Titanic Tarzan

By dggb aebuew

Published on Dec 5, 2008


This is a work of fiction and contains explicit gay graphic sex. If you are not of age (a minor) or are offended by these kinds of stories: PLEASE DO NOT READ ON!

Copyright by Horny_jake16@hotmail.com

Titanic Tarzan Part 5

By Horny_jake16@hotmail.com

The first day at sea is always a day of chaos. As passengers and members of the stab all try to find their place on the ship, nothing seems to work as it should. For sure, this was to be a day of surprises especially for our beloved friend Jake.

The twelve Royal Pleasures were all eager to get to work, now standing in front of the elegant entrance to the Royal Lounge on the top floor waiting anxiously. I guess that most of them had already entertained their bodyguards; the bodyguards at least looked like they had a hell of a good night, carrying the look guys that just fucked for the first time carry. However you couldn't see any trace of this on any of the RP's current appearance.

Since we hadn't really gotten to know each other yet, everyone was kind of checking up on each other's features. A loose conversation about, as one guy ( who introduced himself as Clark) put it "how exciting this was all going to be" and "how good this job was for our future careers" worked as a cover. Especially Clark and this guy named James couldn't help but to speak an awful lot.

"Self constraint for fucks sake" I thought aloud looking up at the roof.

A sudden silence fell over the entire group; everyone stared at me, giving me that bad "you-just-said-something-inappropriate-look.

"Pardon me" James said in an almost angry manner.

"Oh my god" I said, "It's not like the rest of you didn't want them to shut up".

"Excuse me!" Now Clark came upside James's left side, both facing me.

"Oh come on, just give us all a break" I said, not wanting to make any more fuss out of it. Then suddenly I realized I was bitching around, how unusual of me I thought. I guess becoming an RP gets to your head. Was this who I wanted to be? I knew I was in for some serious brainwork with myself, "gosh!" I thought. The nights were going to be pretty occupied as it was; besides wasn't I done with all this "what-kind-of-person-do-I-want-be-crap? Guess not, but James and Clark were still annoying, and all the other RP's agreed with me so I was safe, for now. A quarter of a second later:

"You got some nerve" James furiously stated.

"How dare you talk li-" he continued, but before the feud could augment any more a deep man's voice interrupted James.

"Now, now babes, cool down" The captain's easily recognizably voice lingered through the room.

"It's hot enough in here, already. Without you guys bitching around as well."

I blushed and felt embarrassed, as I interpreted it as a comment toward me, but in fact he was looking at James and Clark, not eyeing me for a second.

Behind him an entourage of men was lining up to witness the grand opening of the Royal Lounge, most of who couldn't pay for even half a drink at the Royal, much less would be let in because of their low priced tickets. Still this was an attraction for men of all ranks and social statuses; a glimpse of a luxury prostitute was indeed interesting.

Completely held in the dark about what was going to happen at this grand opening, the crowd was eager to listen to the captain's words.

"Now, as we are all gathered here I wish to introduce you all to these shining beauties" the captain smilingly said. His hands were pointing over to the group of Royal Pleasures, and the crowd cheered loudly as we posed in a sexy and teasing fashion

"I hope they will serve you all in a pleasing manner, not just by their fair looks but also by their skills and knowledge about the male physique" he kept on.

"But let's not get ahead of ourselves. Boys, please come forward and show some of your expertise first handedly to these gentlemen". Twelve men in expensive suits emerged from the corner of the crowd.

"I am pleased to introduce you all to my friends at the League of Society." He went on as the crowd grasped in unison.

Some of the Royal Pleasures also seemed rather impressed by these gents; I noticed especially Clark and James secretly whispering in an exciting conduct.

As the successful middle aged men approached us, I felt uncomfortable. Just a few days ago I was as poor and filthy as any beggar you will find on the streets of London, now I was in the midst of these high society gentlemen!

They all advanced upon us as if they had been watching us from the shadow and already decided among themselves who would take who. Maybe they had, or perhaps it was all just randomly, but these men were just scary looking!

The most intimidating of them all, had of course set course toward me, with Swiss-clock-precision he closed in on me, not showing any sign of emotion on his face. I was not surprised to learn that his name was Hans and his distinguishably German dialect will forever haunt my mind from this day and onward. Hans Guggenheim he said in a sharp style.

After telling me his name, in a James Bond fashion, he went up beside me facing the same way as I. I could tell, by the outline of his suit that he was strong as no one I had ever met before, yet his muscles weren't very big, he just looked exceptionally strong. He could be anything from thirty five `till fifty, yet something of his aura of authority told me it was closer to fifty. He was tall and respectable looking.

"You are a virgin" he just stated with his raw German accent.

"Eh... uh" I babbled, while I thought "whatever you turns you on!" However, my mouth quickly uttered:

"Just as this magnificent ship"

He didn't seem to notice my response, just staring out in the air. I was looking at my colleagues with despair, pleading for someone to help me out of this awkward situation, when suddenly Hans undressed his pants in a flash and grabbed a firm hold of me.

He pushed me into the middle of the crowd where the captain stood, and worked loose his ripped shirt. His eight-pack was revealed to the shouting and marvel of the crowd, now getting everyone's attention. He lifted me over his head like I was a toothpick ripped my fine material clothing off of me while shaking his hips to make his cock fully erect. He then dragged me down again both hands firmly placed on my hips, this time forcing me with the aid of gravitational power down toward ground, when suddenly his strapping hips did a short relapse and exposed his Hans-cock. His gargantuan member flew like a rocket toward my open boy pussy, hitting my tense hole with such strength only Titans have. My only thought was that he must be a modern day Titan of the Ancient Greece! I was rendered in a moment of confusion as his meteor cock collided and entered my tight bubble butt with a butt plug sound I've never experienced before.

The crowd screamed and yelled excitedly, while all the men simultaneously shot big shoots in their pants, I was now halfway down Mr. Guggenheim's gigantic bulging muscle-shaft, feeling my ass didn't have any more to give. But forces of nature weren't done just yet. In the next instant, Hans's canon fired hot loads of seaman up my butt, forcing my lightweight body to erupt from his volcano of a cock. This was the best sexual assault I had ever had I thought, and I smiled as I landed on my feeble feet, dripping fresh Hans-juice between my legs. My two bodyguards came to my aid and acted as security from the wild mob.

The captain was horny as fuck, that was obvious, and I sensed jealousy in his face as he came in his pants. He'd been just staring with awe at Hans's performance. The crowd cheered and applauded the show, but Mr. Guggenheim, only stood next to me all naked, still with an upright cock and no expression what so ever on his face. Weren't he satisfied?

As the frantic crowded shouted

"More! More! Plug that baby up, once more!"

I suddenly felt extremely drained of energy and in a moment of dizziness faded. Shouting for Ben and Steve as I fell, I was surprised to find myself falling into the rigid arms of Hans himself, but in the next flash, all noise vanished and everything turned black.


"Do you think he'll recover, doctor? A young woman's voice asked tentatively.

Still feeling as if I was dreaming, my senses were not yet fully operating.

"After all, the mob almost ran over him, not to mention his former escapade with that monster of a man!" She kept on gossiping.

"Oh, and so large he was!" another young nurse added, this one, I noticed, was rather amused.

"Oh! Shame on you, Margareth! Out! Out of here this very second!" She reproached angrily.

I felt exposed and cold, not too strange taking into consideration my current situation: naked and under medical examination.

"No, sir, I am not afraid to say it, that man was horrible, and look what he did to this poor boy" the reproaching women said, turning her volume down as if it was something she really was afraid to say. A door was discreetly closed behind her.

"Well..." A male voice I figured must be the doctor's noted.

"I certainly don't know, Audrey, that man, Mr. Guggenheim sure protected him from the horny crowd afterwards, that would have turned out quite a gang bang, hadn't he stood there.

"True, true, sir, but still!" She complained.

I am frankly not sure about his condition, further examination must be executed before we can really understand what state his body is in, but at least it looks he is awakening now." He continued.

"Well, he better" She went on, this time not showing any sign of compassion any more.

"The captain wanted him back at the Royal Lounge in an hour! And we better follow his orders! How can he be so cruel! She stated as if she was personally furious at him, the doctor and all of the members of the male gender.

"Now ladies, if you can all just leave us alone, I'll see to that this young man will get a decent awakening" the doctor interrupted with a firm sense of order in his voice.

Doors closed.

"You, young man" The handsome young doctor now viewed me from above.

"Are going to have a busy schedule, I can tell you that" As he unzipped his pants and started jacking off his rock hard penis right in front of me!

Ten minutes and an exhausted doctor later, I was up and walking, well how much can you really walk after being plugged in your ass in such a fashion? I was walking more like a wounded animal than any 17 year old boy at least. Wiping grease off my wet hands at a curtain I just passed, you guessed right! Of course I couldn't let that doctor have all the fun for himself.

Still immensely worn out after everything that happened to me today, I chose to follow orders, after all I was an employee of the Captain as everybody else, well not like "everybody" else, but still. Outside the doctor's office a big group of people had assembled, two of them that I immediately recognized as Steve and Ben, my two faithful bodyguards with a worried look on their face.

As Steve carried me through the hallways of the ship toward the Royal Lounge located at the upper floor, I almost fell asleep again. I was now wearing only a long white shirt, which barely covered my bubbly butt, given to me by the doctor in lack of more appropriate clothing since my uniform clothes had been so passionately ripped off my smooth body earlier today.

Steve hands were firmly placed on non-sexual places on my body, yet I longed for them to slide into my more vulnerable areas. I slowly helped one of his hands into my ass crack, as he held me tight with the other, just stating

"Oh, I love you baby!"

Now I was really turning slutty, wasn't I?

To be continued...

Please tell me how you felt when you read this story. Any comments, suggestions or negative remarks will all be equally and gratefully accepted, since I in fact do this for all of you guys out there!


Next: Chapter 6

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