To Fulfill a Prophesy


Published on Sep 5, 2001


teen2b slow)(50/56)

The following is a pure work of fiction and is the property of the author. If you are looking to get off quick, read something else. This story is presented in serial form and you'll read a lot of background, before you get any mind-blowing sex scenes. If you are bothered by same sex relationships, read no farther.

This is a story about the interaction of males with each other in a fanciful setting.

It's a story with some sex, not sex with some story.

****************************************************** I have begun to post a new 4 part series on Nifty under gay/beginnings. It is titled "Joe's Dilemma". (LJB) ******************************************************

To Fulfill a Prophesy

Section 50

Ted - Wednesday night

I decided I wanted to try to strengthen my relationship with and understanding of the boys I was committed to and the boy I was considering, adopting. Our household was really a rather unusual place for a boy to develop in, because we had so many great male role models for them to emulate. This made me question the value of my role as a father to Kevin and my personal relationship with Davey and Denny.

Kevin, at 16 years of age was settling in his own permanent, adult relationship and Tim was a very positive role model for him to admire and follow. My relationship with him was cordial and friendly, but how could he see me as a new father during his mid-teens, when he had never truly had a model through his life ? We didn't have feelings of parental and child love for each other, and it seemed truly too late in his life for either of us to develop them. At best, we might eventually be friends, but I wondered with the age difference between us, if either of us has a sense of motivation to even seek that kind of relationship.

Davey is a different story. We shared a parent and child love which had developed in an almost instantaneous flash. I could provide some influence for him and he at least acknowledged a respect for me that allowed him to accept my guidance. Teens of 14 years could be rebellious and detached, this boy never showed any propensity for isolation or withdrawing from the responsibility of his role in life. On the contrary, he seemed eager to embrace his destiny and face the future. I could support Davey as his Dad, by encouraging and recognizing his natural strengths and abilities and by being the central, older adult to whom he could turn at any time.

Denny was mine. Every fiber of me felt this 8 year old boy belonged to me. He had a corner of my heart that he would own forever. Since the day he had decided he wanted to be adopted, he has been my son. Maybe it was because he is so much younger then the others, or maybe it is just because he gave himself over to me in trust and love. The day he told me he was the fourth Guardian, I was shaken to the core. I had convinced myself he couldn't be. It may have just been wishful thinking on my part. I wanted him to have a normal life. To be a young boy and to grow to adulthood. I finally realized he could still, if I see it is provided for him. Normalizing as much of his life as possible had to be my role with him.

This trip was an opportunity to get to know each boy better. I had decided to have Anson accompany us for several reasons. His relationship with Davey and Denny would allow me to spend some time with Kevin, without worrying all the time about them. Anson also would be better off with us while Digger was away this final week. He might also relate well with Kevin as I have noticed he and Digger have been spending some time with Kevin and Tim. In many ways Anson at 20 is in need of a father figure as much as any of the younger boys. I hope he was not seeking that role in Digger.

We were borrowing Mr. Chen's car and taking the camper trailer for our trip. Everything was loaded by noon on Monday. We had lunch with the others, said our good byes' and were on the road by 1 o'clock. We started with me driving and Kevin riding shotgun. Anson sat in the back behind me and Denny sat in the middle with Davey next to him. The general conversation during our first hour revealed Davey and Denny had never been any farther away from the city than the castle', not counting our flight to the `cabin'. They were interested in the scenery and fascinated by the small hills as we saw them first in the distance and then as we entered them. We were traveling west, to the ocean. None of my passengers had ever seen it and we were going to make our base of operation at a camp ground located next to it. Anson took over the wheel at 4:00 and by 6:00 we were pulling into our destination.

The facility was well kept and the sites quite large. Seeing as we had come at the beginning of the week and in a period when school was still in session, there were numerous vacant spaces and only the permanent residents were on the grounds. Before we did anything else, we left our site and walked over to the beach. The white sand stretched across the entire front of the camp. The sand was warm and we all took our shoes and socks off and walked through it. The boys, all four of them, waded around in the shallow water as the waves spilled up on the shore. We spent the better part of an hour just playing along the shoreline. There was no difference between ages in this activity, except maybe Denny got wetter than everyone else. It was actually a very equalizing activity for everyone.

We headed back to our camp site and set up our equipment. I had brought the two tents and the boys were given the choice of using them, or sleeping in the camper. They all thought, they would try out the camper tonight to find out what it was like, so we didn't erect the tents. The camper was set up quickly with everyone helping. Anson and Davey cleaned up the onsite Bar-B-Que and started the fire around our quick lighting coals. Following my instructions, Kevin and Denny cleaned some potatoes, sliced them and wrapped them in tin foil with butter and a little water. They laid them over the coals of the B-B-Que, turning them regularly. While they looked after that, I prepared the steaks which were packed in our cooler. A salad was prepared and the steaks were placed on the grill. Half an hour later, we were sitting around our table, having our first campsite dinner.

When we had finished eating, nothing was left. We had eaten every scrap of food that had been prepared. It's strange how food prepared and eaten out of doors seems tastier. Everyone was full and lazed around for awhile. Eventually recovering their energy, the younger ones talked Kevin into going exploring and Anson agreed to go along with them, while I straightened up from dinner. Heating water was easy with the coals which were still smouldering and the dishes were clean in no time at all. Kevin came wandering back to our camp just as I finished up. I unloaded some of the folding chairs from our equipment and he sat on one while I relaxed on another.

"You not interested in seeing what there is to do here ?" I asked him.

"I'm sure I couldn't avoid getting a full report, even if I tried, when they get back." he replied. I don't think he was really complaining, just commenting on Denny's detailed descriptions.

"You sound like you're not happy about being here." I told him.

"I'd really sooner be with Tim." he admitted. "It's not that I don't want to be with you and the guys, I just have gotten use to having Tim with me."

"One of the problems with being very young and having a close relationship with one person," I commented, "is that it is easy to become too dependent on that one person. You were raised and taught to be dependent on only one person, so naturally it is the easy routine for you to return to, but it is not the best thing for either you or Tim. Relationships need breathing room. People need to interact with a variety of individuals, in order to learn how to be social and keep themselves interesting to their partner. As unappealing as it might seem to you at this time, it is good for you and your relationship to take a breather. I'm getting one. Anson is continuing one. Just think how great getting reacquainted will be, when we get back."

"Well, if I can't be with Tim," he responded, "I can't think of any people I'd sooner be with."

"Relax, enjoy your younger brothers. You might even have a good time." I suggested. The others returned.

"Dad, you should see the great playground they got over there." Denny said. "Can I go over and play on some of the equipment ?"

"Dad, they have an arcade down there in one of the buildings." Davey spouted. "Can we go over and play some of the games ?"

"Dad, you should see the cool life guard types, playing basketball over there with no shirts on." Anson imitated the younger boys. "Can we go over and watch them sweat and stretch ."

"Where ?" Kevin asked. Anson and I looked at him.

"You have a partner." Anson told him. "You shouldn't be interested in such things."

"So do you." Kevin shot back. "And at least I can get over there without walking funny." They both started to laugh.

"All right guys, let's share." I offered. "I'll go over to the playground with Denny and you three can go first to watch the guys play basketball and then to the arcade for awhile." Everyone agreed and off we went.

Denny and I were back to our camp site long before the others. We had been to the community showers and he was in his pajamas, ready for bed when the three older guys returned. I suggested they consider turning in soon, because tomorrow would be an early and long day for all of us. I took Denny into the camper which I had already converted to sleeping mode and read him a chapter from the book he had brought along while the others went for their showers. I think he was asleep before I was half way through the story.

The camper had cushioned mats which lay out on opposite sides of the trailer. Kevin was to sleep on one side with me and Anson was taking the other two boys on the opposite side. I was in my sleeping bag when the older three came back from showering.

"That shower really felt good on my sore muscles." Anson said.

"I didn't know the shower head went low enough to help the muscles that are bothering you." Kevin teased him.

"Ha, ha, very funny." Anson replied. "I'll bet you were just as sore your first time and Davey is going to find out soon enough what using new muscles is going to be like."

"Not me." Davey vowed. "I'm not going to bottom." The other two stopped what they were doing and stared at him.

"You think Brian is going to be low man for you all the time ?" Anson asked him. "Have you asked him about that ?"

"Well, no." he answered. "I just figured.......Dad, can I ask you something personal ?"

"I guess so." I replied, knowing full well what was coming.

"Do you ever bottom ?" he ventured. "You know what I mean ?"

"I believe I'm familiar with the term." I said. "What makes you think I don't catch all the time ?" There was a silence for a moment and then a bit of mumbling among the three as they compared opinions.

"No." Davey certified. "I got two certified catchers here and my own intuition that says your a confirmed pitcher, but do you ever bottom ?"

"When you're in love, guys," I told them. "some couples are comfortable with trading off. Some aren't. It depends on what the individuals feel they want to do in expressing their love for each other. When it's just sex, it's one thing to have your absolutes, take it or leave it, but when it's making love, the lines sometimes get pretty fuzzy. It's something couples need to work out, together."

"But I don't think I want to do it." Davey said.

"Aren't you the young man," I asked, "who told me not too long ago, he had never done it and wasn't going to until he found someone he really loved ?"

"Yeah, but look at Anson." he replied. "He was so sore he could hardly even walk on Sunday."

"Don't use me as an excuse." Anson responded. "As sore as I was, I'd have been right back there Sunday, if Digger would have me. In fact, we didn't exactly sleep in on Sunday morning. I was sore, but we were very careful and it was worth it, as far as I'm concerned."

"You're just afraid," Kevin told Davey, "and there's nothing wrong about that. But you're expecting Brian to go through what you're afraid about. Why, because he loves you more ?"

"No." Davey roared, getting quite upset. "I love him every bit as much as he loves me."

"Then stop making plans ahead. Follow Dale's guidance." Anson counseled. "Ask us or your Dad when you're unsure. That's what this time you two have is about. It worked for Digger and me. Dale will see you are both prepared, you don't need to worry. And Davey, there was no pain my first time, because I had been prepared properly. This now, is just muscle ache, like I exercised too long. I used muscles I'm not use to using. That's all." Davey seemed satisfied with the answers he received and the three of them prepared and climbed into their sleeping bags.

Of course Anson had to move Denny back into his spot before they could use the bed. He was upside down and half out of his bag, but with Davey's help, he was fixed up in no time. Kevin turned out the lantern as he crawled into his bag, next to me.

"Dad." Davey called over to me. "You never did say if you ever switched around,"

"That's right, Davey." I responded. "Good night." There were some chuckles from Kevin and Anson, then everyone said `good night' to the others.

It was just past 6:am when I woke. Denny's early morning arrivals had trained me well to be just slightly ahead of him. During the night, Kevin had quite insistently spooned into me in his sleep. Even when I wrapped my body around his, he was still somewhat restless and I suspected he was use to being more closely joined with Tim than just spooning, while they slept.

I could see a young head popping up on the other side of the camper and knew my little man was looking for his warm up snuggle. He slowly worked his way out of his sleeping bag and climbed over the two other bodies on his side of the trailer. I eased Kevin's body over, away from me, so when Denny climbed over him, he slipped into my sleeping bag with me.

"I'm not cold this morning Dad," he assured me, "but I came over to keep you company anyway."

"Well, that was very considerate of you." I assured him as he snuggled in tight to me. "It's a good thing you don't need to warm up, because we have to get everyone else up very soon. We are going to have a busy day and need to get an early start."

"Good," he said. "Let me wake them up for you." I could hear the impish tone in his voice. "I haven't had a chance to try it on Kevin." He lay, quietly wrapped in my arms and just stared at Kevin.

"Is that what you do to Davey and Jamie ?" Kevin asked, opening his eyes and looking straight at Denny. "It's no wonder Davey says he going to kill you. I was just at the best part of a really great dream and then there you were, telling my to wake up." I could feel Denny giggling in my arms. He leaned on one of his elbows, so he could look over Kevin at Davey.

"Dad, why do you let him do that." Davey whined. "You are not my friend and now I will have to get even with both of you." Denny continued to giggle from his safe place in my arms and I knew he was trying to reach out to Anson now. After a few minutes, nothing appeared to have happened.

"Looks like it doesn't work on Anson." I commented.

"He's awake." Denny stated. "He's just pretending he's not, so I won't bother him any more." Anson's eyes opened and he stared at Denny.

"Here I thought that we were friends, Denny," he muttered, "and now you've forced me to help Davey kill you." Denny giggled more.

"I'm sorry, Anson. Dad made me do it." he ratted me out. I grabbed his side and tickled him. He squealed and thrashed around in our shared sleeping bag. Now everyone else laughed and cheered me on.

Pretty soon Anson had tickled Davey and Davey had retaliated. Denny had reached over and tried to tickle Kevin and Kevin had gotten him instead and then tried to get me and I had tickled him instead. So everyone was very awake. I told everyone to get dressed, we packed up our things in the camper, unhitched the van and we were off to get breakfast.

We found a restaurant in the town about 5 miles from the camp and all had a hearty meal. They even had a banana for Denny. When we had finished, we piled back in the van and headed out for this day's activities. About 1 « hours later we pulled into a site in the hills where there were guided tours of the natural cave formations. We were going Spelunking. In the back of the van, I had everyone's hiking boots and comfortable socks. The tour took about 3 hours and when we returned to the van, it was lunch time and everyone was starved. A short drive took us to a highly recommended restaurant and an hour later, everyone was sated.

Back to the caves for the afternoon. This time we opted for the caves that were open for personal exploring. The boys voted on staying together as a group, so we headed in and followed some of the more worn trails through all the rocks. We experienced stalagmites and stalactites and natural underground water flows. We went into the areas that required us to use helmets with lights attached and we even saw a small group of sleeping bats. I believe each member of our troop was suitably impressed with the variety of activities which we had undertaken. When we left the caves, we visited a nearby geological museum and discovered samples of varied mineral formations and core samplings. We were all tired by the time we wandered back to our vehicle.

Anson was much more limber after having exercised all day, but like the rest of us was tired. We picked up some finger lickin' good fried chicken with fries and salads on the way back to camp and had an easy-to-fix dinner. This evening we all walked over to the arcade and spent an hour playing games. I promised everyone they would not have to do much walking tomorrow and this news was greeted with great enthusiasm. We all were in bed at an early hour, basically as soon as it was dark and there was very little moving around in the beds as everyone slept very soundly.

Wednesday morning we got to sleep in until 8 o'clock. I even had to wake Denny, so you can believe everyone was exhausted. When we had the equipment stored and the camper locked up, we climbed into the van and headed back to our breakfast restaurant. I had arranged yesterday for our lunch to be ready to go when we got there and we filled our cooler with ice, pop, sandwiches, sliced vegetables and fruit pieces. We drove along the ocean today to a marina, where the charter boat I had scheduled was ready for our 10:am arrival. We were on our way to experience some deep sea fishing.

None of my crew had ever been on a boat before and to say they were impressed with our charter would be an understatement. We unloaded the cooler and the other supplies I had brought and walked down the docking ramp to today's adventure. The Captain greeted us and was very helpful in getting us aboard and settled. He had two men on board assisting him and within a very short time, we castoff and were headed out of the harbor. It was an ideal day, the sun was bright, the waves were small and there was a light breeze.

I had brought everyone's bathing suit and we changed into them. A high rated sun screen was then distributed and everyone made sure everyone else was well covered. I told Denny he had to have a shirt on at all times. With his red hair and fair skin, doing otherwise was asking for trouble. I also warned Davey and Anson to be extra careful. Their blonde hair, like mine, made them extra susceptible to burning. Kevin's jet black locks didn't guarantee him protection, but he had a much better chance than the rest of us. Everyone had to wear hats.

Each of the boys checked out the boat thoroughly, Anson and Kevin a little more subtly than Denny and Davey. We traveled out to sea at a rapid pace for about 45 minutes and then slowed to a crawl. The Captain came down to the deck from his wheel house and spent about half an hour instructing us in the types of fishing that were available in this area. He showed us the different lines that were used and the hooks and bait. He talked about using the angling chairs at the rear of the boat and how his mates would coach and assist us. He also counseled us on wearing hats and lifejackets and the importance of staying well hydrated from drinking and protected from the sun by sun screen.

We had an excellent day. Everyone caught fish. We saved some and threw most of them back. The ones we saved were packed in ice, to be either taken back to shore and eaten for dinner tonight, or to be mounted and then shipped home. It turned out each of us decided to have one of our fish mounted. In our catch through the day, the Captain and crew identified Sheephead, White Sea Bass, Sculpin, Thresher, Bonito, Mackerel, a Barracuda and a Blue Shark. It was an exciting adventure and all of us enjoyed every minute of it. Kevin became so excited reeling in one of his early fish, he lost the tension on his line as they were netting the fish and it almost got away.

Lunch time sped by without anyone noticing and I had to make everyone stop to eat, or it would have been forgotten all together. We did however, always remember the sun screen and none of us suffered any serious ill effects from the heat. Much pop and bottled water was consumed and a steady stream was returned to the ocean by each of us. Denny and Anson both learned the hard way, the need to check wind direction before you try to pee overboard.

It was about 5:pm when we stepped on the dock back at the marina. Anson and Kevin carried an ice chest between them, which contained three fish for our dinner. We had been given directions to a local restaurant which would prepare our fish when we brought it in. We also had been told where we could get a shower before sitting down to dinner. I had a change of clothing for each of us in the van.

When we were ready for dinner everyone was so proud, I was afraid they were going to burst. I must admit, the restaurant did a fabulous job preparing our catch. It was a delicious climax to a very intense and exciting day. After we finished dinner, we drove back to the campsite and on arrival, everyone just collapsed. I put Denny to bed and as usual, he was out before I read his chapter. No one looked like they had the energy for any further activity tonight and they even turned down the offer of a campfire.

The three remaining guys went in the camper to prepare for bed. It was an unusually warm night and the breeze off the water provided a cooling effect. I moved my folding chair over to the edge of the beach and sat for awhile looking out over the ocean. This was our last night here and I enjoyed the peace and tranquillity of the moment. Anson came over and sat on the ground beside me.

"This has been two of the most fulfilling days I can remember. Thanks for bringing me along." he said.

"I'm glad you have enjoyed it, Anson. I hope the boys have too." I responded.

"You can be sure of it." he told me. "They haven't stopped talking about the things they've done. Have you enjoyed yourself ?"

"Yes, I have." I confirmed. "I get a great deal of satisfaction and pleasure out of seeing the boys learn and enjoy themselves. You're included in that too. It's a pleasure to see you continue to grow."

"Thank you. That's for both having me along," he outlined, "and for caring about me enough to notice."

"You have a lot of people who care about you, Anson." I assured him.

"I know." he said. "I'm very fortunate, Dad." He stopped speaking and looked at me. "I'm so sorry, Sir. I hear the boys all the time and it just slipped out."

"Don't worry about it, Son." I calmed him. "In truth, I've pretty much thought of you as one of my boys the past few days. It's not a problem for me, just relax." He settled and we sat quietly for a few minutes.

"Dad." Kevin called as he stepped out of the camper. I answered and he headed over to us and sat down beside Anson.

"I'm going to go to bed." Anson said. "I'll make sure Denny is tucked in. Good Night." We both wished him `good night'. We were both silent as Anson entered the camper.

"Dad, I want to thank you for dragging me along on this trip." Kevin told me. "It's been one of the best times I've ever had. It isn't just what we've done, it's being here with all of you. It's really been special for me."

"I'm really pleased to hear that, Kevin." I responded. "It's been really nice spending time with you and getting to know you a little bit better. You're the boy I feel farthest from and now I think we are a little closer and understand each other a little better. That is one of the best parts of being here, for me."

"Dad, Davey has told me about the restrictions under which he and Brian can see each other and the reasons for them." he started, "Why didn't Dale restrict Tim and me ? I'm concerned about what he was saying about getting to know each other, so there is a relationship there other than just sex, a friendship, so that we care about each other as people, not just as lovers."

"Your experience and situation was much different than Davey and Brian's." I explained. "It would have been after the fact for you and Tim and might have seemed punitive. Your relationship with Tim will take some work from both of you, but it will have to come because you both want it to last and succeed."

"Can I talk to you about Tim and me ?" he wanted to know. "You know I can't talk to Dale. It would be improper to speak about Tim to him. I still feel strongly about Dale, he rescued me, but I owe my allegiance to Tim. He is my Master."

"I thought Tim didn't want to be a Master/Slave couple." I stated.

"He doesn't and we really aren't." he explained. "I just think in those terms. It's an old habit. Tim is very open and liberal with me. I'm the one who keeps sliding back into my old routines."

"You can talk to me anytime you want, Kevin." I assured him. "That's one of my roles as your Dad. I might not always agree with you, but I will always listen."

"Thanks, Dad." he said. We were both ready for bed, so I folded the chair and put it with the rest of the equipment. Just before we went into the camper, Kevin turned to me and gave me a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. I guess this trip was a pretty good idea.

Dean -Wednesday night

It was Monday evening before I realized how silent it had become at the `castle'. Sitting down to dinner it was just me, Dale and Jason. I had been with them throughout the afternoon, but that had been regular business activity, here and at Head Office, so the absence of other family members was not noticeable. As we ate, the long, empty table was an obvious statement that we were all who remained.

When Ted had told me of his intention to take the boys, I knew it was a necessary venture for him to make. He felt a strong need to determine how he could contribute to each of the boys' development. I knew he was very concerned about a relationship with Kevin and whether or not he could in any way provide this young man with any benefit from their association. He was not the only person who had some concerns about a relationship with Kevin. Before leaving for the airport that afternoon, Tim stopped in to see me.

"Dean, I wanted to talk with you about Kevin before I left." he advised me as he sat down across the desk from me. "I am hopeful when Ted returns, he will be able to advise me more about how to widen Kevin's relationships. He is trying to make himself dependent on me for his entire life."

"Have you talked with Dale or Ted about this ?" I questioned.

"I frankly didn't realize it was as excessive as it is," he continued, "until he found out yesterday about going on this trip. If I had not made plans to be away at the same time, I don't think we could have gotten him to go. As it was, he spent half of last night trying to convince me he had to come with me instead."

"How did you finally get him to agree to go ?" I asked.

"I didn't." he said. "I finally had to order him to go. I don't play the Master/Slave scene that he keeps trying to establish, but this time I made it an order. Once I did, it was over, there was no further discussion."

"This could very easily be a part of the dependency which we have expected him to have." I commented. "I am sure over time we will all be able to help him overcome his need to rely on someone else. He has come a long way with it and I believe Ted will work on it while they are away. What ever happens, we will all discuss it, as a group when they return."

"Good, I can use some more direct intervention." he stated. "Maybe now that a settling period has passed and this trip brings out some of his feelings, we will be able to help him make some more strides in this area."

Tim left, confirming with me he would return on Thursday and he would let us know when, so a car could pick him up.

The loneliest time for me was when I went to bed at night. How many years have I slept alone ? And now three nights seem like an endless eternity. I don't know whether sleeping in our bedroom helped. Ted's scent lingers and causes me both comfort and loneliness. I sleep holding his pillow tightly, so I have a sense of his being close to me. I find myself thinking about Kevin's dependence as I view my own. We are both needing and we will both survive. I do not pleasure myself sexually. I suspect Ted will not and I can at least share this abstinence with him.

Tuesday and Wednesday trudge on as business days tend to do when your mind is side tracked by other issues. Two months ago, I lived for the day's business. Now the business days serve only to mark the passing of time until my family and my love will be back with me. I can tell at dinner Wednesday night Dale and Jason are also feeling the absence of everyone. It occurs to me later in the Games Room, after Dojo they are keeping me company, when there are other things they would prefer to do, so I say `Good Night' early and release them from the duty which I am sure they felt they owed to me.

As I climb into bed, I tell myself over and over this is my last night to sleep alone. Tomorrow Ted will return and be with me once again. The dinner table will be alive again and Denny will have stories to tell about what he has done and what he had seen. There will be chatter in the Games Room and pleas to do this thing, or that thing. It will be almost back to what I have come to appreciate as normal. True normal will be achieved on Friday, when Jamie and Digger join us from their final trip away to school. Then we can become a family whole.

Digger - Friday afternoon

Jamie and I had a very unusual greeting as we arrived back at his student residence on Sunday. Waiting for us, him specifically, was Head Boy, Brendan Styles and Proctor ,Todd Tenman. As soon as we took our bags from the car, they were out to meet us.

"Jamie, I don't want you to worry. I'm sure there's not really a problem." Brendan spoke out with an urgency. "Oh. I'm sorry. Good afternoon, Mr. Bailey." His greeting to me was more polite tradition than actual interest.

"What's the matter, Brendan ?" Jamie asked. "You are all upset about something." Brendan looked at me for a moment.

"We might better talk upstairs." Brendan suggested. "It's about your exams."

"Mr. Bailey is my friend." Jamie assured him. "You can say anything in front of him."

"Jamie, I'm sorry to tell you, `The Head' wants to see you in his office, right after dinner." Brendan said. "You're to be reviewed for possible cheating on your exams. Mr. Bailey, I think there's a note at your rooms about it, too."

"Do you know what this is about, Brendan ?" Jamie questioned.

"I've heard you scored 100 on the three exams you wrote so far and they want to know how." Todd stated. "The History Instructor claims no one ever scores 100 on his tests."

Brendan and Todd turned out to be correct. Jamie and I met with `The Head' after dinner and he rather more tactfully than Todd, indicated there was a question about Jamie scoring perfect marks on all three exams he had thus far written. He indicated Jamie's father would be consulted, but I suggested if they were going to accuse Jamie of impropriety, they had best be certain before Mr. McAdams became involved. I explained if they had made an error, Mr. McAdams would not prove very forgiving of having his son's honesty questioned.

It had been decided Jamie would be scrutinized carefully during his next two exams to see if the results were effected. Jamie advised me, he had been watched last Friday and hadn't really thought anything about it. I asked about this and was told it was true and nothing irregular had been detected. Just to be certain what was happening, I stated, I would also attend these two exams and observe the observers.

Jamie wrote his math exam on Monday morning. It was written in the gym and Jamie's desk was set far away from the other students. He was asked to remove his jacket and roll up his sleeves. None of this appeared to bother Jamie in the least. He in fact, found it amusing. When the exam started, three instructors were placed at points around Jamie, about 4 feet from him. Jamie completed the 2 hour examination in 50 minutes. His paper went with Jamie, myself, the math Instructor and the Chief Examiner to `The Head's' office. We all sat while the math Instructor marked the paper. When he had finished, the math Instructor looked up and announced that Jamie had received a mark of 98.

"That can't be right." said Jamie. "I know I had all of those solved."

"Well, there's only one here you missed." The math Instructor assured him. "Here I'll show you." He wrote the question on a chalk board and worked out the solution below it. "There, you see how it works ?" Jamie moved over to the board and changed two of the figures the math Instructor had placed in the solution.

"Yes, Sir." he replied. "But it works correctly if you carry these figures over this way." The math Instructor looked at the work and turned to `The Head'.

"He is correct." he conceded. "I made an error. He now receives 100."

"It appears we owe you both congratulations and an apology, young Mr. McAdams." The Head stated. "I am most pleased to see the renewed association with your father has stimulated you into working at your full potential. I shall recommended that next year, you be given work to challenge your ample abilities."

Jamie and I were both pleased to have him offer this explanation for Jamie achieving much better grades than he had in the past. We were also pleased his Dad had not been dragged into this matter and it had been resolved affirmatively for both sides. He was not required to undergo review on his Tuesday exam. The rest of the week was pretty routine except I hardly saw Jamie at all during those days.. I monitored the tests I had scheduled for Thursday and Friday morning and shortly after lunch on Friday we were in the air off to pick up Jamie's Mom on our way home.

Next: Chapter 52

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