Tiny Night Demons

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Oct 9, 2004




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


Great-Aunt Reba looked worried and fretful. "Now you're sure you'll be all right in the bed up in the attic?" she said. "I can fix over the parlor into a bedroom for you if you'd like." She was a swell old biddy, very rich and alone in the world, she lived in the town where I was going to attend college, in an old Victorian style home that looked like it had been standing for a century. She had offered me free room and board with her while I attended college. The only problem with the accommodation was, while the house appeared roomy, her belongings, the accumulation of a life past its third quarter of a century and none of which she could bear to part with or move, filled it to near-bursting. She wasn't a packrat, exactly; she just liked knick-knacks and china and ornate jugs and you-name-it and she had a lot of all of it, and couldn't bear to move any of it. Shelves and chest-of-drawers were crammed into every room.

But I was fresh out of high school, nearly nineteen and not very fussy. The attic would really suit me just fine. Especially when you realized that the small room, intended to store stuff, was the one room in the house she'd left absolutely bare!

"If you spot any rats up there, you let me know." she said. "I keep hearing things at night up there, scrap ing and whispering and chittering away. But I've never seen a rat, so maybe it's just birds or just this old house settling some. Old wood creaks something awful and wind howling through the cracks; it's what makes haunted houses, you know, so just ignore it. But if you do see or hear any rats, or even a single mouse, I want to know about it."

"Sure, sure, Aunt Reba." I said. "Really, I'll be fine." I yawned, it had been a long day and tomorrow was freshman orientation. "I'm going to bed now. I have to be up at six o'clock."

"I'll come wake you then." she promised.

I felt like I was living in the Victorian era; for she gave me a lighted candle to find my way upstairs to the attic. Well, there wasn't any electricity upstairs in this house, though enough of it downstairs.

I heard skittering sounds as I went up the small set of stairs to the attic room, a true door except for a triangle cut out of one side of it because of the roof. That triangular missing piece was inside the room as well, the wall jutted in at five feet high, but the room was big enough and had a large, circular window with a box beneath it built into the wall, in which you could store stuff or sit on and lean against the sash and read by daylight. Others had lived in this room once upon a time, I felt sure, it spoke of solitude and secrecy and introspection. Perfect for a serious student like myself. I intended to use daylight long as it lasted, then either move downstairs to study or run an extension cord up the hallway to power a lamp.

I got undressed and climbed into the bed; my own, old, familiar bed which I'd brought with me. My dresser, too, against one wall. Plenty here to make me feel right at home...except for no electric lights. The candle gave enough light though, and I leaned over and blew it out, feeling again like some person out of a Dickens novel. And Great Aunt Reba was colorful enough to fit into one of his books, a kindly old lady living all along with her memories.

Tired from the moving, I fell asleep easily enough. I'm not sure how long I slept but it was well into the night, I felt sure. I felt languid, woozy. The circular window had the moon shining through it, giving the room an eerie blue-ish light. Everything looked altered, their borders softened, their outlines changed to something unfamiliar and eldritch. The skittering sounds had begun again. They did sound like mice's feet on the woodwork. An old house was bound to have a few, though. Set a few traps or some poison and I'd get rid of them. Better to do it soon before they gnawed into my books or hatched a litter of pink raw babies in my dirty clothes.

"Tch-tch-tch-tch-tch!" came the sound and I looked down. That was right at the foot of my bed. My head veered and skewed and I couldn't quite focus though I saw well enough. I laid my head back. Ought to just ignore it and go back to sleep. Mice, damn it, just mice! Whatever it was doing, it wasn't going to crawl into bed with me.

The covers of my bed pulled slightly from the feet. Maybe the mouse WAS going to get into bed with me! Shit, I'd heard that rats would bite a person who was asleep! I looked down and saw a small bulb-shaped thing rise up above the foot of the bed; it didn't look like a rat's nose-muzzle. Then a long line of limb reach up and grab onto the covers, then one on the other side do the same. My covers had lain loose over me, and the small weight was enough to send it sliding down to the floor off of me, leaving me naked. And I still couldn't move as the covers fell off, the small limbs reached up and grabbed the sheet now, and hoisted itself up to waist-high so it could clamber onto my bed.

A small man! Good God, it was alive! It/he crawled on up and stood up, looked at me, and grinned. "Tch-tch-tch-tch-tch!" he jibbered. He stood about a foot tall and built to scale. He was totally nude and hairless. I saw a flicker and realized it was a tail he was wiggling and whipping about. Shit! What the fuck was it?

I tried to move, to get away, but my arms and legs weighed a ton. I moved, but it was slow, reluctant movements. Shit, this was a dream! Wasn't it? That torpor was very much the same, but a dream...it was so vivid! I could see every detail of things, the way his body was muscled and his face was handsome in a thin sort of way, I could see his teeth when he grinned and his cock, I could see his cock as the tail twitched about like a cat who was focused on its prey. Dreams are like that, sometimes, I told myself. It's only a dream. Little men don't really exist, they don't climb up onto your bed with you.

He walked up by my side to about my waist, then jumped up onto me. He landed lightly, it was no more onerous than having a kitten do the same thing; I felt the weight but it wasn't painful in any way. I watched him, wide-eyed. I had to be asleep, I had to be! If I was awake, I could move, and I couldn't! My arms and legs were made of lead, I could move them but barely, slowly, futilely. Dreamlike.

More jibbering from below the bed. Others of them. How many more? I wanted to look, to see, but I couldn't move, just my head, a little, I could lift my head.

He walked up to stand on my chest and look at me and I looked at him. I could see now his ears were pointed and he didn't have any eyebrows. Totally hairless.

He regarded me in a sort of insolent curiosity, the way a drunk man peers at the apes in the zoo; he knows they can't get to him, so he gawks and hollers at them and even throws things if he gets bored...that sort of look. I was helpless and he knew it and he could look however he wanted. He reached down and fondled himself, playing with his cock. "Tch-tch-tch-tch!" he said to me.

I tried to yell at him, only a dull sort of "Uuuhh!" came out of my mouth.

He looked at me and seemed to be puzzling out what he wanted to do next. His cock was fully erect, standing out a half-inch or so, a respectable size on his little body. He saw one of my nipples, went over to it, squatted down and grabbed hold of the button with one hand, and I found his hands had small claws on the tips of them. They scratched, and if he chose, they could have sunk into my flesh for they were sharp.

But he just hand one nipple nub in his palm and he squeezed on it, twisted it like a jar lid. His dong was hard, dangling down between his legs, and he knelt down on top of my breast, laid his cock on top of my nipple, pressed his hand on top of it and he fucked at me like that while looking at my face, and then behind himself.

It was the damnedest feeling, the hot little shaft slipping back and forth on my tit. He made circular motions with his buttocks and that felt even weirder and I gasped. Shit, this was some bizarre dream, a tiny naked man having his way with me! This could only happen in a dream! It had to be a dream and nothing can hurt you in a dream, certainly not a naked man fucking at your tit! It was a wet dream, just enjoy it!

I threw an erection then. It must have been what he was looking for, for when my dick rose up and stiffened, lying on my stomach, he got up and trotted over to it.

This was a dream, nothing was going to surprise me in a dream. It's fun when you're dreaming and you know you're dreaming, you can sort of lie there and enjoy everything that's going on. The monsters can't get you when you know you're dreaming, if one tries, you just pull a flamethrower out of your pocket and toast them.

So I watched him, that tail of his twitching about like a small whip, and he bent over, giving me a look at perfect buns spread wide below that tail, and he lifted my cock up. It came to about mid-chest on him, and I saw/felt him sliding his hands over my cockhead, embracing the glans and his cock slid down beneath it, touching and sliding across the tender flesh between the flare of the glans and the thickening of the foreskin.

I shuddered at the feel of it, the hot shaft touching, caressing, awakening my pleasure. There's an odd joy to the stroking of this tender flesh, it's hotter, closer to painful, and more intense at the same time. If the cock on this little man hadn't been so soft, so velvety, so adeptly applied, it would have been torment; instead it was driving me insane with lust.

"Damn!" I murmured.

His hands and arms stroked the flare of my glans, and that added to the pleasure. His hands were roaming over that purplish curved edge, and that was coupled with the stroke of his prick on my tender skin beneath it, it wasn't like any sex I'd ever had before.

I moaned, I gasped, my climax was upon me and so was the little man's, he grabbed tight to my cockhead again and he rubbed at me so hard and fast, it was like fire upon my skin, he made a sort of high pitched squeal otherwise just like a groan, and I felt his slimy sperm slice across the so-tender flesh, that was enough, I groaned and I erupted, that caught the little man right in his face and chest, he gave a mixture of choking, coughing and climax sounds that intensified my pleasure, I was drenching the little stud, I was literally drowning him in my jizz, and he was loving it!

It was a long, intense orgasm and it extended beyond the time my cock shot out my jizz, I sort of kept having little after-shocks of pleasure, for he was still rubbing himself on me, his cock dwindled down but there was still his hips and his body rubbing at mine, his hands curling along the flare of my cockhead, and that caused me to shudder, gasp and pant for what felt like minutes.

Done, panting, I looked at this dream-creature, he was still there which surprised me, usually a climax with ejaculation in a dream (if I even got that far, which wasn't often) was enough to wake me up, but I was still asleep, for he was still there, covered with globs of my jizz. My come was all over his body, dribbling down him in long pearl-colored rivulets. He was licking at himself, scooping the gooey sperm off of his body and actually swallowing the stuff. It wasn't like he was giving me that bit of honor you do to a lover after climax, licking up the stray jizz, this was more like he was eating it. For his little size, it made a substantial meal, I guess. He was slobbering, his face lit up in bliss as he gobbled it down.

He even got down onto all fours so he could lap up a puddle of it that had fallen from him and was on my lower stomach, and then licked at the smear of it still on my cockhead, and that felt odd, too, for my cockhead was very tender, but he was gentle and I let him do it without complaining. Done, he walked back up to me and I wondered if he would kiss me or something, but he grinned down at me and I smiled back at him, and he jumped off of me and then slid down the bed, to the tune of many jabbering twitters below him. Then they moved away and I was left alone once more.

Sleepily, I was able to move now but in that heavy, groggy, drugged-like stupor you have when you've been awakened from a vivid, sharp dream. I turned around in bed, fished the blanket back up off the floor, drap ed it over me more-or-less in place again, and settled down to go back to sleep. Hell of a dream, it must have been caused by me kicking the covers off. Moving all day, it was hard work, it would make anyone's sleep restless. That's all it was. A fun dream, though, sparked by the sounds of the mice in the walls. Or the settling of the walls. Whatever.... I was asleep again.

I woke up the next morning to the sun streaming in that window. I moaned, sat up in bed, felt dizzy and groggy. And stiff muscles, I ached all over, vaguely.

But a shower did wonders for me and at least the upstairs bathroom had hot water if not electric lights, I took a good, long shower, and dressed, went downstairs to Aunt Reba and a nice, hearty breakfast she had fixed for me.

She let me eat in silence, and when I was down to sipping the last of the coffee she had poured me, asked "Did you sleep all right?"

"Fine, Aunt Reba." I said, chuckled at the memory, vague and confused as dreams are in the morning. "Had a funny dream about a little man."

"Really?" she was suddenly intense. "Did you see him?"

"Yeah." I said. I wasn't going to tell her everything but.... "He got up in bed with me and stood on my chest and jabbered at me."

"Were you afraid of him?" she asked.

It was only later I thought that an odd question; I didn't just then. "Nah, he was just a dream."

"Oh, just a dream." she said in comprehension. "Well, dreams can't hurt you, can they?"

"Nah." I said. "Really strange dream. I think you do have mice, though, I heard them in the walls."

"You think I have mice in the walls?"

"That or a bunch of those little men I saw." I laughed and got up. "Thanks for breakfast, I have to go. I'll probably be late. If I'm not back by six o'clock, don't wait supper on me, I'll pick something up for myself or eat out."

"Have fun, dear." she said, kissing me on the cheek, a funny dry feeling from her withered lips. "And don't worry about the little men, they won't hurt you. They promised me that."

I took off and as I said, it was only on the way to school, riding the van-like shuttle they ran through the town for students like me, that I had time to think what a weird conversation we'd had for breakfast. Well, old ladies like Great Aunt Reba tend to be a little senile, and living all alone, she was bound to be given to some flights of fantasy. After all, I was the one who first mentioned the little man of my dreams to her.

It was late, nearly ten o'clock at night, when I got home. All the lights were off except for one in the lower front room and a candle waiting for me, I lit it and turned off the lights, went on up to bed. This was Friday night and I had the weekend free, I decided to spend at least part of that weekend making Great Aunt Reba happy to have me around. Help her clean house or something, this big place was rather dusty and cluttered. If I volunteered for things when I could spare the time, she'd be less likely to try to assign me jobs to do for my keep.

The bed looked good to me and I decided against the blanket for it had been rather warm, just another sheet over me until the weather cooled down some. I drifted off to sleep.

And into that same dream. Jittering, chittering, jibbering, jabbering sounds opened my eyes, and I looked up to see the sheet already gone, and not one but a whole bunch of those little men on the bed with me. Must have been a dozen or more of them, and they all looked alike, right down to the pointed ears and the hyperactive tail.

Tiny night demons, I thought. They come out at night and have their way with you in your dreams. I chuckled. This kind of dream, if it was like the one the night before, would be very welcome indeed. I was not yet nineteen, wet dreams were a nightly occurrence. I grinned at them, said, "Come and get it, guys." I could move better than I could the night before, but I wasn't as tired. Freshman orientation is time-consuming, but I'd spent a lot of time just sitting, and then there were the drinks in the student union, talking with people I'd found who would be in my classes with me, setting up study groups and such. A productive but not a stressful day.

Grinning and gabbling, they moved in on me. I had horny dicks pushing on me from all over the place. Three of them gathered around my cock and managed to push their horny prongs up against my cock like the one had done the night before. The others settled for what they could get. One of them mounted my tit and began fucking at it, another pushed against my ribs while he stood on the bed, another had the bright idea of licking a wet spot between the index and middle finger of my right hand, and then pressing his dick into the moist spot he'd created. Like frottage only with my fingers taking the place of my legs. Another one was licking my balls, it felt like, there was a wet, sticky something running over them with the unmistakable feeling of tiny hands with tiny claws that almost pricked my skin. Almost...but not quite.

And one of them got brave enough to climb up my face by using my left ear as a stepladder, and then he sat himself down on my chin and leaned over to grab my nose and I felt his dick on my lips. I licked my lips and his prick and he gasped in pleasure, grinned at me, and I smiled back, pressed my lips together, holding his dong between them, lifting my teeth slightly apart because that was all he needed.

He began to fuck my mouth and his success inspired another one to climb up and stick his in, too. One little man on each side of my nose, each holding onto the flare of my nostrils with one hand to keep hold while they fucked my face. Another one was trying, not to successfully, to do the same thing with my right ear, but that was a hole too big for him. But he kept trying.

And everywhere they touched me, it was warm and pleasant for me. So many tiny forms would have made a formidable weight, but it was like they somehow counteracted their weight, for they were like nothing was there. Lots of small horny studs fucking at my huge body, rubbing their hard pricks on me everywhere they could. I envisioned even more of these little men, one cock between the crevices of each of my fingers, one between each of my toes, them fucking my armpit, the warm spot between my ballsac and my legs (that wasn't imagination, the one who had been licking my balls had figured out to do that).

And those three on my cock, it was doing everything to me. My whole body was alive, a gigantic fuck-toy to these small men, all of them alike, all muscular, all handsome, all hairless and all horny as hell. They jibbered and giggled to each other.

Then they began to reach their climaxes. One of them groaned and I felt his slimy wad spray my chest wall. Then the one at my ear managed it and I got an earful of his little squirts, a bizarre feeling. I could only really see the two who were holding onto my face and fucking my lips, they had twin grimaces of concentrated lust contorting their features, hunching away, and the sounds of tiny night demon lust reverberated through the night all around me. The ones around my cock came, splattering my cock with their jism, one of them leaned over and shoved his tongue right into my slit when he came, groaning his lust into my cockhead while he kissed it, I felt my body tingling and twitching all over, and I moaned, groaned, and that seemed to excite them. A congregation of them converged on my groin and I felt hands all over my cock, and then lips kissing me, stroking my cock all over, and I moaned, the little ones fucking my mouth began to groan and one of them gave a high-pitched squeal and I felt and tasted his hot jizz spurt into my mouth and land on my tongue, hot salty jizz and I groaned, my climax struck from those hands, all those hands and lips pulling at my cock in all directions at once, and I exploded like I had the night before, and it was a sound of awe and delight that the little demons gave, they cheered as I squirted high and it splattered all over them and they lifted up their heads and let it land on their faces, wanting it, catching it as it rained on them.

I moaned, tossed my head and the two little ones fucking my mouth slid off in jabbers of protest.

When I was done with my climax, one of them, the one who hadn't come I guess, climbed back on and seemed almost angry at me. He climbed up and instead of sticking it back in my mouth (I wet my lips for him to do so), the little bastard had the gall to stick his dick into my nostril and used his hands to hold it tight while he fucked at my nose! His dick was hard, hot, it was a steel rod slamming into my nasal passages, nearly bruising them, but before I could get mad enough to do anything about it, he gave a nearly gutteral squeak and shot his jizz into my nose. It burned, it burned like hell, but I held out until he was done, barely done, then I sneezed, loud and hard.

It shook them, they sprawled everywhere and I sat up in bed. The dream, again, hadn't ended. I looked at them, they were licking themselves or each other, cleaning me up, two of them were working on my cockhead, skittering after my cock as I sat up, those who fell tumbled lightly, as if they weighed like a feather and falling was nothing to them.

"Damn, you guys are still here." I said. "This is a hell of a dream I'm having."

These little guys weren't satisfied with just one fuck, they climbed back onto me and began to hunch at me again. I lay back and let them do what they wanted to, and this dream went on and on and on. Some dreams last a very, very long time, and this was one of them. I fell sounder asleep time and again and would rouse again to that dream. Time and again, I felt the jab of a hard little dick inserting itself into some crevice in my body, one of them dared to fuck at one of my eyebrows and I opened my eye to get a close-up view of his asshole, staring up between his legs as he stood with one leg on the bridge of my nose and the other on the ridge of bone beyond the eye socket, hanging onto the hair on my head, his little dick plowing through my eyebrow hair. I watched his ass wriggle and that tail whip about and he stiffened in pleasure and hot jizz spurted into my eyebrow hair.

My cock was the center of their attention, though. It was like they spent the entire night coaxing me awake and into new pleasure, and I had four or five climaxes in my dreams that night. One wet dream after another, all starring little, horny, hairless devils only a foot high, gathered about my body, gang-banging me all at once. One got the bright idea of fucking me in my cockslit and that went on and on, it was like each one wanted to make me come like that, his comrades titillating my cock while he fucked my cockhead. I did that twice to them, and it was like they cheered when I did it. I tried to imagine what that would be like, fucking a cock the size of yourself, your cock inside the slit, and that cock spurt out at you, dousing your crotch in hot jizz. I decided it would make me come, it did the little guys it happened to, all right.

Morning came, eventually, and I sat up in bed, feeling hot, sticky, sweaty. I had to get electricity up here so I could put in a fan, it had been a hot night, I decided. I got up and staggered over to my dresser and opened that drawer with my underwear.

And looked, in the bright light of day, right at one of the little men. "Holy shit!" I screamed as he sat up and looked at me. He must have decided to sleep there, for he looked groggy and annoyed, frowning up at me and he jibbered his complaint, but I was scared shitless, I got the hell out of there and ran downstairs.

Only at the last second did I think of my bare state, but the parlor entrance had curtains and I held one of them about myself as I looked in, where I heard Aunt Reba's voice.

She was sitting in her chair, reading aloud from a book. And around her were a lot of these little men. And little women and little children, all naked and unashamed of it. Aunt Reba was reading them a children's story and they were all lapping it up, laughing and listening to her intently as she told them the tale just like reading to a bunch of children.

"Aunt Reba!" I said. "Aunt Reba, what the hell is going on?"

She looked up at me. "Hello, dear, did you have a nice sleep?"

"Yeah." I said, considered that. "No! What...what are these things?"

"But you've met them, dear." she said to me, kindly. "They've been keeping you company and getting to know you, they've told me. So nice that someone else is here to help me with them."

"But what are they?"

"Pixies. Fairies. Elves. Leprechauns." she said indulgently. "Lots of words for them, dear. We just happen to have a whole little town of them living in this house with us. That's why I didn't want to move you into any of the other rooms, dear, they live there."

I thought of the horribly cluttered house, realized now how much of it could be turned into houses...for six-inch-tall people, that is. Like the one who decided to use my dresser's top drawer and sleep on my clean briefs.

"You knew they were here?"

"Yes, dear." she said. "And now you know."

"But...haven't you told anyone?"

She smiled at me. "Tell people what, dear? They only show themselves to people they trust. Go about talking about the Little People, dear, and they'll lock you away. And I was so hoping you'd be here to take care of them after I'm gone."

"After you're gone?"

"Of course, dear." she said. "I'll change my will, leave you this house and my entire estate if you'll agree to it. You'll have to stay in this town, but you wanted to be a teacher. A donation to the college will get you on the staff, you can teach at the college and live here like I do. I take care of them and they take care of me. Doesn't that sound wonderful?"

I looked at them, realized that they didn't look exactly alike. But they were all young, handsome/beautiful creatures. The rest of my life being surrounded by horny little devils, my nights filled with the sort of pleasure they can give which is like no man can.

"Sure, Aunt Reba." I said, starting to smile. "That sounds great."

Noises behind me, a group of the little men had brought me a bathrobe. I put it on, and a couple of the men, who I'm sure were all part of last night's orgy, led me by my forefingers to the group, and I sat in a nearby chair, a dozen or more little men sat and snuggled up next to me trustfully.

And Aunt Reba resumed her story.


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