Todds Boys

By Locked Cub

Published on Sep 9, 2023


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This story is the sequel to my first book, "Southern Chastity". I encourage you to read it to get the backstory on Matt, Bo, and Todd.

Todd's Boys


I never would have thought when I submitted what was intended to be a short story to the Nifty Erotic Stories Archive that it would turn into a full-length novel. "Southern Chastity" was partially based on my own experiences in Atlanta, as I trained under a local dominant and explored the world of chastity and submission. As I crafted the story, the relationships that the character Matt made with his fellow subs naturally deepened, especially with Matt's fellow sub brother, Bo. It made sense, then, that the sequel would explore this connection further.

I will be honest with the reader that this novel is more imaginative than the first, but I still incorporated a few experiences I have had into it. The relationship I had with my first long-term boyfriend colored some of the chapters I have written, but I naturally let the story grow as I wrote.

I hope you will enjoy this as much as the first installment in the series. There are several more short stories and novellas to come and I will conclude the story with a third and final chapter.

Thanks to everyone that has given me encouragement and positive feedback. This is dedicated to you, my fans.

Part 1: Six Months Later

The water hit my face and I felt its warmth as it cascaded over my naked body. I had my hands extended in front of me and placed on the side of the tiled wall and as I lowered my head, I felt spray move past the metal collar around my neck and down my back. I was never a morning person and a good hot shower was about the only thing that could get me going. Well, that or a cup of coffee. As I stood there, I felt the water start to run down my body and over my caged nub.

I had been in permanent chastity for six months. The year before the final installation of my current cage, I trained under a local dominant named John. He was Sir John to me. I had learned what being a true subordinate was like and embraced the role wholeheartedly. As the year progressed, I had become close to my fellow sub brothers and one, in particular, my now boyfriend and fellow sub in the house, Bo.

We had both been collared by John's friend Todd. He was an attractive daddy bear that was slightly taller than average with a chubby build. He had a huggable tummy and thick arms and legs that showed some muscle. Todd was in his fifties and was bald, with a medium-length beard that had shades of brown and gray with white near his chin. His eyes were a deep blue and one of the most attractive features of his face, in my opinion. He was also hung, which I thought was a great feature and I loved feeling his massive balls in my hand.

Bo was the same height as Todd and had a similar build, though his arms and legs were not as thick. He was ten years younger than me, just past thirty, but in many ways was the rock that I relied on. Looking back on it now, he had been hitting on me from nearly the first day that I started training under John. He had been in the program for about three months when I joined and helped me get up to speed. As we grew closer, he eventually got up the nerve to tell me how much he liked being around me and our relationship grew rapidly after that. When he was collared by Todd, I continued to see him and I have a feeling that my collaring three months later was greatly influenced by Todd's desire to see us happy.

Todd was that kind of man. He was a firm dominant that knew what he wanted out of a sub, but he was also tender. He encouraged us to have our own lives and to start to explore the connections that we had. There were some differences in the household between Bo and me, though. When Bo was collared, Todd initially kept him in permanent chastity, but he began to relax that with him when it became clear he wanted to take me in. Bo was still in chastity, but his cage had been removed on two occasions since I had moved in and Todd enjoyed teasing him and having him beg for an orgasm from his free nub.

I, on the other hand, was kept in permanent chastity. I was allowed orgasms from anal stimulation and Todd had no problem fucking them out of me. He allowed Bo to use a strap-on dildo on my ass that was molded after Todd's cock. Bo had gotten very adept at using it to get me to squirt. I could do the same to him, though I was not as successful all the time. I was not allowed clothes in the house. This was not an issue for me as when I was training under John, the same rules applied. Bo, though, was allowed the privilege of clothing. He usually was in the house in his jock and shorts and sometimes a tank top, which was the same attire Todd had most of the time too.

Bo and I took care of Todd's house and saw to his sexual needs. One of us always woke him up with a blowjob or by offering our ass to him to get fucked. We cooked all the meals in the house, cleaned up and maintained the property, and did all the chores like grocery shopping and paying bills. As a successful local attorney in Atlanta, Todd was well off and we lived a good life. Bo and I had jobs, but mine had transitioned to a work-from-home position, so I rarely left the house except to run errands or to be social. Bo worked nearby, so he usually left after Todd went to work and was home before he returned.

This Monday morning, Bo had gotten an ass full of cum while I prepared breakfast. After Todd finished eating, he had kissed us both and headed downtown and Bo offered to clean the dishes so I could get cleaned up. I was still sitting under the running water when I heard the shower door open and two hands move around and grab my waist.

"Is the bear waking up this morning?" Bo asked.

I smiled and leaned back and put my arms around his. He leaned his head on my shoulder and I felt his soft beard on my skin.

"I'm getting there, baby," I replied.

I turned around and he smiled at me and leaned in and kissed me. The water cascaded over my head and as I tilted it to make out with him, it hit him in the face.

"Eek!" Bo said as he pulled back and smiled.

I reached up and rubbed his eyes and gave him another peck.

"Grab me the soap, bubba," I said.

Bo turned and picked up a bar and ran some water over it and rubbed my chest and then the resulting suds in my fur.

"Do you have a busy day today?" I asked.

"Meh, it should not be too bad," Bo replied. "What about you?"

"I have some meetings to slog through and a few reports to put together, but nothing crazy," I said. "I'll have time to run the vacuum around here on my break."

"That will be helpful," Bo said.

Bo lathered his hands up and then brought his palms down and over my cage. He moved through the metal bars and groped my balls and I grinned at him.

"I think you enjoy doing that," I said.

"What?" Bo replied, pulling on my balls, and making me grunt. "I like your nub, Beta Boy. It is cute."

"Ok, Alpha," I said with a smirk. "But turnabout is fair play. Hand me the soap and let me wash your cage down too."

Bo grinned and I lathered up and washed his nub and body down before finishing up with our hair and then turning the water off. Bo stepped out and grabbed a towel and then handed me one. As we dried off, Bo noticed that the steam had fogged up the mirror and he opened the door to the hall to let some cool air in to help. I felt the breeze and a shiver went through me.

Bo smiled.

"Todd mentioned that he would be late getting home today. They are preparing for a big case."

"Oh, that's right," I replied. "I forgot about that."

"Yeah, so I invited Max and Kenny over for dinner."

"Oh great!" I replied.

Max had been a sub-brother with Bo and me when we trained under John. We had grown to be really good friends and had kept in touch since I graduated. Max was about my height but was thinner and covered with dark fur over most of his body. He kept his head buzzed short and his beard had a little hint of red and brown in it. He was in his early twenties. Kenny, his Sir, was Bo's age and had lived in the same apartment complex as I had and we had played around on several occasions. He was a cute ginger cub. Short and chubby with a huge set of balls and a nice, thick uncut cock and a fire crotch with a very intoxicating scent that I have always loved.

"Isn't he close to graduating?" I asked.

"Yup, he will be finishing his year this coming weekend," Bo replied.

"Damn, the time has flown," I said. "Do you remember last summer when he came and hung out with us by the pool when he was considering training under Sir John?"

"Yeah," Bo said. "That seems like a lifetime ago."

"Indeed," I said. "Well, how exciting. I am looking forward to seeing them both."

After we brushed our teeth and combed our hair, I followed Bo into our bedroom and he got dressed while I sat on the bed and watched.

"I set out the slow cooker in the kitchen," Bo said. "Put the roast in there with the vegetables at about 2:30 pm and set it on low. It will be ready by the time they get here."

"Ok, I can handle that," I replied.

When Bo finished getting dressed he grabbed his shoes and I followed him into the living room and then into the hall where he put them on.

"Ok, babe, I am off," Bo said as he turned and kissed me. "See you later."

"Drive safe!" I replied as he walked out the door.

Todd had let me set up a small office in the basement across from the playroom. I wandered down and then turned on the lights and sat in my chair to get the day started. I kept a nice shirt in my office when I needed to be on a webcam, but otherwise, I was naked. The basement had a door that led out to a pool in the backyard and the property was surrounded by trees. On the second floor of the house, there was an office space for Todd that overlooked the backyard and a "man cave" that had a nice pool table and small bar set up that Todd could entertain guests with.

My normal workday began at 8 am and I worked till noon, took a short break for lunch, and then continued until about 4:30 pm. I had set an alarm for myself to make sure I got the dinner started in the afternoon and when my last meeting concluded for the day, I wandered back upstairs to grab a beer and sit down to watch TV. Bo usually got home about 5:30 pm, so I was surprised when I heard someone knocking instead of coming in at about that time.

I walked over to the front door and looked through the peephole to see Max on the other side. When I opened the door, he had a big grin on his face.

"Hey, bro!" Max said as he walked in and hugged me.

"So good to see you!" I replied. "You are early!"

"Eh, I left the office early and decided to meet Kenny here," Max said as he undressed.

It was a protocol of John that his subs were not allowed clothes on inside any home unless it would be inappropriate. We kept a basket near the front door for subs to undress and put their things in and Max had been here a few times and was familiar with it. When he was naked, he rubbed my belly and smiled.

"Come on in, do you want a beer?" I asked.

"That would be wonderful!" Max replied.

"Bo told me your graduation is this Saturday!" I said as we headed into the kitchen. "Are you excited?"

"Are you kidding me?" Max replied. "I am ecstatic. I mean, I'm going to miss seeing Mateo and Alex every day, but Kenny and I are moving in together at the end of the month."

"Finally!" I replied with a grin.

"Tell me about it," Max said. "Kenny found a nice little condo for us and I am looking forward to starting the next step in our relationship."

I grabbed a beer out of the fridge for him and got another one for myself. He sat down on one of the chairs near the counter in the kitchen and I leaned on the one near the sink.

"I still can't believe you are graduating," I replied. "I'm so proud of you."

"Came a long way from that shy kid you first met, eh?" Max said with a smile.

"Oh, Bo and I knew you were perfect for the program," I said. "You just needed a little push. How has Alex worked out?"

"Not bad," Max replied. "He took a while to get into the groove and messed up a few times, but I did the same if you remember. I still remember that paddling Sir gave me when I was late."

I smiled.

"You never did that again."

"For damn sure," Max replied. "Mateo is still seeing Gabriel and I am pretty sure that he will be getting collared by him in three months."

"I'm really glad to hear that," I replied. "I haven't seen Mateo since right after I graduated."

"He stays busy," Max said.

"Well tell him I said hi and please let him know I would love to hang out again sometime," I said.

"Absolutely," Max replied. "He will be sucking down my last load this Saturday."

"Oh, that is right!" I replied. "You know I keep thinking of him as the cute newbie. He is all grown up and will be the new senior sub soon."

Max grinned.

"You would not recognize him now. He is so much more confident and sure of himself. He will make a great senior sub. Just like you were."

I blushed.

"Well, I counted myself lucky to have some great sub brothers to work with."

I heard the door open and Bo walked in. He came down the hall and when he saw Max he smiled.

"Max! Come give your sub brother a hug!"

Max got up and hurried over to him and embraced him and gave him a big kiss. He then came back over and sat down and Bo came around and gave me a hug and a kiss.

"I'm still not used to you being clothed," Max said to Bo.

Bo laughed as he unbuttoned his shirt and grabbed a beer.

"Being the Alpha in this house has its privileges."

I rolled my eyes and grabbed his waist from behind and reached around and bit his ear playfully. Bo jerked and shooed me away with a grin and then stood behind Max and rubbed his shoulders.

"How's the roast coming?" Bo asked.

"Should be ready shortly," I said.

"Ok, cool," Bo replied. "Let me get out of these work clothes and I will be right back."

As Bo walked off, Max looked over at me.

"So, how is life with him going? I haven't been over here in several months."

"Very good," I replied. "I could not be happier with him and I hope he never leaves."

"What about Sir Todd?" Max asked.

"Sir is our 'papa bear' in the house is the best way I could put it," I replied. "The world revolves around his care and needs and we love him to death, but Bo is my partner and my lover. Sir has tried dating a few people in the past few months, but he just has not found the right one for him."

"Would you both stay if he did find someone?" Max asked.

"I would hope so!" I replied. "I know Sir has mentioned that he would like to find someone that we could look after."

"I got ya," Max said. "I never was much into polyamory. I like to have one love interest in my life, and for me that is Kenny. Of course, I'm a whore and serve men all the time at Sir's, but you know what I mean."

I laughed.

"Yeah, I get you. We sure did get bred a lot serving under Sir John."

"You should have seen the pool party he had last month," Kenny said. "Six horny dominants and they wore us the fuck out. Poor Mateo's ass was gaping after Hugo fucked him three times in a row."

"Dear lord!" I replied. "That's like getting fisted! Hugo's cock is fucking huge!"

"I know," Max said. "I felt horrible for Mateo, but he took it like a champ."

I laughed.

"That boy always amazed me with his stamina."

Bo walked into the kitchen again. He had stripped down to his shorts and tank top and grabbed the beer he had opened and sat near Max.

"Now, that feels better," Bo said as he took a drink.

Max put his arm around Bo and leaned over and hugged him and then picked up his beer and they toasted each other. The doorbell rang soon after and I walked around to see who it was. When I looked through the peephole, I saw Kenny standing there and I let him inside.

"Hey, Sir," I replied. "How have you been?"

"Doing well!" Kenny said as he walked in.

Kenny reached down and squeezed my cage and smiled.

"Looking good as usual. Is my boy here?"

"He's in the kitchen, Sir," I replied.

Kenny walked around and when he saw Bo, he hurried over and hugged him from behind.

"Good to see you, Bo."

"You too," Bo replied with a smile.

Kenny kissed Max and then turned to me.

"Can I have a beer too?"

"Sure, Sir," I replied as I walked over to the fridge to grab him one.

We all sat around and talked for about fifteen minutes. Kenny was very excited to finally be moving in with Max and let us know about the place he found in Sandy Springs. It sounded like it was not too far from where Greg lived, a dominant that mentored me when I was in John's program. It was a two-bedroom condo and they would have room for guests or a playroom or both.

"I think you should do both," I replied.

The group laughed and Kenny walked over and put his arms around Max and leaned on him.

"So proud to put a permanent collar around this one in a few days. He's grown so much. I even proposed to him last weekend."

"Oh my gosh!" Bo replied as he stood up and came over to hug them. "Congrats!"

"That's a big step!" I replied.

Max smiled and grabbed Kenny's hand.

"Yeah, but I said yes immediately."

"Are you going to have a ceremony?" Bo asked.

"Nah, just going to go to the courthouse," Kenny replied. "We will take care of that after he has graduated and we have moved into the new place."

"Well, let us know when it is official and I am sure we can have a nice little private celebration."

"Will do," Kenny replied.

When the roast was finally ready, everyone moved into the dining room. We had a conversation about Max. It was Sir's rule that uncollared boys were not allowed on furniture, but exceptions had been made in the past and I told Max to sit at the table as I felt Sir would understand. As we dove into the meal, Max told us more about what they had been up to the past six months since I had graduated. He then told me about Kai, a new sub that they had met that was moving to Atlanta from San Francisco to take the place of Max.

"How did he hear about the program?" I asked.

"Through a friend of Sir's," Max said. "He seemed like a nice guy. Mateo, Alex, and I chatted with him for about thirty minutes over video. He's in the process of moving here this week and excited to embrace the sub lifestyle. I think he will be a great fit."

"That is awesome!" I replied.

"Well, I have been telling you about my life, what is going on around here?" Max asked. "Anything exciting?"

"Just pretty domestic stuff here, I am afraid," Bo said. "We will be heading down to the Florida Keys to stay at the vacation house next month for a week and then likely back there for New Year's. Sir has booked a cruise for us next summer."

"Oh, fun!" Kenny replied. "Where are you going?"

"It's the Tidal Wave Caribbean Bear Cruise," I replied. "We are going to Orlando the first week of June and then the cruise after. Should be a nice little vacation."

"I'm jealous," Max replied. "I've heard good things about Tidal Wave."

"Should be lots of guys to have fun with," I replied.

"And plenty for him to pleasure," Bo replied with a smile.

"And what about you?" Kenny asked. "I thought you were locked up too?"

"For that trip, I get to be unlocked the whole time," Bo replied. "But I won't be able to touch myself without Sir's permission. Should be an interesting vacation."

"It sounds like Todd is deprogramming you to me," Kenny said.

"Maybe," Bo replied. "I'm still a sub and he's our Sir, but I'm not as low on the totem pole anymore."

"How do you feel about that?" Max asked. "You worked so hard to move into permanent chastity."

"Sir and I talked about this for a long time," Bo replied. "I enjoy the service nature of being a sub, but as I have lived under his house and had more autonomy, I've come to embrace some switch streaks in me. I do enjoy being over Matt here. Todd mentioned that not everyone stays in one role their entire lives. You often evolve as you grow and become more experienced."

"You think you will ever give up chastity totally?" Kenny asked.

"Probably not," Bo said. "I'm still subby. But, who knows? I am still young."

"Tell me about it!" I replied with a grin.

"Oh, hush you," Bo replied. "You are only ten years older than Kenny and me. Don't let those white hairs go to your head."

I laughed and Max smiled at me.

"Those streaks in your beard do give you a daddy look, though. I have to admit. It is kind of hot."

I grinned and stroked my beard and winked at him.

"Thanks, bro."

Once we had finished dinner, Max and I cleaned up and Kenny went and sat in the living room to talk to Bo. I put some leftovers in the fridge for Sir and when we finished wiping down the countertops, we grabbed beers for everyone and returned to sit with them. Max took a spot on the floor in front of Kenny's feet and I went to the couch where Bo was and sat between his outstretched legs and leaned on his belly.

We had been talking for about thirty minutes before we heard Todd at the front door. Bo and I got up and walked over to the front hall and got on our knees to greet our Master. When he came in, he took his shoes off and rubbed our heads and after he walked by, we returned to the couch again.

"How was work, Sir?" I asked.

"Ugh, fucking long," Todd replied. "But we got done what we needed."

Todd grabbed a beer and came in to join us and he greeted Kenny and Max. Todd then took a seat in his favorite cushioned chair and looked over at me.

"Come rub my feet, boy."

I smiled and came over and sat cross-legged in front of him and placed his foot in my lap and took off his sock and brought it up to my nose and smelled it before putting it down to rub his soles.

Todd smiled and wiggled his toes.

"You are just the cutest scent pig I know."

Kenny smiled.

"He is that. Always loved having him in my pits breathing me in before I bred him or dumped a load down his gullet."

"Would you like me to reheat some food and bring it to you, Sir?" Bo asked.

"That would be lovely, boy," Todd replied.

Once Bo brought the food back and I had completed Todd's foot massage, we all talked for another couple of hours before it was getting late and Kenny and Max had to go. We all hugged and I gave Max an extra tight squeeze on his way out.

"I'm really proud of you, bro," I said.

"Thanks," Max replied with a grin.

After they had left, Todd yawned and scratched his chest.

"Matt, come back to the room with me. Bo, clean up in here and you can turn the lights out."

"Yes, Sir!" we replied.

I followed Todd back to his bedroom. He had a nice-sized master with a king-sized bed on a large wooden frame. To the left was a small sitting room with a couch and small table and to the right was the master bathroom. When I walked in, I knelt on the floor near the bed while Todd removed his clothes and went into the master bathroom to brush his teeth and prepare for bed. When he was done, he collapsed on the mattress and moved up, and propped his head and upper body on a few pillows.

"Come up here and suck on my cock, boy," Todd said.

I got up on the bed on my belly and moved over between his legs that he had stretched out and parted. Todd's balls were hanging low this evening and I felt the weight of the massive testicles inside. His cock hardened as I brought my mouth over and licked the sack and ran around the root of his shaft. As the blood rushed in and he engorged, I held onto him and moved my mouth up to take his cockhead into me. I ran my tongue around it and brought it back till it reached my throat.

Todd groaned and put his hands behind his head and closed his eyes. I had learned to read him over the past six months and knew when he was in this pose that he was relaxed and would be wanting a long blowjob. I took my time and moved slowly up and down on him till I began to taste his precum. I might have been biased, but I always thought he tasted the best of any man I had ever been with, including my boyfriend.

As I continued to work his shaft, spit began to run down the length of it and some collected on my hand. I ran it back up and jacked the bottom part of his cock as I moved my head back and forth and applied some pressure. Todd began to groan and he moved one hand down to play with his nipple.

I spat on my finger and got it lubricated and ran it under his balls and in between his hairy ass. Sir did not bottom, but he was putty in my hand when I had my finger in his ass and reached his prostate. As my finger pushed inside and I felt the bulbous organ inside, I began to rub it and Todd moaned loudly and precum spurted into my mouth. His legs began to move and he brought them up to give me better access inside.

As I moved in circles gently around his prostate, I stroked his lower shaft with my other hand and applied suction with my mouth. Todd opened his eyes and bit his lip. As his deep blue orbs looked directly at mine I could see the pleasure he was feeling. He grunted and I applied more suction and stimulation and felt his ass clench down on my finger.

He opened his mouth and groaned loudly and I felt the cum pour out of his cock. I let it collect inside my mouth and tasted the salty nectar from my sexy master. It took him a while to finally quit pulsing and while he came down from his orgasm, his legs shook and his toes clenched. When he finally relaxed, I came off him and swallowed his cum, and moaned.

"Thank you for giving me your load, Sir," I replied.

Todd smiled and reached out his hands and beckoned me. I moved up to him and he embraced me and kissed me. When I moved back, he rubbed my face.

"Thank you sexy, boy. Why don't you go and grab the harness and fuck Bo tonight? I think he needs a load drained out of him."

"Yes, Sir," I said with a smile as I got up.

I quickly grabbed his shaft and sucked some remaining cum out of him before standing and waving at him and leaving the room. As I walked down the hall, I saw Bo sitting in bed, naked and reading something on his tablet.

"I heard Todd groan," Bo replied. "Did you get a nice load out of him?"

"I did," I replied. "He says I am to fuck you now."

"Oh, he did, did he?" Bo replied with a smile.

"Yup, he wants your balls drained," I replied.

Bo grinned and opened the drawer of the table next to our bed and handed me the harness and strap on. It fit around my waist and the dildo in the shape of Todd's cock rested on my groin above my caged nub. I crawled into bed and Bo rolled onto his belly and placed a towel from the nightstand under his cage. I lubed up the dildo and then pointed it at his ass and pushed it inside him.

Bo groaned as I pushed the soft molded cock deep. I was still learning his pleasure spots even after all this time. Using a dildo was a tricky thing. It would probably have been easier if I was using my hard nub to penetrate him. But that was not available. In fact, I had never been inside him with my own equipment.

I felt the harness push against my groin as I bottomed out inside him and I moved back and forth and rubbed his lower back. Bo groaned and put his head into the pillow and his feet arched back and stretched.

"Does that feel good, baby?"

"Keep doing what you are doing," Bo said. "You have the perfect angle right now."

I smiled and continued to thrust Todd's replica cock inside him and I watched as it moved back and forth. His ass clenched on a few occasions as he applied pressure to it as it ran inside him and over his g-spot.

"Oh, baby, I am so close," Bo said.

"Cum for me, Bo," I replied softly as I leaned over him and continued to thrust. "Drain those balls."

Bo moaned and he grabbed the pillow. He panted and I felt his legs tense up. As I continued to thrust, his ass clenched the dildo a few times and then he reached back and put his hand on my ass. He was breathing heavily.

"I came babe," Bo said. "Please pull out and let me catch my breath."

As I extracted the dildo, I got off the bed and Bo rolled over. I looked down and saw the massive load he had shot over his cage and into the towel. I smiled and took the harness off and leaned in and ran my tongue between the bars and tasted him and swallowed what I could. Bo closed his eyes and moaned as I touched his sensitive nub. I rubbed his balls and sucked out a few remaining spurts of cum before he reached down and caressed my head.

I looked up at him and he had this glow about him. It had been about two weeks since he last came and I knew that he needed it badly. Bo threw the cummy towel on the floor and I moved to lay down next to him. He pulled me close and began to kiss me. He wrapped his legs around me and our cages met as we rolled around and made out.

"I love you, baby," Bo said.

"I love you too," I replied.

Next: Chapter 2

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