By Jeff Sanders

Published on May 28, 2003




Chapter - 1

(m/m, oral, anal)

I have for a few years enjoyed the stories on Nifty. Now am I just curious? No I wouldn't say curious; I have known since my early teens that I am GAY. You might notice that I put gay in caps', well I know who I am and I am quite comfortable with who I am. I might say that my friends both gay and "straight" are as well -- you know, comfortable with me as a friend. That being said, I am not really a person that is into labels for people. I do not go for bashing' of any group of people. Whether the gay world wants to accept it or not, I have come across where gays do their own bashing of straight people also. If they would practice tolerance also, they might just find that there are some straight guys out there who are just curious enough about the gay world to as the saying goes "sample the life style".

My story is the product of encouragement by my friends to tell of my experiences. They seem to think that my life is interesting, and I thank them for that.

It will begin with my freshman year in college and will have references (flashbacks to my earlier life).

At my discretion, there will be name changes of persons and places. Why you might ask, well -- I have just been out of college for 7 years and I do not wish to out any of my straight friends in college who did some sampling (wink, wink).

If you are under 18, you should not be on this web site. That has to be said, but in reality whoever wants to be here will be here anyway.

What in the way of content will be available? Let's just say, my philosophy is IF IT FEELS GOOD and you are doing in consensually, THEN GO FOR IT !!!!!!!!!

If anyone wishes to email me with comments, please do so at

"Wait until you see your room; I think you'll like it"

"Just what have you been up to Dad?" I asked as I grabbed a suitcase from the back of my Cherokee. Most of my stuff had already been taken to my room by a couple of my Dad's employees from work. They were good guys and actually nice to be around. At company social functions, I would often see them. They were easy to talk too and weren't pushy; in fact I could not think of anybody that worked for Dad that did not seem to have a good outlook.

"Not to worry Jeff, I didn't go to through the roof -- OK! Just a couple of touches that Marianne suggested. I think they will meet with your approval. After all, you do have a private room and the housing office said in the contract that you could do anything you wanted to the room. Anything you wanted so long as you returned it to it's original condition whenever you would leave. Unless of course they liked what you did and agreed to leave it the way you remodeled it. So let's go up and check it out.

"Well you know that sometimes you do get a little carried away. Remember the time that I just mentioned that I thought Disney World was awesome when we had visited it that summer. Then you had my bedroom made over into a miniature version of Disney World. Now don't think I'm complaining, that was AWESOME back then. It's just that I don't want other people to be thinking that I am some kind of a rich brat." With that I put my arm over Dad's shoulder and we walked into the dorm and to my room.

Rick and Brad were just coming out of my room and held the door open. I stepped in and gazed around. After a couple of minutes, I looked at Dad and just grinned. "Now this is GREAT LOOKING !!!! I especially like the loft bed. But where are my clothes?" I asked Dad.

With a shit eating grin on his face, Dad walked over to the end of the loft bed closest to the door. "Now see this button son; just press, " after pressing the button; a section from what was a fake wall that had been built in opened up and there were all of my clothes hanging up with cubicles underneath with my shoes neatly stored away.

"Also, I had all the contents of your hard drive from your computer at home put onto a new computer. The new computer has one of those new digital flat screens so that it will fit flat against the wall. So what do ya think, son?"

I just looked at Dad and smiled. I looked at him for a moment and then gave him a big hug. We have always had an openly been a touchy feely kind of relationship. Mom died when I was 2 years old and Dad had never remarried. Why he had never remarried, he had never told me and I had never asked. I figured if he had wanted to tell me he would and besides, he was always there for me so I guess I never missed having a mother. He was both mother and father.

"I'm going to miss seeing you every day Dad, but I think you can sense that. I just wanted to say that." I had always given my Dad a kiss on the cheek, but today I gave him a light kiss on the lips and then leaned back and smiled at him. He just looked at me for a second with a quizzical look on his face and then broke into a big grin and hugged me back HARD !!!!

"I'll miss you too, Jeff but that's what cell phones are for."

"Right, so don't be too surprised if I call you at some weird hour then."

"Son, you know that you can call me at any time you want. But you might be so busy with college life that you might just start forgetting about your old Dad."

"Sure, I have my friends that I will be calling but you have always been my BEST FRIEND; and don't you be forgetting that."

We talked for a few more minutes saying our goodbyes; but I knew that dad had to be going. I walked with him out to his car. After saying another goodbye to him and to Rick and Brad; I watched them as they drove off. Not really sad but a certain sense of emptiness took over my feelings. My dad and I are really close and we talked about everything. I really didn't have to "come out" to him. I think he really always knew that I was gay. We had discussed it a little and he told me that he loved me and that he just wanted me to be happy. If being happy for me was being with another man, then so be it. Never once did he speak in a negative way about it. This kind of made me wonder a little but being young and idealistic, I just figured I was damned lucky to have such an understanding father.

After walking back up to my room, I just looked around admiring what Dad and Marianne had done with it. I went into the bathroom to check it out. Nothing had really been done with that because I would be sharing that with another private room. I couldn't help but chuckle to myself wondering what would have been done if I had a private bathroom also. Since, I really didn't feel tired out from lugging stuff up to my room as happens at so many colleges, I decided to stroll out and investigate the rest of the campus. As I was walking, my mind started wondering about who would be in the other room connected to the bathroom. Just what would this person be like? "Because of my father's protective ways, I had never been exposed to very much of society's possible homophobic attitudes. Would more now happen with this college life and even the person in the next room? Certainly wasn't going to be any answer for me as I was walking now. One thing was for sure, this was a beautiful campus. It wasn't one of the largest colleges in the country but it's architecture was well done. Dad had really picked it out and we came together to check it out. I found out that it had all kinds of sports facilities but had no sports teams. They have an extensive intramural program available for students in all possible sports with all possible facilities. It was explained that academic studies came absolutely first and sports activities were available if their student's wanted them. With no income coming in from ticket sales from sporting events, you will guess that the fees to go here are quite expensive.

As I started walking back towards my dorm, I got to thinking.....well, ya I have had some experiences and they had been good. But was I a find them and then leave them type of guy; nah I don't think so. After all, I had not been with enough guys to be able to be classified as that. But as a smile started stretching across my face, what experience I have had was very, very enjoyable. Would I find some more of those enjoyable experiences here? Well, time would just be telling me in it's own good time.

As I got closer to the dorm, I noticed someone leaning into the back of an suv. When I got closer, I could see a muscular set of legs coming out of cargo shorts. And but oh did those legs have a great tan on them. The calf muscles were so developed and defined that I thought they would pop out of the skin as they flexed. And those calves weren't the only moving that were capturing my attention. This guy had one AWESOME butt on him. The cheeks were stretching those loose shorts in a most seductive way as he was pulling something out of his vehicle. Got to tell the truth here, I was being mesmerized by the sight in front of me. And then he starts backing up with 2 large Pullman suitcases, one at the end of each of his arms. Thank goodness I snapped out of my staring and spoke.

"Hey, do you need some help there?" When he turned around to face me, I saw great looking reddish brown hair and bright green eyes.

"Yeah -- sure could use some help. I just getting some of my brother's things here. His room is in this building; he is up there now -- room 208."

"Bye the way, my name is Jeff and my room is 210. So you're brother and I will be suite mates."

"Name's Chad and my brother's name is Chet. Thank's for the help." Chad had one of the brightest and if he realized it or not; one of the sexiest smiles that I had ever seen. We kept up small talk as we went up the one flight of stairs to the 2nd floor. We turned left and went toward's Chet's room.

"Hey Chet !!!! Guess what I found outside?"

"What's that?" I could hear a voice shout out from the room. Then out of the room stepped Chet and then I really was getting whiplash looking back and forth between Chet and Chad. While I was looking back and forth, I heard the brothers laughing. You see they were IDENTICAL TWINS !!!!

"Chet -- this is Jeff, your suite mate." Chad told his brother and Chet extended his hand. As we shook hands, I was pretty sure that I could feel Chad looking me over real good from the back. And in a most subtle way, I could feel Chet checking me out while he was shaking my hand. Next I heard Chad make a comment that I am sure was meant for his brother.

"Well Chet, don't know how your classes are going to be BUT your suite mate is a definite "10"!!!" and I saw Chet grin and nod his head in response. Knowing damn well what the meaning was I just blushed.

( Now so far, I have not told you about me -- ole Jeff. I am 6 ft 1 in tall and weigh in a trim 175 lbs. My muscles are in a state of chiseled definition from regular dedicated workouts and extensive swimming. A couple of my friends have told me that I have "killer legs and a killer butt and pecs that just beg for attention". My hair is coal black and I have light blue eyes. I don't want to sound like I am stuck on myself but I thank God for the gene pool I was taken from. Anyone who has seen my Dad understands my gene pool.)

"Another trip between the 3 of us and I should have my stuff up here. I mean if you don't mind Jeff?"

"Not at all," was I thinking and I wouldn't mind helping you with something else also. Here it was just my first day on campus and it sure looked like the possibilities were around. Here were 2 hot twin brothers and one of them was going to be my suite mate. But then I got to thinking, `where was the other one going to be?'

Chet led the way down to the car and Chad followed behind me. You know how you can "feel the heat of someone looking at you, I could feel the heat of his eyes looking up and down my backside as we walked outside." I couldn't help but grin with this kind of attention, but at the same time I was wondering if Chet could feel my staring at his butt.....hehehehe.

There were just a few more packages for each of us to carry back to Chet's room. After we got them there, Chet said to just put them on his bed. They both explained that Chad had to take the car and get back to their home and get his things as he was to get off to the school he was going to. So after a little more small talk, he took the keys from Chet and took off.

"Do you need any help setting up your room? You see my Dad and a couple of his employees got my things and already had my room set up. I didn't have too much to do."

"That was damn nice of him."

"Well, it has just been my Dad and I since I was 2 years old since my Mom died. We're pretty `tight'. So do you need some help?"

"Sure, I'd appreciate it Jeff." So for about the next couple of hours we went about setting up and unpacking Chet's clothes and he had a computer also. I helped him with setting that up.

It wasn't long before Chet had his things in a pretty good order. He sat down on one of his chairs and stared at me for a couple of secs. I couldn't help but wonder what was passing through his thoughts. The silence wasn't exactly awkward but it was certainly had some tension in the air.

"Chet, what say we get something to eat? My treat."

"Sounds good, but you helped me with my room; it should be me doing the treating," and he gives me a killer grin that sends a tingle right through to my groin.

Then in a I guess not too subtle but kind of suggestive comment I told him "Well....maybe could provide the DESSERT," and I arched my eyebrows and grinned back at him.

Chet's mouth stretched into a really broad cheek to cheek grin and he said "Now Bro, that sounds fine with me !!!!" He walks over to me and looks into my eyes and squeezes me on the arm. "Where we going since I don't have a car, you are in charge of me and where we go for food. BUT FOR DESSERT, I will take charge and see if I can think of something that might suit your taste buds." And with that comment, he lets out a soft and low sexy chuckle. After a couple of minutes we were off and riding towards the local Olive Garden. We engaged in some small talk while we were driving and he let his left hand casually drift over and lay on my thigh and rub it a little.

"Are you all right with that, Jeff?"

"Oh Yeah !! quite allright." And I turned and grinned at him. My cock was all right with it also.

I got to thinking that maybe dessert should have been the 1st course.

We were having a good time talking as I drove and even though I paid attention to what Chet was saying; I was also paying attention to his hand casually moving across my right thigh. Just a slow movement but.....OH what a tingle that movement was causing me to have. Am I saying `tingle', I was well on the way to a ROCK HARD BONER. Couldn't help but wonder if Chet realized the effect he was having on me. I didn't have to wonder too long.

"Glad to see that we are going to be suite mates. Did you know that I can give a really good massage? Do you like massages Jeff? I think I can tell that you do." And the he cocks his head towards me and grins big time, plus gives my leg a squeeze.

" could say that !!!!! But if you get any closer to my `Johnson' while I am driving; I'm liable to swerve off the road. Now mind you, massaging my Johnson sounds like fun but going off the road....naahhh....not fun." And with that I let right hand fall down and slide along his leg all the way up to his crotch. Then I gave him a pat and a slight squeeze. Damn that boy was as hard as a rock. He let out a deep breath and then grinned. "I see what ya mean...not while driving a car. There different kinds of driving." And with that he laughed out loud.

"Chet, I'm beginning to believe that you get right to the `main course' in a hurry don't you?"

"Why James you did offer to buy me a dinner didn't you....right?"

"Yup, and you are.....I mean you provide the dessert."

"Jeff, we are going to get along just fine; I just know it !!!!!!

At that point, we were in the parking lot of the Olive Garden. Then Chet moves his hand over and gives me a couple of strokes and then squeezes my cock through my shorts.

"Fair game, you aren't driving now." And grins.

"Geeez Chet now you make me feel like a compass."

"How's that?"

"Well, Slim is pointing due North and the Twins are directly South !!." then we both laugh out loud. We got out of my car and went into the restaurant. The hostess seated us towards the back corner at a booth made for 2 people where you would sit opposite one another. After giving us out menus, she asked what we would like to drink. We ordered drinks and then looked over the items.

"Chet, I was just curious even though I know it's none of my business -- but why didn't Chad decide to go to the same college as you?" Chet got a kind of wistful look on his face and then looked me straight in the eyes before answering.

"My brother and I have a `very special' relationship. All of our lives, we have been close. We know who we are and make no bones about it. But we have decided that we should get to know more people and try to make sure of what we know so far. .......Do you get what I am trying to say?...We are sure of what we know so far and how we feel." And he continues to look like he is looking right into my core. "Chad said that if he were me before he left, he would definitely like to get to know you !!!! Am I being too forward here for you?" He keeps staring at me.

"Direct ...Yes....Forward in a bad way....absolutely not." And when I said that, Chet's face slowly grew into a very bright grin.

"GOOD Jeff !!!! Because, I will be upfront with you, I am attracted to you." And now it was my turn to have my face break into a big grin. We just sat there for a couple of minutes grinning at each other. Then we started talking about the menu and what we might want to eat. I started to thinking about the moves he had made and the comments. So I thought that I would up the ante. I slipped my right foot out of my sandal. You see the table had a tablecloth on it that hung down a good ways, which was good for what I had in mind. While we continued to examine the food possibilities, I placed my foot on his leg and when I did he looked at me with a grin and arched his eyebrows.

"Everything OK?" I asked with an innocent but evil little smile.

"OH Just fine !" and Chet slid his hips forward more in his seat. My foot found it's way up to his crotch and started massaging his cock.

"MMMMHHH....let's see here Jeff....I seem to be having a little trouble making up my mind as to what to eat." My foot continued to massage it's target. The waiter came back to take our order. By this time, Chet's face was to starting to get flushed. The waiter asked him if he was feeling ok. Chet told him he was feeling just fine and looked at me smiling. We both order soup and salad. I continue my assault with great pleasure knowing that Chet was enjoying this PLUS, truth be known I was doing it in such a public place. I could feel Chet gently moving his hips a little. I guess the service was pretty quick or we just lost account of the time but the food was brought to us while we were still playing our little game. Chet kind of coughed and thanked the waiter.

"OHHHHH....OOH...MMYYY...." a little louder than he had intended to say I imagine and then Chet let his spoon drop to the table. The waiter came to the table and asked if he was ok. Chet assured him that he was and then looked at me with his tongue hanging out. He leaned across the table and whispered "I just shot my load in my are so bad." And he grins and I grin back. His next move catches me off guard but I go with the flow ( grins ). He picks up his soup spoon and his hand goes beneath the table. His hand comes back up and makes a motion as if he was dipping the spoon in his soup bowl.

"Want a taste Jeff?" and an evil grin crosses his face.

"ABSOLUTELY !!!!!" I say as I lean forward and let my mouth encompass the spoon and lick his cum clean of the spoon. "Looks like dessert is going to be a REAL TREAT later !!!!" We both grin and laugh, as we thought about what we had just done wondering what the rest of the customers would have thought.

"Jeff, I'm going to have stains on the front of my shorts !! But ya know what .....he he was worth it. Maybe you could just let me walk real close in back of you when we leave."

"Sounds like a plan to me, unless of course I could just drop to the floor under the table and lick you clean."


"I was just kidding dude !!!!" but in my mind that did sound like an outrageously erotic thought. Here I have know Chet for just a few hours and we have connected in such a strongly erotic way. I was having such fulfilling sexual thoughts. It seemed like the sexual energy between us was just building and building. I have had up until this point in time some good partners. Partners that had fulfilled me both physically and emotionally but I had not yet met that person who could be called my `soulmate''. Was I looking for the impossible? There is my Dad, who is the whole world to me emotionally but he is not and has never been a lover. Although my Dad is one HOT LOOKING GUY !!!! Whoops, now where did that come from? Just from the heat of the sexual tension between Chet and I at the moment..........I guess ?????????

"Too bad....sounded like fun."

"You know something Chet?"


"I think this year is going to be A LOT OF FUN !!!!!!! " and I gave him the biggest grin I could manage. With that we both thought it was time to leave. I got up first and walked to his side of the table. Then Chet got up and stood to my right; we walked along the left side of the restaurant up to the register and paid our bill. After we got to my car we looked at the front of Chet's shorts and sure enough there were 3 big stains on the front of his shorts.

"See what ya did Jeff," he said with a big grin.

"You're Welcome," I came back at him; "and it tasted DAMNED GOOD TOO !!!!!"

"That's fine for you but I haven't gotten any dessert yet" and he grins and looks down at the tent I'm making in my shorts from what we have been doing and some of the other thoughts that had been floating around in my mind.

" you haven't gotten any dessert yet....hhmmm...we'll have to take care of that won't we. But right here in the parking lot doesn't seem like such a good idea....ya think?" then I chuckle and start climbing into my car. Chet gets into his side and looks at me and moans.

"Something the matter?" I ask him.

"Just how fast can you drive?" he states with a shit eating grin.


"Either you put a heavy foot on that gas pedal or I'm gonna start on dessert NOW !!!!!.....GGRRRRR !!!!!!!!!" and he lunges across the seat at me.

"Damn do have a sweet tooth don't you....HOLD ON THERE....I'll see what I can do here with the pedal." And I lean over and kiss him full on the mouth -- TONGUE and ALL....after I break the kiss his eyes have this glazed look like he is in another world and he is saying "Oh Yeah" over and over...ever so softly while he looks me straight in the eye. While I was looking at Chet, I noticed out of the corner of my eye through the windshield; the waiter from the restaurant grinning at the side door......hhhmm now that's food for thought.

When we get back to the dorm, both of us look at each other with great anticipation and grins. As I walk in the front door first, Chet lets his hand grab my butt and squeeze. Got to admit that at that point, it felt mighty good. I guess both of us were pretty horned up.

"So do ya want to just drop to the floor right here on the stairs?" I laughingly asked him.

"Not this time maybe," Chet evily laughs. Then we move quickly on down to our rooms. As soon as we got into my room, Chet wraps his arms around me behind and pulls me into his body. I offer no resistance and as he presses his hips into my backside, I can feel the heat from his body radiating through to my body. I swear I could feel his cock pulsing through our shorts as it pressed against my butt. He brought his mouth to my ear and said, "Where the hell is your bed?"

"Up there," and I nodded my head upwards. He had not been in my room before and my loft bed was a bit more involved than the average one in college dorms. "If you'll let go for a sec, I'll show you how it operates."

"Ohhh K.....but just for a sec," and releases me from his hug. Standing back, Chet watches as I go over towards the wall next to the loft bed. I pressed a button and the short curtains encasing the mattress open up. I press another button and an extension cantilevers out to the side, making it into a full size bed.

"HOT DAMN Jeff, that is awesome !!!! And the school let you all do that?" he asked in disbelief.

"Well in the housing contract, it says that you can do anything you want so long as you return the room to it's original condtion. Unless of course, they like what you have done and want to keep it that way."

"Shit man, your Dad must be rich as hell !!!"

"He does OK. Let's not talk about that right now. I think we have a meal to complete ....don't we?," and I move over to Chet. Looking him straight in the eyes, I grasp the bottom of his shirt and start to pull up on it. Both of us are locking back into what we were feeling at the restaurant and on the ride back to the dorm. After I got Chet's shirt off, I gazed at his chiseled chest.

"You are beautiful," I moan as I gaze at his chest. His breathing is slow and deep. I could tell that his anticipation was building as was mine. My hand started to roam over his muscles. I could feel him responding as his body muscles tightened and released repeatedly. Just could not get enough of the sensation of feeling his muscles and his skin and I caressed his pecs, as I ran my hands down the sides of his body and then up onto his back. I was mesmerized. At some point I could feel that he taking my shirt off me and was exploring me. I guess he was not disappointed because his breathing was coming quicker and deeper.

"Oh Jeff, glad that we have met, this is going to be one awesome year." Then Chet pulled me into a firm hug with our chests coming together. My oh my, but it did feel good to be feeling his chest pressed up against mine. I was getting so excited by sensory sensation the my nipples were like the tips on a dart and felt they were capable of puncturing his skin.

As we stood there rubbing our hands over each other's shoulders and feeling our chests pressing into each other as we breathed, I was feeling all my senses getting a delicious workout. Here I was with a very hot guy and this guy was my suite mate. My God but this was going to be a GREAT school year.

I knew that we were going to have more than just this hugfest that we were experiencing at the moment but we were not "rushing", it seemed that both of us were enjoying this moment by moment, touch by touch, and taste by taste as we nibbled and licked each other's necks and shoulders. This was foreplay as it's best and was not going to be just SLAM and BAM. (So many guys tend to forget that to be intense that you "build up to" the point of release. When you realize the power and eroticism in the sense of touch and smell, etc. then that is when you get the MINDBLOWING SEX...grins).

As I felt Chet's hand slip under the waistband of my shorts and cup my butt, I let out a soft moan. He slowly and firmly massaged the muscles in my butt and I couldn't help but flex my ass as he was working my backside.

".....feels so good good...." And I took my left hand and reached inside his shorts but I was reaching in front. I wanted to touch what I had been feeling pressing into to me; what I massaged to orgasm in the restaurant. When my fingertips first touched the tip of his glans, it was his turn to let out a moan. He grasped my but even tighter and humped back and forth a couple of times. It was a little close to get my hand in there but get in there I did.Telltale sign = he was getting horned up good; he producing copius amounts of pre-cum. With the tip of his cock in the palm of my hand, I alternated the pressure of my fingers on his cock as I moved my hand up and down the top half.

"Where in the hell did you learn to do that? That feels AWESOME !!!!"

"Glad ya likes, we've just gotten started," I said chuckling; "At least 3 or 4 orgasms a night !!"

"Alright Jeff....ALRIGHT !!!!!!"

After a couple more strokes, I lowered his shorts and briefs to the floor. While I was kneeling I took in the sight of his lower half. He had to be damned close to 8 inches with the most intoxicating growth of pubes. As I inhaled his scent I felt my own desire result in a rush of blood making myself get as hard as a piece of granite. I almost ripped my shorts and jockeys off. I grabbed him by his ass cheeks and pulled him into my chest. Rubbing his cock all over my chest and neck was sending chills all over me. I could feel the beat of his heart through the pulses of his cock as it slid over my jaw and neck. Chet's hands were running through my hair and at the same time he was gently pressing my head down a little. I could tell that he wanted me to suck him. As horned as he was I could tell that he wouldn't last long. Well that's ok, I would bring him off because I knew what I wanted and I didn't want that to be so short and quick -- I wanted him up in my bed with full body contact and fucking me from behind.

"Are ya ready Bud?"

"MMM...for what?"

"This Bud," and I deep throated Chet in one lunge of my mouth. I took him to the back of my mouth and let his magnificent cock slide on down into the massaging action of my throat muscles. A couple of seconds and let my tongue travel back up the underside of his cock to the tip and slowly slurped around the crown. He was starting to buck with his hips back and forth. Like I said he was not going to last long. After a couple more deep throat massage lunges, I could feel his sac start to draw and tighten up.

"Aaahhh.....Je.eefff...I'mm...ggo.nnnaaa....cum.!!!!!," and when I heard Chet say that I gripped his ass muscles and pulled him as deep into my mouth as I could. I could feel his legs tremble as he fed spurt after spurt of his hot cum down my throat.

"Well Chet - you finally lived up to your part of the dinner, I got my dessert." I said with a big grtn as I looked up into his face. He looked down at me with a look of having been "well and truly sucked".

"My Gosh...THAT WAS AWESOME !!!!! I have had a couple of guys swallow before but I have never been deep throated like that before. How do you do that?" He said with a look of wonder in his face.

"It is not just a physical matter; it is also a matter of if you want to. And with you I just wanted to." And with that Chet pulls me up so that I am standing and looks deep into my eyes.

"What are saying Jeff?"

"Well, I `m just saying that at the moment it felt like the right thing to do." And he stands there for a couple more minutes and then just grins looking at me.

"Well then this feels like the right thing for me to do now then." Chet puts his right hand behind my head and pulls my face to his. Our mouths meet and open and our tongues meet and slowly at first explore the warmth of each others mouth. HOT DAMN BUT HE IS ONE GREAT KISSER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

( end of Chapter -- 1)

I choose to end Chapter 1 there because it is my choice and for me it seemed quite a good point. In Chapter -- 2, it only gets better as far as the intimacy goes and that interconnects with the beginning of classes.

Like I said if you wish to send me comments I will be more than happy to get them at

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