To catch a Thief

Published on Nov 11, 2020



Authoritarian Adult Youth, oral, anal, m/M

Author's Note:

This story is a work of fiction and contains descriptions of explicit sexual acts of boys and men discovering their sexuality. It contains graphic scenes of sex between a consenting underage boy and an adult male... If this type of content offends you or you are under the age of 18 do not read it.

Copyright 2020 Wolf, all rights reserved.

You may contact me at if you like. All flames will be ignored.

To Catch a Thief



Two boys took it upon themselves to break into the home in their home town which is an old Victorian style that inspired fear and trepidation in the youth of the community. The house is located in an old neighborhood of West Los Angeles and owned by an old man rarely see outside the house, named Mr. Cooper. He is a quiet man and is rarely seen outside the house. His wife died years ago making him a widower. The kids in the neighborhood avoid walking on the same side of the street as the house.

The two boys broke into the house with the intention of sealing anything they could get their hands on. The leader's name is James Ramirez and he was a high school senior that already had an athletic scholarship to a major university.

Jamie's friend gets rattled easily and abandons Jaime inside the house. As James continues to rummaged around drawers, he heard the ominous sound of a mellitic click. A voice came from the shadows: "FREEZE!"

James felt a cold chill run down his spine as he froze in misstep. He assigned the click was the cocking of a handgun. A voice asked: "Who are you? Give me one reason why I shouldn't shoot you"

"Please don't shoot me, mister!"

"Turn around. Let me see you!"

James turned around with his arms spread with open hands. "Is this good enough?"

The voice from the shadows said: "For now! Now strip!"


"You herd me. Take all of your clothes off!"


I want to make sure you don't have a weapon or anything of mine hidden in your clothes."

"Okay, are you going to let me go? I promise we didn't take anything and we will never come back!"

"I don't want to hear it! As Mr. Cooper emerged from the shadows; "Take your clothes off!"

James reluctantly proceeded to remove his clothes. He paused when he got down to just his tidy whites.

Mr. Cooper said: "EVERYTHING!"

James pushed his underwear down and stepped out of them. He clothes a crumpled pile on the floor. He stood with both hands over his genitalia. He was scared about what the man was going to do. If he called the police, he would lose his scholarship.

Mr. Cooper asked: "What were you thinking?"

"Sir, my friend and I thought we could find some stuff we could sell for some money."

"Do you think going to jail was worth it?"

"Sir, I have a football scholarship and I would lose it if I were to get a record."

Why shouldn't I call the police!"

"I will do anything you ask if you don't call the police or my parents!"

"You will do anything?"

"Yes, Sir!"

M. Cooper looked at the youth and was impressed by what a good-looking young man the boy was. He was instantly attracted to him. He had no desire to destroy his potential future. He found him very sexually attractive, and could not resist his desire to seduce the youth.

"I have no desire to cause you harm, but I feel you need to learn a lesson!"

"Please, I will do anything you ask!"

Mr. Cooper un-cocked the revolver and placed the gun in a desk drawer. "Come with me, my son?"

He led the youth into the living room and indicated that he should sit down on the couch. After James sat down and Mr. Cooper sat next to the youth. It was obvious that the youth was uncomfortable sitting next to the old man totally naked. He said: "I want to be your friend, son! Will you allow me to show you how much I want to be your friend?"

James really didn't understand what the old man was asking. "Sure"

Mr. Cooper placed his hand on the youth's bare thigh and gave his leg a gentle squeeze. There was no mistaking the gesture. James instantly understood that the old man was making a pass t him. His cock was already responding to the stimulation. It was swelling under his hands. He had that moment when he could have rejected the old man, but he didn't.

When he didn't object Mr. Cooper placed his arm around the strong young shoulders and kissed him on the mouth. James had never kissed a man like that. He didn't know what to do. When the old man moved his hand up the inside of the youth's thigh James simply spread his legs as the hand took hold of his cock. James had to remove his hands and when Mr. Cooper leaned over and started sucking his cock, the only place to put his hands on the top of the old man's head. He was enjoying the blowjob but his inhibitions were preventing James from cumming. The old man recognized the problem and shoved his hand between the youth's legs and stuck his index finger up the boy's asshole. His reward was a mouth full of cum.

Mr. Cooper sat up and hugged James and asked: "Son, I want you to fuck me!"

James had never fucked anyone before. Mr. Cooper saw the look on his face and said: "I will show you how it's done."

He stood up long enough to remove all of his clothes before laying on his back lengthwise on the couch. He lifted both legs up and invited James to kneel facing his butt. Then, he took hold of the youth's cock and pulled it towards his asshole. When the boy pushed forward the cock penetrated his asshole. Once the youth started fucking the old man, the old man rested his heels on James' shoulders. While the youth was fucking him, he took hold of his own cock and masturbated himself.

It took James much longer to cum the second time. Mr. Cooper shot his own load all over his own belly. When James had his second orgasm, Mr. Cooper told him to leave his cock in his ass. When the youth lost his erection it just slipped out of the old man's ass.

Mr. Cooper asked: "As punishment for breaking into my house you have to let me fuck you now!"

James was apprehensive but felt obligated to let the old man do it. He was already naked, so all he had to do was flop over onto his back with his head at the other end of the couch. At that point, Mr. Cooper got up to retrieve a tube of lubricant.

When he returned, the first thing he did was apply a generous amount of the lubricant to his own cock before he stuck two greasy fingers up James asshole. Then he knelt behind the youth and took hold of the youth's ankles and placed his feet against his hairy chest. He carefully aimed his cock at the puckered asshole and slowly inserted his cock into the boy's asshole. He was doing his best to be as gentle as possible. He was well aware that if he hurt the youth too much, he might reject ever allowing someone fucking him again.

James suffered through his sphincter being stretched more than it had ever been stretched before. Once the cock was all the way in his colon the pan subsided a little. When the man pulled back a little there was some relief but with every thrust, he was forced to grunt in pain. He didn't feel it when the man ejaculated in his ass. The first he knew the man was cumming was when the man pulled out and squirted several dollops of cum on his balls and cock and used his hands to rub the liquid into his skin.

Mr. Cooper cautioned him not to move until he felt better. He also used some tissues to wipe the cum seeping from James 'asshole. Eventually, James sat up and they hugged and James accepted it when the old man stuck his tongue into his mouth. They clung to each other's cocks and talked about what had happened. There came the time when James needed to get dressed and go home. After he was dressed Mr. Cooper walked him to the door and assured him that he was welcome to come back anytime he wanted to have sex again.

He stood the in the doorway and watched the youth waddled down the walkway.

If you enjoyed the story and have a story you want me to write about your introduction to the world of male sexuality, please send your outline to

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