Todds Bitch

By Miss Victoria

Published on Sep 19, 2011


My jaw and my ass were so sore by the time I went back home Sunday that my mom noticed me walking funny and asked what was wrong. I didn't know what to tell her! How could I say that I had been feminized all weekend by my best friend and repeatedly sodomized? I just told her I had stomach problems over at Todd's and she sarcastically commented on the type of food I was eating by spending too much time in "their culture" which I thought was pretty bitchy, kind of typical for my mom actually. Daddy says she has a "sharp tongue".

You see, she has always been on my ass, I guess you could say she is protective. But ever since I began puberty it seems she has watched me like a hawk. I can't even tell you the number of times she's caught me jacking off and the grief she's caused me over it. I complained to Dad but he's kind of a wimp and won't stand up to her. It's really frustrating trying to beat off quietly and to make sure I get all of it cleaned up right. I swear sometimes she's creeping right outside my door, listening to me jerking, but I do it anyway.

I think I told you that I had a habit of trying on her underwear and other things. I don't know why I like that, but I do. Mom has always been fairly open about being seen around the house in her lingerie. It is not uncommon for her to be wearing some long line body shaper with attached garters while sitting at the kitchen table taking her coffee. Oh, she wears a loose robe of course, always silky and feminine, but it invariably slips open or just drops from her smooth shoulders revealing her in her "foundations" as she puts it. I guess it does a good job because she has a pretty good shape... for a mom, that is. When dad sees her in her lingerie (she hates the word "underwear" for her garments, not for ours) he just kind of gets glassy eyed and compliant. I've seen her get her way with him by just readjusting her brassiere or if she really wants something by being bra less in a low cut top. Yeah, I guess she uses her tits like weapons, they are pretty nice, even if she is my mom!

I came down for breakfast Monday morning in my pajamas, mom still makes me wear two piece flannel jammies, and I found her and daddy having toast and coffee at the table. She had on a really pretty short robe, silky with vivid red poppies, and I made a mental note to get my hands on it and see how it felt myself as soon as possible. They mumbled their good mornings and mom watched me intently as I got some juice from the fridge and pooped some bread into the toaster.

"Brandon, tell mommy what's wrong with you seem to be wincing in pain."

"It's nothing, mom...just stomach trouble."

She walked up beside me at the counter and felt my forehead.

"Hmm, no temperature...she then reached inside my pajama top to feel my stomach and I jumped.

"Hold still darling...does your tummy hurt?"

"No mom! Geez!"

"Don't give me any sass young man, you're still my baby! Let's take a look at that bottom!"

With a quick pull my mother pulled down my pajama bottoms, revealing the pale pink panties I had worn home from Todd's. He told me I always had to be in panties now, and while I thought it was weird of him to make me do it I liked it...but I didn't want my parents knowing! I tried to pull the pajamas back up quickly but mom just slapped my hand away!

"Martin! Look at this! Your son is wearing PANTIES! And...they're not a pair of mine!"

I couldn't face them, I was freaked and didn't know what to do! My mom gently rubbed my bottom through the panties, making sure she did it as sensuously as possible! I heard nothing but a snort from dad, who continued to sit at the table.

"And Martin...our little boy here has shaved his legs too! Hmm. Let's see...."

I felt mom feel around in the front and she literally squealed when she realized I had no more pubes!

"Mom, PLEASE! This is private, my business!"

Her response was to grab me firmly by the arm and she dragged me over to the table, my pajama bottoms puddled on the floor, and Mia's panties half way down my smooth legs!

"Brandon, what is this all about? You've shaved off all your body hair, even that patch above your privates! Are you a girl now? I've known you've been fiddling with my lingerie for've left your disgusting stains all over my fine fabrics! Do you see, Martin? I told you he was a little panty sneak!"

I pushed her hands away from me and tried to pull up my panties and pajamas and just get out of there! I was so embarrassed I thought I would die! I could see the look on my father's face, and it was one I hadn't expected...he was actually smiling a bit, like he was amused.

"You guys re freaking me out, I've gotta get out of here, go see Todd..."

"Oh, son, why is he your boyfriend now?"

"No dad, I mean yes, I mean I don't know..."

My mother slapped my hands away and pulled me down over her lap, making sure the panties were down and my smooth bottom was exposed. As I laid there over her lap I was painfully aware of several things. First, I had a birds eye view of her garter straps and legs, and I second, could see my dad was rubbing his cock right through his pants as he sat across the table. He had to know I could see him pulling on his erection, trying to adjust it in his pants. Oh yeah, there's a third thing... I was SO hard and my dick was poking against mom's stockings!

The first broad slap of my mothers hand hit the left cheek. This wasn't the first spanking I'd ever received, they were always the same, me naked or near naked, over her knee while dad watched and said very little. The second slap hit the other cheek and then she proceeded to fire off questions for me to answer. If I refused to answer or delayed I would be spanked until I complied. God, it hurt! I wondered how she could keep spanking me, didn't her hand hurt?

"Why is your bottom sore?"

"Ouch! Because!"


"Because why?"

"Because Todd fucked me, mommy!"

"And why did he fuck you, is he homosexual?"

"I don't know!"


"Of course you know ..tell mommy!"

"Because...because...I asked for it!"

"There. That's better. Now tell us how you did that?"

I related how I had too much to drink and that I got silly and dressed in Mia's panties and put on her lipstick, just playing around.

"And did you suck his penis, darling?"

"Yes, mommy. Many times!"

"I see. And I suppose you did this in panties, perhaps more? And did he suck yours, or did you fuck him too?"

"No mom, no he didn't do me like that, and yeah I wore all kinds of girly clothes, he made me do it but I liked it."

"And why is that son?"



"Ow! Because he said he's not a faggot like me and he knows what I need!"

"Martin, do you hear this? Do you hear what a sissy you've raised?"

"Yes Dear, but he's still our son. We still love him, we want him to be happy and content!"

"Yes I suppose we do. Actually Brandon your father and I were talking the other day that you haven't been pulling your weight around here!"

"But mom, I've been doing my chores!"

"Alice just what are you getting at?"

"Well dear, since Brandon here is a little panty wearing cock sucking faggot from here on out he will service you whenever you need oral satisfaction. As you know I've never been fond of giving you your Saturday night blow job, in fact I find it quite disgusting! I see no reason why Brandon can't take over that household duty for me, and of course he can help more with the domestic duties around here!"

"But Alice, do you think that's really necessary?"

"I certainly do! Do you think I enjoy putting that revolting organ of yours into my mouth? I've expected this for years you know. I've always known Brandon was different from the other boys, and you've seen it too, we've had this discussion! And I could use some help with the cooking and the laundry. If he wants to be a girl so bad let him see what comes along with it. There's more to being girly than wearing silky panties and servicing real men, or men like you, Martin!"

"Hello, folks...I'm still lying here on your lap...I can hear all this!"

I was rewarded with four sharp slaps to my ass that made me jump! I felt mom push my cheeks wide apart and she poked at my bum hole with the tip of her glossy red fingernail. I winced at the tenderness!

"Well I definitely see redness and swelling at your rosebud! Does this hurt, precious?"

She stuck two of her fingers right up my hole, making me jump and wince in pain!

"Ouch, damn! Yes, it hurts, you've got long nails! Please take your fingers out of my..."

"Out of your what, Brandon?"

"My pussy! That's what Todd told me to call it from now on."

Father cleared his throat and moved around in his chair, uncomfortable from what was transpiring in his kitchen between his wife and child. Or was it the erection that he was so painfully trying to hide?

"Alice, enough of this. Take your fingers out of Brandon's pussy and leave him be. He can't help who he is, its society today, its all so permissive...and the internet is full of all kinds of deviate behavior!"

"You would know, wouldn't you, darling?"

With that my dad got up from his chair, grabbed his keys and went to work. Mommy pulled her fingers out of me and tenderly pulled my panties back up over my bottom. She relieved her hold on me and I got up from her lap. I was hard, really hard in my panties. Could it be I was getting off on this shit?

"Brandon darling, things are going to change around here. You see, I've always considered you a failure as a male..."

She stated to slowly rub my erection through the silky panties, large sensual circles of her hand around the little shaft of my penis. I moaned and pushed against her hand, enjoying the attention. As she denigrated my masculinity it only made me harder, and my body shake. I began to think about Todd's weight on me, his hot breath on my neck as he opened up my hole and seeded me!

"Mommy knows what baby needs...sissy needs to cum, doesn't she? It's all right, it's just us girls here, your father's left for work. You've always been my special boy, haven't you Brandon?"

"Yes Mommy"

"Does Brandon want to cum...shoot his ickies into the pretty panties?"

I stammered, now knowing what to say. I wanted to cum, needed to cum...but at the hands of my mother, while dressed in borrowed panties?"

"Give in, precious. You know you can't stand up to me. You can't stand up to anyone, certainly not men. You've always been a submissive sweetie, just like your father. And just like your father if I decide you are to spurt your spermies, then you will. Mommy knows best!"

"Oh God, no!"

"Yes Brandon, yes...spurt for mommy darling, rub that little pricklet against mommy's firm hand, doesn't the silk feel wonderful? You were made to be in silks,'s your nature..."

I was close, so close, I was actually humping against her hand, thinking about how good it felt, and I subconsciously began to pull and twist on my nipples. I've always liked that, especially when getting ready to cum!

"Mommy, I'm going to cum if you don't stop!"

"I have no intention of stopping, precious! Shoot your nastiness, shoot for mommy, fill up those panties with your spunk!"

"Oh it cums...oh mommy, I'm cumming!"

As I began to spurt mommy gently rubbed my pulsing shaft through the panties, and gently squeezed my little balls, saying that she wanted to drain them properly. I felt so drained, and so embarrassed. I had made an incredible mess in the panties.

"What a disgusting mess! Well Brandon that was really something! Mommy likes helping her little sissy with his secretions! You moaned and moved just like a girl, honey...I'm very proud of you!"

"You are?"

How could any mother be proud of a soft, effeminate son who just rubbed off into a pair of panties?

"Yes darling, it takes courage to be who you truly are, now take off those sticky panties and throw them in the wash. Go get showered and ready for school."

"But mom, Todd told me I had to wear those panties to school today!"

"Really, well I suppose you want to obey him, after all, he has the power to deny you his penis and all. I guess you'll just have to wear the panties as they are! It may be an uncomfortable morning for you until that semen dries up, but I'll not come between you and your man! Now off with you, you scamp...don't be late for school!"

"Yes, mommy"

I ran to the bathroom and removed the panties, holding them up to my face. I smelled my cum and thought of Todd. I closed my eyes and reached out to the panties with my tongue. It was still warm, and I ate it, ate my own spooge! God, what is wrong with me!

I took a nice warm shower. I even applied some of the flowery smelling baby powder mother used to my chest and to my private area. I put some lotion on my sore butt. It was disgusting to put the sticky panties back on, but I feared what would happen if I disobeyed Todd. I brushed my hair and looked intently into the mirror, I still looked like me, but I wasn't sure how I felt.

I had so many conflicting thought in my head when I left for school, but I just went with it. Now that my secret ladies lingerie obsession was out in the open, and I had tasted Todd's forbidden fruit, I was changed forever! I put on the sticky panties, dressed and went off to school, not sure what the day would bring.

Next: Chapter 5

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