Todds Bitch

By Miss Victoria

Published on Oct 1, 2011


I felt like such a skank going to school in sticky panties, but Todd was acting so weird I was afraid to push things and see what might happen. He told me I'm his bitch, and to wear his sister's panties to school today, and that's that. The more I think about it the more it wierds me out, so I just charged ahead with my day. When I got to school and around the other kids I felt different, like they were staring at me, like they knew what I had on under my jeans, oh, and that Todd made me shave off my legs, ass and pubes. That feels really weird by the way...embarassing of course but somehow it made my little cock hard and I was painfully aware of the hard on I was displaying. That only made me more self conscious.

I found it was hard to look other kids in the eye, especially the guys, so I just kind of looked down, avoiding eye contact. I got to my locker, got rid of my jacket, stashed my lunch...yes, mother does still pack me a lunch...grabbed a few textbooks and went off to find Todd to BS a little before first period. I found him hanging around by the shop class area, talking to these dudes I never really liked. There was something about them, they were punks, criminals even, and I didn't like Todd hanging around them, and he knew it too. I walked over, looking into Todd's face, seeing that smirk of his. I nodded to the guys and they grunted.

"So Brandy, what's up?"

"Nothing Todd, and please don't call me Brandy."

"So, you wanna tell the guys what we did this weekend?"

"Fuck you, Todd!"

The guys just snickered. There were three of them – McManus, Bones and Garcia. They were always together, usually stoned, cutting class, hassling the girls, causing mayhem. McManus was the brains of this group so to speak, a big, ignorant bastard with crazy wild brown hair. Bones as you might expect is super tall, and super skinny, kind of an ugly guy, with a nasty mouth and a reputation for kicking ass. Garcia is this tough little Mexican guy who kind of acts like an enforcer, it doesn't seem like he has brains for much else. He's super good looking though, short and really built, a very handsome face. The girls are all over this guy.

When Todd got around these guys he always tried to act cooler than he was, to try to fit in. I think he also got weed from them but I wasn't sure. In the past they liked to make fun of me, saying I wasn't very tough, but Todd stood up for me, he's always been such a pal.

They were talking some bull shit, nothing really, bitching about the teachers and the stuck up girls who wouldn't go out with them, much less put out. I guess I should have been paying more attention but I found myself looking back and forth across their bods and especially their crotches, trying to decide who had the biggest cock. It was tough to tell, I've seen Garcia nude in gym, he's kinda short dicked but really fat, and really hairy, uncut like Todd is.

God, what a fag I've become! I got kinda embarassed and blushed, and told them I had to get to class, just to get away from them. Todd told me to meet him in the 2nd floor boys toilet between first and second hour. I nodded, and went off to class. I had to get away from those guys and thinking the nasty thoughts that were going through my mind. I'm really a nice guy, I don't know what's wrong with me!

My first hour was dull, really dull. The teacher, this liberal pain in the ass who makes us call him "Brian" and not Mr. Withers was blathering on about the voting bill of rights or some damn thing. I was distracted. Across the room, with a small army of her girlfriends, sat Mia, Todd's sister. I was so uncomfortable sitting there, wondering what she'd think if she knew I was sitting here wearing her panties under my jeans. I squirmed around a lot and my cock was so hard I thought it would spurt right there in class. I looked at her makeup, and especially the white girls she hung with. Melody Thompson looked hot, I liked her pink cheeks and especially the bubble gum pink lipstick she was wearing. Her denim skirt was really short, and she had on this really pretty baby doll styled gauzy top in blues and greens. She looked hot. But unlike other adolescent boys I didn't look at her wondering about fucking her, I was wondering how I would look in that outfit! Fag!

Class ended finally and I went to meet Todd in the boys room. It was deserted, so I walked up to a urinal, pulled aside the pretty panties I was wearing, and aimed my little pecker at the urinal. I started to let loose when Todd walked in, strode up next to me, and pulled out his cock.

I looked at it, couldn't help it. It seemed kinda hard, the foreskin was pulled back a bit from the head.

"I didn't like the way you talked to me in front of the guys, Brandy!"

I looked at him.

"Don't you look a real man in the eye again, faggot Brandy. You hear me?"

"Yeah Todd, I hear you."

I shrugged and was about finished peeing. I kept my eyes down.

"Look at that pathetic little white dick of yours, dribbling. You haven't got a man's cock like mine, do you, Brandy?

I gulped.

"No, Todd I guess not."

"Get down on your knees!"

"What, here in the john?"

"Yeah, there's nobody here. If that door opens you'd better jump up though, queer. Do!"

I put my cock away, zipped, and quickly dropped to my knees there in the john, being careful to not look up at him.

"Open your mouth, sissy!"

So he wanted me to lick his cock a little between classes. I could do that! It would be quick and I'd be outta here...

I opened my mouth and watched him aim his big black cock at my mouth. God it was juicy and attractive to me! He stepped forward so that he was almost in my mouth and then it happened...the unthinkable!

The bastard pissed in my mouth!

"What the fuck?"

Todd grabbed my head and forced a few inches of his cock inside, making me get a mouthful. I gagged, and a bunch of his hot piss spurt out of his mouth and ran down my face and onto my clothes! I pulled my head way and told him to knock it off, but he laughed and let loose with a huge stream of piss that he aimed down my face, my chest and right at my crotch, soaking me!

Have you ever tasted piss? It's kinda gross, hot and relentless when it starts. I guess I swallowed some, but as his piss wet me and marked me it made me shake a little, and shiver. I jumped out of the way and he laughed at me.

"You're my bitch Brandy and you'll do as I you understand?"

I nodded a few times, stunned and soaking, totally humiliated.

"What if someone sees me Todd?"

"That's your problem faggot. I own you, and when I tell you to do something you'd better do it."

With that Todd put away his big cock, zipped and left, leaving me standing there in a puddle of his piss. As soon as he left I ran into a stall, just before some freshmen boys came in. Right away they could tell there was piss all over the floor and they were laughing about it.

I sat there in the stall, my pants down on the toilet and thought about what to do. I heard the bells ring for second period and stayed put. I started to cry and held myself, prying for the piss to dry and for this ordeal to be over.

I heard the door open and then one of the janitors came in, pushing a bucket and a mop. It was the old black guy, and he started muttering about these stupid kids and their games, making all kinds of work for him. He mopped up the piss and knocked on my stall door.

"You all right in there, I heard you sniveling!"

"Yes, I'm Ok I guess..."

"Open the door!"

I did it and sat back down on the toilet. The janitor looked at me, covered in piss, and saw my pants down, my shaved legs and the silky panties down around my ankles.

"What we got here, a sissy slut?

I couldn't answer, I just sobbed. He walked into the stall, unzipped his gray pants, and pulled out this incredibly long black cock of his. I was mesmerized! He stroked it once and then put it up to my lips. I looked at him, saw his commanding assured smile, knowing what I would do.

I sucked it, sucked it through my tears. It was kind of sweaty smelling and thickly veined. I tried to get more than five inches into my mouth but that was it, it was so friggin thick! The bastard had another six inches of cock left to feed me with! I got into a nice rythym, forgetting what happened to me for a few minutes. All I could think about was his cock in my mouth, and making a man feel good. I felt at peace somehow, calm and fulfilled with a cock in my mouth It wasn't long before he grunted and fed me his load. I drank it all down like a greedy cum slut and when he was finished he pulled out of my mouth, wiped his sticky cock on the remaining dry spot on my shirt, and tucked it away.

"This is our secret, sissy slut. Otherwise everybody knows you're a panty wearer and a piss slut. Get yourself buttoned up and I'll take you to the nurse."

Thank God it was during class and the halls were empty. I walked the walk of shame with him, pushing his loud metal bucket, down the halls and to the nurses office. Every time the noisy wheels squeaked I feared someone would be drawn to the sound and see me being marched off, covered in piss. He turned me over to her, and she just looked me up and down and shook her head.

"Would you like to call your mommy, sweetheart...for a change of clothes?"

"Yes please, nurse."

I called mother and asked her to bring some clothes to skill, that I had accidentally gotten wet. She was actually quite nice about it and told me to wait patiently for her and to do what the nurse suggested.

Nurse asked me to disrobe,and she placed my wet clothes into a plastic trash bag. I balked at stripping before her but she assured me she was a medical professional as well as a grandmother, and had seen many naked boys before. She smiled when she saw me drop the panties.

"Darling, did someone urinate all over you, or is this your waste?"

"Umm, no its mine."

"Oh, a piss freak then? Oh well, I've seen it before of course. Please the future do perform this deviate behavior elsewhere though, at your home or outdoors, not in a public school, won't you dear? We don't want your little behavioral problems interfering with a youngster's education, and of course our janitorial staff has more to do than follow you around and clean up your puddles!"

The nurse examined me, taking note of the fact my penis jumped when she handled it, measuring it for some reason, seeming to take delight in its smallness, and the smallness of my scrotum.

"It's darling young man, absolutely darling! I see you haven't grown body hair yet, perhaps you are underdeveloped. Have you seen a doctor?"

God, this was embarassing, but why was my cock hard? Stupid thing has a mind of its own, I swear!

"No nurse, I shaved it all off. There wasn't much though."

"I''m not surprised!"

I hung my head in shame as she handed me a towel.

"You may want to wash up a bit over at the sink, and wrap this towel around yourself when your finished and wait for your poor mother. It will make you feel less...vulnerable!"

I wrapped the tool around my waist and laid back on the table in the cubicle. The nurse had pulled the simple cotton sheet hanging from the ceiling closed to give me privacy. I relaxed and actually took a little nap, waiting for mother.

I was awakened by the sound of mother conversing with the nurse. I was still a bit groggy but I did hear most of it. I said nothing, just cowered in the room under a towel like a coward.

"I do apologize for my son, see he's having emotional problems."

"Really? Of what sort?"

"Well you see he's transitioning. For years now he's been more girl than boy, and dressing up in my clothes. But it's just gotten impossible to ignore! Do call me Barbara, won't you? It helps to have the perspective of a nurse."

"Well Barbara...I'll do what I can, of course the ultimate goal is to educate your son and we are always concerned about our student's well being, but we can't have our students urinating on themselves at school, it's quite unacceptable!"

"What's a mother to do? Did you notice how underdeveloped my little baby is? I must tell you his father and I had to consider reassignment surgery when he was just a baby...his little penis barely popped out from his body...and I SO wanted a girl!

"Well Barbara I did measure his penis and I must tell you he is in the 6th percentile."

"What does that mean?"

"Well it means 94% of the boys in his age group have larger penises! It's the smallest I've ever seen! It's darling though, especially shaved the way it is. You do know Brandon is shaving off all of his body hair, don't you?"

"Yes nurse, he's done that for years! He's had an incredible fear of manly body hair ever since he was've no idea what I've been dealing with!"

"How so?"

"Can you imagine your beautiful little son coming crying to you, pointing out an errant body hair growing from above his genitals...begging me to make it go away?"

"You poor thing! And what did you do, chastise him for being such a sissy? Encourage him to become a real man?"

"Heavens no, nurse! Mommy was right there with a pair of tweezers to pull out every nasty male hair that bothered him. What I won't do for my little sissy!"

"That's really quite understanding of you. A bit indulgent perhaps. The urination display must be some form of acting out, crying for help..."

What lies! I had hair up til the weekend, and I sure as hell never talked about this with my mother! Why was she doing this? I clenched my fist, I got all red, and my cock was hard as a rock! I undid the towel and began to jack off as they talked, I couldn't help it!

Sissy ...stroke

6th percentile....stroke stroke

janitor used me like a fuck hole...

urination displays....oh god, why was I so horned up? I was going to spurt, right there behind the cotton curtain as mother and the nurse discussed my shortcomings, both true and untrue!

As the first spurts shot up my chest, hitting me in the face, the nurse pulled back the cotton curtain! They were aghast to see me there, nude, ejaculating my cum all over the place. Mother stood there, a pile of folded clothes in her hand, a sly smile on her face!

"And you can see he's a constant masturbator!"

I grabbed the towel and covered up quickly, drying off the cum that was all over my chesty, arm and hand. The nurse pulled the curtain back around, disgusted, leaving my and mother alone.

"Darling here's a change of clothes for you. I understand you had a little accident. Now please clean up all of that inferior sperm and get dressed. I've decided to take you home considering the circumstances."

I quietly grabbed the clothes from her, surprised to see a pair of bright pink panties in the pile, along with a clean pair of jeans and a t shirt that was way to tight, I used to wear it five years ago, it was short and bright blue.

"Where did you get these panties, mom?"

Mother looked below the curtain, seeing the feet of the nurse just outside the curtain, listening. She winked at me and then answered.

"Well darling they're from your undie drawer of course. Now put them on without a fuss...that's it...right up those silky legs of yours! I'll bet they feel nice, don't they...such pretty panties!"

I didn't get it, where they came from, why they fit me so well and were such a sexy style,,,but I was grateful to wear anything at that point, and they did feel super nice as the stretched over my butt, balls and cock. They were really silky!

"And when you're finished dressing come on out, I'll chat with nurse while you finish up...and no more masturbating or wet panties, young man!"

I just rolled my eyes and got dressed. I wanted out of there! I heard mother speaking softly to the nurse.

"I do hope, nurse that I can count on you and the faculty in this know, watch out for my little boy here...if you see him wetting himself please get him to a pottie, and if it's too late, I'll drop off some disposable diapers for you to keep in your office. Hopefully this humiliating urination is just a passing phase. Would you check now and again, make sure he's dry for me?"

"Of course Barbara. You're very brave! What does his father think of this?"

"Well nurse, I didn't marry well. Martin is a bit more masculine than his son here, but he craves domination. I will say that his penis is at least long enough to penetrate...after all his spawn here is proof of that! Martin knows just a bit of all this, its a mothers love that a sissy needs most I think."

"You're a wonderful mother! You know, your son may grow into his penis, you must be patient."

"That's sweet of you to say, but I don't see that happening. If it was just a small penis that would be one thing, but there is the cross dressing, the masturbation, the wet panties! It's all very troubling!"

"Barbara, you can count on the faculty and I to keep an eye on Brandon, and we'll report any further incidents directly to you."

"Thanks so much, nurse...and one more thing...I believe its best that Brandon no longer dress and participate in gym class, to avoid any humiliation from the real boys. Can that be arranged?"

"I do agree that's best. I'll talk to his gym teacher. He's dealt with gay boys before, though none quite as deviate to my knowledge."

I was totally defeated as I left school with my mother. She made me carry the plastic trash bag with my pissy clothes in them, and since it was between classes a lot of kids and teachers saw me an her and the stinky bag and wondered what was going on. I kept my eyes down and headed for the door, red faced with shame.

"Mom, please don't tell Dad about this!"

"All right dear, but we have to make a few stops on the way home, and if you give me any trouble I will certainly share everything with your father. Understood?"

I nodded yes and left the building, walking quickly to mom's station wagon. I threw the smelly bag in the back and got inside, thankful this school day was over for me. It had to be the most humiliating day of my life!

Next: Chapter 6

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