Titty Larue

By Miss Victoria

Published on Dec 4, 2006


I was just cleaning out my makeup table - you wouldn't believe how much junk a girl can acquire - or perhaps you can. Old half empty bottles of makeup, eye shadow containers devoid of the prettiest colors, condoms and tubes of lube...

I came across some old photos. They are of a young child dressed prettily in frilly dresses and hair ribbons. The sweet little thing is posed holding a dolly or a flower. The figure in the pictures is of course, me!

My daddy was a soldier and I never knew him. He got Mama pregnant on leave and returned to his duties oversees. Mama did as best she could, handling a pregnancy without her man to hold her hand, to rub her ever-increasing tummy.

Mama's world came crashing down when she received the news from the Pentagon that my daddy had been killed and was not returning to her!

I came along just a few months later. Mama had been convinced from the way she was carrying me that I was a girl, and her friends had given her oodles of baby clothes and accessories in shades of pinks and pastels. She felt that a girl child would stay with her, and not go off to fight in manly wars and leave her.

When I was born and the doctor announced that I was a boy Mama was crushed, and in fact fainted. When she came to she was rather numb and went through the motions of mothering for a bit. At home a few days later she decided that it was a sin to waste thee wonderful girly clothes, and since fate had dealt her another unlucky twist in me being born with a penis, she would simply take matters in her own hands and dress me a the little girl baby she so desperately wanted.

Mama ignored the raised eyebrows of those who knew the truth, and in fact moved us back to her father's home in the western suburbs of Chicago. Grandpa had only been told that I was a baby girl, and my name was Dani. Grandpa was a rough, manly man who had nothing to do with my changing and was very closed about showing feelings and affection. He assumed that I was his little granddaughter. This went on for quite a while.

Whenever Mama took me to the doctor she had a spare set of boy clothes, and the doctor she chose was some distance away to guard my little secret. I grew as a little girl, with frilly things and stuffed animals and dolls. Mama says that I always instinctively acted female, and she never saw a hint of masculinity about me.

Things changes one day when I was about five years old. Mama had bathed me, shampooing my long golden hair, and was drying me with a fluffy towel when Grandpa unexpectedly came into the bathroom. Mama had forgotten to lock the door.

He was shocked to see his little granddaughter with a tiny but very evident penis and two smooth little balls!

Mama put me in a nightie and had me play in my room with my dolls as she and Grandpa had a talk. I could hear loud voices and my mother crying and then everything went quiet.

Things changed around the house. Grandpa took us shopping and we returned from the Sears store with all kinds of boy clothes. Mama seemed depressed and was teary eyed.

When we returned all of my girly things were put away! All of my dresses, my pretty slips and shoes - even my frilly panties. I cried to see my clothes disappear. The rough flannel and jeans of a boy's wardrobe soon filled my dresser. I hated the scratchy white underpants especially!

Mama tried to explain to me that though she really felt I was a girl inside, that the little peeny and balls between my legs told the world I was really a boy, and I would have to live that way for now. She told me she would make sure from time to time I could dress, but it must remain a secret from Grandpa.

Grandpa tried to be a role model for me, and made me help him with manly chores around the house. I hated it! I didn't like getting dirty and as I got older I grew. I still remained rather small and slender, with fair skin. When I was old enough Grandpa told me about sex and what my penis was really for. That part I did like, and I soon became playing with the little thing whenever I could.

As I grew, and she saw her child growing as a young man, Mama became more and more depressed and was soon on medication. She wasn't always with it, and spent a great deal of time in her room.

I developed the friendships that boys do, and my best friend was named Tony. He lived on the next block and was bigger than me, with tousled black hair. He stood up for me if any of the kids picked on me, and I helped him with his homework. We used to sleep over at each other's houses and it was during a sleepover at his place that I finally saw him without any clothes on.

Tony was more developed than me, and when I saw him like that, without any clothes, my first reaction was that he was beautiful. His young body was firm and lightly muscled, and his cock was twice the size of mine. I could see he was starting to get hair under his arms and down below. Tony saw me looking and smiled at me.

I blushed and Tony climbed into bed naked, urging me to strip off my scratchy BVDs as well. I couldn't help myself - I giggled - and I pulled them off under the covers. I was embarrassed for Tony to see how small and childlike I still was down between my legs!

We laid there in the dark, our naked bodies touching and I felt the incredible warmth of Tony's body. He seemed to be on fire!

Tony asked me if I had started jacking off yet.

I remember Grandpa talking about this once.

"I'm not sure what jacking off is!"

"Well watch me. I've been doing it for a year or so. It feels great!"

I watched as Tony pulled back and forth on his cock and also rubbed his balls a bit. His cock was growing!

"Wow, that's cool!"

"Yeah, I know...wanna feel it?"

I nodded and Tony took my hand and wapped it around his cock. I started to stroke it. I was so excited! I could feel my own little cock tingling as well!

As I jacked Tony's hard cock I was amazed by it! It was SO hard, with a purplish head. It was hot to the touch, and I loved the feel of it. I leaned closer to Tony's cock to check it out.

I had my head on Tony's belly now, watching his cock in my hand. We had wrestled a few times of course, and were best friends, so it didn't seem weird to me.

I felt Tony's hands caressing my hair and it felt so nice! His hand started to push my head closer to his cock.

I was now so close that when I stroked the tip of his cock it was hitting my cheek, right above my mouth. I was sticky and hot, and I loved the feeling of his cock poking at my young face!

Tony's body went rigid, and I could tell something was about to happen! I was so excited, being so close to the action like that! His sticky head kept poking at my cheek and as he bucked his body the swollen head of his cock touched my lips!

I couldn't help it! It seemed so natural to me, that I kissed the head of his cock. Tony gasped and bucked so that the head of his cock pushed into my mouth!

I love the taste of it - I felt so happy, so safe with his cock head in my mouth! With a huge grunt Tony started to spurt into my willing mouth.

The first shot of his cum was very forceful, and went way back into my throat. I couldn't taste a thing, but as he shot repeatedly the force of his cum lessened and I could taste his hot salty cum in my mouth. I liked it, and swallowed each spurt of his delicious juice!

We lay there for a bit as Tony's body stopped convulsing and I softly sucked on his cock. I had taken more of it into my mouth, and loved the way it softened in my mouth. I kept nursing on it, and I think I would have all night, until Tony stopped me.

"Wow, thanks, Danny...have you given a blowjob before?"

"A blowjob?"

"Yeah, when a girl takes a guy's cock in her mouth and sucks on it til it shoots!"

"I never heard of a blowjob before! Can we do it again?"

"I dunno, buddy...it's kinda queer when a guy does it you! So does your cock squirt like that?"

"No, but it gets really hard and I rub it against a little pillow in bed until I get this tingly feeling!"

"Well, it will pretty soon! We'd better get some sleep - and keep this our secret, OK?"

"Sure, Tony! Good Night!"

When Tony awoke the next morning he felt the incredible feeling of a mouth around his cock. He pulled back the covers and said he found me sleeping down between his legs, his cock in my mouth and I was making little contented noises like he heard from his baby sister when she slept with her pacifier in her mouth.

Tony did nothing except enjoy the sensation, but he had to pee a little. He didn't want to move, and give up the wonderful sensation of my mouth on his cock, so he slowly and carefully peed in little spurts as I greedily sucked the hot piss down my throat in my sleep. It must have been very difficult for him, but when he realized I was swallowing it and the way it made him feel, he controlled his flow to keep feeding me. I awoke finally to feel Tony's cock in my mouth and to find it really hard. I just kept sucking on it until he fed me more of that delicious cum of his.

From that point on I sucked Tony every chance I could, even at school in the boy's bathroom. I couldn't get enough of his cock and his cum, and Tony told me we had to be cool, to not let anyone catch on that I was his cocksucker, or we'd be labeled queers. I didn't care - I knew I loved having a cock in my mouth, and began to think of myself as Tony's girlfriend.

At home I started going through Mama's drawers whenever I could. I needed to wear girly things, just like I did when I was little! When I found a pair of pink silk panties in her underwear drawer, I shakily pulled them up my legs and into place.

God, I missed this! I cursed fate that I wasn't born a girl, and thought Mama was right about me! I began to sneak panties out of her drawers and into my room. The panties were soon followed by nighties, stockings and anything silky and feminine. If she noticed she never said anything! I started to wear her panties under my boy's clothes whenever I could get away with it. I loved the feeling of silky material against my cock and balls, and it was while wearing them that I had my first wet cum!

Ah. Memories...thinking back to the first cock I ever serviced, and how I naturally took to it, my clitty was becoming hard in my panties!

I needed a cock, and I mean right now!

As fate would have it, there was a knock on my dressing room door, and it was Pete, the bartender here at the club.

"Come in, Pete!"

I wrapped my silk robe around me, hiding my erect little clitty as Pete entered. I never thought much of Pete as a sexual partner, but my need for cock was overwhelming and he was male after all.

Pete relayed a phone message to me as I reached out and rubbed the front of his jeans. H jumped at first, then pushed against my hand.

"Titty. I never dreamed that you were interested in me!"

"Pete, darling...shut up and pull down your pants!"

Pete hurriedly undid his jeans and pushed them down. He was wearing no underwear, and his cock sprang to attention.

I smiled and salivated at the sight before me. Pete, the thirties something Latino bartender sported a thick eight inch uncircumcised cock! His balls were round and full, and he was practically hairless.

I grabbed that luscious cock and pulled it close! I pulled back the foreskin and smelled his strong male scent. I leaned over and licked the tip and pulled his skin back up into my mouth as Pete moaned. I worked my tongue under the skin and was delirious with lust!

Had I known Pete here had such a suckable cock I would have had it in my mouth months ago!

I sucked the delicious brown cock like a madwoman.

Pete had other ideas. He pulled it out of my mouth with a pop!

"I wanna fuck those big gringa tits!"

Pete roughly pulled my robe open and grabbed my titties, pinching the nipples! I moaned and put my head back. He then put his cock between the tits, leaned me back in my chair and got into position to start thrusting.

Pete fucked his cock in and out between my warm titties as his juices started to boil. I could sense his urgency and I opened my mouth wide and got it into position so that when he squirted I could taste his hot cum!

With my right hand I grabbed my little clitty and started to jack it for some release of my own!

"Here it comes, Titty!"

With my tongue lewdly out of my mouth I started to spurt my sissy goo all over myself! Pete shot his load and I was indeed in the correct position to take as much of it as possible in my mouth! His cum was hot and tasty...just what I needed!

As Pete and I both came down from our orgasms I sat back up and took his cock into my mouth, cleaning it up for him. Pete smiled and then pulled his jeans back up.

"You're my bitch now, Titty! When I want your hot mouth or your tight ass, I will let you know! I heard you were hot, and now I know firsthand. You like my big uncut cock, don't you?"

I put my head down, wrapping my robe around my body. I could feel Pete's cum between my tits and my own on my tummy.

"Yes, Pete, I loved sucking your cock and I want more of it!"

With a satisfied smirk Pete left my dressing room.

Men! One titty fuck and blowjob and they think they own you! The reality is of course, that we girls twist these men around our fingers with our ability to bring them pleasure!

Oh well, he will be fun to play with, and handy when I need a cock in my mouth, or in my tight boyhole.

I find my need to pleasure cock growing by the day!

Next: Chapter 4

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