To Sir With Love

By Juilian James (JuilianJ, Julien, Julian)

Published on Dec 30, 2002



This story is 100% fictional and is by no means depictive of the life of any person, place or thing. It contains sexual activities between males and should only be read if it is legal to do so in your area. Read at your own risk and enjoy. Comments are welcomed and would be very much appreciated. ENJOY!

When I was elevated to sophomore status in school, I thought the worst was over. My main tormentor had graduated that fall and was no longer within reaching distance of me as he had gone to a university in upstate New York, and even though Mutt and Jeff, his two side kicks remained for an extra year, their power over me seemed to depart with the leader of the pack. I had never told anyone about those days behind the bushes, those days of crying my eyes out, the days I wished I had a gun so I could just shoot myself and all that rage, all that anger manifested itself into a poor academic showing for my sophomore year as well as several reprimands for bad behavior, none of which my step mother bothered to come to school to fight against. She was convinced that I was a lost cause and told me so. And by the time the year had ended, I was convinced that I would forever be a bum and a drunkard like my father and would roam the streets with no education and no ambition. In the meantime my other brothers would be finishing up college, get married and would come see me on my birthday as I sat in some sanitarium off the interstate. That was the attitude I continued to have up until my senior year. I had once again gotten into trouble and this time was suspended for three days. My father was notified and was supposed to pick me up at the gates of the school but instead I stood there waiting. I watched as three o' clock came and went, students leaving to go home or to catch an early movie or a burger. I watched as the principal got into his car at four thirty and drove away not even regarding my existence. At five thirty the guard came and closed the school gates leaving me standing outside, darkness surrounding me and tears beginning to well up in my eyes. "Hey kid, you need a ride?" I turned at the sound of the voice and found myself looking into a gray Honda Accord and into the face of someone that I would come to know as the love of my life. I hadn't answered him immediately and I began to curse myself as he drove away only to park on the shoulder. He opened the drivers' side of his car and stepped out unto the sidewalk slowly making his way up to me. He was a big guy, bigger than any guy that I had ever met and he was intimidating to me. I cowered unto a wall and watched as he stood directly before me. "You ok? It's kinda late for you to be out here by yourself." I didn't answer not knowing what to expect. He could have been trying to help me or it could have been a ploy to get me into his car where he would beat me to a bloody pulp or worst, make unwanted advances towards me. But to my surprise he reached out and gently held my hand, "I'm not going to hurt you kid. What's your name?" "Stefan." I managed to stutter out. "Ok Stefan. You need a ride somewhere, you shouldn't be out here by yourself." I had thought for a second before nodding my head. The temperature was beginning to drop and I didn't have a jacket. He must have noticed my shoulders trembling because he offered me his own. At first I was reluctant to take it. "It's ok Stefan, I don't need it but apparently you do, your shaking." And before I could protest further, he took it off and helped me into it. It hung off of me like a blanket but it kept me warm. "Better?" "Yeah, uh thanks." "Good, now get in so I can take you home before your parents start to worry." I was on the verge of telling him that my parents could have cared less but realized that maybe he didn't want to know my whole life story. After giving him the directions to my house I allowed my head to rest against the headrest and my eyes to close.

"Stefan we're here." I felt his massive hand on my shoulder and his booming voice in my ear and jumped involuntarily. "Sorry to scare you. You're home." I sat up and looked out unto my shabby yard and realized that he was telling the truth. "Uh, I, thanks for the uh, the ride." "You're welcomed. And by the way, my name is Mason." He outstretched his hand for me to shake and I cautiously took it. His grip was firm and reminded me of something that my brother Chris had told me. "Thanks Mason." I said as I reached for the door handle but he stopped me. "You going to be ok?" "Yeah." "You sure?" "Yeah." I whispered not wanting to go in as yet. "Well just in case..." he reached into the backseat and pulled out a pen and paper and began jotting down something, "Here's my number. If you need a ride or you just want to talk." I took it from him and put it into my top shirt pocket. "Thanks." And I stepped out unto the sidewalk and watched as he drove away.

I had gotten out of bed at six thirty so that I could have gotten my appearance together and had time to make Masons' breakfast before I left. Breakfast was already done and I was already dressed but there was nothing I could do about the fading black bruise under my right eye and the fresh one on my cheek. I couldn't go into the office with sunglasses on and no amount of concealer could hide what was turning into a small swelling on my face. Mason was still in the shower and had not seen me yet. I wasn't sure how he would react and I wasn't sure I was ready for it. But the choice was made for me when he stepped into our bedroom with a towel adorning his waist. The contrast of the white towel against his black skin would on any other day turn me on but today I just wasn't in the mood for anything sexual. He came up behind me and cuddled me in his arms while gently kissing my neck. I tried so hard not to let him see the bruise but as always, he got his own way and turned me to around to face him. "Jesus Christ!" His reaction was not something new. After every single incident like this, he would get up the morning after and would be shocked at the damage that he had inflicted. "It's ok Mace, it doesn't hurt much." "Stefan, baby, I'm so sorry. I can't believe I did that." He tried to touch my face but I shifted leading his hand instead to land on my neck. "I know, you didn't mean it." And as he started to cry I embraced him, cradled him like a child, trying to alleviate any guilt he may have felt. And it was my heart that was breaking. I knew that Mason sometimes would allow his temper to get the better of him but he wasn't a bad person, far from it. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I swear I will never hurt you like this again, I love you. You know that don't you." "Yeah." And I believed him. "I'm going to make it up to you Stefan, I promise I will." And as all the times before, I forgave him.

"Stefan you got the report for..." my co-worker and good friend Davis Cooke stopped in his tracks as he came into full view of me and my desk. I could see the look on his face, one that neither displayed shock or surprise but something more along the lines of disbelief. "Yeah, it just came in from upstairs. We have to return to them by four." He pulled up a chair to my desk and sat down, something he would always do after he would see me like this. "You ok?" "Yes, everything's fine." "You sure?" "Yes! You're starting to sound like my brother." And realizing that I was getting upset with him over something as simple as concern led me to apologize. "I'm sorry Dave, it's just that I know where you're going with this and I just don't have the time today. I'm already in a world of shit for not showing up for the staff meeting today and I have to get these forms signed, sealed and delivered before four." He looked at me sympathetically and got up. "Well let me let you get back to your work." And before I could say another word, he was walking away. Throughout the day I had the urge to go and apologize for brushing him off but every time I got up to do it, something came up. Mason called me up at lunchtime and asked me out to lunch. "I really can't Mace, I got so much shit to do here and..." "And nothing Stefan. I told you I was going to make it up to you and I meant it. What I did last night was, I was wrong ok. I had been drinking and when you hadn't called to check in all these ideas began floating around, I fucked up baby. Give me a chance to make it up to you. Lunch at your favorite place, please." I was a sucker for him and I instantly agreed. And as I was preparing to leave Dave came up to my desk, "You going for lunch?" "Yeah." "Good. You want to go for lunch with me. I know this little Italian place down the block, the best lasagna you'll ever taste." "I'm sorry Dave but I've got other plans. Mace is buying today." "Ok, well another time then. Here." He took a pen off of my desk and tore a piece of paper off and wrote a number on it. "That's my home number, maybe this weekend we can hang out. I got tickets to go see the NY Jets play the Dallas Cowboys. You can even bring your partner." "Mace?" "Yeah." "Ok, I'll ask him. You want me to bring you back anything?" "Naw, I'm just gonna order in." And as I watched him walk away I felt a feeling of guilt rest within me. At one point in time Dave and I were almost as close as Chris and I. We would hang out on the weekends and have lunch during the weekdays. I had even spent the Thanksgiving weekend with him and his family six years ago but all that closeness had evaporated when Mason and I moved in together. Mace didn't like the closeness that Dave and I shared and Dave obviously didn't like the way Mace treated me. It was like a love triangle that I didn't want to be in the middle of so I had avoided having them both in the same place at the same time. But this opportunity seemed too good to let go to waste. I wasn't a big fan of football but Mace loved the Jets and I knew he would jump at the chance to see them live. This would also give Dave a chance to see what I saw in Mace and maybe, just maybe, they could learn to tolerate each other.

I was surprised at how crowded the restaurant was at this time of the day. This somehow resembled the dinner instead of the lunch crowd. Mace was getting impatient waiting and I myself was feeling the urge to just go somewhere else. "What's the fucking point of making a damn reservation if this shit is going to happen." "Come on Mace, we can go somewhere else, there's a nice Italian restaurant just down the block from work." "No! I made these goddamn reservations. We're keeping them even if I have crack some fucking heads in this goddamn place." Well would you mind if I went outside for a cigarette. This crowd is making me nauseous." "No, just don't go too far, I'm going to go find the goddamn manger." and he was off into the crowd. I took the time to slip out of there via the side door. And while taking a well needed puff off of my Newport, a man I recognized as another patron from the restaurant made his way over to me. "Hey there, mind if I bum a cigarette off of you?" "Not at all. It's a nightmare in there." "You're telling me! It's like a damn zoo. What's the point of even making reservations if you have to end up waiting anyway." "You sound like my boyfriend, he was just saying the same thing." "Oh, the guy you came in with was your boyfriend?" "Yeah." "Too bad, and to think I was hoping that I could buy you lunch." "Well for the record if I were single I would have taken you up on your offer. You are after all an attractive guy." "Thanks, so are you. But I should get going. Thanks for the cigarette." And I watched as he walked back inside. Finishing up mine I outted the butt unto the bottom of my shoe, threw it into the dumpster and then went back inside. I

"Who was that?" We had just finished lunch and Mace was driving me back to work. "Who was who?" "That guy?" "What guy Mace?" I knew where this was going and I didn't like it. He pulled the car unto the shoulder and shut off the engine. "You think I'm fucking blind? It's like I can't even fucking trust you. I'm gone for like ten minutes and your ass is already cruising." Realizing what he was referring to I tried to put his mind at ease. "I gave him a cigarette. He wanted to bum a smoke off me and I gave him one. Why do you always have to over analyze everything?" "Don't you fucking try to turn your shit around on me Stefan. I saw you and I heard you too. 'Well for the record if I were single I would have taken you up on your offer. You are after all an attractive guy' what the hell was that in aid of?" "I was trying to make conversation Mace, you do remember what that is don't you?" And for once I wish I had just kept my mouth shut. He got out of the car, came around to the passenger side and flung the door open. "Get the fuck out!" He growled at me. "What?!?" "Get out Stefan before I drag your white ass out!" I didn't think he was serious so I stayed put. Big mistake. He unsnapped the seat belt so hard it wounded up hitting me hard in the shoulder, then by my shirt collar he dragged me out, helping me land on my butt. He slammed the passenger side door and walked around to the drivers' side, climbing in without regarding me. "Mason what are you doing, let me in." I cried as I tried to open the door only to find it looked. "Get your new friend to take your ass home!" And with that he put the car into gear and sped off leaving me surrounded by a cloud of dust.


Next: Chapter 3

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