Tnt Files

By moc.loa@taRylliSenO

Published on Jan 30, 2003


The following story is fiction. It describes sexually-explicit erotic events between males. If you are offended by this material, are too young, or live in an area where it is not allowed, don't read it. In the world of this story, the characters don't always use condoms. In the real world, everybody should practice safe sex.

The authors retain all rights. No reproductions or links to other sites are allowed without the authors' consent.

I want to thank Evan, Patrick, Ash, and Tim for their continuing encouragement and friendship, and Tim especially for being my muse and goosing me in all the right places. And for editing, of course. You are the collaborator everybody dreams of, baby! All remaining faults are mine.--Tom Part 1: The Stories

God, I'm in heaven! And heaven is hot and I'm melting. Melting in unearthly bliss as you keep on pounding into me, into my already tender ass, with this slow, maddening, intense rhythm of yours that always drives my crazy. I want it faster, but I'm beyond screaming. Running on autopilot. Pushing back mindlessly, urging you on. And you know all about it, you bastard. You know exactly what you're doing to me. My orgasm has been building up for a whole eternity, or so it seems. Just a little faster, just one touch...

"What do you want?" you whisper, your voice hoarse from exertion.

"Uh," I manage.

"Tell me!" you insist, slowing down your thrusting even more now.

"NO!! Faster!" Is that whining sound my voice?

"Faster what?" You're nearly stopping now.

"Fuck! Fuck me faster!" I'll get you for that. Later. In my next life. Not just now. Cause I feel like I'm dying here...

Finally, you speed up. Oh yes, that's it. Your cock feels bigger than ever in my tight love-chute. As your thrusts get erratic, you grab for my desperate dick and start jacking me. And I explode that very second, and you fuck me through my orgasm and into the next one, and then you follow me there, pulsing six, seven times inside of me, flooding me.

'Can it get any better than this?' I muse later, still delirious, lying under you after we collapsed into one of those legendary sweaty heaps. 'We've come such a long way. And to imagine it all started with a few letters! A whole ocean lay between us! Are there friendly powers guiding us? It really feels that way to me!' As I said - delirious!

But it's true. We're two of a kind. Two halfs of a whole. Complete now. We've made our way from acquaintance, to collaboration, to friendship, to love. That we found each other is a wonder, if you ask me. A wonder of biblical proportions.

It all began back in August when the first chapter of a story was published on a list I had joined. It described how a young professor was humiliated by a group of three college jocks, because he had given their buddy Ced an F at midterm. (At that point I assumed he was one of those three.) They make him come in his pants and then jack off and spray their cum all over him. After that they take a pic of him with the intention of blackmailing him.

For some reasons I thought a friend of mine had written that story under a different name. You might say I was 95% sure of it. And - that story inspired me. So I sent the author the following feedback, using my sillyrat addy:

"Hi there,

I do hope I know who you are, if I'm wrong this'll look pretty stupid, but I'll do it anyway. I liked 'Dr. Tim' heaps, and so I wrote a little story for you, with probably enough faults in it to tell you who I am! If you are who I think you are, that is. :) I called it 'Icy's Revenge'. Here it is!

Un-fucking-believable! Skinny little 'Iceman' Mead had given me an 'F' at midterm, of all things. Granted, I haven't been at my best lately, but I had my reasons. And I was sure that I deserved better than an 'F', my ass!! I couldn't have done that bad even if I'd tried! Maybe he'd meant it as a warning shot, to shake me awake, or something like that. But, the consequences for me were devastating, as I would not be eligible for the baseball team now.

Of course I complained heavily to my friends. And they put a nice little plan of action together. It worked like a charm, and now we had 'Icy' by the balls. Or so I thought...

I had watched the whole thing, and wow, the little guy had been so so hot! I couldn't remember having ever been that hard! It fucking HURT!! And as my buddies coaxed that orgasm out of him, my own cock throbbed in painful sympathy.

I jacked off three times that night, yet sleep kept evading me. The next morning I was a complete mess. Thankfully, Stoneface Walton let me rest in peace during calculus, but then I had to face two hours with the star of my nightly fantasies.

So I was sitting at my desk, filled with a dreadful sense of foreboding. A shout could be heard from the corridor, "The Iceman cometh", our running gag with him, and there he was, paler than usual, his hair like a flame, and he surveyed the class with his green green eyes, meeting my gaze for just a second. And dang! there it went again, and I was HARD. Shit. Triple shit. I felt sweat beading on my brows, and my hands felt clammy, so I tried to rub them dry on my jeans. Oooh, uggh, wrong move, buddy...another rub down there and I'd be going off like a rocket...

Over the roaring in my ears I heard my name called.

"Mr. Jones, will you please come here and read this poem for us!"

No. NO!! In a desperate attempt to save what could be saved, I pulled my tee out of my jeans, hoping it'd cover the embarrassing state I was in. It did, to a degree.

I got a book shoved into my hands, and, feeling like a deer caught in the headlights, I haltingly began to read.

"Where are you hiding my love?

I have sought you so long

That surely you must feel the pulsing

Of my endless longing!"

Huh? The pulsing? Of my endless longing?? Oh my God!!! In the background I could hear the class begin to snicker.

And on it went:

"So long have I crushed the panting maidens" - some more giggles -

"My boiling blood that roused my manhood

To some fleshy sword of searching..." - LOTS of giggles -

Gods no, someone, anyone, save me!

"Mr. Jones!" Dr. Mead's voice. Deliverance, finally!

"I think you're empathizing just a little too much with the poet here. You might want to go to the restroom and..errh...recover a bit!"

The class exploded. Malicious laughter was echoing around me. I fled, stormed into the restroom, which at this hour was deserted and got my cock out. Three strokes, and I came and came like a fucking geyser. It left me shaken and totally depleted. Afterwards I discovered that I still had that poetry book clutched in one hand. 'There are men too gentle to live among wolves', it was called. What a hoot! Dr. Mead was a wolf in a sheepskin, if there ever was one! Obviously we had stirred a sleeping lion with our stupid plan!

And I was afraid then, but, at the same time, strangely excited.

Well, that's it. Excuse all faults, I'm in such a hurry today."

That was the missive the author got. Of course I didn't sign it. I wanted to get back at him, sort of... But I was sure he'd figure out who I was. After all, we'd been exchanging emails for over a year then!

So I sent the letter. The rest of the day I was busy, visiting friends. It was only in the evening when I was sitting at home alone, that I began to feel a bit apprehensive. What if he wasn't who I thought he was? That would be more than embarrassing. And what if he didn't like my little story? Had I made a total ass of myself? Would he reply at all?

The answers to some of these questions, dear readers, you will find in the next installment of the TNT Files, so stay tuned!! In the meantime, why don't you all go and read "Dr. Tim and his boys", if you haven't already done so? And don't hesitate to let me know what you think! --Tom

Next: Chapter 2

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