To Get Nsync

By Dave Aspire

Published on Aug 28, 2000


DISCLAIMER: The following story contains some homosexual content and is for thjose over 18 or whatever age depending on country or state law.

If you are underage LEAVE NOW!!

This story in no way implies the sexuality of any of the *NSYNC guys and does not propose that any of them are gay, bi or have any homosexual tendencies.

It is story of FICTION.

I'm Dave and this is my first story for Nifty and I hope you all like it cause I just love to write and there will be plenty more where this came from!!!

This story is gonna be HUGE!!! read it, tell your friends about it and love it.

Email me a reply to the story. don't forget the double I in "aspir - ii - ng"

The alarm pierced the room as the sounds of 'TODAY FM' filled the room. The first thing Adam woke up to was the Ugly Phil, the famous Australian Guru advertising the *NSYNC Tour.

'Those boys from *NSYNC will be spending 1 whole month touring Oz. The tour starts in Sydney and will continue around the capital cities until finishing in Melbourne at the end of the Month.

After that the Boys will be live, here in the studio with Jackie and I. So, all you fans out there book your tickets today.'

Adam closed his eyes and drifted back off to sleep, school could wait.

The Train ride to the CBD of Sydney was boring, even the headphone did nothing to change the same boring landscape of buildings, day after day, month after month.

Today Adam was skipping school and visiting Joe at the Entertainment Centre to see how things were going. Adam loved the centre. The large open space where so many music stars had performed to the packed arena.

He had met Joe, one of the big guys there about a year ago when he had snuck in to sing on stage while nobody was around.

Fortunately he had made a good friendship with Joe and occasionally spent the day just sitting in the seats of the centre dreaming about light shows and music.

Only in his dreams. Today was just like every other day, Adam said hi to Joe and made his way to 'The Seat' and closed his eyes. He had fallen asleep before he knew it.

When he awoke he thought he was still in his dream. the stage was set up with bright lights and people were busy placing things all over the place.

Then the main lights went out and the stage lit up and five people were standing on stage. The music started and Adam froze. He should have known today was the day *NSYNC arrived.

The music stopped and the guy down the front told the guys to pack up and have tomorrow off. Adam tried to sink down lower in his seat, so he wasn't spotted and waited as the room emptied.

He was getting ready to sneak out when a sweet as sugar voice said.

'Hey you!'

Adam looked up into the eyes of Justin Timberlake. He froze before managing to squeeze out.

'Um, I'm sorry. I usually sit here when no ones here. i didn't know people were actually using the place tonight. I'm sorry. I'll go now.'

Justin stared down at the teenager and smiled.

'I didn't mean to shock you, I noticed you up here and thought you might have an idea where me and the guys can get something good to eat?'

Adam smiled and raised himself off the ground.

'You know you shouldn't sit on these florrs don't you? Anything could be on them.'

Adam smiled and dusted himself off.

'I'm Justin. Justin Timberlake. And you are?'

Adam breathed in and replied quickly.

'Adam, Adam MacMillan. I guess you could eat at Alexanders. It's kind of nice. It's just down the road.'

Justin smiled back and placed out his hand towards Adam. Adam in turn, placed his in Justins and the two shook hands.

Adam was a little star struck but knew that the only way to beat that was to get to know Justin better. that is exactly what he chose to do.

'I can show you and the fellas the way there if you want. I should really head back to school before I get in a major load of trouble.'

Justin laughed loud.

'Okay, Let's go get the rest of the guys and you can take us to Alexanders, eat some lunch with us and then if you can head back to school.'

Adam agreed and followed Justin to the changing rooms. The rest of the guys were changed except for JC who was busy looking for his shirt. Adam turned and found it.

'Excuse me, I think this is what you're looking for?'

'Thanks..Who the hell are you?'

Adam squirmed and waited. The rest of *NSYNC turned and stared at him. Justin quickly cut in.

'Guys, this is Adam MacMillan. He's a new friend of mine.' The guys were suddenly full of questions and Adam answered as many as he could.

He told them he lived in Sydney out in the suburbs and that he went to high school in the inner city. He told them why he was at the Entrtainment Centre and even the story how.

The guys were laughing at the part where Justin found himon the floor hiding. Adam was laughing too.

The guys slowly introduced themselves and grabbed their packs. They filed out of the centre into the bright sunlight of Sydney. Adam was last out with Lance.

'Hi.' Lance said in his deep musical voice. 'What did you think of the rehearsal?'

Adam smiled and told him how he'd woken up halfway through and hadn't seen much but liked what he saw.

Lance smiled and grabbed Adam's arm pulling him along to get outside where the guys were waiting.

Outiside Adam took the lead, with the guys stopping all the time to look at some building or something going on.

Adam laughed soflty next to Joey as he pointed to Centre Point Tower.

'What a strange tower.'

Adam looked up at it and thought to himself quickly.

'Do you guys want to skip Alexanders, go up the tower look across all of Sydney and get a bite at one of the restaurants in there.

There's a wicked little cafe we can grab a bite to eat at. I think school can wait.'

The guys laughed and crossed the raod at the next lights. They made their way up to the top of the tower and stood there in amazement.

'You can see the Opera House from here. The Harbour Bridge. Anything really.'

The guys all raced to see the Opera House and the Bridge talking excitedly amongst themselves. Adam walked over to the cafe and ordered a coffee.

When he turned around the guys were slowly making their way around the circular viewing room. Ecept for Justin who stood staring over at Adam.

Adam turned away quickly and felt the colour rush to his cheeks. Justin walked over to the counter and ordered a mocha.

'So, what do you think of Sydney?' Adam asked.

'What i've seen so far I like.' Justin smiled at Adam and watched as he blushed.

There was something about Justins dreamy american accent that made Adam crumble his defences and show he was Gay.

'You think so?' Adam questioned. could it be true. Could Justin Timberlake really like him???

Before he could exchange another word with Justin the Guys all came racing back over.

'Oh, you should see the view.' Chris was practically bouncing all over the place.

'I have seen the view.' Justion said matter-of-factly looking at Adam quickly, causing him to blush again.

J.C and Joey were rattling off a list of things they saw while Lance was ordering their food and drinks.

'Curly, Adam, What are you guys having?'

'I'll have some fries with BBQ Sauce please.' Adam tunred and saw Justing looking closely at him.

Noticing that Adam saw him, he quickly turned to Lance and replied.

'I'll have a serving of A...I mean a piece I want...Get me a..'

'Spit it out Justin.' Lance tunred and apologised to the waitress.

'Fries with lots of Ketchup.' He relied.

'Tomato Sauce, he means.' Adam blurted out. Justin looked at him funny. ' We don't call it ketchup, it's good ol' Tomato Sauce.'

Justin giggled like a child before turning to the waitress

'Make that extra...Tomato Sauce please.' He smiled and turned away.

Adam, afraid he might catch him looking at him turned to face the other direction and met J.C's questioning glance.

Adam left his seat and moved to the windows. J.C followed.

'Are you getting a crush on him or has he got something in his teeth, 'cos you were looking at him very intensly.'

'Who...WHAT!' Adam tried to find the words but it was obvious. He found Justin very attractive.

I don't know. Don't say anything please. I've only known you guys a day, I don't want to sound obsessive. Plus he would probably never look or talk to me again. Don't be angry at me J.C, pleae?'

J.C smiled.

'I'm not. I think it's cute. The fact you have a crush on my man Curly. We'll keep it our little secret.'

'And mine.'

Adam and J.C turned to see Lance smiling at them. I didn't know it was important what you were tlaking about so I kinda overheard. But i'm with J.C, I think it's cute.

Adam buried his head in his hands and groaned. Great way to start a frinedship Adam, fall for one of them.

Okay That's The First part in this NEW saga about thos fellas from *NSYNC. Who knows what will happen. I want some feedback.

Could you guys reading please email a reply to the story (which is only in stage one) and also give me some more general knowledge on the guys. I don't want to make silly mistakes with their family members and stuff. So if you know heaps about the guys write me and tell me....PLEASE!!!

Oh here's a description of Adam so you can better decide who he should be with. I don't know who so you can tell me who you think he should end up with. Justin, Lance or J.C!!!

Height: 170 cm Build: Slim Hair: Short. Dark Brown Eyes: Blue with Green Specks He's happy and spontaneous with a energetic nature. He's smart and funny and sensitive. He wants romance in his life but not obsessive love He's got a great personality.

(Adam is a made up character so don't think he's real!)

Reply to me at this Address:

Next: Chapter 2

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