To Be or Not to Be

By Mike James

Published on Dec 3, 2001


This is totally fiction need I say more, I do not claim to no the members of Nsync or there sexuality it is just on with the story, Feedback is greatly appreciated.

chapter 3

The beam came close to an inch from hitting Jc in the head as he pushed Justin out of the way. They laid there on the ground for what seemed like forever just holding on to each other. Everyone was making sure the others where okay.

Later on that day they were all at the hospital getting checked for there minor scraped and bruises. The Media was outside stalking the entrance to the hospital hoping to catch glimpse of one of the members of Nsync. Justin was lying in his hospital bed while Jc, was sitting next to him holding his hand. He looked into Justin's eyes and new that there was no one else on the planet that he wanted more, Not now Not ever.

"Justin, baby..." Justin's hands cut him off. His fingers were out lining Jc's massive jaw. " Shhh, Jc.

You saved me back there; if it wasn't for you I would probably be dead right now. I owe you my life. I owe you so much. You could of died today while you decided to grow balls and get me out of the way. For that I owe you this much. I hit you, which in my book is unforgivable. I no it seems really strange of me to hit you and love you all in the same hour but it are. I have always loved you but for you to tell me that I lost it. I couldn't believe that you hid that from me. Then I thought I hid it from you to. I will never let you go now Jayce. I can't and I won't." Justin said while bring tears to Jc's eyes.

" Baby, (He reached into his pocket bringing out a small black velvet box) I am glad you said that. I am very glad you said that. " Jc grabbed Justin's hand and got down on his knee. " I want to be with you always and forever, for death do us part and all that. I don't want to ever loose you Justin. After today I realize how close we came to doing just that losing each other and I won't let it happen again. I want to be your rock. I want to be your husband, so I guess what I am asking you here is, Justin marry me. You will make me the happiest man on the earth if you say yes. " Jc said while he slipped the ring on Justin's finger.

Justin looked down at the white gold ring with diamonds and smiled, a tear running down his cheek to be caught my Jc's thumb and whipped away.

" I love you, and you think that I will make you the happiest man, well you are a little later there because you just made me the happiest man alive. So the answer is yes, yes I will marry you." He said as he took Jc into a long embrace.

Justin leaned in and placed a soft gentle kiss on Jc moist wet lips. His hands tracing the outline of his fiancee's masculine body... * Fiancee I love the sound of that Justin thought to himself* As the newly engaged couple was exploring each other body's they heard somebody and turned around to see Lynn, Justin's mother, standing in the doorway with a wide smile on her face.

" Well it is about time you two found out that you were in love with each other. I thought I was going to have to learn to accept Brittany as My Justin's mate. " Lynn said as she walked over to the young couple and gave them a hug.

" Are you two okay though, nothing serious here I hope. " She said with motherly concern. " No we are fine mom, but I guess we should tell you something. First off though how did you know about us, I mean the fact that we thought and hoped there would be an us at all." Justin said wondering.

" Well you too were always very close, but after a while I noticed that you to were getting a little to close for you to too stay friends for much longer. I knew sooner or later you two would find your way into each other's arms." Lynn added.

" Well Mom, I am glad that you except us because we are getting married" Justin said as he flashed the ring at Lynn.

" What the hell are you talking about, getting married I didn't even no you all were together," A familiar voice added.

Chapter 4

Chris walked over to them. " Well are ya all going to say something?" He said with a smirk on his face.

Justin looked up at him with a curious face and just said, " Chris man I am so sorry we didn't tell you sooner, we were going to but then all this shit happened. Lance and Joey already know. Well they know that we are together, they just don't know that we are going to get married."

Jc grabbed Chris's hand and just smiled, " So are you okay with this man". He looked into Chris's eyes worried about what he was about to say to him. What was this man going to say about the only love that he has known, the only love that keeps him going.

" Man I am totally cool with it, I am just out 50 bucks that's all." Chris said with a smile.

" What the hell! You all bet on this. I think you need to find a new hobby," Justin said as he punched Chris in the shoulder.

The other guys came into the room and looked around not really knowing what just went on the room while they were out doing what they had to do. Lance just looked at Jc and Justin and smiled, he new. He new that the two men he looked up to at the moment were going to further their relationship, and he new that Chris owed him 50 bucks.

Lance looked towards Justin and laughed, " So when is the wedding, o and Chris I want my money." " Damn it man how do you do that. How the hell do you know what we are thinking and what we did before we get to tell you? This just isn't right man." Justin said jokingly.

" I don't know, I can just tell some things, but only about you all. And I want my money." Lance said opening out his hand as he had done to Joey earlier.

Joey let out a slight laugh and looked at Chris handing Lance a 50-dollar bill. Lynn was sitting down smiling at her son and soon to be son-n-law. Then she turned and looked at how supportive the other band mates were and she new everything was going to be just fine. She new that these boys had a strong support circle, and that she didn't have to worry about what was going to happen to Justin while he was out on the road any longer. He baby boy was all grown up and going to get married.

The following morning, Lance and Chris where in the front of the bus talking about the change in there friends and the events that have taken place the past few weeks.

" Man I can't believe that they are actually together.

What the hell is Johnny going to say when he finds out about this shit, you know that right? He is going to fucking flip." Chris said.

" Yeah but at least they are happy together. Who are you with? No one, that's who, Most of my time is spent with Meredith now a days and Joey, well what can you say about Joey. He is just Joey." Lance added with a smirk.

They continued their conversation unaware that Justin wasn't far from them and could here is band mates defend his new relationship with his life long friend and companion Joshua Scott Chasez.

"Guy's I can't take it anymore, I am just totally surprised at all this. Why is it that you all took it so well? I was totally expecting something out of one of those fan fiction stories ya know, like where you totally freak out and the band is on the verge of break up." Justin was interrupted by Lance. " Hold up curly, this isn't fiction this is real, and we are your real friends and we love you man. You can't do anything that is going to change that."

" Thank you man" Justin said as Jc walked up behind him embracing him. He let his arms reach around the front of Justin and just hold him smiling into his neck. He kissed the soft flesh that was near the collar of his baby blue button down shirt and worked his way to kissing Justin's lips as the other two men in the room sat in awe.

They're coo's in the room that made the young lover's blush out in the open for the first time causing Chris to just loose it.

" You two are just way to fucking cute together, and I am totally jealous. I want that, I want a man of my own." He stopped realizing what just same out of his mouth. He looked around at the dropped face around the room and just awaited the comments that he new was going to come at him.

chapter 5

Justin was the first one to speak up when Chris let the fact that he wanted a man slip out of his mouth. " You want a man, wow. I guess that is another one for our side baby" Justin said looking at Jc. " There are a lot of men out there Chris I am sure you can find one" Justin added before kissing his lover again. " Yeah man there is plenty out there, none that look as good as my man but there out there." Jc said smiling at Justin. " What do you want?" Justin said. " What do you mean, I was just stating the obvious, that's all" Jc added. They where to busy in there own thing to hear Chris say that there is a man that he is already in love with, but when he said it again they both looked at him. " Who is it Chris, do we know him" Said Justin. " Well, yeah. You two do know him. He is really close." Chris said smiling. " O my god, please don't tell me it is Joey." Came out of Jc's mouth very fast. Lance was looking at all three of them astonished by the fact that they forgot he was in the room, but Chris did not. Chris new that the man he was in love with was in the room, but he also knew the man that he loved was in love with a woman. He had been trying to get rid of the feelings for Lance for years now, but they just won't go away. " Is it me?" Lance said, turning every head in the room towards his deep voice, well every head but Chris's. Chris didn't want to answer the question at all. He didn't want to tell Lance yes for Lance to get all weird on him, and quit coming to him when he needed someone to comfort him when he was upset. " What if it is Lance, what if I am hopelessly in love with you, what if I live for every time you lay your head next to mine, what if I love to look at you sleeping next to me with your head on my chest. What Lance, what then?"

Lance just looked at Chris, and Justin and Jc looked at each other. None of them had excepted any of this, and they really didn't believe that he would admit that he liked Lance let alone that he loved him. Then Chris looked at Lance one last time put his hands to his face and ran out of the room crying. The first time he ever let the other guys see him cry.

Jc speaks up, "I will go and talk to him." Then he whispers to Justin, " Talk to Lance and see what he thinks about all this, we can't let them get all wierded out over this."

" Okay baby, I will see what I can do."

With that Jc had left the room and walked towards the back of the bus to find Chris in his bunk still crying. " Chris man, are you okay. You can talk to me you know. I've been there; I know how hard it is to tell someone that you are in love with them. Shit you know how Justin first took the news, he punched me in the face." Chris just opens the curtain that blocked him from Jc and looked at him with red puffy eyes. " I can't take it anymore Jayce, I have tried to get rid of the feelings but there just there you know, and I know that he is always with that Meredith girl. There is no way he loves me, "that way" ya know." " No I don't, First off he isn't with her, he just manages her, I have never heard him talk about girls at all, and actually I think he might be gay. I can't say that he is in love with you Chris but you know Lance, nothing is going to change here, he will still have you as his best friend won't he." " I could never stop talking to Lance Josh, I love him to much not to talk to him anymore."

Mean while... Justin was talking to Lance and Joey was still in the back sleeping. " So Lance, what do you think about what you just heard, huh, what do you want to do? Do you want to punch him, kiss him, stop talking to him, kill him, what. What do you want to do with this information Lance." " I want to know why? Why does he love me Just, I am nothing special. I am just me, I am Lance. The back up singer that can't dance right." " Where the hell did you get that fucked up idea from Lance, you are not a back up singer and you can dance when you practice, your apart of this group Lance, we couldn't of made it this far with out you. Hell, Chris is in love with you so you must be doing something right." Justin said kind of aggravated with what Lance had just said.

" Justin, what if I told you that, that I want to try this thing with Chris. That I want to tell him that I love him too, but I am to big of a coward."

" There is nothing to be scared of Lance, you already no that he loves you"

Lances tears interrupted him. Lance just started crying and then looked at Justin and then down at the floor. " I don't want to tell Chris that I love him and I don't want Chris to love me, if we try this thing, as much as I want to, I have nothing left"

After that Lance got up and walked away leaving Justin to wonder what the hell just happened there...

TBC I hope you all liked that I figured I would give out three chapter's this time, it is easier this way. I have a few more chapters done but you will have to read this part first...I will send it out soon yall aright! Feed back is always good no matter what it is...peace out yall. . . . . . . ANGEL

Next: Chapter 4: To Be or Not to Be 6 8

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