To Thine Own Self Be True

By firehose Joe

Published on Jul 20, 2023


This above all: to thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man. Shakespeare (Hamlet)

Thanks to Chael for assistance in editing and proofing the story. This is wholly fictional with no reference intended to persons alive or dead.

Please do not distribute to other sites without permission of the author. Comments can be sent to

From the previous chapter:

"Careful what you wish for, my friend. I can make that dream come true," Nicco said with a suggestive chuckle.

They agreed on a time. Alejandro whistled softly as he tidied his desk and reviewed his notes for the week to come. It would be busy but he had a weekend to play and was looking forward to it. Walking to his car, he felt his dick thicken as he idly wondered what was in store for the night. It made him smile.

Chapter 41

He drove himself to Nicco's. His wrestling gear was in his gym bag. He wondered if he'd even put it on. Damn, was he ready for this? His cock, nestled in his jock strap surged at the thought. Nicco greeted him warmly, with a handshake and a hug.

They went upstairs to the spacious apartment over the office section of his thriving business. The atmosphere was subtly charged with sexual tension as they discussed their weeks.

"Business has grown. It is a mixed blessing, however," Nicco said. "My customers are increasing. Finding people you can trust with your livelihood is not easy. I drive hours each day. Paperwork and phone calls I do at night. I sound like I'm complaining, but be assured, I count my blessings."

Shifting on the couch they shared so he could look at Nicco, Alejandro filled in the details of his week helping Charles. When he mentioned the trip to California he quickly warmed to his tale. With the description of Grapple Grotto and the wrestling episode there, Nicco adjusted his swelling crotch and his chest rumbled as he affirmed Alejandro's willingness to jump to the man's rescue. Stories of Zach and their time in bed fueled Nicco's and Alejandro's need for sex.

Reaching over to caress Alejandro's hardened nipple beneath the fabric of his shirt, Nicco said in a low voice, husky with desire, "I've missed you. Sometimes while driving I think of my youth, my days in the sun high in the hills near Athens. I wish somehow I could go back to that time and place and explore it with you."

Alejandro's cock stretched the pouch of his jock. His jeans made it uncomfortable. He stood, reached inside his pants and adjusted himself. Nicco watched, desire building in his eyes. Alejandro approached Nicco and knelt on the couch cushion, straddling Nicco's thighs.

"I would like to share that time and place with you. Tell me again of the wrestling you shared with your friend," Alejandro said softly as he began to unbutton Nicco's blue denim shirt.

As Nicco talked, Alejandro exposed Nicco's broad chest. He lifted the T with both hands and let his fingers kneed the thick muscle of the furry pecs. Capturing the engorged nipples between his knuckles, Alejandro pinched them and watched with pleasure as Nicco gasped.

"Don't stop. Tell me more," Alejandro said in a soothing voice as he began to remove Nicco's outer shirt, then his T. Occasionally Nicco's voice caught in his throat with the increasing lust. Nicco described the low, sun-drenched mountains near his home and the pleasure of wrestling and sexual exploration he and his friend had enjoyed. Alejandro roughly played with the mounded flesh of Nicco's muscled chest. Raking his fingers through the dense hair he kept his eyes glued to Nicco's, watching his need build. Idly Alejandro twisted the nips between thumb and forefinger. Finally Nicco became silent.

When he spoke it was with quiet warning and challenge. "You play with me, Young Pup. You build the fire and speak of wrestling with me. You say you want all I've got and more. If we wrestle it will be much more than just play. I say this not as a threat or challenge. I say it only because it is true."

Alejandro met Nicco's gaze. He realized this time together would be different. He'd been warned.

Alejandro held Nicco's gaze a moment more, knowing he was stepping over the edge of an unknown. He gave himself no choice. He wanted this badly. Pushing back against Nicco's chest, Alejandro stood up and took a step back. He pulled off his shirt, toed off his shoes and stripped off his jeans and boxers in one fluid motion. He stood in front of Nicco, his dick rigid and throbbing.

Nicco slightly shrugged his shoulders; an unreadable smile played at the corners of his mouth. He stood and walked to a nearby double closet and opened the door. Wrestling mats hung from a wheeled frame. Nicco pulled it to the center of the room.

"Move that table, please." Nicco said nothing more but began to spread the mats on the floor and secure them together. When the mats were arranged, Nicco stood, toed off his shoes and removed his jeans and briefs. His long, thick muscle had deflated only slightly and hung heavily over his generously filled scrotum.

As he stepped onto the mats, Nicco gestured with his fingers that Alejandro should join him. Nicco let his eyes wander leisurely across Alejandro's heavily muscled body. He took in the knotted calf muscles, the thick, corded quads and the tapered waist. Alejandro's torso spread powerfully from the tight abs rising out of his thick pubes. Nicco took it all in as his cock steadily filled and began to pulse. A slow long drip of precum fell to the mat. For Alejandro the silence and anticipation were nearly maddening.

Slowly Nicco crouched and began to circle. His arms were raised ready to lock up with Alejandro. As Alejandro joined in the dance of the circle, time slowed. He remembered his first match with Nicco. He felt flushed. His breath was coming in short gasps. He took deeper breaths knowing he'd soon need every resource at his disposal. They circled as they drew nearer each other. Nicco made the first move.

They locked up, collar and elbow, each shuffling his feet for advantage. Nicco lifted an arm - indecisively it seemed to Alejandro. For a second he thought the older man's timing was off. Not so! As Alejandro moved to take advantage Nicco tightened his grip around Alejandro's neck, spun him around and lifted him in a reverse bear hug. Alejandro felt his air forced out with the suddenness and strength of the move. Nicco swung him back and forth as if he were a ragdoll, all the while grinding Alejandro's plexus with his knotted fists.

Abruptly Alejandro was slammed down to the mat. Nicco fell heavily atop him. Alejandro's legs were shoved apart by Nicco's. Nicco captured Alejandro's wrist and pulled it back behind his head, effectively gaining total control.

Alejandro felt weight shift and heard Nicco spit. Nicco pushed the spittle on his fingers roughly between Alejandro's cheeks. Instantly, Alejandro clinched his glutes. The muscled mounds forbad further entry.

"Relax them," Nicco ordered.

Alejandro was beginning to panic. Before he had another thought, Nicco roared, "Relax them!"

The sharp sound of the slap against Alejandro's ass cheek echoed against the walls. Alejandro was so startled his reflex let the muscles grow slack for a few seconds. Nicco let his open palm slide along the inside of the crack spreading his spit.

"Nicco, please don't take me like this. You'll rip me apart." Alejandro's voice was filled with panic.

"Alex, when have I ever intentionally hurt you?" Nicco roughly chided. Alejandro heard the man spit again. The open palm swiped his crack again.

Nicco put his hand in front of Alejandro and said, "Spit. I don't want this to be too rough. I just need to give my balls some relief."

Alejandro hesitated, momentarily confused and a bit put off, but he spit. Alejandro felt his own spit used to lube his crack. Maintaining his control over Alejandro, Nicco then slid lower down Alejandro's back and began to push his cock into the spit-slicked crack. Alejandro knew from experience that Nicco produced copious amounts of precum which was adding to the slickness.

Nicco settled into a rhythm as he rutted deeply in the hot space. With groans and grunts he pushed deeper into the crack, grazing the ring but never attempting to penetrate it. Their bodies were making sucking sounds as Nicco pressed against Alejandro's back. Finally the sounds changed. Nicco's groans became low growls as he pushed deeper, increasing the friction and his pleasure. At last Alejandro felt Nicco slide lower. Alejandro felt Nicco's massive cockhead begin at the base of his balls as Nicco forced himself up the length of the crack. The intensity built. Finally with a deep groan, Nicco's sperm flooded Alejandro's crevice. He continued pumping his load `til it finally slowed.

Releasing Alejandro's wrist, Nicco collapsed on Alejandro's back resting his forehead against the nape of Alejandro's neck. His breathing was ragged, warm and moist. They both remained still. After a moment Nicco rolled off Alejandro and lay on his back. Nicco's chest was heaving from the effort and release. His eyes closed, relishing the moment. Alejandro watched his friend and wondered what would come next.

As if hearing the unspoken thought, Nicco turned his head and looked at Alejandro. Taking his forefinger and thumb, Nicco grasped the base of his cock and pulled out the last dribble of cum. He caught it on his thumb and as he wiped it across his matted chest hair he said, "That was good. Now I can concentrate on wrestling."

He effortlessly rolled forward and in one smooth motion stood. Looking down where Alejandro lay, Nicco said, "Wait here and don't bother cleaning that up. I plan to make another deposit." With a chuckle he walked toward the hall.

"What the hell! Where are you going, damnit?" Alejandro yelled!

Nicco tossed off a comment over his shoulder. "I'm getting us some Speedos. We're going to wrestle. We're both big men and need the support." A few seconds later Nicco returned and tossed a pair of Speedos to Alejandro and stepped into his own.

"Don't worry about the mess. Before the night is over I hope we're both covered in cum. But first, we wrestle," Nicco said as he offered Alejandro a hand up. Alejandro slipped into the stretchy fabric. Nicco looked at him appraisingly as he stepped back and crouched in a wrestler's stance.

Nicco was explosively fast. He tied Alejandro up tightly, taking them to the mat. Alejandro fought back with all the energy, skill and strength he had, but found himself sorely lacking. Nicco was master of the moment.

At one point when Nicco had Alejandro racked across his shoulders. Stretching his spine he said, "You are strong but you forget, I'm stronger. When you are traveling around the country, I'm here, wrestling, sometimes several matches each weekend. We are both fast, but you forget how tough I am." With that he bounced Alejandro slightly making him groan with the pain. Dropping Alejandro unceremoniously to the mats Nicco fell on him with an elbow to Alejandro's gut. The wrestling continued.

Nicco would from time to time stop to let Alejandro catch his breath. Alejandro lay on the mat groaning and slightly writhing as his muscles cramped and spasmed in response to the strain. Nicco held Alejandro's head up during breaks to make him drink water.

"Just a little, Alex, but you must drink some," Nicco said somewhat tenderly.

Finally Alejandro couldn't get off the mat. Each time he tried, he'd stumble. After a couple of efforts, Nicco reached down and helped him up. Pulling Alejandro's arm across his shoulder, Nicco supported him as he took him to the shower.

He sat Alejandro on a bench in the large custom shower and knelt down to help Alejandro remove his trunks. He adjusted the water and helped Alejandro steady himself. They showered together, toweled off and went to Nicco's bedroom to rest. Alejandro, though thoroughly exhausted, began to rebound quickly. As the men talked, Nicco massaged Alejandro and helped him stretch to minimize the cramps.

"Have you recovered enough to know if you are able to eat yet?" Nicco asked.

As if on cue, Alejandro's stomach growled. They both laughed. Soon they were heading out for a meal.

After they'd finished their meal, Nicco looked at Alejandro with some uncertainty, "Can you stay the night? We have more to enjoy."

With a wry smile Alejandro said, "I believe you have the right of conquest."

Nicco's eyes widened. "I'd never presume that with you. You know that."

Alejandro continued good-naturedly, "Well you had me a little confused a couple of hours ago."

"I thought I explained that," Nicco said. "It seems to be a recurring problem." His smile widened.

Alejandro laughed as he spoke, "Let's go. I'll let you get the check since you were so rough earlier. God knows what you plan for later. From where I lay, dinner will be a small price for what I think you're going to put me through."

Nicco playfully cuffed him on the chin. "Let's go."

Later in Nicco's bedroom his preparation of Alejandro was methodical, thorough and erotic. He wanted to make sure that what was to follow was pleasurable for his young friend. Both men were covered in sweat when Nicco's cudgel-like cock was buried to the hilt. Alejandro's face was white, his breath coming in shallow gasps. Still, he urged Nicco on.

As Nicco's flared mushroom cockhead raked across Alejandro's prostate, Alejandro saw stars. He wrapped his legs around Nicco's waist and countered his moves to increase their pleasure. Alejandro was lost in the moment; the stretching pain was forgotten in their climb toward release.

The feelings were so intense that when Alejandro reached his peak he forcefully pulled Nicco deeper into him locking their bodies together. The flash of pain as his ring tightened around Nicco's erection only increased Alejandro's pleasure. He moaned and grunted as his cock spurted cum between them. Nicco was careful not to take advantage of the moment. It would have injured Alejandro. He gently thrust with short strokes until he felt his cock pulse with its discharge.

After another shower and a drink they went to bed. Alejandro drifted quickly into sleep comforted by the warmth and strength of Nicco spooned behind him.

Charles returned a few days later. He filled Alejandro in on all the details of the appraisal for furniture and art, the crating, shipping, and furniture storage. It was a dizzying list of accomplishments, Alejandro had to admit.

The story behind David and Louis was mostly good news; all good news, Alejandro thought. Mr. Giboulette had all the documentation. The story he told elicited both humor and emotion. Charlotte had been overwhelmed by her husband's illness and all the responsibilities. She'd been loathe to consider selling the Thibodaux place but it was in pristine condition and would bring a good price.

Because of her acceptance of and love for Charles, she felt a kinship with David and Louis. She was sure they would respect and care for the property. She just didn't know how to tell Charles. On hearing the entire story, he quickly came to agree with the wisdom of her decision but now had to deal with Charlotte's parents' place. It seemed to Charles that it would never end. He could only imagine how his Mother had felt.

Before Charles could become despondent, Alejandro changed the subject to the birthday open house. Charles quickly warmed to the task, grateful for a different challenge to confront. He assured Alejandro he'd take care of all the details. It would be a party many would remember for years. Alejandro had only to pay the bills. They both laughed.

Charles and the university had agreed to let the Interim Lecturer continue through exams. It was a logical request for them to make and Charles was glad, at the moment, to be free of the responsibility.

Before he could settle into any routine, Alejandro brought up the calendar of spring board meetings. Charles checked with the Head Curator at the Institute and was assured that they would be flexible as in the past. Charles thought to himself it didn't hurt in the least that he was traveling with one of their major donors.

Together Alejandro and Charles mapped out their travel plans to New York, San Francisco, Miami - and Los Angles for a first time meeting with the Los Angles County Museum of Art. The Algara's had been donors for decades but when Alejandro received an invitation to join the board it came at the right time. He'd not be following his Grandparents.

Zach was elated when he heard Alejandro was coming for the meeting in San Francisco. He successfully masked his disappointment when he learned Charles would be joining Alejandro. He tried to console himself that he was the newcomer. It did little to salve his bruised hopes. He realized he had unreasonable expectations, having known Alex for such a short time. Still, faced with the facts, Zach maintained some hope.

When Winston got wind of Alejandro's return visit he insisted on arranging a small dinner party of some of the old guard who had known and loved the Algaras. Alejandro and Charles were warmly received. Of course, Zach was a known entity and welcomed. As Zach watched the interchange between Alejandro and Charles, he knew there was a deep friendship but one lacking in romance. He was slightly encouraged.

Their visit to San Francisco was brief, only two nights. There was no time for awkwardness to grow among the three men. Charles had heard all the details of Alejandro's last visit and was not at all surprised to sense a chill coming from Zach. There was nothing he could say, so he simply tried to keep things friendly and gave Zach no reason for jealousy. He quietly breathed a sigh of relief as they departed.

The visit to Miami was mostly for fun. There were no expectations, no welcoming parties, only the business of the board, which was blessedly brief. As Alejandro and Charles relaxed in their bed after vigorous afternoon sex, they discussed potential plans for the evening.

Charles had heard of a club called The Birdcage that he insisted they try. Alejandro was dubious about the entertainment value of female impersonators as an evening of fun. He yielded to Charles' exuberance and they headed off for the late dinner and show.

Alejandro was dazzled. His eyes were everywhere. This was a different world. The flamboyance, the color, the outrageous mannerisms were too much at first. Soon he realized he was part of a performance within a performance. Overhead he watched as two men dressed in sequined leotards swung on narrow swings similar to trapeze performers. Their lavender boas gracefully trailed behind them.

He and Charles wandered through the club pointing out amusing and sometimes shocking sights to one another. At the bar they both laughed when they saw the `tip jar'. The bartender had a large pink teddy bear wearing a jock strap obviously stuffed with a sock. From the top and along the sides of the pouch were singles and five dollar bills. They couldn't resist and stuffed in some currency of their own.

Dinner was good but the floor show was astounding. Staid Charles was whistling through his fingers, a feat Alejandro had never mastered. At the conclusion they both clapped and shouted their appreciation along with the rest of the audience.

The next day they explored and found a section of beach on the Atlantic side of Miami. South Beach, as it was known was supposedly gay-friendly. They took their Speedos and towels and went to find out. Though nudity was not obvious, there were numerous towels on the sand with swim suits left behind as men of all ages frolicked in the warm ocean water. The entire trip was a memory they'd recall time and again, they were sure.

Back in Chicago their time was brief, made more so by Charles' unexpected and hurried trip to Baton Rouge. The artwork had been appraised and he was needed to determine dispersal, sale or storage. He flew directly to LA to meet Alejandro who had flown out ahead.

There was a luncheon prior to the board meeting. Alejandro and Charles were introduced by the chairman to various individuals. Alejandro sensed a bit of surprise and veiled disdain at their relative youth. Of course they knew the Algara name. They had done their homework but weren't pleased to acknowledge they considered an upstart. At lunch Charles barely contained his outrage at the behavior they'd encountered.

With an angry whisper, Charles observed, "There's not one person here who knows beans from art I'm willing to bet. One of the pieces they are considering is by an artist that has had suspect copies foisted on museums for princely sums. His students copied his style and signed his name. They all profited from the process and in the period it was not seen as misrepresentation necessarily. If this piece is original to the master, it would be a wonderful acquisition. If not, the others being considered are far more worthy as additions."

Alejandro asked the chairman if Charles could sit in on the meeting as a visitor. His request was granted, albeit a bit grudgingly.

When the topic of new acquisitions arose one painting soon became the subject of everyone's attention. It was the one that Charles had questioned. One member in particular was enthusiastic with his praise of such a great opportunity for the museum. Nodding sagely, most of the members seemed to agree. Alejandro doubted their combined knowledge of the artist, period or piece would fill a post card. When the call for questions came, Charles cleared his throat distinctly. Alejandro cast him a glance and quickly saw that Charles wanted to speak.

Alejandro waited as one of the older members rambled on with irrelevant points seemingly in support of the purchase. At his conclusion, Alejandro raised his hand to the surprise and consternation of several members. Given the floor, Alejandro said, "With your permission, Mr. Chairman, may I yield my time to my colleague Mr. Charles Thibodaux. He is a curator for the renowned Chicago Institute and a lecturer on Art History at the University of Chicago."

There were some murmurings among some members. Of more interest to both Charles and Alejandro were the dagger-like looks from the member who was supporting the acquisition. The chairman granted Alejandro's request.

Charles stood and waited a moment, making eye contact with each member. "Gentlemen, thank you for the privilege of joining your meeting and particularly a discussion on acquisitions for this esteemed institution. The choices for your consideration would be welcomed in any of the great museums of this country. Of course the provenance of each should be considered and vetted prior to purchase. My familiarity with the contemporary pieces of this century is more limited. However I know of each artist and have seen their work. These appear to be fine examples.

"The VanHoelbeck piece, however, gives me some concern. It is obviously beautifully rendered in the style of the period and the master. However recent research by various museums in both America and in Europe have discovered numerous pieces once thought to be work of VanHoelbeck himself are instead products of his students. A cursory examination will not yield the information you likely seek but a careful examination of brush strokes and other palate knife techniques quickly separate the master from his students.

"Such examination is not my expertise and I would not pretend to be able to advise on such matters but before millions of dollars are spent, a careful examination is warranted. This is not my opinion but that of curators world-wide."

With that, Charles resumed his seat. There was a momentary uncomfortable silence as chairs shifted. The chairman looked to his right, directly at the man who'd minutes ago enthusiastically supported the expenditure. Alejandro noted a distinct but brief shaking of the member's head.

"If there are no further questions..." the Chairman continued as if Charles had never spoken.

Alejandro stood. "Mr. Chairman, if I may."

The Chairman was flustered that an issue was being made about a purchase that was moments ago a foregone conclusion. He graciously said, "Mr. Algara."

Clearing his throat softly and looking directly at the supporting committee member, Alejandro said, "Though I am the newest and obviously the youngest member of this august group, I feel further discussion is needed; more importantly, further study should be made of the VanHoelbeck piece before action is taken to commit such a sizable sum of money. Surely an institution as old and venerable as this can take time to make certain that contributions and endowments are wisely used.

"If the chair will consider a counter motion, I would like to move that the purchase be delayed until an independent study can be made of the piece in question by recognized authorities. Further I would like to add that I will be personally responsible, through the Algara Group, to fund such a study. If indeed the piece is discovered to be authentic and by VanHoelbeck's hand I will contribute half of the purchase price."

There was an immediate uproar of conversation. The chairman gaveled the meeting back to order. Charles' comments and Alejandro's offer had galvanized the committee. The motion to buy was defeated. Alejandro's substitute motion was resoundingly passed and the meeting quickly ended.

Later, as they showered after a vigorous session of fucking and sucking, Charles observed that the member pushing the purchase was likely trying to unload what he knew to be a student's work. They enjoyed their night on the town, dining and clubbing until the very early hours of morning.

The sun was warm and bright when they landed in O'Hare. It was a welcome relief to the cold that had dogged them all winter. Summer came and with it a slower pace as people took vacation and moved to lakefront homes to enjoy the brief season of warmth.

Charles made several trips to Lafayette to finalize arrangements for the plantations and town house. The will was recorded and all the legal details were tied up to his satisfaction. When the liquid assets and conservative anticipated incomes from the farms were accounted for, Charles realized he would likely never have to work for money. Of course he would pursue his career but the latitude he now had gave him an element of freedom he'd never enjoyed.

It was mid-September and the heat of summer began to dissipate from the city. Alejandro and Charles found themselves eagerly anticipating the October board meeting at the Met. New York was their favorite city to visit, though both agreed it would take major adjustments to live there.

There were several acquisitions being considered. Charles invested hours of research on each. Alejandro was pleased when, at the opening reception, numerous people sought him out remembering his astute comments from a previous meeting.

They enjoyed their extended stay with lots of playtime. Their visit to the wrestling club on 42nd Street was entertaining but afforded no opportunities other than ogling muscled bodies glistening with sweat. Both men recalled the previous visit. They looked for the kid who'd tried to hustle them. They compared the wrestlers they saw to the golden Aussi, Eric. A very attractive piece of eye-candy; he was blond, tall, muscular and a model who enjoyed a bit of a tumble on the mats. They visited the same nightclub that Eric had turned them on to. Shirtless and sweaty they merged with the mass of other men gyrating to the heavy pulse of the music.

It was late when they arrived at the condo, tipsy from drinking and laughing. They shared sex in the shower and slept deeply. For the remainder of their visit they continued to play tourist, eat wonderful meals and revel in the pace of the city. Chicago was large and vibrant but nothing compared to the raw energy of New York. They were sorry to see their time end.

Chicago in fall can offer abrupt changes. Indian Summer days had quickly given way to chill winds coming off Lake Michigan. It was always a jolting reminder of how quickly the seasons could change.

The cycle began again with visits, meetings, and year-end requests for money by various groups. What fired Alejandro's energy was the progress on the housing front. There were numerous groups who wished to partner with the venture and specific properties had been identified. Good news had traveled fast. Proposals for consideration were coming in from the Archdiocese, the Worker's Brotherhood and the Brothers at St. Loyola's. Each had identified viable projects for consideration.

Alejandro arranged with Zach to send representatives from the three groups in Chicago to study the San Francisco project. There they would meet all the players and see how potential pieces of that successful project might be incorporated in the Chicago projects being proposed. After hanging up the phone from checking final details, Alejandro smacked his forehead with the palm of his hand. He'd been focused on the bricks and mortar stage and knew if the gardening component wasn't planned from the beginning there would be expensive rework. The gardens were a must!

A quick call to Zach got him on board to have someone who specialized in seasonal, greenhouse and container gardening for foodstuffs available to meet with the Chicago delegation. On a hunch, Alejandro called John O'Malley.

"Well how the heck are you, Bud. I'm hoping this call is to suggest we get together for a workout and other recreational activities," John said with a little laugh.

Alejandro realized how neglectful he'd been for months. You didn't treat friends this way and John wasn't just a `fuck buddy'.

"John, please accept my apology. There are reasons, but no excuses. I enjoy our workouts, both kinds," Alejandro said picking up on the hint. "I'm calling to see if you have some information I need."

John and Alejandro had discussed the housing project on and off for months as they'd phoned or during infrequent visits. He'd asked pertinent questions and made good suggestions for the urban Chicago setting. Alejandro just hoped he had some contacts who understood the elements of greenhouse construction.

"John, you know the buildings we've been discussing. There's a gardening component that is integral to the project. I need to find someone who works with greenhouse construction for this growing zone. Also I need someone who knows about plants, primarily vegetables." Alejandro's frustration came through loud and clear.

"Got just the guy for you. The firm uses him often. He has credentials as a landscape designer and has worked extensively with ornamentals, shrubs and trees. That may be of interest in the general softening of the hardscape. What you'll not see is his love for personal gardening. We've gotten to be friends and I've been to his house often. He grows vegetables and flowers nearly year-round. He'd probably go nuts getting his hands on a project like I think you're talking about." John quickly warmed to the idea.

"Let me set up a meeting so the two of you can connect your vision with his technical skills. I imagine he could become a key player if he has time to get involved. This is no small thing you're doing," John said.

Before they concluded their conversation they scheduled a time to get together for a workout. Alejandro couldn't wait to meet the guy. On his end, as John cradled the phone, he smiled hoping the guys would hit it off in a variety of ways. If they did Alejandro was in for a bit of a surprise.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The peculiar food and drink of writers is the comment from the reader. Please feel free to drop me a note at

Next: Chapter 44

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