Todds Bitch

By Miss Victoria

Published on Jan 17, 2012


Mother kept me home from school today, saying that I should rest after the "ordeal" as she called it. She was referring of course to the incident over at Todd's house where he used me to get a good deal on a bag of weed, having to service three of the thugs from school. Well, two of them I consider thugs -- Bones and McManus, Garcia was actually very decent to me, romantic even.

Mom inspected my anus last night, deciding it was red, puffy, and leaking semen, and she made me take a long bath to relax. Of course she poured in a bunch of really floral scented bubble bath, she said it was lavender and I would find it pleasurable. I have to admit it did feel nice soaking like that, and after a good soak, she had me put on a fresh nightie and a robe and I was shipped off to bed. I slept well, exhausted from being used and satisfying three horny teenagers.

I awoke this morning feeling pretty good, and told her so, but I have to admit I really was afraid to go to school to face those guys, not sure if they would tell people that I had been a whore for them in a girls nightie. I didn't think the guys would want their names involved, but you know how sometimes things get out of hand. As it is the school nurse and now the coach have some idea of me being a sissy and I'm not sure how I feel about that.

I shouldn't like this, right? Like dressing like a girl, and being used by guys, right? I try to not think about it but then I find myself touching my hole, fingering myself, and my admittedly small cock keeps getting hard when I think about doing those things, not as hard as it used to, kind of partly there, tingly. I really like playing with a guy's cock, other guys all seem to be so much bigger than me, and I like the way it feels when I touch it, and when I taste it. I was really shocked the first time I did it, and then thought it would only be an occasional thing between me and Todd, but now I see that there are all kinds of guys out there, with different cocks, and they seem to like different things. But those cocks all seem to like my hot mouth, and my asspussy giggle.

Mother has asked me all kinds of questions about this, and I'm a good boy, I never could lie to my parents. I have been honest with her and she seems to encourage all of this. It's kind of weird, you would think she'd be freaked out that her only son is wearing girls underwear and being the girl when it comes to sex, but that's not the case. She's replaced all my boys underwear with panties, and added garter belts, stockings, even bras to my dresser. I also have a few skirts and blouses she bought me but I haven't really done much with those. There's even a dress hanging in my closet. I saw it there the other day, just hanging there, unannounced, like it's teasing me. It's pale pink and really frilly, I saw it again yesterday and just shuddered and closed the closet door.

Actually both my parents are kind of weird. Both have had me service them with my mouth, which was pretty wild. I guess they both have needs, and like mom said, I do have to help out around the house. I don't really mind so much, it just seems natural to me to want to bring pleasure to others.

After my bath mother had me dry off and join her in my room.

"Darling, today you're going to stay home and learn about makeup and dressing, besides, that pussy of yours needs a rest. I can't have the boys treating you like some kind of a wanton cock slut. Perhaps if you're pretty and they think of you as any other girl they won't use you in such a degrading manner!"

Gee, I don't know...I kinda liked that. I know...I'm weird.

Mother had me dress in a white lace garter belt, with a matching white bra, and while silky panties. The bra felt really weird. It seemed to fit me well, especially when she slipped in "breast enhancers" that made me look like the other girls in school, the ones who were developing. They weren't super huge and it felt really weird having breasts, over and above the flabby boy boobs I already possess.

She then dragged me to her room and sat me at the dressing room table, showing me how to apply makeup. Since our complexions are similar her cosmetics looked very natural on me. I listened as she instructed, watching the magic in the mirror as I changed from Brandon to Brandy.

It was amazing! I felt like a different person, and she could tell it was exciting me.

"Sit still, Brandy! I know you want to prance around like the sissy you are, but mother needs to finish. You have to learn how to do these things for yourself, you know."

"Mom, why do I have to learn these things?"

"Because pumpkin, you are a failure as a male, but as a female you have great potential! You will need a man to protect and support you and you'll have more success landing a good man if you know how to make yourself pretty for your man!"

"You mean Todd?"

"Certainly not! Todd is not acceptable. He treats you poorly, you'll always remember him as your first love, and that's fine, but you must think of your future."

I pondered what she said as she applied eye shadow to my lids, taking care to blend in three different yet coordinating shades of lavender, smoke and pink. Pretty!

"Darling you have to learn to be discerning. No daughter of mine will be labeled the town tramp!"

"Mom are you forgetting that I'm a BOY?"

"Sweetheart that's just a temporary annoyance. You're well on your way to womanhood. Your father and I will do what is necessary for you to achieve your full potential!"

"But Mom, what does that mean?"

"Never mind, princess. Just be thankful your parents have the financial means to correct life's little mistakes. Now pucker up darling and show mommy how you've learned to apply your lipstick."

I pursed my lips, looking into the mirror and used the lip liner pencil to carefully draw a thin line around the perimeter of my lips, as she instructed me, and applied a thick layer of Revlon lipstick in the prettiest shade of plum. I found the smell of the lipstick to be quite pleasant, and as I applied it I imagined how it might taste when wrapped around a boy's penis.

Mother showed me how to apply some pink blush to my cheeks and to blend it into my skin to soften the appearance. I was told facial makeup is something I would use when I was a bit older. My skin was prefect she said, with no blemishes. She credited it to the daily vitamins she's had me taking.

With a curling iron she began to turn my longish blonde hair into gentle curls and I watched in amazement at the transformation. When she was done I saw a different face staring back at me in the mirror.

I was pretty, a pretty girl. Mother was ecstatic at my transformation.

"There's my pretty girl, my Brandy! Do you see darling? See the pretty girl that was inside you?"

I couldn't speak. I was in a state of shock. I had no idea I could look like this, feel like this. I shuddered and felt a tear fall from my eye and slowly run down my cheek.

Mother quietly took me by the hand, led me to my closet, and helped me into the frilly pink dress I had scoffed at. I accepted my destiny and stood there as she slipped it over my head and pulled it down into place. When she zipped it form behind I gasped a bit, feeling the femininity take over my very being.

I looked up at mother to see her crying softly, crying with happiness. I ran into her arms and she hugged me. I felt wonderful, loved and happy. I spent the rest of the day with her as her daughter, we baked and talked and the day seems to just fly by. The tenderness in my bottom was soon forgotten and I wondered what I had missed at school that day. Mother said that even though I had spent the day at home I had learned quite a bit, and she was right.

Later that afternoon I received a phone call from Rico, I mean Garcia. He wondered how I was feeling and hoped they weren't too rough on me. Mother encouraged me to invite him over. I was nervous about him seeing me like this, as a girl, but mother insisted that it was time for a boy to see me in my "true form" as she put it, and who better than the young man who had treated me with affection.

When Rico arrived after school I looked and felt very pretty. I must admit I was a bit nervous for a boy to see me like this. I answered the door and saw his eyes light up as soon as he saw me.

"Wow, look amazing! So pretty!"

"Thank you, Rico. Won't you come in?"

Mother came into the room, hearing that someone was at the door.

"Brandy, who is this young man?"

"It's Rico mother. The boy who was kind to me yesterday."

"Ah, how nice. Now young man I expect you to treat my little Brandy here like any other girl, and not some little faggot piece of trash."

"Umm, yes Ma'am."

"Brandy, why don't you stop by the kitchen and grab some sodas and some of the cookies we made this afternoon and take Rico to your room. I assume you want to talk about what you missed at school today. You see Rico, I kept my little darling home today and we worked on making her pretty and feminine. Do you approve of the change?"

I squirmed as mother questioned Rico. It was embarrassing, but also kind of nice that she was sticking up for me. She really did love me and that is a very nice feeling indeed!

"Yeah! Umm, I mean yes, Ma'am. I always knew Brandy could be pretty like this. She always acted like a girl anyway, now she looks like one."

Mother seemed pleased, pleased with Rico's reaction and at the effect she had accomplished. I led Rico to the kitchen, feeling the swish of my pink dress and the exhilaration of the sheer stockings on my legs. As soon as we got to the kitchen he came up to me and gave me a little kiss.

"That's for being so pretty. Your mom is kinda weird, but I have to admit she really made you look hot! I'll bet you're the prettiest girl in school!"

I blushed and pulled away from him. His kiss was electric, and I wanted more, but did not want to be discovered kissing a boy in the kitchen. Mother would think me a slut!

I felt Rico watching me as I climbed the stairs in front of him. I made sure there was a bit of a sway in my walk and felt so damned sexy I couldn't wait to get this hot boy into my room behind a closed door!

As soon as we entered and set the soda and cookies down on mt desk Rico grabbed me and pulled me into his arms, holding me closely. I felt weak as he began to kiss me, and I surrendered to his masculinity. I gently stroked his beautiful hair as he held me close. Forcing his tongue into my mouth, I sighed and let him in, wanting him to continue.

He led me slowly over to the edge of my bed and lowered me gently onto my back. Rico climbed on top of me and ran his hand under my skirt, feeling my smooth legs and working his way up and over silky tented panties. He found my little sheclit quite hard and he grabbed it through the pink panties as his tongue intensified his assault on my pretty mouth. I could feel he was terribly hard as well, he was poking into me. I reached down and caressed the stiff mound in his jeans, feeling how hard he was for me.

I was a girl. A girl in a man's arms, surrendering to his will, to his needs, knowing that meeting those needs would fulfill me and make me whole. He pulled his mouth off of me and looked me deep in the eyes.

"Your so pretty, feminine! Be my girl!"

"Oh Rico, I want to...but what about Todd?"

"What about him, Brandy?"

"He says I'm his bitch, Rico...and he can be awfully mean!"

"You let me worry about Todd, baby. Now kiss me and I'll make love to you...the way a girl should be treated."

I sighed and let out a deep breath, letting him take control of me. It felt right to me, I wanted this...wanted it SO bad!

He felt my chest through the dress, smiling at the small boobage mother had created with breast inserts. He pulled the skirt of my dress up to expose my panties, garter belt and hose, and leaned down to kiss my little cock through the panties which were already stained with sticky precum.

I squirmed as he licked me through the panties, getting them all wet with his mouth. He then pulled the top of the panties down low enough to expose my small shaft, and he took me into his mouth.

"Girls like it when a boy sucks on their clitties. Here, I'll show you!"

As he held me down with his strong arms I squirmed and moaned. His mouth was making me crazy the way he was licking and teasing the head of my little clit. He wasn't sucking it so much like you would a real cock, it was more about kissing and teasing the tip.

"It's so tiny, isn't it? You know you're not much bigger than a real girl's clit is, and it spurts such hot sissy juice! I'm going to make you squeal!"

It drove me crazy, and before long I was straining against his strong arms, feeling helpless and imprisoned. I let out a girlish squeal as my little sheclit exploded into his talented mouth, and when I finished he pulled off it, carefully put it back inside my panties and moved back up on top of me, kissing me and forcing my small inadequate load right into my own mouth, making me swallow it.

"Now it's your turn, Brandy. If you want to be my girl, then show me how much you want to satisfy your man!"

Rico laid back on the bed, spreading his legs, displaying his impressive boner straining against his jeans. He smiled, knowing what I would do. I sat up, rearranged my skirt, and leaned over so that my face was very close to his erection. I was so excited I couldn't stand it. Despite the fact I had just shot my gooies I couldn't wait to please him!

I smiled at him as I undid his jeans and carefully unzipped them, freeing his wonderful cock. He was commando, there were no boxers to deal with. His cock burst from his jeans and I almost passed out from the wonderful smell of cock and sweat and yes, even piss.

I reached out with my soft hand and pulled up and down on the silky skin, watching with wonder as his foreskin pulled back from his cock head, revealing the delicious purple cock head. As I looked in his eyes I kissed the very tip, tasting his delicious precum. I pulled the skin back up, forcing it up and over the head. I held it like that and took my tongue and slid it between the skin and his cock, enjoying the sensation.

Rico enjoyed it too, and he just thrashed his head around and moaning.

"Oh Brandy! You sure know how to treat a man! Make love to it, make it yours. I've been building up a big load of cum for you all day, thinking about feeding it to you! Oh yeah, thinking about feeding my girl!"

I continued, loving his words, loving feeling so feminine and so natural with a cock in my mouth. I don't think I'll ever forget that feeling, being fully dressed, with curled hair and makeup, servicing the cock of a boy who said I was his!

There was a knock at the door.

"Brandy, how are you kids getting along? Did you enjoy your cookies?"

I pulled my mouth reluctantly from the delicious teen cock. Rico jumped, and tried to shove his big cock back into his jeans but I stopped him, calming him.

"Yes mother!"

"Very well! Remember dear, you're a lady!"

"Yes mother!"

I heard her walk down the hallway and I smiled at Rico and got back to work, determined to make Rico feel happy...and besides, I wanted his cum!

He relaxed again, and started to run his hand through my curly locks, starting to thrust in and out of my mouth, using me. I just moaned and opened up to him, wanting to make it more pleasurable for him. His foreskin was fully retracted now, and his cock harder than I had ever seen it. I wanted it to go on forever, but alas it was not to be. He started to grunt and jerk and he rewarded me with shot after shot of delicious teen spunk which I greedily swallowed. I felt something when he used my mouth like that and when he came, something inside...a funny feeling, a shaking, and by the time he finished cumming in my mouth it had subsided. I felt weak. I gently sucked on his softening cock, enjoying the way his foreskin returned back and covering his tender cock head. I licked him clean and then got up off his cock and laid next to him on the bed, laying on my side close to him. He put his arm around me and kissed me tenderly on the forehead.

I felt safe and loved, and as I laid there I began concerned about the future. What would Todd think of this? He had taken such complete control of me and I was worried. I looked up at Rico with a concerned look on my face.

"Rico what are we going to do about Todd?"

"Don't worry about Todd, sweetheart. You're my girl now, nothing can change that!"

I smiled and laid my head on his strong chest, listening to the beat of his heart. I was excited, but worried. I tried not to think about it and let Rico deal with it. He was the boy of course, and I just a sissy.

Darlings....this story can go several ways at this a good submissive I am open to your wishes. The story can end in this romantic dreamy way, or take a more sinister turn. I'll leave that decision to my fans...but be prepared. Kisses!!!!

Next: Chapter 13

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