To Get Nsync

By Dave Aspire

Published on Aug 29, 2000


DISCLAIMER: The following story contains some homosexual content and is for those over 18 or whatever age depending on country or state law. If you are underage LEAVE NOW!!

This story in no way implies the sexuality of any of the *NSYNC guys and does not propose that any of them are gay, bi or have any homosexual tendencies. It is story of FICTION.

I'm Dave and this is the second installment of my first story for Nifty and I hope you all like it cause I just love to write and there will be plenty more where this came from!!! This story is gonna be HUGE!!! read it, tell your friends about it and love it.

Email me a reply to the story. don't forget the double I in "aspir - ii - ng"

thankyou John who emailed me a really appreciated email. I still need heaps of info on the guys and their families so keep the email up.

Previously in "TO GET *NSYNC":

Adam, afraid he might catch him looking at him turned to face the other direction and met J.C's questioning glance.

Adam left his seat and moved to the windows. J.C followed.

'Are you getting a crush on him or has he got something in his teeth, 'cos you were looking at him very intensly.'

'Who...WHAT!' Adam tried to find the words but it was obvious. He found Justin very attractive.

I don't know. Don't say anything please. I've only known you guys a day, I don't want to sound obsessive.

Plus he would probably never look or talk to me again. Don't be angry at me J.C, pleae?'

J.C smiled.

'I'm not. I think it's cute. The fact you have a crush on my man Curly. We'll keep it our little secret.'

'And mine.'

Adam and J.C turned to see Lance smiling at them. I didn't know it was important what you were tlaking about so I kinda overheard. But i'm with J.C, I think it's cute.

Adam buried his head in his hands and groaned. Great way to start a frinedship Adam, fall for one of them.

And now on with the show.... 'TO GET *NSYNC part 2'

Adam sat with his head in his hands. He didn't have a crush on Justin. He couldn't have a crush on Justin. He better not. He can not.

Adam looked up at J.C and Lance, he smiled and excused himslef before crossing the viewing platform to a pay phone. He dialed the digits and waited as the ring continued.

Finally someone picked up the phone.

'Hello?' Adam'd gut turned.

'Hi, Mrs Harrison. Is Toby there?' He closed his eyes and when he opened them he could see Joey and Chris close by staring out the viewing windows.

'Hello? Hello? Adam you there?' Adam snapped back to the phone.

'Hiya Toby, How'd you know it was me?'

'My Mum. I was just thinking about you. I know I pressured you and I know that if you're not ready to have sex with me then..' Adam quickly cut in.

'Toby, I don't want to talk about this over the phone. i just wanted to hear your voice and tell you I lo...I...' Adam couldn't say it. He'd called to tell the man in his life that he loved him and he couldn't.

Was it becasue he was pressuring him to have sex, Was it because he cheated ages ago, Was it because of *NSYNC, Finally he knew what it was.

'You still can't say it Adam. Why don't you call back when you can say I LOVE YOU.' Adam closed his eyes. There was no easy way to do this.

'After 3 months and with no sex I guess you kinda lost the love a while ago didn't you Toby. You never loved me, just wanted me in bed. It doesn't work like that.

I'm not doing this anymore. i can't say i love you because I can't love you. you cheated on me, keep pressuring for sex, treat me like you treat your dog. No you treat your dog better! I'm saying goodbye Toby.

Goodbye means farewell which means. YOU'RE OUTTA HERE!!!' Adam gulped at how loud he'd been and saw all the face turned to him in the building. He closed his eyes. ' Goodbye Toby. Don't call.'

Adam placed the receiver down and turned and raced into the bathroom. Chris turned and saw the rest of the guys standing there shocked. He slowly paced across the room and into the bathroom.

'Adam!' He could hear sobbing in the cubicle.' Hey, look, why don't you open up the door and let me in huh?' the door unlatched and Chris stepped back and opened the small swinging door.

Inside Adam was curled up in the corner tears streaming down his face like a swelling river. He bent down and picked him up and held him close. he soothed him.

'I'm gay Chris. I'm gay and I just broke up with my boyfriend over the phone in front of the guy I've got a crush on.' Adam sobbed louder and Chris held him tighter. He felt right holding the guy he had only known for a day.

'Adam, we all guessed you were gay. I know you told J.C and Lance but me and Joey know too. And you bo...ex. Forget him. Move on. Who's the lucky guy?' Adam gulped and whispered into Chris's ear the name of the guy he liked.

Chris smiled and turned to Adam. 'Cute Adam. you two would make a very good couple.' He picked Adam up and they walked out of the cubicle. Joey stood in the doorway smiling.

'Hey!' Adam smiled and washed his face in the sink. there was nothing that could be done for the puffy red eyes except for a pair of shades joey kindly offered him. Adam thanked him and Joey held his arms out.

Adam embraced the man and Joey held him tight. He looked over at Chris and mouthed one word.

'Justin?' Chris shook his head and mouthed back.

'You're excellent at picking arn't you.' Joey smiled.

Once out in the viewing room the guys grabbed their stuff and headed to the elevator. Adam smiled at the company he had and they pressed the down button.

'you going home tonight Adam?' Adam turned to J.C and smiled.

'Yeah, Probably.' He turned to the doors.

'You could stay with us at the hotel if you want.' Adam turned to see five faces awaiting his answer. He looked at each one and turned away.

'I haven't got pj's or a clothes change.' the guys laughed. Justin spoke up next.

'then it's settled. You guys go back to the hotel and tell them about Adam. I'll go with Adam and we'll buy him some clothes.

Before you but in Adam you can save complaining and just go with the flow. And make a call to your place and say you won't be in for a few months.

Tell them you go on tour tomorrow.' Justin and the guys broke into hysterics and Adam soon followed. This was going to be so cool.

Justin and Adam roamed the streets for hours picking and choosing clothes. They were finally in the last shop when Adam, who was in the changing room trying on some pants let out a groan.

'Adam?' Justin knocked on the door and then opened it.

Inside Adam was trting to undo a pull cord around his waist that held up the pants. 'Here let me.' Justin stood so close Adam could smell the Tommy Hilifiger cologne.


'Yep, all done.' Adam blushed. Lucky the pants had come undone just as he said that. He began to take the pants off and stumbled, pinning Justin against the wall.

Justin stared at Adam and Adam at Justin. Justin leaned in very slowly. Adam leaned in too. Slowly their lips met and the touch of Justins soft lips sent a tingle down Adam's spine.

Justin closed his eyes and felt Adam's lips against his and...

'Wake up. What do you think?' Justin stared at the pants Adam had on. He nodded approval and waited as Adam went to take them off. What was he thinking. It was clear Adam saw more in J.C then him.

Not to mention he was still having dreams about Lance. Lance. It made him forget completely about Adam. It was only when he heard groans from the booth that he stepped in to see Adam struggling to undo the pull cord.

Justin offered to help and stopped breathing. He turned to Adam and blurted it out.

'I just dreamt this happened and we kissed afterwards.' Adam laughed. 'Adam, do you like anyone right now. I know you just broke up with your boyfriend but you said you didn't like him anymore so I was just wond...'

Adam cut him off.

'Do you think J.C likes me Justin?' Justin smiled back.

'Josh! Thank god, cause if you had said Lance I weould have had to kil...'Justin stopped horrified at what he ahd just said.

'You like Lance? Now that's cute.' Justin and Adam agreed to keep it between them. Adam had other ideas though. ' Tonight i'm gonna tell J.C that I like him.'

'But you just said you told him and Lance you had a crush on me.'

'What else am I supposed to say to the guy I have a crush on in the middle of a crowded room?' Justin smiled and agreed. Good luck. Adam grabbed the pants and quickly closed the door, putting his own back on quickly.

That night things went pretty smoothly. Adam's belongings were placed in J.C's room until he decided where he was going to sleep. After dinner that night Adam said goodnight to the guys as they left to go to their rooms.

Adam breathed in and turned and knocke don J.C's door.

'Josh, can I come in?' The door opened and J.C told him to come in.'I have something to tell you. I know it's probably something you don't want to hear but i'm gonna say it anyway.'

'Okay, go ahead.' Adam sat down next to J.C on the bed and smiled.

'Today I told you I had a crush on Justin. I lied.' J.c smiled and told him he'd noticed by the way Adam had said it.J.C walked in to the bathroom and Adam breathed in. 'Josh, I don't want to...I just..I like YOU!' He breathed out.

After a minute when J.C didn't answer he got up off the bed and left the room. He went straight to the pool. Taking off his T-shirt and shoes he dived into the warm water. He was alone and he felt terrible.

J.C walked out of the bathroom and smiled. He stopped, Adam was gone. He had taken too long. How could he do that. He felt the same. He wanted Adam as much as he wanted him.

He remembered Adam had been wearing his board shorts and grabbing his own on quickly, he left the room and headed towards the pool. He had to do what he had to do.

Standing outside the indoor pools doors he watched Adam move gracefully through the water and smiled. Tonight he made Adam feel like he hadn't felt for a long time.

He was going to make him feel wanted. He opened the door and grabbed a towel. He placed it on one of the benches and slipped off his shoes. Slowly he waded into the water. Adam noticed a figure walking into the water and came up for air.

Standing less then half a metre inn front of him was Joshua Scott Chasez. He blinked. J.C moved closer and staring straight into Adam's eyes he said.

'I feel the same.' He moved his arms and wrapped them around Adams waist. Adam took his own and placed them around J.C's neck. J.C smiled and Adam smiled back.

Slowly J.C bent down and placed his lips on Adam's covering them with his own. They pressed against eachother, J.C's lips and Adam's. Adam opened his mouth just a fraction and J.C slipped his tongue into the crevice beckoning Adam to invite him in.

Soon J.C and Adam were searching eachothers mouths with their tongues furiously. They were binded by their passion for eachother until Adam broke off. He looked at J.C and smiled.

'Wow!' Adam grabbed J.C and they made out in the pool for two hours and fifteen minutes before they agreed to head back to the room and get some sleep.

With his arms wrapped around Adam and the covers wrapped around him J.C relaxed and bent down to Adam's ear.

'I never beleived in love at first sight, but now I think I do.' Adam moved closer to J.C and felt his head on J.C's smooth chest. He felt His strong muscular arms holding him and he closed his eyes and prayed tomorrow was even better than today, although he knew that would be hard to do.

Okay That's The Second part in this NEW saga about those fellas from *NSYNC. Who knows what will happen. I want some feedback.

Could you guys reading please email a reply to the story (which is only in stage one) and also give me some more general knowledge on the guys. I don't want to make silly mistakes with their family members and stuff. So if you know heaps about the guys write me and tell me....PLEASE!!!

Oh here's a description of Adam so you can say whether or not you think him and J.C go well together....

Height: 170 cm Build: Slim Hair: Short. Dark Brown Eyes: Blue with Green Specks He's happy and spontaneous with a energetic nature. He's smart and funny and sensitive. He wants romance in his life but not obsessive love He's got a great personality.

(Adam is a fictional character so don't think he's real!)

Reply to me at this Address:

Next: Chapter 3

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