Tnt Files

By moc.loa@taRylliSenO

Published on Feb 27, 2003


The TNT Files, Chapter 3

The following story is fiction. It describes sexually-explicit erotic events between males. If you are offended by this material, are too young, or live in an area where it is not allowed, don't read it. In the world of this story, the characters don't always use condoms. In the real world, everybody should practice safe sex.

The authors retain all rights. No reproductions or links to other sites are allowed without the authors' consent.

My thanks again to Evan, Patrick, and Ash for their friendship and encouragement, and to Tim for love, editing, and inspiration. --Tom Part 3: If there's anything that you want...


"Say, Tommylove, weren't you working on part three of TNT?"


"And? How's it coming along?"

"Pretty well, actually. I've got it finished."

"Hey, that's great! Where is it?"

"Safe from your icy eye, Judge Dread!"

Huh? I blinked in astonishment. What was going on in my lover's mind? "Ah, Tom, does that mean you won't show me?"

"Right on the first try!"

I had a suspicion, but asked nonetheless: "And why would you do that?"

He had the decency to blush, but looked at me defiantly.

"You didn't like the last one. You said it was bland!"

Exactly what I'd feared. He was still smarting at that one comment. So sensitive, my hunky lover, and a memory like an elephant.

"You know I can crack into your PC anytime."

"But you wouldn't, right? Besides, it isn't on my HD. I saved it on a floppy. Which I hid. You'll never find it."

Ha! A challenge! Again. Oh well. I searched the house, from attic to basement. Took me about a week, and I only succeeded in adding to the general chaos that rules most of our rooms. It was perfectly frustrating. It screamed for revenge!

I let the issue rest for the next week. Didn't someone accuse me of having a devious mind? (Wasn't that you, Mickey? You were right! Thanks, BTW!)

Friday evening I treated my Tommy to a delicious seafood dinner. We shared a bottle of Chardonnay along with it, and were in a frisky mood when we arrived home. So I got an enthusiastic "yes" when I asked him if he wanted to play. We had a short, functional shower together. Tommy finished first, and when I entered our bedroom, he lay already sprawled out on our kingsize bed, silk scarves draped over his lean body. His eyes gleaming in anticipation.

I send a short prayer of thanks to the Divine for having this man in my life, then I proceed with my devilish plan. My hot and eager lover extends his arms and legs towards the bedposts oh so willingly. I tie him with some slack, but securely. Our game has barely started and he is already on fire. His green eyes blaze. His mouth stands slightly open, his lips look moist. I can't hold out any longer. We kiss, long, tenderly. I lick his lips, teeth and tongue, till we both are moaning and humming with pleasure.

When I draw back he tries to follow my tongue with his, like a hungry baby-bird. I love to see him needy like this, and I know he loves to be needy, loves to writhe and pant for me.

He looks so hot, stretched out like this, the muscles clearly defined. I go first for the soft inner side of his arms, lick from his elbow to his armpit, a long wet lion lick. It gets me the first scream of the evening. So I do it some more. The other arm gets the same treatment. Tommy's very vocal, urging me on the whole time. He'll be hoarse later.

I work my way down to his man-nips. He's a real tit-pig, loves to have them mauled, and I oblige him, sucking them both to attention. When they're good, hard, and wet, I chew them alternatingly, as rough as I can without breaking the skin, and he howls his pleasure. It takes a while, but finally I have them at maximum sensitivity, now it will make him shout if I only blow some air over them.

While I've been working on his nubs, he's become more and more restless under me, fucking the air with his hot and leaking cock.

"Suck me," he implores me, and yes, now he is hoarse, "please, Tim, suck me!"

Of course I conform with his desire, 'cause he still isn't quite where I want him to be. So I follow the precum-trail, from his flat stomach to his slit, from where it drips continuously. So delicious, he's sweet, my Tommy. My tongue probes his slit for more of his honey. His voice is nearly gone, no siren's song could be more luring to my ears. I take only the tip of his cock in my mouth, suck powerfully, and let go. Once again, and he's bucking, wanting more.

I look him over, he's bathed in sweat, and his eyes are wild. I take him whole, and swallow, and he screams "Yeah, like this, God yes, uh, uh, yeah!!!" And I stop and back off. "What are you doing?! Tim, come on!" Oh, he's desperate.

I stretch out at his side, without touching him, and whisper in his ear "The floppy, Tommylove?"

He groans in defeat, there's no fight left in him. He'll kill me later for this. "Under the Aspidistra," he murmurs weakly.

"Thanks," I whisper back. And then I use all the knowledge I've gained in my time with him to make him go through the roof - fast! He sprays the first blast of his juice deep inside my throat, then I back off to catch the next ones in my mouth to savour them.

Afterwards I untie him, and we lie side by side, both exhausted. He, so satisfied, I, with a raging boner, and I wonder if I haven't lost that battle after all.


Well, he can be a meanie, my red-hot Timmy, don't you think? Of course I took care of him afterward, yeah, I'm a nice guy! And hell, why let a perfectly good boner go to waste?

Anyway, now it's back to the past and to our letters.

Hello Tim,

This is just a short notice, you'll get a proper letter later. Thanks again for your praise. My language skills mean a lot to me, and English is my favorite. I even write my diary in English.

I think it would be great if we could stay in contact. Right now I'm packing my things for a short trip to Paris. I only have half an hour left to catch my train...

Give my regards to Evan if you hear from him. It's always good to have a new friend!

Bye for now,

Your Tom

Hello Tom,

Yes, it is nice to have a new friend. How was Paris?

You know, the day I received your last email, the one telling me that you were off for gay Paree, I wrote you a long response. Then I tried to check something on another page and lost the draft of the letter. I must learn that with Yahoo it's vital to save things to the draft folder until you have actually sent them. At any rate, I was so frustrated, I didn't even try to rewrite your letter.

I don't know whether or not I told you, but I am working on a story for Nifty about two fiftyish men who find love. Evan, however, thinks I should go ahead and at least complete the four proposed chapters of "Dr. Tim" first. In fact, he thinks that once I get past the humiliation part (first three chapters), I could turn it into a more serious story about Tim and the four boys. So, I'm in a bit of a quandary. One of the reasons I'm reluctant to do that is the similarity of the situation to the beginning of "Ambush," which is infinitely better. I started "Dr. Tim" before I had even read "Ambush," and it so blew me away that I put my story on the shelf, so to speak.

Now I have reworked chapter 2 to allow for future development. And I mention in it that Tim has overheard Trey calling him "The Iceman," so there's the possibility of inserting your reworked vignette into a future chapter. Also, I intend posting the story to Nifty, and continuing the series there, since my dear friend and mentor thinks that's what I should do. I'm quite willing to take instruction from such a good teacher.

I had no idea this was going to be such a long email. Forgive me for running on.

I do hope, however, that you will stay in touch.


Hi Tim,

Thanks for your letter, it was good to hear from you. Paris is always great. I've lost count on how often I've been there, but it must be something around 15 times now, and its magic never fails to enchant me. I can be completely tired and stressed and fed up with everything - as soon as I set my foot on Parisian ground all that is blown away. On Saturday morning I climbed the towers of Notre-Dame. It was still early, and the air still a bit misty, so that the city's many shades of grey were tinted rosé by the sun. And all those gorgeous gargoyles up there!

In the afternoon I did my little bit of power-shopping at the Samaritaine, the coolest jeans and a black leather jacket, plus a pair of Arche-shoes, made from the softest black leather, comfortable and hip. (I've never seen so many uncomfortable shoes in one place before like this year in Paris. My sis Di always says men designed highheels to keep the gals from running away, now it seems they want to keep the blokes from running too! We get emancipated!)

Okay, enough of Paris. Your ideas about the Florida couple sound very interesting to me, and I get the feeling that that story is a bit closer to your heart than "Dr. Tim" right now. Maybe Evan thinks that if you don't continue "Dr. Tim" now, you never will. Why don't you use "Dr. Tim" as kind of a warming-up for your Florida project, to try things out and play around a bit?

I agree that "Ambush" is very good. In the beginning it was mostly a hot story to me, but now it's sometimes downright intimidating. It makes me question myself a lot, and I'm always a bit in awe of Evan.

Things on the list do seem confused right now, I think Vince, if I remember his name right, is training someone else to manage the posting. Why not send the story to Nifty anyway?

Would you like to tell me more about yourself - which books you read, the music you like, what else you write, and if you like poetry?

I wish you a nice week-end.

Your Tom

Dear Tom,

I'm sorry it has taken so long for me to get back to you. Last week I had my brother and his fiancee here all week. I hadn't met her before. She's a lovely girl, and they seem very happy together, so I am happy for him. Then there was our long Labor Day weekend. And I've been busy writing.

I enjoyed your description of your visit to Paris. It revived all those old longings to visit that beautiful city.

I must tell you that I am usually uncomfortable discussing my stories with a stranger. But I value your advice and our growing friendship. Evan gave me the same advice you did, on two counts. He says I should republish "Dr. Tim" 1 on Nifty and continue the series there. He also says that I should continue, cut my teeth on it, as it were, and then write the story that is closer to my heart. How could I not do what two such wise advisors suggest?

Consequently, I am working on the first draft of chapter four. Soon, I expect to finish that chapter, which would bring the series as originally conceived to a close. Evan insists, however, that I continue it. He thinks the idea you brought up about some kind of justice and appropriate retribution would make for good reading, and we've talked about developing the relationship between Tim and the four students. My only fear there is that it will turn into some sort of pale imitation of "Ambush."

I'm hesitant to ask, but if you are interested, I'd happy to send you chapters 2-4. Your reactions would be of great interest to me. Not editing, mind you, but characters, events, story direction, etc. You would note that I have made some gradual changes in Trey's character so that we might have a scene, perhaps in chapter 5, that is based on "Icy's Revenge."

I don't know whether I've told you or not, but I am a university English professor. I teach, in addition to the usual introductory lit and comp courses, history of the English language, introduction to linguistics, and my favorite, a course in the writers of the "lost generation." I also love poetry. Which reminds me, what IS that poem Cedric reads in "Icy"?

I look forward to hearing from you when it's convenient.


Hello again Tom,

I meant to ask in my earlier letter, has Evan ever mentioned our friend Patrick? He writes a story called "Clay," to be found in the Beginnings section on Nifty. (Last posting in April 2002.) If you want to get to know Evan's "pride," you should read Patrick's story. In it, he develops the pride idea much more fully than Evan does, and his characters are all adults. Don't be put off by the first two chapters, which seem to be pretty much random sex. But it becomes really interesting when a character named Corey shows up, for Corey is based on Evan. I've seen chapter 12 and part of 13, and I think they are fine stuff. Incidentally, a character named Evan Bradley is going to appear in chapter 13. Chapter 12 introduces a character named Ash, who is the 4th member of our group. And I understand that, somewhere down the road, someone named Jack from Florida will appear.

Again, best wishes.


Hi Tim,

You teach about the "Lost Generation"! Then you just have to visit Paris, don't you? Here's a bit from a poem by James Fenton:

Don't talk to me of love. Let's talk of Paris, The little bit of Paris in our view. There's that crack across the ceiling And the hotel walls are peeling And I'm in Paris with you.

Don't talk to me of love. Let's talk of Paris. I'm in Paris with the slightest thing you do. I'm in Paris with your eyes, your mouth, I'm in Paris with...all points south. Am I embarrassing you? I'm in Paris with you.

Did you know that Sylvia Beach's bookstore still exists? I went there, after reading her book "Shakespeare and Company" some years ago. Sadly I don't know much about English/American literature. I ditched English at school pretty early, in favor of other languages. Of course I have to work with English books at the university. I study Semitic languages. During the last few years I've come to love English a lot. Sometimes I think I'm going native in this language.

The poem Cedric reads is written by James Kavanaugh. I have to confess that I found it quoted in a novel which I once bought on Jersey. I liked what I read there, and two years ago I ordered an anthology of that poet from Amazon. I wish I hadn't...jeez!

I'd love to take a look at your chapters 2-4. I just had made my mind up to ask you when I got your letter. Just don't expect too much from me, okay? And, Tim, I don't want to make you uncomfortable in any way! Thanks for telling me. I realize that we don't know each other very well yet. I trust you will let me know when I overstep the mark!

Yes, Evan did mention Patrick, and I have read "Clay", back in April. I recognized Evan in the story, and I liked it. And you will be part of it, too! I'll definitely have to go back there!

I gotta finish now, it's late...

Take care,


So, folks, now you've caught a glimpse on our letters. There are bunches more of them, which I won't bore you with! The gist of it is that Tim nailed me for editing and occasional collaborating. We got to know each other better and we became friends. Then he wrote that hot scene between Ced and Tim, where Ced takes his revenge on Tim for the "decorating" remark. You can find it in "Dr. Tim and the Boys", chapter 13. Why don't you just go and read the whole thing? It's way better than this, I assure you!

Anyway, that scene turned me on like nothing else ever had. I got so hard reading it, I had to free my straining cock from my jeans. Reading on, I began to jack it slowly, giving it a firm squeeze now and then. I teased myself, like Ced did Tim, delaying my orgasm till I could stand it no longer. When I came (and wow! how I came!) I had a blurred vision before my inner eye of a skinny red head, going down on me... That was when I began to wonder if Tim and I might become more than friends... Still caught in the afterglow of that mind-shattering climax I sent him a spontaneous letter...

...and spent the whole day regretting it, worrying about his reaction.

Well, how did he react? Would he reject my advances? Or confess that my stuff turned him on, too? Had I destroyed our friendship? Why hadn't he written yet? Usually I had his answer by the next morning. Not that day, though. I was suffering the agonies of the damned, believe me!

So stay tuned for part 4, which will feature my infamous letter, and the reaction I got. Yeah, of course Tim replied. He's way too nice, is he. --Tom

Next: Chapter 4

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