I felt Todd's cock hit the back of my throat and Zach placed the head of his cock at the entrance to my hole. As he pushed forward, I felt my ass split wide and I groaned loudly. It hurt and I had to concentrate so I did not bite down on Todd's cock.

"Concentrate, boy," Todd replied. "I know you have had bigger cocks in you. You can take this."

I tried to focus as I felt Zach push his thick meat into me. I put my attention on Todd's cock as it slid back and forth over my tongue and spit ran out of my mouth and down my neck. When I felt Zach's groin meet my ass, he grabbed my waist and immediately thrusted back and forth. This was not the fuck I had gotten used to with Todd. This was rough and raw. I was being used for Zach's pleasure alone.

"Fucking hot ass!" Zach said.

I felt him as he pushed inside me, filling me with his cock. Twinges of pain were shooting up my spine as I gagged on Todd's cock in my mouth.

"How's that ass there, Alpha?" I heard Zach say.

Bo only grunted in response.

"Doesn't look like that small thing of yours is shooting yet," Zach said. "You better hope it does soon."

I closed my eyes as I felt Zach continue to pound my ass. Todd held my head still as he fucked me. I had not been used like this since I graduated from John's program. I had learned to deal with discomfort and a little pain when I was being trained, but I knew that if I needed to stop it, that I could signal to Todd. But I knew I could power through and I squeezed my ass as Zach fucked.

"Hell yeah!" Zach replied. "I feel that Beta! Good boy! Use that cunt! Grip my dick!"

I opened my eyes and saw the bush of Todd as it pushed towards my face and pulled back. Spit was flowing out of my mouth at this point and I felt like a used sub. Zach pounded me harder and my head pushed forward with the thrusts. I felt Todd's cock go deeper in me and I nearly choked a few times. The stimulation on his head must have been good, though, because I saw Todd tense up and felt cum flowing into my stomach as he grunted and orgasmed.

"Fucking hell!"

"Feed him that load, Ace!" Zach replied as he continued to pummel my ass.

Cum ran over my beard as Todd pulled out and slapped my face. I looked up at him and he grinned at me. He then backed away and I saw his cock soften and a drop of cum fall from it and hit the floor. I wanted so much to clean my master's dick off, but the thought was interrupted when I heard Zach scream.

"Here it comes, boy!"

Zach pushed deeply in me and I screamed at the same time as he orgasmed inside me. His thick cock convulsed and I felt as it moved. He slapped my ass a few times as his balls drained and then he pulled out quickly, leaving my ass gaping.

"Oh fuck!" I replied, involuntarily.

"That's how a real man fucks and breeds, boys!" Zach said as he rubbed his chest.

I turned and saw Zach walk over and look underneath Bo.

"I don't see any cum there, Alpha," Zach said. "Surely that thing is stimulating you."

Zach turned the machine on faster and I saw Bo close his eyes and bite down hard on the jock in his mouth. He groaned as the dildo forced its way inside his numb ass and I saw some precum drip out of his nub.

"There we go," Zach said as he grabbed it with his fingers and tasted it. "At least we got that tiny thing leaking."

Zach was hard again and when he turned to me, his cock swung from side to side.

"Are you ready for more, Beta?" Zach asked. "I took a Viagra just for you. I know you don't get good dick from your boyfriend and that is a nice ass!"

"I'm here for your pleasure, Sir!" I replied.

"That's my boy!" Zach said.

Zach came behind me and mounted me in one thrust. I screamed and Todd came over and knelt in front of me as Zach pounded me again.

"Matt, look at me. I want you to breathe for me. Deep breaths. You can do this."

"Yes, Sir," I replied as I looked into his eyes.

Todd smiled and kissed me and then stood up and walked to the side out of my field of vision. I closed my eyes and tried to focus my breathing and relax my ass. It was tough, though, and the pain was getting worse. I felt a hand on my face and when I opened my eyes, Todd was kneeling in front of me and had some poppers in his hand.

"You need a hit to help?" Todd asked.

"Please, Sir!" I replied.

Todd smiled and held my head and then brought the bottle to my nose and let me get two deep hits. The chemicals did the job and I felt my ass relax and relent to the pounding it was receiving. He gave me two more hits before standing and walking away. I closed my eyes and concentrated on giving Zach the pleasure he wanted.

As the pounding continued, I heard the squishing sounds of cum being churned inside me. I felt fluids drip over my caged balls and knew that my ass was going to be a mess when this man finally was through with me. He fucked me for a good fifteen minutes and Todd gave me another hit of poppers before I heard Zach groan loudly and dump a second load in my ass.

"Fuck yeah!" Zach yelled.

He grabbed my waist and held himself in me till his balls were done draining and when he pulled out, I heard the plop of cum as it hit the concrete floor.

"Damn, that is a sloppy cunt," Zach said as he fingered my ass.

I was exhausted. My ass was sore and my body was covered in sweat. I turned to the side and saw poor Bo still being pounded by the dildo. Zach turned the machine off and pulled it out of him and then reached under and milked Bo's nub.

"Well, I see a lot of precum, but no swimmers, so I guess that means you are the chaste beta boy now," Zach said as he rubbed Bo's balls. "That is a shame because I am sure these small things are full. But, true to my word, you get another shot."

Zach undid Bo's restraints and then helped him up to his feet. He pumped some numbing lube on Bo's hand and then some on his hard nub.

"Ok, get to it," Zach said as he looked at his watch. "I'm timing you. You got five minutes. Show me and your boyfriend here that you still are a man and can make that thing shoot cum."

Bo looked shell-shocked as he brought his hand over his hard nub and jacked it. I watched as he furiously pounded his nub and Zach called out the time left. When he said four minutes, Bo pounded harder. At three minutes, he took a quick break and caught his breath, and went at it even faster. At two minutes, he got on his tiptoes and arched his back as he furiously jacked his nub. When it came to one minute, Zach laughed.

"You pathetic beta bitch. That thing deserves to be locked up if you can't make it work. Show me you are at least half a man, boy!"

I felt bad for Bo. I know his balls were sore and full. I had no idea how numb his junk and hand were at this point, but I saw the frustration in his face as Zach berated him. Todd stood to the side and watched and said nothing. He was watching Bo as intensely as I was.

"Thirty seconds!" Zach said. "Looks like the beta bitch won't be coming till next year!"

Bo was putting everything into pounding his nub. I knew it was going to be very sore when it went back in the cage and I wanted to get up and help him if I could, but I was restrained. As Zach counted down the last ten seconds, Bo pulled himself to his toes and groaned. With one second left, I saw cum fly out of his nub and he closed his eyes. His mouth opened wide and the jock fell from it as he screamed. Todd reached over and steadied him as his body convulsed.

"Well, fuck!" Zach replied. "So that pathetic small thing does work! I am impressed!"

Todd held Bo as he continued to cry out and cum. It covered his hand and shot out onto the floor in front of him. When he finally came off his orgasm high, he stood flat on his feet and looked at Zach, who was grinning at him.

"Well, I guess that means you are only the chaste beta for the week," Zach replied. "Still, that means you are on clean-up duty. Get on the ground and lick the floor clean of that stuff that came out of that small thing."

"Yes, Sir!" Bo replied as he gasped for air.

Bo got on his hands and knees and licked the cum off the floor as Zach turned to me.

"Well, how do you feel, Alpha?"

"Spent, Sir!" I replied.

"Well, if the beta bitch is allowed to shoot, then the alpha surely is allowed that privilege," Zach said. "Todd, how best is that handled?"

"I got an idea," Todd said as he came behind me.

I felt his finger as it pushed inside my cummy hole and when it reached my prostate, he rubbed it in circles. I moaned as I felt waves of energy shoot through my body.

"Feel good, boy?" Todd asked.

"Oh fuck," I replied. "Yes, Sir!"

As he continued to milk me, my nub pulsed precum, and then I felt the unmistakable warm feeling build behind my balls as the sensation overtook my body. I groaned in ecstasy as my nub pulsed and released its stored seed. I got a headrush and closed my eyes as the intense orgasm flowed through my body. When it finally abated, Todd removed his finger and rubbed my ass.

"Now that is a nice load there!" Zach replied. "Beta, clean that up!"

"Yes, Sir!" Bo said as he crawled under me and licked my load off the floor.

When he was done, he stood up and Todd relocked his cage on his nub. He then patted Bo's face and Zach came over to him.

"Ok, Beta! Go get me and Ace a beer!"

"Yes, Sir!" Bo replied as he turned and went upstairs.

Todd brought Zach a towel and he wiped the sweat off his forehead and chest and cleaned his cock. When Bo returned with the beers, he opened it and took a sip, and then had Bo kneel next to the wall. Zach turned to me and released my restraints and helped me off the bench. He handed me the towel to wipe my ass and smiled.

"Good job, Alpha," Zach said. "I guess that means you can wear clothes now. Go put some on and you may grab some leftovers for dinner. I think the Beta can do without food tonight."

"Yes, Sir!" I replied.

I looked at Bo as I walked by him and he looked defeated. Todd told us to follow Zach's orders, so I continued upstairs and went into my room and put some shorts and a t-shirt on and then went to the kitchen. Had I not been so hungry, I might have done without dinner, but Zach told me to eat, so I took advantage of my temporary alpha privileges and filled my belly. As I was finishing, I saw the three of them come up from the basement. Bo was in front with Todd and Zach behind.

"Shall we sit and relax? Todd asked.

"Yes," Zach replied. "Beta, follow us over. You can massage my feet for me."

"Yes, Sir!" Bo replied as he went into the living room.

I cleaned the plates I had been using and then came into the room with them. When Zach saw me, he grinned. Bo was at his feet, cross-legged and massaging him.

"Come sit next to me, Alpha!" Zach said.

When I sat next to him, he put his arm around me.

"Would you like a beer too?" Zach asked.

"Sure, Sir," I replied.

"Beta, go get another beer for your Alpha!"

"Yes, Sir!" Bo said as he stood and put his head down and walked over to the kitchen.

I was feeling uncomfortable as I watched Bo being subordinate to me. But I knew that Todd expected me to humor and do what Zach asked. When Bo came back in, he handed me the beer and then went back to sitting on the floor at Zach's feet.

"Tell you what," Zach said. "Let's make this even better. Beta, you massage Alpha's feet."

"Yes, Sir!" Bo replied as he moved over and put my feet in his lap and began to rub them.

Bo was looking down at his lap as he worked. I knew he was embarrassed and I wanted to help, but I did not know what to do.

"Feel good, Alpha?" Zach said as he squeezed my shoulder.

"Yes, Sir!" I replied with a half-grin.

"Well, drink your beer," Zach said. "You deserved this."

Bo massaged my feet for about ten minutes before Zach had him back on his. He then was directed over to Todd and continued to get us all beers. I was feeling drunk after a couple of hours and Zach and Todd were laughing and having a good time.

"Well, I need to hit the hay here, Zach," Todd said. "I have work tomorrow."

"Ok, Ace," Zach replied. "I understand. Beta, why don't you come to the room with me. You can sleep on the floor next to me and I can use you as needed tonight."

"Yes, Sir!" Bo replied as he stood and bowed his head. Zach got up and Bo followed him. When I heard the door to the room close, I looked over at Todd.

"Sir, may I speak?" I asked.

"Sure, boy," Todd replied.

"I feel uncomfortable about all this," I said. "I don't like the way Bo is being treated and I am not comfortable being the alpha."

"Bo will be ok," Todd said. "You did as I asked and followed what Zach told you to do. You both knew that was the rule and I am pleased. He will be gone tomorrow."

"Ok, Sir," I replied.

"Go get cleaned up and get some sleep," Todd said. "You can give me my morning blowjob."

"Yes, Sir!" I replied.

I went back and took a shower and as I walked back to my room to get in bed, I looked over and saw the light in the guest room turn out. I was hoping that Bo would be ok.

The next morning, I got up and went into Todd's room and woke him by sucking on his cock until he was shooting down my throat. When he was satisfied. He rubbed my head and smiled at me.

"Have you seen Bo yet?"

"No, Sir," I replied.

"Well, go get breakfast started," Todd said. "I will check on them."

As I went into the kitchen to do as he asked, Todd went down the hall. A few minutes later, Bo came into the kitchen. He looked awful. He had circles under his eyes and was moving slower than usual. I walked over and hugged him and he embraced me and placed his head on my shoulder. A tear fell out of his eye.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"I didn't get much sleep," Bo replied. "Got fucked once and swallowed two more loads throughout the night."

"Damn, he is a machine!" I replied.

"I'm so tired," Bo groaned.

"Beta!" Zach said as he walked into the kitchen.

Bo turned around and looked at him.

"Yes, Sir!"

"I think you need to be cooking, not the alpha," Zach said.

"Yes, Sir," Bo replied. "I will take over, Sir."

"Good," Zach said.

"Alpha, come over here and sit next to me and we can watch Beta work," Zach said.

When I sat down, Todd came behind me and leaned down, and kissed my cheek. He then moved over and squeezed Zach's shoulders.

"Did you sleep ok?" Todd asked.

"Very well," Zach replied. "Your beta here knows how to drain a cock at least even if he barely can use those small things he calls balls."

Bo did not respond as he was being talked about. He finished preparing our breakfast and then Zach invited me to the table and Bo served us all.

"Beta, I fed you my cum last night," Zach said. "That should be enough protein for you. Kneel by the wall and watch us."

"Yes, Sir!" Bo replied as he knelt.

When our breakfast was over, I helped Bo clean the table, and then Zach went back to take a shower. Todd was finishing getting dressed when Zach walked out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist.

"Well, I am off, Zach," Todd said. "I hope you will visit again soon."

"Sure thing, Ace!" Zach replied as they hugged.

Todd came over and kissed us both and we followed him to the door and watched him leave. We then went back to finish cleaning and when we were done, Zach came in fully dressed.

"Well, it has been fun, boys," Zach said. "Beta, enjoy your week of service."

"Yes, Sir," Bo replied.

Zach waved and we followed him out and shut the door behind him. Bo then turned to me and hugged me tightly and groaned, loudly.

"Sorry, I just needed to let it out," Bo said. "My head is fucked up right now."

"It's ok, bubba," I replied as I rubbed his head. "Let's get you some food."

"No, I can go without," Bo said.

"Fuck that shit!" I exclaimed. "I'm the alpha now, and I am going to make you a big breakfast and you are going to eat it and like it. Got it?"

Bo looked up and smiled at me.

"Yes, Sir!"

Next: Chapter 11

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