To Catch a Bird

By Jorge Grossao

Published on Aug 13, 2003



To Catch a Bird by Jorge Alvarez


I take my girlfriend home every night after we go to a movie or a bar. She has to be home at 11PM. When we kiss and hug at the door of her building, I get hard, she rubs me and I try to sneak a hand under her pants.

We can't get hotter because there's always her night doorman around. A tall black man, very muscular. I don't want to mess up with him. Better keep ourselves cool to avoid problems with that guy.

I know that he watches when we schmooze at the door. Sitting at the front desk, he pretends to read a paper, while we make out on a sofa in the back of the lobby, but every time I look his way I catch him staring at us.

When the hour approaches and my girlfriend finally takes the elevator to her apartment, I'm left with a hardon and feel embarassed to walk by him in that obvious condition. He looks up at me, checks my groin with a smirk and returns to his paper. Whenever I turn back, on my way out, there he is looking at me again. Sometimes I have the impression he's checking out my butt.

I have to confess that I am attracted to men. When I was a boy I messed up with a black neighbor in my hometown, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Carlos was 19, six years older. He took me out into the woods to catch birds. He knew how to lay traps in which birds fell easily.

We would lie behind the bushes, close together, breathing slowly and very quiet so not to scare the birds. We watched while they approached the trap and ... flap!, another catch. Then we released them.

One hot summer afternoon he said "Let's get naked, it's too hot". The grass tickled my naked skin, ants crawled over me and that itched. I was nervous to be like that, naked, feeling his warm flesh against mine. I scratched where it itched, down my back and he said "Let me scratch it for you".

I laid quiet while he scratched my lower back, slowly. It felt good. I guess I purred. "You like that?" he asked. "Uhu", I mumbled. "Shhh! Quiet! We're going to scare the birds!"

My eyes fluttered, my heart raced, I was half awake, half dozing. His hand was now flat against my lower back, caressing me. He dragged his hand slowly down my backside then moved to my butt following its soft curve.

I froze, afraid of what he was doing but wanting him to go on. I stopped breathing. He sensed my fright and shushed me. " It's OK, it's OK, let me do it".

I relaxed and moved my ass a little to be more comfortable. He took advantage and slid his large, hot hand between my buns.

He rubbed his knee against my leg and moved his bent leg over mine. I felt his heavy thigh pressing my leg down on the ground. Then he rubbed his thigh against my butt cheek while his hand traveled further down, touching my rosebud.

I tried to free myself from him but it was too late. He twisted my arm behind my back, jumped on top of me and whispered in my ear. "Jorginho, it's no use resisting me. I've wanted to do this since I first saw you. Just relax and let me do my thing. You're going to love it".

I cried softly, my tears soaking the dry leaves under my face. He felt so heavy, there was no way I could throw him out. I could barely breath. I felt limp, languid, helpless. He planted his dick, big and hard, in the cleft between my buttocks. His lust for me made me hard too. I said "OK, but do it quickly, please".

Carlos kissed my ear, my neck, whispering "good boy" and "sweet ass". He opened my buns with his hand, spit on the other and rubbed the spit into my hole. I closed my eyes and prayed, asking to be spared from too much pain. It worked. My hole relaxed and he managed to insert one wet finger, than two.

"Yeah boy, open up for me. This bubble butt is going to me mine. I've wanked myself so much planning this...".

He moved down against my back until his head was between my buttocks. While he fingered me, he kissed my plump buns, licking and biting. He removed his fingers, blew on my rosebud, which felt wonderful, and then licked around the rim, which felt even better. I was starting to like this.

He kissed my asshole passionately. I felt his finger entering my virgin ring. I was in heaven. I moaned loudly. "Shhhh!", he said, "the birds..." He moved back over me, but now he held my butt open with one hand, while he held his big dick in the other hand.

He placed the large head on my opening. I contracted the ring in panic. "Relax, breath..." I did what he told me and as if by magic my ring stretched out and the head went in. There was a piercing pain but he had put his hand on my mouth before I could scream. I cried again.

Soon the pain went away. He felt that I had relaxed the ring and he pushed another inch in. I felt the hard flesh of his dick dragging against the soft walls of my anus. It felt great. I had lost my virginity and loved it.

I lifted my hips form the ground and pushed back against him. Another few inches went in. He kissed my ears in gratitude.

"Oh boy, you're already loving my dick in your pussy, huh? I knew you were going to take it like a girl".

"I'm not a girl! I have a dick too!"

"Yeah", he said, sliding his hand under me to hold my hard cock, "and it feels big and hard in my hand, showing me how much you like to be fucked!"

I raised my hips a little more while he wanked me and shoved the final inches in.

"It's all in", he said. "My big bird is your tight little nest, boy. How does it feel, my whole dick inside your body?"

"Oh my God you're huge!"

"That's what they always say..."

"Have you fucked other boys?"

"Yeah, a lot. Remember Joao, the kid who moved from our building this year? Last summer I brought him here to catch birds and I took his cherry just like I'm taking yours. And he loved it just like you. We did it everyday until he moved out".

I felt jealous. "But he was only 11!"

"Yeah, but you're better, your body is stronger, the butt big and round. You make me a lot hornier than he did".

Now I felt proud of myself. I made him horny. He surely made me horny.

Carlos started to fuck my butt, at first slowly, with leisurely, long strokes of his thick black dick. I felt his manhood carressing my new pussy, awakening hot spots deep inside me that I didn't even know existed. I felt full of dick and full of lust for him. I wanted to keep his cock forever inside me.

Then he picked up his pace, plunging and pulling out quickly, stopping for just a delicious, thrilling second at the brink, the big head of his dick barely grazing the rim of my hungry hole before he plunged way back in, to the hilt.

"Oh my God I'm going to cum", I cried.

"I'm cumming, I'm cumming inside you Jorginho! Take my cum, sweetheart!"

I felt his scalding semen rushing up my belly. My anus contracted violently, gripping his throbbing dick in a tight love embrace. I had never cum so deeply without even touching myself. I felt love, gratitude and lust for this young stud, my man, the male who had awakened me to a life of wild pleasure.

We were still cumming when suddenly the trap fell and we heard the flapping of wings inside. We had caught a big bird. Carlos and I laughed our hearts out, kissing and hugging, his dick still leaking the last drops of cum deep inside my ass.

We spent the summer fucking, Carlos always on top, and sometimes we were so horny we couldn't wait to lie in the woods. We'd sneak into his room, lock the door, and he'd fuck me quietly so his parents wouldn't listen. Or we did it in my room, while my parents watched TV, with the sound as usual at maximum volume, thank God...

We were happy for a summer, and then his family moved to another city. I never heard of him again. I was too shy to look for other guys. I never had sex with a man again. Than I discovered girls. My body developed and I became a jock and a hunk. Girls were after me, and I loved to fuck them. I almost forgot Carlos and how I loved to take his dick up my butt. I was becoming a man and I considered my summer with Carlos to have been a childhood fling that I had outgrown.

2 Six years go by and now I'm 19, in college, where I play in the soccer and wrestling teams. I'm the big stud among my peers, the most respected guy, the one who has first choice of all the many available girls. But I still have a yearning, when I see all the guys naked in the locker room, a need for sex with another male. It keeps coming back to my mind even though I try to suppress it. It's not a longing for what I did with Carlos, but something different. Not a boyish thing but a curiosity for how it would feel to have sex with a man like me.

So we're back to this night. My new girlfriend goes home and leaves me with a big hardon in the lobby of her building. The doorman, for once, is not here, but outside, smoking. I go out and he looks at me, smiling. He's smoking a joint and gestures, inviting me to share it with him. I love to get high on grass. So I smile back and join him. I'm willing to forgive his nosiness, I'll do anything for a joint right now.

While I take a few good drags, he points at my still tenting pants.

"She leaves you hard, huh?"

"Yeah man, that chick is driving me crazy, she won't let me fuck her unless we get married. What a drag. Now I need to get some release. But this grass is so good, it's only making me hornier".

"I can help you with that, do you want?"


"Let's go to my room, my replacement at the door has just arrived. We'll smoke another joint and I'll show you".

I'm too high to say no.

When we get to his room he undresses. My jaw drops at the sight of his body. The black doorman is a serious body builder, with massive arms, pecs, abs, legs, the whole Mr. Universe thing. He turns around and flexes his amazingly strong buttocks. He gets me real hard.

"You like my body, huh, kid?"

"I'm not a kid, I'm a man!"

"OK, man, you do find my body very hot, don't you?"

"Well, you're every jock's dream..."

"You're not half bad yourself. Why don't you show me your body? Let me help you out of these clothes".

He obviously likes my buffed up white body. His cock shoots up, big and fat, showing me how much he likes me. Our similar dicks, the only difference being their color, meet in a manly embrace. He looks into my stoned eyes, holds my dick with both hands and pushes me down on the bed. I fall on the bed as he kneels between my thighs.

He takes my dick in his hot mouth, gulping me down in one move. No girl has ever done this to me. I fall back on the bed moaning loudly. I hold his head in my hands and urge him to suck me. He doesn't need any urging.

The hunky black doorman, whose name I still don't know, pumps my dick with his throat as if his life depended on it. His tongue twists around my hard shaft while his gullet squeezes the head, milking it with gusto. I tell him I won't last long, I'm about to cum.

The big black stud disgorges my dick with a loud PLOP!, jumps over me, sits on my lap, grabs my dick in his strong hands and drives my throbbing cock to the warm, moist place between his butt cheeks. I watch in stoned disbelief as I feel the head of my dick engulfed by his narrow ring of male flesh. My cock is now inside his butt. It feels wonderful, tight and warm.

He braces his poweful arms on my knees and lifts his hips, to show me his asshole swallowing half the thick log of my white dick between his black buttocks. I have never seen anything so hot. I lift my hips with a strong push and bury my whole dick inside his welcoming chute. He moans and throws his handsome, manly African head back. We fuck like two madmen, until I cum wildly inside his body.

His dick is still hard. He kisses me, rolling with me on the bed, cuddling me, hugging me from behind. I feel his big hard cock between my buttocks.

"Jorge, I've been horny all this time, watching you with your girlfriend, pining for your wonderful body. Especially your butt. Has anyone told you that you have the most beautiful ass on earth?"

"No", I lie. I don't want to tell him about Carlos. "By the way you know my name but I don't know yours".

"I'm Carlos".

What a coincidence... He kisses the back of my neck and goes down, kissing and licking, scratching my wide, muscular back. The memory of what the other Carlos did to me floods my mind. I get hard again. He's now opening my buttocks, biting them, eating my hole.

"Hey, you're not a virgin, buttwise... Your ring has no wrinkles, no pleats. They were ironed out by a guy's big dick. It looks more like a pussy, with pouting rosy lips. What a delicious male pusssy you have, Jorge. He fucked you many times, didn't he? Or were there many guys?"

"No it was only one. And it was long ago, I was 13. By coincidence his name was Carlos too. But I'm not sure I want to do it again".

"There are no coincidences, kid. This ass was born to be mine".

I'm too horny and too stoned to resist.

"OK, but please be gentle".

"Whatever you did with that other Carlos when you were a kid, now it's gonna be different. You're not going to just lie there and get it up the ass like before. I want you to take charge. Be a real man".

I like hearing that. He gets to me. I want that, to be a man, even if I'm going to get his big black dick up my ass.

I stand on the bed and push him. He pushes me back. We wrestle. He's stronger, falls over me, immobilizing my body. He shoves his huge hard dick between my thighs. I feel his lust for me and it makes me hard.

We roll over and now I'm on top, sitting on his dick. His wide weapon is lodged in my crack. I raise my hips and rub my asshole on his hard shaft. That gets him harder. He flexes his dick and the big head finds its way to my hole.

I'm so horny for him, I just slam my butt down on his dick and get the whole 8 inches in my fuck hole. I yell in pain and throw my head back. He pulls my shoulders down, impaling me to the hilt. The pain goes away. I want him to fuck me.

He rolls us over so he's now on top. I wrap my legs around his waist. I pull on his ass so I get more dick in my pussy. He kisses me, sneaking his hot tongue into my hungry mouth. His dick feels huge in my male pussy and I tell him.

"God man, you're so big!"

"Get used to it, kid, from now on you're gonna service this nigger's dick every time I want you".

"Fuck me nigger!"

He slams his dick in and out. He knows how to turn a straight acting boy into a slut. I whimper and whine and wail.

"Fuck me! Fuck me!

Carlos piledrives his big dick into me and makes me cum. I spray our chests with my white hot cum jets. He licks my cum from our muscular bodies and looks into my eyes while he cums, breeding me as his bitch.

Now I know what sex between men is. Male love. I want nothing else. I've found my true self.

3 I go back home at dawn, after being fucked all night by Carlos, the black doorman who works in my girlfriend's building. My asshole feels a little sore, brimming with his four cum loads.

I have to force the ring shut so the cum won't leak, by keeping my ass very tight. For that I have to walk funny with short, mincing steps. Am I becoming a faggot? No! I want to remain a man. I still want to fuck girls. But now I also must have sex with other males. I need a big dick up my ass.

I feel an itch, deep inside, where the big head of Carlos's dick hit my tender spot every time he shoved his dick all the way up my butt. I go to the bathroom and I look at my ass in the mirror.

I let my ring go loose. A big white glob of cum blurts out. I scoop it up in my hand. It tastes bittersweet. Carlos' seed. I'm hooked. The ring looks bruised, swollen. But if feels so good to be fucked by a man. Tonight I'll get back to his strong arms for more.

It's Saturday and my girlfriend wants me to take her to a samba in the morro, a dance in a slum on one of Rio's hills. Lots of white middle class people like us climb the steep steps up the hill to have fun with the poor blacks.

The music is wild, with a quick drumbeat. We shake our butts to the samba rhythm. I notice a big black guy watching us. He's actually watching me, as I wag my plump white tail in his direction. I recognize him. He's a famous Brazilian basketball player, a star in our national team. Bira.

I want to make Bira horny for my strong, athletic jock body. I'm dancing with my girlfriend, but I'm concentrating on Bira's eyes, burning my flesh with long, lusty stares. The dance stops. Everyone has to form a roda de samba, a wide circle, and in the center of that human ring just one dancer will show off his or her samba talents, one at a time.

My girlfriend gives a little show. She's blond, beautiful, and a very good sambista. The sexy way she swings her hips makes the black men hard in their pants. Then she has to pick someone in the crowd around her to be the next dancer. She goes to Bira and brings him to the center.

Now it's Bira's turn to dazzle. He's very tall and limber. He dances the samba with the same deft art that turned him into a star in the basketball court. There's tremendous power in his every move. What a male!

I drool as I catch the swing of his huge dick and balls, dancing free in his baggy pants. He looks my way all the time, hypnotizing me. I feel like the little white lamb fascinated by the big black wolf who is about to pounce.

Bira picks me to be the next dancer. As he takes his place in the crowd to watch me, I surrender to the fast beat and let it guide my feet. I've never danced the samba so well. Where does this subtle, smooth footwork come from? It must be from my desire to seduce the big black man.

The quick steps flow up to my hips, swinging them in a manly, sexy way. I'm conscious of my powerful jock buttocks rubbing against each other, two full, round, ripe melons ready to be harvested by Bira's black whopper.

I pick someone next to Bira to replace me in the roda de samba. So now I stand next to him, still panting and sweating from my exertions. The crowd is thick. Our bodies are glued together. I feel his hand on my backside. We call that in Brazil "mao boba", silly hand. Bira's is anything but silly.

His knowing fingers work their way down my deep cleft. He finds my hole and caresses the ring with circular strokes. I open the gate and he slides the thick digit in, clad in the flimsy cotton of my pants. I shudder against his big, strong frame.

The roda de samba suddenly ends and the crowd breaks apart. We can't cling together like that. Bira pulls his large hand from my butt and gives me a firm handshake.

"Hi, I'm Bira".

"I know, I'm a big fan. I'm Jorge. Look, I have to take my girlfriend home now. It was nice meeting you".

"OK, take her home. But come back here to meet me. I'll be waiting. Don't take long".

He's so sure of himself. He doesn't ask me, he just bosses me around. Do this, do that. I'm cowed.

"Yes... sir", I mumble.

I take my girl home in a hurry. I barely stop to talk to Carlos, my black fucker from the last night. He takes me to a dark corner and caresses me while I explain that I can't go to bed with him tonight. I make up some story that I have to get up early for a college exam.

Poor Carlos. As he fondles my butt and gets me hard, he's now reduced to the role of a fluffer, getting me ready for a bigger, sexier black, Bira.

I return to the slum, the favela. The party is over, the dark alleys and the outdoors dance floor empty. I walk around in a trance, looking for Bira. Has he got tired of waiting for me? In a narrow alley a strong arm catches my waist.

"I told you to be quick".

"I was, I hurried back here!"

He's smoking a joint that he shares with me. I take a few long drags and I'm instantly stoned. I cling to his amazing body for support. He's so tall. I feel his hard dick against my chest.

"We can't stay here like that. I've got a place for the night. Let's go".

He guides me through the maze of steps and narrow gullies. I go in front, taking his orders. Turn left, turn right. He's behind, taking advantage to fondle my butt whenever I stumble and bump into him. I love this sexy game of tag.

We get to a shack on top of the hill. There's just a large bed against an open window. I climb on the bed and kneel at the window to admire the view.

Rio's beaches, with their necklaces of street lights, are spread out under us in all their splendor. On the hills around us a million lights flicker from shacks like ours. A million couples are enacting the same ritual of seduction and possession we're about to savor in this little room.

Bira kneels behind me. Already naked, he undresses me slowly, while he kisses my neck. I want to make myself difficult, to provoke his lust, to make him hornier.

"I'm not sure I want to do this, Bira. You know, I have a girlfriend, I'm a straight guy. I've had sex with guys but they were my age. With an older guy like you, I just don't know. I need some time to think about it".

"This will help your thinking. Three hundres reais (100 US dollars). It's more than I pay my whores. It's more than enough for you".

I'm too stoned to think straight. He's buying me. Like a whore. And I feeel thrilled by that. He's right, it's more than enough for me. With that money I can buy a big bag of dope. Or new sneakers. A nice shirt. I'm a whore.

Not that I needed the money to let him fuck me. I was going to do it anyway. But now a line has been crossed. There's no way back for me. I take the money and stuff it in my pocket.

I stand on the bed and finish to undress myself, with a little stripper show. I feel slutty and it shows, by the way I shake my butt. It's no longer a manly samba. I'm swaying like a bitch in heat.

"Sit on my dick", Bira orders.

I lower my backside to him, always dancing, and rub my butt cheeks on his glistening cock. It feels huge and very hard against my puckered hole.

"Get it wet first. Suck it".

He shows in every way that he owns me. He has paid for my body and now I'm his sex toy, to cater to all his needs.

His dick is very long -- 12 inches, he informs me -- and amazingly thick. I struggle to get the head in my mouth. I settle on lapping around the shaft to get it wet. I'm dying to sit on it. I crouch astride his strong thighs, my back to him.

He lets me do alll the work. I position the big head at the entrance to my young body and push down with the hips, impaling myself on the hard black sword. The head pops in and the pain is intense. I howl, with ayes and uyes, while he laughs at my suffering. He knows I'm loving every second of it.

With the head lodged in, he makes me kneel back at the window, kicks my legs open and hugs my waist. With one powerful lunge he buries all 12 inches in to the hilt. I wail and screech in pleasure like a cat in heat.

I listen to another thousand cats screeching in the night -- or are they females and faggots like me? Yes, Bira turned me into a faggot. Now I love to submit myself to a man, let him fuck my ass, give me his big hard dick and cum inside me.

I discovered that when I was 13, with Carlos, and though I tried to become a real man, with a big buffed up body and a straight facade, I was born to be a male slut. My asshole itches for a huge dick. And the head of Bira's powerful cock has found the spot where he takes care of my itch.

He slaps hard on my rump.

"Work for your money, bitch. You can do better than that".

I lose any fake male inhibition I can still have. I circle my hips like a slut, dancing around the huge male sex buried in my butt. I squeeze Bira's dick with my butt muscles, giving him a tighter ring to fuck. He flexes his cock in gratitude and starts to fuck me with long, measured strokes. I'm in bliss. I'm learning how to please my man.

Bira picks me up in his strong arms and stands on the bed. He holds me up, my legs kicking in the air, and he bounces my body on his lap, slapping my butt hard with his washboard abs. His cock does wonders inside my hungry pussy, plunging in all directions, stretching my hole wide.

My body is limp like a rag doll, for him to use and abuse. He stabs my G-spot with his incredibly long dick and I feel the orgasm coming from deep inside my bowels.

I cum with wild jets all over the bed. Bira lays me down on all fours, his dick still buried in me, and lies on top of me, piledriving his giant drill into my battered hole. I have my head on the bed, looking back at him, my butt in the air, with him on top, and I beat my meat to a new orgasm.

This time I feel my anus clamping on Bira's whopper. He freezes all the way in me and blasts a truckload of cum in my deep, welcoming well.

He's still hard. It's just the first of ten cumloads he pours all night long into my body. At dawn we leave the slum, stoned with lust and reeking of male sex.

4 The next morning my phone rings.

"Hi, I'm Carlao, Bira's friend. He gave me your number. I'm organizing a little male orgy for tonight and I need to get three white male strippers. You'd be one of them. I'll pay you 1,500 reais, plus any tips you get. That's because Bira says you're the best male slut he's ever fucked. There's one catch though. We're ten niggers and you'll have to service each of us, as many times as we want to. Do we have a deal?"

My God, five hundred dollars. That's more than my Mom's monthly pension after 25 years working hard as a teacher. And I can make that much in one night, working with my butt!

"OK, I'll take it".

"Great. I'm dying to stick my big dick in your pretty butt since Bira described your night together. Don't tell the other boys how much we're paying you. They'll get much less. Bira says you're very classy. A white jock from a good family".

"That's true".

"Yeah, but Mama's boy is nothing but a slut for big black dick, right?"

"That's true, too".

He gives me the address, a penthouse in the most exclusive building at Copacabana Beach.

"Jorge", Mom asks, "who was that?"

"Oh, I got invited to a wrestling exhibition match tonight. They're paying me 1,500 reais".

"What?! I never thought that an amateur wrestler like you could make that much money in one night!"

Yes he can, if he lets 10 niggers fuck his butt, I want to tell her, but I spare her the pain of learning what a slut her boy has turned into.

The irony is, she's always boasted, since I was a baby, about how beatiful my bubble butt is. She has all around the home photos of me, as a toddler, lying naked on my belly, my pretty round buttocks for all to gawk at. When I grew up and got a jock body, she called me David, after Michalegelo's statue, comparing my ass to that of his masterpiece.

Now that I'm selling that work of art to the highest bidder, she'd make a great marketing agent for my services...

I spend the day preparing. I do a lot of exercise to buff up my glutes. And take many enemas to clean my gut. I'm trying a black jockstrap, admiring my bare tush in the mirror, when Mom barges in.

"Are you going to wear that to the wrestling match?"

"Yeah, you know how the girls like to see a beautiful pair of male buns".

"You're absolutely right, son, and I bet no one in this competition has a pair of buttocks to match yours. Since you were little I've always made you bike to develop your butt and I massaged your tush to make it smoother. Your Dad, may he rest in peace, always complained that I was going to turn you into a sissy, with all this obsession about your butt, but I know what a woman wants in a man, and that's a big, sexy tush. Let me rub you with my special butt cream".

Mom is always working my glutes with her expert hands, spreading her creams on my smooth white skin. Thanks to her ministrations my butt is rosy and fresh like a baby's. When she's done, Mom kisses the plump butt cheeks and says:

"Bundinha que mamae beijou, malandro nenhum poe a mao", Brazilian Portuguese for "tush that Mommy kissed, no thug will touch". Does she suspect that later tonight ten black thugs will not only touch, but also fuck her baby's tush that she's now kissing so tenderly?

"Mom, do we have a big cucumber in the fridge?"

"Yes, son, let me get it for you... Here it is. Are you going to eat it?"

"Yeah, I'm going to gulp it while I'm in the bathroom".

I lock myself in the bath, in my black jockstrap, bend over with my butt to the mirror, lube the cucumber and play with my fuck hole. I open the borders of my male pussy with the tip of the hard gourd and slide the thick shaft in. I close my eyes and imagine it's Bira's big black dick. Soon there's going to be not only his but nine other monsters staking a claim to my back entrance.

I want to make the ring loose, so it'll take all that hard meat with little pain. But I also want to make it snappy, able to get a good grip on those dicks and milk their cum quickly. The less time it'll take for each of them to cum, the greater the chance for my ring to come out of the ordeal with flying colors.

To make my sphincter stronger and dexterous, I practice something I saw in a film, a scene where a girl smokes a cigarette with her pussy. I light a joint and, with the help of my mirror, guide it to the mouth of my male pussy. At first I'm too clumsy, but with hours of training I finally manage to puff on the joint, by sucking the borders of my puckered hole in.

With a little more practice I'm able to blow perfect smoke rings. The pot has a soothing effect on my anus. It feels relaxed and ready for hot male sex.

With Mom's help I dress in my best outfit, a tan Armani suit. I look positively dashing, with my long hair in a ponytail, which brings out my handsome square jaw.

"Oh son, you look so masculine! The girls are going to kill each other for you. I only wish your father could still be alive to see you. He'd be so proud of his boy!"

I only wish my father in the afterlife is not able to see that his boy has turned into a male hooker who takes big black dicks up his ass. I kiss Mom and leave for Copacabana.

5 I'm late to the party. The 10 black fuckers are already lying in a huge circular bed, naked, playing with two white "travecos", transvestites who inject silicone in their butts to make them huge. The two white boys are sucking two big black dicks and taking another pair up their butts.

All the action stops when I'm ushered in by Carlao, the host of this orgy, a young black who looks somewhat familiar. I can't place him, though. I must have seen his pictures in gossip magazines.

Jaws drop when he introduces me. I see in their lusty eyes the effect of my beauty and manliness. Mom is almost right. Only, instead of girls, it's going to be 10 black studs killing each other to have me.

Carlao's guests are a roster of Brazil's black elite. Besides Bira, the basketball star, I recognize three soccer world champions, a track & field Olympic medalist, a movie star and three hip hop rappers. Carlao himself is the country's most famous hip hop impresario.

All of them are married, pillars of the community, role models for both black and white boys. In reality, a bunch of thugs who abuse white boys fucking them up the ass.

I'm impressed by the size of their dicks. I was hoping that Bira would be the largest, but he's just average. I make a mental note that Carlao has the longest and thickest weapon. He winks at me when he catches my eye sizing up his beauty of a giant black cock.

I should tremble at the prospect of stuffing such huge black sausages up my poor back door, but my male pussy, who has a mind of her own, is thrilled by the length and girth of so many monster cocks, all of them already horny for me. My fuck hole itches as never before, leaking butt juices in anticipation.

Carlao gets rid of the "travecos" and sends them packing. The two feminine boys glare at me in envy as they leave. Alone, I'm to strip and service the 10 niggers.

I start to dance to the sound of a samba in Carlao's stereo. Hip hop is his money maker, but for sex there's still nothing like a samba.

I twirl in my samba "passes" while I shed the Armani suit and the silk white shirt that Mom has carefully pressed. Clad only in the skimpy black jockstrap, I ask for a joint and Marcao hands me one, as thick as a cigar. I light it and, swinging my hips, bend over, showing my upturned butt to the entranced audience.

Their eyes pop out when they see my butt hole smoking the joint and blowing rings of smoke on their faces.

The men whistle and cheer me on. I dance among them, giving each a special treatment. They start to stick dollar bills in my jockstrap. I'm going to tease them before I let them fuck me, to squeeze more tips from their fat wallets.

I'm learning to become a male hooker and I love it.

The Olympic athlete opens my buttocks and sticks his fat tongue inside, rimming my fuck hole. I take a drag with my butt from the joint, he glues his lips to my ass lips and he pumps the smoke from my bowels. The crowd goes wild.

The men stand up and gather around me, 10 black dicks standing to attention, while I give each a little something. To a soccer champion I ask for his autograph on my butt. He grabs my round melons as if they were a big soccer ball and bites his name with teeth marks on the hard, taut flesh.

I join the three rappers' big dicks in my hands and go down on all three, opening my mouth so wide I almost lock the jaw. I manage to get all three in, driving the men crazy. The greenbacks keep coming, stuffing my jockstrap.

I notice that the movie star, the most handsome black in the group, is more interested in the bulge in my groin than in my butt. I release my dick from its elastic prison and it jumps on the black man's famous face.

I'm not as well endowed as them, but at 8 inches my dick is still quite nice, a perfect white marble sculpture. I know I look like Michelangelo chiseled me. The black actor drools on my dick, then gulps it down his gullet.

The men are getting hornier, they want release. Marcao says it's time to move to the dark room. It's totally dark in there. There are cushions on the soft tatame floor, where we all lie down.

I'm overwhelmed by the smell and warmth of ten sweating black male bodies writhing around me. The first dick up my butt has a familiar shape. It's Bira's, whose girth and length my fuck hole has stored in its memory bank from the night before.

Bira fucks me leisurely, with long, vibrant strokes, while the movie star gets my dick back into his warm, hungry, by now also familiar mouth.

A huge whopper of a dick finds its way to my mouth. It's unmistakably Carlao's, the largest cock in the bunch. I accommodate his extraordinary size while I wait for Bira to cum in my butt. I want to replace Bira's dick with Carlao's much larger instrument. I'm becoming a real size queen.

By the grunts and moans in the room I'm not the only one who's getting dick up his ass. Groping in the darkness I find at least three other butts with hard cocks pistoning in and out. I don't know who they belong to -- right now they belong to any guy with a big dick -- but from the special, whiny moans of the fuckees, I suspect it's the three rappers. Yes, soon they start to rap in their delirious rants, with lots of "me fode" (fuck me), "mete essa pica" (shove that dick) and "come essa xota" (eat that pussy).

Bira shoots his load in my butt and changes places with Carlao. Surprisingly, he speaks tenderly in my ear, while he works his fingers carefully inside my ring, to make it loser and wider to receive his much larger fucktool.

"Helo sweetheart. You didn't recognize me? My dick grew a lot, but I'm the same guy who caught you in my bird trap when we were kids. Oh how I missed your pussy, Jorginho..."

I am speechless, as Carlao pulls his fingers out and replaces them with the super wide head of his dick, overstuffing my fuck ring. The surprise is so wonderful I don't even feel the pain. I disgorge Bira's dick for a moment, to express my feelings.

"Carlos? Is that really you? Oh my God, your dick is now so huge and it feels so good in my pussy! I've thought so much of you these days after I found out that what I really want is a big dick up my butt. Oh God, thank you for answering my prayers..."

In his new guise as Carlao, Carlos' bird is now the size of a griffin, a monster cross of lion and eagle, a feral beast that carves its way into my yielding body.

My size queen bias is vindicated. Now that my pussy has to go through a real upgrade, from size XL to XXL, I climb to a higher plane of pleasure, as the tight walls of flesh are forced to widen, distend, spread out, stretch, dilate, swell, gape and yawn to embrace the immense invader, the new ruler of my anal realm.

"My big bird is in your tight little nest, boy", he says, bringing back sweet boyhood memories of our summer of erotic discoveries and tender butt fucking.

I've almost forgotten Bira, who's again fucking my mouth, and the movie star who's sucking my dick. But now that Carlao starts to fuck me, their extra stimulation brings me quickly over the brink. I cum in the black star's mouth as Bira floods my gullet with his abundant load.

My fuck hole goes into contractions around Carlao's whopper and it isn't long before he shoots a flood of love seed deep in my body. But I'll have to leave for later the tender feelings for my recovered childhood lover. Now I have to concentrate on my new job as a male hooker.

Carlao's dick is replaced by a new one, much smaller but still quite big. One of the soccer player's, I guess. I feel there's room for more. So I grab another dick, probably from one of his teammates, and direct it to the entrance of my already well stuffed fuck hole.

The head slids in easily. Carlao has really given me new, more commodious dimensions. I discover the new sensation of two dicks fucking me in tandem to be thrilling and quite addictive. They take turns pistoning in and out, so there's always a bulbous head pressing on my prostate, while another takes care of my enlarged asshole.

I have also three dicks in my mouth, apparently from the rappers, who are being fucked by Carlao, Bira and a third man. I reach my hands back and find that the two other men are fucking my two butt fuckers.

All 10 niggers are now fucking, with me at the center of the action. They grunt and growl as each comes with massive loads of cum, two of them deep in my butt, three in my mouth. I gurgle and slurp, through both ends, as I come wildly, spraying everyone around with hot cum.

We spend the rest of the night fucking, and I have the opportunity of sticking my dick up the asses of the movie star, two of the soccer champions and the three rappers. It increases my worth as a male hustler, the fact I can function both as bottom and top.

All the niggers but Carlao are exhausted. My boyhood lover and I are now alone, ready to appease all the pent-up lust from so many years apart.

I'm curious to learn how his dick became so big. He tells me it's a secret herb mixture from the Amazon indians. With his new, bigger dick, he fucked everyone in the record industry mafia and, as the biggest motherfucker, became the boss.

He's glad that my body grew so much, that I became a hunk. He tells me he's now even hornier for me than he was when I fell in his brid trap. He fucks me until dawn. I promise him that I'll let him have me everyday, even as I expand my business as a male hooker, with him as my pimp.

I go back home with 3 thousand reais, one thousand dollars. Mom, who's waiting for me, counts the money in awe. She's not even surprised that I got such fat tips. "When's the next match?" she asks greedily. "I hope your butt is not too sore...", she says winking at me. It dawns on me that she knows everything. She knows that the money comes from her baby boy's well developed, well groomed, well fucked Michangelesque buttocks.

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