To Test A Thief

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Sep 3, 2016




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


Yewes sat at the tavern table with a tankard of ale (his third) and tried with another swallow to drown the moths now beating their brains out against the insides of his stomach. Tonight was the night, he would soon be receiving his assignment to test his mettle as a burglar, and if he passed their test, he would be admitted into the Thieves' Guild, allowed to ply his trade in the city and even receive information about lucrative houses and businesses to strike. He'd have to pay the Guild fees, half of his takes, but that paid in part for men whose only job was to scout out prospects for thieves like him!

He could do this, he kept telling himself, he knew how to scale the walls of most houses in the city, he knew how to dodge the guards, how to watch to know their routines before he tried to go in, he knew this, damn it, he knew it all, and now if he could just get his stomach to realize that. He'd be better when he was on the job....

A brawny hand landed on his shoulder in attempted camaraderie, but all it did was put him on edge. "Hello there, young man!" came the jovial sound immediately after the hand. "You're sitting all by yourself over here, you looked lonely!"

"That's because I want to be alone." Yewes said tersely. He should have realized he'd picked the wrong tavern to drink alone in, this was a tavern for young men such as himself to meet other men for games, either at the table or in bed. And he was a tasty morsel for such traffic, he knew, being only a score of years old, with a long but regular face, lean but muscled body, thin but sculpted and agile, with long fingers adept at picking locks or pockets as he needed.

"But I don't." the man declared and sat down beside him. Yewes looked over at this man. If he'd not been simply marking time until he could start his Thieves' Guild test, he might have talked with this man. Large, broad-shouldered, thick-chested, strong-jawed and steely-eyed, he must be a Guardsman, off duty for the night and determined to have some fun. Yes, had this been any other night than it was....

The man's hand came over and landed impudently on Yewes' upper thigh and from there began to fondle under his tunic, aiming for the nexus of his legs and the place between.

"Oh, by the Moon Goddess!" Yewes exploded as he reached down and jerked that hand away from his inner leg and threw it into the man's own lap. "I'm not available tonight, can you understand that?"

"I just think you haven't considered what I'm offering you...." the man began again and that hand came back over onto Yewes' thigh.

Yewes had just picked up his tankard to drink some more of his ale, the tankard was about a third full. In a sudden burst of fury, he dashed the contents onto the man's face. That won a burst of laughter from the other men in the tavern and the man's ardent antics were dashed as well. Yewes took the opportunity get up and leave the tavern behind. He hadn't been relaxing there anyway.

He had another hour to wait until he had to appear at the Thieves' Guild Hall, and he spent the time just walking the street, watching the children at play among the filth on the streets, the women hanging their washing on lines in the alleys or shopping at the open-air stalls usually manned by older, overweight men with white hair and ugly faces. Yewes looked at this and sighed. Where were all the good-looking men in the world? Was this entire city nothing but ugly men...except perhaps some in the Guard and a few in the Thieves' Guild? Would that the entire world were nothing but handsome young men. Well, once he had money and to spare, he could buy a house and staff it with such, and surround at least himself with male beauty.

And such was his thoughts when he reported to the Thieves' Guild.

Old Kitingi was at his table when he walked in, another case of old, fat and homely, but dressed in fine robes, he looked up and said, "Ah, young Yewes. Are you ready for tonight?"

"I'm ready, Master." Yewes meant only that Kitingi was Master of Apprentices for the Guild, and he was, like it or not, a journeyman still. This was his test to become a full-fledged thief, allowed to take apprentices under his wing if he chose (and if they could pay him the right price!)

"We've picked a nice one for you. Got an important man visiting the City and supposed to be carrying plenty of cash. Your job is to break into his room tonight and lift at least fifty pieces of gold from that stash. You can take more if you choose, but nothing less will earn you the test. If you can't find money, find the equivalent in other goods. Remember that he'll be about and could return to his room unexpectedly, but the room has a window that lets out onto the roof of a house next door, you can slip out that way if you need to and can force the locks on the window before he returns. We'll judge your talents and your prudence on how you handle this job so be on your best and good luck!"

Yewes was handed the address and saw the house the visitor had rented was less than a block from the tavern where he'd encountered that amorous Guardsman. Well, it gave him a better reason to avoid the guards or that Guardsman may end up enjoying Yewes' favors whether Yewes wanted him to or not!

Well, no way into the house on the first floor, but this was summer and the second floor had three windows on it, all barred, but all open otherwise. Yewes wanted to get in and out without revealing he'd even been in the place if he could help it. So he went into the alley back of the house and sure enough, two windows there were also open, and the one on the left had no bars on it at all! Yewes wasn't surprised by this, any landlord needed a stealthy way to get into a house where the tenant had changed the locks on him, a ladder would let such a landlord get inside and face down the squatter in no time.

He had to climb a rainspout to get to the window, having no ladder with him of course, but he was trained in such acrobatics, and made the climb in less than five minutes and then he was at the window. He had a brief moment of awkwardness getting into the window from the rainspout, and nearly fell, but nearly didn't matter long as it didn't become reality and then he was inside.

Now he had to find the bedroom, for a visitor would want his treasure in the same room he slept in more likely than not. He would begin looking there and if he had to, could branch out and search the lower rooms later, even when the man had returned if he could avoid meeting him before he retired.

He had barely begun and was still searching the bedroom when he heard the voice downstairs. The man had returned, he was saying a good evening to his friends at his door and then the door closed. Yewes looked around, he had to hide! But this room was a rented room, there was naught but the bed for him to hide in! The chest of drawers was useless, as was the boxes which were too small for a man even if they had been empty.

There was no choice for it, he had to get into the bed and hope the covers would conceal him. The man might leave again, or if he was tipsy enough, might fall asleep in a chair downstairs or....

The hopes were forlorn, for the man was now ascending the stairs and the light he was carrying showed Yewes the face of his mark.

The man from the tavern! It was he, no doubt about it. Big, strong, younger than he'd expected, the man he'd thought was a Guardsman, was in fact the rich man he was here to rob! And he was not intoxicated.

The man stopped at the washbasin just outside the room and only the fact he did not look into the bedroom kept Yewes concealed. He pulled up his tunic over his head and was soon bare from the waist up. Yewes saw the muscles rippling on the man's back and remembered how he had lusted after Yewes back in the tavern. He was trapped in this room, for he could not force the locks of the bedroom window in time to escape.

Despairing of both escaping and of winning his Thieves' Guild full membership, he thought briefly that if he'd known the man propositioning him in the tavern was to be his mark for the night, he could have won easy entry to this room by simply going with the man.... And that sparked a thought!

He had to move fast. He slithered out of his clothes as quietly as he could, while the man at the basin washed the day's grime from his body. His clothes he softly slid off onto the floor on the far side of the bed, he needed to be completely nude before the man turned around, but his trousers were sticking to his legs as if they were painted on....

He still had them at his knees when the man at the basin turned around and saw Yewes, and Yewes shifted quickly as he could into a seductive pose, the lover at rest in the bed. "I was wondering when you'd get here." He told the dumbfounded man.

"Did you now?" the man said after a shocked pause.

"I wanted to give you my...personal apology for my appalling behavior at the tavern. You did nothing that deserved my throwing my drink in your face, and I am."

"Yes. Here you are." the man said.

"So what are you waiting for?" Yewes said as he lifted the covers on the man's side of the bed and threw them back enough that the man could see that his upper body was bare under the covers.

The man's mouth fell open and then he burst out into a hearty laugh. This laugh lasted for some time and Yewes laughed along with him, uncomfortably. When you show up naked in a man's bed, laughter is not the reaction you're expecting.

"By all the Lords of the Six Oceans, this is the strangest thing that I have encountered in all my days and nights!" the man finally said. "I can only respond to this by accepting your offer with quiet gratitude and hope you don't regret your choice in the morning."

"I will regret nothing." Yewes said with a great deal of relief. He would pleasure this man and then, when the man was asleep, could continue his search and perhaps find the location of his horde and take it for his own. The man would feel he had been robbed, but write it off to bitter experience of misplaced trust rather than a raid by the Thieves' Guild.

The man sat on the bed to pull off his shoes and trousers and Yewes used the opportunity to divest himself of his own leggings and shoved them to the foot of the bed still under the covers. He would kick them off soon as the opportunity presented.

The opportunity vanished along with the covers, for the man stood and, now nude, grabbed the covers and yanked them all onto the floor on his side. Somewhere, in that pile of bedding, was his leggings, but that no longer mattered, because Yewes was now no longer alone in this bed, he had a big, hairy (hair all over!), horny man climbing his way! All he could do was smile as best he could and hold up his arms in welcome.

The man threw himself into that embrace and Yewes had a massive lump of warm, heavy-breathing man in his arms and in his face. The man pressed his lips to Yewes' cheeks and then to his ear and his breaths were a loud "Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh!" as he pressed his erect penis against Yewes' leg, and it throbbed hungrily there.

Yewes kissed the man's shoulder as best he could, and the hairs there made that a fuzzy business, but he gave it all the ardor he could and the man shifted over and now his cock was up against Yewes', which was still flaccid but the cock on top of it was hard and the man began to rub on him in a slow, circular motion that worked his cockskin over his shaft and it obediently began to stiffen, and the man's prick smeared hot precome on top of his engorging dong. And the man's breath in his ear continued, "Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh!"

Yewes couldn't bear the weight of this man any more, he was being crushed! "Pray, sir!" He gasped out. "Let me please you as I can, if you will free me from your grip."

"HUH! HUH, UH-UH-HUH-UH!" the man grunted as he lifted his body from Yewes and it was a sound very like a man would make if he was ejaculating, but then he was off Yewes' body and lying beside him and Yewes knew that he had to deliver the lovemaking of his lifetime!

So he rolled over himself and onto this big man and used his tongue liberally over the hair-coated chest. Finding the nipples on those huge breasts was something of an accomplishment, for they were buried in the fur of that man's chest, but he did and when he found the small button on top of the nipple, he laved it with his tongue and the man moaned, "UHHHHHH!" again with a tone of a man in full ecstasy. And he thrust upwards and his erect prick slammed against Yewes' arm.

He looked down to see what had struck him and stared at the large dong this man was packing. Dear Goddess of Love, was he to take this gigantic prong into his nether regions in peace! Never!

No choice for it, he had to please this man in some other way before his ass became fair game! His kisses were faster now, he still tried to keep the man pleased, but he was working his way down fast he as he could, for the man's schlong was waiting and it didn't want to wait!

He caught hold of it with his hand and the precome was streaking it all up and down and his hand got a stripe of it across the insides of his fingers, across the first joints. He grimaced only briefly, then gripped tighter and began to work the pud as he continued to kiss that hairy stomach, there must be a navel in here somewhere if he could find it. No matter, the man loved the feel of his tongue and he continued to ply it liberally.

"Oh, ahhhh, turn around here and let me get you, too!" the man grunted as Yewes raised up and poised himself to play sword-swallower on this thick sausage of manhood. Yewes slipped up and around so that his feet were near the man's head.

"Ah, but you're a pliable bit of manhood, aren't you?" the man breathed huskily. "I bet you can make this body of yours do anything you want it to, can't you?"

"I am happy to be of service."

"How'd you get into this room, anyhow? The doors and windows were all locked."

"I have my ways." Yewes didn't like this conversation, it was getting too close to the truth.

"Must have shinnied up the drainpipe on the rear and into that rear window, I bet." And the man chose that moment to swallow Yewes' cock. He had softened from the questions but the man's tongue quickly brought his dong to life again.

He moaned and suddenly that giant dong waiting his attentions didn't look at all too large. He stuffed it into his mouth and his teeth threatened it, he kept them at bay and shoved it on in, across his tongue and the glans kissed the back of his throat and he straightened his throat and got it a little further down.

"Oooh, oh, ohhhhh!" the man moaned as he felt the smooth, moist interior of Yewes' mouth and he worked Yewes' cock with a fiery intensity.

With that pleasure coursing through him, Yewes' world constricted until it consisted only of this pleasure, the man's mouth on his cock, and the man's cock in his own. He was receiving the most blessed of services here, and all he had to do in turn was provide the same service in turn.

His mouth and throat bent to his will, and it was absurdly easy to take the entirety of the majestic man-mountain and it fit him utterly. His nose nestled in the pubic hairs and brushed the floor of the nest and the warm skin that lurked down there. His breaths were intermittent and shallow and he needed no more than this, he could live on it and that was all that mattered, that and running his mouth and lips up and down this cock while his tongue danced upon it back and forth, up and down.

In this symphony of male nursing, Yewes was lost and he felt the man under him rising in his pleasure, building in his need to release, and as he felt it, his own body mirrored it and when the man groaned again, this time in earnest, he matched the moans with his own and as the man below him ejaculated into Yewes' mouth, Yewes sprayed his own seed liberally down into the man's own maw.

He felt the man's lips and mouth drinking from his man-tap and his own mouth, filled with spunk, moved and he swallowed the load and the rest as it flowed freely. An eternity of instants later, he was done, drained and the prick in his mouth was expended and the pleasure ebbed away like the ocean at low tide, leaving behind the dark, wet sand, sticky and stinking, and so was he as his joy slipped away into the paradise where all perfect things go, leaving behind only their memory to mark their passage.

Exhausted, he feebly released the man's prick, with some difficulty for it felt imbedded within his throat, and then he wormed around and found the man's face and kissed those spunk-salted lips with his own climax-stained ones, and the taste was heady, manly and real!

"I accept your apology." the man told him as they released each other to lie side by side.


"I said I accept your apology."

"Uh? Oh, oh...yes." Yewes said. "I am pleased we could repair our damaged...uh...." He forgot where he was going. "I am pleased." He said in lieu of finishing the sentence.

"Sleep now, my dear friend and in the morning, I shall take you to a fine restaurant and we shall feast well and long."

"I would like that." Yewes felt a pang of remorse for his subterfuge. Had he accepted the man's invitation earlier, he could have had all this and the Thieves' Guild together.

No choice for it, he sighed as he put himself in a semblance of sleep, the man's hairy, brawny arm rested over him. Snores soon resounded in the room, and Yewes didn't find them the least bit annoying. Comforting, rather, for they meant that he was not alone in this bed, even when the hand moved away from him. Sighing, he slipped out of the bed and found his leggings in the mess of the bedding. The rest of his clothes were easy enough and he was soon dressed.

The treasure he sought was in the man's moneybag with his clothes, he found it and lifted it out, hefted it. It held more than fifty gold pieces, he felt sure, closer to a hundred. It would do. Surely the man had more gold on him than this, but he would not take more than he needed, not from this man.

And from there, he had only to get back to the rear window and shinny out it and down the drainpipe. Again he almost fell as he reached for the pipe, but again, almost doesn't count in this business, he was safe and down on the ground and away.

He didn't sleep much the rest of the night. Maybe he could repair things with the man, despite having stolen from him. He would plead a creditor that threatened to put him in debtor's prison that had to be paid, and restore what could become a wonderful thing. He knew so little of this man, true, but what he knew, he liked, and relationships had to begin somewhere.

He was at the Thieves' Guild the next day in the afternoon as the appointment called for. He was exhausted beyond words, and felt haggard and worn. But this would not take overlong, he would report and be sworn into the Guild. Then maybe he could try to find the man again and humbly apologize and ease his ravaged conscience.

There were three men waiting for him, Master Kitingi sitting to the right, the Guild Master of the Lodge, Old Meglen himself, on the left, and in between was another man, wearing robes of High Master status. "Come in, Yewes, and tell us of your encounter and your haul." He indicated the man in the middle. "You are lucky enough to have here with us today Lord Jondan, who has kindly consented to preside over your judgment."

"I fear I must confess failure." Yewes said and he pulled the moneybag from his belt. Handed it to the man in the middle. "For I return the money I took from its owner and I confess a genuine remorse for ever having taken it."

The man in the middle smiled, "And didn't you think that, to test a new thief, we would want to observe him in action? And what better way than that than to be the one who is burgled while he slept? What I observed with you was in my eyes the best performance of all." He pushed the gold moneybag back over to Yewes. "Keep the money, you won it fairly. Call it a first payment of your salary."


Lord Jonden (for he was the man from the tavern, the man with whom Yewes had spent the night loving and then robbing) pushed back from the table. "I observed you last night. I was quite taken with you. I need a man like you by my side back at the Mother Lodge Hall. I think it would suit your talents better than thieving, don't you think?" His smile made it clear the exact nature of the duties Yewes would be expected to perform.

And for himself, Yewes let a smile build on his face, "Yes, Lord Jonden, I think it would suit me very well, indeed."


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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