Todds Bitch

By Miss Victoria

Published on Oct 19, 2011


What a day I had! Todd pissed on me at school in the boys john, and then my mom brought me clothes and took me home from school, albeit in a fresh new pair of strange panties and some ridiculously tight clothes that made me look really fruity! She seemed to take delight in my predicament, and led the school nurse to believe I am some kind of boy to girl trans person or other, and that I wanted attention or something. It was really humiliating but it still made me so horned up I jacked off in the nurses office and shot the biggest load ever! I never shot off in front of anyone before, let alone my mother and the school nurse. I try not to think about that part.

Yeah I do like to dress up like a girl, and since I gave Todd those blow jobs and he fucked me I don't know what I am anymore. Am I gay, am I bi? What if I'm really a girl inside, then its perfectly normal for me to want to be with a guy, right? That's what my mom has been telling me, that I'm really a girl. I don't like to over analyze it. Yeah, I liked it, liked doing what he wanted, sucking his cock and feeling him fuck me, and I guess I care about him, too.

So after we left school she told me she had some stops to make, and to be on my best behavior. I really didn't want dad knowing about this whole being pissed on thing, and getting caught shooting my load in the nurses office, so I went along, thinking she probably wanted to stop for groceries or at the drug store. I didn't say much, neither did she, but she was humming constantly, she seemed to be in a good mood thankfully. She can be a real trip, believe me!

Imagine my surprise when she drove downtown and parked right in front of Andre's Foundations! Mom did a lot of business there, and has dragged me there before. While she goes into the ladies only area to change I usually wander around, looking at all the pretty things, bras, girdle, panties, camisoles...I like to feel the fabric as I walk around, discreetly of course. Can't let that weird owner Mr. Andre catch me. Mom says he's a married man, with three daughters.."All have perfect posture, unlike you, pumpkin" she says. Anyway he's kind of different, really attentive to the ladies in his silky suit, he always watches me though. He's tall and rather slim I guess, a good dresser. Mother says he's debonair, whatever that means.

Mr. Andre smiled slyly when he saw young Brandon fondling his merchandise. Another sissy boy, it would seem. He'd seem a number of them in his career, but none with such a domineering mother. He had been observing this one for some time. He thought that this one had potential. There was a natural femininity in Brandon, he was soft, pudgy, submissive. He felt his cock stir as he watched the young man bend over to caress an ivory colored slip with lace embellishments and spaghetti strips. He delighted in the choice and color of the garment Brandon couldn't keep from touching. It was feminine, something a lovely woman would find appealing. Oh yes, this sissy had promise!

So I was casually petting this silk full slip, it was the most delicate cream color and so silky, very pretty, with plenty of lace and I looked over to see Mr. Andre standing next to his counter watching me intently. I could see one of his hands was in his pocket and he appeared to be fiddling with himself, I could see he was pretty hard. He caught me looking, I blushed and turned the other way. I heard him chuckle. Just then, mother strode in from the changing area, no mans land, wearing a black body shaper, her thigh high stockings, and her heels. You may think this is kind of weird but I see her walking around in this kind of thing all the time at home. Her boobs were like pointed straight out, and her tummy was pulled in. The garment was very flattering I thought, and she posed in the store before the mirror, right in front of me.

"What do you think, Brandy? Isn't this pretty? Does it make me look slimmer"

Brandy? God, was everyone going to start calling me that?

"My name is Brandon, mother...and yeah, it's nice, I guess."

Mother just laughed at me objecting to being called a girls name. Mr. Andre chuckled with her, like it was a personal joke.

"You see darling, that a proper foundation garment is the key to civilized living! Let the lower classes bulge here and there, lumpy and disgraceful, women of breeding know the importance of having her flesh distributed in all the right places. Oh, Mr. Andre I do love it, I think I'll wear it home!"

"Very good, Ma' does flatter your figure and enhance your bust...and now for the "other matter"?"

"Oh yes indeed, my little girl here needs a full set of lingerie...I've waited for this day for so long!"

"Mom! Please!"

"Now now sweetheart, you agreed no fussing...go along with Mr. Andre so he can fit you properly for corseting. Mummy knows what her little girl likes, after all I have your semen stains all over my most delicate lingerie, mother knows your favorites, after all I do the laundry, at least for now I do that is!"

"Madame I've already assemble a lovely selection of lingerie and shape wear for our little princess based on your recommendations and suggestions! As you directed all in the prettiest pastels and the silkiest fabrics. All sissy boys love silky things against their soft flesh, caressing them, reinforcing their feelings of male insecurity."

"Delightful, and hoe perceptive you are Mr. Andre! Brandon, you go along with Mr. Andre while I shop...I'll just slip on a pretty robe in case someone walks in. Ooh, here's a pretty one...and on sale, too! Do you get many men in here, Mr. Andre?"

"More than you might think, Barbara...if you don't mind me calling you Barbara...and please do call me Morris. Some men come in buying "presents" for their wives, which we know is typically a ruse for a closeted cross dresser who can't wait to get home and be his real self, probably masturbating pathetically all over the fine lingerie I've just sold him. Then there are the sneaky ones, like your son here...casually fondling our merchandise, dreaming, yet too cowardly to make a purchase. We even have some wives bring in their feminized husbands for merchandise. Men are such weaklings if they possess the "lingerie gene", and a good number do. Some husbands are actually controlled by chastity devices, and the keys are held by their wives, who control them!"

I blushed profusely and held my head down. I just couldn't say anything.

"Mr. Andre..I mean Morris, as I told you by phone my little one here is a secret cross dresser, a bloom waiting to be opened. She's even got a boyfriend now, a rather dominant young black friend of hers has staked ownership but she's not respected...and how could my little dear impress anyone looking as she does...?"

"Brandy if a man is to respect you, you must earn it. I doubt your friends would urinate on a real girl, would they?"

I just shook my head, and sucked on my thumb, something I've done since a child when I was extremely uncomfortable or insecure.

"Oh my, you mean to tell me the young man urinates on your son? How degrading!"

"Oh yes, Morris. It's all a mother can bear, having to take dry panties and clothes to him at school, the shame of being seen with him carrying a big of pissy male garments!"

"Well come along with me, son...we'll outfit you properly, and you can model for your mother so she can make her buying decisions. You're a very lucky little sissy, you know that?"

I was so shocked I didn't know what to do, I let him take my hand and guide me behind the burgundy colored curtain to the private ladies area, where they change and pose. I could barely breathe.

It was a different world back there, all in shades of pink! The walls were pink flocked wallpaper and there were several makeup stations with crystal light fixtures. It smelled...of what? Poppies? Lavender? I don't know but it was enough to make you swoon! There were several red tufted velour fainting couches, and racks of lingerie as well as a rack where I saw my mother's clothes hanging..

"Now, darling one..lets get you undressed. Mr. Andre is in charge now."

I was zombie like, knowing I should stop this but not wanting to, and I allowed Mr. Andre to undress me. First my shirt, then my pants exposing me in just the tight panties mother brought to school.

"Panties, too.. princess...I need to size you!"

With that he knelt before me and pulled slowly on my panties until my little boner popped free, right in front of his face!

""Hmm...what's this? It looks like a penis, only smaller!"

Mr. Andre's laughter cut me to the core. I felt defeated.

I didn't respond to his comment, I just kept my head down as he pushed my panties to the floor and asked me to step clear of them.

He then took a yellow cloth tape measure and had me pose in different positions while he measured me and took notes. He would snicker at some of the measurements, or go "hmm". He told me to bend over and he felt the need to put the tape measure right up to my pink boihole and then run it to the tips of my toes, for some unknown reason. He did this for each leg, and the second time he did it he actually slipped a finger into my hole, which made me shudder.

With the first thrust of his fingers I reacted, jerking a bit, intending to stand up, to pull away from this man who was fingering me, but I stopped. It felt good. I liked it, liked having a man play with my hole like that! He inserted a second finger and proceeded to open me up. He chuckled when I moaned, giving away my true desires, and I opened my boi hole up to him, wanting more!

"Mr. Andre please, is this necessary?"

"You have a beautiful little pussy, it opens up for a man just like a delicate rose."

I moaned and went a bit limp.

He gently patted my bottom and I felt a soft kiss on my bare cheek, then movement and he told me to stand erect. He stood behind me, pressing against my bottom, and measured across my chest, teasing my nipples.

"Well, look at the puffy boy breasts you have sonny, they're lovely! I must say overall as your mother suggested, your body is quite unmanly. I would say its decidedly feminine!"

"What if I don't want it to be unmanly, Mr. Andre?"

"Well I think you know, deep inside you, that you're more girl than boy, is Brandy, isn't it? I always try to remember the girly names you sissies call yourselves. It's good for your self esteem of course. You're quite lucky, I must say, to have such an understanding and lovely mother. She's always been such a wonderful customer. I'm proud to say I supply her shape wear! I've dressed her, and now I'll dress her daughter, ah it makes a man proud, proud of his work and his industry!"

"Mr. Andre, please..I need your help, man to man..."

"I'm sorry Brandy but I don't provide sexual release to my clients, not the male ones anyway. I'm not a homosexual."

"That's not what I meant Sir..."

"Brandy I've decided you're a perfect candidate for shaping! You're already a bit soft, you really are quite attractive to a man like me, you're like a pudgy niece that I've always wanted to fuck! And pudgy girls can become quite statuesque!"

I noticed Mr. Andre was sporting quite a large erection. Despite what he was saying to me, the condescending way he was speaking to me, I was bone hard again in his presence. It's not that I found him attractive, I didn't. But he was a man, a man with an erection and I felt somehow obligated to pleasure him. He interrupted me before I silently succumbed to my shame, because I was imagining myself dropping to my knees before him.

"I do believe those panties are a size too big for you dear, there's too much room for that pesty little clitty of yours to pop up! Not to worry, Mr. Andre can do wonders!"

I covered my shame, holding my hands in front of my poor little willy. It looks even smaller now that I've been shaved. Mr. Andre went over to a rack, moving the plastic hangers on the metal clothes rod, making a screeching sound as he searched for an appropriate pair of panties for me to wear.

"Ah, here it is...the perfect panty for a perfect little sissy!"

They were the prettiest shade of gold, but seemed to be of heavy material. Like a girdle...yeah, I've tried a few of them on from my mom's stuff. My little prick started to bone up, I couldn't help it!

Mr. Andre dropped to his knees before me and slapped my erection, hard!

"Now now, little girls don't have erections! That's why you're being fitted into nice tight panties! Let's try a size six, princess. Of course these panties are of very high quality, the finest fabrics, modeled after space age technology for both comfort and beauty."

Hmm, that was something! I imagined the astronauts walking on the moon in tight spandex girdles for just a moment, and giggled. Mr. Andre pulled them up my legs until they firmly encased my equipment. They were so tight they made my little balls hurt the way they smashed everything flat!

The panties were so tight, and I felt so flat and vulnerable in them! I swear I squealed like a little girl, something Mr. Andre took quick note of!

"How girly you are, dear...this is so much fun!"

There it was again, teasing me, toying with my deepest submissive desires. I saw Mr. Andre stand up and I could see his erection pushing against the shiny material of his suit pants. It was hard to miss it was so obvious, stretching down his right leg, I could even see it bouncing and growing under the shiny luxurious fabric of his slacks!

Mr. Andre then went to the rack, leaving me standing there in the tight panties. I could see my reflection in a mirror and what I saw was a very soft, chubby boy, with smallish breast mass and tight panties showing a flat front. I really took a good look at me, and saw why real boys think of me as a girl or a queer. My ass looked hot, it was really round and pronounced, like the hotter girls at school. I was soft, girly, vulnerable.

He turned around and strode over to me with an amazing corset of satin and lace. It looked quite elaborate and was the most beautiful color of lavender. It had attaching garter straps like the belts my mother had (and I secretly modeled) and there were long laces dangling from it. It was amazing, so girly!

"Ah I see your eyes light up, and why shouldn't they? This girdle is of the finest quality and will not only give you a lovely silhouette, it will give you proper posture, and stop you form that annoying male slouching so many of you teens seem to favor. Let's slip it on, shall we?"

My eyes were alive as Mr. Andre brought the garment closer to me, enrapturing me.

"Panties off, princess!"

"What? Why? I just put them on!"

"As you'll learn soon enough, most girls wear their panties over their corsets or garter straps. You may wish to drop them easily, to accommodate a penis...and if the panties are on top they will be easier to remove without undoing your garter straps. You must learn these things my dear! Now drop your pretties!"

I removed the panties and was once again quite naked in the presence of the preening lingerie salesman.

I put my hand on his shoulder to steady myself as I stepped into the girdle. When both of my legs were inside it Mr. Andre began to pull it up. It was a tight fit and he tugged a bit from the front and of course the back. It pulled up over my bottom and boy parts, which were totally engorged and driving me crazy, and he continued to tug as I kept my arms up and took a deep breath.

I thought it was tight at this point, but then he started to yank at the laces and it really tightened up then! It was cut so that the top of it rose just under my chest, and with each pull of the laces more and more flesh pushed up and out, making it look like I had girly breasts. It was crazy, they were bulging out, not a lot, but more than I imagined for sure. I don't know why, but as he tightened I held both of my newly formed breasts, one in each and then realized how girlish I was acting and dropped my hands to my sides.

It was at that moment that we heard mother call out from the main part of the store.

"Morris? Morris, how is the fitting going? Is Brandy behaving?"

"Oh yes Barbara, she's a delight....Brandy is coming along nicely, I think you'll be pleased with the results!"

"Wonderful, I've been picking out all kinds of pretty things for my new daughter! Oh, this is like Christmas!"

Mr. Andre returned his attention to me.

"Darling boy, there is a new pair of sheer stockings there at the vanity, put them on, won't you?"

I walked over to them, noting the difficulty in bending in the super tight corset, and sat on the vanity stool. It was difficult to sit, but I managed to bunch up the stockings, one by one, and pull them up my smooth legs. They felt amazing, by the way...oh my!

I attached them to the garter straps seductively dangling from the lavender corset. It wasn't difficult, I had done it private, in secret, being ashamed, ashamed that I was deep down a sissy, a sissy who liked to dress up like a girl.

"Beautifully done, my dear! I see you've done that before!"

When I looked up from admiring my pretty legs, I saw Mr. Andre holding his erect penis in his hand. His pants were unzipped and it was big, really big. I looked a his cock, then up at his face, then back down to his cock again.

I licked my lips.

He walked up to me and I took it in my mouth! I didn't think about it, about whether I should do it or not, it was instinct. Mr. Andre began thrusting it in and out of my mouth and I felt at peace, like it was the most natural thing in the world to suck this strange mans cock, but truthfully what he was doing was fucking my face, the way Todd does. Guys like to fuck I guess, and a hot hole is a hot hole! I thought you know, I've never fucked a hole myself...and as I desperately tried to lick the cock with my tongue as it thrust in and out of me, I somehow knew I never would. It made me shake a little and I choked on the big dick. Seriously, it was like ten inches and had a big head, and the ridge around the head was bigger than the shaft. It was really pretty amazing!

He pulled it out suddenly and took my hands in his, pulling me up to face him.

He pulled me close and I felt him maneuver me into a position where his erection fell between my legs, rubbing up against my much smaller boy clit. He leaned in and I thought, oh no...he was going to kiss me...and he did!

I just relaxed in his arms and allowed his tongue to enter my mouth, it was wild. I was a bit faint and glad his strong hands were supporting me. I felt so small with him, so inferior if that makes sense. He kissed me softly on the lips, then he pushed his tongue inside my mouth. I moaned and melted., and wondered how many other girls he'd kissed?

Other girls? Hmm...did I just think that?

While I was confused and gasping, his tongue inside my mouth, I felt something unusual...wetness...coolness...then two fingers entered my boipussy. You know the only fucking I'd ever received was from Todd, and it wasn't exactly with affection and tenderness. The way Mr. Andre treated me was intoxicating, he was forceful, but knew what I needed , he actually wanted me and he was pressing all the right buttons!

He gently turned me around and kissed my neck. From behind me, still standing, he put his arm around me and gently rubbed my chest, all puffed out with excess skin by the tight corset. I felt Mr. Andre's cock nestle between my cheeks, and it was incredibly hard. I began to grind against it a bit, liking the way it felt between my legs. Mr. Andre quietly rubbed me that way as he kissed up my neck and he lifted my mop of hair and kissed me behind the ears which made me giggle. He whispered to me.

"I love your girlish breasts,'ve got Mr. Andre all horny now, you little minx! I'm going to make love to your little pussy now Brandy, with your mother right on the other side of that curtain. You'll be very quiet when I sink into you darling, so that you don't draw her attention. I know you want it, you need it! Now bend over for me darling, bend over the bench at the vanity table and spread open your pussy for me!"

I was silent. He was in charge and I did want it as bad as he did. My own little cock was dripping as I bent over the bench and spread my legs wide for the man to enter me. I tried to open my hole for him. I looked up to see my reflection in the mirror, the back half of my anyway. The corset was very tight and framed my white cheeks beautifully. The garter straps were stretched taught, attached to sheer stockings. My bottom looked hot, framed in the straps like that, shaved wonder Mr. Andre wanted to make love to me! I watched him scoot behind me, apply a handful of some kind of lube to his big cock, and he pushed into the opening!

It hurt, God it hurt! I grit my teeth and pushed out, wanting it, wanting to please him...and I was rewarded with six inches of man meat firmly planted in my teen cunt. Mr. Andre seemed content with six inches inside, and started to fuck me. He was very clever about it...short jabs, then pulling out almost all the way and burying it, getting another half or quarter inch with each deep thrust. He was a master fucker, very attune to the hole servicing him, and he worked my pussy like a violin!

It was weird, I wasn't a victim, I was a willing partner. I wanted it, I needed it...needed to be feminine on the outside, and feeling feminine on the inside and have a man fuck me like this, to teach me what fucking can be!

After about six or seven minutes he grunted and shot his seed inside me. I came myself, all over the place. I felt amazing, but then he pulled out and I felt empty. I just laid there, feeling content but wondering when again I could get my pussy fucked. Mr. Andre got up, grabbed a makeup towel and wiped off his cock, then walked up behind me and gently wiped my sticky hole. I got up, a bit shaky, and I blushed when I looked into his face.

"Thank you, Mr. Andre!"

"For what, kitten?"

Just then mother barged in. The room must have smelled of male sex, but she just smirked and carried on.

"Oh Brandy, I do love that corset on you! Look what it does for your boobies!"

With that she strode right up to me and pinched my nipples and the exposed breast area, to my embarrassment!

"Mother! Please!"

She just laughed.

"Morris we will take the girdle of course, because it does wonders for her figure, and of course since I see my little darling has soiled it with her sissy goo. Honestly she's just so juicy at this age. I do believe Brandy will wear the corset and stockings home, of course she'll definitely need some panties...I've found the prettiest pair in the store that would be just divine with the lavender of that corset. What size is she?"

"I found that a size six is tight enough to rein in that pesky little penis of hers, Barbara!"

"Very well, I'll make my selection and return so the poor dear can be pantied properly."

When she left I looked up into Mr. Andre's eyes. What I saw was a man excited by my presence, and I felt kind of submissive I guess. He winked back at me.

"Brandy I'm going to insist you wear a tampon until you get home. I must have shot a gallon of cum up your hole darling and you don't want to soil a brand new pair of panties. Turn around dear, and bend over, grab your ankles!"

I just did it, I don't know why, I guess I just have this voice inside me telling me to obey.

"When you work with women, there's always tampons laying around. Well, let's push it in there. Think of it as your first period, honey. When you get home and in the bathroom, squat, pull it out by the string, and jump on the potty so you can empty yourself. Ooh, look at that, your hole is so stretched it went in without any fuss! There, all protected while you're on the rag, so to speak!"

He slapped my bottom and I squeaked. I stood up just in time for my mother to return to the room with the prettiest pair of lavender panties I'd ever seen....they were mostly sheer, and had a silk ribbon right in the middle of the waistband. The color matched my new corset beautifully and I was eager to pull them up legs and into place, and hoped she didn't see the tampon string hanging from my freshly fucked hole!

" Come along pumpkin, mother has picked out something pretty for you to wear home. Many thanks Mr. Andre, you're a master at making a girl feel shapely...we'll be back soon!"

Mother took my hand and led me through the curtain. I didn't even notice there were a few other women about, shopping. I just followed, obeyed and followed, hoping that the tampon pushed up inside me would effectively contain Mr. Andre's semen until I could get home!

Mr. Andre peeked out from the dressing room to see the poor sissy led around the store by his domineering mother. He pretended to be miserable of course, that was to be expected. The sissy was poorly endowed of course, probably quite testosterone deficient, but an erection could be clearly detected through the silky lavender panties. Yes indeed, Brandy showed much promise. His body safely hidden by the dressing room curtain, he rubbed his cock through his suit pants. Yes, he was hard again. What man wouldn't be?

Next: Chapter 7

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