Todds Bitch

By Miss Victoria

Published on Aug 22, 2011


God, what a night!

That's what I was thinking as I went down the hall to the bathroom, needing to piss badly. I was aT my friend's house, Todd's, and I knew the layout there as well as my own. Being best buds the last year or so we'd crashed at each others places many times, this time his family was away for the weekend.

Todd had become kind of my champion, sticking up for me when I was picked on at our high school. We were and are both kinda different. Todd is black, with short dreads, really cool. He is muscular where I am not. He has amazing brown eyes and a cool voice, kind of hypnotic. I, on the other hand am a bit soft and pudgy, smart, and have soft blonde hair that's a bit curly. I've helped Todd with his homework and he made sure nobody gave me shit at school, calling me fat or even a queer. I don't know why they would think that, though I've never had a girlfriend, I was always a bit afraid of girls to tell the truth. Come to think of it Todd never really had a girl either. Hmm.

I realized that things may have gotten really crazy because when I stood above the toilet, my head suffering from a severe hangover (what WAS that shit we smoked and he made for us to drink, anyway?) went down to grab my cock and instead of finding a fly I felt silky material straining against my piss hard on. Todd never made fun of my small penis or lack of manly hair. He just said I was fine the way I was. I felt safe with him.

So anyway, I panicked a bit, realizing I was wearing a pair of white panties with little rosebuds rising up the place where a girl cleaves, right up the front. God, they were pretty! I wondered if the hard on was from needing to piss so bad, or just the panties!

"What the hell?"

I maneuvered my piss hard on out of the leg hole of the panties I had to go so bad! It looked really col with the lace around the leg opening pushing against it, restricing it. As I peed, the liquor scented urine squirt out of me with such force that I moaned! I clenched my boihole a few times and realized it felt funny, kind of sore and even squishy...Hmm

I shook my head, stuffed my little 2 ½ inches of cock back inside the panties and then realized I shouldn't be wearing them,

I shuddered a I took off the panties. They were tight over my ass, sometimes I would catch Todd staring at my ass, you know...kind of made me feel weird...but I would ask "What?" and he would say "Nothin". I felt kinda funny when they were just below my bottom, kind of vulnerable...if that makes sense. My dick was still pretty hard. That happens.

As they began their slow sensual descent...was it satin or nylon, hmm...well, the panties fell down my legs slowly, as if teasing me, until they landed in a bunch on the floor, my feet still trapped by their embrace. I stepped out of them. I could see the gusset was permanently stained, every boy notices that, right? But what shocked me was that the panties were wet inside and that there were numerous spots of dried cum on them!

I shook my head, what had I done? I had been playing with my mom's lingerie for months, and even jacked off with some of her panties, but that was a secret. It seemed to happen every time I got really stoned. Yeah, Todd and I 420.

Hmm. These weren't mom's panties, whose were they? No, I know for sure I wore my boring old jockeys over, under my jeans. By process of elimination and based on the size and style of the panties they must have belonged to Todd's sister Mia. Oh God, did I get drunk and sneak off into Mia's panty drawer and jack off in her panties? They did feel really pretty, just the kind of panties I like wrapped around my dick. But that was my secret, my love of the satiny feel of lingerie, I didn't want to share that with anyone, certainly not my best friend! I hoped Todd had passed out before me since I didn't want to explain why I was in his sister's panties!

I threw the sticky panties into the hamper in the corner of the bathroom, burying the panties under other laundry, noting that there were a few more pretty pairs, all very girly mixed in with the assorted dirty socks and boxer shorts. Boxers, that's what Todd always wore, while my mom insisted on buying me tighty whities, usually a size too small. I instinctively picked up a pair of Todd's dirty boxers, I recognized them from the locker room the other day. As if programmed to do it I lifted them to my face, with the inside crotch and ass area exposed before me, only inches from my face.

I did it, I buried my face into them and took in the aroma of Todd. I moaned a little standing there naked in his family bathroom, as I smelled the mixture of piss, sweat, cum and even ass on those shorts. The smells were strong and I don't know why I did it but I licked a little, just a little, then freaked out I would get caught and I threw them back in the laundry hamper.

Get it together, Brandon! God, was I still high?

I spun around to the sink and looked at my red eyes and my hair, what a mess, it was kinda stuck together in some parts, especially above my forehead. I shook my head and washed up, even trying to rinse the goo out of my hair. When done I left the bathroom naked, hoping I could find my BVDs so Todd wouldn't think I was weird walking around his house naked like that!

I went onto Todd's room but it was empty. Todd had two twin beds and it looked like they hadn't been slept in, and there were no signs of my stupid underwear. I went to the other side of the house where Todd's parent's master bedroom was, and heard him snoring lightly.

Evidently we had both crashed in that king size bed! I looked around, quiet as a mouse, naked, looking for those boring cotton always tight briefs. There they were! I went to grab them and tripped over something...what was it? Oh, who left those black high heels laying there? To steady myself I reached out with one hand, grabbing the underwear, while the other grabbed the corner of the mattress so I could break my fall!

The motion woke Todd up. He was laying there, naked for some reason. He was all stretched out on his back, and he woke up quickly to catch me unsteady on my feet. His parent's sheets were tented up over his manhood, and it was bobbing around, like an obscene snake waiting to strike!

"Brandon, what are you doing? And where are your panties?"

"What did you say?"

"I said, why ain't my BITCH in her panties?"

Oh God, he saw me in his sister's panties, my life was over!

"What panties, man? You must still be high!"

"Mia's white panties...the ones I pulled back up over your sticky ass after I fucked you last night! Don't you remember givin it up to me?"

"No Todd, that didn't happen, that just didn't happen!"

"Deny it all you want, baby...just crawl over here and take my morning load like you promised you would last night!"

"What. no...this is a mistake, must be."

"No mistake Brandon...Brandy...get over here between my legs and work out my nut. C'mon, show me what you learned last night!"

Todd pulled back the sheet to reveal himself, fully naked and super hard! I had seen it before of course, I would sneak looks at it whenever I could get away with it, whenever we were changing. Todd always made sure that he disrobed completely in front of me. I wonder if he knew how unnerving it was for him stand before me while I sat on the bench in the locker room, trying not to notice as his big meat started to stretch and bob in front of my face? Sometimes he would accidentally slap my face with it and we would both laugh!. It was so big, it had to hang a good six inches from his black meaty balls, arched over obscenely. As it started to get hard I was mesmerized at the sight of the foreskin being stretched back to reveal the purplish head of my best friend's cock!

"Now come on, be a good girl, get down here and take care of your man. You know you want to!"

Something inside me told me to drop my undies, which were ripped anyway, and climb up the bed, between his strong muscled thighs. I looked right at him as I got really close and bent over his meat, which was bobbing in front of me.

"I'm not a girl, Todd."

"You are what I say you are, get your mouth on my dick...C' you did last night. Oh wait...hold on a sec..."

Todd reached over to the nightstand and handed me a small round cylinder.

"Don't forget your makes you lips look real sexy! I like the way your lips look like that, all pink, wrapped around my big black dick!"

He handed me the tube and I was kind of out of it. I knew what to do, I took off the top and turned it until a bright shade of pink lipstick came out, just like his cock head emerged from beneath his flap of skin. I took the lipstick and applied it, first to my upper, and then my lower lip, watching his eyes the entire time. My mind told me that Todd liked lipsticked lips and so that's what I did, I pleased him. So natural! When I was done he reached over, grabbed my head from behind, and pushed it down on his big cock. I knew the minute I tasted it that I had done it last night, hell – I realized the awful taste in my mouth this morning was his cock and god knows what else!

"That's it, such a good cock sucker! You been holdin out on me baby...I wish I had known about this a long time ago! A fellow gets all boned up and needin relief and there's no decent snatch around to drain me, sure am glad I got my own bitch to satisfy me!"

I started to cry a little, a few tears as I tried to get more of Todd's big cock in my mouth. I guessed I had about four inches inside my mouth now, but there was at least that much more still to swallow!

Todd saw my tears.

"What's the matter, baby? You couldn't get enough of my meat last night, don'cha remember?"

I pulled my mouth off his cock and looked up at him, with a tear stained face and puffy pink lips.

"No Todd...I don't remember anything. What was that shit we smoked anyway?"

"Oh, just some Jamaican my cousin sold me. You sure were flying! Do you remember dancing around for me?"

"Huh? No, I don't remember dancing..."

"Oh yeah, you were shaking your big white ass at me, turnin me on, grinding right in front of me. Do you know your ass gets me hot? Well it does, it's such a bubble butt! So anyway I went into Mia's room and saw those white panties of hers lying on the floor, that girl's room is a mess....anyway you laughed when I ripped off your stupid jockeys and put them on you, you squealed like a little bitch and dirty danced with me."

"I did?"

"Sure, right in this room. We laughed and you ground your pussy right up against me rod. I figured you'd done this kind of thing before. You were so funny prancing around, your little white boner sticking straight out into those panties. Boy you sure are hung small, huh?"

"Well, yes I guess I have tried on panties, and yes I do have a small penis. I'm SO embarrassed!"

"Don't be, you just get your cock sucker lips wrapped back around my cock and I'll tell you everything that happened. No wonder you like my big cock so much, having such a pitiful specimen to play with!"

"But Todd, I never did this before, honest..."

He just laughed and pushed my mouth back down and I took the throbbing meat back into my mouth. I had to admit I liked it, liked feeling close to Todd like this. His cock actually tasted good in my mouth, it seemed very natural to me, I tried to liken it to something I'd ever feasted on, but nothing quite matched it...other than the damp crotch of his soiled boxers I had so recently swooned over. It was more than just man sweat or the faint taste of piss and cum, it was more than that, the whole area between his legs was a bouquet of manly smells, it smelled a bit funky, and very, very hot! It still makes me weak thinking about that smell, to know that you are subjugated before another guy, and that you will drink whatever spurts out of that juicy throbbing muscle! The feeling of complete submission!

Todd reached down and slapped my face but I kept on sucking. I wasn't going anywhere...except to heaven, or a life of hell...who could say? The fact is I knew when I sucked his cock that I would do anything he ever told me to do...anything, as long as I could feed on this magnificent cock! The fact that he was a friend made it all the more intense for me, and I wondered if Told felt about me like I secretly felt about him? Funny, the silly things your mind thinks of while you are licking a man from the tip of his piss slut, down the bumpy, bouncy shaft slowly, with kisses, down to his balls, getting scratched in the face by his pubes, and not caring...all over his surprisingly smooth but heavy scrotum, down the little ridge of know the one...lick, lick, kiss, lick.. down, closer and closer, knowing his hole is waiting for me, and that kissing it, and licking it is the most natural thing in the world to me.

But I began to freak, hey, I'm a boy...this was wrong! I had to stop this, to stand up to him!"

"Watch your teeth, bitch! Don't want to have to spank you again like I did last night!"

Oh God, what else happened last night?

"C'mon, bitch, give your man some lovin...I got a great big load to feed you for breakfast, it's always the biggest load of the day! Wiggle that big ass of yours while you suck it, that's it let me see you shake it like you did last night! You we're SO slutty!"

This was just a nightmare, and now I had to face the prospect of my best friend nutting in my mouth! Oh god, his voice, his powerful cock, his muscles, his just plain damn manliness made me want his cum like no other meal! I moved my tongue all around, I alternated long and short sucks, I tried sucking just the head, and loved it when he tired of it and shoved my head down on it again! I would guess that before he blew I had gotten over 6 inches of that cock down my throat. I intended to stand up to him, I really did, but something in me was weak and just accepted my situation.

Todd scared me but he was totally in control, bucking against head as he held me tight by the hair. His body began to twitch and he pulled my head back, so just the head of his cock was between my lips!

"Open wide, bitch, and take my cum. Such a good girl! Ooh, it cums!"

The first few shots of his teen spunk hit the back of my mouth and I gagged a little, causing the next shot of cum to hit me square between the eyes! I got my mouth back in place for the final three volleys and swallowed each drop of Todd's delicious cum!

As Todd relaxed, flat on his back, I kept softly sucking on his cock, cleaning it and his balls, he just laid there while I cleaned him and worshiped him. I just casually laid my head on his thigh and nursed on his cock.. I looked up to see him smiling!

"That was great! You're a natural cock sucker...I've got big plans for you, sissy!"

Next: Chapter 2

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